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Loris Vergier Parts Ways with The Syndicate for 2021

Dec 11, 2020
by Ed Spratt  
Vergier is a danger man on any track. Today he went down hard and took himself and his peak out of the running.

In their latest video release, The Syndicate has seemingly confirmed the departure of fast Frenchman Loris Vergier from 2020's top racing team.

Loris Vergier's move away from The Syndicate may be one of the worst kept secrets this off season as Rob Warner let slip some information in Maribor and we rumoured his move in our Racing Rumours Round Up in November. The news has finally been confirmed in the description of the feature-length 'No Time to Cry edit from the Syndicate:

bigquotesThis latest installment of The Syndicate franchise also marks Loris Vergier’s final appearance as a Santa Cruz agent. After four great years together, it’s time to say au revoir to the self-proclaimed #7. We’re proud to have supported Loris’ rise from fast frenchie to World Cup winner and we wish him all the best for the future. The Syndicate - 'No Time to Cry'

bigquotesIt was a big decision for me not to re-sign with the Syndicate for next year. I came on board with the team four years ago, and since then I had the opportunity to work with some of the best brands ! I wanted to grow as an athlete and I ticked that box. I’ve worked with beautiful individuals that helped me along the way, that’s why it was emotional to leave that little family behind. But one thing I learned is that racing is fierce and you need to keep moving at all times, that’s why I followed my guts and did exactly that. The next chapter is bright but I’ll always be grateful for those magic years, thanks to my teammates, Laura, Steve, Sess, Joe, Marshy, Doug PA and obviously Santacruz and all the sponsors that came with it ! It’s been one hell of a ride Loris Vergier - Instagram'

bigquotesThis one’s a little bittersweet as it’s the last with Loris Vergier. It’s been a pleasure to race alongside you for the last 4 years my bru. Watching you come in as a young (and very enthusiastic) Frenchie and leave as a World Cup winner is an honour. Greg Minnaar - Instagram

bigquotes4 years as teammates sure flew by, and a lot of good memories. From bitter rivals in the junior days to close friends, thanks brother. Luca Shaw - Instagram

bigquotesBack in 2017 The Syndicate recruited a young Frenchman into their ranks...
None of us knew much about Loris Vergier at the time, other than the fact he'd ironically just beaten his future team mate, Luca Shaw, to the Junior Overall that year. So the boy was fast, but what else?
The first Xmas camp in 2017 was off to a slow start, with everyone feeling things out and exchanging the usual pleasantries, until one hungover morning we began to shoot the launch video...

On a quiet public park, dressed as school boys, whilst being berated by coach Minnaar, It was that moment when we realised the quiet young man was actually just as weird and wonderful as so many of the riders that have preceded him on the team.
It was on.
Seeing you rise as a rider and a reveller has been a pleasure this last four years. From making your first noises, to all the way up to your first Elite World Cup win, it's been a hell of a time. We're going to miss your kooky quirks, the borderline insane puzzling, your humble approach to being no1 and most of all that positivity which rubbed off on all of us even during the low times. Hopefully one day, we'll find another rider that looks at us the same way you look at a fresh jar of Nutella in the morning.
You'll always be welcome over at The Syndicate pit, whether it's for a quick coffee or a puzzle, hec we might even lend you Jordi from time to time.
Don't ever change mec, we'll see you around.
The Syndicate - Instagram

We will keep you updated with more news about Loris' departure as we get it.

