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'I Feel Like We've Been Dragged Into the Black Hole' - What's Next for Afghanistan's Mountain Bikers?

Aug 27, 2021
by James Smurthwaite  

“I feel like we've been dragged into the black hole in the universe and just left there. I feel like if I look in front of me, I don't see anything, but I see just, from the ground up to the sky, it's just dirt.”

Farid Noori is in a bleak mood. Currently studying for a master's degree at the University of Arkansas, he’s the founder of the Mountain Bike Afghanistan, a non-profit that aims to develop the sport in his home country, but his work has come to a crunching halt as Kabul fell to the Taliban. Rather than organising events, donating bikes or coordinating local clubs, he’s now dedicating his time to evacuating mountain bikers out of the country whose lives are endangered by participating in the sport.

We caught up with him to talk about the Afghan mountain biking community, to better understand the current situation and to share some ways the Pinkbike community could help.

The Growth of Mountain Biking in Afghanistan

While people in the Western world may think of Afghanistan as an arid, empty desert, it’s actually mostly mountainous including the Hindu Kush range, which covers roughly two thirds of the country's area. The country may not be an epicentre of mountain biking but it had begun to foster a small but dedicated community of riders in the past few years of relative peace.

Despite a lack of funding, resources or distributors, hub cities such as Herat near the Iranian border and Bamyan in the centre of the country are now home to hundreds of riders. The sport was starting to gain traction in the mainstream too - the Hindukush MTB Challenge, a cross country race that follows the XCC and XCO two-day format of the World Cups, was broadcast on television and the Danny MacAskill inspired Drop and Ride club was featured in soda commercials.

Afghanistan’s women were also starting to embrace cycling after years of repression under Soviet and Taliban rule. The country’s first female cycling team was documented in ‘Little Queens of Kabul’ and was later nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Those women's exploits didn’t go unnoticed and at the first Hindukush XC MTB race in 2018, of the 50 competitors, 20 were women. This year, one of the team's riders, Masomah Ali Zada, was selected to participate at Tokyo 2020 with the IOC Refugee Olympic Team and became the first-ever Afghan cyclist at the Olympics.

While mountain bikes are expensive toys to mess around on in the woods for most of us, Farid believes they offer something greater to Afghan youth. He recalls his own experience first trying the sport as an exchange student in high school, saying, “I was literally a 40-year-old in the body of a teenager… I could talk like a history book because these things were injected in my head. I mean, I lived with that reality. I lived with the burden of solving Afghanistan's problem at a young age.”

He continued, “What was I to do with all this political crap? I needed to be on a tennis court. I needed to be on a bike. So, that's when I really realized the importance of play and how it can help people deal with trauma, especially living in a place like Afghanistan. I mean, with the events of the past month, I think there's a whole new level of trauma that is even harder than what people were experiencing before.”

Evacuating Afghanistan’s mountain bikers

Unfortunately, the progress the country was making has come to a grinding halt. The Afghanistan Cycling Federation told us “the situation is very bad” and “all activities are stopped.” The immediate priority for Fazli Ahmad Fazli, the president of the Federation, is to evacuate the female riders associated with the governing body as they are in danger of reprisals from the Taliban regime. There are reports of some women dismantling their bikes and burning their clothing but for others it’s simply too dangerous to stay.

Farid is working with Outride on a program for 28 cyclists, primarily women, and their families who are in urgent need of evacuation. So far seven cyclists, including the team captain, have been safely evacuated from Afghanistan but Farid is now struggling to find the rest of the group flights. He said, “we've given up hope on the US military to evacuate these people because they were on their lists several times, couldn't do it. In the remainder of the time, we are trying to use chartered flights for the athletes.”

At this current time, it costs approximately $5,000 to evacuate each individual but as the August 31 deadline rapidly approaches, their flight and evacuation options decrease and costs increase. Farid is hoping to raise $250,000 with a stretch goal of $500,000 to safely evacuate and resettle the remaining cyclists and has so far raised $65,000. All of the organizers have donated their time for the project so all money donated will go straight into the evacuation with any leftover used for resettlement.

