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Fail Of The Month - November

Nov 28, 2017
by EVOC Sports GmbH  

We've all been there: It's the rock roll you've done a thousand times before, that one off-camber root section, or maybe it's your first time hitting a brand new drop - you crash. Accidental crashes are part of our sport. EVOC certainly don’t want you to provoke crashes for this competition but they would like to keep you safe on your next adventure by dishing out prizing for the best fail of each month. Here are our picks for November.

#1 - St. George, USA

Views: 43,458    Faves: 5    Comments: 7

#2 - Whistler, Canada

Views: 42,609    Faves: 7    Comments: 4

#3 - Downington, USA

Views: 32,185    Faves: 8    Comments: 4

#4 - Zilina, Slovakia

Views: 33,105    Faves: 5    Comments: 4

#5 - Puchov, Slovakia

Views: 37,814    Faves: 33    Comments: 11

#6 - Nelson, New Zealand

Views: 30,517    Faves: 10    Comments: 3

#7 - Barr, France

Views: 30,202    Faves: 20    Comments: 6

Winner - #8 - Verson, USA

Views: 30,295    Faves: 50    Comments: 16

Got a submission? Inbox EVOC.

Harry Parsons made the sparks fly on his run after seeding 4th in juniors. Unfortunately those sparks were literal and not the figure of speech that would imply a better outcome than what you see here.

MENTIONS: @evocsports

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evocsports avatar

Member since Sep 11, 2013
54 articles

  • 208 5
 Hej Pinkbike, you should add some comments by a professional rider under those. I guess sometimes it is evident what exactly went wrong and how to avoid this.
  • 240 3
 This is the first useful comment posted on pinkbike is 10 years
  • 7 0
 Nothing like the "Oh Sh!t I forgot to dial back my rebound" nosey to crash
  • 51 0
 They all zigged when they should have zagged.
  • 3 0
 Genuinely just had the same thought then read your comment- great minds
  • 79 4
 Props to all riders this month. They were either doing something gnarly or were just a little unlucky on what looks like a first attempt. Often these videos are someone endoing off a drop they had no business attempting.
  • 18 0
 And props to #8 for not dieing, Jesus man I actually gasped at that one
  • 8 0
 @toad321: thanks!
  • 28 0
 @toad321: # 8 lands on his wrists, walks away..
#7 lands on his feet, breaks both wrists!!

Top skills pat!
  • 1 0
 @toad321: Props to your spelling teacher as well. j/k
  • 40 0
 #5 backflip to superman to dismount dive would've scored a perfect 10 if it were into water.
  • 1 0
 should have won imho
  • 30 0
 "Well I nearly died today"
"Oh my God that's horrible"
"It was, until some dude noticed how light my bike was"
  • 16 0
 #8. Not the fall, but the sudden stop that'll get ya.
  • 14 2
 ouch. I think the two broken wrist one should have won..
  • 22 0
 What he should have done is stuck the landing. Would have been the best executed running man in history
  • 115 0
 With two broken wrists, you soon find out who your true friends are. Don't ask me how I know.
  • 36 2
 @codypup: i had a friend that was in that situation. I affixed a fleshlight to one of his casts. Thats what true friends do.

At least it was a new one.
  • 21 1
 @codypup: In college my roommate had to put on my socks for about two weeks. As for masturbating, I used a warm watermelon. Cut a small (or large, depending on the person) hole in it and then put it in the microwave for exactly 39 seconds. DO NOT put it in for any longer. Doing so may result in severe burns.
  • 30 1
 @scottay2hottay: your formula did not work... We must have different models of microwaves.
  • 9 0
 @codypup: Did that happen to be your mom? (if you don't know the story, google "reddit broken arms" and proceed at your own risk - you have been warned)
  • 3 1
 @codypup: Yes, brushing your teeth must be difficult. Hang on...how do you...Oh my god!!
  • 3 0
 @onemind123: A used one would have been self-adhesive...
  • 1 1
 @codypup: strange, you have 69 props.
  • 2 1
 @winko: Lets not bring weird reddit stories into this... Too many of em and not enough of them are safe for life
  • 5 2
 @scottay2hottay: Not buying that you couldn't put on socks but could cut a penis-sized hole in a watermelon. Your story would not hold up in court.
  • 1 0
 @winko: awesome read
  • 1 0
 @poah: no, it wasn't. lol
  • 1 1
 @scottay2hottay: So, you're standing in front of the open microwave door, with both hands useless...
  • 1 0
 @codypup: You still have a mouth lol...
  • 1 1
 No it really was. Some of the comments had me in stitches. @therealtylerdurden:
  • 1 1
 @poah: Oh definitely. I'm just saying the story itself was f*cking nasty!! lol
  • 3 0
 @therealtylerdurden: I'm lucky I had two perfectly good wrists while reading it Wink
  • 1 1
 @poah: one of the best Pinkbike comment chains ever. I'm crying.
  • 3 0

