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Pinkbike Poll: Would You Rather Shuttle or eMTB?

Sep 4, 2020
by Daniel Sapp  

Imagine this: The year is 202X and the world is a very different place. Mountain biking is still a thing, but there are only two ways to the top of the trail: you're either taking a shuttle or an eMTB - in this hypothetical future there's no way to pedal a non-motorized bike to the top.

So where does that leave you? Well, you have two options:

First, you can shuttle. Hop in the back of the truck and take the ride. Sure, it may involve some logistics, dropping a car at the bottom, an odd rider sitting out, or a dedicated driver, but it'll get you to the top and you won't let your moral obligation to shun the eMTB, which you hold steadfast to from years ago, slip. The other option is to take the eMTB up. It's quick...nearly as quick as the shuttle, and it doesn't take all that much effort, but the bike is a little more cumbersome for the descent. Then again, you don't have to get in the car and hassle with having other people involved in your ride.

Which one are you going to choose? It's either one or the other...or you just don't ride anymore.

Recon Bike Racks
Shimano EP8
Are you going to use a motor, or, a...motor to earn your turns?

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danielsapp avatar

Member since Jan 18, 2007
476 articles

  • 324 30
 I picked shuttle, but I like to bolt a bunch of steel plates to my downtube so my bike still handles like shit. It's the best of both worlds.
  • 14 7
 Lmfao the shuttle bus sounds way more reliable
  • 99 10
 I picked shuttle. Even though ebike is probably a better option for bike time:total time ratio. There is something special about the banter in the truck inbetween runs. Uplift days in the UK you’re often with a load of randoms. There is energy. There is apprehension. The excitement. The wet seats lol.

Done plenty of emtb rides, and I love those too, but they are just longer rides compressed into the same amount of time.

Nothing beats the buzz of an uplift day.
  • 50 58
flag amarks720 (Sep 4, 2020 at 13:00) (Below Threshold)
 @Richt2000: That's the exact reason I'd pick eMTB any day over shuttling.
  • 20 5
 @Richt2000: I agree. Uplift days are special because they don’t happen every day. Not at all this year actually. An ebike ride if you own an ebike is just an everyday ride.
  • 2 3
  • 9 0
 @amarks720: everyone’s different dude/dudette. Its great we have the option :-)
  • 18 17
 Can i take the moped to the top and hop on my Slash once there? Is that an option?
  • 13 27
flag won-sean-animal-chin FL (Sep 4, 2020 at 13:47) (Below Threshold)
 My new "light" 36+lb enduro bike is fun as but i miss the stability of the 52lb eeb almost everywhere. Everywhere except when i need a big pull or ,obviously, climb up a hill. The light 36 pounder feels sketchy now
  • 13 12
 @won-sean-animal-chin: you wouldn’t like my 38lb ebike then. Definitely to “playful”
  • 13 19
flag won-sean-animal-chin FL (Sep 4, 2020 at 14:03) (Below Threshold)
 @thechunderdownunder: haa im sure i would. Im just surprised after riding the emtb for 4 months straight i figured id hop on the "light" enduro bike and be throwing it flat off everything and pulling over never done before gaps. It is more playful and i think its just readapting. Once i'm used to my "heavy" emtb its just "my bike" and i know it and im in the sweet spot on it and i dont have to muscle it, unless i need to do a big pull. Ill readapt to my "light" bike im sure, itll just take more time than i thought. A light eeb is on the list to go with the 52lb er and the reg mtb. Also want a sub 30lb mtb. The 52lb er is #1 though
  • 4 5
 @won-sean-animal-chin: I think that I totally get what you are saying. I get so used to charging up for a pop on my ebike that I just jump weird when I go back to my 32lb trail bike. I find I have to brake later on my trail bike as well. Same brakes same rotor size, but way quicker to slow down.
  • 5 7
 @thechunderdownunder: yup for sure. Then i like the weight for more speed, loose dirt or rocks, into chopped up berms, in the air its give and take. Nice a stable especially if the winds blowing its waaaay better. Speed they sail longer like an empty milk truck. Lighter is more playful and better on smaller jumps. Idk what the ideal weight is for me, maybe low 40's with the 85-100nm class. I can see the appeal of a 36-28lb eeb though(sl or ezesty)
  • 12 9
 @jaame: I agree with the special factor, but this isn't a reason to disregard eBikes.

This is like saying 'I rent an amazing $15k bike once a year and it's really special. I ride a Walmart bike the rest of the year instead of my $10k bike because it'd take away from the special rental'

Given the choice, getting the eBike and having 95% of the fun of a shuttle whenever you want is an easy choice is it not?
  • 22 10
 People who say ebikes don't handle, haven't ridden one and haven't seen what they can do. They handle fine unless youre doing bmx moves.
  • 13 10
 @slayerdegnar: Turbo SL so fun.
  • 8 3
 @slayerdegnar: the OP - @toast2266 is a really good rider and actually has an eeb he calls "the wifes bike" is why im surprised when he says that. Maybe if it wasnt a brose and he could ride it for a couple months straight the light bike would then suck , or maybe its just the anti eeb group troll pile on comment
  • 11 4
 @won-sean-animal-chin: Ha! I'll certainly admit to taking "the wife's bike" out from time to time. It's great for some rides - the ones that I'm just not willing to push an analog bike up. Ultimately, the shuttle trails around me aren't moto legal, so the poll isn't really relevant - it's not if / or, it's and / and.

But the ebike handles worse. That's just a fact.
  • 9 6
 @toast2266: youre probably paid to say that by some non emtb company Wink
  • 6 4
 bro do you even watch sam pilgrim, the ebikes rip
  • 7 4
 @won-sean-animal-chin: I wish.

Although for the record: if any companies out there (e or otherwise) want to pay me to say nice things about them in the pinkbike comments, I'm game. Have your people call my people.
  • 7 5
 Another person thats never ridden ans E-bike and clearly never rode a free ride bike (also 50 lbs) from the early 2000's
  • 11 3
 @jgainey: so you're saying ebikes handle like early 2000's freeride bikes?

I'm not sure that argument is going to win many people over.
  • 3 3
 Hike a bike status, to steep for ebikes
  • 19 5
 @won-sean-animal-chin: yep. 30 years riding and now every normal bike feels sketchy compared to my 50lb kenevo. Good thing it's crazy fun to ride on any terrain. As far as the difference in handling folks talk about because of the extra weight? Whatever. After we get used to it it's just our bike. Sends any jumps, drops, or chutes my other bike does, plus progression and getting that dialed feeling back after a crash comes even faster since it allows for way more dh. I cry on the inside a little on analog days until I remind myself it's "exercise day" with the added bonus of stoke. Can't get that running.
  • 5 4
 @ranke: you nailed it, all of it. 1000%
  • 5 1
 "it's one or the other" gives three options...
  • 7 2
 @amarks720: I thought I'd stick to my guns and shun e-mtb, but then I tried one yesterday... Wow, that is addictive fun! And of course most people don't have uplifts on their local trails so it's either hero mode and you get less runs in on the day... or e-mtb. Of course I'm still a dinosaur riding a 26" with tubes but that's just cause I can't afford an e-bike.
  • 2 0
 @Eddieh: Yeah but he's sam pilgrim;-)
  • 1 1
 @Mngnt: when you put it like that it’s difficult to argue. I would get one if they weren’t ridiculously priced, and if I wasn’t worried about having to dump hundreds more into it to get a new battery in two years. If I had a lot of disposable income and wasn’t into motorcycles also, I would get one. Not hating at all, but I would still prefer to use a shuttle than pedal up, given the choice.
  • 5 2
 Shuttle the Hell Up !
  • 1 0
 @jaame: Think Pearce Cycles have some planned.

Definitely saw they had one planned for Rheola next month.
  • 1 2
 Yes, but when you'll remove those steel plates. You become an rocket ship!!!
  • 7 0
 When the Tesla truck comes out I can e shuttle my e bike e ry damn day.
  • 4 2
 @DidNotSendIt: I think BPW and Antur Stiniog are open again. I don’t want to get in a minibus with a load of heavy breathing blokes, talking excitedly about their runs. Too much covid risk.
My mate said Black Mountains has open truck uplift - that might be a safer bet.
  • 1 0
 @jaame: BPW is definitely open. Haven't been up yet as it's booked solid. They've taken quite a few precautions and masks are mandatory on the uplift. You only get half day on weekends though so they can accomodate the number of visitors. Been wanting to go midweek but it's been rammed up there.

Sticking to Afan for now until it all quietens down.
  • 3 4
 @ranke: i like to use the analogy of, "the best skier on the mt doesnt even need bindings. Just a strip of grip tape , stand in the center of the ski and just angle the ski and conserve the muscles" if motoX riders can whip past 90 on a 250lb motoX , we can get a 50lb emtb around a rock. Find the fulcrum and do what you want with the bike. I have to laugh at the guys who try an emtb once or twice and right it off as too heavy. Ride it 2 months straight and get back to me. It takes most wc dhers a year to get accustomed to a new bike and backbto their level of results
  • 164 39
 hahahahah such a good question for the masses. Exposing hypocrisy is my favorite type of lobbed question. "eMTB make you lazy, you don't deserve to mtb!" as they swing a bike over the back of their truck to go shuttling for the weekend. My favorite argument is "eBikes will tear up trails" as if a 14 yr old kid on Mt.Dew didn't just slash that berm harder than any of the 1000 people on the trail before him. At the end of the day, your typical young guy isn't buying an eBike due to price so let the older guy have his fun. I imagine when I am 50+... an eBike will be worth every penny, who I am to judge at 29 what a 55yr old can or can't do. We can focus on better trail education without outright banning or hating eBikes.
  • 47 9
 This here. Also, when I’m 50, I hope e bike tech will be at a point where it doesn’t feel as if you’ve just strapped a sack of bricks to your frame.
  • 8 7
  • 43 40
 try an ebike at 29 and let me know. They are super fun and provide just as much exercise no matter what the age.
  • 36 2
 But if I'm opposed to eBikes *and* shuttles, there's no inconsistency, right?
  • 14 11
 This is a completely lame question, like "would you rather cheat on cards or roulette".
I have chosen shuttle because I prefer a lighter bike down the hill. Spending some time in the gym one could ride emtb like normal bike for sure, but for an average Joey it is easier to pop and hop on a 10kg lighter bike. But if you ride machine built trails and fast straight lines, emtb is not much worse.
  • 54 5
 @vp27: You guys are soft, sorry. Go check out the Masters category of your next race, those 50+ guys will probably straight up wax your asses.
  • 43 6
 So I can't just ride to the top - imagine having to exercise and be fit enough to accomplish something Smile This is divisive in its deepest form. Welcome to the 'I want it all for free' generation. (Yes that is my generation).
  • 13 13
 shuttle for sure.... ebikes on gnarly descents aren't near as good as "normal" bikes.
  • 16 14
 @enduroelite: yup, that is the limiting factor: weight.

Ebikes handle like shite, so I choose shuttling because on the way down I’d rather peddle a bike that doesn’t ride like it has a bag of rocks tied to the frame.

Of course this Pinkbike scenario is not close to realistic, I nearly always ride my bike uphill, rarely shuttle, so kind of a straw man post.

My wife has a Pivot Shuttle ebike, essentially a Mach 5.5 with a motor and battery. It’s a great bike and a really good ebike, but I have nonneed to ride it; she rides it to stay up with me Smile

You can tell when Pinkbike is getting bored, silly posts to get peoples riled up. Silliness.
  • 13 5
 @SlodownU: It's not about being soft it's about physical limitations. I'm 31 and years of rucking in the military and then fighting wildfires has left me with knees much older than the rest of my body. So sure I'm soft but I fairly certain there will come a day that an ebike is the only way I'll still be able to ride.
  • 9 2
 I wrote this under the XC Bikes vs The Impossible Climb post:

"The obvious answer is of course the power equation. Using an external energy source vs using your body. But I don't want to define what MTB is. The line indeed gets blurry. A person taking the lift to the top of a bike park and going downhill is essentially using an eMTB if we look at it from an energy balance perspective. Is that not MTB? Hard to say."

