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August 2017 - Good Month or Bad Month?

Sep 6, 2017
by Mike Levy  

Brandon Semenuk

A fifth Joyride victory for the slopestyle GOAT.

If you're a slope competitor and your name isn't Brandon Semenuk, you're probably glad that he doesn't compete as much as he used to. The Whistler native was the first man on course when the day of the big show rolled around, and his flawless run scored a well-deserved 89.80 that wouldn't be topped. Semenuk threw down huge at every opportunity, but it was also his precision that was mind-boggling - straight to the pedals, no over-rotations, and a calmness that mirrors his off the bike persona.

Could the always exciting Nicholi Rogatkin, aka Mr. Go For Broke, have beat that 89.80 if he hadn't gone down on his first run and blown a tire on his second, thereby taking the Triple Crown? Maybe, but Rogatkin did crash and he did blow a tire, while Semenuk's exacting run looked like an easy cruise down B-Line for him, which speaks volumes of his skill.
Semenuk tweeks the goggles for the first and last time at a Crankworx event this season.
Eyes on the prize.

Jesse Melamed

The Sweetest Victory.

After a hard fought 2nd place in 2016, Whistler local and Rocky Mountain Urge bp Rally Team racer Jesse Melamed had some unfinished business when the EWS' premier round went off during last month's Crankworx festivities. The second step on the podium isn't anything to shrug about, but Melamed had been leading last year's event up until Richie Rude, the final racer of the day, bumped him to second on the last stage. For his part, Jesse was positive about the whole thing, but you know that he's been thinking about that day ever since.

This time around, he made good by winning stages two, three, and four, and took a 14-second lead over Sam Hill into the final test of the day. Jesse brought it home to a cheering crowd and took his first EWS overall victory, and he couldn't have done it in a better place or at a better time. His teammate, Remi Gauvin, also netted his best ever finish, with a 5th place. Not a bad weekend for the Rocky crew.
After losing big on stage 1 Jesse Melamed went on a tear to win the next 3 stages.
Melamed on his way to a victory at home.

Ryan Nyquist

From little wheels to big wheels.

The best BMX'ers in the world are some of the gnarliest, most technically skilled dudes alive, so you might expect them to not have much trouble if they wanted to take those skills to 26'' hoops. That hasn't quite been the case, however, with some notable names finding the transition to be more difficult than they might have thought.

Nyquist has had some ups and downs with his own move to big wheels, but his 3rd place at the Crankworx Joyride event, just edging out Messere, proves what we already knew: Nyquist is an animal on a bike, regardless of the wheel size. Oh yeah, he's also 38 years old, by the way.
Ryan Nyquist 360 bar spin off the whale tail
Age and wheel size don't matter to Nyquist.

Aaron Gwin

The Winning Machine.

With his victory in Val di Sole, Italy, YT's Aaron Gwin took another World Cup overall title, but it could be argued that the crown jewel of his season was his mind-blowing run at the previous event in Mont-Sainte Anne, Canada. In what looked to be a weather affected final, with torrential rain coming down hard enough that no one actually expected Gwin to be able to post a competitive time, the American did far more than that: his barnstorming run was good enough for victory, despite the conditions being far, far worse for him than most of his fellow racers. It was a win for the ages, one that rivals even Hill's legendary performance in Champery many years ago, and it helped Gwin secure his overall title that he later wrapped up in Italy.
What a twist f fate for Aaron Gwin. After a puncture ruined his winning run last round in Lenzerheide it looked as if the weather was going to derail his plans again in Mont Sainte Anne. Gwin however was having none of it and put down one of the greatest runs of all time to do the impossible.
Some of the best wet-weather performances have come from racers who hail from dry, dusty conditions.

Tahnée Seagrave and Myriam Nicole

A breakout, three win season for Seagrave.

Tahnée Seagrave has to be pretty stoked with how her season went, even if Myriam Nicole ended up taking the overall title. Seagrave won three World Cup rounds, including the brutal Val di Sole event that calls for maximum risk taking, and 2017 was certainly her breakout year.

