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Orbea Announces Price Increases Due to Supply Chain Issues

Jan 20, 2022
by James Smurthwaite  
Orbea Rallon 2022

Orbea has announced a second round of price increases in response to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Spanish brand announced an initial run of price increases on February 15 last year and it has now followed it up with another price update today. As with most brands currently involved in the production of bikes and components, Orbea is battling against rising raw material prices, rising shipping costs and a stretched supply chain that makes it harder to do business efficiently.

What does this mean for Orbea's customers? We picked out the following examples from bikes released last year: the Rise Hydro H10 has risen from $7,299 at launch to $7,999, the Occam LT M10 from $6,299 to $6,899 and the lower-spec Occam LT H20 from $3,659 to $3,999. The rest of the price increases outside of these examples can be viewed on Orbea's website.

The full reasoning for the price increases are below:

Press Release: Orbea

Since the onset of the pandemic the global economy has suffered continual impacts which have hit all sectors, including the bike industry. For the sake of transparency, we want to explain the reasons that underlie our decision to increase our prices, and the measures set in place to soften the impact of these increases.

-The prices of raw materials such as aluminum, steel, and carbon have been rising continuously for months, as have fuel prices.
-Transport costs have also risen disproportionately due to a shortage of containers, ships, and to congestion at ports.
-The bike industry, like many others, is suffering from intermittent or ongoing failures in the supply of components. This forces us to modify our specifications or seek similar alternatives, always striving to maintain quality.

At Orbea we have held out as long as possible before applying this update, but in the end we have been forced to raise our prices for this year.

“We are a company that is committed to our community of users and our stores. We are continuously monitoring market trends and have done everything that we could to avoid this price update, but there is no sign of the upward trend in costs being corrected" states Gonzalo García de Salazar, the company's Global Sales Manager.

Seeking to minimize the impact for dealers and users alike, at Orbea we have made a further effort to maintain our prices on those bikes already reserved by users and confirmed by their dealer in the Orbea system.

"This has been a difficult decision for Orbea, because it will have consequences for our stores and for the cycling community, who have trusted and continue to trust in our brand. We understand what this means"

The new prices will be available at orbea.com today.

We doubt that Orbea will be the only brand increasing their prices this year as the entire industry faces the same challenges. We'll update you with more announcements from any brands that make them.

Author Info:
jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
1,770 articles

  • 314 2
 What are the odds they revert back to normal pricing when the supply chain goes back to normal?
  • 89 0
 not good.
  • 130 0
  • 84 1
 When prices go up, they don’t come back down.
  • 21 52
flag drmantistobogganmd (Jan 20, 2022 at 8:49) (Below Threshold)
 They will go back. Company's will have to compete and some of the most popular brands have the lowest prices.
  • 74 1
 @drmantistobogganmd: ha! What are some other funny jokes you can tell us
  • 24 0
 Very little chance they go back down. Same thing happened with surfboards when Clark Foam closed - they were the largest supplier of foam blanks by far, prices doubled overnight. Eventually the supply leveled back out but prices have not really gone down at all since.
  • 32 3
 After they over produce l, and the economy goes to shit due to inflation, then the market will revert, it may not show up in the MSRP, but items will go on sale…especially when all those people who used their Trump/Biden bucks to buy a bike they never used flood the market with almost new bikes for half of retail.
  • 12 0
 @drmantistobogganmd: Hopefully. Typically there are two major KPIs for a business, net revenue and EBITA (think, profit margin for simplicities sake). While EBITA is important, growing net revenue is much better. If I can make 15 million at 15% margin or 10 million at 20% margin I am going to take the extra quarter million after expenses all day long. If the competition wants to grow their margins by keeping prices as is as costs reduce then that leaves them wide open for sales-stealing by companies willing to forgo individual sales profits for a volume sales play.
  • 3 4
 @sb666: surfboards are really cheap, especially handmade ones.
  • 20 2
 We’re heading for universal inflation. Everything’s going to go up, not just bikes. They will be the least of our problems. But then again, the price of a loaf of bread in Weimar Germany came down to normal levels eventually.
  • 17 2
 It'll be probably 5 plus years till the supply chain is back to 'normal' if ever. By then inflation would have swallowed these price rises anyway.
  • 10 1
 The same answer as "will legal weed cost less than black market weed?" For some oh-so-curious reason, the answer seems to be "no".
  • 8 1
 @Lanebobane: One more argument against the state!!!

thank goodness it’s so easy to grow!!!
  • 6 0
 Part of it is supply chain and part of it is inflation as a result of central banking policy leading to de-valuation of currency. We're due for a major market correction based on leading indicators and Fed base rate strategy for 2022.
  • 3 0
 i reckon theres more chance Elvis is actually alive and makes a comeback tour in march
  • 4 0
 @unrooted: 100% this. When the bubble bursts and we go into another recession, it's gonna be a bloodbath. I'm in the auto industry and people are so upside down they, are going to die in these cars.
  • 1 0
 There is no chance
  • 2 0
 @unrooted: Really? Because before Clark Foam went under you could get a Rusty shaped board for 3-400... now they aren't cheaper than 800. Obviously inflation plays some role, but they went to 600-650 overnight when that happened and price never went back down.
  • 2 4
 @sb666: is $800 really that expensive? Also there are hundreds of shapers who are at least as good who sells boards for less.
  • 4 0
 The same probability that customer service will be brought back to better standards once the pandemic is over
  • 1 1
 @Lanebobane: Not too hard to see that cannabis regulation raises the cost of production and the supply chain. Doesn’t seem like a mystery to me.
  • 2 0
 @Pinemtn: I’ll be surprised if customer service doesn’t improve when sales start stagnating, at least from the medium and smaller sized companies that hope to survive. I also predict that several of the larger companies go under (cannondale)
  • 3 0
 @drmantistobogganmd: even when the economy tanked they didn't go down. Sell less bikes? Stay afloat with higher margin.
  • 6 0
 @TheR: heading? When was the last time you got groceries. Inflation is at a 40 year high at 7% and the Fed is going to impose a rate hike on Jan 26 to try curb the out of control inflation in the u.s.
  • 5 0
 @unrooted: Took a deep dive into how the world actually works starting in October 2001. Understanding centralized banking behavior is paramount to understanding how and why things happen and provide good context for re-evaluating historical events from 1600 to current.

If you don't follow Ray Dalio, here's an easy to follow introduction:

  • 4 3
 @Lanebobane: Legal costs about half of what good black market goes for. Is tested, not drowned in chemicals, and no need to deal with some sketchy guy being late or randomly ghosting. Not a good example.
  • 6 0
 @ATXZJ: Yes indeed. Our economy is a house of cards about to come crashing down. I don't think people realize how fragile it is with no solid foundation. The Federal Reserve has created a doozy of an asset bubble with their money printing and faux low interest rates. Cantillion Effect in full force.