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edspratt avatar

Member since Mar 16, 2017
3,283 articles

  • 325 5
 That's how to say goodbye to a rider. Saracen could learn something from here
  • 36 49
flag Jacquers (Dec 11, 2020 at 1:56) (Below Threshold)
 Any chance that Danny could go to the Syndicate? I think that would be cool!
  • 54 0
 @Jacquers: Think the word on the street is that he is going to Cube based on Warner saying he was going to a square shaped brand.
  • 35 2
 Santa Cruz logo is in a square - longshot i know but you never know!
  • 6 0
 @slow-af-rider: I thought that myself, may well have been Warner trying to fool us.
  • 54 1
 @Jacquers: don't think he would fit, I mean characterwise
  • 14 3
 @vhdh666: yea personality fit is just as important as talent/skill and I don't think Danny Hart is a good fit.
  • 11 1
 @slow-af-rider: Another longshot: Mondrakers down tube used to be pretty square.
  • 6 2
 this is exactly what I was thinking reading through these lovely, heartfelt messages. Danny deserves better
  • 14 0
 @Davec85: Trek is pretty square too though
  • 19 1
 @Jacquers: Nah, big balls Danny and big balls Minnaar on the same team... wont fit on that pit.
  • 3 0
 @vhdh666: maybe he just hasn’t had the opportunity to let himself shine (character wise). Could be great to see the guy on team with vibes.
I mean we all know it ain’t happening but it could be a rad thing
  • 1 0

Tbh they might get along alright. The Syndicate has always been a team of strong characters. While Danny sticks to helmself, getting out of him comfort zone mught inprove his results.
  • 1 0
 @TobiasHandcock: yeah but money wise. Paying those two on the same team, plus Luca, ain't cheap.
  • 1 0
 @HopeFbn: Thats true. I think it'd be a good combo with Danny/Peaty working together.
  • 6 1
 This opens a spot for RatBoys return to the Syndicate
  • 1 0
 @FarmerJohn: loris is going there
  • 1 0
 That’s my bet at least. Team of talented young guys
  • 138 6
 Lets hope he stays on Fox Suspension though !
  • 27 1
 We need more puzzling!
  • 31 1
 If you watch the video you'll know that he won't be on Fox suspension next year.
  • 47 5
 Get the Hoff on full Syndicate support!!
  • 1 2
 @drjonnywonderboy: ha ha that would be ace....
  • 2 1
 Left that on my watchlist for a Team Meeting tonight @kornbrot:
  • 17 11
 He’s on Trek next year. Lame.
  • 2 0
 he will be jordis side side kick, helping him as a translator
  • 26 1
 @powderturns: Lame except for the money they'll be giving him. If you race as a career and are looking for long-term security, I'd imagine you can't turn down an offer from a Trek/Specialized/equal-caliber company.
  • 13 11
 Nope, on Trek/ RockSh** next season.
  • 8 2
 Commencal made him an offer he can't refuse
  • 5 0
 @powderturns: Lame because?
  • 20 15
 @TheBearDen: because they are a boring AF brand. Capable bikes but no where near as fun as SC syndicate.
  • 14 1
 RockShox - please hire Jordi. We CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT MOAR PUZZLING!
  • 26 12
 @Imabigboy82: SC is just as boring and vanilla as Trek these days.
  • 26 11
 @Imabigboy82: The Syndicate is the only thing keeping Santa Cruz from being the quintessential too wealthy all-the-gear-and-no-idea brand for overpaid people going through a midlife crisis.
What the hell is SC without the Syndicate or Danny Mac?
Maybe it's the riders and not the brand?
  • 12 1
 @tbolt88: You're forgetting all the jibbing 50to01 guys.
  • 7 2
 @tbolt88: thats a bit harsh. as a guy who rode a lot of different brands in my 25 years of mtbing i must admit that santa cruz bikes are not so shabby. they simply work and have a good quality. when you have a good dealer the prices are not that bad.
  • 5 0
 @TheBearDen: I just think they're a bit stale. Maybe Loris will brighten it up, and I certainly don't begrudge him taking a better cheque or choosing a brand he's more at home on. Careers are short...
  • 8 0
 @SC3081: Honestly? I have turned down jobs that would have paid better but an athlete's career is short. I don't begrudge Loris' choice or Trek. I just liked him on SC.
  • 16 4
 @tbolt88: not sure what you are talking about here. Santa Cruz makes great bikes and pricing is on par with other brands of their caliber. They also have made a commitment to having rwo carbon options and AL options which is way beyond what other brands so. And for disclosure, I so not have a Santa Cruz bike in my quiver, so this is a non biased opinion.

