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Final Results from Red Bull Rampage 2022

Oct 21, 2022
by Ed Spratt  
William Robert stepping it way down before going up again.

The results are in from Red Bull Rampage 2022 with Brett Rheeder taking his second title. Watch the live feed here.


1st. Brett Rheeder: 90.66
2nd. Szymon Godziek: 86.33
3rd. Brandon Semenuk: 84
4th. Reed Boggs: 82.66
5th. Thomas Genon: 81
6th. Carson Storch: 77
7th. Kurt Sorge: 74
8th. Andreu Lacondeguy: 73
9th. Jaxson Riddle: 67
10th. Cam Zink: 66
11th. Ethan Nell: 65.33
12th. Tom Van Steenbergen: 63.66
13th. DJ Brandt: 62.33
14th. William Robert: 58
15th. Dylan Stark: 53
16th. Tyler McCaul: 37.66

McGazza Spirit Award:
Tom Van Steenbergen

Best Style:
Jaxson Riddle

Digger Award:
Brett Rheeder's team of Phil Mclean and Austin Davignon

Best Trick:
Brandon Semenuk for the acid drop start

Toughness Award:
Cam Zink

Live Updates:

Szymon Godziek's Line Preview

Practice Highlights

Weather Forecast:

10 am (MDT) - Sunny // 16°C // 0% precipitation // wind 9km/h // gusts 10km/h //
11 am (MDT) - Sunny // 18°C // 0% precipitation // wind 7km/h // gusts 10km/h //
12 pm (MDT) - Sunny // 20°C // 0% precipitation // wind 9km/h // gusts 15km/h //
1 pm (MDT) - Sunny // 22°C // 0% precipitation // wind 11km/h // gusts 20km/h //
2 pm (MDT) - Sunny // 24°C // 0% precipitation // wind 15km/h // gusts 30km/h //
3 pm (MDT) - Sunny // 26°C // 0% precipitation // wind 17km/h // gusts 35km/h //

Weather forecast as of Friday, October 21 9 am PDT. Live updates from AccuWeather.

First Runs:

9:30 am PDT Riders will be dropping in shortly. Check out 7 last-minute stories from Rampage here.

9:42 am PDT 16 riders will be dropping in today with William Robert up first. Brandon Semenuk will be the last to go for the first runs.

9:46 am PDT Rampage rookie William Robert was one of the first riders along with Szymon Godziek to put a full run together after deciding to build his line from top to bottom. William is sitting at the top of the course and is just waiting to kick things off today.

9:48 am PDT William Robert is dropping in on the riders right from the start gate with some fresh features in his run.

9:49 am PDT William Robert manages to get a full run down despite a heavy landing almost throwing him off.

9:50 am PDT The first score of the day sees William Robert secure a 58 from the judges.

9:51 am PDT Carson Storch is next up and will be looking for redemption after his crash last year.

9:55 am PDT Carson Storch has a great start to the day with some big tricks and a clean run. What will the judges think?

9:57 am PDT It's a 77 for Carson Storch after the second rider down today. Andreu Lacondeguy is next to drop.

10:00 am PDT Rider number three, Andreu Lacondeguy, is straight into the steep and loose terrain right out of the start gate.

10:01 am PDT A wild run for Andreu Lacondeguy as it looks like some cables may have stalled him right at the bottom of the hill.

10:04 am PDT Andreu Lacondeguy's score comes in just behind Carson Storch with a 73.

10:06 am PDT Dylan Stark is next and has had a tough week with a big case earlier in the week injuring his ankle. Dylan was back sending his line in the final practice sessions including hitting the canyon gap for the first time.

10:09 am PDT Dylan Stark is off and this run will hopefully be the first time we see the huge canyon gap today.

10:12 am PDT A loose run for Dylan Stark coming up short on the massive 75ft canyon gap but he manages to hold on to the bottom.

10:14 am PDT Dylan Stark sits in fourth so far with a 53.

10:15 am PDT The fifth rider to drop in is Tom Van Steenbergen who initially wasn't sure about returning to Rampage after his horrific crash last year.

10:23 am PDT It's so great to see Tom Van Steenbergen get a full run in.

10:27 am PDT Tom Van Steenbergen gets a 63.66 for his first run.

10:28 am PDT DJ Brandt has built his run around some classic features from past Rampages so we could be in for something great.

10:31 am PDT DJ Brandt throws in plenty of tricks and keeps things smooth for his first run.

10:34 am PDT A 62.33 for DJ Brandt puts him in fourth behind Tom Van Steenbergen.

10:35 am PDT Brett Rheeder is back at Rampage after three years and his first time competing on a Commencal.

10:39 am PDT The time away from Rampage hasn't affected Brett Rheeder as he stomps a massive run.

10:44 am PDT It's a huge score as the judges give Brett Rheeder a 90.66.

10:45 am PDT What can Szymon Godziek do to combat that run from Brett Rheeder, will we see him flip the canyon gap?

10:48 am PDT What a run from Szymon! This is surely going to get a big score from the judges.

10:51 am PDT Szymon Godziek takes second place after eight riders with an 86.33.

10:52 am PDT Jaxson Riddle will be dropping in next for a run that he has said will be packed with jumps.

10:56 am PDT Jaxson Riddle fills his run with unique tricks from top to bottom with the best finish we have seen so far.

10:58 am PDT The judges give Jaxson Riddle a 67.

11:01 am PDT Ethan Nell heads off into the riders left side of the mountain for some huge sends and a flawless run.

11:04 am PDT It's a 65.33 for Ethan Nell.

11:09 am PDT A great run for Thomas Genon receives 81 from the judges and sits in third so far.

11:11 am PDT There are only five riders left to drop in for the first time as Tyler McCaul gets ready for his run.

11:14 am PDT Tyler McCaul comes up short just before Gee Atherton's quarter pipe transfer and has to end his run early.

11:16 am PDT Tyler McCaul gets a 37.66.

11:22 am PDT Cam Zink had to adapt his run slightly but still manages some massive sends on his way down.

11:26 am PDT The judges score Cam Zink a 66.

11:31 am PDT Reed Boggs puts together some huge hits and tricks including a massive flip off a 64ft drop.

11:34 am PDT It's third place for Reed Boggs so far with an 82.66.

11:37 am PDT Kurt Sorge is next up with just Brandon Semenuk left for the first runs.

11:40 am PDT A solid run from Kurt Sorge with plenty of huge hits and a massive chute right at the start of his run.

11:42 am PDT A 74 from the judges for Kurt Sorge.

11:43 am PDT Last up for the first runs is Brandon Semenuk who will be doing a huge 15ft acid drop off the start gate. Apparently, two other riders were looking at this line before deciding against it.

11:48 am PDT A big run for Brandon Semenuk but will it be enough to beat Brett Rheeder's 90.66.

11:54 am PDT Brandon Semenuk takes an 84 after his first run.

The results after run one are:

1st. Brett Rheeder: 90.66
2nd. Szymon Godziek: 86.33
3rd. Brandon Semenuk: 84
4th. Reed Boggs: 82.66
5th. Thomas Genon: 81
6th. Carson Storch: 77
7th. Kurt Sorge: 74
8th. Andreu Lacondeguy: 73
9th. Jaxson Riddle: 67
10th. Cam Zink: 66
11th. Ethan Nell: 65.33
12th. Tom Van Steenbergen: 63.66
13th. DJ Brandt: 62.33
14th. William Robert: 58
15th. Dylan Stark: 53
16th. Tyler McCaul: 37.66

Who Do You Think Will Win After the First Runs?:

After the first runs who do you think will win?

This poll is closed

Did Any of the Riders Deserve a Higher First Run Score?

This poll is closed

Second Runs:

12:30 pm PDT We are waiting for riders to drop in for their second runs but the wind has definitely started to pick up.

12:46 pm PDT The start list for the second runs has been updated and only Tyler McCaul, William Robert, DJ Brandt, Tom Van Steenbergen, Jaxson Riddle, Andreu Lacondeguy and Thomas Genon will be looking to drop in.

12:59 pm PDT Jaxson Riddle is making his way down having called off his run. It looks like two other riders have also called off a second run as well.

13:01 pm PDT DJ Brandt and Tom Van Steenbergen are the two other riders not riding a second run.