9.5% price increase on these bikes is quite significant. Higher than the stated rate of inflation, although the true rate of inflation is likely closer to 15%.
  • 1 0
 The supply chain is not expected to improve at least until well beyond 2023.
  • 3 0
 @drmantistobogganmd: as long as we buy it at the same or even increased rate(as bling ebikes have brought new clients on the market.. you know, the ones who need a new toy to ride on double tracks and xc trails), there is absolutely no chance for the prices to go back down again.
In 3 years, what you could buy 2 years ago with 5k, will cost 10k..because they can.. because we keep buying them regardless of the cost.. because we're really that dumb.
  • 10 11
 @Pinemtn: The WEF, UN and other supranational orgs will push climate change lockdowns and austerity measures after this nonsense is over. The virus was the excuse, not the cause. This will continue until the balance of geopolitical power and the monetary system have shifted to a more Asia centric model or there is a World War. The Bretton Woods days are over.
  • 4 2
 @TheR: So how many Reichsmark are we talking for a mid range carbon build? Better discounts for Zimbabwean dollar?
  • 3 0
 @sb666: I don't know the actual numbers but it sounds like cloth and resin prices might get the most blame. It's hard to gauge here in Hawaii because the cost to ship blanks. For instance a Hawaiian built Pyzel is about a $100 more than Cali built. We pay about half what they are asking for retail prices from our local shapers, which is what they consider "cost", I think the shaper is making $50, good glass and sand is most of the cost and don't want to pinch pennies there. At the same time there is a Pyzel on CL, "like new" with lots of pressure dings, the guy posted his invoice, $900, asking $200. Surfboards are a bummer compared to bikes when they break or when you sell them. Not sure where unrooted is getting his cheap handmade boards from, maybe a buddy who glasses them himself with 1X 4oz and sells them for his material cost?
  • 6 4
 @makripper: The Fed strategy won't work and will make things worse. The only thing that works is paying bills and not borrowing.
  • 3 1
 @ROOTminus1: 5,000 wheelbarrows full of Reichsmark; double that for Zimbabwe.
  • 3 6
 Nothings going back to "normal"--- everything progresses forward. So to counter this, we have to change individually-- our mindsets and get ahead of the curve and not fall behind with bummed attitudes. it sucks, but there may be a hidden blessing in this.
  • 7 2
 @diggerandrider: do you identify as progressive?
  • 6 0
 @diggerandrider: yeah there’s gotta be a hidden blessing from paying more money for bikes.
  • 18 12
 @diggerandrider: I think this is correct. Gotta look for the upside in everything :-) one of them is I think most americans have been made aware that the corporate media is the enemy and that the sickness of liberalism, is destroying our nation from within like a cancer.
  • 2 0
 When the rest of the market lowers theirs, which is probably never
  • 2 0
  • 3 3
 Looks like another company trying to cash in on the pandemic as a means to capitalize on misfortunes others. It's a sad world!
  • 3 1
 @unrooted: If the economy goes to shit due to inflation, prices will not go down. That's like, sorta the definition of inflation. Prices going up.
  • 3 0
 @ak-77: Supply and demand: if supply outpaces demand then the only thing companies can do is to sell the products at a reduced rate, or (illegally) work together with their competitors and agree to keep the prices artificially high.
  • 3 0
 @unrooted: The other side of supply and demand is that as demand decreases, so will supply. Companies aren’t going to make as much of a good if there’s limited demand. It’s going to cost you, as well, if you’re demanding a good for which there is limited supply due to low demand. So “just don’t buy it” isn’t a simple solution to rising prices. In the short term, it may work as companies look to unload existing stock hoping to minimize losses. Eventually it evens out. “Oh, you want that bike? We cut production due to limited demand, so if you want it, it’s going to cost you.” Decreased demand might also put some companies out of business, and you have even fewer choices among competitors and price points. Basically, they got you coming and going.
  • 5 1
 @TheR: I guess we can only wait and see. . . I find it hard to believe that ALL of the bike companies are going to perfectly match the future demand and not overshoot it, and I also think that a lot of the bikes that were sold to the people who hadn't been all that into mountain biking before, but had "free" trump/biden bucks to spend on the bike of their dreams, will not unload those expensive unridden bikes "if" the economy goes to shit. . . so if the production is ramped up to meet pandemic level demands, and people are off-loading pristine bikes for a good discount then it's hard to imagine that prices will continue to stay high, but wtf do I or any of you know. We are all morons attempting to look smart.. . but I'm a midwit (at best) that barely knows how to do the job I get paid for.
  • 5 1
 Starve them, IE don't buy their products–they'll find the benevolence to lower prices.
  • 3 0
 Remember when Obama said $5/gal of fuel is the new normal. Lol
  • 6 11
flag jrocksdh (Jan 20, 2022 at 15:15) (Below Threshold)
 Thanks Joe Biden.
  • 5 0
 The supply chain is never going to be the same as pre-2019/20.
  • 1 1
 @CSharp: found the Albertan
  • 1 0
 @sb666: so much inflation has happened since in the last 15+ years though. I bet it’s relative
  • 1 1
 @unrooted: lol no.
  • 2 0
 @Pinemtn: customer service is f*cking terrible now! I’m trying to deal with two different places now, one is a huge board sports business, the other an off road supply house and both places are absolutely horrible right now.
  • 1 0
 negative 100%
  • 3 0
 @5afety3rd: i say bring it on! Hyperinflation for all! 400 trillion for a new Trek Szechuan
  • 1 1
 @Muchogusto: This is pretty much spot on. Its staring people in the face yet refuse to see it.
  • 3 0
 @OnTheRivet: we’re in a super bubble and it could pop at any time.
  • 1 0
 @Lanebobane: in Washington it does! But even if it was more expensive, why would I go to the trouble of tracking some dude down to buy some cheap ditchweed? When I can pop over to the pot store and get blasted to outer space
  • 3 0
 Completely disagree. @Pinemtn:
  • 2 0
 @jrocksdh: that would be quite the bargain over here in Europe.
  • 1 0
 the climbing gym I used to go rose membership prices by 40% (40!) when they reopened at reduced capacity after 1st wave of covid. Now well back on full capacity and being every bit as packed as before I'm waiting for prices to come back down... HA!
  • 1 0
 @iiman: Same happened with uplift tickets in the UK, though you have to bear in mind the initial rise probably just kept them afloat so companies will now be targeting the lost revenue from this period, hopefully demand will level the field. Some very average bike parks charging BPW or Dyfi costs for an uplift ticket
  • 4 0
 The US money supply has doubled in the last two years. It's impossible for prices to go down to 2019 prices.
  • 1 1
 @JohanG: the money supply, or the lack thereof?
  • 1 0
 non existent. Which can be said for literally every industry. If people continue to buy at these inflated prices, they have absolutely no reason to deflate them. This is the new normal. 7+% inflation and growing.
  • 1 1
 @jrocksdh: Check out Paul Krugman's take on Economics. Biden is an easy target, but I don't think responsible for inflation.
  • 3 1
 @oregontrail67: perhaps you might be part of the problem then.
  • 2 0
 @slimjimihendrix: Nothing is going back to pre-2019/20. We should stop waxing nostalgic about it or waiting for a bubble to burst. The bubble that is going to burst is any sort of rational expectations we might have.
  • 1 0
 @njcbps: remember when bill Clinton said the era of big govt is over?
  • 3 0
 @njcbps: never forget, just months ago Biden's team were selling the idea that we could spend spend spend without inflation concerns...
  • 1 0
 @jrocksdh: I don't.
  • 1 0
 @jrocksdh: And I hope they correct that. Certainly Canada is facing hefty inflation.
  • 4 1
 @jrocksdh: first they told us inflation wasn't happening at all (even though it obviously was), then they said it wasn't that bad, then they got real bold about it and told us "inflation is actually good for you" (NY Times) LMAO people are such clowns who voted for biden. You have to literally live with your head in the sand to think he's even the doing the job at all. They put biden in a basement everyday with a rocking chair, blanket, and some soup and turn on old movies while the nation is destroyed from within.
  • 4 0
 @Pinemtn: it’s so hilarious when people parrot what their media of choice tells them to believe. The majority of people think the political party they align with is better than the only other choice….while they both receive political donations (and marching orders) from the same corporations. Good job.
  • 3 0
 @unrooted: I'm literally referring the NY Times reporting. You do realize Trump was just in office for 4 years right? if you think his marching orders came from the same corporations that support the DNC, I can't help you. Other than him, that's mostly true though. Rhino republicans are just as bad as the woke democrat left.
  • 1 0
 @Pinemtn: please explain to me the drastic changes trump made while in office that made any significant difference in your life?
  • 1 6
flag 5afety3rd (Jan 21, 2022 at 19:27) (Below Threshold)
 @Pinemtn: I think you mean sickness of Protestant fundamentalism along with conservatism and social media sheeple.

You’re destroying the world, f*ck our “nation” of corrupt Christian capitalists.
  • 2 0
 @5afety3rd: yikes. You low key sound kinda dangerous.
  • 1 0
 @unrooted: nah there’s other forums for that
  • 1 0
 @drmantistobogganmd: maybe not if the fuel and material prices stay high.
  • 1 0
 Slim to none
  • 3 0
 I can just see it now, give it a couple years...