Farid's effort is one of a number of disconnected efforts to evacuate cyclists from Afghanistan. Alongside individual fundraisers, Cycling News reports that UCI President David Lappartient is working with Afghan authorities to protect more than 60 athletes and their families who are in danger. While the Italian Cycling Federation is working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find solutions to help evacuate athletes and their families.

For information on how to help with the evacuation efforts, head to the bottom of this piece.

The future for Afghanistan’s mountain bikers


Mountain biking is expected to all but stop for the riders who remain. While men were allowed to use bikes as a form of transport previously under the Taliban, it’s unlikely anyone will be able to throw on a pair of bib shorts and head for a proper ride.

Instead, Farid is now turning his attention to Afghan communities around the world. With his work on pause back home, he now wants to help the citizens that have been displaced in the meantime. He pondered, “Can we form a team outside of Afghanistan that doesn't bow to the rules consisting of men and women? And they can go and be a voice for the people who are stuck there, not just their ability to cycle, but any other aspect of life."

He continued, “We're already thinking about how can we use the bike to get a lot of the Afghans to experience this joy here too. For me, riding in Colorado Rockies has been a way to reconnect with Afghanistan even if I'm not physically there, but I feel at home in those places. At that point, the cycling community can have a strong impact, whether it's with gear donations in the future, whether it's with organizing events. I might do a Hindukush Mountain Bike Challenge in the US, why not?”


But Farid also isn’t giving up on mountain biking flourishing again in Afghanistan. He said, “Afghan people feel very misunderstood. I think that it's nice that the world has turned attention to Afghanistan after Kabul fell, but there was a time when Afghans were desperately trying to prevent that and voice their worries, their opinions about what the world should do and people didn't really care.

“That is past now. What's important for the world to know is that the Afghan people are a very proud and hospitable, friendly, kind bunch. Everywhere you go, people will open their hearts and their homes to you, regardless of going through so much pain... Right now, history took a different turn and everyone's down and everyone is running out and fleeing but there will still be people there, there will still be those mountains. Governments will change, but people will be there.”

How to Help

Mountain Bike Afghanistan’s website can be found here but most of the website has been made private to protect the identities of the people involved. Donations in the short term will be passed on to Human Rights Foundation but will be restricted specifically to the Afghanistan Cyclist Evacuation and Resettlement efforts. Farid also asks the Pinkbike community to subscribe to the Mountain Bike Afghanistan mailing list to keep up to date with the charity’s programs. For more information, click here.

A full list of ways to help Afghan Refugees that is being updated daily can be found here.

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Industry News

Author Info:
jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
1,770 articles

