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Administrators Launch Sale Process for Wiggle CRC After High Level of Interest

Nov 9, 2023
by Ed Spratt  

A sales process has been launched by the joint administrators of Wiggle CRC following "considerable interest" to take on the business.

Following the appointment of administrators to Wiggle Limited on October 24 administrators were also more recently appointed to Chain Reaction Cycles Limited, Chain Reaction Cycles Retail Limited and Hotlines Europe Limited on November 3.

Pinkbike has been told on behalf of the administrators at WiggleCRC that there has already been considerable interest in the business and the sale is expected to process quickly. With the news of the sale process being launched, we were provided with the following comment:

bigquotesWe’ve officially launched our sales process for WiggleCRC. This is one of the market’s best-known stable of brands and has solid fundamentals and further growth potential. In the few weeks we’ve been in office, we’ve seen strong trading continue thanks to a loyal and extensive customer base. This is why there has been considerable interest already in the business and we expect the sale process to gather pace rapidly. Any remaining potential buyers should come forward now and express their interest. Alastair Massey, Partner at FRP and Joint Administrator of Wiggle CRC

Currently the business and its brands will continue to be fully operational and service its customers. The administrators have said that orders placed online will still be delivered as usual and "all warranties remain in place."

UK retailer Halfords has announced this week that it will honour product warranties sold by retailers no longer trading and offers a £15 Tredz voucher for Wiggle+ subscribers.

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Member since Mar 16, 2017
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  • 70 3
 bike-discount.de please buy Wiggle so we don't have to pay UK import tax and shipping!
  • 7 7
 Either way you would pay UK VAT, if not upon import the at the point of sale so they wouldn't get any cheaper.
  • 125 57
 LOL how's Brexit working out for ya?
  • 10 1
 @justanotherusername: Good point, but we would get cheaper and quicker delivery with no minimum order value. The range of products that bike discount stock is far more relevant and up to date, would be fantastic to have a UK branch to it.
  • 17 4
 @rojo-1: CRC used to be as good as bike-discount are right now - Scott-townes comment might just be the reason why they aren't anymore and wont ever be able to again.
  • 30 0
 i get my christmas money in 6 weeks wonder if it will still be up for sale
  • 1 0
 @scott-townes: brilliant no one buys anything cheap anymore (------- sarcasm)
  • 3 0
 @Compositepro: Let's do a 'shit business owners' buy in on PB - anyone who runs a business chip in and we can all f*ck it up a second time around!
  • 66 19
 @scott-townes: as well as trump...........
  • 21 8
 @justanotherusername: nail head. We're f*cked because of stupid nationalism and gov coruption
  • 66 5
 @scott-townes: Brexit is working out as well as anyone with half a brain thought it would.
  • 22 6
 @commental: Incorrect, those with only half a brain voted for it. And their unicorns got impounded at customs.
  • 15 16
 never forget that the country did'nt vote for brexshit but, the gov did it anyway.
only 1/3rd of the UK voted brexshit an most of those that did, voted as a protest because they didn't think it would actually happen.
  • 4 5
 @BenPea: Nah, it's the ones with significantly less than half a brain that chose to believe the lies. Unfortunately they're a growing demographic here.
  • 3 2
 @rojo-1: but brexshit regulation means that just wont happen
  • 40 2
 @scott-townes: Brexit sucks but so does having only 11 days off per year, ill stick to higher prices, Yellow teeth and have 33 days off to ride my bike thank you.
  • 11 1
 @justanotherusername: Brexit can be blamed for many things, but I'm not sure it is the reason for poor stock selection and a bad website?
  • 4 3
 @rojo-1: Bad website, sure - cant be brexit.

But poor stock selection may not have been (almost certainly wasnt) overnight, at the end of the day if items cannot be sold profitably any longer, why bother stocking them. Remember their european sales slumped after brexit.