13:03 pm PDT It appears that no more riders are at the top and Brett Rheeder could have won his second Red Bull Rampage.

13:05 pm PDT Brett Rheeder has won Red Bull Rampage 2022.

Author Info:
edspratt avatar

Member since Mar 16, 2017
3,262 articles

  • 405 5
 Best trick any of these guys do is keeping a straight face when the scores come up. This judging is quite something...
  • 21 2
 You just won the comments sektion
  • 132 1
 The judges seem to be conferring. That’s the issue. It should be secret ballot with top and bottom scores removed from the average. And have more judges than 5.
  • 2 1
 needs more upvotes
  • 24 0
 @JB151: So i am not the only one massively confused by the fact these judges actually debate their scoring before they release it. Like WTF?!
  • 1 0
 Yooooooo facts
  • 7 0
 @Loki87: I know it’s crazy, it is the best way to create subjective bias.
  • 10 3
 @Loki87: plus all the judges really seem to care is their pizza. bunch of old mtb hippies go home, no more free lunch for ya
  • 5 0
 I’ll give it a 76.33 on that comment
  • 8 1
 I just can’t watch it anymore. Judges need a glass stomach installed so they can see with their heads lodged up their asses. Commentators are terrible too. Seems like a dog and pony show now. Mucho props to the diggers and riders for sure though.
  • 3 0
 @JB151: definitely that. and maybe judge and release scores at the end of each session. keep the judges in the dark, or off-site (would be easier to have more of them then), and show them the runs in random order with no commentary.

this isn't figure skating.
  • 325 6
 It just started, and Lacondeguy got massively robbed already…
  • 53 1
 Yeah man that's mental!!! He did a perfect run! WTF
  • 64 5
 Total robbery, but they can't let an ex-Redbull athlete clean up their athletes now can they... Or maybe they missed the thing with the wires? Sometimes they don't get the same feed.
  • 16 121
flag KK11 (Oct 21, 2022 at 10:29) (Below Threshold)
 Celsius and kilometers….ugh
  • 59 31
 Surely all of the judges couldn’t have been sucking off semenuk during Lacondeguy’s run .
  • 9 5
 @spannermonkey73: I think they were 'breaking-in' the new judge
  • 73 12
 @KK11: USA, Liberia and Myanmar are the only holdouts for the metric system. Great company you've got there.
  • 24 2
Kyle J

Tell us what you're looking for!!! what is it? What do you want!??
  • 21 2
 @jabblede: tailwhips and bar spins
  • 12 1
 @feardabeast: ah right, I forgot this is rampage. my mistake
  • 34 1
 Hard at work on their pizzas and casually throwing random numbers around. seriously - wtf?!
  • 14 1
 You could just see it in his face!! Too many times for this dude...
  • 16 0
 I mean the only thing that could explain his low score is if for some stupid reason they docked him 15-20 points for the end of his run. Hopefully he can get some confirmation of whether this was the case from the judging to decide whether he tries a second run.
  • 32 9
 @spannermonkey73: Semenuck got robbed as well
  • 2 94
flag 96bikerboss3 (Oct 21, 2022 at 12:23) (Below Threshold)
 @kennyken1015: hes good. But he didn't deserve to win. Hes cheating with a single crown. This is a pure freeride event
  • 40 0
 @96bikerboss3: You know that single crowns are pure freeride? The guys that invented the sport were on single crowns
  • 4 0
 @kennyken1015: to be fair it was a decent run , maybe the judges were still wiping their faces
  • 5 0
 @KK11: logical units, 10/100/1000, let's use imperial instead, which make soooo much sense, a triple facepalm, loool
  • 20 0
 It just finished, Lacondeguy got massively robbed officially now
  • 4 1
 @KK11: it's all goobley-goop to me playa.
  • 7 0
 @gooral: Pass the 48/16ths ratcheting facepalm
  • 14 1
 Why does rampage hate him so much?! Such high energy runs with so much speed and exposure and always pfft... In other news, Rheeder wins the Virgin slopestyle comp.
  • 27 1
 This Rampage edition was underwhelming. Runs seemed shorter at this site, too. Maybe it should be a 2 day event with a morning (wind-free) session each day.
  • 32 0
 The guy didn't miss any trick and rode seemingly the most difficult freeride line out there. How you can send him home with 73 points? Was it because he ran into the trash left on the course?
  • 4 0
 @V7V: totally agree with that!
  • 17 2
 At least give him the best line award.

He turned 90 degrees intro some loose freeride stuff, half of the others would not even dare to put a wheel on. Transitioned through how many lines to get to his own stuff. Tricks we can debate on, but maybe because he's on the moto-side of things max you can score is sub 75?

Still half pissed about how Andreu and how many others absolutely got scores that were not even worth dropping in for or even building these lines. I'll be quiet about the rest otherwise it turns into Rant Bull Rampage here.
  • 12 3
 The judging/scoring system needs to change. I say bring in public voting, or half judges half public
  • 10 1
 @sionr644: How about telling the judges exactly what you're planning in advance and getting a difficulty rating, like in diving. Then you've got time to discuss and compare runs, and the public knows that Lacondeguy is going to smash it if he doesn't bail. The riders and judges can keep the detail secret so the public get the surprises.

After that the judges just have to score how well you rode the line.

Much more robust system and easier to judge too.
  • 4 0
 @HankHank: what i was thinking was for the judges to keep judging it as they do now, then at the very end after everyone’s runs have a 30 minute window where the public can vote then add the votes together, kinda like Eurovision
  • 1 1
  • 1 0
 Agreed. According to Bearclaw's IG account Andreu scored low because he didn't do any drops over 20'. IDK...I'm sure judging is hard but he should have scored higher.
  • 1 0
 Literal #sandbaggersgotrobbed!
  • 16 0
 I don’t know man.. I was kind of underwhelmed by the whole show this year. Not at all because of the riding, tons of respect for the guys. I just think the broadcast does not do it any justice. Plus the judging is so intransparent.. if they have a cam on the judges anyway, why not have the head of judges give a short statement on why they decided the way they did. Just a few sentences on line choice, tricks, etc
  • 5 0
 He s got the robbed award from the people which lasts ages... He could be proud..
  • 8 1
 1. Godziek 2. Semenuk 3. Rheeder 4. Lacondguy 5. Boggs
  • 3 0
 The most freeride thing you could do in the NWD days was swap your 888 for a 66 @96bikerboss3:
  • 1 8
flag presta07 (Oct 22, 2022 at 21:50) (Below Threshold)
 @hypa: rampage takes place in America. If an American was mentioning all the ass backwards countries Canada shares the metric system with, on a thread about the BC cup, would you have the same opinion? Whatever happened with those kids under the Catholic Church in Saskatchewan by the way? Those kids ever get grave markers?
  • 3 2
 @presta07: hahahahhaa! Get f*cked, buddy.
  • 2 3
 @hypa: you’re laughing at the deaths of indigenous people? I can’t believe pinkbike would allow this.
  • 4 2
 @presta07: The only thing correct in your statement is that catholic church is evil and corrupt, but that goes for all religions and you as a citizen of USA (not America, it is a continent) are not in a position to comment. You all white people live on stolen land and the place of genocide of most Native American People. Because white people lived there for a few generations, it does not make it yours, we remember.
  • 2 5
 @gooral: You live in one of the whitest countries in the world. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and move somewhere that didn’t actively participate in the Atlantic slave trade? Also, I am not white, but nice try. You scots really have a way of sticking your nose into other peoples conversations and shitting the place up. What do you think your entire economy is built on?

