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Lopes Punching Kabush After the Race? Here’s What That’s All About

Oct 5, 2017
by Vernon Felton  
Lopes Kabush

It’s a typical winner’s podium-style moment at the Trans-Cascadia, a four-day race in the Pacific Northwest. The top three riders (in this case, Geoff Kabush, Chris Johnston and Brian Lopes) stand side-by-side as the photographers capture the moment. There are smiles. There are camera flashes firing away. There’s a bottle of champagne in the air, aloft in Kabush’s hand. Yes, there’s always a champagne bottle, but this one is key to the story, so pay attention here. And then there’s a punch.

You’re not expecting the punch.

You are watching this seemingly innocuous moment captured on someone’s Instagram feed and wondering why in the world this is even Insta-worthy, when Brian Lopes turns and sends a right cross into Geoff Kabush’s chest. For the record, it’s a well-executed right cross. Lopes drops slightly, pivots on the ball of his rear foot, twists with the hips and sends his right fist into Kabush’s chest. There’s a neat, meaty—Pop! at the end of it. You can watch it below.

Someone took their Tae Bo classes seriously.

Kabush staggers back a step, but looks stunned, rather than hurt. Lopes backs up and fixes Kabush with a stare that seems to suggest that some hurting could well be in order if Kabush is truly in the mood for it. Then he walks out of the frame.

All of which led us, and other people, to ask, Wait, what just happened here?

If this happened between professional athletes following a hockey or football game, the media would promptly get into the why, where and how of it.

In the days since the video went up on Instagram, the public has been quick to make judgements about the incident. But rather than speculate about motivation or responsibility for the act, we thought we'd just get down to the facts of the matter.

So I called up Kabush. And I called up Lopes. And this is what the two racers had to say.

Geoff Kabush delivered a 1-2 knock-out punch over the weekend. Winning both the 50 mile Backcountry race and the Pro Crit.

Kabush's Take

I’ve got nothing to hide. Go ahead and shoot, man.

So what's the story here? There’s no interaction that we can see in the clip of you two conversing or having a hostile encounter, but I imagine something must have triggered the punch. What was that?

I can give you the facts. It was the last night celebration at dinner and we were having some fun. I took the win, so I was pretty excited. We had a little presentation in the dining tent and I sprayed some champagne. Lopes being Lopes, I wanted to get him with some champagne. He sprinted out of the dining tent, and me and Chris [Johnston] nearly ate shit on some tent wires chasing after him. Well, Lopes circled back and I was going to try and get him again with the champagne because I hadn’t gotten him very well, but he ran up into his hotel room, where he was staying for the last three nights of the event.

A little while later the organizers wanted to set up some portraits of the winners and the top three finishers—this was in the parking lot. After much work trying to get Lopes out of his hotel room, he finally came out. I was still trying to have a good time and I had the champagne bottle with me and he [Lopes] could tell that I was still up to some mischief, so he very seriously said to me that he would "punch me in the f*ckin’ face" if I got him wet again with the champagne bottle because he was wearing his last clean set of clothes and he planned on traveling in them the next day and he was pretty serious.

So, we proceeded to take the podium photo. I still had the champagne bottle in my hand and he told me, "Don’t f*ckin’ do it! Don’t f*ckin’ do it!" ….but.... I just couldn’t resist. And, yeah, so I poured a little champagne on him. Luckily for me, he didn’t punch me in the f*ckin face. And, well, you saw the video from there…


I just want to get this right. So, he’s telling you not to pour the champagne on him and you do it anyway. You poured it on his head during the photo?

Yeah, I dumped a little bit on his hat there.

There’s always two sides to any story. If you had to guess what Brian’s perspective would be, what would you say it was?

Well, I know Brian from way back. All the way back to `97. Look, I’ll give credit to him. I think this event [Trans-Cascadia] was pretty far outside of his comfort zone. I think he had a tough time embracing the unknown—the party-in-the-woods atmosphere. It’s a tough crowd. But, yeah, I don’t know…. Camping in the rain, partying in the woods…you kind of have to embrace it and, well, I think it was a tough week for him. He’s a pretty tightly-wound guy. I was just trying to have some fun, but it took a turn there. It’s a story I can laugh about anyway. As we all know, this is not the first Lopes incident we’ve seen.

Have you talked to Brian since the incident?

No, never saw him after that. He was gone the next morning, off on the shuttle home, I guess.

I didn’t see him at the last big party on the final night either, but then again, I didn’t really expect to after what went down. I think everyone was a little stunned when it happened, but in retrospect, it wasn’t a complete surprise. We just all had a good time and partied out on the last night. That’s what that event is all about. I hope it doesn’t reflect badly on the guys or the event because I think everyone had an awesome time.

Have you heard anything from either of your respective sponsors?

No. I certainly haven’t heard anything negative. I’m not getting any criticism, that’s for sure. You know, I was hoping to help loosen up Brian, but I think at this point Brian’s not going to change. I’m sure I’ll see him again and it’ll all be fine.

Forty-six-year-old Brian Lopes Ellsworth hangs it out on the way to third place in Pro Men.
Photo by Philip Beckman

Lopes' Take

So, let's get right to it—what happened there?

Basically, the short story is that we had the podium, we all got the champagne and I had no intention of spraying anyone. Geoff turned to me, right away, and I tried to run, but he got me pretty good. So, after that I went up to my room. I had to download some footage from my GoPro. My pants were all soaking wet, so I changed into my last set of clothes. Ten minutes later, someone came up and said they were doing more photos because they’d set up some lighting in the parking lot. I said, ‘Alright, but tell those dudes they better not spray me because I am in my last set of clothes and I’m getting on a plane tomorrow.’

So, I walk down there and the first thing I see is Geoff walking around with the bottle of champagne still. So I looked at him and told him, ‘Dude, don’t spray me. I’m in my last set of clothes.’ And he just kind of looked at me with this look that said, I’m going to get you.

So, I said to Geoff, “Dude, I’m serious. Don’t spray me. I’m going to f*ckin’ punch you if you spray me.”

So then we huddled under the lights for the photo. Geoff was in the middle because he won. He put his arms up above both me and Chris and I just had this feeling—because he [Geoff] still had that champagne bottle in his hand—that he was going to friggin’ pour it on me. Now, I’m not even looking at him because I’m looking at the cameras, but I’m telling him “Dude, don’t do it. Don’t do it, Geoff. I’m serious. Don’t do it.”

And the next thing you know, I have champagne running down my head and down my last set of clothes so I f*ckin’ turned around and punched him and that’s pretty much it. I felt like I’d warned him—asked him—three of four times not to do it and he still went ahead and did it. I walked away after that.

40 Years of Number 55 Brian Lopes

There’s always two sides of a story. If you had to guess what Geoff’s might be, what would you guess his perspective would be?

I don’t think there is another perspective. That’s exactly what happened. From the time I walked out there, I warned him three or four times not to do it and I even told him what I would do if he got me wet again. And, he’s the one who provoked me to do it. Now, whether it was right or wrong…obviously, punching Geoff wasn’t the right thing to do and I have no problem telling him that I’m sorry. But, I mean, I asked him numerous times not to do something and he still did it, so that’s pretty disrespectful on his behalf. I mean, he already got me wet with champagne once. Why does he have to go and do it again after I’ve gone and changed?

So, that is the point of distinction you’re making here, because a lot of people are going to watch this video and say, “Well, it’s a podium moment—of course you’re going to get sprayed with champagne? What were you expecting?”

Absolutely. I mean, it’s not like I got mad at Geoff for spraying me with champagne the first time. I did try to run, but he still got me and it is what it is.

During the actual podium moment people are going to spray champagne and I get that. I don’t really care to do that—spray other people, that is—but I understand it’s going to happen. Sure. But this wasn’t on the podium and, again, I asked him several times not to.

Like I said, I have no problem saying sorry to him, but I feel like he owes me an apology too.

You guys go back a long way, right?

Sure, I’ve known Geoff a long time. I mean it’s not like I’ve ever been buddy-buddy with him, we’re always been on different circuits, so I’ve never hung out with him, but at the same time I respect him as a racer. He’s an awesome racer and he’s accomplished a lot. I have respect for him. I would just ask that he have respect for me as well and it didn’t feel like he was giving me any at that point.

Well, I’ve talked to both of you now and while Geoff clearly didn’t want you to hit him, you have fairly similar stories about what actually went down.

Yeah, well, I’m not one to really sugarcoat shit. I say it how it is. It’s not always the right thing to say at the time, or the best way to go about it… and me punching Geoff wasn’t the best way to go about it at the time, but what do you do when you’ve provoked that much? It is what it is. I don’t lose sleep over it. I’m not going to see the guy and hold any grudges or try to kick his ass. I’ve had conflicts with lots of people and they just roll off my shoulders. Life goes on.