I would find it odd if CRC / Wiggle and its whole buying department couldn't identify the correct stock to sell in the same manner as other online shops do?
  • 3 1
 @justanotherusername: i may have misunderstood your comment, but pre brexit vat was always paid on orders placed in the EU.
  • 4 0
 @Tuna-Flapjack: That's the blitz spirit eh chap!
  • 2 0
 @LAT2: Correct - the OP was looking at Bikediscount's prices and suggesting that them opening a branch in the UK would remove the need for him to pay UK VAT upon import when in fact it would just be paid at time of purchase as it was in the 'good old days'.
  • 2 0
 @justanotherusername: not if your in Northern Ireland, some EU companies don't charge us vat as we are in UK but then UK customs doesn't either as we in EU also so it win win..
  • 6 49
flag Mtbdialed (Nov 9, 2023 at 7:51) (Below Threshold)
 @scott-townes: pretty well, if you ask honest brits.....not sending 100's of millions of Pounds to Brussels and having them determine how many N. african invader......errr, *refugees* they have to accept, is pretty good deal. self determination is pretty nice, as we both should be aware.
  • 19 9
 @Mtbdialed: Honest Brits will google "cost of Brexit" (many many billions per year) and laugh at your "100s of millions of pounds to Brussels". And now the refugees arrive in their droves and you can't even take advantage of the EU's laws on migrants. The UK never even bothered using those laws when it was in the EU. No such thing as self-determination when you only produce 60% of the food you eat either. Anyway, don't worry about the detail, stick your fingers in your ears and sing rule Britannia... Honest Brits LOL.
  • 11 38
flag Mtbdialed (Nov 9, 2023 at 8:35) (Below Threshold)
 @BenPea: hilarious take coming from someone from France...lol

You know that 60% figure was a product of being part of the EU for so long, yeah? lmfao....the EU is an unmittigated disaster and is beyond saving. Was a bad idea at the beginning and just got worse over time. Death can not come fast enough for the EU.
  • 4 0
 @justanotherusername: Debates like this are the real reason for low productivity post brexit referendum.
  • 2 0
 @naptime: maybe a third didnt vote, cause two thirds did ;-) still turned out Brokeit mind!
  • 1 0
 @justanotherusername: VAT is a tax levied on goods and services consumed in the UK. When goods are exported they are 'consumed' outside the UK and to impose VAT on such goods would be contrary to the purpose of the tax. Therefore, the supply of exported goods is zero-rated provided the conditions in this notice are met
  • 17 6
 @Mtbdialed: It's just numbers. All you have is rhetoric. All the Brexiteers ever had. They didn't expect to win, so they didn't have a plan. I'm from London. Only half French. I've followed it all closely. Your conspiracy BS is worthless.
  • 2 0
 @Tuna-Flapjack: 11 days holiday, Since when?
  • 2 2
 @rojo-1: ah yes, remind me how its ‘debates’ that mean shipping to the EU costs me more money and time now in my business vs pre Brexit, I mean we just can’t help ourselves but to debate Brexit every time we ship and item and ruin our productivity.

You great big tit of a man.
  • 11 1
 @justanotherusername: again nail, head brexshit has been a f*cking disaster for britains place in the global supply chain (I work as QA in an Alu foundry an often take on despatch responsibilities) both buying and selling to our closest, biggest customers and suppliers. For both buisness's and private people. OH an try selling a second hand frame or wheel set overseas... even the PB buy sell has been affected