  • 3 0
 @presta07: he's laughing at you false equivalency. You're the one who tried to draw a comparison between a disagreement over the metric system and the historical mistreatment of Canada's indigenous population, which was an incredibly shitty and immature thing to do.
  • 2 3
 @oldmanbucksaw: nice try!! See kk11’s comment “USA, Liberia and Myanmar are the only holdouts for the metric system. Great company you've got there.” Don’t comment if you are unwilling to read the context for the thing you are replying to. Bunch of nosy leafs in this comment section.
  • 232 2
 Judges honoring Godziek's McGazza tribute with their own tribute of their robbery of McGazza in 2013.
  • 13 4
 Underrated Comment.
  • 9 37
flag scott-townes FL (Oct 21, 2022 at 14:31) (Below Threshold)
 PB members honoring past Rampage events by giving their uninformed opinion on the judging criteria. If runs were based on a single trick, yeah I agree.
  • 156 5
 Godziek got robbed
  • 31 2
 how did that not get 90+? so smooth
  • 29 12
 Aside from the canyon gap and the run into it, Godziek's line is all ridgeline and basic as far as Rampage goes. Rheeder's line was friggen nuts and he had insane tricks on massive and consequential features. Its almost like people ignore all the other judging criteria. Yeah Godziek's line was absurd and insane but at the end of the day, its a judged event with specific criteria.
  • 8 0
 He got second place, that's pretty good. Yeah I prefer his run over Rheeder's too but I'm no judge. I like wild runs a la Lacondeguy (which seems to be popular over here) yet I like the super precise style of Kurt Sorge too (who surprisingly doesn't get that much love over here). Both scored relatively poorly so I'd say if you get over 70 points you're pretty amazing in my book. And McCaul of course, bummer he didn't get to show what he's got.

But yeah, the varying wind conditions make it hard to compare and especially what gets 90+ points. I've seen no-wind events where lots of them were doing double flips, front flips and all that. This year the conditions were tough which make it harder to look pretty on the telly.
  • 19 2
 I had it: Godziek, Semenuck, Rheeder
Lacondeguy was definitely underscored.
So was Stark. Sure he cased the canyon a bit, but he had a complete run and you give it a 50???
  • 6 3
 @snomaster: I was so amped to see Dylan but his run was pretty crap. It felt like it took him 5 more minutes to get to the bottom than everyone else. Still stoked he made it down and think he’s a welcome change in the world of MTB.
  • 2 0
 @NR8productions: my take away is that experience at these events matters more than advertised.
And we need 2nd runs. The wind was forecasted. There’s way too much hype on the live feed. Save the filler content until there is a reason to use it, like a course hold.
  • 2 0
 @NR8productions: to be fair, first time showings at rampage are always tough no matter the rider. I would expect to see quite a bit more next time if he gets the chance.
  • 4 0
 @snomaster: he flipped off the judges at proving grounds and they were looking for flaws in his run. I’m sure red bull was stressed that he might do something similar on their big ESPN show.
  • 119 2
 Storch does 2 360s and gets a 77. Lacondeguy takes an absolutely insane line that’s difficult to get to. Flat spin, flat spin 360, back flips the step down, huge superman and gets a 73. 2 riders in and already we have a broken competition.
  • 4 0
 Yep, Arson Torch got the Western States Homeboy Bonus on points for sure.
  • 1 0
 And then Boggs only did a huge backflip...
  • 1 0
 The point is who decided he would start so soon... I think they know this only can perjudicate the rider...
  • 110 1
 Godziek was fucking amazing with the 360 on the setup before the canyon flip!
  • 27 0
 When he did the 360 I was like no way the flip is happening. That's nuts! Reminds me of one of Lacendguy's smasher runs from years ago...
  • 24 1
 Godziek got robbed!
  • 3 0
 @Konyp: Definitely
  • 5 0
 to compose one's self after that terrifying 360 shows he got robbed just like Gazza did.
  • 8 1
 I think Godziek is 100% satisfied with 2nd place, it was a great run, he got better than Semenuk.
  • 6 3
 @madmon: He had the same problem as Kelly though, top half wasn't the best. Not much he could do was a trade off to make it to the canyon gap. Thought this was one of the weaker events of the last 5 rampages line wise.
  • 3 1
 @calebscott: watch it again. Godziek had the MOST aggressive style on the top ridge compared to any other rider, complete with a long manual after sending debris every which way. He had to go out that far to get to the canyon gap zone. The ONLY thing I would say is that he could have had a more unique trick than the backflip suicide on his “trick jump”. His bag is deeper than that!
  • 4 0
 @snomaster: I think he said that he wanted to do something special there but once he went for 360 before canyon gap he opted for a safer trick at the end to avoid potential risk on a "safest" jump
  • 98 1
 Saying it first! Andreu got robbed!!!! WTH??
  • 93 2
 How the do the judges suck this bad?Andreu a 73? f*ck off
  • 29 1
 And somehow dj gets less than TVS. Great judging as always!
  • 8 0
 @feardabeast: I mean djs line is weak but he was still stronger than TVS.
  • 5 0
 @sidekicksjn: his line was definitely weaker, but he actually did tricks.
  • 10 3
 Absolutely but rampage has and always should be about amplitude and technicality not tricks.
  • 4 3
 @sidekicksjn: but the guy leading did loads of technical tricks…
  • 2 0
 but with a better line. i'm not saying tricks shouldn't count.
  • 3 1
 @sidekicksjn: In fairness, Riddle’s score reflects what you said. I thought they were going to score that higher.
  • 1 0
 @JB151: Yeah will be interesting to see how this works out. They're definitely being cautious with the scores.
  • 86 1
 The judges are nearly as clueless as the prime minister of the UK. Truss for Rampage
  • 19 0
 Hasn't Truss just been on a Rampage to destroy Britain?
  • 21 0
 @portablepiper: and monumentally succeeded, she took the hardline
  • 6 0
 you mean Truss off a cliff?
  • 6 0
 Did she get robbed, though?
  • 3 0
 @maybenotaprofile: other way round, maybe.
  • 2 0
 Do you reckon her appearing would lead to higher interest in the event?
  • 1 0
 @hubertje-ryu: The Rob got trussed?
  • 1 0
 And now the great colonial empire has a Hindu-Indian PM. Milestonerish
  • 78 0
 Judges should hold off on releasing scores until after everyone has done their first run. That way they can kinda adjust them to fit after they see everyone. Then second run can be scored normally. Still wouldn't be perfect but I think it would help a lot to avoid the early riders getting robbed.
  • 74 0
 DYLAN STARK! Did he just grind at Rampage?!
  • 31 0
 No idea how the commentators missed that.
  • 19 0
 IDK. Cameras for sure missing a lot. haha.
  • 27 0
 @paulpimml: Dude, we're talking about the same people who pronounce chasm as "Ch-asm".

Seems the judges missed it too though with how Dylan is currently last...
  • 16 0
 lol Cam called its a "trials hop," not sure what view he has but that was a very clear rail
  • 5 0
 @jabblede: I clocked that I was like dude its a crank slide what is he watching?
  • 6 4
 it was a painful moment to watch. I guess he got minus points doing it and everyone just wanted to forget it never happened.
  • 6 0
 @jabblede: extra brutal because we all know Cam knows what a crank slide is, understands BMX... More so than Sal. It seems like they were on a diff monitor/angle than us even though that's not how I think they run it. So weird. Whole ass rail drop into a quarter pipe at rampage and suddenly people don't know how to use words. Meh
  • 3 0
 @jabblede: I didn't even see the rail on the angle from the rebull feed, just rewatched it and that's nuts!
  • 3 0
 I wonder if the rail was against some rules or something and they had to hide it to discourage it in the future.
  • 1 0
 @adrennan: The only thing they know for sure, is they weren't going to find out by asking and then get on people's radar. Years of BMX street riding bound to give you authority/trust issues.

Though it did suck that nobody knew it and apparently people didn't see it very well with Cam calling it a 'trials hop' on the broadcast. Maybe my oversized computer monitor at home is a bit advantageous but it was a clear as day crank slide on a rail to drop. Just bummed he didn't get to flair the quarter at the end.
  • 3 0
 The crank grind is ALL OVER social media from every imaginable angle and the crowds watching that zone were roaring their approval but I guess it was a 'Trials Hop' - my bad
  • 72 0
 You want two runs? Make it a two day event. Run it in the am both days. same shit every year.
  • 6 0
  • 4 0
 . Every friggen year.
  • 4 0
 At least it was nice that no one got hurt in their first runs and everyone but Tyler McCaul finished
  • 12 0
 Or just leave out (or cut short) the 2 hours of documentaries between each rider. This event could be so much better with better planning. 2 day event could be a solution too and they would even make more from it I spose.