Author Info:
vernonfelton avatar

Member since Apr 11, 2014
202 articles

  • 558 68
 I love poking fun at Lopes but I think he was mostly in the right here. If someone pours a drink on you after you ask them not to they deserve to get punched. He hit him in the stomach, not the face and he didn't even hit him that hard.
  • 214 234
flag employee7 (Oct 5, 2017 at 19:09) (Below Threshold)
 Don't defend lopes. He has a history of assholish behaviour that speaks for itself.
  • 275 69
 "I'm going to f*cking punch you in the face" is most certainly not 'asking' to not be sprayed. In fact that's pretty much begging for it. I mean they're at a bike race. Do you realize how hard it is to find a baseball hat and a t-shirt at those things?
  • 60 8
 We aren't kids here, but when you act the fool, there are consequences. It's a life lesson some will never learn, just like not losing your temper.
  • 126 14
 Lopes needs to punch someone at every race.....he don't even need a reason
  • 54 5
 Podium moment punch got me by surprise. I for sure thought this other guy parked too close to Lopes' van
  • 172 15
 To be honest, I know Lopes has a reputation for being a bit rude, but if someone asks you not to pour a drink over them, and is clear that you'll get a punch if you do it, then what can you expect?

Sounds like both parties understand the circumstance and it's not that big a deal. Respect is key.
  • 212 51
 Lopes got legitimately disrespected and Kabush acted like a childish ass. Kabush definitely got what he had coming to him. Very juvenile.
  • 44 52
flag dtm1 (Oct 5, 2017 at 20:06) (Below Threshold)
 Play stupid games, wil stupid prizes. Guys a sensitive wittle twat.
  • 101 17
 @kidwoo: I don't know where you come from but if I ask you not to pour something on me and tell you I will punch you if you do I will fuc*ing punch you and you deserve it.
  • 75 13
 @kidwoo: Na I think lopes is in the right.. He asked first.. It wasn't respected.. In that case threat is made.. Props to B on that one I have to say!
  • 22 7
 @Golden-G: Damn straight.. Lopes ain't gonna a take shit!
  • 17 5
 @loganflores: Okay but you have to buy the champagne.
  • 75 6
 It's weird when Lopes isn't the dick in this incident.

Go to a party and pour champagne on a guy "you know from around" and see what happens.
  • 27 10
 @gonecoastal: should have punched him in the face
  • 37 5
 I agree that Lopes is justified in giving him a punch, that said Kabush seems like the type who likes to troll people. I've got to imagine the amount to which Lopes was protesting just made him want to get him all the more. It's no different than an internet troll, show no fear, and for gods sake don't let them know something bothers you or it's probably gonna happen. It's that way with brothers too if you think about it.
  • 42 90
flag neil-g (Oct 5, 2017 at 22:58) (Below Threshold)
 Punching someone during a race event should lead to punishment. That's not good sportsmanship. Period. I don't give a rats if he warned anyone, anyone showing violent conduct should be thrown out of the event. If he was really that bothered then he shouldn't have spoken to the organisers and got the bottle removed from the podium.
  • 28 9
 @neil-g: There are many types of violence. Spraying fluid on someone in case he explicitly disagrees on that is also a violence (e.g. if I spit on you, piss on you or throw shit on you, would you find it violent or not?).
  • 72 8
 I think Kabush was being a bit of a dick, acting like it was his event and Lopes the outsider. Like a school bully, he probably felt threatened by Lopes and was looking for some extra recognition from his peers to jack his ego. And he knew full well what he was provoking. Maybe I’ve read it all wrong but I don’t think either of these guys are in the right. At the end of the day this shit happens, people clash. Gives us something to talk about before work but there’s no need to dwell on it.
  • 17 22
flag neil-g (Oct 6, 2017 at 0:25) (Below Threshold)
 @lkubica: it was a dick move to keep on with the champagne, but violent no. It's part of the podium, completely different from hitting someone
  • 28 1

April 6th, 2012, Hong Du, in the province of Yanan, Republic of China - a 20 pound bag of Golden King triple A rice was suddenly falling over - situation still unclear.
  • 13 5
 @neil-g: if you tell someone specifically and numerous times, do not do that to me or I will punch you in the face, and they do it, that is literally the same as asking you to punch them in the face. In the eyes of the law, it is exactly the same thing. It is called culpable responsibility.
  • 17 25
flag albrow22 (Oct 6, 2017 at 1:17) (Below Threshold)
 @neil-g: end of day lopes shouldn't have been a moody arse running off to his room and getting changed in the first place. what does he expects gonna happen the bellend. if me and my mates had his attitude we'd have battered each other to death by now
  • 24 10
 @albrow22: he didn't "run off to his room". He had to download some go pro footage. It absolutely could not wait, because the battery on hip laptop was running out of juice and he forgot his charger. Plus, he had a piece of grit in his eye which he had to wash out. Plus he had the sniffles and ran out of tissues, so he had to return to the room to use toilet paper (because it's free).
  • 19 23
flag neil-g (Oct 6, 2017 at 2:37) (Below Threshold)
 @jaame: if you have anger management issues sure. As others have said if he was that bothered he could've put his wet clothes back on. But I guess it's easier just to be a dick about it. Violence has no place in our sport, I don't get why people are defending any other view.
  • 69 3
 Hmmm... If I was Lopes I think I would have done the same thing. On the other hand if I was Kabush I DEFINITELY would have done the same thing...
  • 7 1
 Was this a lycra v baggies bubbly chubbling battle?
  • 9 1
 @WelshClemo: baaaa!!!!
  • 1 2
 @jaame: so you saying Lopes committed common assault because he didn't actually punch the guy in the f* face? Wink
  • 7 0
 Vernon forgot to ask how much alcohol was a factor before the podium.
  • 41 2
 @neil-g: It had nothing to do with a "sport". If Kabush were a 6'4" redneck instead of a roadie with a beard, you'd call it what it is, being a dikk or bully. You would applaud the victim of the that passive aggressive macho man for taking up for himself.

The joke was over, the day was done & Kabush want trying to be humorous. He was trying to make Lopes mad. He deserved what he got. Hot tip for next podium though. Whack him in the nut sack mid - photo with a smile on your face. Revenge is best served to the scrotum when defeating shenanigans.
  • 2 0
 @WelshClemo: I've been told my family roots are from that side of the pond. This might explain my temperament
  • 4 0
 Guaranteed if the tables were turned it still would of gone down the same way
  • 4 2
 @WelshClemo: BAAAAAA!!!!!
  • 17 23
flag fartymarty (Oct 6, 2017 at 7:20) (Below Threshold)
 This confirms what I previously thought about Lopes - That he is a COCK!!!
  • 11 1
 @fartymarty: you should probably read more than just the title... prior to forming and expressing your opinion.
  • 14 1
 This isn’t some post-race podium where bubbly is being sprayed at everyone’s sweaty race kit. Its an end of the race day meal/awards banquet where it appears everyone is showered/changed. Camp Kabush justification for this is Lopes=dick so free reign to piss him off. If Kabush did this to the Women’s podium members would it still be “boys being boys” “take it all in stride” or a more serious matter?
  • 10 14
flag fartymarty (Oct 6, 2017 at 7:52) (Below Threshold)
 @Golden-G: My opinion was formed anyway, this reinforces it. He should have brushed it off and not risen to it. Then it would have made the other guy look like a cock rather than punch him in the stomach and storm off like a spoilt teenager.
  • 6 2
 @fartymarty: FOKK!! I just want to passively agressively bully your piece of worthless coniving bitter self into utter non-retaliatory submission.
I want to harrass you non stop from the seat of a freaking golf cart as you run away from all passive aggressive abuses in life and find ways to shift and divert and shield your made up narcissistic bullshilt about walking the other way. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
  • 4 0
 @fartymarty: if I tell you not to do something (multiple times) and then you go ahead a do what I told you not to do...WTF do you expect will happen?
  • 14 0
 He punches him to show him he means business, but he does pull it a little bit. He doesn't really want an all-out brawl, or to really hurt the guy, but he's serious about wanting to be left the f alone. That's kind of what I saw, anyway.
  • 8 0
 If you can't take a single punch go buy yourself a road bike and stay away from mountain biking.
  • 1 0
 @bizutch: Yes, all is diffused in hilarity with you get hit in the punching bag. Anywhere else it could leave a mark.
That's kind of what it's for. Just watch America's Funniest Home vids. Groin shots rock.
  • 3 1
 @albrow22: " why can the scotish, welsh & paddies select their own countries not just the uk but yet i cant select f*cking ENGLAND -"
Why would the "Paddies" choose another flag other than the Irish flag? You do know it's been an independent country for nearly 100 years?
  • 2 0
 So did Sam Dale really punch Gee, and did Gee really punch Ratboy?
  • 1 0
 @neil-g: did you read the story? Incident happened AFTER the podium celebration, which Lopes was fine being sprayed with champagne. This happened in post podium pictures after he changed his clothes and repeatedly asked him not to do it. If someone asks you not to do something or you will get punched are you going to do it anyway and then be a bitch and cry about it after they light you up? Kabush didn't... Just grown ass men having childish fun, nothing more.
  • 4 1
 @employee7: then maybe not pooring champagne on him would've been the more intelligent action. a*shole or not, he did not initiate that confrontation. Respect the mans request for shit sake. I wouldn't want to walk around smelling like stank booze either.
  • 13 2
 Of course he hit him in the stomach..... He'd need a stool to hit his face
  • 7 0
 I have to agree. Lopez seems like a bit of a turd, but he was clear about his boundries and Kabush chose to cross them.
  • 4 0
 @neil-g: For what it's worth I agree with you, it's assault. In all honesty if I was Lopes I would of broken his nose.
  • 5 0
 @neil-g: These are growen men, not your kids little league baseball. I can't for the life of me, seeing any professional cyclist going and telling mommy and daddy to take the mean guy's bottle away. Kabush acted like a child, and Lopes gave him a mild paddling to correcet his behavior.
  • 9 11
 Wow. So much downvoting for saying Lopes should've been punished for his violent conduct. Since when was punching someone acceptable?