Wonder if they were inspired by it. I want to believe!
  • 43 23
 @skierdud89: Sure, but 99% of ebikers have no real limitations. Let's be honest. Ebikes were not created for people with disabilities. Nor for great riders to speedup their training and recovery. They were made for people who do not want to get fit.
  • 14 13
 @lkubica: ah yes and I bet you never use the elevator only the stairs, you only skin and never ride the chairlift. I mean when we think about it the bicycle was invented to get places more efficiently than walking so...
  • 14 3
 Just so I am being clear, I am a fan of shuttling, fan of ebikes, fan of non ebikes, fan of dirtbikes, fan of electric dirtbikes, fan of respectful trail use, fan of a growing sport. I agree it might enable some slow pokes but thats the risk I am happily willing to take to get to take my pops out for a ride who otherwise would struggle to join ya know? I wish everyone would lower their sword a bit and have a smile. E-bikes ARE coming, 100%, let's embrace it a bit and not throw shade. I am 29 and like building my legs up, when I am 55, rich and don't care...you bet your butt I will want 1 of every bike.
  • 4 8
flag skierdud89 (Sep 4, 2020 at 14:37) (Below Threshold)
 @bcroots: both your comments are perfect and your hypocrisy bit is spot on! Never once have I pulled in to a trail head to realize I'm the only guy that drove my bike there lol.
  • 18 2
 eBikes remove the barrier for entry in a sport that used to require a decent level of fitness and athleticism - and that gets under a lot of peoples skin. Whether it's fair, or logical, or not, is not for me to say. I have ridden them and think they're a blast.. but I've also seen some noobs on ebikes with too much power and not enough skill do some stupid stuff and they often have bad etiquette.
  • 20 0
 I'll be 50 in 6 months and climb faster than I did at 30. Partly fitness, partly due to how damn good bikes are these days.
  • 11 10
 @Trouterspace: the barrier idea is exactly why some people get so heated. I mean I still remember how some pros were pissed when 29ers broke onto the DH scene. The one's still on 27.5 felt it would give them an unfair advantage and make the track too easy. Every new innovation has been met with resistance; suspension, disc brakes, tubeless, droppers. Ebikes are no exception.
  • 9 6
 @lkubica: look past the stigma and see the light
  • 20 16
 @lkubica: Absolute BS! My god man stop saying crap when you don't know what the hell your talking about. You absolutely can get fit on an eBike the same as a regular bike. I can tell you have no idea how an eBike works so I'll let you in on a secret, you can actually select the power you want. You can put it in eco mode and cruise around and double the mileage of a regular bike with about a 20% boost and that's not accounting for the 48lbs the bike weighs! So in essence the rides a little easier but your doing twice the ride. Fitter now then when I had a regular bike so sorry your statement is not true for everyone.
  • 13 4
 @lkubica: You are generalizing, and probably quite wrong. I ride both. When I ride the e-MTB its usually because I am doing a solo ride near where I live and only have an hour to 90 minutes for a ride. In all of my rides on both types of bikes I have similar average heart rates and calories spent in a similar amount of time. So both are great for fitness. And both are fun in their respective ways.
  • 21 7
 @vp27: I'm 56. Nowhere near to needing an ebike.
  • 6 11
flag Mngnt (Sep 4, 2020 at 16:27) (Below Threshold)
 Agreed up to that mention of age. I'm 35 and just don't get out as much as I used to. I think eBikes make sense for anyone who wants to get more out of each limited opportunity to ride, regardless of ability or physical 'limitations'. Unless we're talking world cup XC riders, pretty sure that's everyone.
  • 7 6
 @MtbSince84: that's great. no one "needs" an ebike just like no one needs a CX bike. I do have some older riding buddies who are on them and love them because it levels the playing field for them (one has recovered from a mild heart attack). They are super fun and keep you fit.
  • 5 6
 @lkubica: Yea, no. Happy to ride analog bikes with you some day, let you gauge my fitness for yourself. Is it a date?
  • 8 6
 @lkubica: thanks for pointing out your ignorance
  • 5 4
 @lkubica: you don't have to spend time in the gym you can just ride the thing.
  • 12 9
 @fasian: the xc keyboard warriors will always hate ebikes, cause all they can do is pedal and lack the ability to shred. So now when they are being passed on the uphill all they can do is to whine here. Pathetic to say the least. I’m getting an ebike just to make them stay home;-)
  • 11 9
 @armeniandave: Did I say you cannot get fit on an ebike? You can if you want to. Sure. But it's not the case for majority of ebike riders. They used it precisely because they could not ride by themselves. You need a proper mental attitude to get fit. Everyone who had this attitude got fit before ebikes even existed.
So I am just saying, ebike accidentally is a goof tool for good riders, bacause it is just a tool. But it was not it's purpose. Companies created ebikes so they can sell a shit load of them to every Joey who can pedal on flat.
  • 7 1
 Do e-bikes really handle bad on the descends? From reviews I've read, I understand that the added low weight actually improves "performance" especially for full suspension bikes. Can't tell for sure as I have no experience riding with assistance but it makes sense to me. Unless you go for "poppy" over "planted" of course. But I've got the feeling that some of these full suspension e-bikes are getting lighter than my unassisted hardtail (with all the carbon or aluminium vs my steel bike) so when the motor is deactivated (by choice or simply because you're traveling over 25km/h) it shouldn't be worse, should it?
  • 6 4
 @lkubica: I love it. Now you are so omniscient that you can actually speak for “the majority of ebike riders”. That’s a real super power, bro!
  • 3 1
 Without any experience riding one of them, I can imagine it would feel like riding with a tail wind or downhill. When you're slugging uphill at snake pace in a light gear, there usually isn't much to inspire me to push harder. When I ride with tailwind, It does actually inspire to push a bit harder too. It is definitely not like it makes me ease off by any means. So yeah I can imagine having that kind of assistance would do the same and it wouldn't go only for me. I don't see myself getting one anytime soon, I'm having more than enough fun riding what I have. But if the question is to choose between a "backseat climb" or actually riding a bike up the hill, I'd choose the latter.
  • 5 3
 @vp27: I ride a Levo SL in addition to the rest of my stable. I have it under 37 pounds and with a shorter stem and wider bars it actually handles incredibly. Just doesn't have the same power as the heavier ones.
  • 9 2
 @lkubica: I'm going to disagree. I'm fit. I ride four different bikes, one of which is my Levo SL. It lets me do the 30 mile rides with 20 miles of sustained climbing I've always done on my normal bike but not feel like I got ran over by a truck the next day. I actually get to enjoy that 10 miles of downhill riding now instead of my legs being at 30 percent after the climb.
  • 6 3
 @Dixonm: Something tells me the guy is not interested in the reality of the situation, just in virtue signaling to his perceived tribe.
  • 6 2
 @lkubica: I've been riding with ebike group, they're all fit rider. We ride hard like we ride analog, ebikes allowing us to have more downhill runs. On this trail, on analog bike I can get 3 or maybe 4 DH run, and I'll be very tired. On ebike, I get 6-8 DH run, and still get pretty tired, in less time than analog. Yes I get my workout.
  • 3 9
flag lkubica (Sep 5, 2020 at 11:32) (Below Threshold)
 It is quite obvious that there are people who switched from normal bikes to ebikes to make more laps etc. Problem is that you are all in the minority. You know what is main reason behind ebike hate? Not ebikes, but dudes with no clue how to ride or how to behave.
This is quite funny because I have stated it about three times in this thread, but you really cannot talk to someone who does not hate abikes anymore and want me to be a "tribal" ebike hater.
I am sorry, I do not hate ebikes, I literally give a sh*t. Tried them, did not like them going down, and that's it.
What pissed me off is this stupid question asked. A very abstract question which is not a question really. Just a piece of poor marketing. Like "admin that ebikes are better than shuttle". Well, if ebikes rode like bikes, I would happili admit that. Espiecially I am doing shuttle rides like twice a year really.
  • 2 3
 @SlodownU: Love to give you 500 thumbs up for this....TRUTH
  • 2 1
 @Justfucnsmash: hey just promise us that you guys won’t physically assault anyone in public. I don’t want to see fellow mtn bikers in jail or on the news.
  • 5 3
 @lkubica: Yea, sure kid. You know the demographic data. If so, please cite your sources. Otherwise you're just spewing virtue signal BS to your tribe. My god, how can you not look in the mirror and feel abject shame and embarrassment?
  • 7 3
 @lkubica: why cant you just let others live their lives and not be bothered by it?
  • 4 4
 @Dixonm: and I bet you enjoyed the ups just that much more on the e-mtb. I know I enjoy the ups as much as the downs on mine.
  • 2 1
 @vp27: I turn 50 tomorrow and I was totally anti-E-Mtb but having ridden a high end model last year, I can say I have no worries about turning 60. For now, I feel lucky to have been able to purchase my first proper carbon enduro bike a couple of years ago and I will grind that f*er up to hit the downhills until I can't anymore. The more I do it, the longer I am able. I see the light though that even at my age and girth, an e-bike puts those long distance super-endurance rides that we used to do within reach again.
  • 5 1
 I think for some people, myself atleast, the difference is in the bike. I like the simplicity of a bike and its purely mechanical nature. Its just you and the bike. But when you add in electronics and a motor it takes away from that. So for me Id rather shuttle because it maintains the purity and true essence of the bicycle when Im on it. Also the best part of riding is the down part anyhow. haha
  • 7 4
 @lkubica: Let's be honest - 99% of all eBike haters are insecure hypocrites who act all macho but use chairlifts at bike parks and escalators in the mall and elevators in tall buildings and cars to get around the city and airplanes to get across the ocean.

Stop trying to use the 'fitness' excuse to berate eBike riders, it's as ignorant and narrow-minded as all the "eBikes are scooters" people and the "earn a climb to ride a trail" people. Not everyone who rides bikes do it because they are athletes. Not everyone who rides bikes is required to "suffer".

The happiest people who ride bikes are the people who genuinely enjoy riding bikes, not the miserable ones who constantly waste time hating on things other people enjoy. Being an owner of both regular and eMTB bikes, per actual experience (not keyboard anger) I can truly say that eMTB riders have more fun on the uphill and the downhill... and that's the real part you hate the most.
  • 2 3
 @mrfrench2013: I'm right there with you. As much as I've been defending E-Bikes here, battling with the kooks and incorrigibles, I actually answered Shuttle too. Reason being, I read the question as in the context of today, and in the context of the descent is the goal here. Today, as much as I loved the SL I rode in Feb and the Kenevo I road a couple years back, I'd still rather have my Enduro under me at the top of the hill. When I ride Ashland, Oak Ridge, or Mt Hough, I want a van to take me up and my Enduro to take me down. When there is an E-Bike that gives me that same feel on the descent, then I'll take that and enjoy the climb too. But for smaller stuff that some people shuttle and some people ride, I'd generally take a light weight E, just to get in more laps. Something like Corral/Armstong/Sidewinder in South Lake. I'd love an SL as I could get in 5-6 laps, even if the downs were not quite as great as they'd be on my Enduro. Kinda like picking attachments in COD when it comes down to it!
  • 3 1
 The fitness argument against eBikes is absurd. As with anything, you get out what you put in. I added an eBike to my stable this year and have gotten faster on the climbs and descents. How? The same way as with a regular bike but now I get more DH laps in. This has resulted in 3x the descents this year. Sure, you can switch to boost and let the bike do the work, but if you have discipline it’s an amazing machine.
  • 3 2
 @lkubica: I 'm fairly fit nd have been riding MTB for 30yrs. I can ride for two hours at 80% of my threshold. During that time as I ride I jump, turn, manual, nose manual, climb, descend. I get stronger at the other aspects of MTB, not just pedaling ( I think I have that down already ). On an E-bike, I can double that ride time. More turns, more jumps, more descending, moreturning, more climbimbin, etc. Why would I not get fit riding an E-bike?
  • 1 2
 @enduroelite: Dude, look at his comment history. You think he's open to new data that might potentially call his preferred narrative into question? That's what's going on with the majority of haters here. They picked a tribe, narrative, emotional position. Now they are immune from facts, ideas, realities, that call their choice into question. Something we see a whole lot of in life these days. Sucks, because they only serve to impede progress and happiness and there is literally no way to bring them around. Well, maybe if whomever they perceive to be a leader in their tribe comes around first... but then they'd probably just shun that person as a sell out, or a shill, like they are already doing for the pros that have embraced Ebikes. Sigh....
  • 2 0
 @raine2jz: That certainly is my experience on both types of bikes. Both are fun as heck, and more importantly, a part of the sport. What you said about haters is ringing pretty true about just anything, really. Just look at the politics in the US, or nearly anywhere. It's become more about team sports than about what's good for the community.
  • 1 0
 @lkubica: the best answer I have heard all year ????
  • 1 0
 @SlodownU: I occasionally ride with a 72yo guy ripping on a rocky mountain.... non-ebike.
  • 80 7
 The point where pedaling yourself isn't allowed anymore is probably the point I'll stop riding bikes
  • 4 3
  • 5 6
 Never say never. Ebike will help you to keep riding few more years into your golden age. Allowing you to ride with your children or grandkids at their pace.
  • 3 12
flag cuban-b (Sep 5, 2020 at 13:39) (Below Threshold)
 Wait, who’s not “allowing” you to not pedal? Options does not mean enforcement. So you want only one option and enforcement on that one option? Sounds pretty fascist.
  • 79 20
 How about a poll whether Pinkbike should just create another totally separate website for all e-bike related content, the same as they do for all things road bike? They could call it Pink-e-bike and those that are interested could enjoy themselves there.
  • 29 29
 already done, as all you have to do is click a button and you have your specialized web site with no content you don't want to see, but you keep coming back, hmm closet e-biker, I think so!! Ha Ha
  • 15 18
 @norona: That's not how consent works. How about the all the e-bike content only appears when you opt in by clicking the "I'm into e-bikes" button. Or better yet, you could just go to the dedicated e-bike webpage.
  • 14 1
 @norona: naw, they set up this article so that even is with the ebike filter would have to scroll past it
  • 19 4
 Dave Norona, solely responsible for 30% of the contempt towards e-bikes.
  • 12 3
 @DirkMcClerkin: yup.... total shill of a rider. Will promote anything for a buck. I had to unfollow due to his 2 pages of "sponsor" hashtags and lame content.
  • 6 6
 @ebrown123: lets file an official complaint with pinkbike. e-bikers are ruining my pinkbike reading experience!
  • 13 7
 Like it or not, e-mtb is a part of biking. No one is being forced to buy or ride one, but lots of PB users do or want to because they are fun. It's a big world out there, maybe try some acceptance for a change?
  • 4 4
 trollz gonna troll
  • 12 1
 @norona: I clicked that option a long time ago, but theys till sneak in ebike content because that's what (more and more) pays the bills. Exhibit A: this "poll"
  • 5 4
 @ebrown123: Oh man, the concept of personal responsibility is lost on this one.
  • 8 5
 @ebrown123: make your own site and make your own rules, its pretty easy for any functioning adult to figure this out.
  • 3 5
 @DirkMcClerkin: just 30% dang
  • 5 8
 @jaydawg69: haters gonna hate, but the bucks just keep flowing Smile Enjoy the ride!
  • 3 1
 @norona: I hereby decree the site listens to ebrown only! If he’s unsatisfied, none of us are allowed to view this site! Seems reasonable
  • 4 6
 @norona: anything for a buck and zero integrity... speaks volumes.
  • 6 0
 Free websites pay the bills by selling advertising. The amount they can charge for that advertising is based on the targeting and reach they offer. Splitting into separate sites would be splitting the amount of viewers each advert reaches, hence less money per ad. Yes there are ways around this and to make it work but at expense and effort that aren’t really necessary when things are already working as they are...
  • 8 3
 @jaydawg69: you’re just upset that the site has content you don’t approve of. LOL
  • 6 3
 @cuban-b: just not a fan of people like Norona and have opted out of ebike content. All fine by me.
  • 3 1
 Somebody had this idea years ago and it was supposed to be called Pinkybike.com.
  • 2 0
 @jaydawg69 - Fair point
  • 54 12
 I'll admit I was a grumpy anti-ebike rider for a long time. However when posed with this question I definitely like the idea of one. I'd much rather ride my bike than drive my truck if it means I can cram in a bunch of laps in a short time window, plus less people shuttling means less cars on the road.
  • 34 27
 did a 14K' day for my 40th birthday, all ebike all the time.
  • 46 8
 E-bike for commuting, regular mountain bike (or any kind of pedal-only bike) for recreation and fitness.
  • 31 16
 @graniteandrew: At 40 best to avoid the stairs and take all elevator all the time too, wouldn't want to pull a hammie.
  • 32 15
 @graniteandrew: well you really didnt do 14k then. the motor did. still, 14k is still a lot and you must be in good shape cause even 7k is very hard in a day, but it is different.
  • 16 20
flag islandforlife FL (Sep 4, 2020 at 13:11) (Below Threshold)
 The downside though is having to ride that fat pig of an e-bike back down = not fun.
  • 14 13
 @rzicc: Anyone who's done it, knows that descending 14K' is work, and pedaling it, even assisted is also work. Though, tbh it only took me 6 hours, and I was back home before bedtime playing with the kiddos with energy left to enjoy my day, and I did a nice little 5k' up & down the next day. Guess its a preference difference between people who like to shred and people who like to exercise.
  • 19 13
 @islandforlife: You either haven't ridden one or ridden a crappy one. Norco Sight VLT is out of this world----planted, nimble, corners like a dream and smiles for miles.
  • 9 4
 @islandforlife: I don’t just ball at the upfront cost and the weight, but also at the thought of having to spend a not I considerable amount of money 2-3 years down the track just to keep it going when my battery is shot, and maybe the motor too. I wonder what used ebike prices will hold up like. I wonder how many people will get caught out on what they think is a great deal only to find out they need to spend another £800 on a new battery just to enjoy it how it was intended.
  • 23 43
flag eugenux (Sep 4, 2020 at 13:53) (Below Threshold)