I genuinely believe that in aboot 10 years time the mainstream will eventually see the through of the gov lies and corruption just like with the Iraq invaision, we'll be calling for criminal prosicution of those involved.
  • 2 11
flag Bosschap1836r (Nov 9, 2023 at 10:45) (Below Threshold)
 @BenPea: just because French people are a bunch of revolutionaries who know no better than to firebomb houses of innocent people who represent local authority...
  • 3 0
 @scott-townes: fine, what's it to you? Murica has it's own problems.
  • 3 10
flag scott-townes FL (Nov 9, 2023 at 10:53) (Below Threshold)
 @wbro74: Why u so triggered?
  • 2 1
 @scott-townes: not triggered in the slightest.
  • 1 1
 @rojo-1: shop local. . .
  • 1 0
 @justanotherusername: no me mums giving me a tenner ill be ok on my own
  • 3 2
 @BenPea: The people with the unicorns mostly voted against it.
  • 2 8
flag Mtbdialed (Nov 9, 2023 at 12:44) (Below Threshold)
 @BenPea: oh sweet, so you're only half bad! 100% improvement from my initial assessment! Big Grin
  • 6 0
 @scott-townes: Don't ask. But I haven't heard the term 'remoaner' for some time, and all the people that voted for it seem to have disappeared all of a sudden. I haven't seen any of the claimed benefits of brexit yet either.... And as for the £xxxmillion extra for the NHS every week, well, surprise surprise it turns out they might have just made that one up to get a few more votes. Whodathunkit!?!?
  • 5 0
 @justanotherusername: I'm joking...
Anyhow, fact remains that the rot started at CRC/Wiggle well before Brexit.
  • 3 1
 @scott-townes: Better than your right to bear arms.
  • 6 3
 @scott-townes: they could ask you how Trump is working out for y'all
  • 1 0
 Still sucks for Canadians since the exchange rate, shipping/custom costs, and regional brand restrictions still apply. Frown
  • 8 2
 @Mtbdialed: please delete your account and go back to posting on Fox News comments.
  • 5 10
flag Mtbdialed (Nov 9, 2023 at 18:56) (Below Threshold)
 @Super7: please go back to drinking shitty Timmy coffee and being painfully boring
  • 2 0
 I would buy them and probably had enough to afford them…. But then I purchased a middle range road bike and will not be able to afford anything else for 150 years ha! (Joke) seriously though blame Brexit, covid and Trump just because hes a jerk.
  • 4 1
 @Mtbdialed: Honest Brits will honestly tell you that Brexit is honestly not all glorious sunshine & moonbeams (not to mention £350M p/w for the NHS etc) that certain segments of the population (weirdly) seemed to believe it would be…
Self determination is wonderful and so on, but so is a bit of the ‘ol mutual cooperation & communication between interdependent neighboring nation states, particularly in such trifling areas as the movement of people, ease of financial & commodity trading, security etc…
  • 5 9
flag Mtbdialed (Nov 9, 2023 at 19:36) (Below Threshold)
 @Corinthian: and that's all doable. Just like almost every other country on the planet handles this....with country to country trade agreements, immigration policies, etc.

A one size fits all arrangement like the EU, with how wildly different all the involved countries are, was always destined to fail.

wait until Germany gets fed up and starts grumbling about leaving......shit meet fan....
  • 7 2
 @Mtbdialed: Ok Donald
  • 3 7
flag Mtbdialed (Nov 9, 2023 at 21:02) (Below Threshold)
 @Super7: Ok Justin
  • 5 1
 @Mtbdialed: I'm sure all the staff who got fired at CRC today have totally agree with you!
  • 6 1
 @scott-townes: Not very well at all. Maybe we could start selling assault riffles in supermarkets like you guys, if we killed as many school kids as US citizens do it might reduce market demand and lower food prices for us?
  • 4 0
 @scott-townes: LOL my free healthcare still covers me - so yeah great thanks for asking!
  • 4 0
 @Mtbdialed: I’m a Brit you can ask me. Me and just about everyone I’ve spoken to about it considers it a catastrophe.
  • 1 0
 @DGWW: i may not be the last bastion in my knowledge of politics but i dont think hes anything important anymore , hes at the moment providing similar entertainment levels as the uk government is right now
  • 2 2
 @DGWW: far better than Biden has and ever will do.
  • 6 0
 @Mtbdialed: You're doing an excellent job of reinforcing the dumb American stereotype, well done. I can assure you the only Brits that will tell you it's been a good idea are as thick as you, or definitely not honest, and are almost certainly friends with those in Government. The whole thing was a stupid power grab by a few individuals in a selfish party who have fu*ked over a lot of people, except there mates.
  • 1 6
flag Mtbdialed (Nov 10, 2023 at 7:53) (Below Threshold)
 @Super7: I for one have no problem with sites like CRC going down the shitter.....they selll grey market shit below wholesale. I bet you also Hate walmart and amazon for killing mom&pops, but don't see how CRC/wiggle are the exact same f*cking thing.
  • 1 2
 @Caliber38heavy: it ain't free mate.
  • 2 4
 @B-foster: that's because you only speak and associate with people of your ilk.