@ridehard84: so a "professional" athlete is justified in punching another? What kind of example does that set?
  • 1 2
 @employee7: Spoken like a true bigot. Judging the name (interchangeable with race/sex/orientation) instead of the actual situation.
  • 1 0
 @neil-g: fair warning was given.
  • 3 0
 @employee7: LOL dont defend Kabush, he got warned. LOL this is basic shit, not a*shole shit.
  • 2 0
 @motion: fkn winner winner chicken dinner!
  • 1 0
 @hamncheez: I don't know what you're talking about...but I have to know more right now!
  • 1 0
 @neil-g: The example set is "Do what I say."
  • 3 1
 My problem is escalating violence, that's why I'd never want to punch someone, and I never grew up with siblings so I don't really know how to deal with that type of thing. It's kind of a touchy subject, like you play hockey, and nobody gives a f*ck, like haymakers to the head when you get mad, but then in day to day life it's more like the opposite because you can't be just spazzing out all the time, and it's a bad example. Day to day life is like when Homer Simpson gets the stress bumps on his neck holding in his anger, because you know you punch one guy, the next big boss at your job's going to come and clobber you, or it's bad problems for everyone if there's family/children involved. You can't go around getting in altercations, and expect to be a happy camper, because it will catch up to you.
  • 6 1
 @Kramz: so you just lay down like a doormat and let people do whatever they want to you? That makes you happy? Sometimes people need to be reminded that there can be unpleasant consequences, no matter how justified they may feel, especially in a situation like this. It's a matter of opinion but some people just don't do that whole "turn the other cheek thing".

Good on ya Brian.
  • 3 3
 @bizutch: either punch him in the face and have a real fight or do nothing and walk away from it. Punching him in the stomach and then running away just made him look silly.

I bet you would never see Gwin in that situation... for two reasons, firstly people respect him and he's a decent guy, secondly he wouldn't put himself in the same position, thirdly he knows he doesn't need to go around punching people.

These guys are supposed to be professional athletes and role models and both were in the wrong and made themselves look like cocks as a result.
  • 3 0
 For someone who doesn't know his history, everyone keeps saying Lopes has a history of dickish behavior, fill me in?
  • 2 0
 @dodgecitycycles: And he would probably need someone to push in his stool first.
  • 8 0
 @fartymarty: The difference is that if Gwin asked, Kabush wouldn't be inclined to be a dick to him. Bottom line, Kabush wasn't doing it light heartedly. He was doing it to be passive aggressive and intentionally made Lopes mad. He knows dude's personality and wanted to piss him off.
It's basic bullying. If Lopes comes back with words, Kabush still gets his way and does whatever the flip he wants when he wants with no consequence.

If you do something to start a fight...expect a fight. Passive aggressive people run around expecting no one would think of knocking them out and use it to get away with murder.
  • 5 0
 Lopes should have broken into Kabush's room after he went to sleep and pissed in his open mouth. Or shit in his race helmet.

A punch just leaves Lopes looking like he's overreacting to a "harmless" boyish fun. Retaliating in kind however, would have earned Lopes some credibility, and caused Kabush to think twice the next time he was thinking of pulling a similar dick move.
  • 2 0
 @neil-g: maybe becausr it's not ok to dump alcohol on someone? Just a thought. Actions illiict reactions.
  • 3 0
 @kabanosipyvo: Anthony Gobert pissed in Mick Doohan's helmet.
  • 1 1
 @kidwoo: right- after he got wet he should have been like "you owe me a new street kit butt head im serious." T shirt and hat - mic drop. I guess its the opposite for bike pros, plenty of bike kits but poor in street kits lol .
  • 2 0
 @neil-g: This wasn't an act of violence, it was an act of grown men f*cking with each other. If there were no photos or videos of it then guess what, you wouldn't have a damn clue it happened.Just one more reason social media is a joke. There is plenty more important things to discuss then two guys busting each other's balls. Get a job being a auto mechanic, roofer,brick layer or any other hard ass blue collar job and maybe you'll understand, maybe you'll make it to your 1st paycheck ya twat! In case you didn't know that's called busting your balls and means nothing more then "I love you man" lol
  • 2 0
 @WelshClemo: Baaaa!!!!
  • 1 0
 lighten up, Francis.
  • 166 6
 How old are these guys?
  • 771 20
 Lopes turns 12 in November
  • 18 41
flag sheldonuvic (Oct 5, 2017 at 18:50) (Below Threshold)
 @the-bike-life: haha f*ck! I accidentally down voted you; hilarious!
  • 81 39
 @the-bike-life: Then Kabush must be 3
  • 27 5
 I friggen love it. Now if only one of them could lie about what happened, then it'd be interesting! DRAMA! MOAR DRAMA!!!
  • 12 7
 @scott-townes: ha! Rad.... defiantly need more of this... MTB is Tooo Tame!
  • 35 8
 @reverb Let me pour a drink over the top of your head after you've asked me not to do it four or five times and see how old you act
  • 21 0
 @sterlingmagnum: more fighting and less shooting
  • 3 0
 @sterlingmagnum: yeah like check all the heavy hitting slaps that go on in the surfing community i.e. PointBreak
the film for reference. It does happen.
  • 16 10
 I think the author spelled Geoff Kadouche wrong. Not saying Bam Bam Lopes was mature in his response, but we aren't talking about astrophysicists here. Moving on...
  • 8 0
 @titaniumtit: I grew up around skaters and snowboarders.... not sure there was a night went by without someone taking one to the chin lol (slight exaggeration but not really)
  • 2 3
 Oops, try this link for Hawaiian Beatdown.