Actually, you didn't; the bike carried you over.

On your 41, use an electric on your wife too and then pretend you're a $ex G.O.D. #upliftspiritoftheday #yeeeaaahbuuooy

By now, I thought everyone already understood who electrics users are. They are the pretenders...yees, PRETENDERS!, they like the ideea of mtb-ing but they don't want to put the effort in. I am not saying you don't consume callories or you can't get tired on an electric, as you can and will, of course. What I am saying is that electrics are mostly sought after and used by pretenders and wannabes.
Beside being a shame to the spirit of mtb-ing and a actually an offense to the mountain itself, the thing that bothers me the most is the snug attitude..like "yeah big buuuoy, we're rideeers"; actually, you're not, not even close. That is not mtb-ing and that's not a bike. It has propulsion, it has a motor, it's a pedally moped for off-road. Mtb-ing is something totally different and exactly because you can't tell the difference between mtb-ing and electrics riding, you'll never trully understand what it is and why mtb-ing is so special. Of course, you and all the others like you.
The good thing was, untill now, there was not a way for all of you to get on a mountain. Now, unfortunatelly, there is..and that's a damn shame. #idiocracy as it happens ppl, as it happens.
  • 5 2
 @amstx: I have (2020 Range) and the DH portion of the ride is not near as fun as compared to my normal bike.
  • 15 7
 @eugenux: Use the damn eBike filter because your spewing nonsense. I ride all the bikes, eBike, Dirt Jump, and mountain and all are fun in there own way. I’ve been riding a long time and what your saying is just plain hate and prejudice
  • 16 17
 @graniteandrew: I’ve done done big days, earned every foot, 14k is only doable as a shuttle/lift or ebike.

That said, I’m not sure I’d feel so proud of a 14k day on an ebike, at least no more than riding 14k using lift assist.

I’m fifteen years older than you and I routinely climb 5-10k without assistance. Maybe you have a disability that limits your ridding, maybe you don’t. I’d certainly recommend increasing your fitness if you can’t ride without assistance, just saying ...
  • 8 6
 @eugenux: How's the view from way up on your high horse?
  • 8 1
 @armeniandave: This poll still appears if you have the e-bike filter on. On the same day the banner ad is for a e bike called the shuttle, imagine that.
  • 10 6
 @eugenux: LOL ebikes make you this triggered? keep it going. how else are ebikers pussies?
  • 5 1
 @rzicc: You're talking cross country bike terms, we shuttlers and now ebikers measure downhill, not uphill.
  • 11 2
 @amstx: I demo'd the Norco Sight VLT for a day... and did a lap with a Rocky Mountain Instinct BC Edition Powerplay... sure, it was fun... but lets not kid ourselves, for outright blasting, jumping around, moving quickly, up and over obstacles, riding light, quick hard turns, flicking around tight corners and berms... fast direction changes etc... it was nowhere near as fun or easy to ride fast as my regular enduro bike. It felt like taking an extra heavy DH bike down all-mountain/enduro trails, except you didn't get the benefit of the extra couple inches of travel or uber stiff fork.

And then slower tech jank was just ridiculous, hefting that pig over and around shit was not fun at all.

It just doesn't make sense for me right now... I want to be able to ride faster and have more fun than an ebike will let me.

The only instance where it was comparable to my current ride was straight fall line stuff where it's weight would let me just let it go and plow.. but my current bike seemed to ride just as well in those situations anyway. And then I had to turn... and it lost me again.

I'm 43 right now... maybe in another 10 or 15 years if I don't keep my fitness up and/or they get a lot lighter? I'm also currently into Enduro racing (about 8 a year... well, not this year, haha), so maybe after I stop doing that?

Not totally against them, they're great if old age has limited your speed and you can't ride as hard or fast as you used to or if you never got to that level in the first place so it doesn't feel like you're missing anything. Or of course to help you keep having fun even though you have some kind of nagging or chronic injury... I'm sure I'll be there at some point!
  • 15 1
 @eugenux: Is this Waki's new account?
  • 3 0
 @graniteandrew: 14k? Like 14km?
  • 11 10
 @eugenux: I love how people like you can generalize some of the best pros in the sport enjoying ebikes as posers. You're the one thumping your chest here bud, not everyone else. Go somewhere else with your posture.
  • 6 11
flag eugenux (Sep 4, 2020 at 14:52) (Below Threshold)

I'd only wish to be that awesome and witty.

Anyway, islandforlife says is much smarter than I'd ever could; with more calmness and arguments. I get too hot headed on the subject, unfortunatelly..
  • 8 6

The fact of the matter is, you and I and 99.99% of everyone here is not a pro and we don't get paid to be seen riding on bikes for posers and mtb wanbabes.

  • 8 6
 @eugenux: Agree bro. e-bikers need to be stopped. they are a scourge on society. i dont understand why they dont just shuttup and listen to us.
  • 2 0
 @sherbet: Pros are going to enjoy any bike given to them, though. A free bike that you get to go thrash around? I'll definitely take an ebike under those circumstances.
  • 6 0
 @ybsurf: Lol no 14,000 feet. Don't forget we weren't smart enough to adopt a system of measurement easily understood by the rest of the world.
  • 11 5
 @eugenux: exactly, we buy them because we want to ride them, it's not exactly fashionable to pose with an ebike right now.

Meanwhile you're up on your soapbox literally doing the thing you're calling out; posing. Grow up. Let people enjoy themselves. It doesnt change your life.
  • 4 4
 @cuban-b: Because they are fun.
  • 16 8
 @sherbet: pros are riding ebikes because it's literally their job.They're just trying to sell you e-bikes, nothing more. That's why they get paid.

All of the bike industry is jumping on the e-bike train. It's more margin, more spare parts, more people to sell to. Just companies seeing dollar signs
  • 6 4
 @thelibrarybiker: you are misinformed if you think that e-bikes have more margin. There is so little margin that if you only sold e-bikes in your shop and nothing else you would be losing money. Especially when you factor in build time, complimentary servicing and warranty work you really have to work hard to make a penny on these things.
  • 4 0
 @skierdud89: lol ok that's more impressive then 14km ride haha
  • 6 6
 @eugenux: Aww shucks, somebody has their sense of self all threatened by these things. Weird, I guess my 31 years of MTB all just been negated because I enjoy riding Ebikes when I get a chance, and will almost certainly purchase a Levo SL over the winter? The 6 laps I’ll do at Suicide 6 in VT tomorrow (no lift, climb the green) on my ‘17 Enduro, all for naught as Eugene say I’m just a “pretender”. Dang, that’s depressing.
  • 6 6
 @nurseben: Honestly man, when the day comes that you try it, you’ll want to go back in time and smack yourself in the back of the head. Just a warning.
  • 4 10
flag cuban-b (Sep 4, 2020 at 22:42) (Below Threshold)
 @armeniandave: the people shaming others from riding Ebikes are ashamed of riding one themselves (even though they secretly want that ebike ride) lol
  • 2 3
 @jaame: Battery life should be reasonable for a good 4-5 years of regular use. And battery prices are coming down not insignificantly each year too. The economy of scale that's basically hitting now from the electric car paradigm shift will benefit bike batteries directly. Figure if today they have a hypothetical cost of $1/kWh, in 3-5 years I predict $.50/kWh, and I'm likely way too high on that.
  • 4 2
Just because it isn't your case, does not mean it is not majority's case. Stop being a child, this is beyond the individuals. The fact of the matter is, just because you have 30 years of mtb behind you and your ride bc e-buddy has the same, does not mean that for every you, there are not another 1000 wannabes/pretenders, riding trails/mountains they shouldn't!(because, with out the electric help, they would have never been able to venture/ride there..., you know, #pretenders)
  • 3 4
 @eugenux: Yea, sure kid. Show me the data you are drawing this conclusion from. Come on, show it!
  • 3 1
 @eugenux: there aren’t many pretenders laying out that kind of cake for a bike. You know who are? In my experience, it’s the guys who have been in the game for some time. Mostly experienced riders. The noob argument doesn’t really fly for me.
  • 2 2
 @eugenux: username checks out
  • 1 0
 @graniteandrew: What bike and how many batteries did you use? Impressive regardless of bike
  • 2 1
In the center of my country, there is a big town, inches away from the mountains. The biggest bike store in that town, this season has sold medium-high quality full-sups on par with electrics full-susp. Some of my riding buddies in that town got for themselves electrics because the store's plan is to populate the town/riding areas around with electrics so, for that, they give huge discounts, especially(mostly) to local riders.
What I wanted to say is that the average age is mid-30s..in no way shape of form being 50+.
  • 2 3
 @eugenux: So you got nothing I see? Why am I not surprised.
  • 3 2
 In this thread; wah wah people enjoy things I don't.
  • 3 4

Well, like I have said, for every true mtb rider on an electric, there are "1000" wannabes that walk 30% of the downs..usually, the real mtb parts of the trail. Are you, mr. Chuckolicious, a rider or a "walker"?
  • 5 1
 @eugenux: Why does it matter? In the world we live in with all the bullshit constantly surrounding us, is this really the hill you want to die on? There's literally not one point you've raised that is reasonable from an outside perspective. Stop living your life to shit on others, this shit is sad and is really only reflecting on you, not Ebikes homie.
  • 2 2
 @eugenux: Nice. So you just say so, over and over, and magically it becomes fact/data. Man, you're a friggin clown, you know that? Read what Sherbet just said to you. Ignore it at your own peril. Kook.
  • 2 2
 @eugenux: Oh hey kid, as to your question about me, my profile is public, along with my Trailforks. Why don't you decide. Lemme know.
  • 1 2
 @eugenux: LOL. Go on! ‘Walker,’ that’s so brilliant. You sure have a good grasp on the English language. I’m interested in the perspectives of all side here - what other lame terms are e-bikers?
  • 3 2
 @cuban-b: Step back from the computer. Ask yourself why you're commenting. If it's purely to belittle people to entertain yourself, maybe reconsider what you're doing with your free time.