It was Myriam Nicole that took the World Cup overall, however, with the French racer notching her first title and both racers going into the Cairns World Championships with a whole load of steam behind them.
2 seconds behind Tracey 3 ahead of Rachel Tahnee Seagrave is in a nice spot for finals.
Seagrave had a wild run in Italy, but she held on for the win.


Women's World Cup Racing

Drama and politics put a damper on a great season.

Top tier women's racing saw much drama this August, with retirements, questionable team selection choices, and politics seeming to go hand in hand with one of the more exciting seasons in memory. Radon's Manon Carpenter, a perpetual challenger, announced her retirement in the middle of the month, and she had this to say: ''Over the races this year I’ve been finding it harder to face up to difficult situations - high consequence sections or changing conditions - and during National Champs weekend I came to the conclusion that I just didn't want to take the risks involved with racing at 100% anymore.'' Carpenter has to be applauded for making that call, one that must have surely been difficult, and it's good to see her go out by choice rather than by injury or lack of support. That said, there's only a handful of female racers realistically being in the running for a World Cup victory, and we'll miss seeing Manon out on course.
Morgane Charre racing Fort William DH World Cup 2017 Photo Sven Martin
Unfortunately, racing isn't always as simple as it should be.

The strange tale of Scott's Jenny Rissveds, Olympic Champion and World Cup powerhouse, is confusing and, ultimately, shows how politics can spoil things. The gist is that Swedish Cycling signed a contract for all of their World Champs riders to wear POC kit from head to toe but, as Scott team manager, Thomas Frischknecht explains, ''Jenny already has a contract with her trade team, Scott/SRAM, to wear a Scott helmet, and she also has a worldwide contract for all competition to wear Oakley eyewear.'' This is where things went south, with Swedish Cycling saying that Rissveds is obliged to wear POC kit, which is, in effect, forcing her to violate her contract with Scott and other sponsors. Eeesh. There's a bit more to it than that, but the end result is that you won't see Rissveds at World Champs, despite her deserving to be there.

And speaking of politics ruining things, the French Cycling Federation's decision to not select Morgane Charre for their World Champs team, even though she qualified for a spot, is just ridiculous. She had agreed to pay for her own flight to the event, an insult in itself, when the federation gave her the bad news, apparently on relatively short notice. Talk about no respect...

ENVE and Santa Cruz

When things boom in a very public way.

The Syndicate's Greg Minnaar had a chance of taking the World Cup overall title at the final round on the notoriously brutal Val di Sole track, but it wasn't meant to be. First, a high-speed crash saw his V10 slap an apparently indestructible pole on the side of the course, a pole that split his V10 into two pieces in front of spectators and, unfortunately for Santa Cruz, a bunch of cameras.

Thankfully, Greg was unhurt - the Pole of Doom could have snapped his leg just as easily as the V10's carbon tubes - and Marshy, his mechanic, was a god of the pits for building Greg a new race bike in just 45-minutes, a bike that Minnar went on to qualify an incredible 2nd aboard. Take a moment to appreciate how the South African and Marshy turned that one around.
Hard to believe it s the lesser of the two mechanical issues experienced by the GOAT this week...
A broken frame, and then a broken wheel, made for what is likely Minnaar's most eventful weekend in awhile.

It would have been a hell of a story if Greg had converted the disastrous practice, heroic bike rebuild by Marshy, and 2nd qualifying spot into a win on Sunday, but World Cup racing is far more often a cruel bastard than a fairytale kind of thing, and that was the case for Minnaar and ENVE when it counted. There's plenty of opportunities on the Val di Sole track to smash things into pieces, and that's exactly what happened to Minnaar's ENVE rear wheel in the most public way possible, with it going from round to oval to a bunch of different pieces in front of everyone's cameras. The timing wasn't ideal given that ENVE released their new rim lineup only a handful of days later, but it was worse for Greg as it ruled him out of the overall.