As for your comment about people being over paid, Chill out on the class comments dude. Just because someone is doing well and makes wages above subsistence doesn’t mean they are over paid. I and the team I manage work our tails off and we are anything but overpaid. Maybe we just make more than you but don’t me for that. Maybe I can buy mire expensive builds - why is that your problem? I help support the industry (that have thin margins) which can then create badass less expensive options (GX, SLX)). Moreover, I support my local shop as well. You do not liking that other make more than your problem dude, not their’s. Like I said, leave class out of the discussion and segregating whole groups of people. We all ride mountain bikes and that is what brings us together.
  • 2 1
 @SC3081: yes but my problem is they are like the yankees. They arent interested until you are already established as a top tier guy then they just come in flexing with a pile if cash they know no one else has
  • 3 0
 @tbolt88: There are a hell of a lot of riders who are much faster than you who save all their hard earned pennys for a Santa Cruz because they are damn good bikes and always have been.

And plenty of sponsored riders not on the Syndicate who give the brand depth.
  • 2 1
 @funkzander: i owned one SC in my lifetime, an alluminum Nomad in the higher spec, bought new for a ridiculous amount of money, but Hey famous SC quality and customer service so it was worth the money yea?
It was down right the worst quality bike I have ever owned, the frame was crooked, swing arm was literały not welded straight on, it needed a good bend and pull to be assembled/disassembled. I mashed 3 derailleurs in my rear wheel within 5 rides. Took me 4 months of fighting with the dealer and countless e-mails with SC support to get a new swingarm and I sold the bike right afterwards. Never again SC.
  • 3 0
 @KondziuNS: i can only speak about the carbon frames. the santa cruz alloy frames are horrible. my nicolai or even specialized was miles ahead. the santa alloy frames are too heavy and a bit made without love compared to the carbon versions.
  • 1 0
 @funkzander: I knew I should have gone for the carbon, but man I did not expect bits of the frame to be misaligned
  • 1 0
 @Bliss503: if you like gx on a 4k frame
  • 2 0
Sign the petition. If Loris changes suspension sponsors then Jordi will have to change to that company. I need to continue to see the puzzled look on Jordi's face when interpreting the noises Loris makes.
  • 1 0
 @pargolf8: I can see that and I will definitely miss him on the Syndicate. I just know that it would have to be really difficult to turn down that kind of offer. Hopefully his personality will still be on display for all of us to enjoy!
  • 1 1
 @KondziuNS: the derailleur are your fault. Sorry for the harsh truth.
  • 1 0
 @evaneisenhart: never ever put a derailleur into a wheel on 10 other freeride/enduro bikes that I've owned over the years other than the crooked Nomad. Happened 2 Times within a month. SC is shite.
  • 110 1
 Lovely statement from the syndicate. Not a hint of salt, just love. I've never been a big Santa Cruz fan boy, but this is the way to win fans. Lots of respect.
  • 26 0
 100% agree. So many "goodbye" announcements feel like formalities with a twinge of bitterness. This was a classy farewell. I'd love to see more of this in the industry.
  • 52 0
 The syndicate won’t be the same :/
  • 197 8
 Not since Rat Boi left
  • 78 0
 @nojzilla: dunno, Greg's new mechanic is a little bit 'ratty'!?
  • 19 6
 @djlucas: yes, but at least you're able to understand him
  • 19 0
 @vhdh666: More like "unfortunately."
  • 41 1
 Anyone mind if I just start an unfounded rumour that Ratboy is returning to WC racing with the Syndicate?
Well, it's more likely than Loris going to Spesh anyway.
  • 26 1
 You’re right. Peaty is coming back too! And Sam Hill!
  • 17 2
 Specialized gravity commented on loris's last instagram post "welcome back home".....
  • 4 0
 @kelpaso: Same with Kirt Voreis
  • 15 0
 @ad15: according to the comment section he is also joining Commencal, Radon, Trek and the Decathlon DH team. They have a history of trolling people.
  • 1 0
 @Upduro: yes but look who's actually posting those comments...
  • 10 0
 More likely that ratboy puts on a tinfoil hat
  • 2 1
 @ad15: argh my son tolld me the same . french power
  • 41 1
 Trek with a rumored, new high pivot session.
  • 33 0
 Loris and Reece? Impressive team roster that would be!
  • 7 0
 Is there actually a rumor about a high pivot session ? And if so where do they come from?
  • 2 2
 @asapyohanes: yes it's legit rumour. The session is due for replacement and the geo is very dated. No idea on the source however
  • 17 0
 wonder what it would look like
  • 3 0
 @xmicherx: probably the fury.
  • 6 0
 Bring back the session 10!
  • 4 1
 @hamncheez: You could definitely hide a battery in that behemoth of a down tube! (Yes, I said the 'B' word.. . It's just a joke before you lose your s***!)
  • 5 0
 @melonhead1145: What’s dated about the geo of the session? It’s wheelbase is .5cm shorter and ~1.5cm shorter reach than the current V10 and Commencal Supreme.
  • 12 1
 The Reach, 415mm on a Medium (in the low setting, which is the obvious one to use, right?)? Most other Mediums are 440mm plus. The XL Trek Session 9.9 is 460mm reach. The chainstays are a good length at 450mm, and the headtube is nice and slack at 62.5, really it's just the small reach that is the issue.

