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Mountain Biker in Spain Shot After Being Mistaken for a Rabbit

Dec 9, 2021
by James Smurthwaite  
Photo: Ernest Damian Diez, Facebook

A mountain biker was shot with dozens of pellets after being mistaken for a rabbit by a hunter in Alicante, Spain, theolivepress reports

Miguel Toran had just passed a pair of hunters on his ride but was then mistakenly shot by a third a few metres later. Torna was in colourful kit and wearing a helmet while riding on the Monte Orgergia forest trail, which is popular with riders and walkers. The hunter discharged a cartridge that contained hundreds of pellets and left Toran with impacts on his buttocks, lower back and legs. Fortunately, no major organs were hit but paramedics later removed 20 pellets that had become embedded in Toran's skin.

Local emergency services were called and although the cyclist was not taken to hospital, his wounds are being monitored by doctors to see if further treatment is necessary. The hunter told the police that he had confused the movement of the cyclist with that of a rabbit and admitted that he shot him with a cartridge, which contains a high number of pellets, which corroborates with the victim's testimony.

Toran believes that the incident was a genuine accident but he is still considering a complaint against the hunter. The hunter had a shooting license but could still be charged with recklessness.

As hunters and mountain bikers share the same environment, unfortunately incidents between the two groups have happened before, often with the mountain bikers ending up worse off. In 2018, a British rider was killed in Morzine by a hunter's stray bullet and a similar tragic incident happened in Lapland last year.

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jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
1,770 articles

  • 1693 7
 He must have been doing a lot of bunny hops.
  • 77 5
 to the top with you!
  • 91 92
 fkn lols!

also what the actual fk?! is the spray pellet shot thing so you barely have to aim at the poor widdle bunny wabbit?!

fkn lazy ass hunters.
  • 197 23
 @WasatchEnduro: You call yourself an American and this is news to you?
  • 103 63
 @WasatchEnduro: seems a bit aggressive to lump all hunters in as “lazy ass” people. Hunters actually fund the vast majority of many public lands we ride on, and most never go places with trails anyway
  • 23 13

You know that’s like someone calling you lazy because you ride a bike rather than walk, right? You use certain tools for certain things.
  • 336 3
 @WasatchEnduro: Based on the shot pattern the hunter was too far away to lethally shoot the rabbit. This isn't an accident. When you take the safety off, raise your gun and pull the trigger it was either intentional or negligent. There are no accidents with firearms, they don't shoot themselves.
  • 86 2
 @pourquois-pas: @pourquois-pas:

Yep, couldn't agree more. Also the last sentence is extremely misleading. It was not a "stray bullet" that killed the british rider. He was intentionally shot, albeit mistaken for an animal. A stray bullet would have missed and is a random act.

I do hunt, and why anyone would want to hunt by other humans is well beyond my comprehension. Call it what you will accident, negligence etc, it does not matter. It should not have happened.

Like all disputes between user groups be it hunters/non hunters...hikers/bikers....drivers/road.....equestrian/bikers/hikers....mostly ok except for the outlying disrespectful and entitled f$%^ing morons on every side.

People should not get shot, stabbed, run over or yelled out for enjoying the outside.
  • 20 6
 @WasatchEnduro: It's called a "shotgun" bud...cause it sprays "bird shot" or "buck shot" ...little pellets in the former, big ones in the latter.
  • 58 0
 @pourquois-pas: That is 100%, as someone who does hunt I think that this hunter should very least have to take some type of firearms re-education course. You never point... let alone pull the trigger at anything you don't want to put down. This is negligent discharge.
  • 2 0
  • 4 3

A lazy American for sure! I've been outa the game too long. Long past are the days of running through the woods with my mates shooting each other with bb guns.
  • 9 7

There's no lumping here and I stand by my rash judgment to call the Hunter in question a lazy-ass.
  • 8 4

Good point, franknicko.

A shotgun seems like the appropriate tool to shred the little wabbit into pieces, fkn lols.

Nothing against hunting. I killed a rabbit during a night ride when he ran into my rear wheel, which unfortunately for him has bladed spokes. I didn't take him home to make rabbit stew for the family but at least a coyote or some birds of prey ate him up.
  • 34 2
 @baxterbike: That's a strange way of saying that hunters actually fund a rather small portion of public land in the US. Land protected/funded by tag fees is miniscule in comparison to the total USFS/BLM holdings.
  • 11 0
 I’ll never bunny hop again
  • 14 76
flag rickybobby18 (Dec 9, 2021 at 11:05) (Below Threshold)
 @LeDuke: Black Lives Matter holds large swaths of land?
  • 5 1
 @rickybobby18: Bureau of Land Management..i was confused for a minute too.
  • 12 16
flag loosegoat (Dec 9, 2021 at 11:14) (Below Threshold)
 @LeDuke: firearms, ammo, bow and arrow sales and duck stamps also fund a large amount of public land and conservation (I’m pretty sure the majority)
  • 4 0
 @JustGivinerrr: Re-education? It's a criminal offence
  • 1 3
 @Supergirl56: We call it the Bureau of Livestock and Mining out west. It's pretty much a free-for-all and as much as I appreciate all the wide-open barely regulated and unpatrolled spaces for my 4-wheeling adventures, Americans are pretty much allowed to stake claims and tear up the land looking for things to consume and sell. There is a lot of good in that but it's an odd balance.
  • 11 7
 @WasatchEnduro: Yes because blowing a huge hole in the animal you want the meat from is a great idea.
Comment less, think more Smile
  • 3 5
 Who downvotes this!?
  • 13 0
 Team Update: Miguel Toran parts ways with Smooth Back Skin for 2022.
  • 15 5
 @WasatchEnduro: If you had to shoot a rabbit with a single bullet it would be nearly impossible.
I have rabbit hunted before with some guys that do it all the time they used highly trained dogs that try to flush it towards you and are barking the whole time and you try to shoot it when it runs by you hauling ass, very hard actually. When we cleaned the ones we killed to eat there were only a couple pellets in each one.

