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Dakine Ceases Operations in Hood River & Transitions Operations to Global HQ in SoCal

May 5, 2020
by Sarah Moore  

The Oregon Live reported this morning that Dakine is laying off 39 people, closing the brand’s Hood River headquarters and moving to Southern California.

"The current health crisis, and the corresponding Oregon stay at home order were unforeseen business circumstances, and have made it financially unfeasible for the company to continue operating,” Dakine human resources director Raeanne Norberg said in a letter to state workforce officials.

Dakine sent a letter to the website Shop-Eat-Surf outlining its plans.


bigquotes“Today we made the difficult decision to cease operations for Dakine Equipment in Hood River.”

“This challenging decision was based on the significant pressure and the financial and operational impacts that the COVID pandemic have had on the business, and although this decision was difficult to make, it in no way reflects the commitment to the Brand and the outdoor community it serves.”

“Our focus at Dakine has and always will be serving our consumer by staying committed to developing trusted, innovative, sustainable, purpose driven product for the water, mountains and lifestyle in between.”

“Hood River’s heritage built over the past 36 years will not be lost. As the Brand moved from its birthplace of Maui (where we still have a Dakine Brand shop) to Hood River to cement the business in the wind and kite space over 36 years ago, it is now moving to its new home in Southern California to further pursue the global opportunity in lifestyle, travel, and accessories – while still maintaining focus on the core sport equipment categories of surf, snow, and bike.”

“We will be transitioning operations and a number of employees to our global headquarters in Southern California. This transition will be phased and as appropriate, we will communicate timing, points of contact, and next steps.”

“We do not anticipate any further disruption to the business or its operations throughout the transition.”

“Again, this decision was not made lightly, and we understand the impact this move has on our associates; we remain committed to supporting all through this transition. However, our long-term commitment to Dakine remains and the moves we are making now will ensure that we are able to make the long-term investments needed for the Brand.”

Nathan Hughes was lucky enough to visit the Dakine Hood River office in 2014 and took some gorgeous photos for 'Inside DAKINE: At Home in Hood River'.

Enter Dakine

Author Info:
sarahmoore avatar

Member since Mar 30, 2011
1,457 articles

  • 81 0
 Truly sad news for the employees and the area as a whole. You'll be missed Dakine!
  • 30 35
flag scotttherider FL (May 5, 2020 at 20:23) (Below Threshold)
 Kate brown needs to pull her head out of her ass.
  • 106 2
 not dakine of news we would like to hear.
  • 8 0
 @chyu: A peek under the hood of the global economy
  • 5 0
 @scotttherider: Gavin Newsom is no Rob DeSantis, so I don’t know what your point is.
  • 3 1
 @mi-bike: No doubt this is just the beginning of many many bike industry casualties
  • 25 0
 Hmm, strange move. Ca is way more expensive to do biz, and live in. Most are leaving ca, not coming.
  • 5 6
 @sngltrkmnd: I was referring to this statement for my point:

"The current health crisis, and the corresponding Oregon stay at home order were unforeseen business circumstances, and have made it financially unfeasible for the company to continue operating,” Dakine human resources director Raeanne Norberg said in a letter to state workforce officials.

Knowing that Oregon’s stay at home orders will last till July 6th. I’m taking a stab that the Dakine headquarters in Hood River are most likely not considered life sustaining. Also Kate Brown making these announcements extending the stay at home orders that far out weighed heavily on them leaving.

I made no mention of Newsom or Rob DeSantis so I don’t exactly know what your point is.
  • 27 14
 @scotttherider: How is it fair to attack the state governors during this American crisis that was mostly enabled by Donald Trump complete failure in leadership and testing?


They are in an impossible situation because of Trump's failures to protect America, and the primary reason people are criticizing governors is because they are taking their cues from Trump, who is desperate to distract from his complete failure at every level and point during this pandemic.
  • 8 3
 @DoubleCrownAddict: Because Trumps the only one that didn't want to shut it down.
  • 10 2
 @scotttherider: What I am pointing out is that Gov Newsom, like Gov Brown, is taking lockdown measures very seriously (unlike DeSantis). When you say that Ms Brown has her head up her ass, I wonder if you think that California is going to be any more lax than Oregon.

Bottom line as I see it from here in Washington State is that everyone's f*cked. The federal government continues to blow it, and we will all continue to suffer in many different ways.

