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An Update from Grow Cycling (and Win Ellen Noble's Gravel Bike)

Nov 3, 2022
by GrowCyclingFoundation  
Breaking ground in Inglewood.

Words: Eliot Jackson, Chairman of Grow Cycling Foundation

Hi! I'm Eliot. Apparently, I am old, so I should first tell you who I am. I realized this during Sea Otter when someone said that they wondered why Santa Cruz sponsored a commentator until they saw me on Bernard Kerr's Youtube channel and realized I "also ride bikes pretty good." Thanks.

Anyway, I'm Eliot Jackson. I spent a bunch of years traveling the world racing my bike. I'm really proud of my career. I got some top 20s and a top 10 at a World Cup, some podiums at Crankworx, did some cool videos, etc. After I stopped trying to go really fast on my bike ~3 years ago, I started talking about people going really fast on Red Bull TV. I absolutely love it, and working with the Red Bull crew and Rob Warner has been one of the most fulfilling, fun, and hilarious things I have ever done.

Les Gets World Championships 2022 Photo Sven Martin
Photo: Sven Martin
Photo Callum Wood
Photo: Callum Wood

Photo Dan Hearn
Photo: Dan Hearn

What is Grow Cycling Foundation?

Grow Cycling Foundation was created over two years ago to provide opportunities for underserved communities to experience all that the bike has to offer. Cycling has given me a life I could have never dreamed of, and I want more people to have the option to pursue what I have and so much more. Since we started, so many things have changed in the world, including me. We've come farther than I could have ever imagined, and I want to give you an update on everything we have accomplished so far.

I like to describe us as an infrastructure company. There are amazing people doing extraordinary things on the awareness side, but once you hop on a bike, where do you ride, who do you ride with, and how do you connect with people? We are building things to solve those problems, and we are starting in Los Angeles, CA. Specifically, we are beginning in the diverse community of Inglewood. A place where there are very few bike lanes and 0% of kids ride their bike to school. They do have a state-of-the-art stadium where they hosted the Super Bowl, though.

I won't go into all the nitty-gritty strategy stuff, but we believe the two biggest levers we have are proximity and community. If you have to travel too far for access (trails, roads, etc.), it never becomes approachable, and if you don't have an ecosystem around that access, it never becomes relevant.

Our solution manifests in Inglewood as an entry point, access point, and aspiration.

Grow Cycling Foundation is part of Outside's Find Your Good network. Please consider donating. 100% of the proceeds go towards Grow Cycling Foundation initiatives.

Photo Heather Young
Photo Heather Young


Entry Point: Inglewood Elementary Schools

If cycling isn't culturally relevant in your community, how do you get introduced to it? We think the best way is through schools. It helps with safety, friendship, parent engagement, fairness, and so much more. We aim to put cycling programs in every grade in the Inglewood Unified School District school. This means we’re directly engaging with almost 10,000 kids.

We've partnered with amazing organizations like All Kids Bike and Outride to do our programming. Educators are overlooked, overworked, and underappreciated. The key was to get teachers excited.

We held party-style bike training, got them riding, and showed them how they could use the bike alongside their existing curriculums. We’ve partnered with UCLA to create a STEAM curriculum using the bike as well as build academic, research-based cycling education in 100% of our school programs.
Elementary School: 4 out of 12
Middle School: 3 out of 8
High School: 0



Access Point: Inglewood Pumptrack

Getting introduced to the bike is only one part of the equation. The second part is a safe neighborhood space where people can ride with their community. We knew it had to be in a public park, and we knew it had to be extremely high quality. The park is important because you want transportation infrastructure around it, and you need full-time maintenance and safety components built in. You want it to be nice because you need to change the perception of what a bike is and show that cycling can be aspirational, not just used for transportation or as a child's toy.

We hired Velosolutions to build the nicest pumptrack we could imagine. We want this to be our fun and aspirational outdoor sports hub. We also want to foster athletes, build community, host events, and so many more things that you'll have to wait to see. Smile

Since this will be the very first pumptrack in L.A., based on other locations, we're projecting well over 150,000 riders a year and half a million exercise hours!
Park space secured, contracts and permits signed, red tape cleared, and build started! On track for a Q2 2023 opening!


Aspiration: Jobs Board & Whistler Event

Once you ride the bike, where do you take it? If riding is aspirational, what do you aspire to be or do? We think it's essential that kids know you can be an olympian on a bike, you can be an artist or engineer through the bike, and you can also just connect with friends on a Sunday afternoon with bikes. We have taken two steps here: our jobs board and an event with Whistler Mountain Bike Park, Tourism Whistler, and Crankworx.