Reach on a Medium Commencal Supreme 29 is 445, with the XL being 495, A V10 29 is 435mm reach in Medium, with XL being 490mm, a Demo 29 is 445 in S3 (Medium), Saracen Myst 29 is 440mm in Medium, A Mondraker Summum 29 is 450mm.

A Medium Session 29 is 1245mm Wheelbase, and the closest out of all those bikes listed is the Saracen with 1251, and the longest is the Demo 29 with 1271.

All these comparisons are done on 29" bikes in the low setting, for fairness. As you can see the trek is considerably shorter than all of these, and a geo update is definitely on the cards.
  • 3 11
flag Swervsroundsquirrels (Dec 11, 2020 at 6:41) (Below Threshold)
 @melonhead1145: 3cm of reach (+/- 1cm 40mm-50mm stem) and less than that in wheelbase might sound like a lot static and on paper. A DH bike, riding DH terrain, on DH tires running at ~24psi at DH speed, those couple of centimeters won’t mean whole lot.
Trail bike geo definitely need the radical overhaul, DH bikes, once they got away from “as short as possible rear-center” have been pretty sorted.
  • 1 0
 Funny you say this at the eastern states cup at mountian creek there was a prototype session that was a full 29er but was very similar to what they alreadly have. I can’t remember the riders name but he was hauling ass on it
  • 1 0
 @melonhead1145: there was a photo on reeces ig that was of a tyre with bontrager rim on a high pivot soo i bet the rumor is true as long as they arent just doing rnd testing
  • 1 0
 @LevVT: where
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 @LevVT: link?
  • 1 0
 @hamncheez: It was on his instagram story a week or so back.
  • 1 0
 @hamncheez: you can' t see it now bc the story goes away after 24 hours.
  • 26 2
 Who's gonna take up that slot at the Syndicate? Pro contract for Edmondson?
  • 45 11
 Hopefully a female or a junior
  • 9 0
 Angel Suarez? Dave Trummer?
  • 2 12
flag naptime FL (Dec 11, 2020 at 3:14) (Below Threshold)
 always thought Marcelo Gutiérrez would do well on a V10 as they seem to siute tall lanky riders but...........
  • 7 2
 @toad321: Hoffman would be obvious.
  • 24 1
 @nojzilla: Marcelo is neither tall nor lanky. Dude is built like a brick house. 5’8” and 183lbs.
  • 12 0
 @fracasnoxteam: she has stated in interviews that running her own team is her choice & prefers it.
  • 32 3
 Cathro, confirmed.
  • 44 1
 Reggie Miller
  • 1 1
 100% yes!!!! @beggers87:
  • 15 2
 @drjonnywonderboy: I'd like to see Dakotah
Norton land on the syndicate .
  • 12 1
 It will be a rider from the CCP. The untapped market in China is too big for it to be ignored.
  • 2 0
 @ATXZJ: I was thinking he'd be a good fit, and is already pals with Luca I believe?
  • 1 0
 I expect they will either recruit a woman rider (most likely Hoffman, obvs) or maybe just have two racers for the coming season, then get a big name when there are more contracts up.
If Greg has another good year, I don't expect him to hang up his wheels - but if he does it'd mean something of a reboot for the team.
  • 6 1
 @toad321: Angel would be a good fit
  • 13 0
  • 1 0
 @jaame: angel would be perfect. similar personality to loris and if he can stay healthy he has the potential to podium
  • 1 0
 @JakinM: 1. Fast 2. Seems like a good dude
  • 2 0
 @chakaping: Hoff got her own team thing going. And I think the story goes that she is happy with the situation.