Anyhow, I take back any sh*t attitude I had with my comment. I'm not helping anyone nor the situation. The whole f*cking thing sucks. Sorry.
  • 10 20
flag scotttherider FL (May 6, 2020 at 10:01) (Below Threshold)
 @DoubleCrownAddict: he was criticized for banning travel too and from China on January 31st at which time we had 5 confirmed cases(the 6th case was confirmed sometime on the 31st.) I feel that the testing ball was dropped and is still being dropped on a global scale given the number of cases of this crap that show no symptoms. When Obama was president and we had the H1N1 virus he failed to close the boarders for till we had thousands of cases. You can’t point the finger solely at 1 leader with this. I think this is still being blown so far out of proportion on a global scale. As of 11:56am cdt there’s .048% infection of the global population. This disease has resulted in the deaths of .003358% of the global population. Look back in history and this isn’t shit as far as pandemics. This is a means to see who will surrender their rights freely.
  • 16 9
 @DoubleCrownAddict: We are a federalist country. States are in charge of governing themselves as they see fit. Treating South Dakota like New York would be idiotic. The governor of New York and the Mayor of NYC are 100% to blame for the devastation in their city/state. No president should have that kind of power.
  • 4 0
 @scotttherider: Lived in Oregon for less than a year and that became quickly apparent.
  • 3 0
 @jrocksdh: It's not a "move" buddy. It's a downsizing because shit's in the gutter.
  • 15 9
 @scotttherider: He did not ban travel from China, that is a Fox News myth.

Over 400,00 people traveled from China before the fake ban.


Over 40,00 have come over since Trump's fake ban.


Fake orange lying President and his fake ban did very little except mislead the public.
  • 7 10
 @youknowitsus: I’m voting to join Idaho in November. It’s the new movement replacing the State of Jefferson movement.
  • 12 5
 @sburback: The countries that have contained it the most effectively had strong central leadership and testing efforts. That's where Trump failed the hardest and that's why America is the world mega- epicenter of Coronavirus.
  • 3 8
flag youknowitsus (May 6, 2020 at 10:16) (Below Threshold)
 @scotttherider: Oh wow I had no idea that was happening. I lived in Redding, CA briefly as well. I would support this move actually to secede from the regressive socio-political delusion happening in Portland and most of CA. If that state is formed I may relocate again.
  • 13 5
 @scotttherider said: "This is a means to see who will surrender their rights freely."

Ok so you are a completely delusional conspiracy theorist, we now have that firmly established. Are you referring to your delusional and highly worthless 2nd amendment rights? I suppose you also think Bill Gates was somehow behind this?
  • 5 18
flag RoadStain (May 6, 2020 at 10:17) (Below Threshold)
 @sngltrkmnd: it is a shame that it seems as a person you are not self-sufficient on your own without the immediate and direct guidance of the government to which you fall on your knee. You may notice that most of us Trump supporters are not falling on anything. We are simply living Our Lives paying our bills going to work and ignoring all of the ignorant stay-at-home crap the delusional press would like you to believe helps
  • 5 11
flag scotttherider FL (May 6, 2020 at 10:20) (Below Threshold)
 @DoubleCrownAddict: hey f*ck stick. New York Times on January 31st..... not Fox News....

  • 5 9
flag youknowitsus (May 6, 2020 at 10:21) (Below Threshold)
 @DoubleCrownAddict: Buddy there are no conspiracy theories. That's just your close-mindedness refusing to be potentially wrong about what's easiest to believe. You need to check yourself.
  • 12 5
 @RoadStain: The most ironic thing about Trump's approach is that he is literally killing his own base of supporters that he needs to get re-elected! Interesting reelection strategy!


That was the original article and I just noticed today lawyers are using it to promote lawsuits against the President. Interesting.


