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KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich Explore Iceland's Wilderness - Video

May 10, 2017
by Damien Vergez  

bigquotesIceland has long been on my list of travel locations, not just for the riding but it's hard not to see photos of the landscape and be captured by it. When Geoff, The Fast Fokus crew and I arrived, even leaving the airport was an incredible sight. The volcanic landscape covered in green moss is mesmerizing and photos hardly do it justice. The idea of going and finding perfect single track that laces through the hills was our goal, and with the help of Magne from Icebike we set out to find the best trails the south island had to offer. Each day we set out we seemed to find better locations and trails than the day and week before. In addition to the landscape, the Northern Lights was something that we all wanted to see while we were in Iceland. With the cloud cover we were running out of hope after almost two weeks, but at the end of our trip we were surprised by clear skies and one of the most incredible light shows you can imagine. It was one of the most amazing locations I've ever seen in the world, with trails to match.KC Deane

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.
KC Deane driving through the valley smashing through rivers in the Land Rover.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich Explore Iceland s Wilderness - Video

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Gully in Landmannalaugar Iceland
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

bigquotesIceland was to me, the most beautiful place I have ever seen on earth.
This vast terrain offered epic riding with landscapes to steal your attention at every turn. The exposure makes you weak at the knees and flow that makes you overcome it.

I will be back as soon as the opportunity comes up.
Geoff Gulevich

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich riding in Iceland.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich in Iceland filming.
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich in Iceland filming.

bigquotesWhen I first talked to KC Deane about coming to Iceland, he immediately loved the idea. We went there in the autumn to enjoy the most beautiful colors. We were not disappointed. The hardest time of the trip for me will remain shooting in the snow. We shot all day in the rain and on our way back to the hut it started snowing. So we decided to turn back and continue the shoot in the snow. It was super cold, but it was amazing. We saw so many extraordinary landscapes during this trip at the end of our stay, some incredible northern lights.It was the first time in my life. I stayed all night, lying in the grass to contemplate this spectacle. I spent one of the most beautiful evenings of my life. Just to contemplate what our planet has most beautiful. It was magical, I will never forget.Damien Vergez

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich in Iceland filming.

KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich in rsm rk Iceland underneath a spectactular Northern Lights show. The town of Reykjavik even demanded all lights be shut off in the city during this night due to the intensity of the showing here. Our crew went to Iceland with a vision to riding under the Northern Lights and we continually got shut down by weather. We photographed this the last night we were there on a 10 day trip and only saw the lights for two nights at the end of our trip departing our journey beneath a river of green in the skies.


KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich in Iceland filming.



KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich Explore Iceland s Wilderness - Video
KC Deane and Geoff Gulevich Explore Iceland s Wilderness - Video


Author Info:

Member since Oct 17, 2010
35 articles

  • 90 5
 That Defender tho.........
  • 9 0
 +10000 to this comment
  • 21 0
 Big monstruous defender... But dear Pinkbike, thanks for providing us such an amazing photos with an insane quality level. They make me want to pack my bags and depart tomorrow !
  • 4 0
 If you like off road/exploring vehicles, nothing beats Iceland. They are everywhere!
  • 3 0
 Agreed. Anyone notice the lifted high-top van in one pic? I would like to see more of that.
  • 46 4
 This video alone is reason enough that we need to be good to the earth. This video looked so unreal. As if they had transported straight to heaven. I can only dream of a day where I could ride those same trails and see it for my own two eyes.

Thanks for sharing this Pinkbike and damn we really need more videos like this.

F*#K Trump, Scott Pruitt and all of the other people who choose business fortune over mother earth.
  • 11 0
 That video needs to be x5 longer!
  • 15 0
 @trevor-attridge: Thanks guys for all this comments! We need to protect earth, for sure. Actually there is a longer version (15min) more documentary but it's gonna be for TV.
  • 3 0
 @FASTFOKUS: Would you also release a dvd or blu-ray? I'd buy that. My computer screen doesn't do this justice. I've got these MTB Heroes blu-rays too and it is well worth it. Would be nice if you could this here as well.
  • 1 0
 @vinay: +1 Couldn't agree more.
  • 2 3
 Why even bring politics into this? The reason why many of us ride is to get away from work, politics, and other stressors in our lives. And when we can't ride, we look at Pinkbike and beautiful videos and photos such as the ones above. Way to snap me out of my daydream. To think that one administration is going to turn Iceland brown is a bit Chicken Little-ish...don't ya think?

I'm consider myself a proponent of minimizing my impact on the environment and try uphold that on a daily basis; I just think it's interesting how we can jump from seeing the beauty of nature in a remote region, to hate-speak about our own domestic politicians.