Minnaar's eventful World Cup final is a reminder that everything can break, and there's no way that an aluminum frame would have survived that Mike Tyson-like knockout impact with what is apparently the world's strongest wood pole.

Interbike Moves to Reno

The location isn't the issue

I'm of two minds on this one... Yes, Las Vegas is a shithole that's mostly full of shitty things, but it also makes a lot of sense to hold a tradeshow there. Hotels are relatively inexpensive, as is the (sometimes questionable) food, and the infrastructure makes getting around very easy. But the argument goes that since we're a healthy, outdoorsy sport, we should be in a place where people can actually enjoy the outdoors while they're there, and the riding at nearby Bootleg isn't exactly world class.

So the show has been moved to Reno, Nevada, and the riding at the nearby Northstar bike park is undeniably good. That doesn't matter, though, because the root cause of Interbike's lackluster past few years sure as hell isn't the location: it's the show's late-September date.
The location isn't the problem with Interbike; it's the show's date.

The very large majority of people don't go to Interbike to actually ride bikes, but they do go to see and learn about new bikes and gear - Interbike's Vegas locale made that very convenient. There's no arguing that Reno and Northstar are nicer places than the hole that is Vegas, but the reason that Interbike has lost its importance is due to everything being seen and orders already being placed. If Interbike wanted to regain its relevance, it needed to happen before Eurobike, but that's impossible now that zee German's have moved their show to early July.

Sure, Reno is a nicer place to spend time than Vegas, but that's not the point. It doesn't matter where Interbike is held if it's still happening in late September.

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mikelevy avatar

Member since Oct 18, 2005
2,032 articles

  • 80 8
 Not really fair to say SC and Enve had a bad month because of PR fallout. That crash would have destroyed any bike or human that got in the way, and the wheel only cracked after GM rode 3/4 of the track on his rim. There's lots of things to dislike about them (i.e. price) but I Guess this makes a better story....
  • 35 5
 Yeah kind of feel like someone had an axe to grind here. Greg's bike breaking was completely reasonable given the crash and who expects a rim to survive 3/4 Val di Sole without a tire? Sure it sucks those things broke, but is it really a PR problem?

And if we're going to talk about things breaking for Minnaar how about mentioning that he blew up the damper in his fork in practice before his race run... Maybe the post should have been about Minnaar's luck?
  • 11 12
 It's true to say that neither breakage had anything to do with Greg's overall race outcome - the crash in the race caused that. However, it's not true to say that this would have definitely also broken an aluminium equivalent of either the frame or rim.
  • 18 8
 IllestT knows what's up, we seem to be forgetting Gwin's tube and tyreless run at Leogang on an aluminium enduro rim. Granted Leogang isn't as rough as VDS but still it was almost a full run on the rim and he wasn't holding back like Minaar was. Given all that I'd say it was a PR fail for ENVE..
  • 5 17
flag fussylou (Sep 6, 2017 at 17:38) (Below Threshold)
 @Callum-H: leogang is not valid de sol...
  • 17 5
 @fussylou: Dude I literally admitted that... Gwin was riding harder though and is was closer to a full run.
  • 9 5
 @Callum-H: 1) There is zero chance you could have put a tire on Gwin's rim and with a tubeless setup have it hold air. 2) what company designs their rim to work without a tire on it? I think every rim company would expect the rim to fail and not be usable afterwards.