Please keep doing what you are doing and don't social distance around your Trump cult. We need a new President and that is the most effective way to make it happen.
  • 5 1
 @DoubleCrownAddict: I believe those were US citizens returning home. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • 6 10
flag sburback (May 6, 2020 at 10:57) (Below Threshold)
 @DoubleCrownAddict: We're testing more people than anywhere else. Of course we have more confirmed cases. Go move somewhere with a Tyrannical government if that's what suits you. I'll happily take my freedoms with all risk involved. Also, what happens when travel resumes in those countries with hard lockdowns? Virus will rage on if there's no herd immunity. Sweden is the only country that understood this from the start.
  • 5 6
 @sburback: @youknowitsus: can’t upvote you two enough.
  • 3 1
 @DoubleCrownAddict: I don’t see involvement from bill gates on this. I do question why the hell he was drawn into it though.
  • 4 10
flag RoadStain (May 6, 2020 at 13:10) (Below Threshold)
 @scotttherider: I have to wonder the same thing. While we know that he is a globalist (easy when you make your fortune with the intellectual property you stole) and become so rich it is impossible to spend it all. At the end of the day, there has GOT to be some starving kid in Africa he can go nurture to health and leave the rest of us alone.

Maybe he can go feed Ruth Ginsberg...boy, I hope they call her soon demise to be "CIVOD related", that will really give Biden something the ruminate about when he is not talking about Corn Pop's leg hair or whatever other senility riddled rant he will go on with. Wait, wait, do I smell Pantene?
  • 3 1
 @DoubleCrownAddict: Today I Learned that Donald Trump makes all the Covid testing kits in the basement of Trump Tower between tweets. Until just now, I though the CDC was in charge of creating Covid testes, including the contaminated ones.
  • 2 0
 @DoubleCrownAddict: lol, ppe, # of nurses, docs, hospitals is all based on CON laws(cert of need) which each state sets up themselves.
  • 2 0
 @youknowitsus: sure, but the better downsize would be to move hq away from ca, obviously.
  • 75 0
 Hard to believe this wasn't in the pipeline already and Covid just accelerated it.
  • 29 1
 Rumor I just heard was they got bought out which would make more sense than blaming this on Covid.
  • 15 0
 @DirtyHal: Not a rumor, was announced last year.
  • 9 0
 @DirtyHal: They were bought out over a year ago now, back in December of 2018.
  • 15 5
 I wasn't aware of that either. I know a lot of people down in HR that will be impacted by this. I officially have no more reasons to support this brand.
  • 26 87
flag RoadStain (May 5, 2020 at 17:15) (Below Threshold)
 @DirtyHal: I bet correct. I do go out of my way to NOT support any company in California, Taiwan does more positive for the US and its citizens than Cali.
  • 46 3
 @RoadStain: you are one wierd dude
  • 33 0
 @RoadStain: your location checks out
  • 11 78
flag RoadStain (May 5, 2020 at 17:34) (Below Threshold)
 @chrisclifford: yep, and now our trails, surgical centers and most businesses are doing what Cali isnt...WORKING, working to be self sufficient as is usual. Oh, and all with NO state income tax.

I really, honestly do hope a Greater than Northridge event takes out SoCal.
  • 29 1
 @chrisclifford: #floridaman
  • 32 4
 @RoadStain: grow up little whiny boy.
  • 26 4
 @RoadStain: but you ride a Specialized with Fox suspension?
  • 14 1

Sad news.

Thanks for the info about Marquee brands buying Dakine.

Now I know why the Dakine Builder pack I just got feels like a cheap copy of a Dakine pack. It is a counterfeit. Though not from counterfeiters, but from corner cutting corporate wankers. All show, no go.

I'll no longer looking for gear from Dakine.
  • 17 5
 @bulletbassman: he’s not weird, he’s just an a*shole

Rare to see a comment from him that is not below threshold, some obviously racist ones as well.
  • 10 47
flag RoadStain (May 6, 2020 at 2:36) (Below Threshold)
 @Upduro: Please, can you try to explain exactly how not liking apathetic cry babies in American society that can not self support their own existence, judge so many others, and in general try to dictate how others live....is "racist"?

I do find it odd, now, all of a sudden Cali wants to "build the wall"...oh, how fickle they are (I do wonder, will the wall have to have Prop 69 warnings all over it?) So now, all of a sudden if Cali does not want illegals from the south, is that racist too?

