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"I Said I Won't Come Back if I Win" - 10 Rider Interviews from Red Bull Hardline 2022

Sep 12, 2022
by Nick Bentley  

Once the stress of Hardline Race Day was over and the autographs signed, we caught up with as many riders of Red Bull Hardline as we could for some quick three-minute interviews.

Adam Brayton

How have you found your Hardline experience?

You know what we've had a great week, some superb changes to the course and I've absolutely loved it. You know, despite what happened in finals, I can't really complain.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

For me, I was mostly concerned about the on-off. I don't know why, probably because you have to get it right. I know you do with the other features, but the big ones didn't bother me. It was just that on-off but anyway goosed it every time and yeah, it was sweet.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

It's just an insane week, you know, the craic and all the behind-the-scenes stuff. You wouldn't miss it for the world.

Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

Yeah, we just went a little bit harder. To be honest it wasn't a lot of changes from Val di Sole, but my Val di Sole set-up was terrible! So it kind of worked out alright in the end.

Best Hardline moment?

Probably Brook MacDonald in my room at 2 am last night playing Party Boy.

Will you be back next year?

I'm gonna have to now because I said I won't come back if I win. And I was convinced I was going to win today and I didn't so I'm coming back.

Jackson Goldstone

How have you found your Hardline experience?

So first time, that experience has been insane. Such a good weekend, hitting big jumps and round a really, really sick track. Yeah, can't ask for anything better.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

Um, that's a good question. Some of the rocks in the wet were actually way harder than the jumps. I found, you know, the jumps are pretty straightforward to go faster and pull up whereas you have to be a bit more precise on the rocks. But you know, it's a technical course from top to bottom, so it's all pretty difficult.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

Probably the two 90-foot jumps. It's definitely the jumps I enjoy the most. It's such a good feeling being in the air for that long.

Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

Just a couple of changes to the bike, I just added a lot of pressure and went up a spring rate. Made the bike a bit stiffer for the heavy impacts and then up a bit of psi in the tyres too, but pretty much the same settings.


Best Hardline moment?

I think the best Hardline moment is probably going to be tonight actually. You know, I've always heard the stories of a real good time out at the after-party.

Will you be back next year?

Yeah, I'll be here until I retire.

Brook MacDonald

How have you found your Hardline experience?

To be honest, been really good. I haven't been here since '16 and it's changed a lot. The features have gotten bigger, way gnarlier. I kind of forgot actually how gnarly it is here and how much stress you actually have to put on yourself to complete a full run and actually get through everything. So, yeah, it's been a really great week like, so stoked to just be here, ride bikes and hang out with mates.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

That Step-down after the metal ramp Step-up I struggled all week just figuring out what speed I should approach it and I was overshooting it and undershooting it so yeah, it definitely for me was the hardest one.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

Probably the On-Off into the 90-footers, that was sick. It's literally like two or three seconds in the air. It's so cool.

Best Hardline moment?

Probably just getting through the whole course and just ticking everything off.

Will you be back next year?

Yeah, for sure.


Joe Smith

How have you found your Hardline experience?

Scary. It's weird. I think I'm like, I've done it more than anyone else or as much as everyone else, but I'm probably more scared than ever.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

It's all been pretty good this year. Like, let's take those new jumps, I was super nervous doing them. I had a few technical troubles the day when everyone started ticking them off so I didn't get that done that day. And then I went into the next day feeling like I was a bit behind. So I had to like, just step up and do it. So I'd only actually been through them like four times, but still good.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

The last jump once you've done that, you know you're in the finish. I used to love them like waterfall jumps and stuff like they're a bit slower and you get some like nice style but either that or like the cannon out of the woods at the top, that's pretty cool.

Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

I didn't change too much no. I got a coil shock a couple of weeks ago so I didn't really know how that would work on the bike. Everyone said it would work really well. I did go 25 pound hardest spring but I probably would have anyway. A tiny bit harder in the tyres, like 2psi front and rear. Maybe an extra click of compression here and there but not much, not compared to how we first did when we first got here.

Best Hardline moment?

Again, just coming down after that final run into the finish and getting that full run in the bag.

Will you be back next year?

Yeah I think so, I always seem to come back.

Charlie Hatton

How have you found your Hardline experience?

It was pretty stressful, to be honest, with the new features. The old features I was pretty comfortable with, the new features I was like 'oh God'. No one had tried them, so I was like are these even going to work? Yeah, I was pretty scared to be honest.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

Hardest feature was probably the new ones, but just mentally getting over how big they are and how fast you have to go. In actual technical aspects they're probably not as hard as some of the other features but it's just the mentality to pedal up to a massive takeoff and pull up hard when you're going probably 45mph.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

I think when you link full runs together and you get through the line that's a feeling you can't describe.

Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

Yeah, quite a lot of changes actually. I probably went 3-4psi harder in the fork, more low-speed compression and slightly slower rebound.

Best Hardline moment?

It's just such a cool atmosphere and after a practice day we went out on the trials bikes and yeah, rip them so that was good fun.

Will you be back next year?

Yeah, for sure.

Thibault Laly

How have you found your Hardline experience?

Hardline is always a very special moment in the year, like the atmosphere is pretty cool. It's always a bit scary just to send those big jumps but it's kind of fun as well. There is a very specific atmosphere with all the riders with pushing each other to send those big jumps even in the wind or dirty conditions. So it's pretty cool just to come after the season in general and just keep the challenge going.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

I would say the hardest feature was the second double and the big jump on jump off. Jump on jump off was quite hard to manage the speed. You know, you don't want to be too far or too close to the first one. So just need to push but at the exact speed to jump on jump off and then the first one is pretty easy you just have to pedal as hard as you can and pull as hard as you can. But the second one is a bit more managed with the speed. So when I first hit it, I break in the middle and it was exactly the wrong thing to do. So yeah second double for sure. The others are pretty cool. And maybe also the metal ramp was hard for me because I crashed last year on it.


What feature did you enjoy the most?

I don't know exactly. I think the first double was quite enjoyable. You were just pedalling hard, arriving at like I don't know 60km/h and just pushing everything you have just to be sure you can pass and it's for sure the biggest jump I've ever done in my career. So it's pretty good.

Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

Yes, a lot of big changes in general. My suspension settings were set differently. More closed lower speed compression, less rebound, tyre pressure and tyres.

Best Hardline moment?

The best moment for sure is just to finish it, crossing the finish line and realise you're still alive. You survived this weekend. You had an ok run, and just to know you're in one piece and ready to go again.

Will you be back next year?

I'll probably say yes.

Phil Atwill

How have you found your Hardline experience?

Yeah, gnarly but quite good. Survived. Buzzing.

You were pretty nervous when I spoke to you at Val di Sole about it. Did you get any easier when he got here?

No, not really. Day one I was terrified, didn't hit much. Day two got a lot better but then, had to pull out due to mechanical.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

It's all challenging. It's not just one feature, it's trying to link the run together. The wind as well, that's a huge factor.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

The bottom section from after the 90ft jumps to the bottom, the techy bit was good. I never hit the 90-footers.

Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

Definitely, bit slower and a bit harder.

Best Hardline moment?

The relief to get all the features done, apart from the 90-footers, that was a huge box ticked.

Will you be back next year?

We'll see. We'll see, definitely thinking about it.

Taylor Vernon[/

What has been the hardest feature for you?

Honestly, after the first day walking it, seeing the new builds in the middle of the track, you've got the 90-foot doubles. I was like, wow. I didn't even think they were possible to start with and then Bernard went and hit it and had a huge one. The shape, the new lip, and then the boys started ticking them off. All weekend I just sat back and watched people do stuff and I was the very last person to do it. Then, as soon as I knew it safe, I do it, and then you know it's paid off, and I just put a bit of speed down at the end.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

I think I like to Step-on, Step-off because I'm such a moto fan it's like the closest we'll ever get to being in a moto race.

Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

No, not really. I run pretty stiff anyway. Compared to last weekend at Val di Sole, I was like three psi up on the fork and rear end four psi. Not too much just for those little bit heavier landings if they happen, just a bit of safety.

Best Hardline moment?

Honestly, just having craic with the boys. There's such a good vibe all weekend, like we've all been picking each other up and helping each other get over jumps and a few beers every night. It was pretty decent standing on the podium too.

Will you be back next year?

Yeah, hopefully, if they invite me back. I was a wildcard guy I didn't get asked until last weekend, so I was a last-minute guy and showed up and smashed it.

Chris Cumming

How have you found your Hardline experience?

I got invited at the last World Cup in Val Di Sole, Italy. I was a bit nervous when I found out the news that I got invited, but no I was keen. I wasn't too sure if I was going to hit all the features as they're just absolutely massive. But all the help from all the guys and the riders made it quite easy, well easy enough for me to ride. Definitely fun hanging out with all the boys and girls. Yeah, it was scary but some craic and fun.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

First hit wise, the biggest one for me was the Road Gap, even though it's the easiest. It's just the thought of pushing your bike over a cliff edge, which is absolutely humongous. That was a very cool thing flying through the air on that.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

The feature I found the most fun was probably the first 90-footer. It was massive and it was a very cool feeling just flying through the air.


Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

Not really. My bike was set up for Val di Sole so it's already stiff and it was ready for a bloody battering. But no, just probably two clicks on high speed on my compression that's really it to my shock.

Best Hardline moment?