I'm not an ebike rider by any means, but jesus did you get molested by an ebike as a child or something? This level of hate isn't normal.
  • 4 0
 @graniteandrew: I ran 40 miles for my 40th birthday. I guess we like different things.
  • 1 1
 @sherbet: I guess it wasn’t obvious that I’m being daft lol
  • 2 1
 @Chuckolicious: I don't doubt that the price will come down in time. Still, considering it in terms of cost per mile or cost per km is a little too much like a car or motorcycle for my liking. One thing I love about mountain bikes and football is that all the cost is upfront cost. I can run a bike or a football into the ground if I so choose.
Like I say I'm not against ebikes. I would totally have one and probably will when the prices and weights come down in 5-10 years.
  • 2 1
 @cuban-b: Impossible to catch sarcasm in conversations like this, sorry mate.
  • 2 1
 @sherbet: i suppose the ridiculousness of my prose wasnt revealing enough, considering the genuine shit coming out of people's keyboards isnt far off.
  • 1 1
 @jaame: I was just referring to the fear that if/when battery needs replacing it would be super expensive. Heck, an XTR cassette aint cheap and those need replacing more often as a rule.
  • 1 1
 @JSTootell: Question, did you do it again the next day? The day after? So different strokes sure, but let's not pretend we're playing the same game.
  • 1 0
 @nurseben: Maybe for you it's impossible, but I've done it unassisted before, on a single speed, back in my racing days when I had the time to train, it was just a very long day. I highly doubt you can string 5k'+ days back to back to back, but maybe. You mostly sound like a moron who is incapable of recognizing the mechanical assist you use daily(gearing) is the same thing, just a different scale, change is hard the older you get, maybe try it out first.
  • 1 0
 @Chuckolicious: I think I saw that on GMBN. I seem to recall the Don saying that an ebike battery costs about $1000 American and lasts about two years. That vdeo could have been three years old.
  • 2 1
 @graniteandrew: Ehh, point of order, gearing is not the same as any kind of external wattage input. Might feel easier, but you go slower, and same amount of total effort needed to reach the top. That's just dem pesky physics! :-D
  • 2 1
 @jaame: Batteries are usually measured in cycles. So really depends on how often you ride, as well as how careful you are at charging it. I'd be pretty pissed if a Levo SL battery only gave me two seasons of reasonable use.
  • 3 1
 @graniteandrew: Nah. Chill hike with a 1000' climb the next day (Monday, work day). Commuting Tuesday and putting on/testing my new fork Tuesday. Rock climbing Wednesday. 30 miles and 3500' Thursday on the mtb. Etc.

Trust me I know we are not playing the same game.
  • 3 3
 @graniteandrew: no, "You" did 7K, the other 7K was done by your ebike. I don't get how people are so proud of doing x number of laps or sessions or miles on their ebikes. That's like someone gloating they just went 100 miles on their motorcycle.
  • 1 0
 @mtbr-of-soCal: a hundred miles is pretty far on a motorcycle on the way home from work. Pretty decent achievement.
  • 4 0
 @mtbr-of-soCal: you do realize this comment thread is literally over two years old, right?
  • 2 0
 @Chuckolicious: Check his profile. User since 2019 but his only comments listed are on this article 6hours ago? Sus...
  • 2 0
 @skierdud89: That is weird. Could just be a nutcase too.
  • 55 17
 Never seen an e-bike that wasn't shuttled to the trail in the back of truck. Regardless of how often you hear it, leaving the truck at home is not a real thing with current battery capacity.
  • 8 3
 For me it is in Utah, but ya I get your point
  • 7 4
 I don’t think that’s what they were getting at. Think they meant shuttle DH laps on an e bike vs a shuttle vehicle to take you to the top of each run.
  • 5 5
 See lots of guys here riding from town and having a great time....What you say is no different than a regular mountain bike in the back of a truck. BTW, Norco VLT are 640 Watts and you can get an extended battery to get it close to 1000 Watts. As time goes on, capacities will increase as well with new tech.
  • 5 3
 Been riding an e-mtb for two years now and rarely do I drive it to ride. Depends where you live I guess.
  • 3 3
 @Kevindhansen: Begone with you and your reading for comprehension!
  • 4 3
 1000km a month right from home or the whist cabin everytime, who cares really as 80%-90% of riders in Vancouver and Squamish shutle their bikes to the trails every day. Its not really a non-motorized sport now.
  • 1 0
 I do actually have a friend that rides his eBike 20 miles on the road to meet us at the trailhead. My only example though. And if he isn't careful, the battery will die before getting home.
  • 43 20
 Do like the e-bikers around here and do the 20min climb on an e-bike because they're "over 30 years old", or "once had an injury" or any of the other endless surrender monkey excuses not to put in work.
  • 43 3
 "I used to be a ripper like you, then i took a pebble in the knee"
  • 8 2
 @ORAORA: Haha, it's true it's always a knee thing. When I shattered my patella Dr prescribed pedaling as rehab ffs.
  • 11 12
 Easy to say when you're not in their position.
  • 18 3
 @haen: True, it's rough being 30 and having had an injury in your lifetime. Moment of silence.
  • 15 23
flag AndreyNW (Sep 4, 2020 at 13:55) (Below Threshold)
 So the MTB is about work for you? For me and people I know it was always about fun. To each his own, I suppose.

I have nothing against puritans like you trying to atone their sins and "earn" their fun, but please leave the normal people out of your sad little cult.

I knew the US is a country founded by religious fanatics. Is Canada just as bad? You always have to feel you "work" for everything to feel good about yourself? Sigh.
  • 1 5
flag skierdud89 (Sep 4, 2020 at 14:02) (Below Threshold)
 The fact your comment currently appears under @tamichaels makes you look like a total clown.
  • 13 8
 @AndreyNW: Oh, so as long as something is fun you should just get to do it without question. There are some non motorized trails I'd love to take my dirtbike on, it sure would be fun. I'm sure it's "fun" to blast up a two way trail with 400w of assistance and create a higher closing speed for everyone else on the non-motorized trail.
  • 13 6
 agree. im not anti e-mtb but the reason pro athletes get over horrific injuries is not because they have super human healing, its because they believe they will get back to full strength and put in the work. Its all in the mind. Just because you have a funny knee and abit of a belly is a poor excuse when theres people in their 80s finishing iron man events haha
  • 7 9
 @i-ride-things: Oh man thanks for the advice! I'm gonna go tell my orthopedic that the missing cartilage in my knees is actually just in my mind.
  • 10 6
 @skierdud89: I mean, the fact you're offended by some random comment online kinda supports my point. Maybe travel to a 3rd world country and watch locals carrying 40kgs up and down mountains in a pair of flip flops. It will give you abit of perspective.
  • 10 5

Then change the orthopedic with a better one; mine told me to muscle up and take the pressure off so what the #youknow are you talking about. That's such a lame excuse. My G.O.D., all of you americans are like that?, reading the comments, I'm inclined to think so.
  • 6 6
 @i-ride-things: lol I never said I was offended. You're the one with a naive understanding of medical science not me.
  • 7 5
 Yup. I’d love to see a some of the e-bikers explain their ‘Needs’ to this guy.

  • 6 7
 @alreadyupsidedown: you mean the manufactured needs that e-mtb haters seem to keep spouting? If someone rides an e-MTB, or any type of mountain bike for that matter, its because they want to. And my guess is that's because its fun, which is kind of the point of biking for most MTB'ers I would hope.
  • 5 7
 dirka dirka, ebikes bad, pedal like a roadie right?
  • 3 6
 Come on up to Squish anytime and show us how a real climber would do it on our climbs we do, we got an e-bike for ya, we just need you to show us how, anytime, we love to learn, when shall we do it? easy to get a hold of....
  • 5 3
 @texag: @texag: I don't see where you read that in my comment. I dislike when people are resentful of others when they feel the others did not "earn" their fun. Whether the fun is wise and prudent is a different question.

Comparing the e-bikes and motorbikes is so disingenuous, it's just a cheap way to side step the issue.
Are they comparable in weight? Are they comparable in speed?
One can confuse the general public by calling them both "motorized" (which is technically correct),
but nobody on this forum is fooled by this.

Should e-bikes be prohibited on some of the two-way trails due to safety reasons?
Maybe, one can at least make an honest argument for it.
But what is the argument for banning them on a one-way trails?
If it's a climbing trail, the unassisted bike going at 4mph will be passed by an e-bike going at a neck-breaking speed of (gasp) 7mph. Is it a safety issue?
If it's a downhill trail, we all know the speed is limited by the skill of the rider and not the bike, assisted or not.
The speed difference is of significance on flattish trails of low technical difficulty.
Not many MTB trails fit that description. I don't remember last time I rode one.

Trail wear?
That extra 15-20lb of weight is suddenly a critical consideration?
So a fit and strong 200lb guy shredding on a 30lb unassisted bike causes smaller trail wear than a not-quite-as-fit 140lb woman on a 50lb ebike going the same speed? No. But the guy just "deserves" it more?

Will people on ebikes ride longer distance than on regular bikes? Yes, most likely! Either go further into the woods or do more laps. Is is a bad thing? Every MTB organization proclaim its principal goal is "popularizing and promoting MTB use". E-bikes is the largest opportunity to do this.
The MTB trails are not an inherently scarce resource, we can build 10x more if there is support for it. And the more people do MTB, assisted or not, the wider popular support for expanding the trail network.

I just have not seen an argument that did not in the end boil down to "they don't have to work as hard as I do for the same thing therefore they don't deserve it and should not be allowed to".
Thus I am only half joking when referring to the puritan origins of USofA culture.
  • 5 4
 @AndreyNW: My argument is that ebikes are mostly used unnecessarily.
Yes, it might be cleaner to ride 20ebikes up to the trailhead than it is to drive a 20 person van up with all the bikes.. But for many, shuttle riding is only a small portion of total riding.

So the rest of the time, theyre using their batteries to ride stuff they used to ride unaided. And that's a negative for the environment.. That's certainly what I see a lot of in the uk

In my opinion, the environmental price of riding an ebike should only be considered if :

a) you take shuttles so much that ebike shuttling is cleaner..this is changeable of course, because shuttle vehicles will no doubt become cleaner as time goes on, and you'll likely be buying new ebikes as tech moves on too.

or b) you can't manage the pedaling or walking up hills and it will never be achievable for you, so an ebike is necessary for everyday riding
  • 5 1
 @AndreyNW: I do not think ebikes and motorcycles are comparable, I was using a dirt bike on a MTB trail as an example of something that would be fun but almost anyone would agree is a terrible idea. This was done to show how patently absurd the "fun" justification is.

As for the rest of your comment, I don't disagree with you on some points (one way trails) and do on others that you've tried to make too simplistic based off my own experiences. Nuance and thought needs to be applied when determining access for bicycles with motors, especially as the ability of the batteries to provide power the riders are incapable of producing on their own will rapidly increase, and thus the ability to ride with the max level of assist for longer and longer times. If you don't think this will increase conflict on some very crowded trails (CO front range where I ride) you are burying your head in the sand.
  • 1 2
 @texag: Please read more carefully, I have never said that "fun" justifies everything. You can stop beating that dead horse.

My problem is with the entire notion that folks need to justify their recreation. People may bike for different reasons (fun, self-punishment, nature communion, etc) but they sure do not feel they need to justify it. Unless they think they will be ones setting the standards.

So you think eMTB is pushing it? How about that full suspension bike of yours? Can you justify using it instead of a hardtail? One can say that you have no business to ride the full suspension on the trails you can ride on a hardtail. Or at least somebody can. If you cannot, you just need to train harder and develop your skills. No full suspension for you. You already ride hardtail? Well, can you justify that suspension fork of yours? You surely don't "need" it. You can prove to yourself that virtually everything can be ridden on a bike with no suspension by consulting the youtube.com.
Can you justify biking at all? It's a very unnatural mode of locomotion. And it's surely quite dangerous as compared to walking.
Do you see what I mean?

@nordland071285: this comment is addressed to you as well. ALL bikes are used "unnecessarily". Both unassisted bikes and eMTB. So my response to "e-bikes are mostly used unnecessarily" is "so what?"

The only justification worth talking about is the marginal public safety. That is, does eMTB is significantly more hazardous than the unassisted biking?

I don't have eMTB. Yet. But I know many people who would go riding (instead of staying home) if they had one, So I am happy to see folks on e-bikes riding along.
  • 3 1
 @AndreyNW: ebikes have a motor. I don't think they belong on non motorized trails. Pretty easy distinction to make. I see that you can make weak arguments in favor of not having a line at which things stop.
  • 21 1
 Coming from someone who was left paralyzed from mountain biking (C6 Spinal cord injury) but is lucky enough to walk let alone bike again (with one working hand and most of left side still weak/paralyzed), there's an untapped market for folks like myself rather than focusing on "lazy riders that are just not strong enough." If 75% of my left leg wasn't "turned off," I'd be peddling all day. It's those moments where you just need that extra kick over an obstacle when climbing or else I'll tip over (and cannot catch myself because my right leg is only at about 50% of original strength.) With that being said, I have not tried an e-bike yet, but with bikes like the Turbo Levo SL, it's cool to see the progression of them and what they might be in the future for folks like myself. We are not all trying to be moped riders uphill.
  • 11 10
 Clearly this isn’t about you, so no need to get offended.