The event in Whistler was extraordinary. We invited four women of color who are leaders in their communities up to Crankworx. They hadn't been to Whistler, and I tried to facilitate the most incredible experience I could imagine. VIP slopestyle tickets, Sushi Village on Saturday night, dinner with industry folks and athletes, and tons of riding.

The purpose was fourfold:
• Provide Whistler Mountain Bike Park, Tourism Whistler, and Crankworx feedback around new rider experiences
• Collect disparate feedback that we can take back to L.A.
• Create such a magical experience that they share it with their communities back home
• Create a video highlighting their trip to Whistler to connect with other women/POC/new riders. (Stay on the lookout for this soon!)

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and we are so excited to see all that we can accomplish in the next two years! Thanks for all of your support, encouragement, and good wishes. Smile
1000s of job views a month, employment opportunity partnerships with multiple outdoor-industry companies and universities, Whistler Mountain Bike Park, Tourism Whistler, and Crankworx experience.

Grow Cycling Foundation is part of Outside's Find Your Good network. Please consider donating. 100% of the proceeds go towards Grow Cycling Foundation initiatives.

Ellen Noble Bike Giveaway

So now that you know who we are and what we do, I should also tell you that Ellen Noble is giving away her bike to raise funds for us. It's an absolutely beautiful bike, and you should definitely go try to win it by clicking here! 100% of the money goes to our initiatives.

This bike may not make you as fast as Ellen Noble, but it's still very fast.

Author Info:
GrowCyclingFoundation avatar

Member since Dec 10, 2020
7 articles

  • 36 3
 Happily donated several times, thanks for the update! Love what you're doing!
  • 31 1
 Eliot Jackson, so much style on the bike sooo much class off it! What he is doing speaks to the spirit of the sport!
  • 19 1
 Yeah Eliot. You are doing great things for both the local and biking community. Keep fighting the good fight.
  • 10 0
 Absolutely love what you guys do. So much insight in the article and the love for what you do is clear. Keep growing, Grow Foundation ❤️
  • 11 2
 makes me proud of the MTB community
  • 8 0
 "did some cool videos" who remembers Whistle Mega Gaps? Still holds up

  • 2 0
 I always loved this one.
  • 8 0
 Yes, yes, and more yes. Proud to support the efforts!!
  • 7 0
 Elliot and crew stoking the fire. Awesome to see so many racers building communities.
  • 7 0
 cant wait to hit that pump track! im right between that one and sapwi
  • 1 0
 I love how your organizational skills bleed through as I'm reading this. those lead words: "entry point", "access point" and "aspiration point" make me smile thinking about you crafting this article. And also I've always loved the word "aspire" but never thought to use the word "aspirational", thank you Eliot! and much kudos for this program and all you do!!
  • 1 0
 Eliot, I started following DH mountain biking after you stopped racing, so I know you more in the roles you serve now - commentator, charity organizer, community builder, all-around cool guy. You encapsulate everything I love about the mountain bike community, and this organization is wonderful.
  • 1 0
 @mab411 Same here, late to the party so I only knew Eliot as just a cool commentator, but the more I learn the more I find to like and admire. Plus that Whistler gaps edit is sick.
  • 1 0
 Way to go, Eliot. Curious on how you approached what I'm assuming is Inglewood's Parks & Rec to develop this on an existing park? Did you hold public & school meetings because the community input part of this process is so important for projects like this. Were there any grants associated with this? There always seems to be some sort of grant funding out there especially for getting kids outside! There's a lot of red tape to go through for this type of work, but ultimately very fulfilling. Congratulations & way to walk the walk.
  • 1 0
 A friend of mine from Mississippi told me that you guys are planning do a pump track in Booneville. When I visited it certainly seemed an underserved community, lot of kids who would love to get on bikes. Great work guys!
  • 2 0
 inglewood, up to no good... love this. great initiative.
  • 1 0
 Gotta love the complex approach to this, including presenting cycling as a future career opportunity. Kudos.
  • 1 0
 Strip it and put all that lovely gear on your frame.
  • 1 0
 Great operation Elliot! I always wanted to start a foundation.
  • 1 0
 Way to go Eliot and team!
  • 1 0
 Proud of you Eliot! Keep doing your thang mane!
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