Oh, the craics unreal. Just hanging out with other boys. Also, getting down and completing a full lap was probably the most fun I've had whilst doing Hardline just hitting all the big jumps and doing it all together. It was fun. I really enjoyed that.

Will you be back next year?

I'd love to be back, hopefully going to get an invite again next year because this week has been the highlight of the year for me so yeah, it was unreal.

Ronan Dunne

How have you found your Hardline experience?

Yeah, it's pretty sick. Enjoyed it. So like there's great craic with the lads and then racing was savage. I came fourth with 0.2s off second with a dropped chain. So I was pretty frustrated about that but enjoy the whole experience.

What has been the hardest feature for you?

Probably that little rock garden before the Road Gap. I think all those techy bits, they're the tough ones, to be honest.

What feature did you enjoy the most?

Maybe the 90 Footers, I think they're the best.

Did you make any changes to your bike setup for Hardline?

Just stiffened up everything. I think I was like 100 psi in the forks like 260 in the shock or something. And then tyre pressure is actually the exact same.

Best Hardline moment?

I don't know, probably just the craic with the lads, even back at the hotel and around the pits. That's the main thing it was great fun.

Will you be back next year?

100%. Yeah, definitely. I'm coming back for my money.

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Mandownmedia avatar

Member since Nov 28, 2019
295 articles

  • 86 0
 Jackson Goldstone- “yeah, I’ll be here until I retire “.
F*cking legend at 18.
  • 75 1
 I’m coming back for the money ha ha ha best comment
  • 3 0
 So what would have been the price money for 3rd place then...?
  • 3 0
 @cxfahrer: we’ll winner gets £12k or £15k. Have heard both from riders for 2022. Don’t know about 2nd and 3rd.
  • 7 0
 @cypher74: 15 thousand euros damn!! UCI take notes mfs
  • 4 0
 I was just listening to the Vital B Practice podcast. Dak spoke about the award for winning UCI/ World Cup races and the nationals. Shamefully, hilariously low. Like, barely covering the cost to get to and enter an event.
  • 35 0
 Feel bad for BK, he's a HL legend and leads, supports the group every year to get down to the bottom. Jackson put him under some heavy pressure after a demon run and he pushed too hard. Fair Play. After watching BK's last LSD YouTube where he just rode off after the finish to find a quiet spot behind some parked cars on his own was some pretty heavy feels. These boys are a just built differently and when all the so called hard DH'ers don't accept the invites says a lot.
  • 36 0
 I wonder if you can get goggles that give you the GoPro effect. Then everything would look flat and easy. Give me a set of those and I'll drop in.
  • 23 0
 A lot of the GoPro effect comes from the lack of depth perception, so just put a eyepatch on one eye and go for it!
  • 34 0
 Jackson's POV has had a million views and only 999 thousand of those are by the French DH coaches. He's coming!
  • 3 1
 Is the canadian line gonna become a thing, eh?
  • 24 0
 For all the commenters saying how dangerous it all is, its quite refreshing to read how much the riders enjoyed it. Yes, they were terrified, but it sounds like they also enjoyed pushing themselves and achieving. Fair play I say...
  • 7 0
 I think its worth pointing out that Hardline was borderline this year because it got too big, too fast- untested features that destroyed Dan Atherton AND Bernard Kerr first hits was maybe too much progression at once. Now they've all been hit many times, its probably fine to keep them- think the big drop after the metal ramp that caused much headache in 2021 when it was new, but not as much this year. But the track is built very well and safely for how insane it is. Most of the huge features have open dirt if you crash, if not pads, airbags, or nets. And the tech bits keep you moving slowly, unlike VDS. WC racing has the opposite problem right now- the tracks aren't too gnarly or too big of features, they are just often done in a much more sketchy way.
  • 7 0
 @IsaacWislon82: They talked about how they switched to a tighter radius ramp for the step up, that slowed the the riders down so they didn't have to slam on the brakes to safely hit the drops. Dan knows how to build a trail!
  • 3 0
 @IsaacWislon82: the features sure were crazy this year. Went back to watch the top runs from 2017-2019 and man that cliff drop after the metal ramp, and the huge 90ft jumps are insane progression. And it was already a crazy course back then.
  • 24 0
 Monster should organize Softline...for folks like us.
  • 2 0
 curb hucking
  • 15 0
 Good craic (fun night but nothing too amazing)
Mighty craic
Savage craic
Deadly craic
The craic was ninety (Nirvana craic)
Unreal craic (RB Hardline craic?)
  • 4 0
 thanks for explaining
  • 8 0
 I had to search for a definition! I'm a bit of an Anglophile but that was a new one for me.
  • 3 0
 Fair play for spelling it right, PB. Our lad's chat must''ve rubbed off on some of the rest of the guys lol.
  • 7 0
 @hypermoto: an Hibernophile would have gotten it Smile
  • 4 0
 @hypermoto: same here man. I learned a new word. At first I was like "wtf are they saying" lol.
  • 1 0
 @excavator666: It made it over a while ago, been a pretty common phrase in the north of England for the last decade or so
  • 2 0
 @o-dubhshlaine: more new words?! I got some homework to do
  • 2 0
 @hypermoto: every day is a schools day Wink
  • 2 0
 @o-dubhshlaine: hope I can say this until I'm 90y
  • 7 0
 One of my favorite things about MTB is the mental game of conquering fear and ticking off features or segments that scare me. It’s fascinating to me how your mind has to be right for your body to do what it needs to do. So I feel like I know, in my own (tiny) way, exactly how these guys feel when they look at this trail and then start to conquer it. What a cool event Dan has created.
  • 10 0
 You know it's crazy when a bike wizard like Phil Atwill passes on the 90 footer, roll on next year.
  • 1 0
 I think he said he had to pull out of the event because of a mechanical issue with his bike
  • 9 0
 Cool to read that people were terrified. I was too and I’m bloody miles away!
  • 9 1
 So, what is this craic thing these guys keep talking about?
  • 6 0
 According the dictionary it’s Irish and means “enjoyable social activity; a good time.” Also found online: “The definition of craic is hard to pin down. In its simplest form of the word is slang for fun and enjoyment, but the true meaning embraces the Irish culture and means something far greater than just a good time. True craic requires great company and lively conversation where everyone is involved.”
  • 2 0
 Its a Celtic word thats sort of been adopted into standard English.
“I went away with my mates for the weekend. We got some riding in, a curry, smashed some beers, went skinny dipping in the sea and my dick froze off. We had a right craic”
Pronounced ‘crack’
  • 5 0
 @BiNARYBiKE: It means having fun, but with a higher dose of alcohol and fiddles*. I can say this, my son is Irish.