I am not an ENVE fan-boy and love my aluminum rims, but a PR fail would have been the rim exploding and failing mid-run with the tire fully inflated...
  • 6 3
 @dhx42: nobody claimed Gwin's wheel was usable after the race, nevertheless able to run tubeless. The point was that the wheel (without a tire) was able to handle the run. Minaar's carbon rim was literally in pieces. The bike was being dragged on the rotor across the finish.
  • 4 3
 @Kenfire24: I guess I don't see why it's a PR disaster. Every wheel would fail and not be usable so why does it matter how it failed....
  • 8 4
 What makes it a PR disaster is that their frame and wheels DID fail while others DID NOT. PR has little to do with what could, would, or should happen, only what did happen.
  • 8 1
 @fullfacemike: I guess the point is that neither Gwin's nor Minaar's rims were usable after the run. Us mortals fully understand that we shouldn't continue riding with a flat tire, as we do not have sponsors that will just hand out a new wheel. I'll go with "meeehhh" for the PR disaster for Enve. For the broken frame? I guess we know that carbon will snap, while aluminium will bend. The damage to the frame would not have been so obvious with aluminium, but he still would have had to change it. So, another "meeehhh" for PR.
  • 2 0
 @dhx42: like it did to Ratboy
  • 6 7
 EX471 would not have broken, being nursed down val do sole with no tyre. Fact.
  • 2 3
 @Callum-H: Greg was probably holding back for a very good reason: he knew that his chances to win the overall were ruined. What would be the point of taking tremendous risks for nothing, especially two weeks before the (so-called) most important race of the season ?
  • 4 4
 @IllestT: I think *that* impact would have written off any frame, but that same impact at a slower speed would also have rendered a carbon frame as landfill, whereas a metal frame would survive with a dent.

That's the main reason I haven't gone carbon, I agree it's a better material in the perfect world, but I don't live in the perfect world, in my world there are crashes, loads of them.
  • 2 1
 And what about the FCK (Foam Core Kinetics-System) that Greg is using...
  • 2 2
 If anything, the bike breaking in practice was great PR for Santa Cruz. The way the handled the situation was impressive. Sometimes it takes bad luck to prove how amazing you are. All in all, I guess everyone was just happy that Greg nor any of the spectators got injured.
  • 4 1
 Aluminium breaks too. Carbon is definitely stronger but the benefits don't outweighs the cost in my opinion. I have a carbon frame and it's lovely and everything, but I won't get another. The main benefit I can see is all the pivots being absolutely square, which is never going to happen with aluminium unless they cut the pivots after welding and heat treating which I don't think many factories do. That post impact would have rooted any frame. The wheel on the other hand... that is a PR disaster for them in my humble opinion. Clearly not up to the job, tyre or no tyre. I would not use enve rims if they gave them to me for free. I would sell them to someone with more money than sense and spend the money on a trip to Whistler.
  • 6 2
 @matwilliams: hate to break it to you but that isn´t how this works. If you have a dent in your aluminium frame, especially a modern hydroformed one, it is very likely toast too. The thickness of the tubes is so small that a dent hinders the flux of force in the tube and therefore creates a weakpoint that could lead to a terminal failure, just like delamination in a carbon frame would. In the end what matters is not the material but the force the frame was designed to take and the sideways impact on the pole Minnaars V10 took was probably the worst thing that could happen to that poor frame force-vs-design-wise
  • 4 3
 Agree - from what I saw it wasn't the rim that was the problem - he flatted and then destroyed the rim riding down the rest of the course on it. Bit of fake news on PB...