To make this event more enjoyable in the future they‘d need to
- remove/shorten all the blaaa between riders to enable 2nd runs
- know riders‘ lines AND know how to film them (half just disappeared)
- have a mix of judging and viewers rating after all riders went down
  • 1 1
 I would be OK with it being a video contest to a point...
  • 68 0
 I feel sad for Lacondeguy seriously, his face said it all when he saw his result.
  • 69 1
 Lacondeguy was robbed already
  • 8 0
 Beat me to it, absolutely robbed!
  • 68 2
 Hide yo wife, hide yo kids, they robbing everyone up in hurrr!!! Andreu, Godziek both robbed!!!
  • 4 1
 Yeah.... I really felt like they were keeping scores down in anticipation of the guys at the end and then run 2.

I really feel like a couple of those dudes got heavily robbed. When presented with a second run you kind of go... well I don't know how much I can stuff in there... is it gonna get me a 91? If not then why?

I'm gutted for T-Mac and gutted for the fans. I really wanted to see him take a shot at that hip. I kind of hope he goes up there and films it after the event.

Just really bummed for those dudes that got hosed. Bummed that Zink couldn't link the run he wanted but stoked he got down in one piece. Really hoping Kyle is o.k. And stoked for Rheeder. Welcome back.
  • 61 0
 At some point McCall is going to realize that there is in fact a way.
  • 5 0
  • 4 0
 I just rewatched the event and couldn’t stop laughing at this comment. @mikelevy comment of the year please
  • 3 0
 Very underrated comment….
  • 3 0
 No way!!!
  • 57 1
 Is it just me or was that the most disappointing Rampage for a while?

1. Bad judging. Brandt and especially Lacondeguy deserved much higher scores.
2. Camera work was poor this year, I know it's the first time back to this venue for years but still poor.
3. Obviously nobody's fault but the wind in the 2nd half was a real flat ending.
4. Crowd in the paddock were shite. Just seemed really awkward every time a rider came through apart from Boggs.
List goes on!
  • 11 0
 Kind of a anticlimax all the way. Imagine paying for this.
  • 9 0
 If I have to pay to watch it next year, I won't.
  • 2 0
 Couldn't agree more about #1 and #2. The insanity of the 360 into canyon flip had me all fired up so I can't call it disappointing though...
  • 5 0
 At least there weren’t hoards of kids trying to get their hats signed.
  • 1 6
flag scott-townes FL (Oct 22, 2022 at 5:16) (Below Threshold)
 Its funny how all the disappointed viewers focus on everything but the riding. Ya'll are watching for the wrong reasons it seems.
  • 7 0
 @scott-townes: well if we were even able to see the riders that would be a good start. Half of the lines got missed bc of the bad camera work. First they show their exact line in an animation and then they lose half of them behind a ridge.

A second run would have helped to also show more riding, but it seems like they rather waste time on rider profiles instead of ensuring a quick run of the event before the wind picks up (every year!)

Plus most of the comments here are about the riding and how some deserved better scores. So #1-3 are very valid reasons of why this event was not as enjoyable.
  • 1 10
flag scott-townes FL (Oct 22, 2022 at 6:37) (Below Threshold)
 @molokel: There are always a couple missed shots on every Rampage broadcast but you're heavily exaggerating. Thanks for proving my point. All the people who are upset are upset for the wrong reasons.
  • 6 0
 @scott-townes: lol, what else should i be upset about then? The riding? yeah you‘re right they‘re all crap. Not worth to watch at all. Your point is you have no point. Please enlighten us o mighty what reasons we are allowed to be upset about.
  • 1 9
flag scott-townes FL (Oct 22, 2022 at 8:40) (Below Threshold)
 @molokel: You guys are searching for stuff to be upset about? That's pretty sad.
  • 3 0
 @scott-townes: tell us what reasons YOU think that we’re watching it for then?
  • 4 0
 @scott-townes: yep, pretty sad that the negatives outweigh the positives
  • 6 0
 @scott-townes: if a ton of people are complaining about an event that is made for people to watch and enjoy, it’s worth listening. Obviously feedback needs to be taken with a grain of salt but if there is smoke there is fire. The issues with the execution of this event in terms of viewer enjoyment are so obvious.
  • 1 3
 @BrianColes: Yeah because Rampage only exists for the fans who care more about production value than the riding itself..... LOL The only smoke here is the ones you dummies are blowing out your bungholes.
  • 47 0
 Lacondeguy was totally robbed. The judging is bullshit
  • 48 2
 This contest is great if you ignore the part where they give out scores
  • 73 29
 Hardline > Rampage Fact.
  • 22 0
 I didn't buy a Kia whilst watching Hardline either!
  • 2 0
 @Tuna-Flapjack: I got one for you, I'll give it to you next time we hang out.
  • 10 0
 @Tuna-Flapjack: You sure as hell were encouraged to buy Conti tires, though Wink
  • 2 1
 @jeffrocx: i told u last time i dont like it.
  • 4 5
 Also everyone saying they want headset routed cables to bar spin now, makes me sick!
  • 3 0
 @Tuna-Flapjack: yes but did you by BF Goodrich Tires?
  • 2 1
 @The-Foiling-Optimist: no but i learned enough to get into drama school after watching the base camp footage
  • 2 0
 @BagelMan: you can’t deny the grip on those things
  • 3 0
 @The-Foiling-Optimist: I'm confused now, I bought Continental tyres cos Rachel told me...
  • 3 0
 @korev: It is indeed confusing. I bought Continental because Bernard Kerr.
  • 2 1
 Not a chance. Give your head a shake bud.
  • 5 4
 @ridetorqued: imagine if at Hardline everyones mum was waiting at the bottom...
  • 4 3
 @Tuna-Flapjack: this isn’t the burn you think it is. You think it’s weak to have people support your passion? By that logic all DH racers are unloved sad sacks. Explains the clip in pedals I guess.
  • 3 1
 @Tuna-Flapjack: typical American drama.
  • 6 1
 @Tuna-Flapjack: I watched both and didn't see every racer at hardline speechless for being so scared after their run. I've also never been to Utah but I can only imagine how big, steep, and scary those features are. Did you listen to Zincs interview where he literally thought for a second that his best friend was dead.

No slight to hardline though, but those jumps are perfect and you just need speed to clear them, as per Jackson Goldstone.
  • 2 4
 @jaywindh: my mate nearly once died at the skatepark too!
  • 3 0
 Hardline had some real sketchy camerawork this year too. They were flipping to cameras that had already been passed.
  • 43 1
 Lacondeguy was robbed
  • 3 0
 He sure was !
  • 39 0
 Rogatkin should be the 2nd main announcer. Another dude that actually rides.
  • 8 0
 Sal sounded like he was hung over and didn’t give a shit. Calling helmets “hats” and such. I stopped counting the mistakes after the first 15 minutes
  • 1 0
 @drunknride: yeah, glad that I am German and was able to switch language
  • 10 0
 How is Redbull not putting Rob Warner in there??????
  • 2 0
 @txcx166: He commentated one of the Crankworx slopestyle events with Matt Jones and it took most of the session for Rob to stop screaming "Oh my god did you see that" Big Grin
  • 36 1
 So good of them to use brand new production teams for the broadcasting. I love watching the helicopter camera stare off into space while the run is being finished and then a quick switch to a static camera at the bottom catching nothing but the riders coming in. lol, good god lol
  • 39 1
 Seriously! Just drop the judging, it f’cks up an amazing event. Let the riders decide
  • 38 0
  • 38 3
 Im sorry,ive watched enough,first lacondeguy,now Godzieks robbed. This event is wank.
  • 30 0
 Judging terrible as usual.

Round of applause for the commentary this year though - woeful. Cam will alway be awesome but the other bloke is terrible, just flat out awkward.