"Due to logistical challenges in managing the decreasing costs of supply chain and resource management, we are left with no other option than to raise our prices. As we continue to strive for the optimal customer experience, we have invested a great deal in our efforts to maintain normal operation. While our newly increased prices reflect this investment, we are confident that our brand loyal buyers and professional reviewers, er... riders rather, will continue to be enriched by our offerings."
  • 1 0
 @rideordie35: yep pretty much the same ol “insert corporate double speak here”
  • 2 1
 @jray152: They will as soon as the boom is over, stock is plentiful and nothing is selling fast...will be a little while yet though.
  • 1 1
 @greener1: We are getting close. Local shop has plenty of bikes in stock, and they’ve been sitting there for a while.
  • 1 0
 @TheR: Yeah , it's probably getting there in some places. I think the point I saw about MSRP prices staying high but there will be lots of sales to move product is most likely what we'll see happening.
  • 1 0
 @jray152: when there is a surplus in the stores and they cant take any new models like a few years ago. My LBS was bringing old specialized bikes before covid on the regular and blowing them out. Left over stock blow outs, going to be a while yet.
  • 126 5
 Jokes on them! I didn't want one anyway!
  • 103 1
 so pumped my 3% raise hits soon to totally neutralize the double diigit inflation ....oh wait....
  • 43 1
 3%?! Wow save some for the rest of us.
  • 26 0
 @yoimaninja: I just got 1.7%, thought that was great cause now I can afford a local beer
  • 11 0
 Just got that yearly "merit" increase: 3.3%. Okay so like half of year-on-year inflation. Thanks guys I guess?
  • 9 4
 Average person: raging at corporations for raising prices or not increasing wages
Central banks and the multinational corporations that receive freshly printed money: laughing
  • 3 1
 @skimgosu: Right you are!
  • 11 0
 That feeling you get when you're doing the same amount of work everyday but essentially getting paid less everyday, thanks inflation.
  • 26 0
 @rossluzz: I show them by working less and less each day
  • 7 3
 @ROOTminus1: They've already thought of that. They'll outsource your job or get a non-citizen to do it for less.
  • 6 0
 @ROOTminus1: ..did you have that meeting with the "Bob's" lol
  • 4 0
 Meanwhile, feds have cut Medicare/caid reimbursement for health care workers (in my field) by 3%, following last year’s 3%. Morale!
  • 3 0
 @jason475: "what is it exactly, that you would say you do here..."
  • 62 15
 This industry is not suffering at all financially. Selling $8-10k bikes and companies can't turn a profit? More people than ever have been getting on bikes since the pandemic started, shops have been sold out for months. Perhaps Orbea simply had a bad year - this feels more like trying to scapegoat the pandemic and shipping industries to justify jacking your prices for bikes that, frankly, I never see anyone riding anyway.
  • 13 2
 Same, I have never seen one in the wild
  • 14 1
 @Martind-sk: There is an unsold Rallon hanging in the bike/ski shop next to my work. Seemed overpriced last summer. I guess its a bargain now!
  • 9 0
 Factors of production have definitely increased. There are certain expectations for profits and they’ll definitely increase prices to meet those targets while compensating for increased production costs.
  • 5 2
 BRO !!! Same!! iv yet to see one in the wild too.
  • 7 6
 interestingly i saw the trade price vs the price i paid for a certain Trek the other day....a massive fuck you goes out to Trek
  • 8 4
 The price of a company their products doesn't say anything about their profit. Many luxury brands went bankrupted, even Ferrari and Porsche have been on the edge (Porsche saved themselves by introducing SUVs).

Yes, more people have started cycling, but imagine that Orbea would have only been able to sell half the amount of bikes they sold before Covid (just a random number to prove my point), purely because problems in the supply chain, then they still would not have been enough money to pay their employees and other bills.
  • 3 1
 @Mattin: Damn you with all your logic! (sarcasm) Big Grin
  • 2 0
 Lots of Orbeas on the trails down here in central Texas. In a group ride of 30, there will likely be 5-8. I get that's not the norm, just saying.
  • 3 0
 Wondering who is really making the money in all this mess? See here: www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4393441
At least in Europe, Orbeas were always priced quite competitively.
  • 1 0
 @Martind-sk: They don't have too many North American distributors. I'm on one (2019 Rallon), and got it at a crazy good price, but have only seen one or two others on my local trails. That will probably change as they've pushed a lot to find new Canadian distributors - my LBS is now a dealer with a gorgeous Rallon in the front window.
  • 2 1
 Agreed I love it when people defend the high cost of bikes. A drivetrain alone can cost $2k like it's ridiculous. It's solely supply and demand that is allowing these prices, not cost of production or R&D as many people like to argue. In this case they are just passing the increased production costs onto the consumer.
  • 1 0
 Trying to make back that money they spent sponsoring the academy Smile
  • 33 0
 Damn dude, I feel so bad for the 8 people who have bought Orbea bikes.
  • 5 0
 I just can't buy a bike that you can mispronounce the name of... ;-)
  • 9 0
 The pink bike academy riders didn't buy them, they got them on loan.
  • 1 1
 They've been breaking.
  • 39 10
 The price hike last year already made them a bad value, now this into terrible category
  • 22 2
 compared to what? this is pretty on par with loads of other brands (e.g. Rocky) and Orbea does work in house, painting at least, and not sure what else.
  • 7 8
 @shredddr: Imo doesn’t need any comparison to be terrible value. At some point it’s just a bike, and there will always be cheaper ones that do the same thing almost as well.
  • 4 5
 @keatonistheguy: The emphasis being on the word "almost". The same way Deore does the same thing almost as well as XT and an alu frame does the same things almost as well as a carbon frame.
  • 5 2
 @Mattin: My point was just that even the lowest tier nice products (like deore) are so good that hopefully people will stop paying these exorbitant prices for marginal gains.
  • 2 0
 @shredddr: in country carbon.
  • 4 2
 @keatonistheguy: Why are you against other people paying what ever they feel comfortable paying for (XTR, AXS Sram, Carbon Frames, etc,) instead of 'good enough' like Deore (nothing wrong with Deore)? A bare bones Toyota Corolla from 10 years ago can get someone from point A to point B in the same basic ways a Ferrari 430 or an AMG S-Series Mercedes can. That said, thankfully all three exist. Don't want/like/can't afford the top of the line what ever product? Don't purchase. However, to down others for buying them whether they provide gain OR just make the buyer happy is nothing but envy.
  • 3 7
flag wburnes FL (Jan 20, 2022 at 16:01) (Below Threshold)
 @Mattin: Aluminum frames do the same things better than carbon. Why would any intelligent person pay more for a carbon frame than an aluminum one?

Deore does the exact same thing for cheaper than XT. The only XT part worth buying is the cassette, for slightly lower unsprung weight.
  • 3 3
 @bman33: You're assuming it's envy, which isn't the case for most people. I can afford to buy the highest end stuff but I don't, and I don't recommend it. I don't like to see people waste money, especially on products that are usually worse despite being more expensive.
  • 6 1
 @wburnes: Don't get me wrong, I love alu too: A proper high quality alu frame (such as Cannondale or Specialized) will indeed outperform most lower end carbon frames. And as an amature I don't buy high end carbon frames because they are more brittle and fragile. But that doesn't mean that a high end carbon frame doesn't noticeable outperforms any alu frame, because it does. It's just something very specific for racers, and not so much for an average Joe like me who doesn't race and doesn't care about Strava times.

I will have to disagree on the XT argument too. Mostly the spring is noticeably stronger in XT rear derailleurs, resulting in more precise shifting in very muddy conditions. I also love how XT shifters allow you to shift several gears in 1 push of the lever, in any direction you want. But that doesn't mean Deore isn't good or realiable, because there honestly is nothing wrong with Deore.
  • 3 1
 @wburnes: " ..I don't like to see people waste money, especially on products that are usually worse despite being more expensive."

"Usually worse" is a vast hyperbole. 9/10 the better component is just that....better. Once again, Deore is great, but XT performs better and is lighter, will last longer. Is AXS crazy $$$? Yes, but it shifts ridiculously good regardless of conditions. Do some dials/settings confuse amateurs on suspension? For sure, but why should you be upset if they chose to purchase them and possibly improve their knowledge?

If it isn't 'envy' causing your viewpoint, it sounds even more like "I know better than that guy..." smugness. Not a good look so to speak. You don't see the value in anything other than Deore/NX? Right on, but don't limit others just because you don't choose to go for the higher end
  • 1 4
 @bman33: First envy, now smugness. Why do you feel the need to attach negative personality traits to other people? I do know better than the vast majority of people but that's really not saying much, because most people really couldn't care less about the technical details of mountain bikes.

