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My Krampus Wish List

Dec 20, 2017
by Vernon Felton  
My Krampus Wish

The children huddle together, hidden somewhere deep within the linen closet. I can hear them whispering excitedly and I have to smile. Krampus is nearly here.

Oh, the joy!

Each winter, as the rest of the world prepares for the fat guy in red to indulge his breaking-and-entering fetish, my family waits in eager anticipation, instead, for Santa’s goat-headed, demon assistant to pay us a visit.

My Krampus Wish
Yes, yes…I’m sure the Krampus purists out there will point out that, technically speaking, Krampusnacht has already come and gone. We all know that every December 5th, Krampus roams the earth and stuffs all the naughty children into a bag (or wicker basket) before toting them down to the bowels of hell.

Furthermore, you might argue that if I were a true Krampus traditionalist, I’d have already donned my goat-head and demon suit, and joined others in a festive Krampuslauf during which we would run through town, chasing screaming children and carrying them off in wicker baskets.

Well, here’s the thing—a truly sturdy, child-size wicker basket is surprisingly difficult to come by these days. Furthermore, since I live in America, the odds are excellent that I’d get shot before my yuletide reign of terror really hit its stride. This is the downside, I suppose, of not living in Austria.

But hey, I can still terrorize my own children. I like to think that's all that truly matters.

My Krampus Wish to You
They just don't make holiday cards like they used to...

“Daddy, do you think Krampus will really break into our house on Christmas eve and drag us down to hell?"

That's my youngest child—she's so adorable.

"Well," I say, "You never know. You never know. I mean, someone ate all the Christmas cookies the other day and none of you kids have confessed to the crime, so there's always the chance that Krampus might decide to sort that one out for himself if he's passing through our neighborhood. Who can say for sure?"

You see what I did there? It's the ambiguity that really seals the deal. If I've learned anything as a parent, it's that you need to keep the threat of impending doom open ended. Maybe the goat demon will come. Maybe not. Maybe he'll pick the right cookie-stealing culprit. Then again, maybe he'll snatch both of you instead... The point is to keep the kids guessing. Either way, they're less likely to eat all the cookies next time around. Basic Parenting 101: Ambiguous threats are your best friend. And in this case, it's perfectly in keeping with a classic, wintertime tradition that blends the best of Christian and pre Judeo-Christian European traditions. Who can argue with that?

Krampus by Scott Scharr
Postcard courtesy of Scott Schnaars of San Jose, CA. Scott, I like your parenting style. I'm sure your daughter will be fine with a little counseling.

But, hey, Christmas isn't just about the joy of bringing Krampus into children's lives. It's more than that. It's also the time of year when writers who make a living on the web also write about the crap they want that no one in their right mind is going to give them. I thought I'd indulge that tradition myself. Here are a few things I'd like.

There's no such thing as a free lunch. You've undoubtedly heard that one before. Well, there's another slightly less popular saying that travels the same philosophical ground; it goes like this, "Nobody is going to just up and buy your sorry ass a Toyota Tacoma." In fact, I think this second expression is actually even more true than the old chestnut about free lunches because I'm pretty sure I've had a free lunch here and there over the years, but no one in their right mind has ever offered me a pickup truck of any kind. And, trust me, I've been praying for years that someone would drop off a Tacoma 4WD in my driveway.

In the off chance that you feel like doing just that, rest assured, I'll tenderly welcome that gift pickup truck into my life with loving, open arms.

But since I'm a realist, I have to admit that I recently knocked this item off my Krampus list my own damn self. Yup, I sold a bike, scrimped and saved, and snatched up a 1998 Toyota Tacoma 4WD with 260,000 minty miles on the odometer (the engine got a rebuild about 30K ago). One of the rear side windows has been replaced with aluminum sheeting, the air conditioning doesn't work and a part of me worries about those miles, but I could afford this very used truck and while people say that money can't buy you happiness, I can call bullshit on that saying right now. This truck makes me happy. Ecstatic even. I can perform amazing feats, such as tossing firewood, deer carcasses, dead salmon (and my bike) in the bed of the truck. I can also put it in four-wheel drive and proceed to embark upon all manner of stupid and inadvisable adventures.... Oh, and the Tacoma gets 25 miles per gallon on the freeway when I drive it like a grandmother. That right there is happiness.

blind bearing puller
Real World Cycling bills its Blind Bearing Puller as "The most versatile bicycle bearing removal tool available." The kit removes cartridge bearings with inside diameters from 8mm through 32mm. Since I live in a place that is dripping wet and rusting over nine months of the year, I foul hub, suspension pivot and bottom bracket bearings on the regular. And, yes, I know I can drive some of those cartridge bearings out with a hammer and set of Harbor Freight metric sockets, but just because you can get away with that sometimes, doesn't mean you always should—particularly when you are pounding pivot bearings out of a carbon frame. At any rate, this thing makes my heart beat faster. I want one.