That being said I have absolutely no clue how he thought a cyclist was a rabbit
  • 7 1

Hey thanks for the explanation, that’s actually good to know.
  • 4 1
 @loosegoat: Huh? SWA lands in CO are less than 4% of the total public land in the state.
  • 6 21
flag ads10 (Dec 9, 2021 at 12:30) (Below Threshold)
 @radrider: Yes, Americans actually know how to shoot a gun.
  • 2 1
 Buckshots for bunny hoppers
  • 14 0
 @Aem221: Different hunting technique for rifle as you dont want them running(or moving at all). Not at all impossible.
  • 13 0
 @pourquois-pas: I disagree. You have no way of knowing the choke he was using, the size of the shot, or how far away he was. You can't determine if any of these pellets would have or would have not been lethal on a rabbit from the image of the rider.

With that being said I have no idea how the hell stuff like this happens. Too many hunters are out there shooting on pure movement, pulling the trigger first and confirming their target second. Sadly in the state I live in a bow hunter was killed by a rifle hunter this year when he confused movement in the brush to be an elk. Same sort of scenario, shooting first and identifying the target second which is totally unacceptable.

This incident is clearly a case of negligence.
  • 2 6
flag CSharp (Dec 9, 2021 at 13:04) (Below Threshold)
 @provin1327: LOL, only in American, now in Spain.
  • 5 0
 Aka… Elmer Fudd is who actually shot him. …
  • 8 7
 @WasatchEnduro: shotguns!? HOW DO THEY WORK!?!?!?!?!?!?

Come on bro.....
  • 6 11
flag savagelake (Dec 9, 2021 at 13:18) (Below Threshold)
 @pourquois-pas: not according to alec baldwin...
  • 12 10
 @savagelake: Pretty stupid argument. Don't care for the guy, but most actors don't know shit about weapons.
That's why they hire armorers. The fault lies on the armorer plain and simple.
No way you want actors responsible for that.
  • 17 0
 @baxterbike: Yeah, no. Hunters pay licensing fees that go to studying and maintaining wildlife habitat, the research and regulatory system that's necessary to keep them from eliminating every species. They pay for fish and wildlife people, but Forest Service, BLM, and other land management agencies have budgets which dwarf hunting/fishing fees. In no way do hunters "fund the vast majority of public lands we ride on."
  • 18 22
flag conoat (Dec 9, 2021 at 13:48) (Below Threshold)
 @TheOriginalTwoTone: so all I have to do to murder someone is to make a movie, hire an armorer, then slip my own live round in the gun and kill them and blame the armorer?

sorry, but responsibility always lies with the person with their finger on the trigger. I own dozens of firearms. literal dozens. I would never point one at someone and pull the trigger(would only do it in this instance btw) in filming if I had personally inspected the gun after it was handed to me(and then never letting it out of my grasp until after the scene). its Alec's responsibility. full stop.
  • 15 17
 @conoat: Doesn't really matter what you think, you're wrong.
  • 11 7
 @conoat: darn straight. i have no idea why this other dude thinks the person holding the gun is not responsible.
  • 5 0
 @JustGivinerrr: unless you positively identify what the noise in the Brush was you shouldn't be shooting
  • 18 1
 @pourquois-pas: The person who shot him is not a hunter, but an idiot. If you cannot tell the difference between a 3 pound rabbit and human on a bicycle, you have no business hunting. It is clear this idiot hear movement and shot at the movement without having a clear sight picture. The idiot violated one of the fundamental rules of hunting: You never pull the trigger unless you have a clear view of your target.
  • 3 0
 @greener1: totally reminded me of Chappelle
  • 18 1
 @provin1327: you're splitting hares
  • 1 1
 @carym: Shoot first, ask questions later...
  • 10 6
 @TheOriginalTwoTone: Wrong, once you are in possession of any firearm you first chamber check, engage any manual safety, all while making sure it is always pointed in a safe direction. You are always responsible for what comes out of your gun. baldwin was either massively careless or had murderous intentions.
  • 9 0
 This is why you don't ride with Cheney!!!
  • 12 6
 @sbrdude1: So actors should do all their own stunts?
I guess Charlize Theron should have built the vehicles she drove in Mad Max.
How many movie shots have the gun pointed directly at the camera or other actors.
You all are expecting the 1000's of actors that use weapons in movies to now become weapons experts, buy their own ammunition for the shoots?

Comparing your person experience isn't that same as a movie set, use the gray matter you have.
  • 1 2
 @greener1: it's called a SHOTgun dude. It shoots SHOT at you when another PERSON mistakes you for a RABBIT
  • 6 3
 @WasatchEnduro: I concur. I haven't hunted in since I was a boy (tbh, I'm a vegetarian these days), but grew up in an area where hunting was very popular (Hunting season probably contributed nearly as much as farming to our small rural town's economy.) We used to hunt rabbits with .22 rifles. Only thing I remember my dad ever shooting with a shotgun were birds and clay pigeons. Maybe it's common practice, but not one I'm familiar with. As a former marine and competitive marksman he probably would have scoffed at the idea of hunting rabbits with a shotgun.
  • 2 0
 @enis: just a quick question.
Judging by the size of spray pattern what distance could it be shot from?
  • 3 2
 @WasatchEnduro: Actually, shotguns are great for small game because the sudden impact of numerous pellets shocks the animal into death without tearing up the meat too terribly bad. If you had shot a rabbit with a hunting rifle the velocity of the impact, combined with the mass of the single projectile, would obliterate the rabbit. Not what you want if you're harvesting for meat.
  • 6 9
 @SoCalTrev: You know how to tell if someone is a vegetarian?