  • 1 0
 @the-bike-life: probably why Hes still so good!
  • 3 3
 @p-dub-4: you don't f*ck with demboys....
  • 5 2
 @properp: My comment was directed at the both of them. I'm sure there were a lot of opportunities along the way for them to act like grown men. Both of these guys behaved poorly. Kabush in his inability to respect Lopes' boundaries and Lopes in his hotheaded response.
  • 18 4
 @reverb: i think theres two problems with this situation, that lopes is too much of a bitch to actually hit him in the face, and that the public/pinkbike is even covering this garbage. if more people got punched in the face for being a douche, maybe they'd be a little less douchey. heres to bringing back fisticuffs at all major sporting events.
  • 6 0
 @whitebullit: It's the perfect antiseptic when applied to the face of someone infected with passive aggressive bacteria.
  • 6 4
 @whitebullit: all alpha males fight that's what they do watch the Discovery Channel. That's what's wrong with Society we're not allowed to fight anyone without being crucified
  • 4 4
 @reverb: there is only one person to blame in this scenario and I do not think it is Lopes. If someone asked you not to invade their personal space and you cross that line you get what you deserve.
If you poured a drink over my head after I asked you not to you would have got taken to the ground and beat to submission it would not have been just one friendly little punch.
  • 2 1
 @the-bike-life: Comment of the year
  • 1 2
 @properp: Makes me want to pour champagne on your head now. Haha I'm kidding but you see how that works? Kabush was clearly in the wrong but Lopes being Lopes put himself in a corner. At least he is a man of his word. I respect him for that.
  • 155 28
 Kabush got what he was asking for, end of story.
  • 55 36
 Yeah, but Lopes is a little baby princess. Really, it's a beverage that won't stain your clothing and you got 2nd. Oh, maybe hit up any support vehicle for a T-shirt. Try being stoked.
  • 46 2
 So in the end, we're rooting for neither side of this story.
  • 30 5
 @nicolai12: The race is over. The support vehicles are packed. Lopes is leaving early in the morning to catch a plane. I know I'd hate wearing sticky wet clothes on the plane.
  • 7 1
 @vandall: yeah and I bet the champagne would smell pretty gross the next day like beer does.
  • 6 2
 @nicolai12: you've clearly never had to spend any amount of time wearing champagne-soaked clothing.
The first time my driver got a top 3 finish he jumped off the podium and inverted the bottle over my head and down my collar, not remembering/caring that we still had another race later that day, then pack up and then drive home. I can tell you after a few hours, your clothes absolutely reek.
  • 3 5
 @gibbon-on-an-orange: It's really just a silly excuse. I've never had to wear champagne for an extended period because I felt like the party was worth the 5min. it takes to find a new Tshirt, take a shower or jump into the nearest lake / creek.
  • 8 0
 I'd punch Kabush for wearing that butt fullface and ugly ass shades...and the spandex, not to mention those f*ckin' sideburns too!!
  • 117 9
 This is what happens when you ride ellsworth
  • 40 8
 You shoulda seen how many people were lining up to get his autograph at Sea Otter! none.
  • 7 1
 Still waiting to see Lopes in promo'ing an Ellsworth E-bike
  • 3 0
 @konarrider2007 Tony Ellsworth would be proud.
  • 8 0
 @OriginalDonk: when Lopes punches Tony for not paying him the money he owes him then we will all be proud.
  • 3 0
 Lopes and Tony...a match made in heaven...
  • 2 0
 Id ride an elssworth if I got to quit my dayjob- you wouldnt?
  • 103 1
 pinkbike turning into worldstarhiphop?
  • 23 0
  • 5 1
 @tgr9: Yeah, Worldstar, but the fighters act like middle-schoolers.
  • 85 8
 Based on kabushs' own take, it was well deserved...he was warned. The horse play was earlier and he carried on anyways. That's disrespectful. They're not kids, so when a another man warns you, take notice or suffer consequences.
  • 5 12
flag kungfupanda (Oct 6, 2017 at 0:14) (Below Threshold)
 Imagine coming in second place behind someone you don't care about, then have them taunting you... id karate punch him too!
Professional athletes do everything 110%. Life, love, work, play, anger, punching someone who needs a punch.
I'd love to get pissed off and go toe-to-toe with Lopes. Maybe a good Sea Otter charity booth for '18???? For donation, Get my boss to conference call me, and really piss me off, then let me loose on Lopes? Probably get throttled, but it'd be for charity....
  • 7 0
 Yeah as fun as it is to jump on the Lopes is an asshole hate train and maybe sprinkle a clever remark about Elssworth he was definitely not in the wrong here.
  • 92 27
 Lopes being a bitch and getting a hotel room while the rest of us slept in tents, then running off the podium like a stepped-on puppy when threatened with champagne? Then hiding in his hotel room and having to be coaxed out for an obligatory photo op, and still can't handle the celebration? Lopes seemed pissy and left no positive impression on me at any point over those four days. Kabush socialized with everyone, drank beer, hit the hard bar, slept in a tent, had a good time and still won a hard fought race. It's called a "party in the woods", Brian. If you can't party, or even sleep in the woods like everyone else, just don't bother.
  • 30 29
 Kabush sounds like a bully
  • 12 4
 Well said Chris, congrats on your result!
  • 15 10
 @russthedog: 80 other people are enjoying the spirit of the event and one is being a nauseating little diva, diva doesn’t fit in so he throws a punch, it’s not even about the clothes.
  • 32 10
 So you guys logic is that he didn't party in the grime with you guys so he's a dick for that?

Man, I like to drink beer, but there are scenes I don't partake in. You're judgemental as hell. Dude came to race. Nobody signed a "must party with the furry folks" mandate. You sound like a woodland frat guy. Dirty, nerdy hippy bully frat mentality.... Big Grin
  • 12 7
 Chris' response, I agree 100%. If you were there, you know how it went down. Kabush, Johnston(who got 2nd by the way), and all the other pros slogged it out in the rain and the mud with us amateurs all week, slept in tents and fully embraced the event. Super down to earth guys and fun to hang out with. Lopes meanwhile was coddled in a hotel room with several Oakley assistants trailing him around, cleaning his bike, etc... the whole time. I can understand Lopes frustration to a certain degree, but it was a huge douche move to throw a punch. He obviously felt the same way b/c he slunk back to his room never to be seen again. And as other posters noted, it would not have been hard to get a set of clothes from his Oakley trailer 12 feet away.
  • 9 4
 @bizutch: But that's the point of the race... It wasn't called "most serious race ever!" It was called "Party in the Woods". So don't come to a party expecting a serious business atmosphere.
It's like going to a house party and complaining that someone poured beer on your expensive suit.
  • 5 1
 True Brian could have enjoyed the "party in the woods" atmosphere a bit more. But dont read into this PB TMZ BS everyone. BL slept in a TENT like everyone else ALL nights for the race. The only night he was not in a tent was after the racing had ended on the 3rd night at Belnap. Congrats on the win Chris Clark you f*cking killed it!!
  • 2 0
 @qikss: Thanks for the truth. @kawika You just sound like a hater.
  • 1 0
 @bizutch: No not at all, I'm glad Lopes was there and respect him as an athlete and he obviously can still rip a bike getting third overall. I just thought it was lame that he was the only rider with a room for the last 3 nights and that he punched Kabush. That's all.
  • 3 1
 @bizutch: The event is labeled by the organizers as “the party in the woods”, there’s even a leaders jersey for the hardest partier AKA the Go Hard award. Both the race and the Go Hard award where won by Mr Kabush. Now if I’m not a partier and I hate camping in the woods I’m probably not going to attend that event, it’s clearly not for me. No doubt Lopes got talked into attending and discovered the theme just wasn’t for him. He also probably didn’t like getting beat in an Enduro by some XC guys who were throwing back the booze every night either.

This incident brings the words of MX legend Bob Hannah to mind “If my competitor was drowning I’d stick a hose in his mouth” If I know my actions are causing my competitor stress then I’m probably going to keep doing it to get him off his game and onto mine. I think the punch was a culmination of a whole four days of frustration for Lopes.

I think all of us have been on both sides of situations like this. I’ve been the fit in or f*ck off guy and the bitchy guy who hates everything about where he is and lashes out in frustration.
  • 5 2
 @TPLRacing: he poured a drink on his head at the photo shoot dude, that's provocation no matter what the context.

The more you guys say the more kabush sounds like a bully too by the way. Get ready for it if you don't fit in!
  • 4 2
 @TPLRacing: You don't know much about Lopes DNA then. He's been known to go through the gauntlet of the Laguna RAD's, a way more rugged bunch than this thing, he's raced XC races on weekends where he had nothing to gain & for shits and giggles sprinted off the front the first lap for fun and then did his own thing during the race.

I'm a loner. I get it. I don't like to play nice in bunches. I can do it for short times. But I want nothing to do with the masses, the cliques, the group mentality. Go ride your bike. He'll ride his. Dude posted for several days about how much fun it was and how he was out of his element but determined to soldier on. He didn't quit, pushed himself and did it with a smile that has a sarcastic fokking smirk that people just don't like.