  • 194 3
 Religious extremism sucks
  • 148 7
 Political extremism sucks too.
  • 127 7
 Any extremism sucks.
  • 63 4
 Using religion or politics to control others sucks. Freedom and providing and protection of individual freedoms like the US was founded on was a great idea. I wish it would become reality everywhere. Welcome to the refugees finding themselves in my part of the world. I have bikes you can ride.
  • 35 23
 Praying all day on my bleeding knees to blue eyed baby Jesus here clutching the only book I own The New Revised Standard Version Bible for people to start taking their religion less seriously.
  • 20 3
 @DanTae: Extreme Metal is not impressed by your statement.
  • 19 1
 @Jvisscher: I was reading about some US families who were OG Vietnam War refugees. They've made good lives for themselves here and are now taking in Afghan refugees. Pretty cool.
  • 5 0
 @Jvisscher: Sorry man, I just downvoted you when I meant up. If everyone could channel your attitude the world would be a better place. The PB family may be dysfunctional and argue a lot on here but we all get it when we see someone on a bike. Now part of our family is in trouble, I hope we can all help them in some way.
  • 5 3
 @DanTae: rampage is extremism?!?
  • 5 0
 All ismsare equally undesirable
  • 29 42
flag Hamburgi (Aug 27, 2021 at 22:16) (Below Threshold)
 E-bike sucks
  • 33 29
 Religions suck in general... Doesn't have to be in the form of extremism
  • 2 0
 Extremism sucks
  • 5 0
 @50percentsure: Ok Ricky Bobby.
  • 3 0
 @DanTae: extreme mountain biking rules!!!
  • 2 2
 Can't complain about some good extremism with the boys
  • 8 0
 @Jvisscher: pretty sure religion and politics were both invented to control people.
  • 3 0
 @bdub5696: religion was the first attempt on explaining the world and on philosophy, politics was the first attempt on how we all have to get along fine.as always first attempt on anything is a complete and utter disaster. We keep going downhill ever since I recon
  • 3 0
 @Jvisscher: I'll second that! I hope a couple of them come my way. They'll forget all about their troubles living it up here.
  • 102 2
 Anyone that’s criticizing Pink Bike for humanizing this tragedy under the umbrella of the global mountain biking community is very far off the mark.
It’s stories like these that bring more people into experiencing empathy and compassion for a issue that they may have previously dismissed due to the interpretations of stories and current events that been portrayed through certain agendas and the lenses of tunnel vision, default sources of “news”.
This is good journalism and I applaud pb for publishing this.
  • 13 8
 Idk man, people who need a mtb story to start feeling compassion for the situation in Afghanistan are off the mark too.
If your house burned down and you are crying on the street because all the people you loved stayed in the fire, wouldn't you feel it inappropriate if some guy asked you if your bike survived the fire?
  • 15 3
 @NoskillNotalent: but the story isn’t about the bikes…the story is about the people affected merely bc they ride bikes.
  • 6 1
 @NoskillNotalent: it's not about this being what it takes to feel compassion. It's about demonstrating exactly how cruel the Taliban is. It's not about how they can't mountain bike anymore. It's about how they can be killed for riding a bike. Out of all the insane reasons oppressive regimes kill their own people, literally riding a bike is very near the top of the list for insanity. As irrational as it is people have been killing for power, religion, money, race, politics, etc for thousands of years. Riding a mountain bike does not fit into those categories.
  • 1 0
 @smartyiak: I know that, but that was not my point.
  • 83 5
 I disagree with commenters who are saying it's wrong to post this article. My reasoning: it shows that even the mundane may/will face dire consequences due to the change.

Mtbing is not important to larger real world issues...yet, this group taking over will force it to stop. Perhaps photos of the women who dared do something so offensive as ride a bike will surface...and they'll be murdered. What else is affected? What other seemingly innocuous occupations or hobbies will lead to death?

This article demonstrates why everyone should care...while still "staying in their lane" b/c it uses MTB as a center piece.
  • 15 1
 People walking down the street were murdered. You didn’t even have to get to riding bikes to make your point.
  • 8 27
flag smartyiak (Aug 28, 2021 at 2:03) (Below Threshold)
 @JoshieK: so Afghanistan is basically just Chicago or Philly?
  • 14 3
 @smartyiak: is Chicago run by a religious death cult?
  • 3 14
flag smartyiak (Aug 28, 2021 at 10:10) (Below Threshold)
 @JoshieK: uhhh….no. That’s my point. People do get randomly shot there…and lots of other places too. And almost ZERO of them are anything like Afghanistan.
  • 4 1
 @smartyiak: so is Afghanistan just like Chicago or not? You’re sending mixed signals here champ.
  • 1 8
flag smartyiak (Aug 28, 2021 at 16:35) (Below Threshold)
 @JoshieK: No…it’s nothing like Chicago. You wrote: people were randomly shot and killed…so why bring bikes into it.

I responded that people get randomly shot in lots of places…that doesn’t make any of them even a little bit like Afghanistan.

The reason the article is important is bc Afghanistan and a taliban takeover is NOT like anywhere else in the whole world…random street shootings or not
  • 3 1
 @smartyiak: you were the one who said it was like Chicago not me. But thanks for arguing my point for me.
  • 2 7
flag smartyiak (Aug 28, 2021 at 16:56) (Below Threshold)
 @JoshieK: I was being rhetorical, but thanks for not understanding.
  • 2 0
 @smartyiak: were you though? Or is that just a convenient diversion for your contradiction? If anything your initial comparison was just simplifying a complex problem down to single element. Like saying Hitler drank water. So we should compare everyone who drinks water to Hitler.
  • 1 6
flag smartyiak (Aug 28, 2021 at 18:26) (Below Threshold)
 @JoshieK: what contradiction? I didn’t say it was like Chicago. You wrote that bc random people got shot, there’s no need to bring bikes into it. I was pointing out that your comment is idiotic bc that could LITERALLY refer to a thousand other places…that are 1000% different than what the article is about.