Special mention to the camera/director chaps though - it’s some talent to miss most of the action when you already know what line they’ll be taking.
  • 2 0
 Increases suspension when you make viewers think „did he get out alive?“ (Directors were Michael Bay and J.J. Abrams I guess)
  • 26 0
 Well, that didn't take long for me to start thinking I know better than the judges...lol Someone explain how Lacondeguy's run doesn't top Storch's nice run?!?
  • 7 15
flag rabcity (Oct 21, 2022 at 10:24) (Below Threshold)
 I’d say Carson’s perfectly executed massive 360 had something to do with it. Also Andreu crashed haha
  • 3 0
 @rabcity: heh, could you imagine if it was the crash. That'd be wild wild
  • 2 3
 @burnbern: I’d hope not. But ya I think andreu could improve his fluidity a bit. Possibly bump him above Carson
  • 30 2
 Shame Riddle is never gonna be scored high. His style is insane.
  • 17 24
flag rookie100 (Oct 21, 2022 at 13:19) (Below Threshold)
 most over rated rider
  • 5 6
 @rookie100: no TVS win that price this year Wink
  • 2 1
 I disagree. It’s good that people are recognizing that a scored free ride event like this is a stupid premise and are using the event to try to show new things in the mountain bike world. Huge chutes at the top of the mountain alone also aren’t the best use of the elevation when people can jam more drops in with more tricks. You saw that play out with semenuk’s line (and he seemed a little pissed that his diggers chose that line in his absence). But still, people are going for big insane run outs off of drops, even when they don’t score highest. If everyone were unilaterally focused on scoring high, the event would be now, and would always have been, more boring to watch.
  • 29 2
  • 26 0
 Pre pizza and post pizza judging is completely different
  • 3 0
 Post pizza is always better
  • 2 0
 @Clod86: what would you know about pizza! Wink
  • 4 0
 Someone was hangry
  • 25 0
 Apparently the trick of being TVS is worth 10 points.
  • 36 10
 Semenuk got so robbed
  • 18 2
 That entry was insane. I thought that gnarly riding was one of things that counted. Canyon bar spin! Rest of the run was amazing with lots of tricks. Brett had an amazing run but not as terrifying as that. I'm very confused by the judging.
  • 8 0
 Ignoring the scores... I felt like he landed where he should have. Brett and Symons runs where better. That drop in was insane though. Semenuk is an amazing dude.
  • 24 0
 I cant find these riders on Strava ?? Anybody got their profiles ?
  • 26 4
 Lacondeguy’s score is absolutely disgraceful.
Looks like Semenuk had won already.
  • 23 0
 Holy fuck Rheeder
  • 6 26
flag jabblede (Oct 21, 2022 at 10:49) (Below Threshold)
 Good tricks, shame he rode down the rampage part all the way to the slopestyle course
  • 21 0
 AHHHH How can DJ's run not beat Tom's?!?!
  • 23 1
 Godziek got robbed!
  • 20 0
 Lacondeguy's top is mental
  • 25 9
 Jesus what the hell is going on with the judges? Are these guys all smoking crack? How is Godzieck in second!?!?

If I was these guys, I'd just do a barspin down the most conservative line, and boom, paycheck. These guys should just walk away, this events a joke. I gotta turn it off, I'm going to have a coronary.
  • 5 7
 Yep Godziek defenetlty had the best original rampage run! So slopestyle run wins, this isn't big mountain freeride event anymore! Useless event redbull, bring us a proper big mountain contest we already have crankworx slomestyle you know!
  • 23 11
 You guys are f*cking idiots. If you haven’t see the event in person, you have no idea how gnarly the lines are. Rheeder’s line is insane in person, very high consequence and high speed, well deserved first. Their crew also built every feature except the first drop solo, meaning they didn’t have any help to build most of the line. Canyon gap was pre built, and Dylan shared a lot of the same line. The event is the opposite of a joke, these guys risk their lives, put blood sweat and tears into it and then there is people like you guys who shit all over it and don’t appreciate it at all. Re think the content and amusement you get to watch and enjoy for free, the builders and event organizers slave away and barely get payed any. Stop being such dicks and think that because you don’t agree with judging the event is a joke. Be grateful that there is an event in mountain biking that the whole world knows about, and gets kids stoked to go pick up a bike and head outside
  • 12 11
 @coveman1999: Maybe put the red bull down and get their unit out of your mouth. Nobody said the location is a joke spazz, just the judging. And the event. And the camera work. And the absolute selling out.
  • 6 6
 @coveman1999: I don't know what comment section you read, but nobody shat all over it you twat. If you can't understand what people are saying then maybe your the idiot
  • 4 4
 @Bryan87: And yet none of you can come up with informed counter arguments. Just stupid insults. Think you proved his point haha.
  • 3 1
 @coveman1999: , easy with energy drinks. Just saying Godziek had won with a bike he could tailwhip, it's in his bag, he was able to trick just before and after the canyon gap, nobody else could control this rush as he did! Everytime a guy jump a big feature the coming jump is straight sent, Andreu apart. You're so aggressive pfff Cliché of yourself!
  • 2 0
 @Stickman1029: nailed it!
  • 4 1
 @Davebob: It's a discussion on the event , people just sharing their views and opinions. Then that lad comes on and calls everyone idiots and insults them because he can't understand that people are just using the comment section is it's intended, and politely until that point. Using it to share views and opinions on the event. To voice concern on the judges and coverage. I thought it was just him really, but he clearly has a fanboy in you.
  • 3 1
 @coveman1999: you’re a legend, they think they know better… just a bunch a whiners !
  • 3 1
 @coveman1999: I'm with you man. Everyone could go a little easier on the judges - clearly it's not easy since we have this same discussion every year. Yeah, they were definitely harsh on several riders, but I also think they got the top 3 spot on.
  • 2 0
 @Bryan87: well everyone has been calling the judges worse, so I'm not sure why you're so outraged to hear it coming back.
  • 25 5
 Godziek does the biggest move ever done at Rampage and gets robbed
  • 19 0
 Great to see the coverage of this venue has taken several steps backwards since 2013.
  • 34 13
 Semenuk got robbed!
  • 9 10
 Absolutely, feels like they punish him for riding single crown and being able to pull tricks the others can't.
  • 9 4
 looked haggard for a Brandon run to me we know he has more in the tank. I think the judging is right on point and lower than previous years
  • 9 0
 @RoyalFlush: Did you watch? Did you not notice 2 other dudes where running single crowns and one of them won the event? Comment really made no sense.
  • 1 1
 @onemanarmy: irony, anyone?
  • 20 0
 Rogatkin: Look at me. I'm the announcer, now.
  • 2 0
 Time for epic celly
  • 5 1
 I was looking at him. Well, at that terrible haircut mainly.
  • 19 0
 Lacondeguy was robbed wtf was that score
  • 17 2
 Amazing riding but man these judges are killing me. Szymon and Semenuk probably scored somewhat decently, Rheeder overscored, Lacondeguy, Jaxson, and DJ robbed, just such a mess. I wonder if rider judging is a better way to go
  • 6 2
 My armchair judging would put it at:
  • 16 0
 They knew the wind was going to pick up later and they still spent so much time in first runs doing those rider intros and line overviews. What a waste of a comp. Second runs looking super unlikely.
  • 14 1
 The camera work is pretty terrible, you get pretty much no sense of the exposure or the size of the features or any kind of depth. Best footage so far was the 3d model of the hill that they do a virtual fly-through to show you the line a rider will take. That gave you a much better impression of what the hell these guys are actually riding.
  • 4 0
 Agree, terrible coverage and so many riders not taking second run. Disappointing rampage
  • 4 0
 Yeah footage was terrible this year, was expecting something better
  • 16 0
 What is wrong with these judges. Andrew KILLED it. Were they annoyed of a stop after the course was legitimately done?
  • 17 1
 Goodness. And DJ!?!?! Are they playing yatzi to pick the scores. This is the worst judging in rampage history.
  • 17 1
 Godziek got robbed!! Not even a 90??!! wtf..
  • 15 2
 A week of hyping Rampage and noise reduced to an afternoon of boredom as half the field drops out going into the second runs. WOW. Might be the worst RAMPAGE ever........ESPN I want my money back.
  • 2 0
 Pretty much has just turned into a redballs hype fest these days
  • 15 0
 Referees stop eating fck pizza and start refereeing.
  • 16 0
  • 15 0
 Is Cam serious with his pronunciation, or is it sarchasm?
  • 5 0
 it's pronounced Sar-Chaz-em now
  • 14 0
 A deserved 90+ for Bret ,but if that's a 90, Andreau should be in the high 80's
  • 14 0
 I don't know what is more entertaining...the actual event or reading the comments about who got robbed?
  • 15 0
 Man that original Zink/Strait line would've been incredible
  • 15 0
 Brandon! That was so insane.
  • 15 0
 These judges have ruined this competition.
  • 14 0
 After reading 200 comments,the information that sticks is:
  • 12 11
 except for brett.... that was by far the best run....
  • 14 0
 WHY is there 2 weather days built in, and then they don't get used? MASSIVE letdown.
  • 3 0
 It’s as if they still haven’t figured out the desert gets windy in the afternoon… frickin A start earlier in the morning
  • 1 0
 Doesn't help when the weather day is windier than the scheduled contest day
  • 16 1
 Time for new judges.
  • 1 5
flag likeittacky (Oct 22, 2022 at 10:43) (Below Threshold)
 with less groomed runs more loose raw dirt
  • 14 0
 How tf godziek isn’t in first boggles the mind
  • 14 0
 Judges were too busy judging the pizza.
  • 14 0
 Andre.....The score was like really really low
  • 18 4
 Hardline… more excitement, better camera coverage, Warner, no judges
  • 7 3
 Hardline is the dopest MTB contest/event right now by a pretty good margin IMO.
  • 2 1
 @sspiff: They should rename Rampage- "Redline" and make it a race to the bottom with one insane line that all the riders collectively build. The fastest with style and tricks are then decided by time and judging combined; this would render a more fair and exciting event IMO and the only way Frwd now after the most ridiculous Rampage ever!
  • 14 0
 What a bad rampage. Robbed riders and no second runs, lame
  • 14 0
 Worst rampage I have seen especially because of the trash judges
  • 11 1
 Wait so all the build-up and they just did one run and then everyone peaced out on their second run?? Plus shitty judging, lame commentary, bad camera work and a paywall for US viewers?? Sounds like RB whiffed hard on this one...
  • 9 0
 Yeah i'm still bummed that they can make a fancy animated arrow go down the hill but seem not to line up their camerapeople accordingly
  • 6 0
 And no celebration/podium decoration, they just said whon won, or got other rewards and boom end of broadcast... What a B$
  • 2 0
 @johnyyy: seriously??? so weak!!
  • 16 1
 Rampage is dead
  • 13 0
 Why oh why isn't Tippie the color commentary man with Cam describing the runs...
  • 14 5
 So frustrating that this event has gone to shit. First $150 GA tickets that sell out in 2 seconds, and now I have to buy a sportsball subscription to watch it?