I mean, a majority of the pop. voted for it, so if everyone you talk to thinks it was a bad idea, that is alll the evidence you need to know you exist in an ideoligical bubble.
  • 1 5
flag scott-townes FL (Nov 10, 2023 at 8:09) (Below Threshold)
 @Danfsims: How can someone against firearms be so easily triggered? LOLOL
  • 2 1
 @TimMog: Voting for Brexit over the fear of immigrants was pretty stupid.
  • 4 1
 @scott-townes: Voting for any populist politician because of what they "promise" to do about immigration is pretty stupid. Unfortunately it doesn't stop people from doing it though.
That "Dey tuk ur jerbs" mentality is pretty prevalent. Doesn't matter if it actually has any validity or not.
  • 2 1
 @scott-townes: Agreed. The people that voted for it based on that were spun xenophobic lies
  • 2 5
 @commental: yeah sure. lol. just dismiss people that you disagree with as stupid yokels.....ffs.
  • 3 0
 @Mtbdialed: Well, you're doing a pretty good job of proving my point.
  • 3 4
 @TimMog: yes. everyone that thinks different than you and has different priorites is a stooopid redneck that breaths though their slacked jawed mouth, and hates the coloreds.......

you simpleton.
  • 1 4
 @Mtbdialed: not worth arguing with them dude, you can't reason with stupid. Just smile and move on is what i've learnt to do.
  • 1 6
flag wbro74 FL (Nov 10, 2023 at 9:29) (Below Threshold)
 @Mtbdialed: it's been over 7 years since the referendum vote, which remain lost and they still butt hurt over it and still some unhinged ones want it over turned Big Grin
  • 3 1
 @Mtbdialed: No, the majority of the population didn't vote for it, approx 25% of the population did. The majority of the *voters* voted for it, that's how voting works.
Please try reading more before writing things that aren't true.
  • 3 0
 @wbro74: No, I believe in democracy so I don't want it overturned but I am definitely still waiting for these benefits to start happening
  • 1 0
 @Mtbdialed: Methinks the lady doth protest too much, y'all
  • 2 4
 @TimMog: so half the population didn't vote? in other words, half the people didn't care enough to vote? put another way.....less than 25% of the UK voters wanted to stay in the EU...

  • 1 0
 @Mtbdialed: That's the entire population, which includes those not old enough to vote. Not sure why that's surprising, only 66% of the eligible US population bothered to vote for who they wanted to run their country. A third of your country couldn't be arsed to vote on who runs the place.