AXS is good if you remember to charge it and don't have to buy it with your own money.

The cassettes on highend stuff are generally worth the money if its the second-highest end part from the manufacturer (eg buying XT rather than XTR).

Do you think anyone can tell the difference between a SRAM XX1 crank and an NX crank (other than the NX crank being much more durable)?

How am I limiting anyone?
  • 3 2
 @wburnes: If it isn't envy, or smugness, what is it that makes you/that profile say: "...hopefully people will stop paying these exorbitant prices for marginal gains."? Why should you be bothered by folks buying even the most frivolous bike-related items weekend warrior or pro? Everyone of those high end components a. employees someone b. gives someone enjoyment. If those are your posts (under a different profile). Now if they are wanting to get better at racing/endurance/skills, NOTHING will improve those areas like training. That said, the bike building is part of the fun just like custom car guys or custom moto guys.

In addition, your statement: "I do know better than the vast majority of people.." pretty much is 'smug' by definition. I worked in the industry both retail AND behind the scenes for over a decade, but you don't see me telling folks what to do with their money. Your example on cranks above perfectly is another example of smugness: "Do you think anyone can tell the difference between a SRAM XX1 crank and an NX cranks....". Who cares? . If Freddy Fantastic weekend warrior wants to drop $10k at the lock shop or at Jenson/mailorder....excellent! That is feeding the industry. MUCH rather someone spend crazy $$ on bike stuff that say yet another sport. Let the money stay 'here'.
  • 1 0
 @jrocksdh: I've heard that but couldn't confirm. Insane if true - just amazing.
  • 1 7
flag wburnes FL (Jan 20, 2022 at 20:22) (Below Threshold)
 @bman33: >Why should you be bothered by folks buying even the most frivolous bike-related items weekend warrior or pro?

Because it's a waste of money. Ultimately the same reason I don't want people to be obese, or smoke.

> If those are your posts (under a different profile)

What are you talking about?

> "I do know better than the vast majority of people.." pretty much is 'smug' by definition.

You and I have very different definitions of the word smug, lol. If Greg Minaar told you he's one of the fastest downhillers in the world, would you call him smug too?

>I worked in the industry both retail AND behind the scenes for over a decade, but you don't see me telling folks what to do with their money

If you can help people save money, you should. The fact that you seemingly choose not to is a moral failure on your part.

>"Do you think anyone can tell the difference between a SRAM XX1 crank and an NX cranks....". Who cares?

People who actually work hard for their money care. Your comment is so out of touch that I'm tempted to believe you're just an unfunny troll.

>MUCH rather someone spend crazy $$ on bike stuff that say yet another sport. Let the money stay 'here'.

  • 2 1
 @wburnes: it didn't used to be this way. Up until 5 years ago carbon frames were significantly lighter and stiffer than comparable aluminum. The manufacturers beat up on the media to push the "weight doesn't matter agenda" using ad revenue as leverage. Now they can cheap out on heavy over resined carbon frames, that won't break under fat people, that are significantly cheaper to make.
  • 2 2
 @OnTheRivet: Honestly frame weight doesn't really matter. I'ts unsprung and rotational weight that matters. I don't think there is any agenda being pushed. If anything adding weight improves the performance of a DH bike if the weight is low on the frame.

>Now they can cheap out on heavy over resined carbon frames, that won't break under fat people, that are significantly cheaper to make.

Good? I don't think society should make any accommodations for the obese, but more durability is always welcome as far as I'm concerned.

I just think carbon is a really bad material for mountain bikes generally.
  • 2 0
 When I bought mine in 2019 it was insanely good value. For example, it was significantly cheaper than a comparable Rocky Mountain or Kona (both of whom I think are overpriced for what they are). Yes, these price bumps suck, but wait until the other brands do the same (either with official announcements or not).
  • 1 0
 I know other brands have done the same already, hence why the bike market is as crazy as it is. This normalization of crap components on lower builds is here to stay i'm afraid.
  • 31 2
 My life can go on; I didn't want an Orbea.
  • 31 4
 Next they'll be saying "2 weeks to flatten the supply chain curve....."
  • 26 0
 For the support of pinkbike acadamy.
  • 24 1
 Let’s go inflation!
  • 34 6
 Inflation is taxation without the commoners knowing it.
  • 5 4
 @swellhunter: btc or die
  • 28 1
 my current bike is worth ~20% more now than when I bought it in 2020, my car is worth ~20% more now than when I bought it, my house is worth ~15% more now then when I bought it.
WOOO let's go!
BUT... my money is worth ~15% LESS than it did in 2019. aww man... Frown
  • 14 1
 @Whatajohnny: Our home value increased nearly 100% since we bought it three years ago. That's not a good sign for the long term.

We're selling this summer and commencing operation GTFO.
  • 8 3
 @swellhunter: National theft in broad daylight
  • 7 1
 @ATXZJ: Just sold for 70% over what i paid 3 years ago with no upgrades. Crash imminent.
  • 3 0
 @Whatajohnny: Your bike and car increased 5% due to supply chain and the rest is due to inflation. Bikes and cars were just slow to adjust pricing due to the buying frenzy.
  • 8 0
 @ATXZJ: initially I was excited to see the market value of my house go up, but then I realized that if I sold today, I would actually be downgrading my house for the same mortgage amount. :/
  • 2 0
 @ATXZJ: Meanwhile in Canada we have been in that run since around 2010. Tons of people think every year is the year the bubble pops but nope it just keeps inflating. You can't time bubbles that well unfortunately.
  • 12 0
 @everest1: Peter Schiff has predicted 20 of the last 2 crashes.
  • 4 0
 @Muchogusto: gotta' love that guy
  • 2 1
 @everest1: you'll hate us then. We're buying in Quebec
  • 2 4
 @Muchogusto: 20 of the last 2? Is that common core math or did I bump my head?
  • 5 0
 @MDana87: it’s a joke.
  • 6 0
 @Whatajohnny: This is the most under rated comment here. Inflating the money supply to extent we did is the beginning of the end. We have learned nothing from history and seem on track to repeat the same mistakes as the failed republics of the past. The writing has been on the wall for too long.
  • 2 0
 @willdabeast410: it’s happened over and over again since the 1600’s.
  • 10 9
 Let's go BRANDON!
  • 5 1
 @jrocksdh: What should Biden be doing instead? I'm not here to defend his policies.
  • 10 7
 @haen: Biden literally said "lets go brandon" on national TV. He's a braindead puppet that has no idea what's going on.
  • 8 4
 @haen: remember when he said one of his main tasks was to tackle the mess at the ports?
Biden has never run anything successfully. In general, leftist policy always fails where ever and whenever tried- and no we are seeing the results of the de- growth movement.
  • 2 3
 @haen: and if really kinda dumbfounded as to what's going in I'd I introduce Mark Levin to you. Podcasts and lates book ' American Marxist' which may answer alot of your ?
  • 5 2
 @jrocksdh: You didn't answer my question. What should he be doing?
  • 3 1
 @haen: nothing. He’s a great fall guy. Why do you think he’s in office?
  • 3 1
 Biden represents a conspiracy theorist's juiciest wet dream: puppet put in power by the elites to take the blame while they financially ruin the world while amassing wealth via inflation/govt contracts/favourable legislation/media manipulation/global contracts by big pharma/etc
  • 2 0
 @skimgosu: so he isn’t a good fall guy?
  • 5 1
 Let's go Brandon is a code word for I park in my front yard @jrocksdh:
  • 4 2
 Lying Levin spews propaganda daily. He's a ignorant fool. @jrocksdh:
  • 3 0
 @Whatajohnny: At least you have a home. I have a 6 figure salary under 30 yo and I should be able to afford a house. Not in this market/economy.. I am very pessimistic that I will ever be a homeowner and will continue having to throw away cash to my slumlords. So that is why I am buying a new bike instead!
  • 5 2
 Relieving himself from duty.
Did you see his 1st presser in 75 or so days? Even cnn has turned on him.
Did you seriously want me to spell out the differences governing philosophies here in this little comment section.
They reading some Thomas Sowell; Hayek; ...basic base readings.
  • 1 2
 @oregontrail67: cool story, backed up with zero facts eh?
  • 5 1
 @jrocksdh: I've read Hayek. I was an econ major in college. I think neoliberalism has proven itself to be rather unsuccessful over the last 30+ years. We have a huge wealth gap, a weak government, poor social safety net.