Park Tool
The old "Tighten the bolt until it spins freely and then back off half a turn." approach to working on your bike is fraught with peril. Getting torque right is, it goes without saying, key. I dig Park Tool's ATD-1.2 Adjustable Torque Driver. As the name implies, you can set the driver to 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, or 6 Nm. It also comes with T25, and 3, 4 and 5-millimeter bits that store, handily, inside the thing's handle. Simple. Useful....and money well spent if it means you never experience that moment when you realize you overtightened the brake lever clamp and ruined a carbon handlebar.


Yes, I know such a thing doesn't exist at this time. But, hey, this is a wish list, right? Okay then...I wish Canon would get off their collective fat ass and roll out a prosumer-level DSLR that shoots 4K video. My damn iPhone shoots 4K, yet if I want to get a Canon that does the same, I'm going to have to pony up three grand for an EOS 5D Mark IV body (pictured above) to get the same quality. This all sounds esoteric, I admit, but if you want to make video and have it look good on people's screens in the (very near) future, you want to capture 4K footage.

So, plainly put... WhatTheF@ck, Canon? C'mon, guys, you're better than this. Get with goddamn program. You've already got ridiculously good autofocus and otherwise really solid cameras for anyone who wants to make video on a budget. You just need 4K. Have you not seen the Sony A6300? The Nikon D500? So, get off the damn couch, Canon, wipe off the vomit from the front of your sweater and get crackin'. Time's a wasting. Smart phones are owning your ass on this front. Step up!


I'm no retro-grouch, but I do love the feel of a good steel frame. In worshipping at the altar of "stiff-stiff-stiff", I think the bike industry has created a crop of rigid 700c bikes that are often as pleasant to experience as an annual prostate exam. Unless, of course, you look forward to that particular exam, in which case, good for you, I suppose. But I digress... Ritchey's Outback promises the forgiving ride quality that makes their Swiss Cross such a great ride, but sports a reasonable bottom bracket height, through axles front and rear, disc brake tabs, good tire clearance (for 40c tires)... I'm not a huge fan of the teal color scheme (red, yellow or British racing green would be improvements...basically every color the old Bridgestone RB-1s came in), but I dig where this Ritchey is headed...long rides, no cars, lots of peace and quiet.


I've been impressed by the Lyrik. I could drone on and on about how it offers good support, is easy to tune and so forth, but you get the idea... There are other very good forks at this travel range and if you were to wave a fresh 36 in front of my face, I'd just as soon snatch that from you and run away as quickly as possible. The latest Lyrik, however, has earned a spot in my heart. Maybe it's simply because I've spent more time aboard it on the test bikes I've been riding. Either way, I want one.

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vernonfelton avatar

Member since Apr 11, 2014
202 articles

  • 194 2
 You’re kinda weird, but I’m okay with it.
  • 49 0
 Part of why I like the world of bikes is that pretty much everyone in it is kinda wierd, and pretty much everyone seems ok with it.
  • 57 1
 He's our kinda weird.
  • 18 1
 I saw the picture on the front page and knew it had to be Vernon's work without looking at the author's name.... and I am not saying it as a bad thing, it immediately had me looking forward to it.
  • 22 1
 Not only all that, but somehow he's managed to find a picture of Krampus whisking away a young Mike Levy (the baby sitting on the broomstick, on the far left)

Nice find VF!.
  • 10 0
 @orientdave: I have an old issue of Bike's Bible of Bike Test, I think roughly 2013 or so. It was in Fruita if Im not mistaken (it is in the ensuite at home, I am driving my desk at work right now), and I still grab that thing for a laugh at some of Vernon's musings from back when he was working in traditional print. I was so excited when he came over to Pinkbike, and haven't been let down once. He is irreverent and funny, and straddles the line nicely between being very much a forward thinking person (I get the impression), while still appreciating the ability to throw a deer carcass into his truck.