F*#K political discussions on PB. Ride bikes!
  • 1 2
 Always save the mother earth. I couldn't agree more. There's really no other point to my life but to go out and experience the world (also known as nature). If America continues to prefer sitting in cubicles to experiencing our earth, you can say goodbye to your bikes and say hello to the close of todays mass extinction event
  • 2 2
 @Coldspringer: Ummm, if you didn't have people that sat in cubicles, or worked in factories...then you wouldn't have bike companies, ergo bikes. What a very naive and unrealistic outlook. Yeah, we'd all love to not work, but guess what? That bike ain't gonna buy itself. Balance, buddy...balance...and also, something called reality.
  • 3 0
 @vinay: I don't think i'm gonna release this adventure on Bluray. But MTB Season 3 is coming soon with a trailer and all the infos. And it's gonna be available for everyone. Stay tuned. More infos on my Instagram /fastfokus.
Thanks everyone for the comments and the support. I really enjoy reading all the feedbacks.
  • 1 0
 @FASTFOKUS: Loved the article. Photography and videography is absolutely stunning. It just reaffirms my desire to ride in Iceland within the next 2 years. I"ve been talking about a trip with my friends for a while now. This serves as motivation. Thank you!
  • 1 0
 @FASTFOKUS: I'd buy it too!!!
  • 4 1
 @steveczech: the reason why is because poltics influence how the government works and how we as a society influence everything from crime control, budgets, education, defense, and even environmental issues.

I'm sure you understand this right?

Our government here in the US is under attack and that also means our land is under attack.

Do u get the link between the two?

If we don't have nice trails to ride on and if we don't have clean air to breathe in and healthy non-toxic food to fuel us up then there is NO RIDING whatsoever.

So yeah, I'm going to voice out my right because without good responsible politics we won't have MTB for very long. Get it?
  • 1 1
 @steveczech: I never said we shouldn't be working, and I never said anything about factories--I'm just saying that nature as we know it won't be around to the end of my lifetime if we continue to ignore reality and distance ourselves from the real world in our suburbs and offices. I'll work as hard as I want, I just don't plan to forget the consequences of my actions.
  • 15 0
 my wife and i did a trip with Icebike last august. we met Magne, rode in that same defender (i think) we rode some of the same trails in these photos.

it was a great experience. certainly incredible landscape, and definitely good riding. I have no affiliation with Icebike, (found them via google) but I definitely would consider using them again, and definitely recommend them.
  • 2 0
 Magne is the man!
  • 12 0
 It's good to see riders like Gully, Hunter, Tippy, Cam McCaul, etc. transition their careers from freeriding and slopestyle into something more sustainable that can potentially extend their careers on their bikes indefinitely. This in no way means they are in the sunset of their careers. In fact, in many ways it means their careers are still on the rise. Like Hans Rey, they have become ambassadors of the sport in general, not just the brands that sponsor them. It's an awesome thing, and gives us all hope that even though none of us are immune to the ravages of time, we can still continue to shred for years and years to come!
  • 10 0
 Epic article, possibly the best photoset I've laid eyes on! Seriously inspiring work.
  • 1 0
 So true! Incredible pictures.
  • 8 0
 Bikes in Wilderness? impossible.
  • 7 0
 there are photos of the year for the next decade in this article...!!
  • 6 0
 Is there an "Article Of The Year" award? AOTY? If so, this one is definitely in the running!
  • 6 0
 Holy Shit! @Parisgore, Epic photoset.
  • 2 0
 Congrats Damien, Paris, KC & Geoff, absolutely stunning photos and video.