Also Katy mentioned, though a few years back, that geting a female rider was not in their agenda. Light have changed. But she said so in the Vital podcast

Edit: typo, autocorrect
  • 2 1
 @toad321: good shout. They need a female or young ripper.
  • 2 0
 @chriss78: I think despite the image, Santa Cruz the company is into selling bikes... Hence a female or young ripper seems unlikely to me. What surprises me more than the fact that they won't get a female is that they don't push for a top enduro team. Maybe they think the marquee attraction of a DH team is the best form of marketing to sell all kinds of bikes.
  • 4 0
 @wda1wustl: Maybe someone from the layup department. Already super familiar with the inner workings of the V10.
  • 1 0
 @jaame: I totally get ya man. I just don't like the way they go about their business.
  • 2 0
 @jaame: What's enduro?

Just kidding....kind of
  • 3 1
 @On-oneAnders: I heard the same podcast with Kathy Sessler, but that was two or three years ago now. Things change, Hoffman has won a WC and has tons of potential.
If there's a blocker, I suspect it's that a decision maker at SC just isn't interested in women's racing.
Or maybe they think it'd be too distracting for a woman to have to spend so much time with gorgeous Greg?
  • 2 0
 @chakaping: I think it's strictly business. Having a top woman most likely does not translate into bike sales, at least not enough to make it worthwhile them sponsiring one full time. It could be a chicken and egg situation.
  • 2 0
 @chriss78: Goldstone or Klassen would give some energy to that brand.
  • 1 0
 @jaame: well said. Female athletes don’t bring attention that’s transferable to sales. While I don’t doubt every female WC rider can beat the sh$t outta a lot of guys on here riding wise, when we (male riders) make a purchase based on performance, let’s be honest, it’s bc of the faster/better male contenders. Yet to meet a guy that says “man” gaped that thing like Rachel atherton etc... while this does sound misogynistic it’s the unfortunate truth.
  • 2 0
 @wvanlogg: definitely a growth area but every time I look on Chain Reaction at clothing for example, and do a discount high to low search, it's 60% women's stuff, mostly current year. In the men's highly discounted stuff it's usually a couple of seasons old and they only have XS and XXL. It indicates that there isn't much of a market for women's MTB kit and I would guess it's the same for bikes. I would be interested to know the proportion of sales of Santa Cruz Vs Juliana bikes. I'm sure they're doing their homework on return on investment. When the day comes that it is worthwhile financially to sponsor a woman I'm sure they will do it. Whether that day ever comes remains to be seen. We'd all love to be seen to be doing the right thing but business is business and what's right for business is making money. I would be over the moon if my daughter asked me for a Juliana for Christmas (she wouldn't get one but it would be cool if she asked) but that is not very likely to happen. She has asked for climbing shoes so that's a start I guess.
  • 3 0
 @jaame: About sales proportion SC Vs Juliana and relation with sponsoring. I have an other question: What's the name of the last world level event winner sponsored by Juliana?
I mainly do agree with you but this point, not sure.
I mean: how many world level win for male rider with a Meta and how many are sold? The answer is probably "Ravanel".
  • 22 0
 I'm sad. I thought Loris was fitting perfectly with the Syndicate.
  • 16 0
 Maybe they will sand him down and give him a re-spray for 2021
  • 2 0
 Hopefully they don't send him to a third party contractor to get the job done!
  • 17 0