70% of Americans currently live paycheck to paycheck and 40 million (more than the entire population of California) live below the poverty line.

How we discuss government in America is dogmatic and dangerous. I want an effective one that protects its citizens and promotes a healthy standard of living. The size and scope of our government should be build around results, not theory.
  • 3 1
 @haen: the only way to reel in the swamp(yes even Trump over spent "infrastructure") is a constitutional convention and amend the constitution.
Many good proposals in mark levin's book 'liberty amendments'.
(Balanced budget/term limits...)
But, we've got 2 generations now that have gone through the American scrawl system. So im afraid it's too late.
We are seeing this now with culture and with big tech censorship; big Corp bowing down to China for ex.
Liberty is no longer taught.
  • 3 2
 @jrocksdh: I'm all for term limits but I don't agree with balancing the budget. I think that is an oversimplified view of how the government works. Austerity can kill an economy. If an economy is sliding, tax revenue decreases so the government cannot step in to provide the financial support when it is most needed. If you want to learn more about this with concrete examples from an actual economist, read "Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea" by Mark Blyth. At least check out the summary. It's worth your time to read an opposing viewpoint.

I read the summary and some positive/negative reviews of Levin's "Liberty Amendments". It sounds like the standard GOP neoliberal pro-market philosophy dressed up as "the government is taking away your freedom". The thing I don't understand is that you and I both agree that there are problems with the US, but you want to lean further into the very neoliberal philosophy that has created the current situation.

I am not a socialist or liberal but I don't think any liberal/socialist wants to live under tyranny or an oppressive state. If anyone tells you that, stop listening to them. Even Adam Smith acknowledged the importance of a strong government in protecting its citizens but everyone just cherry-picks the "invisible hand" paragraph without explaining the greater context.
  • 1 1
 @haen: define neoliberal philosophy and then remind me how I'm leaning there again?
  • 3 0
 @jrocksdh: neoliberalism is defined as "favoring policies that promote free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending."

You're advocating I read Hayek who is a founding father of neoliberalism and Levin's policy suggestions fall in line with neoliberal philosophy as well: reduced gov spending and power/deregulation.
  • 2 0
 @haen: that's correct. Liberal=modern day conservativism.
  • 3 1
 @everest1: There are no bubbles in the house market. It's not like a house goes for example from $299K to $300K and then suddenly all those people bidding on it decide they don't want to pay more than $150K for it. Eventually supply and demand will reach a point where they are balanced and the prices will stay around that prices. The only thing that can make house prices drop in general is an economical crisis, because it results in a huge drop in demand on houses and many people trying to sell their house to pay off their debts. But this has literally nothing to do with where the house prices are going. There is no such thing as a price bubble in the house market.
  • 1 0
 Most likely that would be caused by people losing their jobs I ment.
  • 21 1
 I like my current bike even more now. Sickest bike on the planet.
  • 18 1
 I give them credit at least for being transparent.
  • 5 8
 I gotta think they're not being as transparent as it appears. Sure, they have supply chain issues as does everyone. But when the shareholders expect a certain amount of return, I have a gut feeling the price increase has at least a little to do with that. Transparent with an opaque background.
  • 4 0
 @fakeendurobro: but they don’t have to say anything. They can raise them with no reason or statement like most businesses.
  • 12 0
 @fakeendurobro: They don't have any shareholders, lol. Orbea is an employee-owned co-op.
  • 3 0
 @rundmccabe: you could say the workers are the shareholders. refreshing tbh
  • 3 0
 @rundmccabe: Haha, it is great the comments where people assume they are some regular type of company. But I suppose you could call the employees shareholders.

Either way it seems reasonably transparent. Also, they're having to do all sorts of stuff to get bikes to customers as are many companies, e.g. GG. I doubt they're getting the same margin on parts when they're ringing around all the suppliers to find brake rotors, cranks, wheels, etc, just to get bikes out the door.
  • 2 0
 @fakeendurobro: not everything is a conspiracy. Lol.
  • 17 0
 When will we be seeing 10% rises in salary?
  • 12 4
 When our country starts paying our debts and stops borrowing money.
  • 15 1
 When you go to work somewhere else. Best market for high salaries in my lifetime. Supply and demand.
  • 2 0
 @Muchogusto: balanced budget amendment please. Basics.
  • 12 0
 Holy shit, Rallon frameset is now $4,499. My memory is not perfect, but I think that's on the order of an $800 increase from when I was looking last week. When an S-Works Stumpy Evo is going for $3,400 (and the Evo alloy is still at $2,000), and boutique frames like the Forbidden Dreadnought are $3,600, that's an impossible pill to swallow. Maybe the pricing is more reasonable in Europe?
  • 12 1
 Not really, the Rallon frameset is now £4100 in UK. You can get an Atherton frame for less than that.
  • 3 0
 Orbea Rallon frame now €4099 (was €3799). For example Stumpy Evo Alloy/Carbon/S-works frames are €2800/€4000/€5000. SC frames are around €3800. Propain offers carbon frames for €2250 (without shock).
  • 2 0
 @mr-moonraker: The Hope HB130 RRP £3599.99. If they don't hike prices by much, the HB916 will be a steal in this market.
  • 1 0
 Bought my Revel Rascal framset (with Pike Ultimate) for 3600.00 new 8 months ago. Sure its a bit heavy but damn I'm glad I bought it.
  • 1 0
 @mr-moonraker: Its 4099€ in Europe, not much cheaper.
  • 1 0
 @jollyXroger: A Hope product being undeniably good value, who would have thought?
  • 1 0
 Last week- Occam H20 Eagle at Jenson- $3,459. Today- $3,899. I thought I had inadvertently jumped onto a Canadian website instead of a US one when I saw the change.
  • 16 3
 I always wonder if stuff like this is true, or they are just using the situation to increase pricing
  • 12 17
flag NYShred (Jan 20, 2022 at 8:47) (Below Threshold)
 This is exactly what theyre doing, and so is everyone else. It's not inflation, it's greed.
  • 12 9
 @NYShred: Lets us know once you run your own company, with more than 3 employees and rely on more than 3 sources of raw materials or components. Despite what you think about 'greed', when everything you use to build a product goes up, including labor , you have no choice but to raise prices at a certain point. Not a single bike company makes bikes for charity.
  • 12 5
  • 1 4
 Orbea already doesn't move inventory. Costs rising has nothing to do with that fact. Also, enough already with the carbon hype. If they focused on selling reasonably priced Alu/Steel bikes again they might actually sell a few.
  • 1 5
flag sino428 (Jan 20, 2022 at 11:23) (Below Threshold)
 Of course they are. That’s not to say that in some industries there really aren’t some issues, but overall most of this ‘inflation’ in the US is nothing but corporate greed. While these companies blame ‘supply chain issues’ and ‘inflation’ for raising prices, they are raking in profits. Corporate profits are at all time highs right now. The idea that they have to raise prices is complete bullshit. They simply pass the extra cost onto us because they can, because our government has been subservient to big money for decades.

For Many of the goods we need the entire market is controlled by a handful of huge companies. Maybe even less for some industries/products. Without actual completion then they can essentially charge whatever they want.
  • 3 1
 @NYShred: Erm, have you tried to buy an Orbea? They are moving everything they can put parts on and have delivery dates pushed out to late this year. If you order now you probably won't get it this year.

Also they're quite a different business structure to most bike companies. They're an interesting organisation.
  • 1 3
 @Richridesmtb: Erm, nope. Because I'm not interested in what they're selling at the price they were already selling them at. I wouldnt have bought one at the old price even if it had overnight shipping. Waiting a year for an overpriced bike isn't exactly what I'd call a good business model. Blame the pandemic and supply chain all you want, there wasnt much demand for their bikes in the first place.
  • 5 1
 @NYShred: Inflation just means the money supply has been inflated. Something like 40% of the dollars ever printed were printed in the past two years. We are dealing with text book inflation. It will continue to drive prices up in every industry because the buying power of the dollar has diminished. This has really just begun. Hold on because it is gonna get rough.
  • 4 0
 @NYShred: I think you missed the point. There is so much demand that they cannot supply enough bikes. I don't believe the US is a big part of their market share, but I believe it is on the increase. You may not be looking for their bikes, but others certainly are.
  • 1 0
 @Richridesmtb: Local shop her in Bentonville that sells them pretty well. I see several on the trails weekly
  • 1 4
 @willdabeast410: Do you get your economic information from memes on Facebook?
  • 3 0
 Obviously the workers need a salary increase too right.... What's crazy is how all of these people keep voting left of center for policy that takes us here.
  • 3 0
 @sino428: I havent been on Facecrook since Obama was in office. I tend to get my definitions of econ terms from Investopedia and info from Econ publications. Your previous comments show you have no clue how our financial markets work. If you educate yourself you can actually compound your money no matter what happens instead of being a victim to it.
  • 1 3
 @willdabeast410: Most reputable "econ publications" would not simply say "Something like 40% of the dollars ever printed were printed in the past two years".

