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6 Environmental Initiatives in the Bike Industry: Seaweed Gel Pods, Schwalbe Bike Soap & More

Nov 28, 2022
by Ed Spratt  
Southern Alps New Zealand

The cycling industry gets away with some pretty wasteful practices, which it often waves away under the pretense of "it's bikes, so it's green." The reality is that buying less, repairing and reusing your things, and riding more locally are the best things for the earth; however, we applaud the brands that are trying to reduce their impacts on the environment too. The perfect is the enemy of the good, so it's great to see people working towards better. Let's take a look at the recent announcements that move the industry forward in reducing its impact on the environment.

Decathlon Innovation Awards 2022

Decathlon's Reveal awards are the brand's internal innovation award aimed at highlighting potential new products. This year's award showed off some interesting products for cycling that could leave a positive impact.

Rockrider MTB Helm EXPL 100

The Rockrider XPL 100 helmet is designed to be fully recyclable with each material having the potential to be separated after use to make it possible to reuse. Normally, if materials are permanently stuck together it can make recycling difficult. Decathlon says this process of making a fully recyclable helmet can be applied to other helmets.

Decathlon Gel Pod

Disposed gel packets can be a common sight when out on the trails, but the new gel pod from Decathlon looks to change this by making it from seaweed. The aim of this gel pod is to have a fully edible shell so there is no need for a foil packet and you can just pop it all in your mouth with no waste.

Schwalbe Bike Soap


Schwalbe has launched its own bike cleaning solution with its solid block of soap. Schwalbe claim the advantage of this is a simpler and more environmentally friendly production as well as a longer shelf life. To create the soap Schwalbe has used 100% biodegradable ingredients and no perfumes or microplastics while lasting for around 100 washes.

Continental Using Naturally Sourced Rubber

Continental is now using sourced natural rubber from Indonesia in its gravity mountain bike tires.

Since July this year, all of the new tires in the brand's gravity range will feature rubber sourced from a project in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Claus Petschick, head of sustainability at Continental Tyres, said: “I’m delighted that we are now using responsibly sourced natural rubber from our project in Indonesia in series production for our ‘Gravity’ mountain bike tires.

“Our ambition is to actively take responsibility in our supply chains. For us, digitalisation and education are key to enhancing the transparency of our natural rubber supply chains.”

Continental sustainably sourced rubber is cultivated and processed through a transparent supply chain with measures in place to ensure the upholding of human rights, minimising the environmental impact and improving the living conditions of local smallholders. The companiy's goal is to have a 100% sustainable supply chain by 2050 with natural rubber from responsible sources in every product range by 2030

Muc-Off Launches Refills


Muc-Off has announced new refill options for its ranges of lubricants.

The brand's Wet Weather Lube, Dry Weather Lube, C3 Ceramic Wet Lube and C3 Ceramic Dry Lube will now be available in more environmentally friendly packaging as well as offering a cost saving. The wet and dry weather lubes offer a 45% reduction in cost whereas the C3 Ceramic lubes so a price drop of 63%. Each of the new lube refills will fill Muc-Off's standard 50ml bottle six times, reducing packaging by 43% compared to having individual bottles.

Alex Trimnell, CEO at Muc-Off, said: “The idea behind refill lubes is simple – reusing is better than recycling. We’re on mission here to drive down the amount of plastic being used, which is exactly what these products do. We’re excited for riders to enjoy the performance benefits these lubes can bring to their bikes, and the formulations mean their drivetrain components will have an extended life, saving them money and having a positive impact on the environment. Innovation is in our DNA and we’re relentless in our pursuit of sustainable solutions – this launch is another turn of the cranks in the right direction.”

Polartec Commits to Net-Zero

Polartec's parent organization Milliken & Company has announced it will be working towards science-based net-zero targets.

UN-backed Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has verified the companies' short and long-term targets to ensure they are consistent with climate science and the Paris Agreement as net-zero is aimed for 2050. Milliken & Company is one of only 50 companies globally to have achieved approval from SBTi.

bigquotesPolartec’s commitment to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions aligns with our brand vision of sustainable science and the pledge to continually do better. It is our driving force, together with Milliken as a whole, to promote the importance of circularity, transparency, natural resources, and sustainability which ensures a future rooted in mindful manufacturing and reduced impact on our environment. Dan Patterson, Interim President & CFO of Polartec

bigquotesAt Milliken, sustainability is a core value. Climate change is placing pressure on communities, on companies and on our planet. The time to take meaningful action is now. Halsey Cook, President and CEO of Milliken & Company

bigquotesNot all net-zero is the same, which is why Milliken and Polartec commit to reaching real net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by 2050 from a 2018 base year. By working with SBTi, our net-zero commitment, along with our approved near-term and long-term targets, has been fully vetted by the best available science on a global scale. Kasel Knight, general counsel and head of sustainability at Milliken

Turning Tires into Bike Paths

Velorim, a tire and tube recycling company, has announced it will be turning reclaimed rubber into a material that can be used for cycle paths.

