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Details Announced for A New 6-Day NZ Enduro Adventure Starting This Weekend

Mar 7, 2024
by Ali Jamieson  
Don't miss the upcoming action coming from The New Zealand MTB Rally: 1st Edition


This weekend, The NZ MTB RALLY is unveiling its 1st Edition across the Nelson-Tasman region at the top of NZ's South Island. 120 Racers will take on an amazing 6-day backcountry enduro adventure featuring heli-drops, boat crossing, and many 4x4 shuttles.

Heli-Drops | Boat Access | 4x4 Shuttles: One hell of a programme!

NZ MTB Rally is a 6-Day enduro-format adventure, traversing NZ’s relatively undiscovered ‘Top-of-the-South’ region. As you’d expect, it features world-class trails in a pristine backcountry environment...but with a refreshing new take on the familiar ‘trans-enduro’ format by including some properly rad logistics: Multiple Heli-Drops, a Boat-Access Day, and 4×4 uplifts.

The Rally’s circular itinerary comprises an original route conceived especially for the race; sandwiched between 3 National Parks, taking in a blend of both historic backcountry tracks and purpose built MTB trails. But if you're thinking machine-build bike park, you'll be in for a surprise. The trails in Nelson and the surrounding area consist almost entirely of hand-built singletrack built by an enthusiastic local MTB community comprising over 3000 active members.

In simple terms, NZ MTB Rally is an uplift-assisted enduro race. With 4 to 6 gravity-biased race stages per day, connected by scenic backcountry liaisons and shuttled uplifts using 4×4, helicopter and boat. Visiting a notably different ride-spot each day, from three different basecamp locations. It’s a route that gives the impression of going on a coherent journey, with a purpose, rather than simply cruising from one bike park to the next on a coach tour.

Pinkbike's very own Matt Beer flew in from Canada earlier this week and will be competing for the podium against everyone else on the start-list. We're eager to see how he fares against the clock, but most importantly, to see if we can get the 'royal stamp of approval' from Matt regarding our trail network and organisational logistics. (Hint: Matt's certainly no slouch!).

6 days is probably not enough to discover all what Nelson has to offer, but we'll give you the best of it!

About the Author - Who am I?!

I'm Quentin RICHARD from France. No, Richard is not my first name, and I hope you'll forgive any spelling errors since English is not my first language. But, I am 100% fluent in the universal language of stoke about the mountain bike way of life. I've been working in Europe for 8 years, organising The Megavalanche in Alpe d'Huez and on Reunion Island. You might say that I know an exciting MTB event when I see one. In 2015, just before starting my job, I volunteered at the Trans-Savoie (the same team behind The NZ MTB Rally), and I absolutely loved it. This kind of event; gathering a hundred riders from all around the world; bringing them to breathtaking landscapes to blind-race the best single-tracks of the region; is to me, the pure essence of enduro.

After 8 years of crazy adventures with UCC (Megavalanche), I was looking for a fresh professional challenge. So when Ali offered me this opportunity to come and work for his new event in New Zealand, I did not have to think twice.

I've now been here in New Zealand for two months, and I absolutely love it! This country has everything: beautiful landscapes, delicious craft-beer and most of all : incredibly nice people! Everyone here is so welcoming and helpful, it definitely enhances the whole visitor experience.

Regarding the biking, I've already had the chance to ride some of the trails we'll be racing during the NZ MTB RALLY, and trust me, it's awesome ! There are so many natural, hand-built trails here with such a big Mountain Bikers comunity taking care of them... It's honestly insanely good...and I don't say that so easily having ridden almost all of the best riding spots in Europe during my professional career.

So, now that the introductions have been made, let me tell you about what's coming this week!

"Only" a race...

Whilst it’s a race, our expectations are that at least half of the 120-rider start list will be here for the adventure, awesome trails, beautiful scenery, and party vibes; not necessarily keeping a close eye on their finishing times.

And likely showing only the vaguest of interest in the heroic fight for the podium going on at the top of the field. Or at least, that's what they are pretending is gonna happen. (What actually happens once you're between the tapes, is anyone's guess and plans of 'just taking it easy' and 'I'm not really here to race' are often forgotten).