They would explain what "printed" actually means, what the Fed buyback program is, the relationship between the Fed and the Treasury, how quantitative easing works, when we (or other countries have used it), what effects did it actually have on inflation, etc. These publications would not simply say "We are dealing with text book inflation" because we are not.
  • 2 0
 @sino428: I should have been more specific, you are right (but this pinkbike, so I really didn't want to go this deep and made a simplified statement). The M1 money supply has skyrocketed in the last two years tradingeconomics.com/united-states/money-supply-m1. We are spending more money than we ever have right now. This money does not need to be physically "printed" first, but that is how most common non econ people word it (again this is pinkbike...) It is just magically deposited into the banks with the hopes that it will be returned one day.

Quantitative easing's effectiveness is a matter of constant debate and there are plenty examples of it causing hyperinflation in various countries. Guess who benefits the most from it? Big banks, the corporate elite, and those of us holding assets. Who suffers the most from it? The working class. It is just prolonging the inevitable outcome right now. Quantitative easing has the potential to be inflationary because the created money can lead to a rise in the money supply which causes inflation. Money supply aside, the other widely used definition of inflation is the rate at which the value of a currency is falling and, consequently, the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. Simply put, it takes more dollars right now to buy things that in the past took required less dollars. So tell me how what we are seeing is not inflation again? Are you going to try to tell me trickle down economics is effective as well? lol.

You forgot the importance of the relationship big banks have with the Fed and Treasury. They have track record of funneling treasury dollars into bonuses for CEO's whenever they decide quantitative easing is needed. It is the banks who determine what price they will sell and buy bonds back from the Fed, because they are all in bed together... We literally had an ex Goldman Sachs CEO running the Treasury when they were implementing quantitative easing in 2008 and guess who received insane bonuses during those years? ... Do you think they care about the people and fiscal responsibility? lol. They will continue to do just barely enough to keep us civil so they can continue milking us for cash.

In regards to the bike industry, most companies waited until the last possible moment to raise prices despite this increase in shipping and cost of goods. Many companies were holding out on price increases because the FED stated this inflation would be transitory and supply chain issues would be resolved. Guess what they keep pushing the "end date" back because they really don't know how this is going to play out. Shipping costs are a huge factor right now. Most economists are great a getting things wrong. Very few make accurate predictions. Is there some price gouging going on? Definitely. Is it super prevalent in the bike industry? Definitely not.

Most of us small bike shops (I've been in the industry 18 years) have been waiting 6mo to a year for items that are now trickling in. ETA's have been totally unpredictable. We had limits imposed on how much we can buy and have to be on it to get basic items we took for granted. Supply is still a major issue and so much of it stems from shipping right now. Container prices are through the roof. Demand is higher than ever because of this. The main mtb brand we sell has limited us to ONE OF EACH MODEL THIS YEAR, not even a size run of each model... So of course prices are inflating. The US is still a free market after all (76.8% economically free as of 2019). These inflated prices are not stopping the masses from buying up stock.
  • 2 1
 @willdabeast410: there you go. My only point was that this is much more complicated that simply saying we have inflation because we ‘printed’ to much money (which is why I made the meme comment). Looking at the many examples of this sometimes it leads to inflation, sometimes it doesn’t. For example many predicted it would mead to run away inflation when it was done after the financial crisis in 2008 but it never did. So clearly there are other factors that play a roll.

It seems you do get it so that’s cool and I apologize for the meme comment. That 40% one has been floating around a lot recently and it annoys me when people who don’t really understand things pass stuff like that along.
  • 14 0
 The only curve that has been flattened is growth of the middle class.
  • 3 0
 This country is going down the shitter at a fast rate. And it is not a one party problem. We need significant change. We never seem to learn from history..
  • 1 0
 @stumphumper92: hard to enact change when people lack the ability and/or desire to critically think.
  • 9 1
 I find this ironic as yesterday SRAM just announced to having the largest stockpile of parts on their shelves they've ever had, the culprit for their "supply chain" issues is SHIPPING, not the literal manufacturing of each part of the bicycle.
  • 7 0
 I bought an Orbea Oiz Pro TR for my son last February. It retailed for $5800. They have raised the price twice since then. It jumped to $6500 and now $7000. That is over 20% in just less than 1 year. I thought inflation was only 7%?
  • 1 0
 Don't listen to the skewed stats from the news or feds. Have you tracked the price of your favorite burger joint? 20% over the past year is about right.
  • 2 0
 @naseath Inflation does not impact prices the same across every industry. Some are outpacing 7% by a wide margine but many are not.

  • 1 0
 I have that same bike. But the builds are different than last year. Main difference is Dt Swiss 1501 carbon wheels vs Dt Swiss xr 1650 wheels. (Site shows orbea wheels, but the bike my dad ordered had Dt Swiss 1501, which is near $2k wheelset)
  • 1 0
 @turtletim3: That makes sense. I didn't realize they upgraded to Carbon
  • 7 0
 being in the Manufacturing industry, I can totally relate to what Orbea have said with having to do with more increases. We have had to do exactly the same thing in my shop, a precision Fab shop. We ate the increases as long as we could before it was just too much. We have had 2 increases since last July and just did a third now, due to material costs, shipping, labor shortages, etc just like Orbea.
If anyone thinks they are just raising prices because, then you have no idea of what is going on in the real world. And YES, they likely won't go back to historical levels for a while- if ever. We are reviewing every single PO we get from customers just to keep up with metal price fluctuations. For 1st quarter of 2022 we are told Aluminum will be up another 15% and stainless 19%. Shit flows in one direction.......
  • 8 0
 All brands do it. Just a few announce it.
  • 6 0
 My '18 Meta cost $5000 and my '22 Sentinel cost $6600. Both alloy, both gx builds. That's a massive jump.

Still, I like to bikes
  • 7 3
 Anyone with any sort of manufacturing knowledge (I don't have any) knows that a $600-$700 per unit increase on a $6k-$7k item is a lot more than "oh the cost of raw materials and transportation went up a bit." This reads more like "did you see how much money (insert bike manufacturer) made last year jacking prices?! We're charging rookie numbers, gotta pump those numbers up!"
  • 6 0
 I can tell you from personal experience container shipment rates have been insane. Just the shipment has gone from $2500 up to $15,000 for some I've moved. Then you've got various port and trucking issues. There have been times in the last two years when moving a container is literally 10x the cost of what it was pre Covid. That's just one small piece of the bike building puzzle.
  • 5 1
 In about 2 month they will need a boosted price increase (BPI) as the effect of the 2 earlier price increases wear off. The BPI will prevent 95% of the population from getting new bikes of the Orbea variant.
  • 5 2
 Bike companies are gonna suffer hard when us MTB riders start acting like roadies. Buying a new bike and not switching it out for 6 years because we stop justifying new bikes due to price vs what you are acutely getting for our dollar. Increase your prices but remember that everyone is making note of who does and doesn't do this.
  • 1 0
 This is very true - the median road bike at any given roadie group ride is probably double or even triple the average mountain bike age at any given trailhead.
  • 1 0
 @Jamminator: the modern safety bicycle had a hundred year head start to settle things out. The difference in my 2000 Allez vs current road as compared to let’s say a Blur 1 vs 5…
  • 1 0
 Start acting? I got brand new TREK in 2021, I am riding it for ATL LEAST 6 years!!!
  • 1 0
 @Scottsdale29er: Tire clearance is the Achilles heel with road bike generations. A lot of the people riding 20 year old framesets are stuck on 23c tires, maybe 25c if they're lucky. A lot of race frames from just five years ago won't even fit 28c.