Please defend the use of assistance for able body folks, it’s beneath you.
  • 10 5
 I completely agree that ebikes are a great option for those who have some type of physical limitation that may otherwise be able to participate to a full level with a standard bike. I'm all for that..

Don't see how it can't be fun riding a powered mountain bike flying up a hill/mountain. However, I think having a bunch of fully capable riders flying up shared trails with other trail users (other bikers, hikers and horses) in no way is beneficial to the sport/image.

I always wonder, would ebikers and other feel it was fine if I put a small gas powered motor on a mountain bike that helped with my pedaling uphill? I really think most would say absolutely not, but for some reason because the motor is electric, people seem to accept having people use motors just because they are quiet.
  • 4 2
 @kwcpinkbike: This isn't really a new issue. Some riders climb faster than others. Some trail users like to play music others have to listen to. Many trails allow multiple types of users. It's called trail etiquette, and that honestly depends on the individual not how they use a trail.
  • 7 3
 @nurseben: Not getting offended, just giving some additional perspective about their usage and need for the people that are so anti-e-bike. Sorry, though. I'll do my best to not have an opinion anymore.
  • 9 3
 @robcartwheel: trail etiquette is right! You'll have riders on normal bikes that hate the idea of yielding to the uphill rider and almost run them off the trial but then hear them complain about how ebikes are gonna ruin the sport. The type of bike isn't the problem it's the individual.
  • 1 0
 Funny since I have had my ass handed to me in mountain bike races and triathlons with people missing limbs. But yeah...I don't think this pole is targeting people who are in your demographic.
  • 25 3
 What an oddly contrived premise for a poll.
  • 15 3
 Agreed. You can tell this is really geared to legitimize e-bikes, comparing it to shuttling as if they were the only options.

How about I just ride my bike?
  • 32 15
 Lap with a shuttle company: ~$20
Self shuttle with eMTB: $12,000 + eSHAME

I may change my tune as age and injuries keep stacking up, but in the meantime I'm happy to leave the advances in accessibility technology to those who need it.
  • 4 4
 12 k ebike ??? Wha ?
Not every dentist rides S WORKS brah...
  • 9 8
 @Rosemount: Not to mention that $20 buys you one shuttle. Maybe. An e-mtb buys you shuttles 24/7.
  • 4 7
 What about the cost of that shuttle bike. Thats $20 a shuttle. Never seen a $12k ebike. They the same price as other bikes.
  • 5 6
 Hmm... so those times I ride an Ebike and session some crazy stuff while on a trip, that feeling I get is called eSHAME?
  • 5 0
 @slayerdegnar That is not true at all. Specialized Turbo Levos cost at least $2000 more than a Stumpjumper. The most expensive Levo is $13500. The cheapest is $5000 and comes with the almost the cheapest build spec possible
  • 2 1
 @slayerdegnar: Well, one of the local shuttles I occasionally do (rarely, because I prefer to pedal) is $30 for a trail that takes most people 3+ hours. Pedaling up (which I do) is a 25 mile, 5000' climb. I have never seen an eBike do that climb. But I have seen eBikes take the shuttle.

Mammoth and Snow Summit lift tickets are about $45 for the day. I also see people taking eBikes on the lift, only once seen an eBike pedal up Summit (I also skip that lift mostly and pedal up).
  • 1 3
 @JSTootell: So you in CA? If you've ever done Mt Hough, last year while going up in the van we saw a couple on the then new Canondale E-MTBs climbing. Everybody gave them cheers! And that's a big long hard climb.
  • 1 2
 @Chuckolicious: I had to look that up. California is a huge state, that trail is 9 hours away. By comparison, St George Utah is 5 hours from me (same as Mammoth). I couldn't find any real good info on what that climb is like. But here is my example:

www.strava.com/activities/2049290340 (shuttle)
www.strava.com/activities/2360397038 (non shuttle)
  • 1 2
 @JSTootell: Nice, I think I actually rode that a couple years back, some locals took me. Yea, Mt. Hough is like a 30 min van shuttle up a forestry road. Pretty long, but I guess within the range of an Ebike. Something like Ashland or Oakridge OR probably too long without a range extender.
  • 16 2
 I don't understand why PB would post this arbitrary "what if" other than to stoke internet flame wars and a lot of online BS nonsense. For an organization that has stated recently (and repeatedly) that they want to actively fight gender, race and other forms of discrimination and ignorance, this is... disappointing.
  • 13 4
 2010 Toyota Prius shuttle vehicle, had 4 beating hearts + bikes hitting laps about 2 weeks ago. Cuts the average MPG from ~45 to ~40. Even with an eBike the shuttle trails would be a long ride to the top.
  • 5 2
 This is awesome. I've got a hitch rack on the back of my econo-box too.
  • 6 2
 @mobiller: two on the tray, two on the roof, four seats in the car. shuttle vehicle doesn't have to be a truck
  • 5 1
 Omg, same vehicle here. I got Thule roof racks on mine, the mpg does drop a bit when "off roading".... Got that buggar stuck a few times
  • 5 1

Wait, I thought the Toyota Tacoma was the only vehicle capable of this? What if you have to drive over some pebbles?

f*ck it, gotta buy a 4x4 Sprinter van.
  • 2 0
 I removed the back seats of my Fiesta (little economy hatch). Car is always loaded with camping and biking gear. I can carry two bikes on the rack and one inside. Did the trip to Sea Otter last year that way with my GF, racing two different bikes.

Currently still the car I take out camping every weekend right now. THough I will be trading with my ex wife soon, her F150 for my car. But I don't shuttle, just ride solo.
  • 18 10
 I would rather E-Bike than Shuttle.

1. Better for Environment
2. Less time stuffed in a car
3. More time on bike
4. Mores areas to access and lap
5. Even if it is assisted you are earning your turns with a pedal up
6. Don't need a truck and/or multi bike rack
7. Can go it alone
  • 14 9
 No way ebikes are better for the environment. I’m no shill for O&G by far. New shit = bad for environment. Your better off driving your 90s Taco to the top with your buds than buying a bunch of new electronics every 2 years. No Pebble Mine!!
  • 6 2
 Dunno if it's better for the environment when ebike ppl probably have a regular bike too and you gotta a mine the earth for the batteries and eventually throw out and replace battery
  • 5 7
 @Dogl0rd: Batteries are 100% recyclable, and that's after the cells are repurposed for stationary storage. All due respect, but educate yourself on the topic. It's actually pretty cool stuff.
  • 6 2
 @Chuckolicious: I don't think it is 100% dude, but its pretty high.
That said, it's not an excuse to add batteries to your bike when you don't need the help
  • 5 3
 @Chuckolicious: false, and even if so, they still have to be mined and built son
  • 4 6
 @Dogl0rd: False? So my area of expertise doesn’t exist? What the heck is wrong with you? Not like a second of Google won’t fill you in.
  • 4 5
 @nordland071285: Virtually 100%. Like wit the other guy, don’t take my word for it, just take a moment with Dr Google.
  • 6 4
 @Chuckolicious: recyclable doesn't mean there is no energy cost. Recyclable doesn't mean the recycling actually happens. And it's like I said, you're still adding another bike to the quiver which is additionally wasteful
  • 4 6
 @Dogl0rd: You're splitting hairs now, poor form. Here's an example of what is happening right now. And the fact that these packs use 18650 and 21700 cells makes them even more valuable for second life storage applications and ultimate recycling. www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/how-china-is-cornering-the-lithium-ion-cell-recycling-market And for your final remark, just stop being a silly person, mmmkay?
  • 5 4
 @Chuckolicious: how is it splitting hairs? obviously if you are talking about recyclability you are concerned with waste. Another bike is a lot more waste and most recycling doesn't get handled properly. lots of things can be recycled that arent. Ebikes are additional waste, not splitting hairs at all
  • 4 7
 @Dogl0rd: Oh man, sure you are. Silly statements like "recyclable doesn't mean there is no energy cost." are a sure tell that you're just being disingenuous and disagreeable. Yea, Cpt. Obvious, the laws of thermodynamics still apply. And ok, then if you are sticking to your position on the additional bike thing, look around you right now. How many things do you have that the majority of the population of the planet would consider frivolous and wasteful? I'll hazard a guess and say... most of that stuff around you. All you need is shelter, food, and water. Anything else is superfluous and wasteful. There, reductio ad absurdum complete. Shesh!
  • 6 3
 How is that a silly statement? E-bikes impact on the environment is exactly what we are discussing. The dude said e-bikes are better for the environment than shuttling. That's not so obviously true when you add a bike to your quiver. It's not splitting hairs, it's on message. But keep calling me silly and childish names as if thats actually an argument that counters my points
  • 3 7
flag Chuckolicious (Sep 6, 2020 at 9:40) (Below Threshold)
 @Dogl0rd: I countered all your points, with links included. You can pound sand all you want to continue your own internal narrative, I have no control over that. Thing is, reality has a way of making the lives of people like you really, really tough. My sympathies...sort of. So in the middle of the night, when you get up to piss, and you look at yourself in the mirror, consider your reality.
  • 5 1
 @Chuckolicious: dude seriously you're going off topic getting into my personal life. the discussion was about ebikes being better for the environment and you're like trying to shame me for having an opinion that is different from yours, as usual
  • 7 2
 @Chuckolicious: just because we have loads of things we dont 'need' doesn't mean we should add more? The only people I can see using ebikes and it resulting in being cleaner for the envoronment are those who use shuttles every weekend..
Where I live, the majority of e bike riders I meet benefit 4 times a year from not having to use the shuttle on their infrequent bikepark trips. The rest of the time, theyre using battery power to ride trails they didn't need batteries for before.. And they had to buy that new bike in order to do that.
So overall imo its negative for the environment
I don't see your problem with doglords comment about the energy taken to make batteries.. It all has an effect on the environment doesn't it? And if those batteries are being used unnecessarily by most, then that's still less eco friendly than not using them.. whether they can be recycled 100% or not
  • 4 2
 @nordland071285: exactly nordland, but he dropped a link about recycling so he's right no matter what you say...don't waste your time
  • 1 4
 @Dogl0rd: Yea, I know, right? A link to a piece on the massive recycling China is doing is just nonsense. The mentioning of the two different kinds of cells and their value for stationary power storage is just nonsense. I'm just someone who thinks I'm right about everything, and expertise and facts count for nothing. Gotcha. Man, I guess y'all are just way too woke for me, I'm humbled by your omnipotence and my science and data is now rendered irrelevant. I'll just wander off into the desert now.
  • 1 3
 @nordland071285: Hmm... you seem to have missed the bit where the only thing I called into question was his assertion that the batteries are thrown out. I made no claims as to the broader issue of consumerism, it's actually he who did. I called it out as the endless debate which is ultimately rendered in a reductio ad absurdum. So, you seem to have all of it backwards. Maybe re-read what was posted and then we can engage in reasoned discourse?
  • 1 4
 @Dogl0rd: Nope, only took issue with your assertion that the batteries are just thrown out. Everything else was a product of the narrative running in your head. It's right up there, in writing.
  • 3 3
 @Dogl0rd: I guess any argument will due eh?
  • 3 5
 @nordland071285: so we should probably give up on electric cars, laptops, tablets, phones and vibrators to eh?
  • 3 2
 @platnum: electric car -yes if you can ride to work or take an electric train/bus instead.
Laptops/tablets/phone - sure, if you don't need these devices?
I need my phone so I keep it charged
  • 19 10
 You missed the "neither, I'll just do the same loops I did on my normal bike at almost the same speed and get fatter" option.
  • 11 3
 getting downvoted but this is how most people in my area use their ebikes...
  • 3 4
 That would be "XC racing".
  • 14 7
 I am honestly astounded by the number of people who would prefer to shuttle than pedal an e-bike to the top... I don't own an e-bike, but I can't imagine preferring sitting in a car to riding your bike if it means getting just as many laps in.
  • 11 4
 I would rather shuttle, as I would prefer not to compromise the descent (fun) part of the ride with a much heavier bike, just to have more saddle time getting up the hill.
  • 14 3
 Put the pedal option in, let's see how that one goes.
  • 10 3
 When I demoed an e-bike I managed to beat the shuttle truck to the top off the hill almost every time. e-bike on climbing trail vs shuttle truck on brownout effectively decommissioned FSR, I would take the e-bike every time.
  • 13 7
 It seems like a lot of the reason why North Americans struggle to see the appeal of e-bikes has to do with terrain. You guys have big mountains for sure, but the Alps are steep. Where I live at 1800ft I look pretty much straight up at the mountains, bikes are allowed on almost all walking trails and there are a lot of them! Basically every trail in my valley below 8000ft is rideable it's just a question of getting up there, and the upper trails have the best view. Now I'm all up for a big pedal but it's rare that I have the time or the legs to do 5000+ ft of climbing in a day. Imagine you live here...is e-biking still cheating?
  • 12 12
 And because of those like you, some trails in the Dolomites will be close to mtb-ing; probably soon, other trails in the Alps and then, for sure trails in Swiss; then, you can take your beloved electric and shove it up your...sorry, and ride it on wide, smooth, purposefully build trail. As for the real mountain trails, you'll "ride" them with your feet.
  • 11 5
 Climbing in the Alps wasn’t a problem ten years ago, now it’s a problem, curious.
  • 9 8

Go and see for yourself all the idiots in summer holiday "equipment" on rental electrics and their serious nasty behavoir to all of those who use/are riding/hiking on those trails. It is already a well known problem.
  • 6 2
 @eugenux: firstly I don't know what you mean by "people like me" I don't own an e-bike, I'm just saying that where I live owning one makes sense. Don't know about the dolomites but in Switzerland the trails are officially shared between bikers and hikers and it's a relationship that works well the vast majority of the time, of course there are always certain trails that are overused and become eroded, whether that's from hiking, mtb or emtb but that's what happens when you use a trail and that's why trail maintenance is important. But it's pretty rare that I meet other people out on the trails and I'd say around me the bigger problem is trails becoming overgrown because of lack of use!
  • 7 4
 @nurseben: climbing isn't a problem at all, if I ride flat out uphill on a normal bike for 1 hour I can gain 800m of vertical, if I ride flat out uphill on an ebike for one hour I can gain 1500-2000m of vertical. Both are climbing, both will be hard work, in fact the downhill on the e bike will be twice as long so in fact e biking is more of a workout if you think about it
  • 2 0
 5000' day is just a regular mountain bike day for me. I'll do that after work on a Thursday (though normally closer to 3000').