Just wait, they'll tell you.
  • 2 0
 @LeDuke: According to fws.gov (federal wildlife service)hunters actually contribute 200million dollars per year to public lands. Thats no chump change!!
  • 3 1
 Shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque...
  • 2 1
 @WasatchEnduro: it's called a shotgun. They've been around since the 1800s
  • 1 1
 @provin1327: Not "clearly negligence"...there is a few phenomena that happen in the brain that can make things like this go badly. One is situation fulfilment...you expect something to bust out of the bushes going full tilt and your brain fills in the gaps and in that blink of an eye you are convinced you shot at the "rabbit" when really it wasn't a rabbit at all...happens with high adrenaline and in cases of fear...that's part of the reason some people swear they've seen bigfoot.
  • 2 0
 @greener1: I think it is super-weird that a Canadian had to say this to an American. ..who the f hasn't heard of a shotgun, er, rather a spray pellet shot thing?
  • 2 0
 @30-punk-cue-ball: never had that issue with my .22
  • 2 0
 @WasatchEnduro: Bro I'm a bleeding-heart Libtard and even I just bought a Mossberg 590s. It can fire any size shotty shell length in any order. I usually use #4 or #1 Buckshot but would never, ever, harm an animal for 'sport' unless it was about to maim or kill me or a nearby human. Not every human, actually.
  • 5 0
 @TheOriginalTwoTone: it is not a tall task to train a person how a gun operates. If you are handling a gun it is important that you have the basic knowledge of making the gun safe. Failing to do so is negligence at the least. If the exact same series of events occurred to a small group filming a YouTube video, the person holding the gun would be guilty of manslaughter. To act as though the size of the production voids personal responsibility is preposterous.
  • 2 0
 @radrider: Give me one example of a hunter in America who mistook a mountain bike rider for a rabbit.
  • 4 0
 @Aem221: Actually lamping for rabbits with rifles is super super common.

Anyway, I’m staggered that the rider is only ‘considering’ action against the hunter. Knowing that you are on or next to a public trail and shooting your firearm without having a clue what you’re pointing it at is so far beyond simple negligence I don’t even know what to call it.
  • 1 0
 @bikeskibikeski: A Blunderbust for instance...
  • 3 0
 @greener1: Except in firearms training this phenomenon is (should be) discussed and why hunters are taught (should be) to confirm before firing. My instructor drilled this into our heads - no animal or target is worth a life, it's easy to make mistakes, be sure - 100% - before pulling the trigger. You should see the target and take aim before even putting your finger near the trigger... it doesn't need to be there until you're ready to fire and being ready to fire means confirming target.
  • 1 1
 @pourquois-pas: Yeah, all good points, BUT sometimes the brain fills in the information for you. It confirms the target IS what you were were expecting it to be...as in you literally see a rabbit...even though it seems rediculous like this case....There is no screening during aquiring your PAL to know who is more susceptible to this and who is not. That's why "eye whitness" accounts are not often as reliable as once thought even though we are all sure we see what we see. I suspect this person is "positive' he fired at a rabbit in that moment.
  • 3 0
 @provin1327: being that the shot hit him in the butt, back, and side whilst riding a bike, denotes the shooter would have not hit a rabbit if that was his intended target.
  • 2 1
 @TheOriginalTwoTone: Absolutely not! Whoever is holding the weapon is responsible for what happens. If he doesn't know shit about the weapon he shouldn't have had it in his hands. there are a whole different set of issues associated with the armorer, negligence, and why a fully functional weapon was on the set at all. Baldwin is 100% responsible for pulling the trigger - tragic accident or not. I'm not saying to charge him with murder but he is still responsible for taking that life.
  • 1 3
 You all are ridiculous, how many video of 'experts' having accidents are on youtube and you expect every actor/extra in a war movie to be a weapon and ammunition experts.
LOL listen to yourselves.
Based on your logic, if the brakes fail on a bus and the drive kills someone, they should be charged. Every vehicle on the road is capable of killing so every drive had better be a mechanic because if you get behind the wheel you're responsible no matter the cause.
  • 1 0
 @Aem221: You obviously are a terrible shot. Send in the B52's to do the work for you then....
  • 3 0
 @TheOriginalTwoTone: Taht is not personal experience but the standard for any firearm. Simple safety checks do not require one to be an expert. They were developed a long time ago with the explicit purpose of being simple and effective. Your argument is bad and sets a dangerous precedent. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
  • 2 0
 @TheOriginalTwoTone: Bad argument because unless the bus driver failed to do a simple brake check before driving it is a mechanical issue or maintenance issue. You're full of bad ideas and assumptions.
  • 4 0
 @greener1: I'm not disagreeing with the behavior and it sure seems to have been a factor here. But as a hunter, knowing this is the case, I avoid putting myself in that situation. I don't shoulder and ready the gun on a noise in the bush and wait to pop it when it comes out, finger dancing on the trigger. When I think I hear a target coming I raise the weapon and hold with safety ON and finger OFF trigger. When the movement presents itself confirm target, take aim, remove safety and pull trigger (takes a 1-2s, tops). We do this because a well trained hunter knows it is easy to make a mistake, so you remove the risk by not being in a position to fire on something without confirmation.

The half to full second means 1. almost certain target confirmation, and, 2. a better more lethal shot. Same reason why my group fowl hunts with pumps instead of semis. We shoot 2/3 the shots of semi hunters and have a much higher kill percentage... the pump effort gives you a moment to think and re-aim instead of blasting off 3 bad shot.

I stand by my statement, 100% negligence... the outcome was avoidable.
  • 1 2
 @WasatchEnduro: I hope you arent voting age.
  • 1 0
 @LeDuke: Depends on where you're at. For example most state land in Colorado is managed by CPW which is almost entirely funded by hunting and fishing licenses.
  • 1 0
 @chmurka3rg: Spain has some of the strictest gun laws in Europe. Laws don't stop stupid.
  • 1 0
 @Pavarotcsi: Hard to tell. Depends on what choke he was using. It takes a lot for birdshot to pierce skin, especially with lighter loads like you'd use for a rabbit.
  • 1 0
 @baxterbike: This story happened in Spain, same kind of law applies here in france and I suppose in the rest of Euro zone, in both of those countries nobody owns nor fund anything if it's public. Trails, national parks forests, rivers, whichever open wild areas so most of the public space are state owned therefore you can ride absolutely everywhere. State takes care of maintaining hiking trails, forests, trail paths When there are hunters they are the only hobby that causes a lethal threat to all others hobbies (Hikers, mushroom hunters, mountain bikers, trail runners don't cause any harm nor risk to others)
  • 247 7
 Rules for life:

1. don't eat gas station sushi
2. don't get a hooker in Thailand
3. don't let a 3 year old play games on your phone
4. don't go mountain biking with Dick Cheney.

Did I miss any?
  • 147 2
 don't pee into the wind.
  • 26 0
 @danielfloyd: or up a rope, or on an electric fence
  • 134 1
 5. don't go mountain biking in Spain during XXXX-large rabbit hunting season
  • 44 1
 Wait Dick Cheney is still alive?