 Loved seeing Loris on Syndicate, but nothing in this sport is ever guaranteed. He's an absolute ace, and has to get that money when the opportunity presents itself I guess. Loris is such a good rider that he will do well on any bike. Let's just hope he lands in a good team culture. Good on Santa Cruz for the proper send-off. Class act as always.
  • 21 0
 Greg's never leaving Smile
  • 25 0
 Greg is the Syndicate (and Peaty)
  • 12 0
 Balfa bikes . This is your chance.....
  • 4 0
 High pivot for the win. My BB7 is still rockin!
  • 10 0
 Which ever team is graced with he presence will be on for a great few seasons!
  • 9 0
 Obviously he is going to Forbidden, to ride their unreleased high pivot 165mm travel enduro bike on the World Cup DH circuit.
  • 13 4
 Moving from one of the most progressive and fun brands to one of the dullest.....
  • 5 3
 seems to work for loic Bruni..
  • 8 1
 Loris has quickly become one of my favorite riders. Such a kooky guy, hilarious to watch on camera. Dude also goes flat out beyond the limit in a lot of cases. Love it. Best of luck to him.
  • 10 1
 Loris said : "brrrrraaaappp kakakaka weeeeee"
  • 9 2
 Specialized along with Bruni?
  • 1 0
 That's what I thought too. I think Loris would be stronger as the top tier himself though.
  • 22 0
 I don't think so. He went to the Syndicate to step out of Bruni's shadow, I guess he doesn't want to get back there.
  • 4 0
 @bashhard: I thought their contracts ran different lengths and SC offered him a better deal that was all
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 @jaame: Nope, left to be Team leader somewhere else because it was impossible in the same structure as Loic. Money and prestige that he clearly deserves is only for the top pilot of a Team, since Greg won't retire soon (which he was probably not expecting when signing SC) means he need to leave to get where he needs.
  • 1 1
 @Balgaroth: I was meaning the reason he left Lapierre was not to get out of Bruni's shadow. I don't know, it could have been - but he wasn't team leader at SC.
  • 1 0
 @jaame: Well if I was him I would have easily bet that in less than 4 year time Greg would have taken his retirement and I would be next in line. But with Greg going against the odds that didn't pay out, he still got great results and coverage so perfect to negociate his new contract.
  • 1 0
 @Balgaroth: oh right. That's an interesting angle that I hadn't considered. Good call.
  • 6 0
 Angel Suarez joining syndicate!!
  • 6 0
 Jordi is praying he goes to a Rock Shock team!
  • 1 0
  • 3 1
 Interesting to see where Loris goes, some great team news coming for 2021.
As a comment above the Syndicate isn’t the same since Peaty retired and Ratboy stopped racing and started making shit vids for youtube (I call it the Bam Megera syndrome with all his mates clinging on trying to get their 15 seconds of fame). The team needs a new name Like The Santa Cruz Minnaardicate for 2021.
  • 14 11
 Well I hear it’s because Santa Cruz don’t like paying it’s racers, or he has fell out with them ... well it’s ok to say that about Angel leaving YT so why not...
  • 6 1
 i mean he's been with them for a while....totally normal Loris knows his value and is going to leave if SC doesnt offer him something that he wants. He knows he can win, a change is probably good for him anyways. Although it's sad, teams usually treat athletes like stocks. Greg Minaar being the Alphabet stock.
  • 9 9
 rumor is that peaty can be a bit overbearing with his help.
  • 8 2
 @housem8d: @striveCF15: Im taking the piss, if have no idea why they are parting ways - Im just saying the kind of crap people did when it was announced Angel leaving YT Mob - they had no idea what they are talking about either.
  • 4 2
 @striveCF15: that was toted on the Vital forum. I can see it tbh, where Loris just wants to do his thing but Peaty keeps trying to impart his wisdom on him, and tell him how things should be done.

