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Grow Cycling Foundation's Inglewood, CA Pumptrack Officially Opens Sunday, September 24th

Sep 22, 2023
by GrowCyclingFoundation  
Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack
Field of dreams.

Words: Grow Cycling Foundation / Eliot Jackson

Grow Cycling Foundation’s pumptrack is finished and we are opening this weekend! I figured I would say that before I even introduced myself. Hi, I’m Eliot Jackson. I used to race World Cup DH, now I ride bikes for some great companies, I talk about bikes on Red Bull TV and also have a non-profit that is focuses on getting underrepresented kids on bikes.

I wrote an article just a little bit ago that describes a bit more of who I am and what Grow does that you can read here.

We are having our opening day block party this Sunday, September 24th with the ribbon cutting with the Mayor and City of Inglewood happening at 11 am. We have a local food truck, Little Anchor, doing lobster rolls (we’re very fancy), Red Bull is bringing some music, Trail Trust is doing a cool mural, Five Ten/adidas are doing shoe demos, Canyon is doing a bike give away. Your favorite athletes like Bas Van Steenbergen and Brad Simms will be there, too. It will be great. If you’re in the area you should definitely come!

What: Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack Grand Opening
Where: 700 Warren Lane, Inglewood CA
When: 11am PST, Sunday September 24th

While we celebrate, I thought it would be cool to look back at 6 important moments that got us here.

Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack
The spot.

1. Picking the Location & Approval

Our first choice was always Inglewood. They are a community where 95% of the residents are people of color; they are incredibly ambitious, innovative and committed to building a better future for all, and we would be in the heart of LA.

I couldn’t believe Inglewood said “Yes!” They just held the Super Bowl, had a bunch of Taylor Swift concerts AND they are at the heart of early hip-hop. They are very cool. The city leadership has been a dream team to work with and Sabrina, the director of parks, is such a force and a joy. Working with such an incredibly talented Black woman was really special for my mom and I.

This was one of the slides on our pitch deck to the city about the location. We had originally only asked for the space from the sidewalk on the right to the telephone pole on the left, but they gave us way more to work with. So, as you do, we decided to build two tracks.

P.S. The design, branding and strategy is a whole ‘nother story but Kate Jones on the design side and Lindsay Knight on the strategy side deserve a special shoutout. Also, Hannah Peterson for all of her long hours of support.

Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack
Thank you Casey Brown!

2. Fundraising

It’s important to remember that so much of the early buzz and support was from athletes. People like Traction Coffee and Richie Rude. Nate Hills built an entire campaign for us and raised so much money. Kialani Hines, Heather Young and Luca Cometti made a video and donated a bike to raise money. Margaux Elliott (great last name) rode 1 million feet of vert in a year and tied her fundraising efforts to Grow. Jolanda Neff donated a bike and did an interview for us. Casey Brown did a custom painted frame, donated the bike, AND all of her Crankworx winnings in DH to us that year. Neko Mulally did a giveaway at the end of the race season and raised over 3k! John Hall, Brad Copeland and Ryan Verg doing toolbox giveaways with Abbey Bike Tools. These are just a few examples.

THIS is why Grow was able to gain the credibility to achieve the next steps.

Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack

3. Breaking Ground

We broke ground with the same ceremony that SoFi Stadium had, a place that will hold the opening and closing ceremony of the Olympics in 2028 just a couple miles away. I was super nervous to do my speech in front of City Council and the Mayor. I remember he told me where to stand during the picture and I was so proud to be in the company of these leaders.

It also marked a big moment for us! WE WERE BUILDING IT!

Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack

4. The Building

Then it was time to build! From the very start we worked with Velosolutions to design our dream pumptracks. One that we could hold the World Championships on, and another that sweeps through the trees that is a little more mellow. Ironically, the actual building of the pumptrack only took a few months!