I also am surprised that Felt bikes hasn't reached out to him to do a promotion piece...Vernon gets his Felt-On...I'll see myself out.
  • 2 1
 @VwHarman: BBOOOO!!!!! HISSS!!!!!
  • 16 0
 @orientdave: I do what I can...
  • 2 0
And U do it quite well

From one old guy to another
  • 26 0
 "Tighten the bolt until it spins freely and then back off half a turn." I giggled.
  • 10 0
 "Keep your dick in a vice" -AvE
  • 10 0
 @wiscobiker: Don't do that; the smoo comes out and it doesn't chooch anymore.
  • 4 0
 Extra long allen keys? Surely the Cockford Ollie!

Can't wait for the bicycle world to embrace torque-to-yield fasteners... lol
  • 1 0
 @omclive: Beg your pard.
  • 21 0
 When I lived Austria we’d frequent a local beerhalls and during Christmas people dressed up in elaborate and downright scary Krampus costumes would barge in terrorizing all the adult patrons. You know they aren’t real of course but well...the Krampii are no joke.
  • 25 0
 That is a holiday party I could get behind. Screw the ugly sweater BS.
  • 12 1
 I think you mean Krampussies
  • 17 6
 @jeremiahwas-that sounds like so much more fun than stupid american christmas. downvote me into oblivion. i don't care. i hate christmas. there, i said it.
  • 1 0
 I guess Blink 182 was trying to get this going with having "Halloween on Christmas"
  • 1 0
 @jeremiahwas First time I heard about it was after I saw one krampus walking alone in the street at night in late November. At the beginning I could just see a massive shape walking in the dark, and I could hear a bell, then I saw it was hairy and had horns. I have to admit a was slightly scared (and a bit drunk), so the next day I asked my colleagues what was going on in this country.
  • 1 0
 My Krampus even scares my kids when I ride it...
  • 3 0
 @drummuy04: It's christmas eve and ive only wrapped two f*cking presents..its christmas eve and ive only wrapped two f*cking presents.. and i hate hate hate your guts, i hate hate hate your guts and ill never talk to you aaaaaagain
  • 15 2
 Krampus invented the plus wheel size. Serious.
  • 24 0
 Yes,it Surly did!
  • 7 10
 @nozes: yes, he thought: let’s add some Salsa to the bike world
  • 8 0
 Yeah, asking a Krampus for a steel framed bike that isn't a Krampus will surely result in you being eaten by a Krampus. Sorry no pun but you still get 3 Krampuses in one sentence!
  • 11 0
 @Sardine: You're Krampushing it.
  • 4 0
 Your lucky its not Wednesday, or my pet Karate Monkey would come and Steamroller over your Big Fat Dummy ass.
  • 1 0
 @Boardlife69: I LOVE ICECREAM (truck)
  • 2 0
 @Boardlife69: Dingle Cogs, Dingle Cogs, Dingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to ride on a Dingle everyday, hey.
  • 1 2
 @fartymarty: eagle navidad, Eagle navidad, I wanna wish you some merry cassettes, wanna wish you some wide range cassettes
  • 1 0
 @fartymarty: Thats what she said
  • 10 0
 Hey Vernon,
If I win the lottery tonight I'll buy you a new Tacoma. Think of it as much deserved payback for years of great writing, here & at Bike. We both win, wish me luck.
  • 8 0
 Damn. Well thank you, sir. I'd have taken a beer and a kind word, but a Tacoma would work just as well. Cheers to you.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: I'd STILL keep the one ya got for the apocalypse. Sounds sweet. Plz tell me you ran over that 1st horned thing with it wide open... Fking terrifying!
  • 1 0
 Lol. Gofundme should do the trick
  • 10 3
 "I can perform amazing feats, such as tossing firewood, deer carcasses, dead salmon (and my bike) in the bed of the truck."

So violent so fast... Vernon you holding stuff back buddy? Welcome to continue here if youd like
  • 11 5
 There is a bill being put forth here in California to designate Krampus as a white Nationalist thus outlawing dressing like him along with nativity scenes, diesel trucks and USA hats.
***Merry Christmas everyone else who is sane, I am gonna go ride my lyrik laden bike this Christmas.***
  • 2 0
 Santa is real!
  • 2 1
  • 2 0
 @dirtchurner Not sure if serious...
  • 3 0
 @Bullit-Boy: State of California, sounds legit.
  • 3 0
 My first thought is: f*ck Mexico, build a wall on the Californian border instead.