You are hating for hatings sake. Now shut up or I will pour acid on your skull even if you tell me not to.(that last sentence is sarcasm...and how I lose friends).
  • 90 26
 amazing.. a DH guy getting mad at an XC guy for partying to hard.. Good work Geoff, your Ok in my books. who gets tired of being sprayed by champagne anyway. Enjoy the podium fellas, I'll take your spot up there any time Brian if you dont wanna get wetSmile .. Brian your also still a legend dont worry and dont get cranky.
  • 4 28
flag p-dub-4 (Oct 5, 2017 at 20:24) (Below Threshold)
 Lopes was a dual slalom and four cross specialist. Not really a DH guy... did he race many DH world cups? Naw, he's always ridden a single crown bike... lol
  • 34 1
 @p-dub-4: Lopes was also the United States' DH National Champ several times over (1995, 96 and 98, if memory serves me right).
  • 4 2
  • 2 6
flag p-dub-4 (Oct 6, 2017 at 7:32) (Below Threshold)
 @boardinbob: sorry, I should've said DH World Cups. Yes, Lopes raced lots of 4cross and Slalom world cups.
  • 1 0

He's got 22 DH world cups on his R&R results. Don't think it's showing the 4X stuff though
  • 65 16
 Haha this made my night. I worked a 10 hour day only to come home to hear about how a guy who makes a living racing a bike doesn’t like being sprayed with champagne when he’s on the podium. #1stworldproblems #sayitdontsparythechampagne
  • 51 3
 Lopes with a shirt on? Must be #fakenews
  • 5 9
flag me2menow (Oct 5, 2017 at 18:39) (Below Threshold)
 Lopes dont need no clothes
  • 12 0
 He just takes them off so he doesn't get champers on them.
  • 6 0
 I did wonder that. Surely on the threat of being sprayed the real Lopes would have stripped off to show off his fine physique and smurfed any would be attackers!
  • 3 0
 @captainspaulding You're one to talk you shirtless gorilla
  • 3 0
 If he wasn't wearing a shirt, none of this would have happened...
  • 1 4
 Gotta love when you get neg propped because people dont realize youre speaking facetiously
  • 46 2
 If I had to choose who to have a beer and ride bikes with based on this event, I know it would not be Lopes...
  • 50 13
 Who cares about either of these guys? Why does the mountain bike media care so much about making me care about Lopes? He seems like a tool. Every year his bike sponsor keeps getting lower and lower class to the point that next year he will be on a Huffy. At least this article didn't give him a chance to show off his 120k sprinter van.

The other dude only exists in ads I see in Mountain Bike Action as far as I can tell.
  • 4 3
 Didnt he already do a year with huffy ? Or someone equally low rent. Before the Ibis /x-fusion deal.
  • 33 2
 "the other dude"?? kabush kills it on a mtb almost every other week in one race or another....
  • 23 0
 you read mountain bike action?
  • 2 0

After every issue since april 1992, i've finally kicked my MBA buying habit as of two months ago. Now to start putting back issues on ebay to sell to other addicts Wink
  • 4 0
 You must be kidding.
  • 22 0
 This summer Kabush won the BC Bike Race, the Downieville Classic All Mountain (XC and DH), and the Trans Cascadia Party in the Woods Enduro so the guy has pretty amazing breadth of skills. I followed him down the Downieville downhill and he's an insanely talented bike handler, apparently with a huge diesel engine. The guy's post XCO career has been very successful and he's winning the races I would enter if I had the time and the coin. That's why I care.
  • 3 0
 Kabush is a three-time Olympic athlete (along with being a good guy)..... Hardly just some "other dude".
  • 37 1
 Hmm I'm thinking...why didn't Lopes just put his already champagne soaked clothes on, get the photo and just have a champagne war with Kabush? When mountain biking become as serious attitude as road racing, they'll be in e-bikes for sure
  • 12 1
 Damn man, I could not agree more... The guy knew (he even said it) that there will be champagne again buuuuutt noooo!!!! Why put old clothes on and keep the fresh ones...fresh?
Kabush did not play very smart but man Lopes sure did not also...
  • 41 10
 Lopes should be DQed! Not for the punch, for leaving the group, staying in a hotel, ditching the camping and by god skipping nightly party in the woods!
  • 16 1
 His douchbag temper DQed him from the group, hotel party, camping, and nightly party.
  • 30 2
 Well, he can punch better than he can park.
  • 6 6
 Yah ask his wife about that one,he punched her out while sparing in the gym.
  • 30 3
 Here is how it goes:

MTB News > E-MTB News > This
  • 24 2
 e-mtb podium fight news will be the worst kind of news, once it exists. obviously, there wont be any e-mtb podium fights until they have some kind of electronic arm device to assist with punching
  • 21 1
 I honestly prefer this over e-mtb
  • 12 0
 @Albatrosse: slapping, E-MTB'ers slap, they do not punch.
  • 8 0
 @Albatrosse: Brilliant. Spat my tea everywhere. And that was my last shirt...
  • 1 0
 @JoseBravo: comment of the year
  • 24 1
 you race mtn bikes for a living and youre on a podium. lighten the f*ck up man.
  • 22 0
 What is this? Real house-wives of Squamish, BC Edition?
  • 2 0
 Petty move but always fear the lopes blind-pivot
  • 1 0
 The real housewives of Squamish would be fairly posh these days.
  • 1 0
 *rally* edition
  • 26 9
 Since when did the world become so full of pussies. What's the problem with two men scrapping. The whole world would rather shoot each other than take a punch. Like I said the world is full of pussies.
  • 4 1
 And isn't it funny how bikers fight. Back in my drinking days a punch meant blood and stitches.
  • 16 1
 Lopes isn't the most emotionally flexible guy. People know that, Kabush definitely does. That doesn't excuse punching him. Kabush, on the other hand, has a reputation as being a pretty cool bro when it's easy or he wants, and a fairly arrogant, sometimes manipulative bully when the opportunity presents itself or he feels like it. You can see in his interview how he tries to present Lopes as some kind of special kid who can't handle him.
  • 13 0
 I dunno, seems like everything ended up even, no real hard feelings, end of story. After all that tough-guy warning talk, you'd have to stand up for yourself at least a little bit (Lopes), and Kabush took it in stride, knew he deserved it and accepted it, didn't escalate, the end. Mildly entertaining, but I don't feel any need to pick a side. Everybody wins, yay Internet.
  • 6 0
 Ya it kinda makes me like them both a little more.
  • 12 1
 ok 1) yeah lopes is a bit up tight. 2) even geoff admitted to how many times lopes warned him. 3) what the f*ck do u expect from a serious warning. 4) the punch wasnt even that hard, he just took the first little shot and then squared up and geoff didnt retaliate so he stepped down. and 5) who doesnt like a bit of drama? honestly
  • 14 3
 What's funny is Nopes has been on the other end of this more times than he can remember, so when the tables are suddenly turned, he whines. Classic Nopes.
  • 11 1
 The upside is that Lopes probably won't be at Trans Cascadia next year. Bonus!
  • 7 0
 Gotta give credit to both of them as they both told the same story. Geoff was warned and Lopes made good on his promise. In this particular case Geoff had it coming to him. Sure he was being foolish and trying to have fun but there are lines to be drawn. Respect is respect. Geoff, I would hope, will call up Lopes and apologize to him. Less beef in the MTB community the better.
  • 14 7
 Lopes: "I don't sugarcoat shit i say it how it is"
Geoff: "He told me he was going to punch me in the fk'ng face".
Lopes: "I told him i was going to punch him"

  • 2 2
 Lopes scraped the sugarcoat.
  • 12 2
 Why go party in the woods, if you aren't down to party in the woods?
  • 8 0
 Whatever. Occasionally shit goes down, someone gets punched, and everyone moves on. Doesn't sound like anyone is nursing a huge grudge, so be it.
  • 15 7
 Lopes warns him over 3 times, kabush does it. Lopes keeps his promise. Who is in the wrong? Sounds like kabush is a dumbass who needs to stop with the bullshit
  • 7 0
 Kabush is a great onomatopoeia for a guy getting smacked in the face. He's leading his life accordingly. I commend him. Also, if you don't want the Champagne, send it to me, I'll fucking drink it.
  • 11 5
 Somehow this makes me very sad. 2 guys that are both well known and sponsored riders both just went down a big notch in my book - I'm sure they don't care, maybe their sponsors should?

Lopes - another crap story but I'm not disappointed in the punch as an outcome - that seemed well deserved, I am disappointed in the churlishness that preceded it.

Kabush - I've only seen him as a really talented rider until now, this pushes him towards the douchebag bully side of things. Reminds me of the attitude you get when you walk into a crap bike shop for the first time - same tribal/exclusive bull-shit.

Both of you behaved in a manner I wouldn't tolerate from my 12 year old boy.
  • 6 4
 You must be a blast at parties.
  • 3 1
 @dualsuspensiondave: No, no I am most definitely not.

Still more fun and less douchey than Lopes and Kabush were. Smile
  • 10 2
  • 9 0
 Lopes/Kabush like Biggie/Tupac . bloods gonna flow yo
  • 10 1
 Why did someone at Pinkbike post this ?
  • 6 0
 For views an clicks an likes an comments that keeps advertiser $$$ coming
  • 6 1
 @nojzilla: which, in return, keeps free content for you coming, son.
  • 1 0
 EXACTLY Drama queens
  • 7 0
 How many of us haven't been both of these guys at some point? Sounds like they're both fine. Congrats on what sounds like an awesome week!
  • 9 3
 I think Lopes can expect to be showered with Champagne on very podium he's on from now on.
He'll have to make sure he packs extra nappies for the trips home.