Thank you for my AMG's however :-) It is a shame that the US can not produce a car as well made as the Germans (I will try to not hold the Audi "S" against your nation)

Oh, and in great news, Trump will get another SCOTUS pick!!!!!!! Sweeeeeeeeeet!
  • 8 2
 @RoadStain: lets see your amg then florida man
  • 4 15
flag RoadStain (May 6, 2020 at 7:00) (Below Threshold)
 Really? Are you really that petty?
  • 12 4
 @RoadStain: put your money where your methy mouth is bud
  • 3 1
 @Upduro: to be fair he is stuck riding in Florida, I’d be bitter too
  • 3 6
 @iantmcg: while in general I would not disagree with the Assumption of mountain biking in Florida. If you look up Santos mountain bike in Florida you might be amazed. Happenstance I have raced bicycles in 49 states and all over Europe so I'm pretty familiar with other areas.
  • 2 0
 @Hyakian: It went from a local brand to a hated one, over night...
  • 5 3
 @RoadStain: I mean I could probably look up the specific comments but I don’t feel like wading through the word diarrhea of some sexually frustrated boomer in his midlife crisis who needs to overcompensate his tiny dick problems by telling everyone on pinkbike how cool his car or his doctor friends are, just to prove a point.
  • 3 5
 @Upduro: All while hipsters who use only gravity should be assessing political needs?

What is astounding, the ultra high net worth Tri folks have as compared to a stereotypical MTN dude...or, god forbid a dentist on a Yeti.
  • 50 0
 Sad news but I don’t get how Southern California is more feasible. Isnt rent in California insane af?
  • 17 1
 They already have an office in southern california and seem to be consolidating there. Makes sense from a distribution aspect since most of their stuff is coming from Asia. Definitely sad to see though. Hope they keep on supporting the outdoor scene in Oregon.
  • 32 2
 Rent in hood river is insane af too, lived there a year, in my car, moved back to utah to be indoors again.
  • 6 3
 also as a bigger company, probably looking to be closer to the larger talent pool in places like LA/SD.
  • 13 0
 It's a lot cheaper if you've gotten rolled into one of your parent company's existing offices, which is what I suspect happened.
  • 27 25
 @bulletbassman: my wife lived there about 4 years ago and had to rent across the river in White Salmon. Brother lives in the area but out in the Dalles, Californians have ruined a lot of Oregon....
  • 9 0
 @5afety3rd: Would have been better if it was "in a van down by the river".
  • 3 0
 @5afety3rd: miss ya bud -Sky
  • 13 2

Oregon has always been a state of transplants at least in terms of white people. Always found it funny when I lived there people would complain about transplants and 90 percent who complained where born somewhere else
  • 4 2
 @briceps: that's why I like it out in the hills of Eugene. When I grew weed out there, it was random groups of growers, cartel members who grew, bikers who grew, and hillbillis
  • 14 4
 @briceps: funny how everyone blames people from California for everything on the west coast. California would be much better place if we didn’t have a constant flow of transplants for all over the place to California some of which are these “Californians” everyone complained about.
  • 8 21
flag rzicc (May 5, 2020 at 18:58) (Below Threshold)
 @briceps: Cali f*cks have runined CO as well... As well as Texans and asshats from FL! i feel your pain!
  • 9 3
 Oregon has no sales tax so they will be hit harder than states like WA. Broke states will be desperate and will have to raise property taxes. There will eventually be housing crashes everywhere but tourist areas with no sales tax will see some of the biggest drops. The lack of tax revenue will give these states little breathing room to survive.
  • 4 0
 @likeittacky: i was in a roof tent in post canyon haha
  • 2 0
 @shred-harder: miss you too dude! we'll ride again one day!!
  • 3 1
 @rzicc: What kind of bike do you ride? One that designed in California by any chance?
  • 10 2
 @briceps: I used to think that but the Californians moving here that I know are way more level headed than people coming here from other places. "Keep Portland Weird" movement destroyed Oregon.
  • 5 1
 @sburback: Blame it on the show Portlandlandia.
  • 4 12
flag RoadStain (May 6, 2020 at 2:38) (Below Threshold)

  • 3 3
 @DoubleCrownAddict: You mean, such as exactly the way it is in Cali? They SHOULD have gone to WA, or a big move? TN, TX, FL and so many others.
  • 1 0
 @DoubleCrownAddict: I live in NH, and can confirm.
  • 1 0
 @bulletbassman: JR 286 (Marquee Brand's operating partner) is based in Torrance, CA.