8000+ is a more appropriate weekend ride. But I guess we don't have mountains in North America? (I live at 600', live next to a 10000' peak).
  • 2 1
 @JSTootell: sick! I wish I had the time to do that too! No, like I say you guys have big mountains but they're not as steep as the alps, I lived in the Rockies before and the mountains there are huge but the valleys are much wider and the subalpine generally slopes up quite gently. I'm just saying it seems as though Europe has embraced the ebiking a bit more than the states and I think differences in geography and trail access could be a factor
  • 9 1
 If there's a path for an e-mountain bike to get up, or a shuttle to drive, I'll pedal my bike up that path! There's no such hypothetical world...
  • 7 6
 Do you understand what hypothetical means? I don't think you do...
  • 13 3
 Another e-bike filter failure.
  • 8 2
 This pole shows exactly how many closet ebikers supporters there are. Times are changing. This same question a few years ago and it would of been mainly "shuttle" Ebikes have gotten a lot better where you don't really sacrifice that much on the downs and fly up to do it again.
  • 6 0
 I think that pinkbike is also working to expand their readership. Bike companies (and pinkbike) make a lot more money selling ”downcountry” and ebikes to the majority of people than they do downhill bikes to people who buy a new one every 7 years.
  • 4 1
 My point here is I don’t think this is entirely people changing their minds, I think it’s a mostly new group of people voting.
  • 1 2
 @mdpetrie: Maybe you're right, hard to say. But I know from my close friends who love to MTB dissed on ebikes for a while, I was one of them. But once we actually started riding them and realized how much fun they were we all shut-up. Some of us purchased them. I think thats where a lot of the changes has happened.
  • 8 2
 I switched over from mx in highschool because I liked the lighter tighter riding you get on a shuttled dh bike... and have since moved into most other forms of mob as well. If I wanted a motor I'd go back to dirt bikes and fully plan to head that way when I'm too old/broken to enjoy my non-motorized mtbs and will toodle around the country side on my over built bmw adventure bike like a good geezer. Until then sign me up for the ride and comradery that comes with the shuttle.
  • 3 1
 KTM better
  • 2 0
 I came from motorcycle road racing to bikes. I would also rather get another track bike. THough, I am more looking into a track car (Miata).
  • 6 1
 I think the debate is really a look at personal values. I began riding seriously when i saved up and bought my first Rockhopper in middle school around 91’ The sport has went through lots of growing pains. I have considered an e-bike for my year round commutes here in Colorado, but in the end decide against. Mostly because of how the emtb scene is represented here. I do feel many of us paid in discomfort to be on the trails, and when a new comer wizzes past on a climb not saying anything and scaring you... well. Trail use between riding disciplines is the reason for contention. As a dh and free rider first i feel in the end it’s roadies who really suck Wink I do think us seasoned riders should kindly educate the new folks on trail use, after all we all were new at some point. Besides all riders deserve some joy in this sometimes crappy world, except roadies who deserves flats after every third mile Wink
  • 9 2
 How is "Imagine a world where you can have a pedal bike but you aren't allowed to pedal it uphill" not too stupid a hypothetical to pose?
  • 7 2
 Imagine this: The year is 202X and the world is a very different place. Mountain biking is still a thing, but your tires have to be either less than 2" wide or more than 3" wide. It's either one or the other, or you just don't ride anymore.
  • 8 3
 At first i thought i'd have to let go of my "moral obligation to shun the eMTB" because i ride everyday and i didn't think i'd be able to arrange a shuttle daily. But, in this new hypothetical world there will be hundreds of people needing shuttles and therefore many will seize the biz opp and there will be commercial shuttles at basically any common spot.

So i may continue to shun e-bikes... I'm proud of myself...
  • 5 0
 Shuttle. Or earn your turns. The problem I see with ebikes is that they are getting more and powerful with longer lasting batteries. Eventually riders are going to figure out that it is almost as much fun to roost up the trails as it is to go down. If you have ever ridden a dirt bike at mcnutt you will know how much a motor changes the trail. Smooth flowing single track with fun hits turns into a rutted rocky mess. Fun on a dirt bike but much less so on a pedal bike
  • 4 0
 I haven’t read every single comment, so hopefully not repeating anyone here...I’ll take shuttle any day of the week. It keeps the social aspect of riding intact... you get to bomb down the trails with your pals and get stoked about it chatting back and forth on the shuttle ride back up, it’s pretty hard to beat that.
  • 15 7
 Where is the I just pedal to the top regardless of shuttle access.......
  • 5 6
 That wasn’t the question.
  • 6 5
 @platnum: no but it should have been.
  • 2 0
 @mtbman1980: I have been pedaling up Snow Summit here in SoCal all summer. I'd rather pedal up for an hour than sit in a lift line for 30 minutes, then take 15 minutes to the top.
  • 4 0
 In just a few short years we’ll be able to shuttle with electric pickup trucks and then this antiquated comparison will stop being mentioned. I ride real bikes and an Ebike and love them both. Also like my Tundra 4x4 but as soon as I can get a 4x4 electric truck or van I will.
  • 4 1
 100$ refundable deposit to reserve your cybertruck for 2021. Beast of a truck.
  • 2 0
 @DhDWills: I actually thought that was like an April Fool’s joke. Something like the Rivian is way more appealing to me.
  • 1 0
 @tsn73: To each his own. I like the cybertruck more....longer range and bigger tow capacity and payload. And tesla has a big head start on the way to self driving. When true self driving hits the cars with it will be worth a ton.

But we can bond over our love of Tundras. Mine is a 2005. I'm the only owner, only 120,000 miles. I thought I'd never need another truck. But now I want to tow a monstrous trailer around to sleep and shit in, so I want something bigger.

I am also moving to Baja. I don't think any electric cars can make that drive....
  • 1 0
 @DhDWills: I must drive way too damn much. My 2012 car has 165,000 miles!
  • 6 1
 It's early days in this poll, but it's surprising to see them neck and neck.

Question for PB poll overlords, do people who have ebike content filtered out see this poll?
  • 7 11
flag norona (Sep 4, 2020 at 13:28) (Below Threshold)
 ebike content is not filtered by very many, the haters love to hate, its why they are constantly hanging around and commenting. It's a classic case of, their life sucks, so they project hate....e-bikes are just what they can hate here.
  • 8 2
 Yes, I have e-bike content filtered and this still shows up.
  • 6 10
flag norona (Sep 4, 2020 at 20:11) (Below Threshold)
 @texag: If you are a grown adult, then ignore it, you still clicked on it, don't be a baby!
  • 4 4
 @norona: this infant was answering a question in an attempt to edify why people were so annoyed in the comments. You could've learned too, since I believe you were spouting off that this post wasn't showing for people with e-bike content filters on.
  • 5 0
 @texag: sorry I should have thanked you for answering me! So a belated thank you to you. I was curious to see if the pole was open to everyone regardless of filters as I thought the 50/50 split was interesting. Ebikes got me back into riding and next month I'm picking up a regular analogue full-squish.
  • 5 0
 ebike, but with the battery run flat. I love suffering... or can I get shuttle to the bottom & ride up? yeh I'm twisted..
  • 4 1
 I haven't ridden a recent E-bike but it looks like they have improved tremendously in the handling department. I guess I would rather enjoy the sights and sounds of nature on the way up as long as the way back down is still fun.
  • 4 1
 Usually hard pass on both. Living in the Durango, CO area nothing beats a hard climb followed with a badass descend. Its a good days ride and a great workout. But, just descending, id shuttle. Hard to justify spending that much money on a emtb. I could either purchase a moto bike for them dollars or save money by purchasing a new trail bike.
  • 3 0
 I get why people do e-bikes but I like shuttles for the big stuff, gives you a great break on the way back up where you get plenty of banter.

That and the local shuttle companies (here) put a lot of time, money and effort into maintaining the trails that they provide the runs for.
  • 5 3
 I live and ride on Vancouver Island, so there's not many places shuttling is feasible anyways. Right now, the only way to the top of most of the good stuff is unassisted leg power, but there's a few really remote places where eShuttling would be an option without tweaking people too hard.
  • 12 6
 HTFU and earn your turns.
  • 8 3
 I ride XC and enjoy riding the up as much as the down. The survey is missing the ride up hill option.
  • 3 7
flag dlxah (Sep 4, 2020 at 13:24) (Below Threshold)
 That's the ebike option. Put the assist on the lowest setting or turn it off if you want.
  • 12 3
 @dlxah: For me, an e-bike does not make sense for XC riding.
  • 3 3
 @John-bikeguy: Of course it doesn't, but that's not what we're talking about here. Did you read the article?
  • 4 4
 @dlxah: people seem to be struggling with the term 'hypothetical'...
  • 19 12
 fuck ebikes
  • 9 7
 There’s a fresh take
  • 6 4
 If it is the only 2 options I have to get to the top I will choose a shuttle everyday of the week, but in reality my loner ass will be pedaling to the top because a lack of friends and a vehicle. (Im not a fan of e bikes thumbs down to em)
  • 7 5
 I've never e-biked, but e-bike no doubt. I enjoy a shuttle day as much as the next guy, except for:

* waiting at the bottom for an hour because there aren't enough shuttles

* getting your bike off the shuttle last, and getting stuck behind everyone and his mom at the start of the trail

* getting your bike destroyed by the metal pedals on the bike next to you

* paying $50. BTW I have no problem supporting the trail associations, and I do.

I get the social aspect of shuttling, but you can have that same social aspect e-biking up the road, especially if you're not gasping for breath. And that way everyone's naturally spread out on the trail.
  • 3 4
 Uh you could also just shuttle me with a few friends and your own truck? Lol
  • 5 2
 I currently shuttle. I have a truck that can take 7 bikes and 6 people. It's fun but most times I would prefer to ride a lone. For all everyone who hates people, e bikes are the answer to shuttling.
  • 6 2
 "In this hypothetical future there's no way to pedal a non-motorized bike to the top"

Yeah, no.

Dirt bike or BMX it is then.
  • 15 9
 e-bikes are the donald trump of bikes
  • 2 0
 id rather ride with friends than ride alone. If the poll indicated if I had to ebike solo or shuttle with friends id shuttle. If I could ebike with my homies id choose that option. I like riding up and down, ebike or not. That being said Ive shuttled my share of Kamloops and Squish and had a great time in the process.
  • 6 0
 Where I live we have people shuttling Ebikes
  • 4 2
 Shuttle for sure, tesla electric truck, I don't want to be that guy going up a downhill trail. If I am pedalling up its on a service road or other appropriate uphill route. I want the nimble fun that I get on my enduro. I'm over big fat heavy bikes.
  • 3 0
 Can I ride a real bike down, or does that have to be an e-bike, too?

And can me and a couple of friend shuttle up in an electric car, making it the best option environmentally, or does the shuttle have to be gas-powered?
  • 10 6
 Emtb because shuttle wouldn't reach the majority of trails I'd want to ride.
  • 9 8
 @toast2266 I don’t know about anyone else but my Meta power handles great. The new range I’ve had the opportunity to ride a few times also handles great. So not sure what you’re basing that on or if you’re a hater just pulling shit out of your ass.
  • 8 6
 Aye, my merida is pretty damn good, gonna be slackening the front end out a touch but the weight isn't really noticeable, I can jump it with more confidence as its more stable in the air.
  • 3 11
flag eugenux (Sep 4, 2020 at 14:12) (Below Threshold)

Both are pigs and ride crap. Merida can't make a bike ride decently even if the future of the company would depend on it.