Again, try reading more before writing. Remember the stereotype.
  • 2 0
 @CSharp: not sure what's changed but Canadian duties and taxes are now included in the price you see advertised / pay at checkout and the free shipping threshold is reasonably low. Both myself and a colleague took a punt on the current sales and both packages have now arrived without anything extra owing.
  • 2 0
 @scott-townes: Triggered - the jokes on you Scotty boy.
  • 1 3
 @naptime: Trump Syndrome LOL Go back to your Nap you WOKE up from
  • 1 0
 @likeittacky: well done you figured out my username..... veeerry sloow hand clap
  • 1 1
 @justanotherusername: he would only pay 1% less VAT back in the day, no big difference
  • 1 0
 @Sethimus: a bit late to the party but that's not the point I was making, nobody is saying it was more expensive just the different times at which it can be paid can make products appear cheaper now as VAT isn't taken into account until landing.
  • 3 2
 @scott-townes: that's actually a myth. Yes some did, but the majority, myself included, voted for brexit because we wanted full sovereignty and didn't want some German, French or Belgian failed politician/beaurocrat making decisions that affect the UK. Now whether or not brexit actually delivered on that part is another question *cough* echr *cough*.
  • 3 0
 @wbro74: Speaking of failed politicians, you must be delighted that the c*nt that caused it all is back in a position of power (despite the fact he's not even an MP). I can't wait for a statement on pork futures.
  • 1 0
 @commental: No not really, would have preferred Suella to stay, after all Cameron was/is a remoaner. Doesn't matter who is in charge, no politician is worth a wank, right or left.
  • 3 1
 @wbro74: the UK contributed to writing many EU laws for the benefit of its population and that of Europeans as a whole. How are you going to fare against the big trading blocs without the clout of being in one yourself. You drank cheap ass cool aid you thick f*ck, one day this will dawn on you if you have the capacity to understand the big picture (7 years in and you still don't? Hilarious).
  • 1 2
 @BenPea: Plenty of trading to be had outside the EU you dumbass prick. Hopefully Le Pen ousts that cuck Macron, and France will kick the EU into touch.
  • 1 0
 @wbro74: "He was born and died thick as pigshit. Fortunately he was never able to procreate. wbro74 R.I.P."
  • 1 0
 @BenPea: Resort to insults when you have nothing informative to say, bravo, bravo.
  • 3 0
 @wbro74: yeah we can trade with amuhrika furst oh an chaai'na... The world's biggest producer of... oh.... f*cking everything!! When brexshiteers where banging on about trading with the rest of the world guess what.. they lied. They where on aboot selling public funded an built infrastructure s like selling the NHS off the america an our energy infrastructure to china (thank f*ck they changed minds on that one). They weren't talking about selling Bob Smith's nut an bolts to our BIGGEST, CLOSEST customers
  • 2 0
 @wbro74: I've wasted enough time arguing with f*ckwits and trying to help them get their head around the reality. Judging from the language you employ, you would neither read it, understand it nor absorb it, so insults are all you deserve.
  • 1 0
 @naptime: Yes, but we've brokered an amazing deal with Australia though, oh, hang on a minute.
  • 1 0
 @wbro74: What exactly was it about her dog whistle, sorry, dog airhorn brand of politics you loved so much? The xenophobia?
  • 1 4
 @TimMog: oh timmy....( TTTIIIIIMAAAAAY!!!). No intelligent people count minors as having opinions that matter on anything outside of which cartoons to watch on saturday morning. It's why Greta is just a punchline, instead of actually mattering....

And you are also wrong about that 66% figure. Your first mistake is thinking the POTUS is the "leader" or 'runs the country". we abandoned that notion when we sent you limey pricks packing. Anywho, the leaders of our country are at the local level, perhaps as high as the house of representives, and those voting numbers, in most of the country(big liberal cities are much lower) are in the high 70's. which is damn good for a western democracy.
  • 1 0
 @farkinoath: Nice, I'll have to check that out. The last time I bought a set of Spank rim at CRC, they sent it through the a courier that was either located in only Toronto and Vancouver. So, it was nearly impossible to self clear your own customs to avoid the extra fees. Couriers are now getting smart with their custom charges by having it dropped off to Canada Post so that you'd have to pay both customs and a flat $10 fee. There'll be absolutely no way to avoid the GST and the flat fee. The courier then collects part of that. So, the courier and Canada Post are now in on getting all the money as much as possible. So, you pay for shipping and you get screwed once it lands at the port. This is Canada for you where you earn very little and the government wants to collect as much as possible and claiming is all for the environment. Total BS!
  • 1 1
 @CSharp: LOL. that sounds like a complete shit system.