I think once most people try 28c or even 30/32c, they never go back. Large volume tires with wide rims on road bikes isn't a fad and is one of the few upgrades instantly tangible to the rider.

In a few years an old road frame with limited tire clearance will be looked at the way MTBers look at an old 26" frame... something they wouldn't touch.
  • 2 0
 @Jamminator: don’t disagree with you, my point was only that this type of jump is occurring at a less frequent rate than in mtb.
  • 7 4
 Once my current bikes are knackered i'm probably out of this sport, loved it so much over the years but this has become far more expensive than my other hobbies. I thought carp fishing was a drain on my wallet, but the cost of this sport is becoming far to rediculous, not only that, in the past 10 years the quality of components and bikes have gone downhill.
  • 4 1
 I've had similar thoughts. I can buy a good pair of trail running shoes for $100 and go enjoy the outdoors. With biking I have to buy $100 shoes, $100 pedals, $100 helmet, $100 tires, $100 tire inserts, $50 Santa Cruz valves (J/K), etc., plus the actual bike itself. It feels like it's becoming a sport targeted to the upper class income.

I do love riding though so I won't get completely out of it, but I think I'll end up with a cheaper aluminum hardtail in the future that I can still have fun on while I'll complain about prices. Second hand dirt jumpers, trials, bmx bikes are cheap too and loads of fun.
  • 9 0
 Prices have gone nuts. But to say "..in the past 10 years the quality of components and bikes have gone downhill" is false. I grew up BMX in the 80's/90's and started riding/racing MTB in the mid 1990s and still ride daily. Bikes and components have NEVER been better, especially MTB. The amount of abuse they take without breaking is light years ahead of just 10-15 years ago. Prices are insane? Absolutely. However, with a few specific brand components, the bikes now are better than ever.
  • 11 0
 @rossluzz: no, you don't HAVE to buy all that stuff, you WANT to.

ride in worn out trail running shoes. buy a $50 helmet. thousands of people don't run inserts. there are many cost effective pedals on the market. buy that $2500 bike that runs the same geometry and suspension as more expensive models without all the fancy components. those $2500 bikes are far more capable than the highest end $4000 bikes from 10 years ago.
  • 3 0
 Bikes keep getting more expensive while the spec keeps getting worse. What was once GX is now SX. At least you can rely on Shimano Deore..
  • 4 0
 Who would've thought global inflation would increase prices. That's never happened before in history, ever. Thankfully humans are good at being peaceful with each other.
  • 3 1
 So, higher prices for new stuff, does that mean that more people will hold on to their gear for longer and don't follow that 3 or 4 year replacement cycle which, from what I read in the media, is common currently? This isn't necessarily bad.
  • 2 0
 Outside prediction:

The industry WANTS to shift away from Asia for manufacturing but can't turn that drip off so here's what's happening:

Raise prices far more than they NEED to on current product to drag the profitability of selling bikes forward. Then, as things normalize, 2 things happen. Prices hang around (duh) and this gives brands the flexibility to do more regional manufacturing/assembly. Also, new products are introduced that are more price competitive by way of being slightly different. (more alloy bikes, simplified designs, etc.)

Alternatively: brands do what they do and are just grabbing money until it's all dried up, at which point they still won't lower prices, it just turns into a discount war blood bath.
  • 5 2
 All early adopters of local manufacturing in Europe and NA will deserve all the money they ask for. I design some huge buildings and they cost insane amounts of money. Just the money that go down the drain for correcting mistakes raise hair. The zeros behind price tags for bikes will never add up to zeros behind the facility and tooling. Even adaptation projects of existing warehouses have sick budgets. Then the hiring process of the workforce... oh boy... perhaps the current generation of 20yr olds is more motivated, in fact I see a good trend at least across the construction sector. But mid-late millenials? Jesus Christ... they will want all privilege, all social and then they will get depressed, blame it on work load, and accuse you of not motivating them enough. Particularly males. There will be many teething problems.

I would say: a couple of companies must come together and set up a common facility and it may happen in one of slightly lower income countries, Poland comes to mind in EU, Mexico in Americas. But I think big players are not stupid, they know Taiwan and China won't be "cheap" forever. They probably already aren't but they have the facilities and production know how setup.
  • 1 0
 @calmWAKI: Given Taiwan strait becoming more dire by day, Giant should make this move sooner than later.
  • 1 0
 @calmWAKI: Several OEMs for the big brands (like A&J) have already made the jump to nations like Cambodia or Vietnam. It's not necessarily just rising labor so much as to circumvent tariffs on Chinese goods. While aluminum frame production has been shifting for the last few years, carbon frames still are majority produced in Taiwan and mainland China. The QC just isn't there yet to start shifting production - heck a lot of these emerging nations don't even have the infrastructure yet for goods transportation.

Easton had (has?) a facility in Mexico a decade ago where they built carbon wheels; not sure if that still exists as the brand changed hands. The issue is Mexican labor is still more than the Far East, and raw materials still have to come from Asia. It's not any cheaper, although in hindsight it's a great remedy to circumvent the modern era supply chain crisis.
  • 2 0
 @Jamminator: I don't know about bike industry but in Swedish construction sector price tag steered the shape of supply chain into some insane shapes. I work lots with projects in logistics and wonder why it is called supply chain not a supply tree Big Grin

I have just been to a meeting where they announced who will produce prefabricated wooden structure and gave us contact details to people with whom we weill coordinate the design with. So... Austrians will produce structural elements from Swedish timber o send it back to Sweden to be built there. Aaaaaand they have a better environmental certificate than Swedish companies doing the same. Who hasn't heard stories like this?