PS: You forgot that cartoon frog...
  • 1 0
 Well, that's California for you. Another reason I'm glad I don't live there any more...
  • 3 0
 PS I tried googling this nonsense to no avail. Lay off the Tea Party "News" feed on FB.
  • 8 1
 Could probably have all those things if you jump on the RC gravy / presser train! Just attend a few Patagonia events, write some schlock, i bet some of these things will just show up in your yard.
  • 7 2
 The Lyrik flat out rules. Simple to dial in and rock solid. I have to hand it to Surly for making me aware of Krampus when they rolled out that bike a few year back. I've been a Krampus fan ever since and Krampus the movie from 2015 has now taken a place in our yearly holiday movies alongside Elf and The Hebrew Hammer.
  • 15 1
 @hellbelly, the opening to The Hebrew Hammer (the ode to Shaft) is one of the most beautiful things ever. We tend to watch the Harryhausen Sinbad flicks for Christmas. I tell the kids it's a national tradition. They believe me because we don't have cable or access to normal TV. Ignorance is bliss.
  • 19 0
 @vernonfelton: don't have access to normal tv? that's not just bliss that's smart caring parenting.
  • 16 0
 @fullbug: There is almost nothing worth watching on any of the major networks, at this point. PBS being a notable exception. A DVD player and the ability to stream the content you choose from the internet seemed like a much better call to me. I'm speaking as a parent, but I'd have made the same decision even if I hadn't spawned a brood of rugrats.
  • 2 0
 agreed, sir. hopefully you also do not have elf on the shelf as part of tradition!
  • 22 0
 Christmas movie? Die Hard.
  • 5 0
 @iamamodel: not xmas til nakatomi blows!
  • 2 0
 @vernonfelton: Harryhausen's stuff is so nuts. Love it! I won't brag about not owning a TV as I used to do up until long after I was out of school as I've no desire to out-smug anyone any longer. That said, our "TV" is mostly commandeered by my wife and oldest for games and watching The Great British Baking Show. I'm boring and just read, draw or putz around working on my bikes.
  • 4 0
 @iamamodel: Yippee Ki Yay,MF!!!
  • 2 1
 What's a DVD?
  • 1 1
 @iamamodel: yippee ki yo ki ya motherfuker!
  • 1 0
 @hellbelly: Same my partner watches some boring ass shows and I can't even get it. I just try and pretend to drool on myself. My kids are allowed to watch TV and we don't have cable allot of times I pop it on youtube thank you PS3 for your streaming ability.
  • 8 0
 If you think an iPhone shoots the same quality 4k vid as a 5D Mk4, I have a bridge to sell you. Its on fire too.
  • 7 0
 All 4K is not created equal. I get that. The sensor sizes, for starters, vary dramatically. The point I am making is that Canon does not offer any 4K capability below $3,000 and that, frankly, is a crime against humanity. Or, you know, an oversight that gets my panties in the wad. I sometimes get the two mixed up.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: Canon's video & Mirrorless options really have been lacking...but I'm sure they'll catch up. They just seem to be busy with their Prosumer video cameras at this point. (C line). My question is why not look to other affordable options like the GH5, a6xxx series, etc.?
  • 1 0
 @mitchgulliver: I'll probably wind up doing that, I just really like the autofocus capability on their 70D and 80D models. Since I own the 70D and a handful of Canon lenses, the addition of 4K would be a boon. But beyond that....we have to think of the children. They need Canon to endow the successor to the 80D. I think that much is clear. It's for the children. Or just me.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: 7D MKIII is slated to be out next quarter and I would be surprised if it didn’t tick that magical 4K box along with all of the autofocus capability that Canon has to offer. The 7D is where it’s at for everything action related.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: Can't argue that. Great Autofocus, wonderful color science...not to mention most people being invested in EF mount lenses. As once Canon user, I'd love to see them come back with something great. It's hilarious that their 1Dx is absolutely AMAZING for video work, but that's pretty much where the list stops. The 7d mklll could be the answer...but they also may pull another 5D and blow it again.
  • 2 0
 @mitchgulliver: Fingers crossed that someone over there puts down the bottle of liquid cement, vows to break their huffing habit and gets back on the right side of history and technology. One can only hope for as much. I was working with a shooter the other day who has a Panasonic GH5 and I was heartily impressed by that thing.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: fair enough. I think Canon is maybe focusing on the pro market segment more I guess. Leaving the entry/hobby side to the rest?
  • 1 0
 @mitchgulliver: Considering the medeocre reviews of the 5D IV and the fact that it’s price has dropped considerably faster than the MKIII did, I would hope that Canon has learned from their mistake. I also wonder, though, if their development of a competitive FF mirrorless has limited their resources for DSLR development.