About JR286

"Headquartered in Southern California since 1989, JR286 is an innovative, global leader in product design, development, sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution of athletic, fitness, and outdoor equipment and accessory products. Through a global operational footprint in North America, Europe, China and Southeast Asia, JR286 is positioned to service its global customer base. The company has a long-standing, exclusive global license with Nike covering hundreds of sports related accessories and equipment. It also operates the wholly-owned Vertra sun care brand."
  • 3 0
 @mfoga: Grew up in Cali myself. A lot changed between 1979 and 1989. By the mid 90's I'd had enough. Moved to Oregon (salem). Family things and kids caused a move to Washington. THIS state has changed a lot in the 20+ years I've lived here. Waiting for the kids to be done and then I'm out. Back to Oregon likely, seems the least nuts of the West coast states.
  • 4 5
 @Poulsbojohnny: Someone will call you racist or some other such thing in....3........2........

Congrats on sane plans!
  • 2 0
 @DoubleCrownAddict: Property taxes find cities, counties and other local government districts. Oregon will no doubt need to get creative with their finances though, at least in the short term.
  • 2 0
 @5afety3rd: @shred-harder Oh hey bros! Fancy seeing you here.... Reunion tour once we can safely travel?
  • 1 0
 @drew502: The way I read that, is that Dakine is just another name brand with broad enough recognition that JR286 will be taking it into the mass market. Hello Walmart, Target, Dick's, etc.
  • 14 1
 What’s up with the bullshit press release? There’s no effin’ way COVID had anything to do with this.

I do like how it gets buried by an interview about Casey Brown’s women’s clothing line. Prolly just a coincidence.
  • 11 0
 Ah man... Dakine being somewhat local was always a reason I chose their product. End of an era for HR, more than anything. I guess I'll still buy their stuffs.
  • 11 2
 It does not make sense to blame covid, if you plan to move to a more population dense area. In addition, Oregon's covid laws are the same as other states on the west coast. Bonus, Nike is right down the road so access to clothing industry talent is not to hard to get. My guess is that they are either trying to focus on Surf... Or trying to cut costs.
  • 10 2
 Years ago, i purchased a Dakine "Truck-Tail Gate Shuttle Pad" at full wack, retail prices ($250). It turns out, that it was designed with two major pieces of thick foam padding for either side of the tail gate. BUT ....The centre ridge line, that your bikes down tube rested on, actually had ZERO padding. And was just the seam line between the two front and back pads. I was amazed with the complete and utter design failure, and that I had been "had" by fancy magazine ads touting it greatness. It was the last Dakine product i have purchased. My cat however, does like it as a garage floor bed.
  • 7 3
 In their defense, that pad cost 60 Freedom Dollars.
  • 1 0
In retrospect, I regret making this comment about a Dakine product, during this awful Pandemic. People are losing there jobs, and hurting. I hope all who are effected by this closure, find new jobs and opportunities in the near future. Peace out, Fist Bump.!
  • 7 1
 For those impacted by this I can only hope that Da Kine is actually supporting them financially with COBRA coverage and severance packages, as well as hopefully some help with finding the next thing. As someone that was laid off two weeks ago from a software job, I now recognize it as one of the best things that has happened to me recently. Helped put lots of things in perspective and provide new opportunities and re-focus of priorities, like much more bike time, granted I'm very fortunate to be doing what I do. Hopefully these folks land on their feet.
  • 2 0
 It sucks to be laid off, for sure (been there, done that). But COBRA is required by law. It is a joke though. "You just got laid off, now if you want to continue medical, here is this $1500/month premium. Good luck!" As for help with the next thing... yeah. If I was one of those laid off, I'd not be counting on it.
  • 4 0
 @Poulsbojohnny: There's no joke about it. COBRA simply states that when an employee leaves a job, the company must offer the existing medical insurance to them *at the same price the company was paying*. So if the company was paying $1500 a month, that's what the COBRA coverage costs to the leaving employee.

Everyone always says how expensive "COBRA" is, but the reality is that *medical insurance* is expensive in the USA. It's not specific to the COBRA law.