  • 2 0
 @dhx42: I don't think it's a PR disaster, nor did I state that it was. I think nay carbon wheel would have met the same fate. All I commented on was the fact that the ENVE wheel was in pieces and Gwin's was still rolling at the end of the race. In all honesty, Gwin's wheel did not fail. A "failure" in my eyes is when something is no longer in the shape that it is intended (Gwin's wheel was still rolling at the end, regardless if it could be used for another race) My point is simply that if I had to choose between a slightly heavier aluminum wheelset and be able to ride out of wherever I am, VS having my wheel explode and have to carry my bike however far, I'll take the weight penalty. Hence why I had a wheelset built with Spank hoops after I cracked one of my carbon wheels after only 8 months on one of my bikes. Minaar even had an insert in his wheel.
  • 3 0
 @dhx42: DT has that rim in Switzerland headquarters and it was mounted up again just to see if it worked, and it did.
  • 7 0
 Carbon is what it is, a product that doesn't do really well outside of its design parameters. It's lightweight, which is fantastic, but we've all been sold (myself included) on the dream that carbon is stronger that steel blah, blah, blah. It might be, until it travels for too long outside of its comfort zone.
Gwin ran an EX471, which survived four full minutes of world-class downhilling—without a tire. And the EX471 isn’t even officially rated as a downhill rim. The simple fact is that the aluminum rim, costing sub-$100, got its man to the finish line and a carbon ENVE, costing 10x more, didn't. Period.
  • 2 2
 @mitochris: That's not the point at all, in both cases the rim (and the rest of the bike) had a job to do; get its man to the finish line. Gwin's did, Minaar's didn't. The public perception is that in a bad situation, spending 10x more to save a few grams isn't worth it. Not a PR disaster per se, but not great for ENVE either.
  • 1 0
 @matwilliams: People don't like to think about this, but you are correct. A good friend of mine is a materials engineer and he has told me in the past that there's no way to know when your carbon has become delaminated or damaged (structural integrity verification is a real problem with carbon fiber in other areas of engineering, including aerospace). Moreover, as we all know by now carbon fiber can be damaged by force application in unintended directions. For example any sheer stress can de-laminate CF and render it unusable, as I understand it. Given the fairly random application of force that comes with a mountain bike crash (and heavy vibrations experienced over the years), it's really not clear at all what the life time is of a carbon frame before you need to bin it due to fatigue. At least that's how I understand it.
  • 1 0
 @WaterBear: which is why some F1 guys say they would never use a carbon bar on their MTB
  • 2 0
 I was talking about engineers, not drivers, and some of them probably do use carbon anyway. I'm sure it's fine as long as you keep it clean (!) and change it regularly ($!)
  • 1 0
 Did everyone miss the part where Greg's wheel stopped spinning from the wrapped up tire/foam mess stuck in the rear triangle? He actually stopped during his run and unsuccessfully tried to free the wheel and continued on skidding down the mountain. Would it have made it to the bottom if still spinning? Who knows, but it's not an apples to apples comparison to AG's run.
  • 1 0
 @SoloJoe: Agreed, I also thought that it was too much mess to keep spinning. It may have worked if he went back to Orange bikes. And we definitely need wider hubs to accommodate for the kind of mess we stick inside our tires nowadays. Anyway, as it was Gwin was rolling and Minnaar was sliding. A very different loading and even though it was Enve's idea to stow that much in there, Gwin's wheel could have locked up too and the rim would definitely have fared differently.