Ah, right, he pulls energy from the Dark Dimension. Never mind, carry on.
  • 43 1
 Never drink in a pub that has a flat roof
  • 52 55
 @scott-townes: republicans don’t die, they just move their souls into orphan baby’s.
  • 18 0
 @miketizzle: plz let me understand this one!?
  • 63 2
 5. NEVER use your personal web browser while giving a professional presentation
  • 30 0
 @LDG: it's a UK thing mate, flat roof pubs were built at the same time as rough housing estates in the 60s and the ones that are still standing tend to be a little sketchy. Think big England flags on the walls, white Vivaros parked in the car park and blokes smoking outside who look like extras from Rise of the Footsoldier.
  • 43 43
 @Bangbrosbike: And all the better an orphan baby because then they can pull that baby up by its bootstraps (since those are thing) just like they did all by themselves with the "hard work" of reduced tax brackets, no bid contracts, offshore accounts, golden parachutes, reduced capital gains taxes and 187 other benefits engineered by & for themselves... true American patriots
  • 16 0
 5. Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger...
  • 25 6
 @Mtn-Goat-13 @scott-townes

-100 schrute bucks (thats -67.5 stanley nickels) for injecting politics into a joke and ruining it
  • 35 0
 As a 16 year old engineering apprentice my first lesson was "never put your fingers where you wouldn't put your c@#k".
  • 26 7
 @Mtn-Goat-13: Yeaahhh...let's not turn Pinkbike into Twitter. Go vent your political angst somewhere else. Thanks.
  • 25 0
 Don’t eat yellow snow.
  • 17 0
 gas station sushi in japan at 7-11 is truly amazing. If you know you know.
  • 5 3
 @parisgore: and hookers in Thailand are great if thats your jam. It isn't my thing and I'm not in Japan.
  • 9 25
flag Mtn-Goat-13 FL (Dec 9, 2021 at 10:21) (Below Threshold)
 @hamncheez @Grunk - And yr free to just move the f*** on just like I do yr comments. Commented on a comment, and yr commenting on my comment & no one really gives a flip anyway
  • 16 0
 Never date a woman with a tattoo of a dagger anywhere on her body. Never play poker with a man whose first name is that of a city.
  • 5 1
 wipe front to back
  • 40 2
 5. Never film a movie with Alec Baldwin.
  • 2 0
 Never bend down in a revolving door Never wipe your arse with a broken bottle
  • 7 0
 Don’t mess around with Jim
  • 5 0
 @Grunk: You sure do learn a lot about a colleague when they share their screen in Zoom to show a YouTube clip...
  • 3 0
 Taxes and death - those are guaranteed.
  • 1 0
 Whats wrong with thai hookers ? I ve never been there - not that i would , ehhh crap i wanna know anyway.
  • 2 0
 @optimumnotmaximum: Look up Crying Games. Thanks, now I have that song in my head!
  • 2 0
 27. It's now the O-train not the Bro-train
  • 1 2
 @miketizzle: ohhhhhhh. do tell! I am a transplant. what do I risk? lol
  • 2 0
 Don't eat the yellow snow from right there where the huskies go
  • 1 0
 @optimumnotmaximum: Einige sind Transen LOL du möchst natürlich eine Transen ficken
  • 5 4
 Luckily he didn't go ride with Alex Baldwin.
  • 4 7
 @erbsforlife1: 1 it's Alec Baldwin
2. how is that funny?
  • 4 6

1. Auto Correct
2. Literally Google his name and you could have figured it out on your own.
3. Alec Just shot and killed someone on a movie set.
  • 2 0
 @Deadclmbr: nice Croce reference +100
  • 1 0
 @stainerdome: Even in Australia?
  • 1 0
 Don't mess with Chuck Norris
  • 2 0
 @miketizzle: I miss Shameless, it was my favourite documentary on what life in Northern England is like...
  • 1 3
 @erbsforlife1: I know exactly what you are talking about. It was an accident and someone died. Again, how is that funny? Even if you think he's a DB.
  • 1 0
 @ZhuangYanbing: I think thats not only true in Thailand its also common in Italy for instance - but i am actually too much of an autist to be able to get in touch that way with foreign people.
  • 1 1
 @weebleswobbles: Dreamed I was an Eskimo.
  • 1 0
 @commental: this guy gets Zappa!
  • 1 1
 @ReformedRoadie: Ah, you're one of those types of people. Have a good one, I don't want to offend you any more than I already have.
  • 4 1
 @erbsforlife1: sounds like he/she/it is not reformed but still a roadie
  • 1 1
 @erbsforlife1: Offended by anonymous person on internet: nah
Surprised by how dumb they are: yeah, kinda.
  • 1 1
 @ReformedRoadie: Sounds like you just have a shitty sense of humor. Look a few comments above mine and its the same thing, Or even The Dick Cheney comment. Its a joke. Again if you're too sensitive and get offended by comments on the internet maybe you should stay off it.
  • 2 0
 @thustlewhumber: Nice, someone with a sense of humor. Hopefully @ReformedRoadie doesn't see this comment and start crying.
  • 3 0
 Never start a land war in Asia
  • 1 0
 88. " I " before "e" except before "v'
89. Outside+ makes a great gift
  • 3 0
 Never trust a Sicilian when death is on the line
  • 3 0
 @Deadclmbr: Never invade Russia in the winter
  • 2 0
 @Deadclmbr: inconceivable!
  • 3 0
 @FuzzyL: Sniff it before you lick it...
  • 1 0
 Frozen wind began to blow Under my boots and around my toes The frost that bit the ground below It was a hundred degrees below zero... And my mama cried And my mama cried Nanook, a-no-no Nanook, a-no-no Don't be a naughty eskimo
  • 1 0
 Never bet against a Mujaheddin fighter in Afghanistan
  • 2 0
 Don't ride in Spain during rabbit season....
  • 1 2
 @commental: Inuit you Cretin...
  • 3 1
 @curendero: I was quoting a song lyric you cretin. Calm the f*ck down.
  • 1 2
 @commental: You're Cretinish choice in the comments and weak comeback strongly suggest Cretin ancestry you dolt.
  • 3 0
 @curendero: he was quoting a frank zappa song. Nanook was an eskimo and he warned against eating the yellow snow from right there where the huskies go
  • 1 2
 @weebleswobbles: A Cretin sticking up for a Cretin...and quote a from a Cretin rock song. I stand corrected.
  • 2 0
 @weebleswobbles: Let him get on with it. Some people can't find fulfilment without focusing on shit to get outraged and offended by.
  • 130 0
 Are they for real?