100% just misread 'one of his casts' as one of his cats... I can't stop laughing...
  • 1 0
 @winko: My wife.
  • 3 0
 @ferguswalker: tape the fleshlight to one of your cats when ya wanna play hard to get.
  • 1 0
 @poah: Yeah best of reddit stories are amazing. Problem is that there are so many they just suck you in like a drug so it is quite difficult to stop reading. Also many are nsfw (or nsfl) but yeah... Big Grin (if you want more,search for What are the most infamous stories on Reddit?). Oh btw. a guy made himself an instant reddit legend yesterday, with a combination of bitcoin and his left nut. What do two have in common you might ask, well let's just say to proceed with caution, this one is sick...
  • 1 0
 @winko: I've no interest in watching a guy eat a testicle for 10k.
  • 1 1
 @poah: I don't think he even made that much money... Just shows how crazy is the world in which we live... And then people say we are crazy for riding bikes... Big Grin
  • 10 0
 "Hey, bro. How should I set-up my rebound for hitting these jumps,"

"As fast as possible!"
  • 11 1
 That's what you get for wearing an enduro fanny pack ...
  • 9 1
 #2 is why I don't use clipless
#6 is why I wear a full face
  • 7 1
 #8 was tired and decided to take a nap. No pillow so he curled up nice and cozy in a hole and covered himself with his bike for warmth.
  • 3 0
 #3, Can someone please explain why that happens? Is there a word for this type of crash (there should be)? Every month there is a fail video with someone going OTB (in almost the same exact fashion) by hitting some jump wrong.
  • 8 0
 To much dead weight over rear wheel when he hit the lip. All that force has to go somewhere.
  • 13 1
 It's called a dead sailor.
  • 4 0
 It doesn't look like he set up for the jump at all, just held on and hoped for the best. May also have too much rebound on the shock, but it looks like it was his technique at fault.
  • 12 0
 A combination of being way too stiff on the take off, not pumping the transition properly, compressing the rear end and not compensating with a pull up on the bars; ending in a massive spitterrrrrr!