Either way, while I love my Olympus mirrorless and the tech stuffed into it, their is just something about Canon & EF lenses that feels so right.
  • 3 0
 "Well, here’s the thing—a truly sturdy, child-size wicker basket is surprisingly difficult to come by these days"
Dude it's called a hamper (or laundry basket) www.basketlady.com/products/round-wicker-laundry-hamper-clothes-hamper?variant=1953904580&msclkid=d26444fb4f0f1fd26e341ec6ebd89cb7&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping%20-%20JF&utm_term=4583108062727791&utm_content=Laundry%3A%20Lidded%20Hamper

Worked beautifully for my fifth kid and now the other 4 are perfect angels! I'll always miss- uh, what was his name? Oh well. Who cares. He's gone now.
  • 1 0
 @taletotell, but how do you strap it to your back? Don't get me wrong, I'm beating my head against the door wishing I'd thought of this earlier. Never even thought of laundy hampers. Well played, sir.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: The belts I usually use to hit them work pretty well. You have to hook several together though, in order to fit all the way around the basket.
  • 1 0
 My mom had a wicker one that was rectangular when I was little now I know why she didn't want me playing in it at the dry cleaners that time our washer didn't work.
  • 4 2
 Cameras are just like bikes.
they all are the same.
Features are just turned off on the cheaper price points.
Nikon is now the leader for pro sumer goods with features at a lower price point
Im switching to Nikon for the better features at a lower price
Noise supression is far better
The D 3400 will be my new body.
Time to ditch the Cannon
BTW You can buy GoPro knock offs with 4k video for 100$.
  • 1 0
 check out Pentax if you haven't.
At comparable price points, their APS-C cameras blow CaNikon out of the water, plus the best of all: is the sensor what's stabilized, no need to pay a few extra hundreds for the stabilized version of an already expensive lens.
Not to mention the weather resistance...
  • 2 0
 I think it's time for lots of people to ditch Canon. If you have a good set of Canon glass, go to Sony with an adapter. If not, Nikon. I've been using Nikon for a long time, but for video I use a Panasonic M43 system, which is amazing. Lots of good choices these days...other than Canon.
  • 2 0
 I forgot; before buying a new camera, check out Magic Lantern. Is a firmware alternative to Canon's that uses the full potential of the camera's hardware, instead of the turnes off features you mention. It's run from the SD, so no destruction of the original.
I'm a little off the photo world right now, but I guess is still available for every model since 50D
  • 3 0
 I buy cameras almost every year for work. Canon, in my eyes, has become the Apple of the camera world. They make good products, but are not really innovative and overcharge because people simply follow the logo. We look at bang for buck at different price points. This past year we ended up going Sony in every single category except for the bottom 1K price point (that went to Panasonic). For our mid-entry primes, we went Rokinon. Their 1.2 primes were hundreds less than Canon/Sony.
  • 2 0
 I'm so with you on the beater pickup truck. I had a 1990 Toyota Pickup (actual model name!) that was noisy, uncomfortable to drive and woefully underpowered but I loved that thing. It would take me everywhere I wanted to go and gave me freedom... to treat it like crap.

Sadly it was stolen a couple of years ago (probably by Krampus as it was this time of year). I still miss it to this day.
  • 6 0
 Love is a pickup truck. Truth. The make and model are beside the point. Sorry to hear about the theft. Some douchebag thief has a world of bad karma coming his way.
  • 4 1
 Man I've been lusting after that Ritchey frame. I've been reallllly close to selling my Foundry Overland frame set to build up the Outback. Good choice @vernonfelton, damn fine choice indeed.
  • 4 0
 Am I the only one that leaves brakes levers loose enough so that they'll pivot in a crash? I thought that was a well known moto trick.
  • 1 0
 Wait? That’s a thing? Leaving the brake levers just a little loose? I’ve bent and ruined my brake levers several times crashing. How loose?
  • 1 0
 @fattyheadshok: so they’ll stay put in normal riding, but move if you give them a good shove
  • 1 0
 That's what I do.
  • 1 0
 @Connerv6: Me too, trick i learned a long time ago from someone who crashed frequently! Just tight enough that they don't spin when you use them.
  • 1 0
 I've been running that since my BMX racing days. Why ruin a perfectly good lever. If you're not crashing, you're not riding hard enough (or have little skill like me, lol!)
  • 1 0
 Been doing it since i went to Hydros. Used to have a friend that I would rebuild his brakes allot came accross a bunch of levers once in a bike shop dumpster it was heavenly He never had to worry about his Avid's after that. Honestly he just built more bikes with Hydro brakes so I could maintain them for him.
  • 1 0
 You know that here in Finland, we have captured and tamed Krampus, but it got away some years ago, it had "helpers" that have been tamed and are called Santas these days.
They have made movie about it, "Rare exports", so it must be true.