New sponsor? Huggies!
  • 6 1
 Kabush had it coming... Once is kinda fun, maybe a little annoying, while still on the podium. But again, after being asked not to, when in street clothes, is just lame... Frat boy dbaggery to be walking around still with the champagne, dumping it on peoples heads, especially during a photo op, actual podium moment long gone. It's not like this was WC's. Kabush is a cool dood, Lopes is uptight, but Kabush had it coming.
  • 7 3
 The punch wasn't necessary though it wasn't so much about the campaign as it was being his last pair of clean clothes before getting on his flight. I know I've been on weekend MTB trips where if someone messed with my last set of clothes I'd be pretty ticked too.

For those who disagree, get a cheap $8 bottle, hose yourself down with it then go sit and drive for 3-4 hours.
  • 8 0
 Now Lopes is with Ellsworth I was expecting a much larger pivot.
  • 6 2
 Lopes is one of the biggest d bags on the planet. One time at 4x worlds he crashed out and didn't want to do a consolation round. His mechanic said "a lot of people are here to see you ride". Lopes said "f#$@ those people". True story.
  • 7 3
 this has a very Charlie Murphy / Rick James thing happening... except not funny...

no body looks good here... PB doesnt look good, VF doesnt look good, Lopes doesnt look good, Kabush doesnt look good... what the f*ck is wrong with all you people?...

I have to empathize with Lopes for a moment... he is exactly the kind of dude that might have had to deal with this kind of shit his whole life, and despite his success, you still are dealing with it... because douchebags like kabush think you are the dude to f*ck with for whatever reason and as much as they think they are cool guys, they are just douchebag bullies who are victimizing people who they think dont fit, or dont have a right to belong someplace... i bet he doesnt f*ck with lopes again... he is lucky he didnt get punched in the face as promised...
  • 8 1
 Slow times in mountain bike news.
  • 6 0
 Oh please someone post a funny cat vs cat video up! Surely that would summarise that aweful dark lit footage up.
  • 9 3
 When in Oregon leave your so-cal attitude at the border. I know I'm narrow minded and stereotypical.
  • 10 6
 Don't pour champagne on me Don't pour champagne on me Don't pour champagne on me........ I will punch you in the face...... Total diva move, what the FK did lopes think was gonna happen after acting like that Dick move
  • 7 3
 What I mean by dick move.. Not the punch but, the angry threat. Maybe something like "hey man this is my last clean clothes, please an thank you bud" would probably have got a better result than "Imma punch you in tha face!"
  • 4 1
 @nojzilla: you realise it's lopes we're talking about, right?
  • 4 1

If you tell me not to do something insistently that isn't that big of a deal, I'd totally f*ck with them, too. Sounds like something you'd get sent to the principals office for in like 3rd grade.
  • 2 1
 @habitatxskate: totally!!!
  • 8 0
  • 4 1
 I feel like the protocol has always been, if you are in your race gear, be it driving, mtb, or whatever, spray away because that's the good photo op, and your are about to go take a shower either way. Once you have changed into your street clothes, it seems pretty inappropriate to spray someone, especially after they told you they were on their last set of clothes.
  • 4 1
 Lopes is generally about as douchey as they come... but when you ask someone explicitly, several times, not to do something to you, and they do it anyway? That's lame as hell. That will never "loosen someone up".

This won't really change my opinion of Lopes, but it did help me form one of Kabush: Douche.
  • 4 0
 Haha why cant we have pros fighting at every race followed by drama on Pinkbike? Cant wait for jersey shore mtb pro edition #2018rumours
  • 7 1
 Pinkbike Secondary School diaries
  • 2 0
 For some reason this whole thing makes me feel very sad, not sure why. These guys are great athletes and they are also just people just like the rest of us but for some reason I just though we as mountain bikers were better people than, you know every one else?
  • 2 0
 Boys being boys... How many times have we had these type things go down amongst close friends. It was a little champagne and If was a chest punch not assault. How does this make a dam media story I swear pussy asses! I wanted to see some wrestling to follow!
  • 3 1
 Alright I am chiming in here...Lopes is a hot head and pretty much an arrogant prick. There was plenty of words about him at the first national enduro race of this year and his actions. Not going into detail but I almost emailed Tony about it but decided to not do that. I have seen him in action and he is far from a class act...
  • 5 0
 Well you have to at least give some details now... sheesh.
  • 2 0
 Lopes gave Kabush a fair head's up. Kabush wanted to rattle his cage to feed his own ego and Lopes delivered on his promise - end of story Lopes should be given props for being true to his word. Given that he was given plenty of notice ahead of time, Kabush looked slow on D and should be grateful that Lopes didn't tag him upside the noggin. Kabush should also count his blessings that Lopes isn't a bg guy - if a Clydesdale like me hit him, he'd be walking funny for several weeks.
  • 7 2
 I would have punched him.
  • 21 15
 Why is this on Pinkbike?
  • 47 13
 Because its entertaining to read, you tightly-wound jackoff.
  • 6 5
 @scott-townes: shots fired!!! Haha
  • 6 8
 Thank God PB got to the bottom of his. I wouldn't have wanted the FBI to draw resources away from Las Vegas to get to the bottom of this incident! Wink
  • 1 2
 @scott-townes: LOL!! BAM!!
  • 2 0
  • 3 1
 @scott-townes: Lopes... is that you???
  • 3 2
 @scott-townes: We probably don't have the same kind of entertainment I guess... Jersey Shore fanboy, much ?
  • 5 0
 Didn't know PB was preparing a show for E!
  • 8 4
 LOL wow give me a break Lopes. your sponsors didn't give you a extra shirt lol
  • 4 0
 Only thing that would make me less stoked than this is probably another E-Bike article.
  • 9 5
 I'd be mad too if I was a washed dh racer who couldn't win #1 in an Enduro race..
  • 4 2
 Why didn't lopes wear his dirty clothes to the podium? It was obvious it would happen! Im not sure what was more embarrassing. That fact that lopes punched, or that it looked like a really weak punch?
  • 4 1
 Read the article. That is not the podium,just a post-podium photo.
  • 4 0
 Funny stuff. I've been on both sides of this. I've dumped and punched. Sigh....I'm an ass either way.
  • 4 1
 No more drama material articles like this please. Don't start to post that kind of irrelevant crap like other sport websites do, please....
  • 2 0
 Can we just take this rubbish off pinkbike. Seriously guys it's getting really low. Racing only finished last week and we already have articles about men getting their handbags out.
  • 5 4
 I'm with Lopes on that one, no matter his reputation some people mention here. Even if he has such a bad rep, trying to play some stupid high school level joke on him and not taking "don't" for a final, is really asking for a sucker punch. Geoff may have had it done with some younger guys out there, but as you don't make jokes about any kind of legend, you should respect Lopes by now. He tried once, he almost got it, heard "no" at least three times and didn't give the slightest f**k about it - that's very disrespectful and apology from Geoff should be done at once.

It's not I am dead serious about life and everything, it's just you should keep minimum of good behavior in some situations and that was the one.
  • 5 4
 A punch to the chest between two Mary's and it makes front page as if it's legit culture news? PB stirring the pot much?... Sometimes getting banged in the jaw is the only way to learn a lesson. I guarantee when you get popped in the face for being a dick you'll learn that lesson really quick to not do that again.