Even with a login, I'm struggling to get the ESPN app to work. and I hear there's commercial breaks this year?!?!

I'd be cool if all this was in response to RB paying for athlete insurance, or compensating athletes at all, but with no change in athlete compensation, I'm struggling to be a fan this year.

H5 Events, RedBull, and Disney/ESPN really dropped the ball this year.
  • 5 0
 Find a free VPN to connect internationally, then go to red bull TV.
  • 1 0
 @iduckett: I second this, it's very easy and free.
  • 3 0
 @iduckett: Yep I'm in Germany....lol
  • 2 0
 @MOLDTRUTH: I'm in Spain, always wanted to go to Spain
  • 1 0
 Hockey is on there, not all sportsball
  • 12 0
 did i just hear tom van steenvirgin from the announcer or am i hearing shit??
  • 12 0
 Where are all the drones? I can't think of a more ideal event to have a drone following riders down
  • 7 0
 yup. filming was very 2005. i. e. shite.
  • 2 0
 It's for your 5 min recap on YT redbull channel!
  • 2 0
 One little steering mistake or mechanical failure...
  • 1 0
 I imagine the technology for good quality to live stream/broadcast it isn't there yet. Perhaps it would be cool to not have an actual live broadcast, maybe delay it even a few hours and actually incorporate the drones and some POV for replays, too. Delayed broadcast could also tighten it up a bit instead of spreading the first runs over multiple hours.
  • 1 0
 @IntoTheEverflow: they use them in DHWCup, so...
  • 12 0
 So we've reached the point where doing a straight run-in to your 75-foot backflipped canyon gap isn't enough. Got it
  • 36 0
 apparently doing a 360 into your 75-foot backflip canyon gap isn't enough either.
  • 11 0
 Firat Andreu and now Zink only a 66?????? I’m giving up trying to understand this scores…just enjoy the show and don’t look at the scores
  • 19 5
 Rampage is cringe
  • 9 0
 Dunno 'bout that..... A gaping 'ch'asm of charisma free anti climax, possibly?
  • 8 0
 Something just not the same about it anymore.
  • 2 0
 @r-macattack: been that way a couple yrs now for me
  • 9 0
 I still love rampage and beleive that it is still really important to the sports progression but not like this. I understand there is nothing that can be done about the wind but just stopping the event doesn't seem the appropriate response to all their hard work. Left me asking myself would have been the impact if they rode the next day?

Redbull, if you're going to hype it up please live up to the hype. The camera work felt sloppy this year with riders being lost on their run. The presenting was awkward with no chemistry between the two. Selema I'm afraid has to go, either hasn't done his homework or doesn't know enough about the sport (I'll let you decide) but was just poor. Even the commercialisation was sloppy, Dont slap a Kia in front of me when I'm hearing about the athletes road to event. It felt cheap and did the athletes and injustice

If you know the riders have up to 10 minutes between runs and wind is expected to pick up, help the presenters and give them some material. The 'guests' worked well but again felt rushed and poorly done.

I thought the riders brought there A-game (thank you for so much entertainment and pushing the sport) as always but can be summed up by Andreu Lacondeguy 'crashing' due to what looked like a cable drum in the middle of his run. I would be fumming if I was him. Amazing event let down by the production.

Interested to know the communities thoughts
  • 5 0
 Feel the same
- poor presenting/commentary
- poor coverage with cameras losing riders but knowing exactly where their line is
- knowing that the wind would pick up in the pm but still showing a whole rider documentary before each rider
- had no expectation on the judging which has always been bs

This event is not living up to the hype and to what the riders and their crews deserved.
  • 3 0
 @molokel: agreed on this but with some caveats...

Clearly the judging isn't easy. They've cut Vink since he lost all cred with the whole darkfest defriend letter, which means Sorge gets scored true at least (maybe even underscored this year! Can't believe I'm saying that Smile You'd think adding Bearclaw - one of the freeride gods - would be a great move, but it turns out it's still tough.

I think they need to wait until all first runs are done and then release the scores. They are all over the place early on. It would give them time to place riders more accurately and would also speed up the whole event.

Re. the commentary, C-Mac could be great if he would relax a little and stop trying to be so 'professional' and slick. Take a leaf out of Warner's laid back style and bring some personality to the table. Sal, yeah, no. And Rogatkin is just repetitive noise and endless superlatives. I have to mute him.
  • 3 0
 @b-boyben: yep, the judging after all the runs would be better for sure and showing the audience the scores in each category (line difficulty, airtime, tricks, etc.) that sum up to the total score. Maybe even a live viewer rating factor in the mix just for fun.
  • 14 2
 The winner has to hit the canyon.. anything less is 2nd
  • 11 1
 First time really watching rampage. What is this judging? It’s straight discrediting to not just the athletes but the sport as a whole…. embarrassing
  • 15 3
 only a 84 for semenuk what........
  • 14 8
 Surprised the judges didn't just give him a free 98, lol
  • 11 0
 The most exciting thing this years Rampage: who clears the table in the end.
  • 16 6
 Wow. Semenuks score was way too low. His run was gnarly as all hell and the execution on his tricks was perfect. Should have gotten more points.
  • 7 6
 I disagree. Godziek, Lacondeguy and Rheeders were all better in that order.
  • 11 0
 Andreu was absolutely robbed.... was expecting a much higher score
  • 16 5
 My top 3 after run 1 Semenuk Szymon Andrue
  • 11 0
 Best money I never spent.
  • 1 1
 Nice troll
  • 11 0
 Lacondeguy was 100% robbed
  • 7 0
 Another year where I watch the runs in awe and completely ignore scores or judging. Much respect for the judges as individuals but they all need to stop conferring and trying to manufacture drama. First runs are often all we get so keeping early scores low is just a shit way of working. Andreu sounded piiiiisssssed when he was up top before the second run was called off.
  • 7 0
 Reeder did a great Job and I would say he won.

The rest of the numbers look like a room full of drunk guys trying to figure out how to split the bill at dinner.

TVS is a beast and deserves "a" McGazza Award, But Godziek leveling up the Magazza canyon flip is the most McGazza a spirit can get.

