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Getting to Know: 15-Year-Old Stylecat Soren Farenholtz

Jul 24, 2018
by Harrison Fetter  

Soren Farenholtz
For someone who still can't legally drive a car, Soren has some incredible skills on two wheels. Riding for Kona when not in school or working, the Kamloops local joins a new generation of bike riders out to push limits and enjoy themselves in the process.

Describe yourself.

I’m a 15-year-old kid who’s stoked on bikes!


Where are you from and where do you live?

I was born in Vancouver but my family moved to Kamloops when I was very young. So I've lived in Kamloops all my life!

Who do you ride for?

I’m supported by Kona Bikes, Bicycle Cafe Kamloops, and Chromag Bikes.

What bikes are you riding right now?

Kona Shonky
Kona Operator



What are your strengths?

I’m always motivated to go ride everyday. Even if it’s windy I’ll just jib around in the street, I find a way to ride every day.

What are your weaknesses?

I would have to say my main weakness is being too young to drive.

What does a typical day look like for you?

During the school year, I’ll go to school and then ride around six. But in the summer I work in the morning landscaping. Then in the afternoon I’ll go swim or hang at home until it cools down outside, then I go ride!


What’s been your worst crash over the years?

This one time I was being dumb and riding my buddy’s bike and decided to do a couple laps on it. I went to do a one can and my other foot came off took the hardest slam I ever have. I stood up and was super dizzy and just fell back down, was definitely concussed.

Where’s your favorite place to ride?

I love riding in so many places but I’d have to say Kamloops Bike Ranch.


How did you get into mountain biking?

I found biking through YouTube. A 2013 Joyride live feed popped up in my recommended. Once I finished watching that I started to watch Rampage and a bunch of other competitions, got me stoked for sure! In 2014 I got my first real bike and was hooked ever since!

Do you have any big projects or trips planned for 2018?

I’m planning on making a project with Aggy and Matty Miles! Other then that just road tripping around B.C. and making the most out of summer.


Who’s your favorite rider?

That's a tuffy but I’d say Graham Agassiz, Ben Markwick and Courage Adams.

Who or what inspires you?

People who are stoked on life and are motivated to ride everyday.

What do you enjoy doing away from bikes?

I don’t do much besides bike, but I do enjoy taking photos.


What’s your favorite non-bike website?


What’s your favorite motto or saying?

Way she goes.

What annoys you?

People that disrespect the jumps or the people around them. People that are focused only themselves. Also when people fib.

What makes you happy?

A good crew, good weather, and a good sesh!


If you weren’t a pro mountain biker, what would you be doing?

Definitely wouldn’t say I’m a pro mountain biker but if I wasn’t into biking I’d still be into hockey.

Where do you think the future of freeride is headed?

Freeride is headed in a good direction.

How do you want to be remembered?

As a good kid who rode as much as possible and was stoked on bikes!

What does the future hold for Soren Farenholtz?

Only time will tell.


MENTIONS: @konaworld @Chromagbikes

Author Info:
harrisonfetter avatar

Member since Nov 28, 2010
34 articles

  • 10 0
 Fucking way she goes, pink bike going pc
  • 3 0
 That's right - that's the way she goes. Sometimes she goes, sometimes it doesn't. She didn't go. That's the way she goes. -Papa Ray
  • 7 1
 So apparently a kid just watch 2013 Joyride video on Youtube then some Rampage videos. Then he can do tailwhips. FML
  • 4 0
 WTF am I doing wrong then? I watch videos and I'm still not that good. Guess I'll just go ride instead. Big Grin
  • 5 0
 Watch out! Easily one of the top young dudes coming up right now. Nice kid, super talented and hard working. Get em Soren.
  • 3 0
 way she goes bubs
  • 1 1
 Whatch the mercury rise. This kid is hot!
  • 1 0
  • 1 4
 vids or it didn't happen
  • 2 0
 it happens everyday, come up and check it out for yourself

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