You take the time to confirm what is in your line of fire before discharging your weapon- no rabbit is worth this kind of reckless behaviour. Hopefully the hunter no longer has a license after this move.
  • 49 0
 Hard to behave calm when you are wasted
  • 90 83
 In the US the bike rider would be charged under the "Stand Your Ground" laws - even though he was shot in the back - and subject to civil lawsuits for causing the hunter PTSD.
Needless to say, his bike would be confiscated
  • 8 0
 Plot twist Toran is a rabbit.
  • 21 9
 @chamoisbutt: If he identifies as a rabbit is the hunter still in the wrong?
  • 3 0
 Not only real, but the incident took place on an "urban" amusement area.
  • 6 0
 @tigerfish50: Is that the law where, just before you fire, you yell "it's comin' right for us!"?
  • 1 0
 @tigerfish50: I don't know about that. A friend of a friend shot and killed somebody while hunting and went to prison for it (not for long enough, but still prison). And this was in southern VA.
  • 2 0
 Not at all. He will continue having his license, and even he is like a hero for a lot of peoble bc he achieve that lots of bikers avoid that place. Hunters, hikkers and goverment are killing the MTB in Spain.
  • 88 2
 Seems like a hare-y situation
  • 36 0
 Let's not hop to any conclusions too quickly.
  • 15 1
 @dan23dan23: The details do seem a bit fuzzy.
  • 14 2
 Will the puns go down the rabbit hole?
  • 16 0
 @dan23dan23: conclusions are multiplying exponentially!
  • 51 0
 @twozerosix: the hunter didn't seem to carrot-all.
  • 10 0
 Tell me about it, I'm all ears
  • 9 0
 Must have a hare trigger
  • 10 0
 Thank goodness nobunny else was hurt
  • 2 0
 @robomatic: How do you hold your liquor? bye the ears of course.
  • 2 2
 What are you rabbiting on about?
  • 78 1
 First thing they teach you in Hunter safety education - is you DO NOT take the shot if you can not absolutely identify your target. He was either pissed the biker spooked his defenseless prey or was drunk. Maybe both.
  • 71 13
 Somehow hunting seems very attractive to the dumbest and disrespectful individuals, sad to say but I’m not really surprised when I read story like this. Not saying that hunter=dumb, I do hunt a bit myself. But man some people I’ve seen in these woods… I just can’t figure out how you end up a dummy like that. I also noticed the dummier they are, the weirder their gun fetish
  • 9 31
flag Bro-LanDog (Dec 9, 2021 at 11:36) (Below Threshold)
 @t1000: Some of the best people I know are avid hunters. You're just trying to justify prejudice at this point.
  • 55 0
 They have really big rabbits in Spain... (and they kno how to ride bikes!!)
  • 14 0
 They're apparently colourful too.
  • 40 0
 as a country side spaniard who's seen the local hunters having cognac and a cigars for breakfast at 7am, I will believe WHATEVER you tell me.
F'tards,... we used to share the same bar in the weekends; us having the last one before going home, them having the first one before heading out to shoot riffles.
Incidents with their own dogs, horses, other hunters, you name it.
  • 5 1
 We have these accidents over here, too. Seems like there's lots of smartass bores that try to disguise as hunters with warning vests and red hats. Maybe these are on the booze, too?
  • 6 0
 On point! It sure is not that every hunter is dumb, but it looks like every dumb Spaniard ends up with a gun and a hunting license!!
  • 25 2
 So, he had just passed the other two hunters, was shot at close distance and that idiotic rabbit excuse will still fly? I bet a six pack that was deliberate by a wasted, biker-hating f*cktard hunter who's pissed off about mtbikers existing in "his" woods. Different countries, same douchebags unfortunately.

And it seems like he'll get away with a slap on the wrist. I thought normally people who shoot other people are prosecuted by the state and go to jail. What's different about hunters? Why does the rider have to file a complaint on his own?
  • 6 0
 Totally agree, not an "accident" at all. With all the traps being set on trails these days, including razor wire attached to 2 trees across a corner at neck height, it was only a matter of time before this started happening.

The prick totally meant to shoot at him, whether it was meant as a warning shot and he actually him or if he intentionally meant to hit him is irrelevant
  • 32 7
 If this happened in the US, they'd ban ... rabbits. And mountain biking.
  • 6 12
flag generictrailrider (Dec 9, 2021 at 9:20) (Below Threshold)
 No we would just ban an idiot like this from ever owning a gun again. So he just blindly shoots because he thinks he sees a rabbit? Please.
  • 8 3
 @generictrailrider: Um...our sitting vice president shot another person in the face and pretty sure there were zero consequences. People don't get banned from owning guns, and those that do just go on owning guns anyway.
  • 28 7
 Gotta say: I love my local trails but when hunting season rolls around, I defer to the boys, let 'em do their thing and steer waaaaaaaaaaaay clear of all that until its over. Just a few weeks for most part and we're all the happier for it. I dont' worry about getting shot and they don't have to worry about some jackoff (me) spooking their deer, turkey, grouse or rabbit. Win-win situation.