Richard Lawrence, the company’s Director said: "Velo-Path is a single-layered system with a bark-like appearance. It is constructed of recycled shredded bicycle tires bonded together with polyurethane resin. As the pieces are much larger than standard rubber crumb, the spaces between gives it greater flexibility and open pores, allowing superb water ingress. As it is made from rubber that means the surface does not become slippery even in wet conditions, maintaining the rider experience."

The company offers a UK-wide recycling service to workshops and businesses in the cycling trade and is supported by distributor Madison. Shops can either fill a tire cage with 180 tires, a bag with 25 tires of a box with 160 inner tubes.

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edspratt avatar

Member since Mar 16, 2017
3,258 articles

  • 168 43
 Heres how mtb and cycling in general can have an impact on the environment..... Hold onto something tight folks!
Stop making eBikes. Ever look up what a mining site for batteries looks like? Or the amount of diesel it takes to transport it to produce a single battery?

Lets go keyboard warriors lets hear it
  • 65 0
 yeah but think of all the gas and miles they are reducing from their 4th new tacoma in 10 years
  • 70 10
 Yes, mining lithium is carbon intensive. But you know what some of most carbon intensive processes on the planet are? Metals manufacturing. From mining, to smelting and refining, the manufacturing of steel and aluminum is ridiculously carbon intensive. So much so that if steel manufacturing were a country, it would rank 3rd behind the US and China with regards to carbon emissions. Aluminum is better, but not by much, contributing to approx 3% of global CO2 emissions.

Surprisingly, lithium production is one of the major industrial processes that holds a real possibility of reaching net-zero due to novel extraction techniques.

If you want to read up on any of these challenges (and many proposed solutions) check out www.iea.org/fuels-and-technologies -- its work is comprehensive and no-nonsense.

Also, think deeply about the transport chains in general. Not just for batteries, but for everything you live with. Marine transport is integral to getting goods from country to country -- especially out of China, Taiwan, and Japan (bicycle manufacturing hubs). And marine transport, as with any mode of industrial transport, is notoriously difficult to decarbonize due to the inherent energy density of liquid fuels like diesel and gasoline.
  • 18 0
 Stop it - you get free international shipping while you are saving the planet...............
  • 9 0
 The intro at the top addresses holding on to what you have, but if you’re decidedly in the market for something, you might as well support a company trying to have a lower environmental impact.
  • 30 45
flag preach (Nov 28, 2022 at 12:23) (Below Threshold)
 i'm with you...and here's another one to piss them off...E-cars...the same for their batteries, and the need to be charged from power plants running on fossil fuels. But then again it's an easy virtue signal so....
  • 26 1
 Don't make Super Boost™ the next standard so we can all keep our wheelsets longer?
  • 7 7
 @preach: please don't.
  • 19 5
 @nbrewste: Calling lithium processing/mining clean is beyond stupid.
  • 21 0
 @nbrewste: "think deeply.....", think deeply??? this is PB dude, there is no 'thinking deeply. this is a forum for knee jerk hate towards anything you don't like, or that you don't fully understand. you're asking far too much for people here.
  • 10 1
 @preach: unless they’re charging their electric car off a grid supplied by one of the 1,490 hydropower plants in the US alone. There’s only 229 coal plants in the US FYI.
  • 11 5
 @szech: Coal-fired power plants are more efficient than internal combustion engines. But I think the overall carbon footprint of an EV is still much higher.
  • 21 4
 If I do a little over 2k miles per year on my commuter ebike. If you compare the environmental footprint of that to what commuting by car would be, I'd be hard-pressed to see how what I'm doing is not less problematic than driving. And because in my case, my topography is too hilly to do all that commuting on a standard bike, I'll call that a net-win. As for lithium mining - yep, mining is messy. Same is true of all minerals, and of course fossil fuels. With lithium mining, there's a pretty reasonable pathway to mitigating that impact - much more so than in most other extractive industries.
  • 17 3
 so funny how the outdoor industry is so "environmentally conscious". Its hands down one of the worst at marketing the latest and greatest BS no one needs. Ebike, carbon fiber, titanium, bamboo, etc.. whatever your flavor is, its not the problem. Its our obsession with buying the next best thing. 1 degree angle changes, 10mm more travel, threaded BB's. If you buy an ebike and keep it for 10 years, theres not a damn thing wrong with it!
  • 9 5