Had to share this, as i remembered this movie from one of your Krampus pictures. ;D
  • 3 0
 The exact same bearing puller set is likely on ebay for $40, I think I paid ~$40 for it a few years ago. Bike tax in action on their asking price.
  • 1 0
 I paid $100 Canadian at an auto store for that exact same set. Best investment ever. Typical bike tax agreed.
  • 1 0
 Those Amazon ones are palm-crushing devices. Poor design, though they do take a bearing out properly as long as you can avoid squirting blood everywhere. First hand experience.
  • 2 0
 sony a6300 is more capable than most think, I have the a6000, and aside from faster processing and 4k video its generally the same cam. But if you are already invested in canon lenses may not be worth a change
  • 1 0
 Seriously? 25 mpg? I literally get half of that on an 02 Frown The lift/tires and the ethanol in canuck gas doesn't help, but i've never gotten close to that even when i bought it stock with 170k km on it. Lucky you, that's a bomber rebuild. And, yeah, dealing with bearings backyard mechanic style sucks, i could definitely go for a fancy ass puller.
  • 5 0
 I didn't believe the previous owner when he said it averaged 25 MPG on the freeway, but, damn, sure enough it will, if you keep it at 65 MPH or just slightly below. I'm running the 4-cylinder 2.7L, so it's no powerhouse of manliness, but I couldn't give a rat's ass. It's reliable. If I want to give myself an erection with the sound of a V8, I'll just start my `69 Bronco up. That thing is a beast....but it's also terrifying at highway speeds. I used to drive it the 13 hours down from my home in Humboldt County to Bike's office in Orange County....for an old Ford it's "street-able" as hell, but it's still an old Ford with 33 inch tires, a short wheelbase and power drum brakes (fun on the trails, terrifying when somebody in front of you suddenly slams on the brakes because they got another text message).
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: Engine rebuild sounds dandy but how is the frame? Those gen3's had a troubled past of breaking in half...mind you if it's made it this far the frame was probably repaired or replaced in the mass recall and you're good to go!
  • 2 0
 @vernonfelton: Lucky you guys have cheap fuel in North America. You are 29th(US) and 75th (Canada) in the cheapest fuel league. Looking at a Ford F350 costs me a deposit on a house.
  • 2 0
 @TyroneM: Well, you just inserted a thought in my head that will make it hard for me to sleep at night. Thank you, sir! Well, seriously, thanks for the tip. I crawled under the thing and poked a bit before buying it, but I'll get under there with a headlamp and give it a more thorough probing tomorrow.
  • 2 0
 @dubod22: lol. I get that it's probably cheaper than where you are, but considering Canada is the fourth largest oil producer globally, 75th in pricing is pretty atrocious. Nevermind, it's a massive country and driving for half a day just to do something on the weekend isn't uncommon for folks who aren't from, or stray from the cities. It's a day drive just to visit someone in a neighboring province. And BC where a large portion of the mtb crowd resides is 10-15% higher than the national average. So yeah, I wish gas was affordable too Smile
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: Ahh. 4 banger certainly helps. I didn't think they offered the 2.4 with 4wheel drive. Guess i was wrong.
  • 2 0
 @vernonfelton: All is probably well, especially if you've been hauling firewood without this side effect: i.imgur.com/GQtFok1.jpg