in the US, the courier is responsible for the any import or customs charges, and it's on them to charge you up front. if they don't, they try and send you notifications to pay it but you can ignore it.
  • 2 2
 No one cares, just PM each other, you losers.
  • 31 0
 I can almost hear Mike Ashley's helicopter circling above...
  • 2 0
 Doesn't make sense for Mike Ashley to buy this considering he own Evans
  • 32 0
 Hand me the bazooka.
  • 6 0
 Would you mind providing a brief summary on who that Mike Ashley character is? The name seems to keep coming up in this conversation. I gather a lot of people don't have a favourable opinion of him...
  • 31 0
 @Muscovir: A businessman who tends to buy struggling or failing brands, fire almost everybody, roll the brand into his existing company Sports Direct and treats his employees in ways Jeff Bezos would consider needlessly cruel. Getting bought out by Ashley is arguably worse for everyone than closing altogether.
  • 3 0
 @Fix-the-Spade: this the Newcastle guy?
  • 1 0
 @Hawkesy13: Evans doesn't have much reach outside the UK. Wiggle/ CRC does about half it's business outside also much bigger than Evans
  • 1 0
 @analog7: Yep. Sold them to Saudi Arabia so it's all good!
  • 5 0
 @Hawkesy13: Doesn't make sense for him to have bought most of the companies he has, but he still does.
  • 4 0
 Hopefully the ‘strong interest’ means there’s competition for buying the business rather than Mike Ashley coming in as he usually does for a brand that’s desperate and on its last legs. WiggleCRC isn’t in administration because the business is unsound.
  • 4 0
 Could you see him doing a "Muddy Fox" on Nukeproof, Vitus and Ragley?
I don't see why he holds any interest buying the online retail parts, but let's just say he has form buying sports brands and turning them into, erm... Generic lifestyle brands (politely speaking)
  • 24 0
 Ahhh the good old days when CRC used to sell Shimano parts in North America!
  • 14 1
 "UK retailer Halfords has announced this week that it will honour product warranties sold by retailers no longer trading and offers a £15 Tredz voucher for Wiggle+ subscribers"

I really hope Halfords don't buy the group, them and mike ashley.
  • 2 0
 Could they buy a competitor cheap, dissolve said business and offset the cost against future growth based on less competition?
  • 6 0
 @tomo12377: If Halfords bought them, they'd be smarter to roll Tredz into the group (or possibly just drop that brand) and perhaps white label a Halfords version of the Wiggle/CRC site for the bike side of their business.
I think they'd be preferable to Ashley.
  • 3 0
 To be fair it's pretty decent that their offering any kind of warranty support
  • 1 0
 @tomo12377: Bezos has entered the chat
  • 7 3
 and the customer service... yeah, I don't know what to say.. from where I'm standing with a cracked frame and Nukeproof/Hotlines refusing to honor their crash replacement commitment, does not feel like they are honoring anything. Or maybe it is just discrimination, either way, they are a-holes with capital letters.
  • 4 0
 I had a customer with a cracked Nukeproof frame bought from CRC long before the current issues. Hotlines/Nukeproof wouldn't replace the frame and that was around 18 months ago. Needless to say the customer is no longer a Nukeproof owner. Put him off the brand for life. I've heard similar stories, but no idea if they are legit or hearsay.
  • 4 1
 what 'discrimination' bullshit would that be then?

As an aside, I know someone who has had 3 frames warranted, one after the other after they break and he gets a new replacement, no issues.

I personally know someone who had a frame warranted for poor paint.

Were both of your cases within warranty periods with original reciepts?
  • 4 5
 @justanotherusername: the discrimination part looks like this: I had a number of ppl writing or telling stories of them or friends/ride buddies who cracked their frames and Nukeproof honored their crash replacement commitment - uk based riders, for the most part -