If anyone is interested in coming to Iceland we have some spots left on trips this summer. Details here: www.icebikeadventures.com.
  • 4 0
 @parisgore must have been dying to share these photographs since the trip. Exceptional work!!
  • 1 0
 I had the opportunity to visit Iceland last month, and I was absolutely blown away. We rented a car and just drove around the entire time. These pictures, while great, just do not do it justice. Also, it looks gnarly just everywhere you go. Soooooo awesome.
  • 3 0
 Tight work Paris! Congrats, cuz it's coming. Literally epic northern lights pix.
  • 3 0
 This just took my 1# spot to ride. end of story. so sick
  • 1 0
 I went to Iceland last October and it KC Deane's opening paragraph is pretty accurate. It is an amazing place with endless opportunities to explore. I can't wait to go back!
  • 2 0
 you go out on your own or with a tour? penciling in a trip in the next couple years.
  • 3 0
 @xy9ine: I went with a company called Iceland Guest. I would recommend them as they did a fantastic job organizing everything. I chose their "South Iceland Adventure" package and added a few days up on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. It was a great experience that I look forward to building on the next time I go. Having said all that, with the proper research, you could put together an amazing experience of your own as well. Iceland Guest just had some good packages, offers and they were easy to work with. A tip I would give is to make sure you have a "MiFi" unit. You will have internet access no matter where you are. Both convenient and significantly cheaper than any international roaming or data plans.
  • 2 0
 @cky78: Thanks! starting to do some preliminary research.
  • 2 0
 @cky78: Icebike Adventures does daytrips and multiday mtb trips in Iceland, www.icebikeadventures.com
  • 1 0
 @mtbiker77: Thanks @mtbiker77, I'll have to check them out. Are they reasonably priced? I find with biking adventure/tour companies that their products seems over priced. Maybe that's just the cost of doing business in their realm?
  • 1 0
 I´ve been there at the same time and just missed them by a few days! This place is just wonderful, definitely will be back and bring a bike instead of hiking boots !
  • 2 0
 This has to be one of the finest articles ever published on pinkbike. Absolutely phenomenal riding, photos, and video.
  • 1 0
 been there without my bike unfortunately . what a beautiful country , amazing video. only forest is in near akureiry if i remember good.. such a nice place.
  • 2 0
 Iceland is to me what the globe is to flat earthers: As long as I haven't seen it, I will not believe it. Awesome Vid.
  • 1 0
 Iceland has been my travel goal since before biking.. now it's even more so on the next couple year agenda. Have to make this happen.
  • 2 0
 Make it happen. It's freezing cold even in the summer, and the weather is frequently awful, but I have never had my jaw drop as many times on a trip. Iceland is utterly spectacular. I cannot wait to go back.
  • 1 0
 @Pikasam: I'm going to, I've always wanted to go just for the amazing landscape Iceland has and now that I've advanced and have grown to absolutely love mountain biking I need to go. I have to. Is it better to rent a bike there or fly your own?
  • 1 0
 @crysvb: I didn't bike there - I was support driving for a motorcycle tour, which is how I managed to see a lot of the countryside. But I'd say it's definitely better to take your own bike. Renting anything in Iceland is stupidly expensive, and everyone I met on an MTB had bought their own.
  • 1 0
 @crysvb: i guess it depends on how many days you plan on riding... if it's a one or two day ride, i assume renting makes more sense. if you're riding for a week, or more, then bring your own.

depending on the airline, it's around 150 USD per bike, each way. renting is around 100 USD per day (i think) sometimes you can get lucky and not get charged for the bike, depending on the airline personnel at the check-in.

bringing your own has advantages, but is also a bit of a hassle, getting to and from airports with a giant box, storing said empty box in hotel while you ride, putting bike together/taking it apart, etc and the non-negligible risk of the airline losing/damaging your bike.

having said all that, i've gone on many trips with my bike, and fortunately, always ended up OK. but my bike trips have been long trips, and i would always feel that renting a bike (that is invariable not as nice as mine) would be a "waste" of money if it was more than the cost to bring mine.
  • 2 0
 why do i wake up every day for my f....g job ! THIS is how Life should be spent !
  • 2 0
 Amazing photos and videos. I loved Iceland, I can't wait to go back!
  • 1 0
 Haven't watched the video yet (I'm at the office), but a number of those pictures could be POD! Amazing!
  • 2 0
 The video is also a wig-flipper! Defy office 'policy'!
  • 4 2
 First pic


Sam gamgie
  • 2 0
 I am going there on august! This will be epic!
  • 1 0
 Weren't some of these pics from a previous Iceland article? One of them was my desktop background about a year ago
  • 2 0
 oh wow those pictures are insane! Great job.
  • 2 0
 Definitely on the to-do list. What a place!
  • 1 0
 This is awesome! Only question, where did KC get those Links? I cant find them anywhere anymore.
  • 1 0
 @parisgore, Damn dude. This is by far my fav photo set from you. Well well done!
  • 2 0
 THIS is a photo epic!
  • 2 0
 Is this place on Earth?
  • 4 1
 No, it's the planet from Prometheus.
  • 1 0
 @kabanosipyvo: hahaha nice one Big Grin
  • 1 0
 Some serious photography there!! Hats off!
  • 1 0
 Well here's my years supply of epic desktop backgrounds!
  • 1 0
 Holy Aurora Borealis, Gore-man!!
  • 2 0
 Pics of the year.
  • 2 0
 niceland indeed
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Iceland is so beautiful it makes me wanna cry
  • 1 0
 Maps locations please!!! I can pay!!!
  • 1 0
 Leaving tomorrow for Iceland! stoked beyond words
  • 1 0
 Enjoy !!! Let us know how was your trip Wink
  • 1 0
 Nice one
  • 1 0
 Awesome vid and pic's!
  • 1 0
 Lucky bastards!
  • 1 0
 Always love Iceland!
  • 1 0

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