Lopes could have easily punched him in the face, he had every right to. If you ask someone (especially someone you're not even really friends with) multiple times, politely, not to do something - and then they go and do it again - they're disrespecting you. Lopes had every right to punch him in the face and showed restraint by only tagging him in the chest. Kabush got off easy. He could have his jaw wired shut today and he deserved it.
  • 1 0
 Being a WNC rider, didn't know very much about Kabush, but over the years, much has been said about Lopes just not being a very nice guy, no Mr warm and fuzzy. So It dawns on me, don't tick off a guy with that kind of a reputation.
  • 5 4
 Everyone talking smack about Lopes punching Geoff even after warning him, think about this. If you were at a party somewhere. You get sprayed with Champagne. Even accidentally but than you tell the drunk a*shole who is continuing to stumble around with the bottle "Hey dude you spray me again and I will punch you" Than said person at the party sprays you again after you cleaned up. I would bet good Vegas money 9 out of 10 of the dudes on here bitching about Lopes would follow through with their promise to punch the immature A-hole with the champagne bottle.
  • 4 0
 I thought I might care, so I read the whole article........nope, don't care.
  • 2 0
 Didnt Sam Dale get a black eye once for trolling another DH legend? We didnt see that plastered all over the front page of PB. Probably because thats life and they aint whiny bitches.
This isnt Jersey Shore lads
  • 1 0
 Punkass Kabush should actually thank MR.Lopes for not putting a proper beating on him.
A thorough beating that he truly deserves.
*Note: Kabush is lucky that MR.Lopes did not bust out the Five Finger Death Punch!!!
F Geoff Kabush…
  • 4 1
 After seeing the video and reading the interviews, all I'm left with is, this was considered news worthy?
  • 3 0
 can't we all just get along? and dang it, stop the name calling; or I'll punch you in the face!!
  • 4 0
 Yeah, I read it. Yeah, I'll never get those minutes back.
  • 2 0
 what is this? hello magazine.. next you'll making articles about who has cellulite (humans) or the wrong dress sense (every mountain biker).
  • 8 4
 I like it. Lopes is old school. You fuck with me, your getting punched
  • 1 0
 Letterman live on Pinkbike Smile we have all heard stories about Lopes, another one is not a surprise. Doesn't matter if he was provoked and his reaction was justified (or not) because we are sick about next incident.
  • 4 0
 Lopes should have yelled "STRAVA" when he punched Kabush and ran away
  • 3 0
 I think the only point of disagreement here is whether Kabush got him good before he went to his hotel room ;-)
  • 1 1
 Lopes was in wrong for punching him. But Kabush shouldn't have kept poking the bear. This is a tough one for me. On one hand, Lopes clearly lost his cool and reacted poorly. On the other, Kabush shouldn't have kept pressing the issue. If someone is repeatedly asking you to stop doing something and you continue to do it, it's hard to not be bothered by that. Even if it was just a prank or all in good fun, I can understand where Lopes is coming from. Both parties are at fault for different reasons. Hope they can bury the hatchet and move on.
  • 2 0
 This is a tough one to call. Lopes has been the saltiest bitch on the scene for years now, but... those fucking sideburns, man.
  • 2 0
 That photo of Lopez on his bike though, seriously WTF is going on there? Looks like he has been at a mountain bikers homeless shelter with what he is wearing
  • 4 0
 Pinkbike is actually trolling him by posting that pic... There was already drama over that pic when the GOAT, Greg Minnaar posted it to his instagram, poking fun at how he looked. Lopes got all worked up in the comments and at some point the instagram post was taking down. haha.
  • 1 0
 Pretty weak post PB. Why dont you start your own MTB gossip show? Kabush's statement about Lopes NOT camping is completely false. He camped every night like everyone else minus Sunday eve after the racing had ended.
  • 1 0
 I don’t know either guy but if I told someone not to spray me with a drink for whatever reason then that’s the end of it. Kids in school learn those limits why not some racers trying to be role models.
  • 4 1
 It was about disrespect, period. Lopes should have waited until no one was around... and that was the only mistake he made.
  • 1 1
 Wow, I'm a as much as a doofus and goofball as anyone at a celebration, but really is this what it's come too between grown men! No wonder our kids have no respect for anyone or anything, Lopes was is amazing rider, off the bike never really been a fan of his attitude and persona don't know the guy so I don't judge that, but no one wins here no one was being a man just adults acting out in very poor taste, but Lopes doing that then was an act of gutless cowardice! To go and see Kabush before hand or afterwards and deal with it fine, but like that cowardly! Sickens me the gutless people who use social media to bully attack and vilify secrettly why is this even on pinkbike again another poor choice of content, just because others doing it make it go viral even more! This is what MtB has now become its in the gutter with everything else! Sad sad times.
  • 3 0
 Lol there's a reason why ibis and intense dropped him but he said he "Left".....How's the sales doing at Ellsworth?
  • 2 0
 So I am looking at doing this race next year.....apart from my bike and insurance do I also need to go on a boxing course as well?
  • 4 1
 What a piece of work- great role model
  • 2 0
 We should really hype this up like they would any other sport until they agree to go 3 rounds in the octagon...
  • 3 1
 Is there a more perfect cock knock opportunity than a podium shot? C'mon Lopes do the right thing...
  • 4 2
 At least I know who to approach for a photo and autograph now......And I'm sure he doesn't park in the handicap parking.
  • 2 1
 A fight between those two would be nothing more than a slap fest or a pillow fight. Seriously my 5 year old son hits harder than that, GTHO!
  • 1 0
 Sweet. Seems we might have a run of Pacific NASCAR West races on the sched coming up. I'm not a race fan but I'm going to follow Lopes and see if I can get converted.
  • 1 1
 This actually shows some of the reality that there are a lot of ignorant people in mountain biking. So much of the marketing hypes it all as one big happy community, when it is far from it.
  • 2 1
 I love it, nothing like a little drama to start PB on a Friday!! Keep Mountain biking wild, don't change boys and never slow up (You are both rippers on a bike)
  • 3 0
 "Cheers buddy, great having ya here"
  • 2 1
 This is sooo pathetic. Pink bike making a entire piece on a guy punching someone else?? It’s like a grade school principal having each kid say who hit who first ????
  • 2 0
 Whats next!? Are we going to have an article about kylie jenners baby please post nudes. ????
  • 3 2
 When a dude stands on the top step of a podium and gives you shit about, well, anything you just have to bend over and take it...
  • 2 0
 The only thing more embarrassing than this mandrama is vern acting like nopes is some tough guy fighter.
  • 2 1
 Seeing this article on the front page almost made me laugh this morning, I expect nothing less from Brian Lopes. "Dont get me wet or ill beat your ass"
  • 3 4
 So if two has-been ex-mountain bike racers fight in the woods, do they make a noise? No, unless Vernon Felton decides to make it front page news on Pinkbike for whatever stupid reasons he's going to use to justify it.

Brian Lopes was a huge douchebag before this and he's still as much of a douchebag now. I didn't need an excuse to make sure to not purchase an Ellsworth bicycle, Shimano drivetrain, or anything Pearl Izumi has ever produced but now I have one just in case I forget how much all of those products suck. Thanks Lopes!

I had to Google Geoff Kabush to find out what exactly it was that he did in order to become a has-been mountain bike racer. Turns out that it basically adds to not having won much, despite racing in innumerable World Cup races, world championships, and being a three-time Olympian. But he's about 1/10000000th as douchey as Lopes and the only somewhat questionable thing he did in this situation was to spray someone with a bit of what looks to be cheap sparkling wine, so the fact that a few companies decided to sign him as an ambassador doesn't reflect poorly on said companies.