I am not from uk(this is where the discrimination starts) . Nukeproof/Hotlines replied that they will not be offering crash replacement and that was it. In the meantime, they have removed their statement from their website.. but, I had my complain date and dated print screens were they say that in case of braking the frame, they will offer crash replacement. I have filed for legal action because this is totally unfair, having crash replacement only being offered in a discriminatory or preferential manner.
  • 4 2
 @eugenux: I don't think you understand what discrimination is. Do you have receipts and does your purchase fall within prescribed timelines for replacement? There's no way they removed it from a website because of you and your claim of legal action is likely bullshit. You got a lawyer to replace a frame? Doubt it.
  • 3 1
 @chunkeemonkey: i had a positiv experience with the customer service from CRC. Snapped the chainstay on my 2019 Mega after a good three years and CRC gave me a full refund for the bike because they didnt have a replacement frame in stock. Al without trouble didn’t even have to send the broken frame back.
Got myself a Banshee frame with the money and slapped the old parts on
  • 1 2
 @chunkeemonkey: when the brand you trusted for a long period of time effs you up just because, yeah.. I can understand. I don't even want to repair the frame. I've put it up for sale at a modest amount and just want to get rid of it. Unfortunately.. it isn't that appealing because, due to the state of the industry and big discounts everywhere, ppl choose to pay more but have a brand new frame(even if alu) with warranty...so, the context is bad for me, which, in turn, is making me despise nukeproof even more.
  • 3 4
 @warmerdamj: of course I had receipts(first owner, brand new frame). No, I didn't hire a layer.. but I did make a formal complain, with all the documents and email exchanges that went between me and Nukeproof and between me and Hotlines, to government authorities that are in charge with customer protection and customer support. In EU, brands/manufacturers are required to adhere to rules and regulations. it is not a jungle, like in the states.
  • 1 1
 @eugenux: Why will they not help you, they must have given you a reason. No company just says no, end of story. There's something missing here. Why aren't you selling this frame on pinkbike?
  • 3 0

I didn't want my money back.. I want to be able to buy a new, un-cracked frame at the crash replacement price, as per Nukeproof's commitment to their clients; that's all.
  • 1 1
 @warmerdamj: because I am in Europe... there's no point in selling a frame on an N American market.
Their official reply was something along the line of "we have no frames available to sell to you through our CR program"(I've received the same reply through my LBS as well as when contact them directly)
  • 1 2
 @eugenux: PB has a section for European users to buy/sell. So you're saying that they recognize the need to do a crash replacement but won't ever because they don't have stock now. That makes no sense, they have either offered you something you don't like or offered you something that takes longer than you are willing to wait. No company would acknowledge in writing that they should be replacing it, don't have stock, so you can f*ck yourself. It would just never happen.
  • 1 2
 @warmerdamj: I am sorry I cannot put print screens here. They offered me nothing, absolutely nothing even though I said that if they don't have giga's on stock, I am open to proposals; they didn't offered me any; what they also didn't offered was a term/a deadline/an estimate of when they could offer me crash replacement.. basically, they just said.. "sorry, we don't have any frames available!"

more so, the guy from Hotlines, in jest, said that he recommends me to stop sending emails and start looking for a carbon repair shop, as they will not offer crash replacement.. not now, not ever. (this happened on private messaging between the owner of my LBS and the guy responsible for our market from Hotlines; in good faith, the owner of my LBS showed me the message to explain to me that it is not him that does not want to help.., it is simply Hotlines refusing to consider my situation)
  • 1 2
 @warmerdamj:... and because of Hotlines's reply, my LBS had to give me, in writing, an official reply in which they say that the brand(i.e. Nukeproof) does not comercialise the "parts" required in order for me to have a un-cracked frame. For the record, my front triangle is cracked.
  • 1 0
 @warmerdamj: No dog in the fight here but just regarding PB buy/sell in the EU...it's pretty much a wasteland. I had a look as soon as I got settled in Lyon and I think even Regina, Sask has more listings than most of France. I've had to start looking around the local buy/sell and learning about the EU secondary marketplaces and online retailers. It's a bit of a different animal over here.
  • 1 0
 @eugenux: I didn’t know hotlines offered crash replacement? Got a link to show that? Genuinely curious.
  • 1 0
 @justanotherusername: Hotlines is just the export and customer service company which CRC use to distribute nukeproof around Europe, maybe even beyond Europe(IDK); it is in the same group of companies, under CRC umbrella.
  • 1 0
 @eugenux: yea I’m well aware of that - I have ordered and dealt directly with the guys there over the years.