Can't hurt to have a thorough look around though for piece of mind! A good friend of mine picked up a '95 a couple months back - he just found an iphone (5) sized hole on the inside of the frame rail adjacent the rear wheel. He's still driving it! Plans on pulling the box off next month to patch the hole
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: Please tell me you didn't pay thousands for a worn out Tacoma just because it is a Tacoma.... Nice enough trucks in good nick, but the mystic aura of Toyotaness and the commensurate price tag that goes with them makes no sense to me. While helping a coworker find a new rig a while back, I saw a mid 2000's 4-Runner with over 160k miles for $20K. On the flip side, a different friend bought a 2015 for $25k....
  • 2 0
 @Poulsbojohnny: I bought it because I've had good luck in the past with high mileage Toyotas....less awesome luck with high-mileage domestic vehicles of the post mid-70s vintage. I also like the simple function and driving manners of the Tacoma. You get to an age (I imagine you can relate to this) where you don't ever think about buying a brand because it's from a particular brand. I buy things that work for me, I couldn't care less about their unit sales or whether other people like them. But i do agree with you that some people will pay stupid amounts of money for a Toyota because of the nameplate. I'm not one of them. I paid about as much for this truck as I would've spent on an F150.

Most brands have shit products and some good products. The challenge is winnowing out the shit from the good. The bike industry is a solid example there. Most brands excel in a few core niches and then have "me too" models in other niches. The number of brands that consistently knock it out of the park with all their models are few and far between (though they do exist).
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: OK, fair enough! At least you didn't buy it because it the hipster rig to have on the trail head. Smile
I run a 2005 Ram 1500 and love its simplicity. AC and power door locks/windows are the only 'features', on the column drive shifter and an on the floor 4wd selector. No fuss, no muss. (although I'd like better mileage!).
  • 2 0
 @Poulsbojohnny: Dude, I wear flannel, dad jeans and I look like someone's Uncle Mel from Sheboygan. I couldn't do the hipster thing if I tried or was even inclined. I ]'m a fan of simple--no auto anything in the pick up (just the way I like it). When did rolling down a window become a hassle that necessitated adding a window lift motor assembly? That kind of stuff kills me. That said, I am updating the dated FM radio with something that has bluetooth connectivity, so I can't get all old man on you.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: "When did rolling down a window become a hassle that necessitated adding a window lift motor assembly?"

Try it in a full sized truck. A little hard to reach across the cab! Smile Same with the locks.
  • 2 0
 @vernonfelton: In the words of a more positive childhood icon, Buzz Lightyear, “You’re a sad strange little man.” Happy Holidays Vernon. You’re writing style always brings a laugh. Thank you.
  • 2 0
 I remember when I was in Canada and pretty much every other advert seemed to be for trucks and their constant boasting of 20+ miles to the gallon. Do all trucks have such shit mpg or is north America just really far behind?
  • 2 0
 It's still pretty crap. As far as highway fuel economy goes... The GMC Sierra gets 24 MPG. The Toyota Tundra (VCool , by contrast, is about 20 MPG on the highway. The Nissan Titan (also VCool gets 21 MPG. It gets better, no surprise, on the 6 and 4 cylinder models. The 6-cyl Nissan Frontier gets 23. The 6-cylinder Tacoma gets about 24 MPG. The Diesel Ram 1500 (V6) gets 25 MPG. The V6 Honda Ridgeline gets 26, but has shit room in its pick up bed. The V6 Ford F-150 is also supposed to get 26 MPG on the highway.

Some of the better trucks (highway MPG-wise) include the GMC Canyon, which gets 30 MPG.The Chevy Colorado (4-cyl diesel) gets an impressive 30 MPG. In short, if you want a 4WD pick up, the best you can hope for now is about 30 on the highway, 25 in the city and, to many peoples' surprise, Detroit is leading the way there. Nissan and Toyota are, to some surprise, a bit off the back in the war for best mileage. I'd be surprised if it stays that way beyond the next 3 years, but who knows. I think Toyota was resting on its Tacoma laurels a bit much for its latest revision of the Tacoma. Just my take.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: be an 18 year old rich kid in Breckenridge....your folks will buy you a 2017 no problem
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: I fully agree with your analysis and conclusions on gas mileage. I went the full size domestic route with V8 to better suit my lifestyle. When I was shopping a few years ago I looked at the Tacoma but it wouldnt have saved me much in gas and it barely met my towing needs.
  • 1 0
 “Daddy, do you think Krampus will really break into our house on Christmas eve and drag us down to hell?"