For anyone laid off from Dakine, I hope Dakine provides severance and picks up the cost of their medical insurance for some period of time. But it's not Dakine's (or the COBRA law's) fault that medical insurance is expensive in the USA. It's simply the state of things in the USA, where there is no universal medical coverage and insurance is largely left to the free market.
  • 1 0
 @Poulsbojohnny: I guess I wasn't clear enough that what I meant with "I can only hope that Da Kine is actually supporting them financially with COBRA coverage and severance packages" is that hopefully Dakine is offereing to pickup the cost of COBRA for them. I've been through 4 layoffs being affected in 3 of them, the company that I was laid off from two weeks ago is at least picking up the COBRA coverage for 3 months for my family.
  • 6 0
 The Covid-19 Crisis didn't cause this in full. Dakine sold out to Marquee brands and sealed their fate long ago. Marquee has a history of gutting brands and i'm sure has been planning on liquidating the Hood River office for some time. From a logistical perspective, Hood river isn't exactly a ideal for industry but fits the culture. Conglomerates like Marquee care about bottom line and not the culture so the writing was on the wall unfortunately Frown

#thegorgeismygym 3
  • 23 18
 As a SoCal resident, WTF are you thinking?

High rent, High taxes, High Minimum wage, smog, earthquakes, crowded freeways, Governor Newsom,

Seems like a far cry from Hood River.....Just saying.
  • 7 6
 Very "core" in SoCal...

Home of pollution, sprawl, lack of resources.
  • 14 13
 ...it's Emperor Newsom.
  • 16 4
 "As a SoCal resident, WTF are you thinking? "

I'll throw it back at you: As a SoCal resident, WTF are you thinking?
  • 2 1
 So you think DaKine should be paying minimum wage?
  • 4 1
 It is closer to a major port and distribution might be much more efficient. I do agree that California needs to be more politically balanced.
  • 5 14
flag RoadStain (May 6, 2020 at 3:25) (Below Threshold)
 @pinhead907: " So you think DaKine should be paying minimum wage?"

There should be no "minimum wage". You know of course, that in the US "minimum wage" means "Made in China" and pay less than minimum wage, right?
  • 5 16
flag scotttherider FL (May 6, 2020 at 4:20) (Below Threshold)
 @RoadStain: minimum wage needs to be lower. You keep driving up minimum wage and it drives up the cost of everything. Look at states like Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. Look up property costs there. Your $500,000 house you get in any western state with $12+/hr minimum wages will be tops $300,000 in a metro area back there in areas at the federal minimum wage....
  • 6 11
flag RoadStain (May 6, 2020 at 4:30) (Below Threshold)
 @scotttherider: But, more is more, right? I mean, they DESERVE more....

Plus, if your skillset is of that of a Min Wage person, and you're not 16, well...there is always the wise words of the kind judge...

  • 4 10
flag scotttherider FL (May 6, 2020 at 4:51) (Below Threshold)
 @RoadStain: but does a person asking you if you want fries with that worth $15/hr like they’ll pay in Seattle? My spouse is a paralegal with a degree and make $13/hr. People should get paid what their worth. You do a medial task that warrants $5/hr you get paid that. You do a highly technical job with lots of training you get paid for that. Just saying minimum wage is stupid. Although I’m not gonna lie I just reread your first post and I don’t think you were arguing to raise or set a minimum wage.
  • 3 0
 @Sardine: His user name checks out.
  • 7 1
 @scotttherider: Sounds like your wife is underemployed. I make well over 20 an hour to cook people food. Maybe with stronger wage laws that wouldn't be the case.
  • 5 6
 @bulletbassman: I make over $150k a year as a high school drop out in a trade. We need lesser wage laws.
  • 6 0
 @scotttherider: If you feel like you're overcompensated for what you do, there are plenty of struggling families that could use it. Find a charity.
  • 3 1
 @chriskneeland: for what I do I’m compensated what I deserve. I work 3000+ hours a year so that the ailing hydroelectric infrastructure in this continent can be upgraded to provide more clean emission free energy.
  • 6 0
 @scotttherider: So you like me make a good portion of your paycheck thanks to overtime wage laws? Perhaps we should get rid of those.
  • 2 7
flag scotttherider FL (May 6, 2020 at 6:53) (Below Threshold)
 @chriskneeland: I work to .005” tolerances and deal with leveling equipment to less than .2 arc seconds over 30’ diameter holes. .2 arc seconds is 1/18,000 of a degree. It equates to .0009” over a 30’ span. I get paid adequately for what’s expected of me to run $10-$300 million dollar mega projects.
  • 1 3
 @bulletbassman: they get rid of overtime laws I go into consulting. I’d make $100+/hr doing that and currently weighing going that route.
  • 6 0
 @scotttherider: What makes you think that if they got rid of overtime laws someone would pay your more hourly than you currently make? That's not to detract from your value by any means. But wage laws are there so people are paid fairly for their input to the process. I personally don't think a high minimum wage is necessarily the route to go, but the amount of vastly underemployed people in this country is undeniable. I know plenty of bartenders with degrees, skills, and experience who end up going back to bartending because they can't find a decent paying job in their field. A great deal of very successful companies pay a large portion of their full time workforce so little they are reliant on government programs like medicare, food stamps, etc.