Goes to show what I always "preached"; electrics users know exactly shite about riding if shites on wheels like that merida is considered a good "bike". Try riding good bikes for a change and then give an opinion.
  • 6 3
 Ok. I've been riding 15 years, and had various high end brands, and came off an intense into it, so I think I've for enough to go off. Considering both bikes mentioned have had rave reviews, both being cited as some of the best handling ebikes in the class, I'm gonna go with you just don't like it and that's fine, but it doesn't make it bad.
  • 4 6
since when intense makes current good bikes?, the last good bike from them must be 10-12 years old by now.
  • 4 3
 @eugenux: 8, it was a ss2, which was one of the good ones, making the dirt 100 list. As I said, the head angle is a touch steep (even though if I'm honest of my riding/terrain it's probably fine, just preference) and I've got 3 possible options, 29er front, 180 fork travel, -1 deg angleset. All 3 do about the same, though only the angleset reduces bb height very slightly and steepens the seat angle, the others raise it and slacken it. Then there's always an offset bushing. And all 3. By my calculations, if end up with a 63.6 degree head angle. I don't need it but I kinda want it.
  • 2 0
 @eugenux: 2014 Intense Tracer was bike of the year and a bike I had
for four years! It was a beast and was awesome and handled everything
and more that I threw at it!! Kinda seems like maybe you haven't actually
ridden one which makes your opinion well just an opinion I guess....
  • 3 5

I know what you are saying; I've played back and forth with angle-set, reach enlargement headsets(I'm still using one on my reactor), off-set bushings and custom links on my beloved well...gt sanction(I have a soft spot for the way that high(-ish) pivot works/-ed in conjunction with that floaty BB. I even sized up in order to have a modern geometry(read reach) feel but...the fact of the matter was, even though if felt bloddy unbreakable(with a 180 in the front and all the geometry changes), it was still old(-ish) design bike and I had to give up on it. Then again, my wagon wheels reactor barely feels any slower, in fact, it is 10-12 to 15-20 seconds on the same trails but, the feeling at the handle bars tells me another story. On some mellower trails, it actually feels faster.

Probably I'll try the Clash and the future freeride-ish bike from nukeproof(the one based on the dissent susp. design) but I do long for a high pivot, rearward axle-path type of bike burly enough to take any DH trail. Too bad no one wants to make interesting bikes, as for a couple of years, Horst has become "free for all".
  • 2 5

Tracer...poser bike v1.1

  • 3 3
 I caught more air than you ever did on on it so! @eugenux:
  • 9 8
 Have to say i'm being slowly converted to e-bike, so many trails in Scotland that have been made available to me with the ebike, still a bit of weight issue though bunny hopping the drains but has enabled me to venture out further
  • 6 8
 eMTB builds upper body strength. You'll see.
  • 14 5
 @Geochemistry: I've seen it, we've all seen it. These days they are at every trail head. "Fit" isn't the general description we'd use.
  • 6 5
 @50percentsure: Funny cause many of the riders I pass on regular bikes I also wouldn't use the word "Fit" to describe them...
  • 5 1
 @Geochemistry: so does rigid single speeding, probably more so than ebiking.
  • 3 1
 @fartymarty: so you're so damn right!
  • 1 2
 @fartymarty: Only if you strap on the twenty pounds of weights.
  • 5 3
 It would be really interesting to know if everyone who votes for shuttling or would not ride has tried an e bike? The same for the people who would not shuttle, have you tried it?
  • 2 0
 Yes. I'll pedal up
  • 13 9
 Pinkbike is really trying to push the ebike content so much that they're trying to take normal biking away from us.
  • 5 3
  • 6 3
 They have to whore themselves out for advertising dollars, they’ll plug whatever they get paid to
  • 1 1
 what ever bro.
  • 1 0
 @Corkster9: Pun intended?
  • 9 8
 I have to say I can see the benefits of EMTB (pedal, not throttle). I don't own one but a friend has a few 150-160mm dual suspension E bikes. Tried em out a few weeks ago.

You can climb SO MUCH faster, even on the flat undulating trails that motor is always pushing. It's a blast.

Down's aren't as much fun, it's a lot of bike to move around. But you actually have fun on ups, so it's a wash.

But the benefit is, you can ride 2-3x even more trail since the ups are draining you 2-3X less.

Also great to tow the kiddo's to the top of the trails.

Yes, I still hate when I get passed by an EMTB'r but I can see the point. More power to em!
  • 11 0
 What I hate most about getting passed by an E-biker is when the seat’s too low. Could y’all at least have the decency to blast past me with proper leg extension!
  • 6 4
 Oh, more power is coming. That is inevitable.

3x more laps, check. 3x more trail maintenance needed? By some magical voodoo, apparently no.
  • 6 2
 @mobiller: I completely agree. In my area we have seen a big increase in E Bikes and they are pumping out lap after lap on the few descending trails we have. I am yet to see one e biker at a trail day putting back into the area they ride.
I don’t hate E Bikes, I just wish with this influx of riders, there would be an influx of trail work volunteers helping to repair the damage to trails caused by all of us.
  • 8 2
 Comments like this always make me scratch my head.

Is climbing not fun?
  • 1 0
 it's like riding a motorcycle on the descents, just takes some getting used to...
  • 1 0
 @sheldonuvic: For some reason, people only ride fireroads to the top. I mostly do to, but occasionally get a nice singletrack climb. Always acoustic.

Also, my legs outlast the batteries. So I don't get 2-3x as much fun.
  • 9 8
 100% Shuttle.....you cant drink beer and smoke herb going back up on your eMTB. My buddy's truck is the ultimate shuttle vehicle....mainly because I don't have to use my truck...LOL! Also eMTB is only cool if your disabled or old and cant ride a normal human powered bike.
  • 3 2
 I've tried e-mtb and as they stand, i just don't enjoy it nearly as much as my normal mtb rides. It's not an ideological thing, i don't care what other people ride, i just don't want it for myself. I see the appeal of getting more laps too but what good is doing double the saddle time if i don't enjoy it half as much.. If and when trailbikes with e-motors reach the 15kg mark, i may be changing my opinion.
  • 3 0
 i get the choice but the best life is 2 bikes, one setup for the chairlift days setup however you like and an eMTB for anything else
  • 5 1
 Picked eMTB, but obviously I'd just ride a normal mountain bike. Those will never cease to exist.
  • 5 1
 I own a bicycle, and it's pretty good at climbing to the top of hills. I would just ride back up...
  • 5 2
 This is too funny. I'm heading up to North mountain, where ebikes are legal. Bringing 2 ebikes so we can retrieve the cars. Faster laps this way.
  • 3 0
 So two riders , two cars? Drive both cars to top, ride down, ride up , repeat and then drive back down? Or leave one car at bottom?
  • 7 3
 I ride my bike every day and have only shuttled twice. I don't understand the appeal to shuttle or emtb
  • 4 3
 In Vancouver you have get to the top of the mountain to ride down. Ride, chairlift or shuttle. For example riding to top of 7th Secret on logging road takes a least an hour. Riding up the road to CBC will take about 90 minutes. Only masochists or the Uber fit can do laps without shuttles or ebikes.
  • 5 2
Needing an e-bike to ride the half hour up the gently sloping fire road at Fromme to 7th would just be sad. Eek

Next Fromme climb try going from Braemer, and on Seymour up a climbing route like Good Sir Martin.
  • 3 2
 @mobiller: One lap easy peasy , multiple laps especially Seymour I would appreciate an ebike.
  • 4 2
 @kingbike2: I'm far from super or even "normal" fit lol, but Braemer climb then 3 laps at top of Fromme is the usual.

One big pedalling zig zag lap of Seymour is usually enough to call it a day, especially with the swarms of bikers and hikers.

Cypress however is a bit of a slog up and I usually partially shuttle. But then it's mega technical kill-you descents that I would definitely not want to be wrestling a portly e-bike on.

I'm sure there's big mountain legal places that assist bikes makes sense, but Vancouver's tiny ultra-technical and crowded mountains seem like an especially poor fit.
  • 4 2
 @50percentsure: last time I rode Half Nelson I was dying on second climb up , two E-bikes blew by me and that’s when I wished I had an ebike.
  • 5 1
 @kingbike2: I enjoy uphill more than downhill, makes Ebikes seem totally useless to me.
  • 2 0
 Occasionally shuttling can be fun. But I enjoy climbing almost as much as descending. And I do enjoy the descent more after I have climbed up it. I think I have shuttled 3 times this year so far. I have also climbed over a half million feet this year, so far.
  • 4 1
 Can we still just ride XC and not have to either shuttle or ebike? I just wanna ride my bike. If not I’ll go for a hike. Shuttle is fun 2-3 days a season.
  • 6 4
 this theoretical future sucks - we must travel thru the quantum realm to another reality where a third option of actually climbing up the hill under our own pedal power still exists...that is all
  • 7 2
 I miss when the ebike filter worked.
  • 5 0
 Ride what you want. But I'm happy to walk my bike up.
  • 5 1
 if only in this strange future someone could invest some sort of cable-driven 'lift' to get you to the top of a mountain.
  • 6 2
 Why am I seeing this pole??? I have the ebike content filter selected??? @Daniel Sapp ????
  • 5 3
 Last year I did both at Blue Mountain, rode my e-mtb somedays and took the lift the others. Both are fantastic. Environmentally an E-Bike kills a shuttle. In this case the future is E.
  • 2 1
 I've almost always met at least a cool riders whenever I've shuttled and when I shuttle I'll have more energy to hit the downhill harder. I've never seen a shuttle service available at all the trails I wanted to ride when I wanted to ride them so an eMtb is in my near future. The right option on the right days are best.
  • 5 1
 I picked shuttle bus because a shuttle bus is like paying for an escort, an e-bike is like buying a rubber doll.
  • 2 4
 Would you be like the worn back tire on the shuttle bike? Stretched in the rear with the only thing remaining is a dried up crusty load of "sealant"?/not judging
  • 2 0
 @won-sean-animal-chin: haha, you have thought about that too much, keep me out of your fantasy.
  • 2 0
 @betsie: ya creeped myself out on that one Smile
  • 4 1
 I just like how a standard bike handles vs. an E-MTB. Literally no problem with them, I just know what's going to be more fun for me.
  • 2 1
 I have three full sus bikes - All Country 120mm, E-mtb 140mm and Full Enduro 170mm.. I'm sure I don't have to say what each bike is for or does well - I just use the best 'tool' for the intended 'job' as the saying goes...I have the most fun on the bike I'm riding at that time! Btw there's no shuttles running anywhere in New Zealand depending on what the Covid-19 level is at any given time.
  • 8 5
 E bike only for the fact you can still blast up after work for a solo lap......or i guess 2.
  • 6 2
 Not that it's my thing, but 6 laps is the shuttle truck norm for after work ride around here.
  • 13 11
 Skewed data collections that will lean toward pro ebike as if you have an ebike content filter on your profile this poll is hidden. Heads up, this is fake polling
  • 11 2
 To be fair, yes, you're right, we did actually plan this at the last Illuminati AGM
  • 6 0
 Except that there is no ebike tag on this poll to hide it.
  • 9 5
 Hmmm...my TR11 or some janky ebike. I'll bring the gas money.
  • 6 5
 Shuttle. Climb days are climb days, shuttle days are shuttle days. Either way I'm not on a goofy overpriced electric bike. Dont care what other people choose to do though.
  • 6 4
 I ebike myself and my 7 yo son up 4500ft of climb using a towwheee from our house.....Way better exercise than shuttling and more time in the woods!
  • 5 3
 The novelty of drinking beers, blasting music and cramming all of your homies into the back of a beater lap after lap after laop will never die. Shuttle laps all day baby.
  • 6 2
 I mean, I'd prefer to be in shape enough to just ride to the top.
  • 5 3
 Almost picked shuttle then remembered I can still slam beers on the way to top because I don't have to do much work on the e-bike.
  • 3 3
 Tbh my decision isn’t environmentally driven....I’d rather shuttle, but I don’t always have a group to do that with. So rather than always make my wife or dad (yes my 73yr old father still shuttles me at 32 lol) do it, I just ordered a decoy.

We’ll see how it goes.

Win win as my dad can use the ebike to ride w me on my normal climbs, and I can use it to self shuttle when it’s hot or I’m lazy. Hoping 50lbs isn’t a total kill joy.
  • 6 6
 My favorite comments are the ones hyperbolically extolling the virtues of ebikes made by the broke and the out of shape, who have neither the funds to buy a proper ebike nor the fitness to ride a regular bike. They someday hope to save up to buy a third hand Haibike and that by the time that happens, ebikes will be “cool” and they won’t have to live in shame.

And before someone else says it, everyone against ebikes is some Strava dork in spandex who hates the disabled and having fun.

I hate this sport. I hate that Pinkbike is jockeying to be first in line for the all expenses paid trip to New Zealand for the next Levo launch when Covid goes away.
  • 6 6
 Ebikes are a lot of fun, and no shame in lapping people a few times as you get 3 -4 times the fun on the downs. Smiles for miles.