He obviously works well on the team, look at his recent results so I’d say either they aren’t paying enough or he has fallen out with someone
  • 9 0
 Money talks & Trek has plenty.
  • 8 0
 Loris left Loic because he didn't want to be eternal second while he though (righfully so) he deserved to be leader. Landed in SC where he would have been leader as soon as Greg was retiring. Since Greg is still not slowing down and not retiring soon it makes sense for Loris to leave for a team and finally get the leader position he deserves. Leader position aside from the glory is also the money as stated by others.
  • 4 0
 TLD commented on his Insta post. Trek is on 100%. So my best guess is Loris to Canyon and hence off Fox suspension and gear.
  • 4 0
 Maxxis also said goodbye to LV on their IG

What iz dees Magique Marie?
  • 1 0
 Thats what i was sort of thinking too whichever team he goes to though does not really matter as they are all stacked
  • 1 0
 O wish him the best ,but leaving or something else from the syndicate,it’s not something that I could understand,even if he get paid more in the new team ,cause after all that evolution in the team there are some things that money can’t justify ,cause in the end you will have none of that ,but hey good luck you crazy mother f*cker
  • 3 0
 I don't get emotional about these type of things but I read this one with my mouth wide open
  • 3 1
 Specialized just welcomed him back on his instragram post. I’m not good at social media stuff, but it sure looks like it’s the real Specialized.
  • 8 1
 And that is real trolling
  • 2 0
 Can’t imagine there’s a better team to be a part of than the syndicate. Only thought is he’d part to join his good friend Bruni at the Big S.
  • 1 1
 Am I the only one who could care less which "team" a rider is on? I only care about the rider and couldn't care less which bike company they ride for since it's ultimately an individual sport.

Traditional team sports are different... you usually follow the team first and the athletes second.
  • 3 0
 ohhhhh sacré nouvelle. ( oh my lords)
  • 4 0
 Direction Trek?
  • 4 1
 I think he's going to Specialized
  • 4 1
 Loris to Trek and Kade to Syndicate!
  • 3 0
 no kades not going to leave trek
  • 2 0
 Loris going to Commencal would explain why the price of the Furious went from 3K to 3.1K from one hour to another ????
  • 3 0
 Welcome to the FORESTAL FAMILY LOL!????
  • 2 0
 @powderturns: Cedric and Loris would be comedy gold! Haha
  • 4 1
 Nina Hoffman and Jamie Edmondson to the Syndicate 2021
  • 2 1
 Check out the new Nomad. Coil, diff. tires f & r
Flow rims. Webmaster f’d up. Looks like someone’s
Personal bike. Maybe it’s an older HT? What’s goin on?
  • 2 0
 fast Freddy is leaving the Syndicate
  • 2 0
 Should be able ride for whoever he wants with that reference
  • 4 2
 On his insta specialized gravity just posted" welcome back home"
  • 4 1
 As a troll
  • 3 0
 What the fec is mec?
  • 5 0
 Mec = Dude
  • 3 3
 He looked totally butt hurt at Portugal when Minnar opened a can of whoop ass on them all. See it plain as day on the live feed at the finish line.
  • 2 0
 Time to sign up Jamie Edmondson syndicate?
  • 3 2
 You heard it here first... He is joining Aaron Gwin's team. Intense Factory Racing.
  • 1 0
 Inlandempire French Racing?
  • 1 1
 idk the whole intense team is based on the west coast of CA and USA so for some one who lives over seas sortof doesnt seem likley
  • 1 0
 @LevVT: Neko is an east coast rider.
  • 1 0
 @Mattysville: yeah but like from over in france
  • 1 0
 @LevVT: oh I agree it’s not a good fit I’m just saying the East cast deserves some credit too!
  • 2 1
 Nice, ditching F-word suspension.Allez!
  • 2 0
 Good luck Loris
  • 4 2
 Going to Commencal?
  • 2 1
 That’s be my guess. Amaury and Lori’s are right. Either that or specialized.
  • 2 1
 yes please
  • 3 0
 @onemanarmy: Original rumor is however Trek... If this actually happnes it is going to be interesting how it will turn out for a team as willson has extended contract, doubt Ethan is going anywhere because family, Kade might not have best results but he should be worth a lot in terms of marketing with his insane skillset and that leaves charlie, but doubt his worth is comparable to Loris...
  • 1 1
 @winko: only one man has ever moved to trek and gone up in the rankings... With the Reece Wilson anomaly excepted
  • 8 0
 @jaame: Gwin did ok after the move from yeti
  • 8 1
 Not a chance, the leader position is well secured by Pierron. And Pierron won't go anywhere else since he can't speak english properly and Commencal is the only french speaking team with the capacity to support such rider. I don't think Max will kick Pierron out and Loris won't go for yet another filler place in a team.
  • 1 0
 @robito: that's who I was referring to as the only man to move there and go up in the rankings.
  • 2 0
 Do Commencal need any more fast French riders? Soon they will all be on Commencal
  • 1 0
 @Balgaroth: I wouldn't have put it quite like that, but I don't disagree.
I'd even say Amaury is the more popular rider with fans anyway.
And yes, Loris will absolutely want to be the clear No 1 on his new team. And rightly so.
  • 1 0
 I just got off the phone to my local Trek dealer. If I order today I can get a slash 8 in September or a Slash 7 in March 2022. 2022! Holy shit! I hope they can get bikes for their riders!
  • 1 0
 @winko: charlies not going anywhere
  • 1 0
 @robito: Thank you, a lot of short term memory on here.
  • 2 1
 @melonhead1145: I am glad Commencal is helping and supporting the French community. We are a poor small country and I know many french riders who struggled to get a contract because of their ethnicity.
Glad some teams accept French ppl otherwise the World Cup would be a WASP or a Commonwealth competition.
  • 1 0
 @Ba1rog: seriously, people wouldn't sign french riders because they're french? That's mad. My comment was sarcastic if that didn't come across btw. Loris and Loic are some of my faves.
  • 2 0
 @melonhead1145: problem is, most french can't speak english, quite problematic to communicate with your Teammate and staff.
  • 1 1
 @melonhead1145: I got the sarcasm, but the fact is it is harder for French people to get a spot outside a French team or structure. In addition, we have a language barrier and thick accents, we try our best speaking your language but for marketing reason, it is better to have English native speakers.