*Violins, to be clear.
  • 6 0
 @BenPea: Stereotypes exist for a reason. We're fine with it Big Grin
  • 1 1
  • 2 0
 @excavator666: I mean, it is true like.
  • 2 0
 @BenPea: It is, so it is.
  • 2 0
 Craic killed Applejack He jumped in and he couldn't jump back He was just too blind to see that Death lives in the rockhouse Craic! -General Kane, 1986
  • 6 0
  • 3 0
 @editor: Always my favorite to watch. Can’t help but feel his time to win has passed. Thought he had it for sure in 2019 and 2021. I hope he can prove me wrong.
  • 2 0
 Was very happy to see his redemption after last year. He's like the one pro vitus rider so I've got to support him haha.
  • 4 0
 This is great and everything, but the video of the riders pronouncing "Machynlleth" is still awol.
  • 2 0
 Sounds like a lot of guys had some broken frames or ran out of wheels judging by how many pulled out due to mechanicals. Also noticed Kerr was on a different frame in finals than he was on all week.
  • 3 0
 Yeah in Bernard's youtube preview he was saying a small crack formed on original bike (the white one) so he went to his other (black) bike. He had a couple big...well, massive wrecks on the original bike.
  • 4 0
 "Yeah, I'll be here until I retire." Legend, at 18 that's a lot of hard lines
  • 9 0
 Yeah but Brayton will still be riding Hardline after JG retires. Unless he wins it first...
  • 3 0
 I had seen a lot of hard lines by 18 also
  • 1 0
 @bmxbackground69: It's 11:11 somewhere
  • 1 0
 @singletrackjamaica: Looks like he would have podium'd this time if he had stayed on the bike.
  • 6 0
 Gutted for Grandad.
  • 1 0
 Maybe Bernhard Kerr should wait next year with airing his quali-run, until after the race? I felt like he gave away his hand, showing all the lines, as he has quite a unique way plowing through the features. Watching his quali run, you can see that he can do the same run, but likely 3/5 sec faster. Thumbs up for Goldstone, but still feel gutted not to see Kerr rip the whole thing top to bottom as he can..
  • 2 0
 It's a testament to these bikes that so little needed to change to make them capable.
  • 2 0
 Well Brayton's gonna have to do it now! Would love to see it for the Gas to Vlog!
  • 1 0
 What happened to Brook that he didn't race in the end?
  • 1 0
 His insta just says "some mechanicals".
  • 8 0
 I’d guess that Mondy gave up before the bulldog
  • 4 0
 @andyman123: Thats what I was thinking too. Piecing it together watching all the different coverage it seemed Brook had successfully hit all the features on course, so I wouldn't see why he would choose not to ride if he could have. Most of these guys aren't going to admit publicly to a broken frame.
  • 1 0
 @sino428: Bernard had a small crack in his world champs bike from hardline, which is why he rode the black bike instead
  • 1 0
 No Kerr?

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