Wage laws need a reboot in this country to fit the times. Unless you're a millionaire pretty much anyone would benefit from that.
  • 3 1
 @bulletbassman: the reason I could make more as a straight time consultant is do to the fact my company currently has me at a $150/burden rate so they like to find people with my skill sets and abilities that contract out independently at $100 or even up to that $150/hour rate as then they don’t have to pay me for 40 hours a week when I’m not on a project. I’m a salary Non-Exempt employee so I reap the benefits of both worlds in regards to getting paid 40 hours a week min as well as getting all of my overtime. It also takes a lot of the liability off of them with the unemployment insurance, retirement, health insurance, workman’s compensation insurance etc.

As far as the arguments you’re bringing up with regard to wage laws I agree with you on your point of view. We do need a vast restructuring of a lot of things in this country.

I think this entire downturn were about to go into may act as a reset in a lot of ways. It might help with inflation and drive down cost on the other side of things. My only complaint with will be the fact I just bought a new house in November that will take years to get the value back on if this is the case.
  • 4 1
 @scotttherider: WRONG. You are not compensated for what you deserve. You are compensated for what you EARN. No one deserves anything. That is a word of entitlement. You work hard for your wage doing whatever you do. Be proud of it and don't lump yourself in with those who whine and complain about how unfair things are and that they 'deserve' better.
  • 2 0
 @scotttherider: .005” tolerances? What are you building a watch?
  • 1 1
 @Poulsbojohnny: very well said. Thank you for that.
  • 1 1
 @iantmcg: I’m machining imbedded components for hydroelectric dams. Look at some of my work pictures and videos.
  • 1 0
 @scotttherider: Dude, you do all this internet bragging about how much you deserve and getting rid of minimum wage, then you drop this bomb?

"My only complaint with will be the fact I just bought a new house in November that will take years to get the value back on if this is the case."

Sorry but that will never happen and you will likely lose tens of thousands of dollars. You bought the Brooklyn bridge so maybe your not as smart as you claim?
  • 1 1
 @DoubleCrownAddict: I bought the house for my wife. I’d personally prefer to have property. The housing market will turn around eventually and even if it doesn’t I’m not too overly concerned. Just wish I had waited 6 months to a year and bought when the markets down.
  • 1 0
 @scotttherider: You're welcome. Smile
  • 7 0
 Aw shit, super bummer... So many cool Hood River peops that work there, very sorry to hear this.
  • 3 0
 This just signals cost cutting from the paretn company that'll continue down the line to the product qualities. Dakine used to be the go-to brand fro all my mtb, kitesurfing and snowboarding accessories. I doubt that will continue
  • 2 0
 Honestly I don’t even know what Dakine makes anymore. I remember they used to make windsurf harnesses and I got a snowboard multitool once. But I feel like they are mostly a clothing and fashion company now, no?
  • 3 0
 They make backpacks for Zumiez!
  • 1 0
 It's the nature of the beast with organizations like Marquee Brands and their ownership of the niche brands / products that make up their portfolios. The mighty $$$ will always be more impactful than the value of community and heritage at this level and the overall value of the brand equity is no doubt already compromised. Endemic communities (usually) stick to the brands that genuinely support them and move away from those that don't. I'm working on a bigger project related to this currently, specifically about community contribution and ownership, so any best practice examples would be appreciate!
  • 4 1
 Stupid. The new owners are gonna run them into the ground. Would have been smarter to expand in Oregon.
  • 3 0
 Been on a downward spiral for the last 10 years.
  • 1 0
 Looks like JR286 has its own problems, or they are hiring new Dakine employees.. recruiting2.ultipro.com/ENI1000ENIJR/JobBoard/784c40e7-df0e-459a-a8ab-62b518b96356/?q=&o=postedDateDesc
  • 5 4
 This is just the beginning for Oregon. Who will be left after July 6th? Not many companies / brewpubs / bike shops / cafes / coffee shops / are going to be around.
  • 1 0
 July 6th?
  • 1 1
 The entire state is going to go bankrupt. This will make the 2008 collapse look like child’s play.
  • 8 5
 @granjak: the communist Oregon Gov is trying to save people from the terrorist holiday of the Fourth of July.
  • 5 10
flag scotttherider FL (May 6, 2020 at 7:00) (Below Threshold)
 @mattradical: anything that supports the radical free speech that America was founded on or the guns that earned us that is against everything that communistic c*nt is for.
  • 5 1
 Have owned a business in what used to be the industrial district of Portland for over 6 years now and have been predicting this collapse for 3+ years. Had no idea it'd be a virus though that would be the nail in the coffin. For the last six weeks we've seen business owners be told to shut down meanwhile thousands of drug addicts roam the streets freely. it's a complete disaster. The only thing that will save Portland is it's geography. Portland as a city sucks but the surrounding mountains and ocean are glorious. Hopefully that's enough to get us through.
  • 2 0
 @sburback: As one of the few people actually born and raised here I agree. Outside of geography, food and drink are the only redeeming factors now...
  • 2 1
 @Tflores2828: I lived up there in the the couve from 04-09. I might come visit from time to time. I miss the zoo bomber however....is that still a thing even?
  • 2 0
 @sburback: Agree that the city definitely has it's head up it's ass in every way when it comes to city planning. The industrial district is in particular is a damn tragedy. Not only is it way overbuilt for it's infrastructure, near every building they are putting up is cheap and ugly.