OHHHHH…I forgot about Hitler…you’re right Godwin…you win the internet!
  • 2 1
 @smartyiak: people aren’t being randomly shot. People are being killed because they aren’t inline with the religious death colt that rules there.

As I said you tried to reduce the argument to a single common denominator. Which is simplistic and stupid. Don’t blame me for your ideas.
  • 1 5
flag smartyiak (Aug 28, 2021 at 19:48) (Below Threshold)
 @JoshieK: NO SH!T! You’re the one who wrote: people walking down the street were murdered. I didn’t try to reduce anything…I was pointing out how simple your comment was using an absurdity.

Read my original comment…it’s pretty clear I get it.
  • 1 1
 @smartyiak: people being murdered is absurd? You’re loosing the plot mate.

And yes you reduced what’s happening in Afghanistan to Chicago by lowest common denominator and adding the word “random”. You brought that up. Not me. There is nothing random about the Taliban.

You get your comment because you’re a fool at best and a tool if not worse.

Keep sprinkling shit on your story. It’s making you sound insane. Well done.
  • 1 5
flag smartyiak (Aug 28, 2021 at 22:38) (Below Threshold)
 @JoshieK: are you high or stupid…or both? Read my original comment. It’s clear that I’m not comparing the two out reducing anything but commenting on your dumb comment.

Sorry you’re wrong…but you’re probably used to it, so I’m sure it’s fine.
  • 2 1
 @smartyiak: um except for the part where you did. But obviously your a goldfish...
  • 1 5
flag smartyiak (Aug 29, 2021 at 4:00) (Below Threshold)
 @JoshieK: You do know what a "?" is and what it's used for,,,,right? There's a reason I used "?" instead of "."
Hint: It means I was questioning your comment...b/c it was dumb. But you go on....just keep on being wrong.
  • 2 0
 @smartyiak: Keep back pedalling there. you're making killer progress champ.
  • 1 3
 @JoshieK: how is it backpedaling when it’s in the original “Chicago” comment responding to your dumb observation? Are you this stupid in person…champ?
  • 1 0
 @smartyiak: the problem you have is you didn’t demonstrate how what I said was dumb. You just believe it is. Belief without evidence is faith, faith is religious. Your ideal is your religion.
There was two whole sentences in my initial comment. You didn’t even address the second. Rather you thought you were clever and wanted to play stupid reductionist games. Context matters lad.

Keep pedalling boi, your almost there.
  • 44 11
 get the taliban into biking and theyll never have the money for middle east domination!
  • 15 1
 Pretty sure the USA just left them a few billion dollars worth of the highest-end bikes
  • 6 2
 Nor time to whip themselves up into a vest-donning frenzy at one of their jeeehad rallies...........
  • 7 5
 Put down the guns and pick up a dentistry textbook.
  • 7 0
 @suspended-flesh: so roughly 10 high end bikes?
  • 26 0
 I like this article,to me it makes the people seem real, I read this article and although the issue is small compared the bigger picture it makes the people relatable.when I see news reports on Afghanistan it's not relatable because of the way it's covered
  • 4 1
 Same here, really made me see this in a different light than watching the news. Made it seem personal vs the news keeps it focused on the broader politics of the US.
  • 36 12
 I see a lot of analytics about likes, views, shares blah blah blah. What if everyone that read this donated $5 and skipped just one beer after the next ride, how many people would that save I wonder. Those are some analytics I would be interested in.
  • 7 3
 Donate money to who? How would that money get to them and what would stop anyone from taking it from them?
Be realistic.
  • 3 3
 @sonuvagun: "All of the organizers have donated their time for the project so all money donated will go straight into the evacuation with any leftover used for resettlement."
  • 3 2
Fair argument, but I'm clearly not understanding what a murderous extremist government is then.
Does this money go to the Taliban to let people leave?
  • 2 4
 @sonuvagun: not exactly sure who you'd donate to but it's now private groups extracting people from the country. The US military has pretty much turned useless. Heard of some Christian group that raised millions and is using that to extract afghan Christians out of the country.
  • 9 1
 @DylanH93: But I already gave all my savings to my local tax free mega church to receive Christian heaven points. The pastor even drove over in his Rolls Royce to assure me that all donations go to the poor.
  • 22 2
 To everyone posting negative comments, this article is about how to help save Afghani lives that we have a connection to. If you were over there, as a mountain biker, as a human being, and a bunch of mountain bikers from around the world saved your life, your attitude might be different. PB made a good call here, let’s help our MTB brothers and sisters, not patronize a website and group we are all clearly a part of.
  • 17 5
 Unpopular opinion here. I feel like the middle east (religion) has dragged the entire globe in to a black hole for decades. If not centuries. Possibly even millenia.