keep your cell phone and computer for 10 years and I'll keep my mountain bike for 10 years, DEAL?
  • 6 2
 @noapathy: Thanks for the kind words! I never called it clean. The first words of my response are: "Yes, mining lithium is carbon intensive."
  • 2 0
 That sounds like way too much work and impact on my comfy life. Instead I'll wash my bike with a $20 bar of ivory soap and call it even.
  • 3 0
 You are correct. Lithium mines are disgusting.
  • 2 0
 @nbrewste: It doesn't though especially when you think about the waste.
  • 6 2
 @nbrewste: So the ruined ground water and destroyed habitat is good as long as it's carbon neutral? I see. Guessing since most of the lithium comes from China and South America that's far enough away that it doesn't matter anyway, right?
  • 1 0
 @foggnm: Or both! Big Grin
  • 5 1
 @noapathy: Wow you are a confrontational person. I'm not sure why you're assuming I disagree with you.

All metals and mineral production is destructive to the environment, both in terms of CO2 emissions and destruction of habitats. I was saying that, lithium production "is one of the major industrial processes that holds a real possibility of reaching net-zero due to novel extraction techniques." Holds a real possibility. It's not doing that today.

Those new techniques use ion-exchange beads, similar to those you find in a water softener, to eliminate hard rock mining and evaporation ponds common in the Atacama desert. So basically you pump lithium brine from the ground, run it through an exchanger, extract the lithium, and put clean groundwater back into the earth. This also eliminates habitat destruction (theoretically).

It's far easier to adopt these methods for lithium (at industrial scale) than it is to change the way we produce steel or aluminum.