I like best style, but there should also be a best Trick.

ESPN+ sucked and glitched out at the worst times.

The riders are all super winners, everything else gets a Tmac score from me; you did great stuff but since your couldn't go start to finish clean, I give Redbull and ESPN+ a 37.66
  • 5 0
 To the judges it’s rampage you can give the best score on the first run. No need to build up for a second run. Judged sports suck. I will say it again. Any sport where going first and doing perfect gets u a lesser score is bullshit
  • 9 1
 Bring peoples choice back. Turns our the only people qualified to judge aren't the judges.
  • 6 0
 It's the zooming in on the riders in the air that drives me nuts. Keep the features in the shot, show the size and length. To make it worse when they zoom in and cut off body parts....
  • 10 1
 911. I'd like to report a robbery. Yes Godzieck was just robbed in Utah.
  • 8 1
 Maybe I'm jaded. But seems like the commentators are super unexcited. Maybe they are calling remotely? And with the endless buffering I'm finding it hard to get stoked.
  • 9 1
 They have zero Chemistry. Just have Cam and Tyler Co-Host while Tyler rides.
  • 3 0
 Sal is a really good commentator in all the board sports but not with MTB
  • 2 0
 Seeing the same tricks year by year is not helping to the rampage, and the commentators know it... nowadays wins the guy with less faults...
  • 20 10
 Semenuk got robbef!
  • 6 7
 Not even close. That run was 4th at best
  • 6 0
 Andreu got robbed by the Judges today but is winning with his PEROOTs edit, go check that out as he single-handedly pushes the sport 10 years forward with this new edit. Horrible judging all around.
  • 9 0
 take a shot every time someone says any variation of the word progression
  • 8 0
 Screw the placings, judging semantics is about as fun as politics. just enjoy the riding.
  • 9 2
 Maybe the women are on to something with their Formation format. Collaboratively pushing each other to the limit with no lame judges to ruin an otherwise awesome event.
  • 3 0
 Then maybe a rider's vote at the end
  • 6 0
 I wanna know more about the cargo shorts fist-bump guy at the top. How long has he been doing this? What's his name? What does he do the rest of the year? How did he get this job?
  • 4 0
 Wow.... Lecondeguy got f*cked. They need new judges! the man did a flawless run but someone left wire on the course so he gets penalized?! That and having to pay to watch live in the USA...

P.s. Hey Redbull you kinda f*cked up your biggest event. Good job.
  • 8 0
 New pants for Stark. He looks relieved!
  • 8 1
 Judges seem to have forgotten how gnarly Semenuk's canyon gap was: www.pinkbike.com/photo/8755247
  • 9 3
 I have decided to upvote EVERYONE who wrote or agreed that Godziek was robbed. No disrespect to Brett but come on! Same goes with Andreu low 70s? Please...
  • 1 1
 You watched and observed carefully remembering the runs and not getting caught up in the Corral's hyped up drama for the other riders, that quickly draw the attention away from the less dramatized rider with a better run. This is a scene that always happens like mob rule even if a person is innocent. The coliseum crowd gets what they want and the judges cave to their desire. Mutiny is the end result.
  • 4 0
 No second run is a massive bummer. Judges expect a second run and score appropriately, planning to adjust scores on the second run. I know the venue is iconic but is there another place or time of year to do this where there isn't ALWAYS a wind issue?
  • 5 0
 we want Andrea Lacondeguy on the podium, he deserves better. and put those cables away next time, very bad organization, they don't even know the forecast to guess, wow, the wind is blowing
  • 8 2
 Sędzia c*UJ, godziek top.
Tailwhip guys are murdering rampage chujchujchuj
  • 7 1
 The best run ever!How blind should be to not notice it!Shame on you jury!Szymon you was the best!
  • 2 1
 Agreed; it was so on point the landing over the canyon was literally perfect.
  • 8 1
 Godziek TOP, judges drop!
  • 7 0
 why do they leave some cable(drums?9 on the course?
  • 3 0
 so they could score him 73 for hitting them.
  • 10 4
 Guys, rampage 2023 gonna be slopestyle event. Confirmed after Rheeder's run ;D
  • 3 1
 Yep Godziek will fit a single crown fork and show everyone what's going on! He send the gnarliest run and he can tailwhip that back flip over the canyon if he want!
  • 2 3
 The Godziek should have one, i think there is prejudiced to him being Polish honestly!
  • 6 1
 GODZIEK ROBBED BADDLY.... that really sucks, that was SOOO much risk for a score like that, I wonder what motivation will he have next year to go back. TERRIBLE JUDGING.
  • 11 8
 Lol at all the stabs thinking Semenuk got robbed. His run wasn't clean and didn't have enough in it. Rheeder deserved the lead after rub 1 but if anyone gave him a run it was Godziek. His run. Could have beat him and I wouldn't have been mad.
  • 5 3
  • 4 0
 I thought the point of doing it on a friday was to have an extra day incase of weather delay... wtf. Perfect oppertunity with everyone only doing 1 run to call it and do second runs tomorrow morning...
  • 1 0
 Storms coming in Saturday morning…
  • 7 2
 I figured out what happened with the scores, they took points from Andreau, & Dylan then gave it all to Tom for sympathy points.
  • 7 0
 Starks a Legend
  • 7 1
 Judges are blind. This is another year where they are rigging the scoring.
  • 6 0
 This judges are straight up bums
  • 9 4
 Who's that commentator that's shaped like a grape Who's! Never ridden a bike
  • 6 0
 F****** everyone got robbed. What the heck was that!?
  • 10 4
 SAL M. Just bs commentary filled with sh1te.
  • 11 1
 Sal M. is straight Fu&kin cheese
  • 2 1
 @tadabing: Redbull script I guess. Good for Flugtag!
  • 1 6
flag bmonster (Oct 21, 2022 at 14:15) (Below Threshold)
 By "bs commentary filled in with sh1te", do you mean reasonably entertaining commentary to fill in otherwise awkward pauses and talking about how wind is bad?
  • 6 0
 what? wind has picked up? at rampage? you dont say!
  • 4 0
 Every year this is an issue. Wouldn't a system like letting everyone take a run, take a little time to review and discuss, release scores before 2nd runs.
  • 3 1
 I said Rheeder Godziek Lacondeguy were up for the win. Seeing the runs it should be one of them. They risked it, rode it aggresively but controlled and put down a very good amount of tricks. The way Andreu got robbed was just nasty. Riddle is not my thing, but he rode it out stylish. Too bad to not see the second run, because some of them seemed to be test riding their lines today.
  • 4 1
 Am I the only one feeling bored? I don't know why and what, but this event doesn't have something that it had few years back. I love to watch Hardline, and I'm yawning during RBR.
  • 8 2
 Riddle got robbed!!
  • 6 4
 for what? he didn’t do anything.
  • 8 3
 justice for jaxson riddle. typical redbull fuckery
  • 4 0
 Watching event every year, nice to see Szymon Godziek progress, He should win this one judges eat pizza and watching tiktoks
  • 6 1
 Stark got me all teary eyed.
  • 5 0
 I hope Stark can get in a clean second run. I am sure he has more.
  • 5 0
 Andreu already getting robbed with that first score....
  • 7 1
 Rheeder massive run!
  • 6 0
 Godziecks backflips
  • 5 0
 Doesn't matter what happens run 2, godziak was robbed then
  • 9 3
 Jaxson got robbed
  • 6 1
 Single crown forks - stonks
  • 5 0
 Judges are trash!! How are they even judges
  • 8 4
 Ya’ll downvoted me when I predicted this was just gonna be a big ol’ judges circle jerk, and look where we are now…
  • 3 0
 Well the wind blows. That was only half of a show. Its like going to a movie and they cut it off half way through then announce the ending.
  • 1 0
 And it's not as it was the same every year for 20 years... Smart guys there!
  • 5 0
 Lacondeguy got norbed