We should have never been there in the 1st place. Only Afghans can fix Afghanistan. Not America, not Canada, not the UK, or France, or Germany.
  • 13 16
 This is the truth right here. America is called evil for being there and now is being called out as horrible for pulling out. As an American, I believe we should not be there, or in any Muslim country. Islam will never be compatible with Democracy. They have chosen Islam and this is what you get with that choice. Take a good look at the Koran, study Islamic history or go listen to an ex-Muslim who has walked away from this religion of violence. Obviously not all Muslims are violent, but the Koran absolutely teaches violence.
I went to a listen to an ex-Muslim teacher. He said there is a saying in Islam: “Me against my brother. Me and my brother against my cousin. Me, my brother and my cousin against the World”. This is the history of Islam and it will never change. The Taliban is actually the most dedicated Muslim group by enacting Sharia Law as taught in the religion. A very tragic way for anyone to live. All that said, the Afghans do need to fix their own country. But it will require turning away from Islam which will likely never happen.
  • 15 10
 @endoguru: You have misconstrued my comment. I don't think Islam is the problem. I think religion itself is the problem. Judaism, Catholicism, and Islam are all 1 in the same; the 3 monotheistic Abrahamic religions.

All descendants of Abraham. Still acting out Cain & Abel. It's almost laughable.

PS: The middle east is more than just a religion. You fool.
  • 2 8
flag endoguru (Aug 28, 2021 at 8:48) (Below Threshold)
 @m1dg3t: so anyone who has a different viewpoint from you is a fool. Nice!
  • 8 0
 @endoguru: Extremism and tribalism are the enemies of democracy. Those come in other flavors than Muslim.
  • 7 9
 @m1dg3t: not to say Islam is bad but those other Abrahamic religions all went through reform periods to get rid of the violent craziness. Islam has not done that, at least on a wide scale like Christianity so far. People demonizing religion aren't any better, it's always some group demonizing some other group. Religion can absolutely be a source of good.
  • 1 2
 @DylanH93: True, it takes blood to be spilled to sort out a country. In the USA it was the civil war, in the UK it was the 30 years war.
  • 4 0
 @xxinsert-name-herexx: When was this 30 years war in the UK?
  • 1 3
 @m1dg3t: You sound like a middle schooler
  • 1 1
 Most of the problems of the Middle East are our [the West's] fault. We invaded and divided up the region into arbitrary areas with zero regard for the people and cultures already there. Borders suddenly dividing groups of people for no reason at all, rarely ends well. In particular, the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 when the Brits and French divvied up the Middle East and set in motion most of the region's issues since.
Africa was similarly completely messed up by European colonisers.
Christianity was also a main driver behind these events too, so a main digger of this 'black hole'. And in the US Christianity is pretty much as extremist as Islam can be.
  • 1 0
 @Linkpin: It was throughout the whole of Europe
research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/handle/10023/3653 if you want to do some reading.
  • 12 2
 God damn we are lucky to complain about hikers frogs and E bikes on the trails, Coexist
  • 9 4
 I just shared this to my Facebook page so that it is seen by more than just the cycling community. At a time when anyone sees on the news is what they want you to see. Could you imagine one morning you wake up here in the U.S. and you couldn't just go grab your bike and hit the local trails. Please make this story go viral. It's that important.
  • 15 9
 Just hope all The troops in Afghanistan can get out without anyone being injured, as well as for the people who live there, and the mountain bikers Praying for you
  • 15 11
 Praying seems to be what caused most of this mess in one form or another. Do something real for other people rather than something that maybe makes you feel better.
  • 7 9
 If your god you are praying to is omnipotent and all powerful, the choice has already been made.

