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Interview: Adam Brayton on 100 World Cup DH Starts - Fort William World Cup DH 2024

May 7, 2024
by Nick Bentley  

There aren't very many riders out there who have raced in 100 World Cups, and this weekend at Fort William, Adam Brayton joined that elite club. Interestingly, it was at the same place where he began his career at 18 years old. Adam's long-term sponsor, Hope, and partner Meg Whyte, surprised him on the morning of practice with a presentation of a special helmet painted by Flat White Paintworks, along with some cake. And who doesn't like cake? So, we stopped by to have a chat with Ad and see how he's getting on.

Ad, 100 World Cups. How does it feel?

Weird. It's crept up on me that one, I didn't even really know about it and came here to celebrations, which is obviously nice. But, yeah, I've been with Hope for a majority of them races, which is pretty sick. My longest standing sponsor. So it's cool to see the appreciation.

Your first World Cup was here you were just saying?

Yeah, 2006 as a second year junior. Fresh on the scene, keen as mustard. So yeah, it's been a long road and I love it just as much now as I did then.


Do you reckon it's getting harder or easier the more you do?

Oh, harder, mate. Harder. The level's insane now. Yeah. It's nuts. You literally cannot shut off or chill anywhere. You know, you've got to just be flat out top to bottom, but it's good, we're not complaining.

100 World Cups, nearly 20 years of World Cup racing. Any highlights that spring to mind?

Yeah. I mean, obviously podium here is probably the main highlight, but we've had a lot of good results. There's been a lot of highs and a lot of lows and that's part of it. But no, I wouldn't change a thing.

What's your favourite World Cup track (and you can't say Fort William)?

Honestly, Cairns.

Really, why Cairns?

Yeah I love it. Just loved Australia. Loved that part of the world. The track was amazing in my opinion. Probably a standout race for me, one of my favourites.

So 100 World Cups, not an insignificant feat, I don't reckon there's many other people in the pits with it other than Greg Minnaar. How many more do you reckon you got in you, are you still hungry for it?

Oh, mate, honestly, I love it. Like I said, I love it more than ever. I cannot get enough. But, yeah, obviously, you know, the end is on the horizon potentially, you can't go on forever. But we'll go as long as we can, that is for sure.

A busy year ahead, are you going to do all the World Cups? I know it's tough being like a pro-vateer kind of these days. So all World Cups?

Yeah I mean, I did call myself a pro-vateer, but we're definitely a privateer now. The plans to do them all, we're committed to the full season and hopefully do all right and we can build on that and go into 2025 with something more.


Last season, you had some issues with points and stuff, have you kind of solved all that now?

Yeah. I'm not going to say it's a loophole, but yeah, we've basically bought in is a simple way of putting it. So we've done that. I did actually score a couple points this season already so plan is to keep chipping away. Keep scoring them points.

So effectively now you're a UCI team?

Yeah. We've removed that stress of points chasing, BC Jersey applications etc. Took advantage and it wasn't something I wanted to do, to be honest with you. It kind of went against everything I thought. But anyway, obviously, like I said, removes that stress and we can turn up and go racing.

Is it just yourself?

No, there's a bunch of us misfits. A bunch of misfits, minus Mikaela Parton. She's legit. She's our golden goose.

What's the name of the team?

BNC racing.


Reaching 100 World Cup starts is quite an achievement, something not everyone gets to experience. To commemorate this milestone, Adam was gifted a custom Bell helmet adorned with a map showcasing all the world cup locations he has ridden at. And to top it off, a touch of fish scale patterning on the peak, paying homage to the World Cup's premier fisherman! An amazing job by Flat White Paintworks.



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  • 26 0
 Brilliant effort from the marra and the inspiring to read how much he's still enjoying it. Think it's BNC Racing not BMC though Pinktrike.
  • 3 0
 Actually lets see if we can get them hooked up with some of that BMC road cycling money, I'm sure they can slap a few stickers on and change the one letter.
  • 3 0
 Pinktrike Big Grin
  • 12 1
 Congrats on 100 races, I still think of that Earthed edit, Esky boooiii!!!
  • 3 0
 I actually sat in the chairlift with him back in 2006, and that's exactly what I chatted to him about!
  • 8 0
 Congrats grandad!!!
  • 5 0
 Legend. His influence on the sport and the UK scene has been largely underrated.
  • 3 0
 Totally agree with this. One of the first names that springs to mind when I think UK DH!
  • 4 0
 Congrats Ad, keep up the Gas to Vlogs great fun. And still on the Dissent . . . . . nice
  • 4 0
 How does he have 100 starts and still have to work for points to ensure that he can race?! That is a ridiculous rule.
  • 1 0
 First met Adam at Crankworx Les Gets 2017 with my 7 yr old son,where he gave him an Ohlins bottle,he still has it at home.
He’s always up for a chat and advice for my son who is racing in Youth category.
iIn my eyes Adam is one of the most friendly,approachable and one best riders around.
Cheers Adam and all the best for the season.
  • 2 0
 Legend, I remember him in one of the Earthed vids jumping a fence on an Iron Horse Sunday, I became an instant fan then. Love his balls to the wall style.
  • 2 0
 Been a Brayton fan for ages and love that he's still racing with the young kids. Hope he has many more races before he calls it a career.
  • 1 0
 The Keswick Kestrel still flying and long may he continue! The Super Marra Misfits needs a frame deal for next year, could we see an Atherton GB feeder team lead and coached by Brayton sponsored by Goodyear?
  • 2 0
 Brayton's GastoFlat vlog is a favorite - glad he's planning on hitting up the entire season schedule for '24! Downhill needs more unique personalities like Adam.
  • 2 0
 @pinkbike, sorry guys but it's BNC racing, not BMC.
  • 1 0
 And still keeping the Nukeproof alive!! Top lad and an underrated influence on the sport.
  • 2 0
 Badass Grandad!
  • 2 0
 Rock on big man
  • 2 1
 Honour to call this man a mate Smile
  • 1 0
 Where can I get one of those Hope Fort William shirts?
  • 3 0
 I think if you just walked up to the pits in Ft Bill and handed them £15 you could have one.
  • 1 0
 Keep going and keep videoing!
  • 1 0

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