If you want to read instead of argue, check out Lilac Solutions [https://lilacsolutions.com/] and listen to some things that its CEO Dave Snydacker has to say. Producing lithium and preserving the environment do not have to be mutually exclusive.
  • 3 0
Must be nice to have thousands of dollars of disposable income and buy things just to upgrade, even though the old stuff still works fine. Some of us don't have that luxury. I have a 2010 iMac, an iPhone 6S, and up until 2019, I was riding the bike I bought in 2009. Not all of us are so lucky to just buy new stuff cuz we're sick of the stuff we have, even though it still works.
  • 5 0
 @tmwjr777: Buying stuff has nothing to do with luck. We all make decisions about how to spend our income. If you want to revel in your 15 year old consumer purchases that's fine. But don't knock other people for buying the things they want. You spend your money one way, other people another way. And I've bought used cars that would embarrass any self-respecting adult. My point being, stop being so critical of the way other people spend their money. That attitude either stems from self-righteousness or jealousy. Neither of which are healthy emotions.
  • 50 0
 Ah, a Pod made from items of the Tide.
  • 8 0
 They finally heard our call
  • 2 0
 Should have been advertised with Gronk
  • 32 0
 With the way the bike industry treats its consumers, we should have known eventually we would end up with a mouth full of warm goo
  • 14 1
 My warm goo came from a kashima coated stanchion - helps it go down smoother
  • 28 1
 Gu wrappers are actually breadcrumbs for SAR teams.
  • 1 0
 Only if they're trying to retrieve a weirdo who has consistently been dropping wrappers on this particular trip. If you expect to get in trouble, why don't you take a trailside dump every few km? Still messy but at least it won't be there as long.
  • 24 0
 I've never understood why gels aren't in a little refillable bottle, maybe attached to a racers water bottle? But I've never had one or raced, so what do I know.
  • 4 1
 ^^^ this
  • 24 0
 lol, you mean the flasks GU and Hammer make?
  • 8 3
 I have raced TT. Flasks are nasty. You have left over gel in there always, they get sticky and drool covered. It is easier to tape packets on your top tube. Pull one off and the tape holds the tab to top tube and the rest of the packet tucks into the back jersey pocket. Easy.
  • 7 1
 @SATN-XC: Hammer Nutrition has manufactured a little refillable bottle for its bulk gel products for years. GU even has one. The major issue is cleaning. It's like trying to clean toothpaste from inside a Camelback bladder. Difficult and wastes tons of water.
  • 9 0
 @jmhills: I have both flasks I mentioned above. I agree, they get gross. I used to use the GU flask a lot, and thus spent a lot of time cleaning it. The tide pod version might be more appealing through the lens of an average user. That being said, I bought the flasks knowing they were going to be a mess, because I was tired of throwing away 4 gel packets every Saturday. Ive since moved on to buying stroopwafels in bulk (not individually packaged) and carrying those in my jersey pocket inside a reusable bag. Probably not an option for time trials though.
  • 13 4
 Here’s an idea: Just hold on to your trash!
  • 8 2
 @gnarlysipes: yeah man, hold on to until when? People throw the packets "away", but away is just the landfill. I dont know anyone who just throws them on the ground, but at the end of the day the packets are still wasteful. For those of us who ride every day in the summer its easy to go through several dozen of them a month.
  • 2 1
 @SATN-XC: A piping bag might work. if it was something I could put in the dishwasher and it actually got clean that would be a step up. The hammer flask says do not put in the dishwasher, which I get because it would probably crack.
  • 4 1
 @dpars63: Biodegradable/reusable packaging is great but the switch won’t happen overnight or anytime soon. Until then, I’d prefer the trash in a landfill and NOT on my local trails. Thanks.
  • 7 0
 @dpars63: I’d further question that people actually needs these packets at all. Sure, if you’re training but 90% of us are not. It’s a bunch of marketing hype.
  • 2 0
 @gnarlysipes: down here in Texas, they are a must if you plan on riding more than 15 miles in the summer. In the cool weather, not needed unless on a very long ride. Though I've switched to the "Sport Beans" lately as its nice to just pop a few when needed.
  • 1 0
 @nbrewste: does a toothbrush or scuba brush make that process faster?
  • 12 0
 @dpars63: or you could eat food instead of goop from a plastic bag.
It's amazing how far you can ride with a reusable zip lock bag of nuts and dried fruit.
  • 2 0
 I've seen threads online where people make their own gels (maple syrup, maltodextrin, electrolytes, etc) and keep them in one of those squeeze bottles you use for camp soap or whatever.
  • 6 0
 @dpars63: instead of a flask, what about a needless syringe? Re-usable, easy to clean and probably the fastest delivery. Just don't mix them up with your brake bleed syringes.
  • 2 0
 @Velocipedestrian: Like I said in my comment above, I already moved on to that. Smile That being said I still see the appeal of gels, when you are 3 hours in to a ride you need carbs in to your blood stream fast, and so they have niche purpose outside of consuming for fun.
  • 3 0
 @pockets-the-coyote: In my younger days that's how we set up jello shots, so I don't see why not.
  • 2 0
 @brianpark you could make a small fortune kitting out triathlon bikes with 3D printed gel syringe holders for quick access, mount to the top tube, stem, or handle bars.
  • 3 1
 @pockets-the-coyote: What about something like an EDC tool holder, but instead it held a gel syringe? Just pull it out of your top cap mid ride and slam it.
  • 1 2
 @kcy4130 They are available like that. But honestly it is like saying "why aren't my cheerios available in a reusable container?" I like single use gels better than the gel flasks. We consume things that have packaging. Unless you're going to start buying snickers bars without wrappers....why get upset about a gel wrapper?
  • 4 0
 @foggnm: Because people litter. I pick up the ripped tops all the time on the trails. Many people cannot help but destroy the things they "love" it seems
  • 1 1
 @dpars63: For TT, the rip and stow is just faster. Minimizes the time I need to sit up as well. For woods rides, I am just cruising and have time to chew on a full Clif bar and then tuck the wrapper into my pocket.