Still: ya gotta prosecute the Rabbit Shot Caballero... if you cannot take a few seconds to make sure the life you are about to take is actually the one you think it is, you don't deserve a gun and you do deserve to pay for that mistake. That is, unless you live in the US where guns and the idea of guns is sacred and everything else is second class. Ronald McDonald is alive & well, armed to the teeth and he's got a trigger finger.
  • 10 10
 Not sure if you’re being sarcastic about the US and guns but this fact pattern fulfills charging requirements for reckless endangerment, negligent discharge, or assault in many states. Possessing a firearm while intoxicated can result in confiscation in Washington. Depending on where you are this could be charged as a felony. A lot less casual than this article implies. Adhering to the four rules of firearms would’ve also prevented Alec Baldwin’s negligent behavior. He doesn’t know them BECAUSE he’s anti gun. If he had ever been to a range or had any training he would have known better.
  • 12 1
 @giantrider56: Was being absolutely sarcastic: I own a gun, but wonder why Im not forced to register & prove my sanity annually to keep it. I also respect hunters & don't want to be riding near them, wrecking their time - its not all year long, just a few weeks here & there. Main point though is that gun 101 is that you absolutely are sure of what you're shooting at before firing - and a rabbit's not worth that kinda triggerfinger in my view...shooter way outta line to pull a trigger haphazardly on a bunny. Last - our peeps hold guns more sacred than anything, even democracy (in my view) and that's just an observation not a smear for snowflakes to piss on (oh no, here comes the comment cops)...and lots of the world (and I) now think(s) we're nuts for it. Just a fact.
  • 3 4
 @Mtn-Goat-13: Couldn't agree more. Maybe certain bikes should also require a validation of sanity. Not to go down the Rabbit hole... but the fact that hunters are required to wear hunters orange is a testament to how foolish and reckless people are. Sure blaze orange helps spot other hunters so you don't blow up their spot but holy hell folks. I'd rather be a normal guy camouflaged and not pulling the trigger at every knee jerk reaction.
  • 2 0
 @Mtn-Goat-13: I avoid the woods during hunting season too- it’s not that long and the trails are sloppy anyways. Hope the shooter is held accountable!
  • 19 0
 Damn, the hunter had to be drunk as f..k
  • 20 1
 Cheney's hunting again?
  • 15 12
 Someone please dig up that hilarious video of Biden promoting shotguns several years ago. Perfectly fitting here.
  • 2 0
 @dirtnapped: yep!! Nailed it.
  • 4 0
 @HurricaneCycles: Ha ha! I got a lot of laughs when he gave that excellent advice out. I can see by your up/down votes that most people here would rather that video sink without a ripple into oblivion.
  • 3 1
 @TwoNGlenn: I seriously almost fell out of my chair the first time I saw that video. It was the funniest thing ever. Never dreamed that sort of thing would become president one day. I guess we all have a chance!
  • 18 0
  • 3 0
 The hell
  • 18 1
 I bet he doesn't carrot all but lettuce pray he makes a full recovery...
  • 16 0
 How big are the fucking rabbits in Spain.
  • 6 0
 Actually it's us the Spaniards (the humans I mean) who are small...
  • 14 2
 "As hunters and mountain bikers share the same environment, unfortunately incidents between the two groups have happened before"
Well, one has a weapon to kill.
  • 11 0
 This wasn't an accident at all - If a "hunter" cant discern the difference between a rabbit or a human on a mountain bike, they shouldn't be allowed to "hunt". He sprayed this bike rider on purpose 100%.
  • 10 1
 I know this sounds crazy , but i try to avoid riding thursdays and sundays(days allowed for hunters) on places i know there is hunters.
Better safe than sorry.
hopefully this fella is alright!
  • 2 5
 100% the right decision.
  • 2 0
 Yeah, 'got you! Better safe than sorry too but here in my place Friday is the only day hunting is not allowed... Better left my bunny's ears at home !
  • 9 1
 Having spent a lot time hunting and shooting I’ve never shot a rabbit that wasn’t running on the ground so strange this guy shows he was shot at least 3 foot up from the ground. Either Spain has very tall rabbits or the hunter has spent too much time watching Donny Darko
  • 8 0
 Look at the spread pattern, you would be close enough to know it was not a rabbit, perhaps hunters have a dislike
towards mtbers, still you couldnt admit it was deliberate, the consequences of such, a rabbit excuse is the
best for the hunter.
If the hunter was a dithering half blind old idiot and did mistake human for rabbit ( aim high as rabbits are tall )
then revoke of guns and all hunting amongst punishment, as this is a serious missuse of firearms.
  • 8 0
 I had that happen to myself several decades ago, before I even owned a cell phone (let alone one with a camera).. fortunately in my case it was a .410 steel birdshot shell and not something with lead pellets. It cost the idiot his gun (smashed it) and the ATM withdrawal limit from his bank account to not report him to the cops. Still got the nice scar tissue from having to extract a dozen pieces of shot myself with a pair of forceps and a mirror.
  • 3 0
 Should have report him to cops after taking his money.
  • 13 1
 "What's up Doc?"
  • 3 0
 Be vewy vewy quiet, we're hunting for wabbit...
  • 9 0
 We had a kid get shot and killed by hunters at a local trail system north of Philly. Stuff of nightmares.
  • 1 0
 Dam didn't hear about that, which trail system?
  • 2 0
 @scottrap: Nockamixon, was in the news last year I think
  • 4 0
 Was not aware of that, that’s horrible story. Hope this doesn’t get treated as an accident by the law and that they get jailed appropriately. This really isn’t an accident.
  • 6 0
 So unfortunate and doesn't fall into the accident category in my opinion. Only reason I feel this way is because my grandfather is a crabby old hunter. Back in the day he used to boards with nails in it across trails where he hunts to keep dirtbikers from ruining his chances of getting game. Hunters can feel slighted by having to share the woods during hunting season and feel they have the right of way essentially. So it could have been a malicious act.
  • 7 0
 Im suspicious that this was a genuine accident. It was at best poor discipline by those carrying firearms. It is hard to believe that his clothing and size and sound would have led to a hunter mistaking him for a rabbit.
  • 8 0
 It's coming right for us!

  • 16 11
 Sounds to me like yet another irresponsible gun owner. Or, as per society norm atm; Just another entitled persons overreaction to someone having a better time than them, and having the audacity to disturb their hunt
  • 5 0
 Every time you point a gun, pull the trigger, you own what you've done, This hunter was a fool. Obviously shooting at something he hadn't identified. That's negligent and he should be charged as such.
  • 4 0
 Those hunter idiots are a real threat. Where I live there are stories every year about dogs, and sometimes cyclists too, being shot because "a hunter thought it was a boar". Drunk, with guns, spewing lead ammo all over the woods just for the joy of killing an animal...
  • 6 2
 Where are all the comment section hardmen who carry a handgun on every ride to protect themselves from bears/cougars/meth heads? Where is the macho posturing about what would happen if someone shot at them with birdshot? C'mon Pinkbike. Getting soft!
  • 4 0
 How is that effective to hunt rabbits with? 100s of pellets that fan out over at least 3 feet by the looks of it if he only ate 20 but across his entire torso. A rabbit is 18" long.

