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Photo Epic: The Cam Zink Invitational No One Will Forget

May 8, 2024
by Izzy Lidsky  

Amongst a world where bike events are often structured, broadcasted, and judged, the freeride community has clung to their reputation as the 'counterculture' of biking, even in the presence of high production competitions like Rampage. Over the last few years, more and more jump jam style events have popped up throughout the community as a place for athletes to meet up, push the progression of the sport, and mentor newcomers. freeride legend Cam Zink hopped onto this train several years ago creating the Cam Zink Invitational which takes place in the spring on his property outside Reno, Nevada. Freeride events are commonly a bit of a battle with the elements between wind and the reality that many of them take place in hot, dusty environments. This past weekend, riders and media experienced a whole different kind of battle with the elements at Zink's annual event.

Friday was meant to be the event's practice session and the day provided excellent conditions for riders to get comfortable on the jumps on the front side of Zink's property before an epic sunset session.

Dylan Stark flying high over the bottom hip.

Nine-year-old Wes Lukens probably did more backflips than anyone.

DJ Brandt with a casual superman seat grab.

Sunshine, dust, bikes, Ryan McNulty fishing for....??

Janelle Soukup taking hands off the bike.


That evening, as everyone snuggled into their campers/tents/truck beds on Friday night, the wind picked up. Like really picked up. Saturday morning, the Cam Zink Invitational was met with temps in the 30's and howling wind. Just as a couple folks found the motivation to try and ride, it started to snow.

So there was a lot of loitering and some burritos to go with it.

Beermosas are a great way to pass a wind hold.

Then a few brave souls tried to ride the bottom hip in the snow.

Arlie Connolly capturing how we all felt.

A few folks busted out the motos because, well, what else is there to do if you can't bike?

Patience is a virtue, they say and patient we were waiting through the snow until the sun came out, it warmed up a little bit, and everyone thought we'd made it through the worst of the weather. A little sunset session brought everyone's energy and optimism back up.

Flipping out that it stopped snowing. Ha.

It almost looks warmer than 40 degrees!

That was until we woke up to an inch of snow on Sunday morning. Riders made the most of things before the wind picked up again and most of camp went on a little field trip to enjoy some big mountain freeride.

In the Hills Gang clipping each other up in the snow.

At least the snow made for good photos.

Asa Howe making the best of conditions.


After a day and a half of waiting for conditions to improve without much luck, many of the riders loaded up and headed about an hour and a half north of Zink's property in search of some big mountain riding. Led by freeride crew In the Hills Gang and big mountain legend Graham Agassiz, twenty or so riders skidded their way through a chute and down the face of a mountain as the wind howled behind them. Following a weekend of not much riding, an excursion to ride big lines in an incredible location was just what riders (and filmers!) needed.

Torseenn Brown skids out of the first chute onto the face.

Adolf Silva putting his brakes to the test.


Malachi Artice and Cody Wilkins after their first line and going back for seconds.

Barb Edwards making it look easy.

Big mountain means hiking a bike a whole lot.

There's not really words for how cool this was to watch.

Vibes were all time.
For the most part...

Asa Howe comfy as ever on big mountain terrain.

Hayden Zablonty, Torsenn Brown, and Ryan McNulty absolutely cooking down this face.

*wipes eyes* Mountain biking is so wholesome.

At last on Monday, things warmed up and the wind died down for long enough to have an epic morning session on the back side of Zink's property. Riders were able to open up the drops and tricks they'd been waiting for all weekend. After throwing a front flip off a drop dubbed the 'Mushroom Forest,' and a rock solid on the 50 footer, Kurtis Downs took overall winner of the weekend for the men. Barbara Edwards took it for the women with her own front flip on the front side of the property.

Downs warming up to take that last hand off.

Barb Edwards is no stranger to big jumps.

Hayden Zablotny also had his fair share of rad moments in the Mushroom forest.

Actually Zablo pretty much had good moments everywhere he rode.

Never a dull moment with Talus Turk around.
Or Ryan McNulty for that matter.

Here's to Mr. Cam Zink for having us all out to his place for an epic weekend, despite the weather and hoping that next year is a little warmer.

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Member since Nov 5, 2020
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  • 46 0
 There's something about an old school photo essay of a raw event with riders in the elements getting rad.
  • 6 0
 If you haven't already come across their viral clips, do yourself a favor and check out the Trio's account: www.instagram.com/triobehindbars I've seen lots of groms come up in BMX and MTB in SoCal and it always blows me away. But these kids are outrageous and Wes is like... I dunno he's at the level of a dedicated rider twice his age. I can't imagine what he's gonna be like at 18. If he leans more freeride or slopestyle. It just blows my mind. And there's potentially 2 other kids on the same trajectory. Modern kids bikes are epic.
  • 5 0
 Those kids are incredible.
  • 5 0
 Beemosa? Brass Monkey but with lager, hmmm, okay!
  • 4 0
 The Reno/Tahoe scene is rad.
  • 3 0
 Love in the hills gang
  • 1 0
 Y'all are legends. Keep killing it
  • 2 0
 I already forgot
  • 3 3
 Crushed my buds dreams, promised a spot- "1000's of people recommended you, you're in".. then went back on his word.
  • 1 0
 Where's Kirt and Carson?

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