At the end of the day, I think it is silly for us regular consumers to judge a rim by its ability to ride down a WC DH track when the tire is punctured. Dentist or not, this is not something you're going to attempt unless the price of the rim is negligible compared to the whole mission of getting you there to race (logistics, mechanics etc). Every other sane rider or probably even Greg when training or riding for fun would have stopped and attempted to mend the puncture or walk down. Even if it were a 50USD rim. It is not what any rim is designed to do though the insert manufacturers are probably working on it.
  • 1 0
 @vinay: true that, and for enve and the syndicate I'm sure it is a negligible cost. I am interested to know the actual unit cost of an enve rim. I know they will never release that info though, but I would guess it is less than $1000usd
  • 26 0
 From what I remember (life behind bars I think), even Brandon is glad that he doesn't compete as much as he used to. If I recall correctly he thought it was super stressful and would much rather just jam with friends.
  • 8 0
 i mean... but winnin is bitchin.

ill miss when semenuk competed hard, emil/rheeder/rogatkin all have the skill/conditioning right now to up him in competition. Dudes still my favorite rider though, hate to see him just tone it down but as long as he's happy that's all that matters. His focus is much more diversified these days then the rest of the slopestyle athlete lot.
  • 3 0
 Everyone goes thru the natural progression for the most part. Brandon's competitive natural push his natural talent to the level it is now. That has afforded him the time and resources to make those fantastic videos we see now. Top level competition in any sport is stressful to a degree. However, competition is usually what pushes the limits of what can be done whether Pro level or just competing with your buddies over who buys the after ride beers
  • 1 2
 Interbike needs to happen after the Taipei show in the beginning of the summer, not at the end.
  • 2 3
 Frig, its really cool though. The only chance these riders have to beat one of the best slope riders of all time is at one event- the most legendary slope event at that. Its a damned good marketing bonus for Crankworxs. Plus we get to see him toss down insane tricks in edits/film projects that he possibly wouldn't be doing if he was training year round for the slope events.
  • 25 0
 Poor Jenny Rissveds. This kind of story is infuriating !
  • 22 1
 It sounds like she is stuck between two unbudging sets of giant egos. Too bad no one asked, "What is best for Jenny and what can make our organizations look gracious instead of looking like money-grubbing, legalistic jerks?"
  • 8 2
 LOL this happens at the top level more than you think. What should infuriate you is Morgane not being selected to rep. the frog suckers... I mean France.
  • 7 7
 Well, she did sign that contract with Scott herself. If it clearly says that she is obliged to wear Scott kit in all international events, she could also have asked about the implications for her national races before signing the contract. Maybe she naively thought that everything would be fine, but like everyone else, she is responsible for the contracts she signs. I'm not saying it's all her own fault, but she does play a role in the issue herself as well.
  • 3 1
 @cvoc: who would ever have considered that his would prevent her from racing? I've certainly never heard of it happening before, it's such a stupid problem I doubt anyone thought of it before it happened
  • 6 1
 @bbeak: it's not normal for a national federation to have such a contract for professional riders. Traditionally this is never done and the riders personal contracts are taking precedence over the national team contract. Especially since these contracts with national teams don't pay the riders, unless there is some performance bonus. Otherwise you would never field a team at world champ and Olympic events. There are not really two egos. There is only that her federation is breaking tradition for no real reason and they are losing out on worlds medals which may in some way effect their nation ranking and future Olympic and worlds selection spots. They are 100% out of line.
  • 1 0
 @eriksaun: selfish p*icks
  • 14 0
 I feel like Ryan Nyquist has done what Drew Bezanson tried to do. Good on ya.
  • 6 0
 did drew give up? just realized i didnt see him this season
  • 1 4
 @anchoricex: I believe so. He didn't compete at all this year and his Red Bull film project stopped as well. I guess the whole theory that BMX riders could dominate slope was blown outta the water.
  • 3 0
 @scott-townes: He injured his knee early on, and has been rehabing and what not.
  • 3 1
 @scott-townes: I'd say Ryan is doing pretty well third isn't too bad and he hasn't really been riding mtb that long he was a hero to me as a kid and I always wondered what the slope style world would look like with Ryan and Dave Mirra (r.i.p)
  • 2 3
 @leon-forfar: ah that makes sense then. logan- you're looking way too hard into my post and don't quite understand the time when BMX riders were starting to get into slope and BMX fans were criticizing slope saying it was too easy/simple and BMX's top pros and even mediocre pros would invade the discipline and take it over.
  • 10 0
 The thing that stands out to me in this article was the unnecessary Bootleg dis. While it may not be 'World Class' -it exists. If I was one of the folks who dragged that ornery scorpion of a hill -kicking and screaming- into existence, I'd be bummed by the unfavorable mention. The Tahoe ski lifts and the Flume trail aren't exactly in the backyard of Reno, either. On a positive note, YT-USA is now the home brand and I expect major Portying!!
  • 6 0
 I've grown up riding at Bootleg and I enjoy it more than any place I've ever ridden. It's definitely a different style than Whistler, Reno, or any other place for that matter, but it's a sweet place to ride regardless.
  • 6 0
 Seriously. Bootleg is a shitload of fun, and it offers a pretty good variety of trails, which is ideal for a demo. I know a lot of good riders who have made long drives to go ride there, and when they have races, Gwin shows up. Those are both pretty clear indicators that the trails don't suck.
  • 2 3
 I HATED bootleg. Too much risk to enjoy the trails.
  • 4 1
 Bootleg is a lot closer to world class than it is to bottom barrel, which is how that comment makes it sound. Technical trails that you can shuttle, XC trails, skills park, great views, close to Vegas. Lot's of good going on there.
  • 2 0
 I have family in Vegas that I visit every year. I ride bootleg every time I go out, and there are some gnarly trails there. I'll go ahead and call it world class in its own right. I've not ridden anywhere else I'd rather NOT crash! There are sections that can challenge anyone of any skill level, and plenty of the "natural terrain" that PB readers complain there isn't enough of anymore.