The paramedics would have been tending to the hunter if I was the rider. What a stupid f*ck to shoot a person decked out in anything other than a rabbit pelt kit.
  • 7 0
 Was the hunter Elmer Fudd?
  • 4 0
 Be Vewy Qwiet...
  • 5 0
 This could make Friday fails. The hunter needs to spend time behind bars - no excuse, slammer time for this a-hole. Trigger happiness should not be condoned period.
  • 4 0
 Mistaking a human sized mountainbiker with colorful clothes on a mountainbike doing bunny hops for a real bunny? That's some seriously good mushrooms! Just don't bring the rifle next time...
  • 5 0
 "Well Miguel, it would've been more helpful if you didn't wear a rabbit costume while on your bike."
  • 6 0
 That Hunter really hates 29ers
  • 4 0
 How does a biker resemble a rabbit? I could see something like this happening with someone hunting for big game, but a rabbit? I don't know, just seems suspicious to me.
  • 2 0
 How you managed to mistake someone that’s near 6 feet tall, on a bicycle that likely has a ticking hub, for a rabbit is beyond me. Ever been out in e woods when it’s quiet? Yeaaaah. Look, accidents do happen, but I would 100% be lodging a complaint against this guy. Pure negligence in his part.
  • 2 0
 I had an episode with a pair of guys skeet shooting in a highly popular trail network in BC this year. They were shooting towards an upper trail and had absolutely no idea that there were riders and trails in the area. I came up on the lower trail taking cover behind trees as I moved forward. I was yelling for them to stop, which they eventually did. Scared the shit out of me. They were apologetic after I explained the situation and they moved on. Shotguns and bikes are a bad mix.
  • 5 2
 Those who don't think this was negligent...hopefully you don't one day get "accidentally" sprayed by this many pellet or even worse, a "stray" bullet. Probably would feel different if you were on the bad end of the stick.
  • 4 0
 sorry but if you can´t distinguish a human wearing bright colors and a helmet from a rabbit, maybe you shouldn´t be allowed to wield a weapon.
  • 4 0
 How in the heck do you mistake a person riding a bike as a rabbit? There's only a "small" size difference.
  • 4 0
 There’s always that one hunter that shoots at anything that moves. Seriously make sure you know what your shooting at.
  • 1 0
 You’re night.
  • 1 0
 Back in the day (early 90s) a ski hill in Ohio had some hills and charged a modest amount to ride there. They also had paintball fields. The bike trail ran along the edge of the paintball range and they’d fire at us from a pretty far distance. One guy I rode with had his fork tagged by a lobbed shot. We all cheered.
  • 1 0
 I had to look very carefully for not run over rabbits in Madrid parks near my home...Cmon rabbits are a plague over here,I can hunt rabbits with my bike at night. Seems like the hunter never saw one,I don´t know how a biker could be mistaken for a rabbit,but I´m no hunter by any means...
  • 1 0
 Seems like maybe this hunter was "hunting by ear". ie: he heard something so he shot, which is plain f'ing MORONIC!!
If you can't see your target, you have no business pulling the trigger. This guy should be prohibited from owning, possessing, and shooting any firearms for the rest of his days on earth. That way no one will end up six feet under.....
  • 1 0
 It’s a terrible idea to have hunters and other land users in the same area at the same time. As long as this happens there will be people shot and some of them killed every year. Look at shooting ranges….they are tightly controlled. Live ranges and cold ranges. I never want to be on a mountain bike or or hiking or anything in an area with active hunters. No thanks. Too bad there are only two weekend days, but hunters and other land users can’t be in the same place at the same time. It doesn’t work. Bright Orange Enduro helmets don’t work either.
  • 4 0
 What’s this rabbit cartridge device? Sounds like 12ga birdshot.
  • 7 2
 If it really had hundreds of pellets it was definitely birdshot, unknown gauge. Cheney's friend must have been reasonably close to the shooter too, that spread looks pretty tight
  • 4 0
 One of my worst fear riding in hunting season
  • 4 0
 Thats a big bunny they have in Spain.
  • 4 0
 The lucky rabbit's foot that the biker carried did not work as intended.
  • 2 0
 that they pulled the pellets out of him in the field--no trip to the hospital--is the most remarkable thing about this story...
  • 2 1
 It seems this hunter is a retard..I've ridden through forest a couple of times when hunters were shooting. I always stop and ask if it's safe to ride,communicating is good..safety first
  • 1 0
 The hunter must be stupid as f#ck or maybe had a little too much moon shine, maybe mistake him for a deer but not a rabbit quite a size difference between the a rider and a rabbit or is that just me.........
  • 2 2
 Maybe I'm an outlier here, but do we really need these sorts of stories? There isn't even a PSA for, 'Remember to wear bright colors during hunting season.'

Seems like best case this is click-baity BS, worst case its some fear mongering.

Just my two cents, now going to go back to just not clicking on them, carry on.
  • 1 0
 Cant blame that on early blur.. A person riding a bike is not the same size as a rabbit. Unbelievable. Wouldnt consider the human with the gun a hunter. Dangerous person with a firearm... yes.
  • 1 0
 This is ridiculous.....What type of Rabbit was this hunter hunting? with a spread of buck shot like that he'd be eating lead all day...

  • 3 0
 Father Ted: "Okay, one last time: These are *small*, but the ones out there are *far away*."
  • 2 0
 Crazy idea but maybe dont allow hunting in areas open to the public? This and Morzine? FFS Morzine? A place swimming in bikers?
  • 1 0

"I own dozens of firearms. literal dozens"

ok Rambo we dont need to know about your airgun collection.

There are variables of accountability, whos responsible if you hand a gun to a child ?
  • 3 1
 I am really surprised this does not happen more often here in Idaho. It is a concern in many of our riding areas.
  • 3 3
 *in their hunting areas
  • 1 0
 @jrocksdh: public lands, what can you do...
  • 3 0
 (insert recycled Dick Cheney reference here)
  • 2 0
 Incredibly unfortunate. I hope the rider heals well.