6 days of racing, living, and partying together: Start off as strangers, become like family by the end of the week. The Camaraderie will surely be all-time

NZ MTB Rally is a party-to-pedal ratio of well over 2 to 1: our typical day averages 600 – 1200m climb and 2300 to 3000m descent. For those who don’t relish shouldering their bike, fear not: we’re not into it either. “Hike-a-bike? Hell Nah, Bro! Why walk, when you can take The Heli?” (preferably quipped whilst wearing aviator sunglasses and singlet, mullet shimmering in the breeze. Then casually popping the cap on a cold kiwi beer you just pulled from the overflowing cool box full of bevvies that you’ve stashed in the trunk of your pickup; conveniently there all along…almost as if waiting for this very moment of manly glory).


Over the week, we average about 70% backcountry and 30% bike-park stages, although when the park stuff is hand-cut beech forest goodness, we’ll forgive you if you struggle to notice the difference. We’ll throw in a groomer most days, but if you’re here for a proper Kiwi adventure… you’ve come to the right place.

https www.nzmtbrally.com
https www.Enduro2.com

Why hike-a-bike when you can Heli?

An Adventure within an adventure: NZMTBR - Self-Supported

When we asked the previous question, "Why hike-a-bike when you can Heli?" to Matthew Fairbrother, he simply quipped "Why not?"!

The U21 kiwi-grown adventurer is up for another new challenge, perhaps his boldest yet? Completing the NZ MTB RALLY - but entirely unsupported. This means not only no shuttles and no Heli-drops, but also no accommodation, no catering, and above all no boat crossing either! Because...well, why wouldn't he? Whereas our competitors are expected to take over an hour on the boat crossing by a specially chartered catamaran (whilst enjoying a enjoying a sunrise breakfast & coffee) Matt plans to set off the night before, after a hard day's racing - for over 7 hours of paddling through the night.

In spite of all this, we wouldn't be surprised to even find him on the podium by the end of the week! Watch this space...


Who's Racing?

If this event is mostly about experiencing the best riding you can find in Nelson-Tasman region, and enjoying an amazing biking holiday within a great bunch of other riders; it's still a race. So there will be a winner, for sure!

In the female category, we can expect an epic fight between Morgane Jonnier (who just won the TRANS-NZ) and Rae Morrison, local legend here in Nelson and 8th-placed EDR World Cup 2023.

In the male category, Matt Beer Pinkbike's Tech Editor (and former World-cup racer) is a possible candidate to the podium. We are also looking forward to see how Mitch Docker, former a world-tour pro road cyclist will handle 6 days of tough enduro racing!

A jetlagged Matt Beer blowing off the pre-race cobwebs on Nelson's Finest Cornflakes, sampling pioneering NZ-brand Zerode and its Pinion SmartShift Gearbox

We'll be publishing regular updates right here on Pinkbike throughout the week, but make also sure to follow @nzmtbrally on social networks and come along with us for the ride.
Meanwhile, check out our preview reel but be ready to be just a little envious of our Southern-Hemisphere, endless-summer vibes.

https www.nzmtbrally.com

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Member since Nov 15, 2023
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  • 6 0
 Major FOMO right now. I was signed up for this and had to cancel due to some family needs. This is on my bucket list for sure!
  • 5 0
 Matthew Fairbrother will be completely unsupported: hike-a-biking and paddling when everybody else is lounging on helicopters, 4x4s and boats. This young athlete is an absolute killer! Can't wait to see how he places.
  • 1 2
 Prolly badly but his story has been pretty rad to follow
  • 1 0
 @MattQEkBp1: this didnt age well...
  • 1 0
 @mgcmllmn: haha Matthew is the man, he deserves advanced fellatio
  • 3 0
 Looks sweet. Hope there are daily updates. Glad to see Pinkbike supporting more grass roots races like this. Good luck Matt.
  • 2 0
 Looks amazing. Can’t wait for the sign up link for 2025
  • 1 0
 This looks like so much fun.
  • 1 0

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