Yet you go past 82nd and there is almost zero development. Absolutely ridiculous.
  • 1 0
 @scotttherider: We only have the best trails in the world everywhere around us. Zoobomb still happened recently but probably not now. Funny I lived on the couve when you did.
  • 1 2
 Moving your business to California is about the dumbest thing you could do
Under the BEST of circumstances, our lovely state sees businesses and their employees as nothing more than revenue generators. Add to that the cost of living here and the new minimum wage level, and you have a state that couldnt be moire anti-business/citizen.
Hell, TOYOTA moved out of here after I dunno how many decades a couple years ago, and the Governor basically said 'don't let the door hit you in the ass' Fox just moved a chunk of their operations to Nevada and in the South, and distribution elsewhere as well.
And the excuse that Oregon is on lockdown? WE ARE TOO And good old Gavin Gruesome is a flaming liberal. He's not gonna give up the extra power locking everyone down gives him until he runs out of OUR money, and needs to bleed us more.
WY, NE, MO, IA, and AR all stayed open during the pandemic, and Georgia and at least parts of Florida(no state income tax) and I believe TX are open now.
Wyoming would've sat tight with Dakine's outdoor/adventure image as well.
They're gonna love it when the numerous/various state agencies come knocking on their door for handouts.
If they choose to run a simple (et al) 2 gal air compressor to pump up their fricken tires, it's gonna cost them over $300 in permits
Oh yeah, this place rocks
  • 3 1
 ....you haven't spent a lot of time in Wyoming have you? Ranchers, meth, vast stretches of nothingness and good'ol boys. I did 2 days in a county jail for doing 20mph over the speed limit in the middle of nowhere. Wyoming is NOT the place to cultivate an outdoor lifestyle brand that includes surfing and kiting.
  • 3 1
Yeah, I have.
Of course I didn't roll in being an a*shole like yourself, so maybe that's the difference
They have an 80mph speed limit on the interstate, and doing 100mph anywhere will get your ass thrown in jail,mensa
  • 2 0
 Maybe not ideal but It probably made more sense to close down Oregon than CA. Expect this company to be thinned out and essentially sold out for the catchy name.
  • 5 4
 Not to mention the impact on the Hood River economy and community, right Dakine?
  • 1 0
 Don't understand the move to So Cal and I've lived here my whole life, over regulated and over taxed
  • 7 8
 Totally lame... What is the current ownership structure? Definitely end of an era. I am sure the CEO is making plenty of money.
  • 4 5
 " I am sure the CEO is making plenty of money." - as he or she (or in cali "they") should.
  • 1 0
 Windsurfing has now officially been cancelled.
  • 1 0
 They canceled development of new windsurf products last year, according to an insider, so yep.
  • 1 0
 Lunch Rides will never be the same!
  • 1 0
 It’s not personal, it’s just business
  • 2 4
 veterans know that Dakine do not not support them!
  • 1 0
 how so?
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