Maybe(well almost for sure) your god does not exist. Nor does the god of the taliban or any god ever.
  • 7 7
 @Almostredbike: +10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Thoughts & prayers is exactly what has led us to where we are today.
  • 5 2
 @m1dg3t: I'm not religious at all but a) why does it matter if someone wants to pray for someone else? Also, b) to assume the conflicts in the Middle East are purely about religions clashing is to fundamentally misunderstand the region I'm afraid.
  • 4 4
 @m1dg3t: Tots and pears will achieve the same results.
  • 1 0
 Well we just pulled our last c17s out with zero American civilians on board.
Pray for those left behind!
How will they contact usa?
  • 7 0
 Actually @brianpark, if you want to make that Outside money do some good how about matching donations?
  • 7 1
 Was over there in 2007. I remember how awesome the terrain was for biking...so much untapped potential.
  • 2 2
 I always wonder about how much untapped potential there is for mtb in South America. Like there's got to be world class trails that no one has any idea about.
  • 4 2
 Just donated. If everyone took the time it takes to post an inane comment and donated $5 we could actually help some people. People we’ll probably never meet, but god damnit they’re mountain bikers and under threat of death. Help them.
  • 5 4
 Ferris Bueller: It's not that i support facsism or any ism for that matter. Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believ in me." Not bad, but then again he was the walrus.Jun. 11, 1986
  • 1 0
 Very sad to see this sort of regression of a people's liberties. We rightly disparage racial, sexual and political intolerance in the West, but the Taliban are physically acting on this kind of hateful sentiment. I know that's stating the obvious, but hopefully if enough people speak up then hopefully some more action will be taken to try and help.
  • 7 2
 A heartbreaking setback.
  • 11 10
 Sucks all the way around for these people since the multiple Imperialist invasions have ever done for the country has been to take advantage of these people, not help them in any way, shape, or form.
  • 8 1
 It only helps the Arms Makers which support big business, black ops and Santa Claus...
  • 1 2
 Both sad truths but, I listened to a radio program that went into the hundreds of years long history of the situation and the area, the politics and the excuse of religion. The out side interferences of the surrounding countries and the western world. It truly seems like there is no possible solution Frown
  • 2 0
 @nojzilla: It's also worth remembering that Afghanistan has often been referred to as the "Graveyard of Empires".
  • 3 5
 Not to say we should have been there forever, I want to reduce much of our military down. But it seems pretty clear that the people were under a better situation with US military there, we were down to just 2.5k troops, hadn't had any military deaths in a few years, and we basically only provided Intel.
  • 4 2
 @DylanH93: @DylanH93: You mean 8,000? Late last year there were still 13,000 US men and women in harm's way.

2,372 soldiers died in Afghanistan, have some respect.
  • 1 0
 Dont tell that to the many women and children whom loved being so free thanks to allied forces helping change there. Well, hopefully youll.meet some of them someday soon.
  • 2 0
 Thanks for publishing this article. It really brings home the unfolding tragedy. Was happy to have the opportunity to donate money to evacuate these people.
  • 1 1
 Terrible to see how such basic freedoms, things as simple as riding a bike, are just crushed so swiftly.
If one ever needs an example for objective morality, it's as simple as they come - one culture allows people (be they men or women) enjoy such freedoms, while the other might kill them for that.