Or maybe Levy just rides boyscout and girlscout like most journalists that go to Interbike...
  • 14 1
 I thought Greg's tire flatted before the rim went?!
  • 4 0
 Yeah, that was my understanding. That said the one time I got a warranty replacement from Enve the flat was actually the result of spokes breaking and violating the rim tape.
  • 2 0
 @DrPete: Interesting! Thanks for that...
  • 4 0
 He did ride on the flat tire for a while before the rim shattered.
  • 1 0
 @spinko: sure. The rim actually developed some small cracks. Not sure why that caused the spokes to break. Glad I didn't try to finish my last stage the day that happened. Smile
  • 7 1
 You can't count out a scenario where rim delaminated as a result of a hit which caused the loss of cabin pressure. However seeing the track in person I can say, that it can kill any rim out there and I am surprised there were so few flats. Flats happen... what doesn't happen though is carbon being so much more durable than aluminium. Carbon strength to weight ratio in thelab is the best in business, durability on the trail.., not really...
  • 10 1
 Las Vegas is a shit filled shitty shit hole?
  • 8 1
  • 4 0
 Where the devil hangs out with a cold one.
  • 6 1
 I wholeheartedly agree that Vegas is the biggest waste of a city there ever was or could be.
I also agree that Interbike needs to be late august at the latest. Sheesh! Did Alvin Chipmink schedule this to get the last of the acorns up there in Reno or what?
  • 1 0
 Schedule it week after the California Enduro, we'll get the course up to testing standard for ya!
  • 6 0
 And what i had never noticed before....Minnaar signing an autograph for a trackside kid soon after that monster crash. Classy guy and a champ all around!
  • 4 0
 Ryan Nyquist's Joyride runs were the most entertaining for me. Dude was barely holding on and I was getting sweaty palms just watching
  • 2 0
 the world cup selection drama for the different women's teams is embarassing. Really feel for Morgane Charre and Jenny Rissveds. major WTF
  • 6 6
 BULLSHIT an aluminum frame wouldn't have survived hitting a wood pole. It may have dented, but it absolutely wouldn't have broken in two pieces. Clearly a statement intended to score brownie points with Santa Cruz
  • 4 2
 It might be in one price but it probably wouldn't be rideable
  • 3 0
 The crash footage should be appended to the daft SC Factory frame thrashing video...
  • 1 0
 You guys need to come up with a more recent picture of the Reno arch. Fitzgerald's casino has been gone for quite a few years.
  • 1 1
 If Vegas is a shithole compared to Reno. Reno is a shithole after tacobell, the streets literately smell like piss and shit. Vegas can afford to clean up the shit at least. Enjoy Interbikeshit!
  • 1 0
 I'll take Taco Hell over Vegas any day.
  • 3 1
 harvey sucked and still sucking
  • 1 0
 I think you're off by a few years with the Seagrave picture Razz
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 @jaycubzz: Well they've fixed it now
  • 3 2
  • 5 5
 interbike was only fun cause it was in Vegas... Reno? Really??
  • 3 0
 true- ppl dont realize that vegas is the #1 place for a tradeshow... and that its the bike BUSINESS and not the bike HEALTHY QUINOA BRO-OUT... moving the show from vegas is a sign that the show is not doing well.. because when it was relevant and important to business there was no way you were getting it out of vegas... they tried once and there was a mutiny... but now that all those businesses pulled away, they are free to leave vegas... but with a shell of the show they used to run...
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