The take-aways from this teachable moment? Brian Lopes is a sociopathic douchebag who seems to think that violence is an acceptable solution to one's interpersonal problems and Kabush likes to party on podiums. Most importantly, Pinkbike has once again proven itself to be the most irresponsible, unaware media entity in cycling as a whole. Way to go Pinkbike!
  • 1 0
 I always chose Lopes and his hardtail for the combat bowl levels on Downhill Domination. Better hope Lopes does not have a bottle. He's a deadly throw.
  • 1 0
 Geez!!!! There's more relies here than when Santa Cruz released that the Syndicate would be racing 29 inch wheels on the 2017 World Cup.
  • 3 1
 Lol slow day in the world of mountain biking eh?
  • 1 0
 I’m waiting for part 2 of this,ill want an update next year if they both act like children again.
  • 2 0
 Long live the Deaner!!!!!
  • 5 3
 Lopes is a douche. No excuse for assault.
  • 3 1
 Excellent article and writing . Next should be about Kardashians.
  • 2 0
 Do the Kards ride or just play fight?? PB special report
  • 2 0
 Professional MTB Riders Juvenile Attitudes Sad
  • 6 4
 Kabush is lucky Lopes didn't actually hit him in the face...
  • 4 1
 Yeah. Cause who needs sponsorships and an income. Not like he's at the end of his career or anything and a family to support.
  • 3 0
 @orcello: I didn't say he should have. But Lopes said he would punch him in the face, and then didn't.
  • 2 0
For sure.... Not taking any sides but there's no justification to say I'm going to punch you when celebrating anything. Dirtbag move on both ends.
  • 2 0
 Bigger problems in the world...moving on.
  • 3 0
 WTF is this? TMZ?
  • 3 1
 Such a nepolian complex. Small mans disease is a bad look.
  • 1 1
 ..and damm, who'd a thought, would have never gussed how this dude looks like. Stripper girls love a silver foxx like Lopes ~ goo.gl/V4W6xNcontent_copyCopy short URL
  • 1 1
 ..and damm, who'd a thought, would have never gussed how this dude looks like. Stripper girls love a silver foxx like Lopes ~ //tinyurl.com/y7fjlxrm
  • 3 0
  • 2 1
 It's simple horsing around, BFD. Lopes is the weenie here, but even so who cares?
  • 2 0
 The irony of the Lopes "Peace sign"
  • 2 1
 Lopes is the neighbor kid that said "my mom told me I can't get wet" during a water fight.
  • 1 0
 Haha... I'd have said "KABLAM!" as I punched him. Toolbagery in the public eye, I love mtb'r's!
  • 2 0
 It was a bro punch...nothing more. Move on.
  • 2 1
 I think we need to make sure we don’t loose focus of the real issue here folks, 29ers are down being raced downhill
  • 3 0
 Yeah Lopes
  • 3 1
 You’d be pissed off too if you had to ride for Elsworth
  • 1 0
 Anyone wonder what Tim "Fuzzy" Hall is up to whenever a Lopes article appears?
  • 1 0
 If Jerry Springer only had bike stories to lean on, it would be a sloooow show.
  • 2 0
 DON'T SPRAY ME BRO, I'll be so mad *in squeeky voice*
  • 1 1
 Isn't it tradition to spray each other with champagne at every sporting event with a podium. Lopes has been around long enough to know this.
  • 1 0
 He was already sprayed though
  • 1 0
 I don't know.....kinda hard to take Kabush seriously with those dorky ass lamb chops and spandex, mean muggin' the camera.
  • 1 0
 The whole thing seems pretty reasonable, I could see my buddies and I in the exact same scenario.
  • 1 0
 Childish behavior met with violence. One stupid move met with an even more stupid move.
  • 1 0
 W.W.E stands for World Wrestling Enduro right? I say they get on the ground and tussle!
  • 1 0
 Ahh MTB gossip. Good meme material though Salute
  • 1 0
 When did Pinkbike start posting gossip posts?
  • 20 23
 I remember Lopes on VitalMTB podcast trying to explain that he isn't a bad guy.... You are right Lopes, you are a child we just perceive it as being a bad guy at times. Kabush was doing what any of us would have done if some dude was overreacting about something so petty... Lol
  • 3 3
 Hope this doesn't stop Lopes from coming back to win next year's Trans-Cascadia Bush party...
  • 3 1
 next seen on UFC.
  • 24 0
 Connor Macgregor has reportedly challenged Lopes to a Dual Slalom race.
  • 2 1
 @AntN: Yip, and Connor never made down the whole course as he went out on a berm....but that will teach him to do a Dual Slalom race on a roadie bike
  • 3 1
 Lopes sent it.
  • 3 1
 Im on your side lopes!
  • 1 0
 Now if he can sort out the over amped tit in the crowd
  • 1 0
 Hang on, when has Lopes ever needed a clean shirt?!...
  • 3 2
 Lack of sportsmanship. Professional athletes should set an example.
  • 2 5
 What utter shit = when Brian Lopes turns and sends a right cross into Geoff Kabush’s chest. For the record, it’s a well-executed right cross. Lopes drops slightly, pivots on the ball of his rear foot, twists with the hips and sends his right fist into Kabush’s chest. There’s a neat, meaty—Pop! at the end of it. You can watch it below.

It's a swift little jab, not an executed, balanced, pivot, ball of his foot move. Dick reporting there.
  • 7 2
 His left foot and fist are in the forward position. A jab would have been issued, there from his left hand. His right fist and foot are in the rear position. He is basically, for that brief moment in the guard position. His right fist goes forward in this punch. That is a right cross. Since Lopes is not aiming for the face, the cross may not be as obvious to you (it might look more like a right straight), but it is not a jab.
  • 2 1
 Roll the dice, pay the price. He got what he was asking for, period.
  • 1 1
 Its only a slap to the stomach ffs chillax. It ain't like he dropped him on the podium lol.
  • 1 0
 so, nothing happened and it ends by article on PB, funny
  • 5 8
 Unhappy at my photo being used without my permission by Pinkbike & CDALTON . it has been used to promote a punching feature between Brian Lopes & Kabush. without so much as a message or email. i deplore my photos being used in this way to help #pinkbikes global domination of trash news and promoting violence between mtb athletes . it puts the sport in a bad light...stop it
  • 1 0
 Why was this so much more hyped than the Ratboy - Gee drama?
  • 1 0
 Well, my point is: I don't care!
  • 4 4
 Wow someone managed to out douche Lopes, and it just happened to be Geoff being a douche to Lopes.
  • 1 0
 IQ80 , that's the deal with most of the riders.
  • 1 0
  • 2 1
 Long live the kabush bomb
  • 1 0
 Punch was clean. Lets move on.
  • 2 2
 If you want to get technical pouring the unwanted drink on someone in that state is Assault & Battery. Yup a felony.
  • 1 0
 3 days camping with a bunch of drunks must have been enough for lopes
  • 1 0
 Humans are a piece of work.
  • 2 1
 Possibly the most embarrassing 'punch' you could ever hope to see.
  • 1 0
 Where is Team Robot when you need them most....
  • 2 0
 Warning issued. Pow!
  • 1 0
 When PinkBike runs out of actual news to cover.
  • 1 0
 Mess with a homie from the hard ass OC, you gets the fist yo.
  • 3 1
 Kabush = KaDoucheBag
  • 2 1
 Lopes should have decked him.
  • 1 0
 Lopes = Legend
Kabush = Legend
... we’re done here. ????
  • 1 0
 Mike Schiavello would not call it "the big kabosh".
  • 1 0
 They can both pound sand down a rat hole for all I care
  • 1 0
 our mtb heros are both dicks, garbage
  • 1 2
 He warned him and he did it anyways. That shows zero respect. So Kabush shouldn't act surprised. Lopes was in the right, simple as that.
  • 1 0
 Are we roadies or what? What a load of shit about nothing.
  • 1 0
 When I was young, my friends punched harder than that just messing around.
  • 1 0
 Lopes has short man’s complex. Rode with him a few times....dickhead
  • 1 0
 Children will be children.
  • 1 0
 put your wooden spoon away jesus!
  • 1 0
 finally some fucking drama!
  • 5 6
 Who get's the #gohard jersey? The guy who can throw a punch or the guy who can take a punch?
  • 4 2
 I didn't see anyone who could throw a punch...
  • 2 2
 Should have touched him with teh jab first then right cross on the face.
  • 1 0
 Nothing to see here...
  • 1 0
 Oh damn Eek
  • 9 9
 Lopes is douche confirmed 2017 #forsureee
  • 3 3
 The definition of 'prima donna'.
  • 2 2
 Who goes for the chest punch?
  • 8 0
 Short people
  • 4 4
 Pussies like Bruce Lee.
  • 2 1
 Great starting point actually...as u said, u dont expect it so now the hands will drop, opening up the face for rd 2
  • 2 2
 Fuck me... ok, hands up who doesn't get sarcasm yet.
  • 4 3
 Weak punch.
  • 3 3
 Lopes needs to learn how to throw a punch .............
  • 1 1
 I think it was more like... "Don't Spray me Bro! Don't Spray me! Bro!
  • 1 2
 What a baby. I'd spray him again too. Isn't that why you want a podium finish?
  • 1 0
 Go to E! with this.....
  • 1 1
 Hi, I'm here for the gang bang...
  • 1 1
 Comox Valley loves ya Kabush!! Ride, win, spray....earned it!!
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 Lopes is the Kanye West of MTB.
  • 5 8
 What a couple of tool bag pussies. Mountain bike racing needs more 200lb+ racers. At least the punches thrown on the podium will have knock out potential.
  • 5 0
 You got a problem with tool bags?
  • 8 1
 Racing would be a lot slower...
  • 8 8
 Lopes is just a deusch
  • 2 3
 That was a pretty sorry-ass excuse for a punch.
  • 8 9
 Lopes is a douche, I don't think anyone cares for him lol
  • 6 2
 Good call, 1 million plus votes
  • 2 2
  • 4 5
 He only did it cos he's bigger than Lopes .Kabush is a twat
  • 2 2
 he's only taller. Lopes is stronger more than likely.
  • 1 0
 @atrokz: good point! Pinkbike can we get the tale of the tape on these two title contenders? Clearly Kaboom has the reach and height but is Nopes really the stronger puncher?
  • 1 1
 Don't Fuzz me bro
  • 3 4
 Hey Brian, maybe pack a spare pair of jeans next time. Mkay?
  • 1 1
  • 5 7
 Maybe Lopes doesn't take kindly to another dude popping fizz all over him.
  • 2 0
 Farr fnarr
  • 1 6
flag titaniumtit (Oct 6, 2017 at 6:15) (Below Threshold)
 Someone obviously cannot handle a witty euphemism comment so they had to neg prop me.
Lol you need a slap too by looks of it! Lopes style just to remind you of the bitch you are.

  • 2 4
 i dont get it, people rooting for bully here thats insane!
  • 3 5
  • 2 5
 kick his ass lopes.. was chilly that night.
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