Glad Scott, Commencal, Sunn and Lapierre are around. Also, the French Federation is helping too, even if I don't like them. Otherwise, you would not see French racer or free-rider.
  • 5 1
 @Balgaroth: lots of European teams and team staff.

French riders are killing it and every team knows it.

Teams with French riders
Syndicate until now
Pro pain

Should I keep going? Across ever discipline the French dominate and are very well represented. Especially when you think about population base.

Want to talk about difficult road to the big leagues... Americans. Our race scene sucks.
  • 1 1
 @Ba1rog: lol. That’s just false.
  • 1 0
 @onemanarmy: Yeah because they are Europeans teams lol, the Syndicate and Specialized are the 2 exceptions.

What are you talking about, the North American scene is apparently the best, you guys always flex
about that in Whistler for the Crankworks. There are tons of races in BC and in Washington state. Plus you have the biggest brands and freeride competitions. So no excuses lol.

"Across ever discipline the French dominate and are very well represented. Especially when you think about population base." It is like the army and other things lol Size doesn't matter.
  • 1 0
 @Ba1rog: Spexialized is a French team, no? It was the lapierre team if I am not mistaken
  • 1 0
 @jaame: yep the management team and mechanics are French
  • 1 0
 Glad it's nearly end of 2020, no more please
  • 1 0
 Loris Vergier to Devinci!
  • 1 0
 I called this the other day to a few friends, no more Norton on the team, they run fox, have a good budget and aren’t really popular, loris would surely get their name out there?
  • 3 2
 We will miss him on Fox Dialed
  • 1 4
 he could still be on if he goes to a team on fox
  • 4 3
 mistake to leave. grass is not greener on the other side!
  • 1 0
 HOLY SHIT!! Wow, that's huge news.
  • 1 0
 Love NUTELLA....!
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 Skrrt skrrt?
  • 1 1
  • 1 2
 I hope'S works out for him.
  • 1 1
 Well this sucks.
  • 6 7
 Very specialized news
  • 7 2
 Yep Specializedgravity were obvious on instagram comments this morning ''welcome back home''
  • 1 1
 Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. Specialized basically confirmed it themselves on Loris’ Instagram post
  • 3 6
 Off to madison/Saracen
  • 4 0
 Saracen got 3 Riders! Walker, Vidmann and Molloy
  • 1 0
 @xMARTINx: Stupid question, but what's the limit for riders per team?
  • 9 0
 @Jacquers: No limit but the wallet
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