I’m curious about the crash replacement specifically - my experience with warranty was with replacing bikes cracked during use, not replacements because the rider smashed shit out of it in a crash.

So just wondering where it states nukeproof / hotlines / crc etc offer crash replacement?
  • 1 0
 @eugenux: just googled and found it - looks like a crash damaged frame gets you a discount replacement.

Were you expecting a replacement frame vs a discount one?
  • 1 1
 @justanotherusername: discount for a new frame, as Nukeproof specified on their website with their crash replacement statement. (that's what crash replacement basically is). A free frame replacement would have been something else.. but, legally, it is difficult to prove that the frame was weak in that area and that, in theory, it should have never cracked in the first-place from such a low impact(basically, the chain-guard should brake before the frame itself as it has been design to specifically do that, while a frame is specifically strengthen in that area)

And I never crashed the bike... I just hit/scraped a rock, while riding, with the chain-guard and a crack appeared in the isgs tabs area. No crash or direct hit was involved...as there isn't a single scratch on the frame in that area(in basically no area)
  • 2 1
 @eugenux: Sounds like you got dealt with poorly by them and you should have received your crash replacement discount.

I seriously doubt its anything to do with where you are from, it sounds like unfortunately you dealt with an a*shole in the company.
  • 2 0
 @iammarkstewart: trocvelo can be ok as a place where people who know bikes are selling to people who know bikes. Very few chancers on there compared to general second hand market websites
  • 1 0
 @eugenux: Did you say that you didn't want your money back?! They don't have a discounted frame for you so they offer to give you back all the money the frame is worth and you're not taking it?!?! You could just buy a new one for nothing instead of having only a discount on one? I probably didn't understand well... lolllll
  • 2 0
 @Timo82: no, they did not offered anything.. absolutely nothing.
  • 3 1
 Genuine question for those more clued up in big business shenanigans, could Mike Ashley actually buy WiggleCRC? Surely it would be seen as him forming a monopoly given he already owns Sports direct and Evans? No doubt that he would be interested but I'm curious as to whether a buy out of merger would be allowed.
  • 8 0
 Absolutely miles away from being a monopoly, still huge amounts of bike industry competition in the UK - not that anyone would care even if it was, the monopolies commission are completely toothless.
  • 2 0
 Intrigued in what way Sports Direct and CRC/Wiggle are in anyway aligned. Both in the sports industry but the zero chance of a monoploy. The merger of CRC and Wiggle happened so if there was ever a monopoly in the UK bike industry, it would have been that and it was approved, but let's look how well that's ended!
  • 1 0
 @Jblack89: yeah fair point.
  • 6 0
 Is NukeProof and Vitus bikes included in the sale of Wiggle CRC?
  • 1 0
 I was about to ask this, thanks, this would be interesting to know.
  • 1 0
 Sunday I bought some spare hanger for my two Vitus bikes and a maintenance kit for a brandX dropper, just in case to make sure I have some spare. The order went smoothly on CRC and the parcel arrived Thursday in France which is a standard delay from CRC. Probikeshop, another online bike seller in France owned by Signa is another deal. Impossible to pass any new order right now.
  • 3 0
 So does that mean my Vitus isn't doomed if l break it?
  • 11 6
 sorry @KingPooPing but your Vitus was doomed when you bought it.
  • 4 1
 WTF is Wiggle+?
  • 3 0
 Like Amazon prime. Next day free delivery if you live in the UK
  • 2 0
 @theboypanda: Minimum order of £20 and only a tenner a year. Or at least was last time I got it, didn't renew it this time around as I haven't really needed it and the administration was looming
  • 3 1
 CRC 85% discount, use code: BLACKFRIDAY at checkout.
  • 1 0
 Typically a company would try to dump its stock before sale but this seems to be a sale of a going concern unfortunately. They need to change or massively discount before I'd buy from them again.
  • 1 0
 at 10 cents on the dollar i'm sure there is plenty of interest
  • 3 2
 how about fiddy bucks?
  • 1 0
 Bikes Direct for sure
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