"Thought he was a rabbit." Huh
  • 3 0
 "Look out Ned! It's coming right for us!"
  • 2 0
 The rider declined to press charges after discovering that his bike was still OK.
  • 3 0
 Was the hunter's last name Baldwin by any chance?
  • 3 0
 Shot in arse and your to blame, darlin’ you give lurv a bad name…
  • 1 0
 Wow, am I ever late to the game, had super good Cheney joke, get here only to find there are already FIVE Cheney jokesFrown

Oh well, there's always next time.....
  • 1 0
 There's a good Biden clip above. Got room for more.
  • 8 4
 Hunters=suckers. Period.
  • 3 8
flag Bro-LanDog (Dec 9, 2021 at 11:56) (Below Threshold)
 Interesting take coming from the land of once-dropped never-fired rifles.
  • 4 2
 @Bro-LanDog: France, Germany, Spain, Italy have the highest numbers of hunters (per km² or per inhabitant) in Europe (nearly the same in UK). For 10 (20?) years there have been debates about more hunting regulation ("thanks" to accidents as the one mentionned above). "Hunters=suckers" is not a uncommon opinion here.

In case your "once-dropped never-fired rifles" was not a joke, please do open books about WW2 (and others wars). There might be some interesting stuff for you Wink
  • 3 2
 Grocery store bought processed meat is so much easier.
  • 2 1
 @JRevelator: Yep - Europe used to have a variety of land-mammals. R.I.P.
  • 3 0
 @jrocksdh: Factory-fresh from hellish torture-cages.
  • 2 0
 Judging by the spray of the pellets, the target was way too far away to be unintentional.
  • 1 0
 What the hell kind of rabbits do they have around there, that someone could mistake a kitted up bike riding MTB’er, with Flopsey?!
  • 2 0
 Hunters or not, this is the 3rd incident. Something must be done ASAP before another rider get accidentally shot and die.
  • 3 0
 That's disgusting, but where is the Kyle Warner story?
  • 2 0
 Victim needed to make a testimony?!
  • 1 0
 Never seen a rabbit make a testimony!
  • 2 0
 no beer on a hunting trip, please.
  • 2 0
 hmm.... no, that hunter knew exactly what they were shooting at
  • 3 0
 Bunny hop to the extreme
  • 2 0
 The hunter was probably chasing the white rabbit
  • 2 0
 It’s called a shotgun. This idiot had a shotgun.
  • 2 2
 Elma Fudd sees his firearms certificate removed ..... Hollywood to recast him in an Alex........................................ I will leave it there
  • 3 0
 Wascally Wabbit's
  • 2 0
 Rabbit s in Spain must be huge!
  • 1 0
 2ndly, this is not the skill set of a hunter, this is a joe blogs with a gun
  • 1 0
 Wtf Eek how can a rider be mistaken for a rabbit. There’s like a 5 foot difference between the who
  • 2 0
 Might have thought it was the Rabbit of Caerbannog
  • 2 0
 Surprise…..idiots and guns!
  • 2 0
 Anyone else with trypophobia get a bit triggered?
  • 2 0
 Future TdF winner?

(See: Greg LeMond)
  • 1 0
 The cyclist must have taken the Blue Pill and went down the wrong rabbit hole!
  • 1 0
 How big are the rabbits in Spain to be mistaken for a human riding a bicycle
  • 1 0
 A human being mistaken for a deer is understandable, but a rabbit? What the f*ck.
  • 1 0
 I would never imagine that rabbits were so big that human can be confused with.!
  • 1 0
 Thank fuck it was not SG shot that feral Pig hunters use here in Australia!!
  • 2 0
 If only he was a hare off...
  • 1 0
 My bum hole twitches like a rabbit's nose when the trails get scary, but no hunter would be able to see that.
  • 1 0
 @loosegoat: damn they hated you for spreading the knowledge. Pinkbike politics, Aye.
  • 2 0
 but is the bike ok?
  • 2 0
 No its carbon so its fucked
  • 1 0
 Does this mean bright orange helmets are required during hunting season?
  • 2 0
 Bright orange hats don't help hunters themselves, they occasionally get shot by their peers. Sorry not sorry.
  • 1 0
 @Muckal: And curiously its only men that are color blind so a significant # of hunters CAN'T EVEN SEE THE ''BLAZE'' that's supposed to be such an excellent warning. Go figure...
  • 1 0
 Damn, Elmer Fudd out here going to town on spanish mountain bikers.
  • 1 0
 Must have huuuuge rabbits in Spain...
  • 1 0
 How the hang doea a human look like a rabbit!!
  • 1 0
 I came for the Alec Baldwin puns...
  • 1 0
 Alec Baldwin's down there hunting wabbits?
  • 1 1
 these articles are second only to trail renaming for pumping content engagement numbers
  • 1 0
 Hw looks like a dear to me.
  • 1 0
 Mistaken??? How dang big are Spanish rabbits?……Crazy!
  • 1 0
 Maybe he thought it was a killer rabbit with great big pointy teeth.
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 I tot i taw a puddy tat…..no I didn’t….i taw a wabbit
  • 1 0
 How big are Spanish rabbits!?
  • 1 1
 Only night riding for me during hunting season. Give the hunters the woods for a couple of months, no problem.
  • 1 0
 That’s smart. Is hunting officially prohibited between sundown and sunrise in your country? What are the official times? The actual sunset/sunrise, or one hour after/before (the dawn and dusk time is extremely dangerous with low visibility).
  • 1 0
 good thing he wasn't riding a M16 Smile
  • 1 0
 What a pain in the back side!
  • 1 0
 How big are the rabbits out there?
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Bugs got away that time
  • 1 1
 Maybe he thought it was Bad Bunny - in which case that would be fine.
  • 2 1
 that is big a$$ rabbit
  • 2 1
  • 4 0
 They also stab bulls for fun..in the civilized EU
  • 1 0
 Looks like a blast!
  • 1 1
 LOL, I thought this would only happen in the US of Eh! Big Grin
  • 1 0
 For a rabbit? Ok ...
  • 1 0
 that's all folks.
  • 1 0
 what's up doc ?...
  • 1 0
 Legalize Updoc
  • 5 8
 Peppered by some buck shot? Dude seems ok. Grow some balls PB and post Kyle Warners story. The guy is rad and needs some support.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 You must know nothing about guns because nobody uses buckshot for rabbits, there wouldn't be anything left behind. Plus this guy would be more than likely dead if he was shot by it at close-ish range.
  • 1 1
 To much Rioja wine!!!!
  • 7 10
  • 5 8
 (Not racist,, honest)
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