Sometimes Velosolutions gets overlooked in this story and I want to highlight just how amazing of a partner they are. Their commitment, artistry, engineering and expertise is unmatched. They are passionate about creating what a great ride feels like every time and purposeful in every foot of track they lay down, which is why they’re the best. They handcrafted our pumptracks with their hearts and souls, going above and beyond to build something extraordinary in Los Angeles. We wanted the absolute best and that is exactly what we got.

Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack
Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack

5. Construction Delays

It wasn’t all smooth sailing. We ended up hitting an underground pipe when we started construction, a blessing in disguise that helped the City discover an old and eroding drainpipe that had to be completely replaced before we could resume construction. Some big time construction experts: Engineers from Michael Baker, D&D, and especially AECOM, Turner and Better Way, who are all involved in building the new NBA Intuit Dome a few short miles from our our park, came onboard to help get it all done safely and professionally so we could build our Pumptrack.

Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack
Big time.

6. Partners and Donors were there through it all

I love this picture because it captures our whole vibe perfectly. You can imagine me saying “Can you believe we are on the front page of Santa Cruz Bicycles?” and my mom saying “Of course we are. Where else would we be?” Her ambition helped push us forward and our partners never left our side. They trusted us completely. We will be forever grateful to what we call our founding partners, the companies who committed to raising at least $100,000 for us from day one. adidas, Santa Cruz (Paydirt), Pinkbike, Yeti Cycles, Rapha, and FOX (TrailTrust).

Beyond the companies, YOU trusted us. You donated SO much. I can’t put into words the feeling. Makes me emotional even thinking about that amount of passion you have and trust that you put in us to carry out what we said we would do.

Thank you.

Grow Cycling Foundation Inglewood Pumptrack

Field of Dreams Moment

And now we are here! It is absolutely beautiful. The City said it looks like a golf course haha. My brother and his family went out to take some pictures and they embody what this space is about: a new generation of bike riders exploring, learning, and having fun. I am so jealous and yet so proud that they will just think that having a world class pumptrack in their backyard is normal. Normality is what this is all about. I can’t wait for kids in this community and around L.A. to say “Of course, me and all my friends ride bikes at the Inglewood Pumptrack, what else would we do?” THAT truly is the dream.

I am sure I will have more thoughts and emotions after seeing everyone on opening day, but for now, after so much hard work, it’s still just sinking in and I am enjoying being in this moment.

Pinkbike is going to be updating you with coverage over the weekend and we will have a video for you next week so stay tuned.

As you probably know, we have so much in store for this space. Follow along at growcyclingfoundation.org and inglewoodpumptrack.org.

We can’t wait to start this next chapter.

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Member since Dec 10, 2020
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  • 113 0
 It was crazy putting together this article taking a trip down memory lane. Really truly thanks to so many people in this comments section. You've been supporters of this project since day 1! Hope to see some of you guys at the Pumptrack for the opening or in the future!
  • 20 0
 Fellow Angeleno here… I ride some of the same spots as you do, Eliot.

CONGRATS on such a massive achievement. It’s no easy task getting anything like this built in LA.

Anyone paying attention can tell Grow is gonna keep… well… growing into a powerhouse. And this is a fine testament to what the future holds for you and your efforts.

Keep kickin’ ass, dude!
  • 6 0
 Way to go Eliot! This will be a huge asset to the people of Ingelwood.
  • 3 2
 happy to NOT have a video at the start of the post, was a refreshing read, thanks Eliot!
  • 5 0
 Sooo encouraged to see this and dream about those kids that will grow up rippin their local track. Hats off to you and everyone that pulled this together!
  • 3 0
 You, sir, are doing great work. There's that whole thing about how living a good life is all about being useful and happy. You're obviously living that - way to go, and thank you for making your world a better place.
  • 2 0
 I find it amusing that I first saw this pump track (unfinished at the time) in a Dan Corrigan skate video. They were sessioning sections.
  • 2 0
 Do you guys sell the logo t-shirt? Cause I would buy one if you do!
  • 2 0
 Just wanted to thank you Elliot for everything you have done for the community. I have already seen it in person and it is truly a world class pump track. Well done!
  • 3 0
 Eliot, amazing event today with a great turnout. A huge thanks to you and your team for making this place possible!
  • 2 0
 This is awesome Eliot!
  • 9 1
 Confused because Inglewood - Calgary has had a pumptrack for a while; saw palm trees - different Inglewood.