Wish you the best of luck in helping those riders.
  • 4 3
 I understand there needs to be inclusion but when lives are at stake, mountain biking is going to be the last thing in your mind.
  • 4 0
 The cyclingtips story on women cyclists in Afghanistan explained how some of the riders have burnt their bikes because it could get them killed if they were found. If cycling as a woman was your most obvious transgression against the Taliban's values then it's the first thing on your mind.
  • 4 1
 Thy have a lot bigger problems than mountain biking
  • 6 4
 Atleast they can watch World Champs in Afghanistan.
  • 2 1
 I think there are way bigger problems in Afghanistan that been able to go for a bike ride
  • 2 1
 Every car is a 93-97 Toyota corolla
  • 2 1
 Thanks for the article PB!
  • 2 2
 Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it - Ferris Bueller
  • 1 0
 Get the fuck out of there!
  • 2 0
 Bidens a total disaster
  • 1 0
 Last 5 c17s left with 0 Americans on board
  • 2 2
 Look, normal people, riding bikes
  • 2 2
 Great article, first I've actually Wanted to read for a long time
  • 2 4
 What happened to the poppy fields that Americans soldiers were lookin after?
  • 16 19
 Imagine the hysteria as if Trump did it.
  • 19 3
 Didn't he start the withdrawal process?
  • 23 13
 @nojzilla: @nojzilla: yes he did. he signed a deal with the taliban to withdraw from Afghanistan, in return the taliban "promise" not to harbor terrorists. yet this whole thing is somehow Bidens fault.

  • 22 10
 @roguecheddar: It’s really about the way the withdrawal was done. This was a botched operation by any standard. Common sense would say to remove civilians before you remove the military. Also, you might want to take our gear with us. Great spin though!
  • 29 17
 @roguecheddar: @roguecheddar: It's not the withdrawal, it's the 'how'. Biden messed this up in so many ways it's practically incalculable. Trump had conditions for withdrawal under threat of serious bombing if they weren't met. And he was never going to just leave (especially Bagram); we would've kept a contingency force like we do everywhere for support.

Biden pulled our military BEFORE even evacuating our state Department people! Who does that? You NEVER do that! We basically handed 86 billion worth of state of the art military equipment over to the worst terrorists on the planet! No one believes for a second that if they'd pulled this, Trump wouldn't have immediately bombed them back to the Stone Age. This would have never happened this way. Biden is incompetent, diminished, ignorant, arrogant, and flat out evil. The horror coming out of that place is only the beginning.

It was predictable as well. As a 32 year old senator Biden said this. . .in 1 9 7 5 ! ! ! (That's how long this imbecile has been a politician.)

"I do not believe the United States has an obligation, moral or otherwise, to evacuate foreign nationals. … The United States has no obligation to evacuate one, or 100,001, South Vietnamese.”

Yes, it IS Biden's fault.
  • 12 12
 @jeremiahwas: Indiscriminate killing of afghan civilians - or collateral damage as you americans like to call it - soared under Trumps bombing campaign, simultaneously as he was dealing with the Taliban and drawing down the number of troops in country. Killing innocent men, women and children en mass. That is the reality lived by countless afghans who were in fact bombed back to the stone age. Pity you don't seem to care about them. And it's shameful that american politicians and their followers (including yourself) on all sides seem to care more about optics and scoring political brownie points, than about the people who are living through this.
  • 15 8
 @SimbaandHiggins: You misspelled Obama’s name. He is the drone bombing king.
  • 13 3
 @bchampig: no shit. He aint no saint. All four administrations owns this mess called the war in Afghanistan, and Biden owns this disaster of an evac. But this didn't happen in a vacuum, it's been accumutalating for 20 years.

My point is, you don't care about the afghans other than when it suits your political cheerleading and fanboyism. Left leaning or right, doesn't matter, your all the same in that regard
  • 8 11
 Imagine? Trump cordially met with the Taliban 9 times, including an invitation to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11. The Great Negotiator predictably made the worst deal imaginable- 10 months, all US troops out. Prepare your takeover now! Plus 5,000 Taliban prisoners released. In return for all of this the Taliban pinky promised not to harbor terrorists.

The current administration was only left with the choice of ramping up the troops significantly or pulling the plug.



  • 4 5
 @50percentsure: don’t let facts spoil the USA right wing nutters fantasy
  • 2 1
 @50percentsure: lol, Trumpsfault. just like Obama's economy was Bush's fault...big diff is Trump had conditions; would not have left citizens behind enemy lines; would not have left 80 billion of high grade equipment there.
  • 2 1
 Goes like this..
Trump: dear Taliban, we will let u live unless u allow terror/harm any usa allies.
Taliban: uh ok
Now, Biden has another bengali bc he put state dept folks in charge + his main generals are Harvard types, not the generals Trump used which were more Patton like.
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