Do you suppose that telling your kids that Sinbad movies with the monsters in them are Christmas movies helps or hinders their terror?
  • 4 0
 Absolutely helps--Sinbad clearly didn't take any mess from monsters, so he sends a message of hope that, should Krampus come calling, the kids can rely on their pluck, courage and Kenpo skills to fight the good fight. In other words, it's a bit of yin to the yang of the threat. It's all about balance. On one hand, children need to know that there are repercussions for stealing cookies, but they also need to know that they have some control, as individuals, in coping with those repercussions. Sinbad FTW.
  • 1 0
 You don't HAVE TO have a 4k camera to shot good videos and post them on the web. People have been shooting great videos well before 4K even existed. That is the core problem of American consumerism: You HAVE TO HAVE the latest in order to be happy and that, we all know, is pure BS.
  • 1 0
 For the Japanese equivalent of Krampus check out Namahage.


Just wish I'd have done this with my kids!!!
  • 5 0
 1080 is still fine.
  • 6 1
 No it isnt.

Also boost hubs are better.

And pressfit bb.

And 27.5. No 29er. No, wait. What?
  • 4 0
 I still don’t have a 4K screen anywhere in my house.... even my new gaming monitor is 1080p.
  • 1 0
 If only that park tool torque handle was all I needed for my bike... with DW link and multiple suspension pivots to check at 13 NM, it renders that torque handle just about useless except for bars and stem... wooo
  • 1 0
 Yeah, the small pocket-sized torque drivers generally aren't going to create enough torque for pivot bolts. True. I still use a beam-style wrench for those.
  • 1 0
 You forgot the negative STD result.

But in all seriousness how about a MF sensor in a small format for under $3500 just saying.
  • 1 0
 There is no reason to not have every EOS Camera equipped with 4K going into 2018. Heck, at this point they should probably consider skipping straight to 8k to avoid being in the same boat again in 3 years.
  • 1 0
 I picked up a bearing puller set at Princess Auto that looks exactly the same as that one. It has worked great over the last few years.
  • 4 0
 Best post in weeks!!
  • 1 0
 You don’t have to worry about over tightening brake levers bc you tighten them just until snug. That way if you wreck and they hit something, they move instead of break.
  • 1 0
 The thing about the Toyota Tacoma reminds me of the ifht film about the first day at Whistler. "why does everyone have the same truck?" "It's the law!".
  • 1 0

  • 3 4
 It feels like this website is becoming a blend of way over funded advertising or random staff that use the platform so they can ramble about this kind of random junk and their own objective opinions.
  • 1 0
 December 5th eh...hmm, isnt that when the santa con drunks hit all the 'finer' establishments about town.
  • 1 0
 The original joulu pukki - krampus I been so naughty this year so pukki punished me with GLF frame.
  • 1 0
 Modern Krampus and Perchten will gang up and whip adults too, so Mr. Felton, you better watch out!
  • 1 0
 Harbor freight has a decent blind bearing puller. got mine for 60 with a coupon.
  • 1 0
 Nothing at harbor freight is decent. Not a question of it it will break, but how soon wI'll it break
  • 1 0
 PUT A #RIBBON on your KRAMPUS for better than good results
  • 1 0
 Great list, I will take 1 of each as well, thanks!
  • 1 0
 Yay a piece of Austrian culture heritage made it to pinkbike Smile
  • 5 8
 Ugh another sucker paying the Tacoma tax. Sure it will run forever, but guess what so will dam near every other pickup truck. The Nissan will do the same thing for less and an old F150 will do more for less, if you can't park it then learn.

Agree 100% on steel frames. I don't get why people still ride aluminum hardtails road or MTB.
  • 1 0
 I'm with you man. Not a hater of Toyota, love the brand (would love to have a 1st Gen MR2!), but give me a Frontier with its deeper bed, more realistic ride height, and six-speed manual transmission any day!
  • 1 0
 My dad did buy my sorry ass a Tacoma. I'm almost thirty and undeserving.
  • 1 0
 That Blind puller kit looks exactly like the one I got from Princess Auto.
  • 1 0
 Ain't the Tacoma called Hilux in the rest of the world?
  • 1 0
 Man i love my 98 4x4 taco so much
  • 1 0
 Volume bikes sledge hammer seriously I need this bike
  • 1 0
 Quick and slightly out of place Sram plug thrown in for good measure.
  • 1 0
 You'll need the bearing puller for those Tacoma rear axle seals, too.
  • 1 0
 I've got tons of child sized wicker baskets if you need any
  • 1 0
 Hide your kids!
  • 1 2
 since when is 4k camera worth 3000 + affordalbe?
  • 5 0
 @trauty read the text below it... Cheers.
  • 1 0
 @vernonfelton: yep i was silly. thanks
  • 1 0
 @trauty: No worries.
  • 2 5
 VF is an idiot
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