More pumptracks == more betterness!
  • 7 1
This is so rad! I moved to South Central LA to be a social worker (live in New Mexico now) and it was almost heartbreaking when I’d wheel my mtb out of my apartment and people would ask me what it was and what I do with it.

I really agree in the PinkBike podcast when you spoke about accessibility and why people don’t ride more mtbs. LA is super slept on for mtb by out of towners and the people that live in cut off or segregated areas sometimes never make it out to the ocean 12 miles away. Some of the best spots like Laguna Beach and Thousand Oaks don’t welcome many people or will call the cops on you for looking a certain way. It’s great that you pointed out a critique and did something about it. Thank you for giving people a chance to ride bikes. Everyone benefits when we do things like this!
  • 6 1
 Advice to any budding civil engineers out there: friends don't let friends use corrugated steel pipe. I'm exaggerating a bit. it has some valid uses. But that photo of the rotting storm pipe is why I consider it the bane of my existence.
  • 2 1
 Seems like a good use would be for job security..
  • 4 0
  • 1 0
 At least use 8 gauge if you're gonna use it.
  • 5 0
 "Clip in the strap. Dippin through the hoods. (what hoods?) Compton, Long Beach, ....."

Huge props to Eliot and Grow Cycling for making this happen!! Beautiful work!
  • 6 0
 Congrats Grow Cycling. About time LA proper has anything bike friendly.
  • 2 0
 After looking at the satellite image of the park, I do like how the track was built next to the 'toddler area'. Those young minds are inquisitive at that age.
  • 2 0
 That’s awesome! Truly great of you to give to a community in need! Really proud of you and respect the work you’ve done! Keep it up!
  • 2 0
 Pure greatness. Glad to see it's finally finished and ready for the community to shred on it! Nice job @EliotJackson and team!
  • 3 0
 This is beyond awesome. Great job Eliot and everyone at Grow Cycling Foundation!!!
  • 4 1
 Good piece of writing & news. Well done Elliot!
  • 2 0
 This is so awesome!!! I am in the next county over, I gotta go check this out.
  • 2 0
 So stoked for Grow, Elliot, and the kids of LA. Got good vibes reading this release. Keep on being awesome!
  • 3 0
 Beautiful, I love it. Poetry in motion.
  • 2 0
 Can’t wait to ride there! So much respect for the work you did Elliot, Thank you!
  • 1 0
 I was at the ceremony today, really special. You could feel the Mayor was so excited to announce it. Great work everyone. So many people are gonna enjoy that place
  • 2 0
 Love this. Great job. Wish I wasn't on the other side of the country.
  • 2 0
 So rad, every community should have these. Stoked to hit it up.
  • 1 0
 Spot on Elliot ! Keep up the positive! You lead people will follow! All the best
  • 1 0
 Rad to see something like this going in at my hometown. Congrats @EliotJackson !
  • 1 0
 Awesome to see the fruition after hearing about the project a few years ago
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Incredibly stoked on this. Kudos to Grow and Eliot!
  • 3 2
 its been open for months but yeah nice lol
  • 2 0
 Great Work, keep it up!
  • 1 0
 Nice work Eliot & friends!

This is what it is ALL ABOUT! 3
  • 1 3
 Seems like it'd be worth the extra money to get a bit tighter mix on the asphalt.
  • 3 0
 How? It rides perfectly smooth.
  • 1 0
 @mariomtblt: on a skateboard or a bike? I was thinking a tighter mix would be nice for skateboarding
  • 1 0
 @iantmcg: both. Plenty of kids roll around on scooters and skateboards here daily.
  • 1 0
 @mariomtblt: guess you could always fog it but I was thinking a tighter mix would weather in better too.
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