I do like how he was still holding on even beyond 6 o'clock!
  • 1 0
 It happened to me on a jump in Lenzerheide on the first run ever there, last year when I was I newbie at jumping, I even piss blood for a week, internal organs damaged but nothing serious despite the big crash... All because i was to stiff and did nothing on the takeoff/lip, just stood there and of course the bike over rotate like in the video... after that one, I had to put in my head that you must pull the bars, like, always!!
  • 2 0
 I guess it's kinda common when you step up to much bigger jumps,lots of people completely forget to move there body and bike in the arch motion and just #deadsailor it. It never ends well,you still gotta move while airborn,shooting off stuff all tensed up doesn't really work lol
  • 4 0
 @haroman666: He was definitely committed, I'll give him that!
  • 7 0
 @BruNreaL: "piss blood for a week, internal organs damaged but nothing serious". Please give that a read-over for logic. Smile
  • 5 0
 A pro DH rider once told me that it's from leaning back/away from the jump face and overloading the rear wheel, which prevents the front from getting on the right trajectory and then bucks you as the rear wheel comes off the jump face. Prevention is keeping weight centered on the BB and somewhat counterintuitively feeling like you're leaning forward into the takeoff. If you look at Ryan Leech's jump class he refers to the action of loading into the jump face a "stomp." He explains it really well. The move of loading into the jump face is what sets your trajectory. I still suck at it, mind you, but it at least makes sense now so I can correct it when I feel it coming on.
  • 1 0
 you can think of it like it's the bike pulling him, instead of him pulling the bike. it's called bike control, or something like that.
  • 1 0
 What i just discovered that helped me a lot from being nose heavy on landings is what i would call bunny hopping from the base of a jump. That is, compressing the bike at the base of a jump and then kind of bunny hoping so that you take the weight off the bike on the jumps ramp. Not sure if that makes sense but it works for me. So far...
  • 1 0
 @mackzn: @DrPete is is called preload. If you only load your rear shock, you'll pitch forward. Load up your front fork!
  • 1 0
 I feel like this can happen if you reach for the landing to early, he expected to go shorter and is focused on trying to get the bike down in that planned spot. If you're hitting a new jump keep the nose up and concentrate on staying stable and controlled, if you over shoot it's usually all good, especially on a small jump like #3
  • 5 0
 I thought the spectator in #8 was going to take off his helmet and ride the bike down to the pits.
  • 5 0
 fucking hell the last one
  • 5 0
 Time for a Shooting stars meme on number 7#
  • 4 0
 #6 looks like he Dead Sailored. Literally just freeze in mid air and can see it happening but can't do anything about it!
  • 4 0
 and its videos like this that stop me from doing stuff above my pay grade :-)
  • 4 1
 November FotM is not bad but the parting photo is the winner in my book. Just the right amount of cool + suspense + cringe without spoiling it all.
  • 2 1
 Is # 8 supposed to be Vernon, NJ USA. I know there's a US Open ant Mountain Creek Bike Park (Vernon, NJ). Just wondering if it's a coincidence or typo. Looks like the Mountain Creek.
  • 1 0
 I doubt it. The guy's from Whistler, and on the desktop version of the site, it even mentions what trail it was on.
  • 1 0
 @therealtylerdurden: Maybe. My desktop says "Verson, USA" and the title is "UIS Open". Mystery and intrigue.
  • 1 0
 @therealtylerdurden: ..."US Open". I hate typing.
  • 1 0
 @therealtylerdurden: Answered my own question. Found it in the video's comments. Mountain Creek Vernon, NJ.
  • 3 0
 #7 editing tho, can't get enough aha
  • 1 0
 why doesn't PB ever put the state/province in the location description? "City, Country" is not always enough information to know where a place is.
  • 2 0
 So many direct elbow hits, so few elbow pads. Why do so many people wear knee pas but no elbow pads???
  • 2 1
 That edit on # 7 though...riders buddies will taunt him for life with that. well done haaa
  • 2 0
 I love this thread. It's tough to watch, but I do love it.
  • 2 0
 Last video looks to hurt the most! Eek Done it before and it sucks!!!
  • 2 0
 Backflip to Superman head plant. That got to hurt.
  • 2 0
 You could tell Mr. Twobrokenwrists was in over his head on the first jump!
  • 3 0
 OOF #5
  • 1 0
 I just don't get it how little protection most of the riders in these kind of videos wear....
  • 1 0
 I know the #7 guy. He has kneepads and back+elbow+shoulder pads plus fullface helmet and gloves.
  • 1 0
 I love how #3 he's almost upside down before he does anything to prepare for the crash.
  • 1 0
 Seriously...from the time he comes into frame, until the bike is at 11 o'clock in the air, his body DOES NOT MOVE... That is local to my and we're trying to figure out exactly where he ate sh!t.
  • 2 0
 #7 shooting star meme anyone?
  • 1 0
 haha i'll get on it
  • 1 1
 Urgh....hrrrmmmm.....thhhhhaaaaat herewettttt liiiike a beeeeeeeetech.... But, gonna vote for #1. That was a lovely grunting cased landing.
  • 1 0
 EVERY SINGLE ONE deserves a prize...and a neck brace. This month's crop of fails was brutal!
  • 1 0
 #5 it is Kalnica not Puchov
  • 1 0
 Actually it's in Kunerad, small town nearby Zilina.

Edit: Ah sorry, you're right, my bet. Both #4 and #5 are from Slovakia.
  • 1 0
 Like the inscription on my HT frame says, always listen to your mother.
  • 1 0
 Number three had an unpleasant amount of raw stopping power
  • 1 0
 That's the first time i've seen someone riding uphill in Whistler
  • 1 0
 Post analysis so we don't end up in hospitals
  • 1 1
 How about a winner from August?
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