  • 2 0
 ESPN+ live only was trash, streaming kept glitching.The riders better get a significant margin of the ESPN+ subscription earnings otherwise Disney's profiting on people risking death. Keep freeride free
  • 5 0
 Bad news the Kia didn't get robbed.
  • 3 0
 Drive the Kia into Milwaukee, it will get robbed immediately
  • 5 0
 Event just feels so stale, maybe a refresh next year at a new location?
  • 2 1
 Hope so, this location is just boring
  • 5 1
 Andreu should have been on the podium. What a load of crap. Raw line to some of the sickest tricks.
  • 3 0
 Need to boot Sal. Zero energy and so many f*ck ups. He didn’t show up to work. I should have muted the feed and just had music playing
  • 2 0
  • 4 0
 How come Bender could not sit at a table? He had to sit at the back. Bender was robbed!
  • 2 0
 I really do think the camera angles were not working this time around, too much close angles with too much motion to properly see what the size of these features actually are!
  • 3 0
 I watched the first runs then got the urge to go for a night ride. Glad I did now haha
  • 2 0
 I was looking forward to watching this live like last year. What a disappointment. Why is it that its just blocked in the USA?
  • 3 0
 $$$ is the answer you seek
  • 6 1
 Riddle got robbed
  • 5 1
  • 5 0
 Semenuk got robbed !!
  • 3 1
 I just ate a burrito for lunch and it was shite!! Freaking RBR judges! Also, my electricity bill was insane last month, also crap judging.
  • 3 0
 Yeah some people were scored to low but Reeders run was an absolute banger - good job man
  • 5 1
  • 5 2
 Remove the judges, and have the riders vote at the end with the public having a vote.
  • 3 0
 didn't watch it but this time i went straight to the comments to check who got robbed
  • 5 2
 New rule proposal. Opo tricks counts as regular rotation.

Rationale: this is not slopestyle. we want big mtn riding.
  • 4 1
 Hardline is so much better, the clock never lies, the judges ar rampage are useless and biased….
  • 3 0
 So much negativity!!! It's almost like everyone would be happier if they hadn't watched it. Maybe try that next year Wink
  • 2 0
 Who is the guy at the top of rampage, with the mic, every year, wearing the same hat, big shades, shorts and work boots on. Dude has had it locked down every year!
  • 4 0
 Pierd0l3 j38ac macuka
  • 4 0
 2022-Freeride Dies
  • 3 0
 Is broadcast on redbull.tv broken for everyone else?
  • 1 0
 just watch it on youtube
  • 1 0
 its geo restricted in the USA you have to watch it on Espn+
  • 3 0
 @bennspencer: Oh I'm in Europe right now Wink
  • 11 2
 We are not allowed to watch the event taking place in this country.
  • 7 0
 Watching it on PB in CA. DL the Opera browser free version. Click the VPN button to the left of the address bar and select Europe. Watch Rampage. Delete the browser afterwards - Chinese-owned.
  • 2 0
 @markkarlstrand: Me too! Not sure where in Europe, but somewhere...
  • 15 0
 @jmhills: tell me you live in America without telling me - "There's an awesome MTB event in Virgin, Utah that we cannot watch without purchasing a subscription to a jock driven streaming platform that has no ties to MTB."

f*ck ESPN
  • 5 0
 @preridedump: Subscription: Coming to a UCI DH near you.
  • 1 0
 @bennspencer: download a vpn with a free trial and watch it then. Or download Decentr browser and watch it there
  • 3 0
 @suspended-flesh: This works and thank you (I am in San Francisco, Ca)

To everyone else, you will need enable the VPN option in the preferences.

Here is a walk through: www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/activate-the-built-in-vpn-in-the-opera-browser
  • 1 0
 @alexisalwaysonfire: but it's not being streaming
  • 2 0
 @lymeathlete: interesting, Opera VPN wont work for me. Basically has no internet when VPN is enabled.
  • 2 0
 @jmhills: lol so stupid and silly. And so true.
  • 1 0
 @markkarlstrand: I am seeing this now.

That is odd. Did you get it working?
  • 2 0
 I hope no one crashes as hard as Strait. His crash looked so gnarly. All the best to all the riders!
  • 4 0
 okay who cut the onions
  • 3 0
 RedBull got robbed, now they are robbing us!
  • 3 0
 bro whats up with these ads... lol
  • 1 0
 fr i was ganna be pissed if i missed the Rheeder interview and score. Throws down a run like that then straight to ads wtf
  • 5 1
 Everyone got robbed!!
  • 1 1
 I want my Money back!!!!
  • 3 1
 Haven't watched a minute of coverage but already know that Norbs was robbed.
  • 3 0
 Andre Lacondeguy. So hot right now
  • 3 0
 Judging is straight booty
  • 3 0
 Does William Robert go by Bill Bob for short?
  • 3 0
 The weather robbed us of more Rampage runs.
  • 4 0
 Godzeik was robbed
  • 3 1
 change all the judges next year because they don't know how to do their job
  • 5 4
 Aye best trick to Semenuk.... When Semenuk does something , omg the innovation .. and the fact that it was done before and done better, noone cares as wasn't done by Semenuk
  • 3 0
 The Fans got Robbed #espnwins
  • 4 0
 every1 got robbed
  • 3 0
 I feel Robbed
  • 2 0
 Even Brendog...
  • 2 0
 At what time is the start of the competition? I have blinked my eyes and since then, I haven't seen anyone riding....
  • 3 0
 I like cheesy nipples
  • 1 0
 Is there a pornhub category for lactating geriatrics? I've never thought to look.
  • 2 0
 I think CHAZ-EM would be a great nickname for Tyler McCaul...
  • 2 0
 Biily Bob du France dropping first!
  • 2 0
 I expect Lacondeguy to get more robbed on his second run.
  • 2 0
 Rheeder might as well take his shoe off and get the champers ready...
  • 2 0
 Bummer, Sounds like Mother Nature robbed all the riders of a second run Frown
  • 3 0
 We got robbed
  • 3 0
 Judges got pizza
  • 2 0
 probably an understatement - those guys are good riders
  • 2 0
 Is the scoring random?
So many robberies.
  • 2 0
 Rob Warner would have made this a better show.
  • 2 0
 Quelle déception....
  • 3 2
 is ESPN+ not working for anyone else? what a dumpster fire...
  • 2 1
 ...its all good via rb tv in nz
  • 1 0
 ESPN+ is garbage its also on Hulu
  • 1 0
 Working just fine here in SLC
  • 2 1
 It keeps crashing on my devices casting to my television. What a piece of garbage. I guess I'm going to have to catch the replay or something.
  • 2 2
 Haha, dumpster fire. Poll results overwhelming, Brandon's gonna take it Wink
  • 2 1
 Poll is as accurate as "the best bike design voting" xD
  • 2 0
 Who are judges ?
  • 2 1
 Bearclaw Bender Watts Kyle J Spangler
  • 11 2
 A bunch of bums that’s who smh
  • 5 2
 @manuelda9: Weed is bad m'kay.
  • 6 4
 DJ got screwed
  • 2 0
 VPN worth every penny!!!
  • 2 0
 Don't front flip Cam!!!
  • 1 0
 No one is hardly there! Wth
  • 4 3
 JAXON GOT ROBBED??!?!?!?!?!?!?
  • 2 2
 What an insult to put up a rating pole after especially for those who can’t even watch it in the USA
  • 2 0
 They put it up for a wind sock.
  • 1 0
 Somebody got robbed! Maybe more than one!
  • 1 0
 So who got ROBBED?!?!?!?!
  • 2 0
 Godziek all the way
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Annoying It was only on ESPN+
  • 2 5
 in review i have some suggestions for next year no. 1 Ban dual crown forks no.2 Fire the current judging panel no.3 Ban kyle kurt and cam from competing and make them the new judges.... no one gets robbed if they judge no.4 bring in some new riders
  • 3 1
 USA viewers got robbed
  • 3 1
 Worst production ever.
  • 2 1
 Rampage has been a slopestyle event for several years now I guess eh?
  • 2 0
 Nothing but mad respect to all the competitors.
  • 2 1
 Rampage is somehow a bit dull
  • 1 0
 Who the F cares. How’s Lyle doing?
  • 3 2
 DJ got robbed
  • 1 1
 Time to let the crowd do the judging.
  • 3 2
 Simon got robbed
  • 2 2
 Most boring Rampage ever?
  • 1 1
 I'm gonna learn how to bar spin and podium next year
  • 2 2
 Boring event. Bike park in the desert.
  • 2 2
 Geo restricted= winning
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