BUT, if you have the fitness, after a while they get pretty dam dull. Sure its easy, but you end up riding smoother trails and jump lines all the time. Ever tried throwing an ebike down a dbl black tech line at speed? It sucks!
  • 3 0
 235 comments and 290 who would "rather not ride"......I'm willing to bet there is a correlation
  • 1 1
 Shuttling is not any everyday thing. its great and means a very very long ride down on a great bike that will have in my area ups and downs. Whereas the alternative is a shit ride down and help on every point up. I cant see any benefit shuttle vs e bike.
  • 4 2
 Very "niche" poll, assuming that mountain biking only means getting somehow up a mountain and then ride it down on a bike (and repeat)....
  • 5 1
 I ride up, I ride down, Repeat.
  • 3 1
 I picked shuttle, allthough I have an eMTB. Shutteling is not allways an option, whereas eMTB allways is. If I get the choice though, shutteling is allways preferred.
  • 5 1
 Shuttling an eBike, what else.
  • 4 2
 In bavaria they say: "I'd rather smash my mouth on the corner of a table." sounds funnier in bavarian, but that sums ebike up around here.
  • 4 3
 Where is the answer: "I'll just ride my bike up the mountain like it's supposed to"
- Shuttling is shit for the environment and is lazy af.
- E-biking is fine just not my thing (kinda lazy tho)
  • 2 1
 I usually ride/push up my local DH/Enduro trails but will usually ride everywhere else. I usually wish I had pedal assist when the climbs are big but thats the only time I wish I had an ebike.
  • 7 2
 What a pointless poll
  • 4 0
 Room in the market for an electric shuttle bus.....
  • 3 2
 hey guys posting from the future.. just fyi in the year 202x, social distancing is enforced by law (and the sniper drones) so cramming into a shuttle vehicle is not an option anyway.
  • 4 4
 One day even the pinkbike people will ride and love ebikes... Not so long ago it was hate of different wheel sizes... Ebikes make every ride fun and great... Uplifts take you to the same place, ebikes take you wher ever you choose!!!
  • 5 1
 Option 3: Pedal that shit out!
  • 4 1
 Wow, your trying real real hard to get us to click that we would like to E-bike. Sorry not gonna happen.
  • 2 0
 I am patiently waiting for cyber truck. It will meet me down and drive me back up. That will be time when e-ride meets shuttle ride.
  • 2 2
 Have people ruin your ute , stink it out, mark the seats, slam the doors, scratch the interior with body amor ,serge batteries leaving you stranded , drag the clutch , drive like a test drive , scratch the paint, leave chip packets and trash ,, then offer $1 for fuel or forget their wallet than buy a flash non MTB car . Gets old.
And you wouldn't buy and ebike because you worry some newbie minimalist bike, underbiked pimply faced wimpy opinionated Uni kid with a corse "feelings " ebike's not 'cool'. In really the povo packed , no car, crap geared trihard has no clue "but" gets to hang out with the losers that get bumped from shuttles . ,,,, OK
You can punch out way more DH run on a de restricted Ebike than shuttles if you can actually ride.
  • 1 0
 You make some excellent points, I do appreciate the shuttle and chip in for gas or buy lunch. Also shuttling with a bunch of stinky-smelly sweaty riders crammed together can be kinda gross.
  • 3 4
 @eugenux Thank you so much for clarifying that e-biking is not mtbing. I've been riding and racing mtbs for almost 30 years, my body is hammered, and ebikes help me ride much more than I could before. But now that you have clarified that I have a 'snug' attitude, bring shame to the spirit of mtbing, and actually offend the mountain itself, I will retire and wait quietly to die. Once again, thank you for taking the time to share your insights and wisdom, you are an irreplaceable asset to the mtbing community. God speed.
  • 4 1
 ummm... downcountry anyone ?
  • 10 7
 Somebody's running out of poll ideas ..
  • 18 1
 Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck, or a hundred duck-sized horses?
  • 4 1
 @micahaalders3: The people need to know
  • 3 0
 @micahaalders3: both prospects are terrifying. But I'm thinking the horse-sized duck will be slow and possibly its hollow bones will buckle under their own weight
  • 5 0
 @pmhobson: 100 duck size horses easy. If you've ever been bitten by a regular size duck, the prospects of getting bitten by one 75x bigger is frankly terrifying.
  • 3 0
 @Connerv6: On the flip side, I own an 800 pound horse, and he is barely scary.
  • 2 0
 @JSTootell: Oh are we talking trained, tame horses? I was thinking wild horses, which are bitey and strong and dangerous.

I'm sticking to my guns though. A horse-sized duck will be incredibly low and most importantly, a single target
  • 2 0
 @pmhobson: Good call
  • 7 5
 E-mtb > being stuck in a crowded van with a bunch of sweaty people, especially atm. But chairlift > e-mtb any day
  • 5 3
 I usually ride my ebike to the top with my acoustic MTB on my back, then swap when I get to the top
  • 4 2
 LOL I hope this gets into the podcast top comments.
  • 12 10
 fuk e bikes.how many times are we going to do this. its not mountain biking
  • 6 7
 20 years from now there are gonna be landfills littered with toxic spent eBike batteries. It will get to a point where people will just get a new bike rather than replace the battery. And who's gonna buy used eBikes with a battery thats surpassed its cycle count?

Takes away from the nobility of the sport.
  • 8 4
 You do know that they recycle lithium batteries right.
  • 3 1
 @platnum: yes, there are some programs but not on mass scale. Its a valid concern.
  • 1 2
 @cthorpe: so, I guess we should all stop using our phones and other devices right.
  • 1 1
 @cthorpe: Shimano actually has their own program for recycling batteries.
  • 3 0
 @platnum: like I agreed, there are programs. Access and utilization are a problem. Recycling in general is sadly only used by a minority of consumers of any product/material that is recyclable.

Did you really dwell on my comment for 5 hrs between comments?
  • 3 1
 I would love to know the pedaling ability of eMTB should the battery runout or break.
  • 3 0
 Probably really horrible
  • 6 3
 Imagine this: I’m going to pedal to the top.
  • 10 7
 Why is pinkbike pushing e-bikes?
  • 4 1
 I don't believe they are pushing e-bikes...maybe. These polls seems like the most important thing for the future of the industry. They pull information from a large sample size and gives a great indicator of where to drive success. If the majority of votes on this poll are pro e-mtb, you would have to assume a certain perception of the e-mtbs. Trail access aside, price aside...the precursors to any possible major shift are happening now. Currently, I like the physical challenge of riding a mountain bike powered by my own fitness.
  • 6 9
 Why you click on ebike articles and troll? Nobody pushing but you.
  • 2 4
 because Trek sells e-bikes and Trek is a major Pinkbike sponsor. Pinkbike is a rag.
  • 6 0

I’ve opted out of e-bike content but this still shows up for me, that’s why I clicked on it and commented.
  • 1 0
 @eriv: If it was that important, they would ask if you would give you the third option of "pedal up".
  • 1 0
 @JSTootell: I see your point. It seems like, there is probably an assumption that non-electric e-mtbs are still more favorable, so the goal could be to gather opinions while leaving them out entirely. I guess what I mean by important, is maybe this collection of opnions can seriously contribute to a companies outlook for future development. I am neutral on it all, I'm not pushing any narrative. I think riding mountain bikes is the most fun I have had doing anything, so if technological development is the focus for going forward..so be it. Lots of other things in the world are influenced in the same way.On the other hand, perhaps not. Maybe if there is a certain level of push back for long enough, e-mtbs will stay where they are in the niches they have filled.
  • 7 6
 Stop trying to make e-bikes a thing. Most MTB riders don’t shuttle anyways.

I have e-bikes filtered out, why am I seeing this?
  • 1 0
 Because they keep insisting that we have to like electric bicycles. I'll pedal up.
  • 3 0
 I wish where I lived there was a "hill" big enough to shuttle
  • 2 3
 As opposed as i am to e-mtbs, between the 2 choices the ebike is by far the more environmentally friendly. Also more time on the trail, can go by myself and safer during the pandemic. However, in the poll I checked “rather just not ride”
  • 6 5
 4th option. Earn your down hills. Ebikes are good for one thing. keeping people together. Slower climbers with faster climbers. That's it.
  • 2 1
 You get it
  • 1 2
 Meh, if I climb I like to be on a road bike. It’s not that going downhill isn’t exercise. Probably more full body than climbing.
  • 7 8
 Things are changing... few years, sorry months ago , people would just say “ you cheat, f.offfff”
Now i am seeing a lot of different comments , going in the direction of the ebikes actually !!!!
This is good ,the difference is always hard to accept .same was for 29”... look today
29 ebikes !!!!
Ebikes for life !!!!
  • 4 2
 Shuttles, easier to drink beer, less taking it in the ass from pinkbike and the industry.
  • 3 1
 You get it.
  • 4 1
 The biggest problem here is ego
  • 3 0
 for me I think uplift centres here in the UK are out pricing themselves
  • 5 2
 Shuttle because it makes it a social event.
  • 1 0
 I did 16 miles and 3000' Saturday, 40 miles and 5000' Sunday (both on my 40 pound E29), and 70 flat road miles Monday.

Keep your shuttles and eBikes, I'll pedal up.
  • 2 0
 Good ol shuttle is the best way to go. You get to chat with ya mates. Nothing is as good an uplift day.
  • 4 2
 It's way easier to shotgun a beer on a shuttle.
  • 1 0
  • 17 14
 I love my e-bike
  • 7 5
 Neither, pedal up the damn hill you sissy’s
  • 2 4
 Can't answer in favor of e-Bikes here....
The trouble with replacing your occasional shuttle with an e-Bike climb is that you have to ride an e-Bike.
When the weight / cost / handling penalty of e-Bikes shrinks enough then maybe...

For everyday e-bike riders, isn't every climb a solo shuttle? lol
  • 3 4
 Nothing beats the chill vibes of hopping in the back of a pickup and drinking a beer as you rally up a dirt road. You can also get WAY more vert in in a day of shuttling than e-biking.
  • 6 4
 Why so much anger on Pinkbike? Analog roid rage?
  • 4 2
 I'll take an emtb up but want to swap for a real bike at the top
  • 5 0
 Leave the battery and shed some weight for the down Wink
  • 1 1
 So how the f*ck are you gonna get the ebike down?
  • 3 0
 Both I just want to ride
  • 3 1
 Is there a "shuttle, but use someone else's truck" option?
  • 5 4
 I picked emtb assuming that future ebikes aren't the same gutless pieces of shit they are today and have throttles.
  • 5 3
 That's not even the valid question. This a two different sports.
  • 1 1
 nothing beats a fast dh shuttle day.ebikes have there place but there not dh bikes.the pricing of uplift centres lately is making ebikes very appealing
  • 3 1
 Needs another option: Sick of maintenance? Going back to full rigid.
  • 4 4
 I see no one with ebike going to the top with their bikes, They are all using the shuttle bus or the cable car to reach the summit.
  • 4 2
 Is there something wrong with the e bike filter? Why am I seeing this?
  • 2 5
 Are you really that delicate?
  • 1 0
 and what about alpine runs, where you have to carry your bike hours to the top?
  • 2 1
 People who think emtbs handle like shit just aren't great at riding. These things rip. Ery'day
  • 1 0
 I wish PB would allow gif comments, I'd have that little girl that says "Why not both?"
  • 3 0
 Filter is broken.
  • 8 7
 Battery dies day is over then you are stuck with a 45 pound piece of shit
  • 3 3
 You can get ebikes with good specs so if the battery dies you have a still have good bike that weighs an extra 20 pounds.
  • 3 0
 @kingbike2: Or just ride my bike that doesn't have a battery and never worry about it.

I also pedal up.
  • 7 6
 Cmon PB.....Shuttle!!! music on the way up, a proper bike on the way down
  • 9 0
 If you don't have the tunes on blast while you're on the eBike, are you really electric?
  • 3 1
 @danielsapp: Ha! But true, they do seem to often have a portable speaker blasting music into the woods...
  • 2 1
 I’m with Reese Wallace. No Pleign, no gain!
  • 1 0
 @phxaz128 any insight on this question?
  • 6 1
 If I had to choose, then ebike to the top but hey whatever people want to do. So long as people are out riding and enjoying themselves, that’s what matters to me.
  • 1 0
 EEE z are good .EEE z are Ebenezer good
  • 3 2
 @wibblywobbly you could always give the sport up if you hate so much
  • 4 2
  • 1 0
 I like how the thumbnail is an e-bike called the shuttle
  • 5 4
 Shuttle- ebikes are heavy.
  • 1 2
 Trucks are heavier
  • 4 2
 plain stupid
  • 1 1
 rather ride normal MTB. but i can understand the fun of EMTB or shuttles. time will come in 20 years.
  • 3 4
 I imagine a lot of people who voted shuttle have never tried an amazing enduro e-bike (RM instinct power play, Norco sight VLT); they’re a blast and not just for 50+.
  • 2 1
 i picked shuttle. more shuttle = better health overall.
  • 2 1
 Don’t be homo, take a heli.
  • 1 0
 20 goto 10
  • 2 2
 I’ll take the e-bike with a weighted vest.
  • 7 7
 it's really funny how angry people are about e-bikes
  • 1 1
 Seems to be a quantity/quality situation.
  • 1 2
 Still haven't been on an ebike, but I would for sure take it over a day of pickup shuttling.
  • 2 3
 Solo e biking is the way to go during the pandemic if you live with immune compromised people.
  • 2 2
 When I rule the world all Ebikes will be distroyed
  • 1 1
 Always ebike. Both prejudices and trucks are dumb Murican hobbies.
  • 4 7
 Nobody is telling you to ride an ebike. Its not all about you and your opinions. 2 wheel fun is 2 wheel fun. Get over your pride.
  • 5 6
 Bunch of fucking pussies.
  • 4 6
 Bike performance is priority so shuttle, but...once E-bikes feel like non E-bikes, then E-bike ... E-bike.
  • 4 7
 In brexit style , ebike won by a huge majority!
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