For the 'why not just eat food' folks, I do. I eat a good dinner and then do the oatmeal, syrup, berries and fruit, and sometimes an egg thing for breakfast. But, my metabolism is fast, even at 40, and that is good for maybe an hour of woods riding effort and I will then need a top off. On the TT rig, that breakfast is good for half that amount of time. Maybe less depending upon the distance of the race.
  • 12 0
 Bikes ! Yes . Want to nice to the planet? Ride your bike. To work . Shopping or visiting a friend. Oh it's good for your health too.
  • 8 0
 even if it is an eBike... still better than a car
  • 2 0
 @valrock: People like to complain about lithium extraction used to make ebike batteries, without realizing that one ebike uses 1% of the resources compared to a battery pack for an EV. If your ebike is eliminating the use of a car, it's huge environmental win!
  • 1 0
 @lihtan: not 1%, on average it is 0,5% ( in comparison with the Telsa pack).
  • 12 0
 Finally, an environmentally friendly way to eat my seaweed.....
  • 27 1
 I like the concept, I just feel like they might need to adjust the pod size. That poor guy looks like he's trying not to choke at 1:24 in the video.
  • 25 0
 @mikekazimer: Clearly didn't grow up in the 20th century eating tide pods
  • 16 0
 @mikekazimer: You can discuss mouth geometry and sizing when you review this.
  • 18 0
 @mikekazimer: cannot be worse than the Powerbars of the late 90's
  • 14 1
 @SATN-XC, true. Those things were brutal, especially in cold temperatures.
  • 15 0
 @mikekazimer: I watched a road race years ago near where I lived. At the feed zone they were handing up cut pieces of the malt flavoured power bars. A dog came up and sniffed at one that have been dropped. Looked around and walked away from it. I never ate one again because if a dog, a Labrador dog won’t eat it, well it has to be inedible.
  • 6 0
 @mikekazimer: chipped a front tooth in high school with a cold Power Bar. I looked like Lloyd Christmas. The plus side was that you could shape a chocolate one to look EXACTLY like a turd.
  • 1 0
 @mikekazimer: To your first comment, I'm pretty sure the guy just realized his breath won't smell spring meadow fresh.
  • 10 0
 Maybe just buy more used bikes and repair the ones you already own......
  • 1 0
 with the cost of parts and their availability ( read brand custom shit), this is not always applicable, I know cuz I owned more used bikes than new, and I am not sure if I will be going used pathway next time I am on the market
  • 8 0
 One way to reduce your footprint as a consumer can be to reduce the supply chain complexity of the items you purchase by buying domestic.
  • 6 1
 Good news overall, but I didn’t get the Velorim idea. You take a potentially recyclable item (schwalbe is working for fully recyclable rubber, so it can happen) and bond it with polyurethane to make cycling lanes...and then? How do you dispose of that down the line? You’re just postponing the landfill. What’s the environmentally frinedly part in that idea?
  • 1 0
 asphalt is the most recyclable material in the world ( 98% of all asphalt ever produced is still in use)... why bother with rubber bike paths?
  • 7 0
 Decathlon gives itself innovation awards, creates some media content around that, and then gets a bunch of publicity on Pinkbike for that. Gotta admire the hustle.
  • 5 1
 tide pod challenge but with bikes, nice

[Seriously though, recyclable helmets are a step in the right direction, but it would also be nice if there was a way to extend the viability of the materials used in helmets so they don't exceed their lifespan every 3-4 years]
  • 4 2
 I disagree quite strongly with your opinion, but it may come down to a difference in usage. Riding primarily gravity disciplines, I have never had a helmet survive its lifespan, rarely surviving even a season. Creating or implementing longer-lasting composite materials would most certainly reduce those materials' recyclability. Going through helmets as often as I do, I hardly care if they last long I would much prefer helmets to be easily recycled so I don't feel as bad destroying one or two a year.
  • 5 1
 Helmets are good for more than 3-4 years. I think the manufacturers that say 3-4 years are just covering their butts. Snell Foundation says 5 years, Consumer Safety says 5-10 years. I'm sure it depends on brand, but I wouldn't buy from a brand that says replace at 3 years. Smith warrantied my helmet at 4 years and 10 months with no mention of age.
  • 1 2
 How much fossil fuels you think it is going to take to get your helmet back to some factory where it can be recycled?
  • 4 0
 @ryanandrewrogers: So you are saying you crash and hit your head a lot?
  • 4 0
 Recycleable doesn’t mean they are recycled. It just means theoretically they could be. It’s marketing BS
  • 1 0
 @bman33: Very much so. I like going fast recklessly, that is my prerogative. I'm having fun, and my equipment is usually up for the challenge, don't hurt myself often. I would rather my gear be first safe, second recyclable, rather than long-lasting.
  • 7 0
 I met a guy on the trails once with the ultimate solution to this problem. I noticed he wasn't wearing a helmet and when i asked him why, he said that he was tired of falling off and breaking them. It was costing him a fortune. The solution - no helmet, problem solved. Dude was ahead of his time!
  • 9 5
 Don't let perfect stop you from getting better. A electric car is better than a gas or diesel powered car even in places with a lot of coal power plants. An Ebike is better than any car. A bicycle is better than cars or ebikes. Walking is better than biking.
  • 1 1
 I drove a rivian. Holly smokes, it’s the future. All the arguments for and against them i understand. I personally can’t spend 100k on a car. If I had that much disposable income I would totally support the industry. I work for a wind farm. They said the same things about it. Still rolling after 10 years, powering 2000
Local homes. It’s far from perfect but it is feasible to do way more with the technology.
  • 7 0
 I just came here to say "warm liquid goo phase." Good bye.
  • 3 0
 Evacuation…. Complete!
  • 3 0
 In theory I love the idea around the seaweed gel. I’m all for reducing plastic and the annoying process of trying to tear sweaty wrappers open while exhausted and trying not to crash, but how would these work under intense heat or friction such as in a pocket or crammed into a bag. I can’t see them not exploding constantly.
  • 3 0
 So, Muc-off "punk powder". Shipping the product without the water is a great idea. But, looking at the largest online bikeshop in my country, roughly converted prices per litre of ready soap:

Punk powder = EUR 8/litre. Plastic bottle concentrate = EUR 6/litre.

This tells me it's a lot cheaper to send a plastic bottle of water across the globe and to my door compared to small packets of powder that could be dumped in my mailbox. I think Muc Off need to start there. I have enough "containers", thank you.
  • 2 0
 Liking the ALUMINIUM bottle muc off refills, though do you have to buy the small plastic
bottle lube aswell or is there a changable top cap or something for the refill bottle ?
If your someone who has not used muc off lube then you have to buy both the Aluminium
refil and small bottle lube, or perhaps pour onto a rag and wipe over chain etc
  • 3 0
 I would love to know where Continental have been sourcing thier non natural rubber from for all these years if they are only now switching to natural rubber
  • 1 0
 I don't like eating big meals before riding. I am forgetful and don't eat on the bike as much as I should. I like gels because "less more often" doesn't make me feel bloated. Sticky garbage after in a pocket or your baggage sucks. I'd be down with the pod idea for sure, but as mentioned by someone else, curious as to "durability" as far as casing fragility as it sits in your baggage or pocket or whatever. I don't see them "exploding" but bursting or cutting open on an errant tool would be annoying.

As far as flasks, I just bought a cheap one (at Decathlon of all places) to try and put one ride's worth of gels in one, cleaner place. I did not think cleaning would be an issue but we'll see on the trainer test if I've made a grave error underestimating the domestic chore...
  • 8 6
 Ah yes, the bar of soap for my bike. Because nothing is better suited toward the gaps, cracks and curves of a bicycle frame more than a solid rectangle.
  • 8 0
 They're called brushes.
  • 8 5
 Why don't we acknowledge we are completely fucked, then go ride our bikes to forget about the existential dread.
  • 2 2
 I love the fact these companies think we will still be buying bike products in 2050.... the world will be a desolate wasteland, with all of us fighting for the last scraps of food and fuel, as humanity falls on its face due to years of consumption and consumerism. But hey, i am glad some companies are taking note and doing their bit. It defo makes them more attractive to me.
  • 5 2
 You will eat ze bugz and own nothing.
  • 2 1
 Someone needs to make a whale oil chain lube whales are a green renewable resource
  • 1 1
 Are the Muc-off refill bottles aluminum? Because refilling a plastic bottle with a bigger plastic bottle is less, but its not great.
  • 1 1
 i'm excited to snag my bar of bike soap, hop in my shower, with my bike and just...wait hold up. who thought this would be a good idea?
  • 1 0
 Lots more work to be done but some good steps in the right direction, particularly with the helmet.
  • 1 0
 so do I rub the bar of soap on the bike or do I take the bike in the bath to use the bar of soap how does it work
  • 2 0
 Commence the environmental circle jerk.
  • 1 0
 I heard Tide also sold energy gel pods.
  • 1 0
 Choking cases up by 6000% - Decathlon: “you’re welcome”
  • 1 0
 What happens if it gets rained on in your "waterproof" (HA!) pack?
  • 1 1
 Y'all naysayers should just quit mtb, sounds like the fun factor wore off long ago. Buy a Harley and move on or stfu lol.
  • 2 2
 Recyclability of a helmet should be a footnote, not an advertisement.
  • 12 0
 Why yes, not wearing a helmet is the best thing you can do for the environment
  • 1 0
 @vtracer: idk about you but I don't go thru them often enough to consider them consumables.
  • 1 1
 Would be a start to simply do without carbon again.
  • 1 0
 Mucoff, A++

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