I won't be surprised though if Austrians are cheaper because they do it better. Never rule out complacency in high welfare societies...
  • 6 0
 *grabs $150 skateboard and 1/2 gallon of iced tea* im out guys
  • 5 3
 A 10% price gouge that will never come back down. An entry level carbon bike (FS) is set to be $7000us in a few years time, yet their margins will continue to grow. What a joke.
  • 5 5
 It's really a 5% increase due to supply chain. The other 5% is due to inflation from de-valuation of your dollar from money printing.
  • 2 2
 @Muchogusto: Simply not true. This is a global issue.
  • 4 1
 @dualsuspensiondave: It is true, but that doesn't make your statement incorrect. Central banks move in unison.
  • 1 6
flag burt-reynolds (Jan 20, 2022 at 10:17) (Below Threshold)
 @Muchogusto: Really isn't about printing money and that whole show. It's temporary supply chain issues, being capitalized on by corporations.
  • 4 1
 @dualsuspensiondave: The Weimar Republic disagrees.
  • 1 5
flag burt-reynolds (Jan 20, 2022 at 10:24) (Below Threshold)
 @Muchogusto: 1920s Germany has nothing to do with a worldwide pandemic seeing record profits by corporations. The statistics 100% agree with me.
  • 5 0
 @dualsuspensiondave: Are you asserting that printing money to pay for free stuff and stimulus with money that doesn't exist has nothing to do with rising prices?
  • 3 0
 @dualsuspensiondave: Yes, record profits by corporations are certainly PART of the issue. I don't disagree with what you're saying, but I am puzzled that you seem to completely discount inflation due to banking policy.
  • 2 2
 @Muchogusto: Our previous administration did drastically increase the debt with huge tax cuts for the rich, but that's a whole other story that has been going on since the Reagan administration. Corporations made record profits due to supply chain issues. Simple supply and demand. Investments in the workers pays off, but investment into corporate tax cuts do not.
  • 1 0
 @dualsuspensiondave: again, I agree with what your saying for the most part. The benefits of trickle down economics are relative to where you stand in the pecking order. PPI was up 6.9% and CPI was up 7.0% in 2021. The way I see it is right now there’s cost-push mixed with demand-pull inflation combined with expansionary fiscal policy. I’m not trying to be a jerk, but I am genuinely curious as to why you don’t recognize globally coordinated expansionary fiscal policy as a component of the driving force behind increased CPI and PPI.
  • 1 0
 Just as long as I don't have to pay the new prices on a bike that was supposed to ship in October. Transition increased their prices months after a bike I ordered was supposed to ship, and they still pushed the new price to me.
  • 2 1
 Since the onset of the pandemic the global economy has suffered continual impacts which have hit our bank accounts. For the sake of social prostration, we want to explain the reasons that underlie our decision to ridiculously increase our prices in order to take advantage of consumers. In the attempt to recoup loses for our un sellable bikes and the perceived fame in which we thought they acquired during a web reality TV series we are passing the buck. Please support us by taking out a small loan. - Orbea
  • 2 1
 I wish companies would be honest for once.
Giant remixed has raised prices because supply chain issues would negatively impact our profits. Not eliminate them, no, they’d just be a bit smaller than last year and we can’t have that. We (the executive team) really want to pay our executives more and unless we raise prices, we can’t do that. We are still dedicated to delivering to you the best product we can while maintaining an ever growing profit margin, so we have raised prices.
Blame your politicians and poor people for the rising prices, because it is their fault, demanding livable wages and health insurance.
  • 4 0
 Bet they regret last year moving the Head Quarters to Colorado's most expensive front range location, Boulder.
  • 1 0
 I bought an Orbea Occam M10 last year and I'm loving it but to each his own I guess. They had better components than other brands at the same price point when I was shopping and why wouldn't I want a bike that's different from what others are riding. All bike companies have increased their prices so I don't get the hate on Orbea.
  • 1 0
 Here's my bet: prices will continue to rise due to Omicron, China lockdown, etc. This should peak in the summer, then a glut of supply will start flowing in (the same stuff SRAM's CEO mentioned is sitting on their shelves), and we'll see fairly deep discounts into 2023. MSRPs may never drop, but out the door prices will start to look pre-pandemic again, at least off-season and for holidays.
  • 1 0
 I don’t get the hate. I think most complainers on here haven’t bought a bike in the last 2 years.
I did lots of price comparison for my Xc bike, I ended up with orbea oiz tr for $5.8k. Had 1740g frame (lightest in the world), shimano xtr, fox factory 34/dps, dropper, race face next SL crank, carbon handlebars. That was comparable to any bike over $8k. The frame alone is comparable to any highest end hi-mod cannondale, trek, specialized that are only offered $9k bike. So the fact orbea offered the frame in a more attainable
  • 2 0
 Planned to order the new Rallon with my local orbea dealer but not sure I can justify it now. Increasing the price mid new model? Why not just increase it from the release and not 5 months later?
  • 1 0
 Scott has had many con tr ainers seized by ms13 and lapd.
Why is the media not on this?
And here's what ca looks like these days.
Homeless pop is crazy bad(just like Oregon/Nevada)
  • 1 0
 If I’m the CEO of Toyota, I’m braking off some of my engineers and designers to start getting my new bicycle line ready. These prices are really insulting. I get free market economy but I also live by a code of ethics. I suspect the current bicycle manufacturer CEOs don’t
  • 4 2
 "We need more money to compete in this new market."


"Sorry, we can't deliver bikes, we can't compete in this market even though you paid us more. Tough shit."
  • 2 1
 Keep putting your prices up will eventually equal less sales and people going to the next up and coming manufacturer with keen pricing. Abit like when Kona started their long slide.
  • 4 0
 The world of $7500 NX builds is soon approaching.
  • 3 0
 Try SX with X-fusion suspension
  • 2 0
 En même temps les velo sont déjà à des prix exorbitant et ça pose de problème à personne commencé par garder votre vélo plus de deux ans et on en reparle
  • 2 0
 Show me the brand that announces they’re taking a small hair cut on profit due to supply chain issues and I’m buying their 170/160 bike.
  • 3 0
 Yesterday's price is not today's price! (Fat Joe voice)
  • 3 1
 Just by Orbea second hand ,they are dirt cheap for a premium brand bike compared to SC,yeti etc.
  • 3 0
 Well MTB, it was a nice run. Back to BMX it is.
  • 3 0
 The orbea rise and the orbea oddamn. Yep names check out
  • 1 0
 When supply is greater than demand prices go back down. Just have to play the waiting game, but I'm not a fan of Orbea anyway so it's a moot point.
  • 1 1
 what a complete joke. bike shops are literally selling bikes before they hit their sales floor because of all the new business the pandemic has brought to the industry. orbea.. c'mon
  • 1 0
 'The Rise Hydro H10 has risen'. Good thing they went with that model name and not something like 'The Decline' or they would have looked silly here.
  • 1 0
 So is the real reason an increase in costs, as they so, or is it just that they don't have enough bikes to sell to turn profit? Me thinks the latter.
  • 1 0
 Selling a 300 dollar carbon bike for 7000 dollars and blaming it on the pandemic. Maybe you should look for Less profit margins for a few years.
  • 3 1
 the picture posted isnt even a mountain bike...where is the motor?
  • 2 0
 Might be time to quit biking. Or at least quit being INTO bikes.
  • 4 0
 Or be less into NEW bikes... ride what ya got, folks!
  • 3 0
 Just turn off the internet/social media. It's all collusion between manufacturers and media to make you think you need the newest.
  • 2 0
 @Jamminator: this guy gets it.
"OuTdAtEd gEoMeTrY"
  • 1 0
 Inflation - the process of companies raising prices to increase profits or make up for lost revenue during a pandemic.
  • 1 3
 I immediately call BS!. The Rise Hydro was out for a MONTH with very little actual deliveries. They didnt know what this bike cost a month ago when they released it with prices? Luckily they are honoring existing purchased that haven't been delivered yet (which is most because they are behind) but this is a clear bait and switch.
  • 1 0
 How do you know they are honoring the purchase price when you ordered your bike? Yes that would be the ethical thing to do but I'm curious as I have one on order.
  • 2 0
 @IamZOSO: I called jenson and confirmed. There are a bunch of others on the emtb forum that are hearing the same from their respective vendors.
  • 1 0
 10% per year on already overpriced bikes? I beginning to understand where the dreaded pirate Roberts was coming from.,,
  • 2 0
 Smile -- me knowing I don't want an Orbea anyways
  • 1 0
 It still looks like a good time for me to sell my current bike, once my new ride arrives in the 10 days!
  • 1 0
 Love that they refer to consumers as "users". Quite the Freudian slip right there.
  • 1 0
 I announce, I am going to keep riding the bike I got for now. I just need a new chain.
  • 1 0
 Clearly supply chains aren't working. They should look into supply belts, or gearboxes Razz
  • 2 0
 A price increase for a product that you can only see a picture of.
  • 2 0
 Perhaps….and I hope KARMA pays these bicycles CEOs a nasty visit.
  • 1 0
 Dealers had to find out through this Article rather than hear it from the sales reps...
  • 1 0
 Just make your frames in Europe.
  • 2 1
 That's it? Seems reasonable (it's hard to get sarcasm on here).
  • 3 0
  • 5 4
 Our prices are staying the same! Be safe be well, Incognito Robin
  • 1 0
 You're still going at it huh
  • 1 0
 Damn Martin, what have you done to them
  • 2 0
 Fnck yon!
  • 1 1
 Well so much for the great priced 2022 Orbea RISE H30 eMTB that was going for $5299 base, it's now listing for $5699Frown
  • 1 0
 Like anyone wants one anyway
  • 2 0
 who ride or buys ORBEA ?
  • 1 1
 Could at least pay their Chinese workers more with the increased cost of bikes
  • 2 0
 Orbea doesn't own the factories nor are they Orbea workers.
  • 1 0
 There is a 15% increase across all brands.
  • 1 0
 10,000 bikes for sale on the buysell page. "shortage"
  • 1 0
 Mo money for them , less monay fo yo ..... holla
  • 2 0
 Martin Maes isn't cheap.
  • 1 0
 I've only just realised,pinkers are self righteous wankers!!
  • 1 1
 There are plenty of other brands much better than Orbea - put them out of business.
  • 1 0
 What else is new...
  • 1 0
 It doesn'?
  • 1 1
 TBH... Ugly looking bikes. Looks like shot in the foot...byby Oryeya!
  • 3 4
 Take the clot shots people! Lol
  • 1 0
 Your misinformation campaign is getting real old. The Vax is safe idiot
  • 1 2
 When will orbea make a bike someone actually wants to buy?
  • 6 7
 Who buys these even lol.
  • 18 1
 me, you jerk
  • 2 5
 Advertising posting as a news item, damn PB, Oh where oh where has the content gone?

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