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R-Dog's NZ Enduro Story

Mar 13, 2017
by Sam Needham  

‘If my gloves get wet, I don’t ride.’ Possibly R-Dog’s famous last words as the New Zealand sun beamed down onto Whites Bay and the South Pacific. There was barely a cloud in the sky or a chill in the air—hard to believe that the last two-thirds of the NZ Enduro were going to be a total contrast to the hot, dry and well-dusted conditions of day one. As far as Enduro races go, this was the perfect induction for the man who’s more acclimatized to time in the air than time sat on the saddle. And in fact, as races go this was a day away from being just perfect.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

The NZ Enduro isn’t a new addition to the race calendar. 2017 has been the third edition and the first year to have Sven and Anka Martin, no strangers to all kinds of bike racing, behind the reigns of the event. As R-Dog put’s it, ‘I’ve been living in Queenstown for a month and I heard that Sven Martin was going to be putting on a pretty wicked Enduro, so I thought I’d give it a go.’
Flocking in from all corners of the world, 140 like minded riders turned up to turn their wheels across a slither of the South Island’s finest trails. When people ask ‘where ya’ headed?’ and the reply is ‘Nelson, to ride bikes’, the general response is a highly raised brow, a large smile and an envy tinged ‘Ahh, Nelson. You’ll not want to leave’. They’re not wrong.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog fully loaded for a day s peddling.

Given the choice, we'd all ride without a pack on our backs. Especially when you're fully loaded for a big day on the bike and everything that comes with that. R-Dog's definitely on that train of thought:

bigquotesMy bike was kind of like a lunch box. I had a banana on there, a sandwich, an orange, a Snickers, though I lost my Snickers which was a bummer. That was going to be my treat before I dropped in on the second stage. I didn't take a tube because I ride tubeless and I'm not worried about flats. Oh yeah, and I had a number plate, I never have a number plate usually so that was kinda cool.R-Dog

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

Riding tight and twisty trails blind certainly caught a few folk off guard.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

What better way to finish day one

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

There's a winning formula that never gets old at events like these. Ride great trails, all day, with great friends old and new, and finish the day at some kind of water with a beer in your hand. Day one made for big smiles amongst all the riders and crew.

bigquotesThere was a really sick scene. Just like a big ride with friends and I didn't really know many people, just knew a few familiar faces. I met a lot of sick people this weekend. I thought it was going to be a lot more serious, but maybe this is the right kind of event to try out as my first Enduro. Everyone was out here trying to do the same thing, you know, have a good time, ride bikes and have a beer at the end.R-Dog

R-Dog and our dog.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

There must be something in the NZ water. The locals are always stoked, even at 7:00am when serving flat whites to the bike mob.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

bigquotesI wanted to be dry and warm because I might be the coldest human on the planet. So I bought a garbage bag and cut out a hole for my head and arms, so I could wear that when I got really wet.

I also don't like having wet hands, or wet gloves for that matter, so I found some surgical gloves in the house we were staying at. You know, rubber on rubber is insane! Full grip. And then last but not least, I had turkey bags on my feet to keep my feet dry. And that worked for like, at least half the day and then they popped and my feet were spewing water. I think I'm a very innovative enduro rider.

Good vibes are all around.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

Rain don t stop play.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

These events wouldn t be without the long hours hard work and good spirits of all the volunteers that keep the cogs moving.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

One of the only riders to ride this little section. What the photo doesn t show is how steep that G-out was. The chance of tasting the dirt was pretty high

Despite the rain day two s trails were surprisingly grippy and super fun to ride.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

There was a lot of talk about the weather and predictions about the trail conditions at Nydia Bay. In the dry, the trails there are some of the most technical and demanding trails you can ride on a bike. Add some water into the mix and you'd think you'd be setting up for a disaster. Despite the constant onslaught of rain and wind, riders were still grinning from cheek to cheek.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

A warm tea for cold feet.

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

A day of rain makes really ages ya

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

Deep in the NZ jungle.

Not only did R-Dog have his full lunch strapped to his bike each day he took all the water he needed in each shoe for mid-ride thirst quenching.

 The weather was a shame but everyone was still so stoked to be out on their bikes. It s not a a bad day when you re riding your bike. We just made the best of the rain day. And all s good once you ve got warm clothes on with a cup of hot joe afterwards anyway - R-Dog
R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

Wet wet wet gear

bigquotesTraining isn't really in my schedule, it's more like ride your bike every day and hope that you're ready. If I'm not having fun I'm not going to do it. So I just keep it fun and just ride and you'll be ready.R-Dog

R-Dog s 2017 NZ Enduro Story

Sven and Anka had to make the tough decision to call off the final day of racing due to the weather. The rain was coming down hard and rider safety would have been too high risk. Even the ducks took there stand inside.

Byron Scott winner of open mens category and the winner of a large bag of swag.

Not only did two lucky contestants have to chop the lumber the stage wasn t over until the beer was down the hatch.

Even with the last day cancelled there was a calling for a final stage. The aftermath of the saw champs is shown here.

Post race-ride refreshments.

R-Dog getting to grips with his prototype weather proof aero and enduro helmet.

Aint no party without ice.

Until next years' NZ Enduro, and remember it's;

bigquotesRide or Die. Because we were riding and if we did stop riding, I'd probably still be in those wet woods, dying in a ditch. It's hard to have a bad day in New Zealand. - R-Dog.

MENTIONS: @SamNeedham / @trek

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SamNeedham avatar

Member since Sep 18, 2011
17 articles

  • 89 0
 He probably threw that banana peel mario kart style
  • 12 23
flag Keyboardkilla (Mar 14, 2017 at 12:12) (Below Threshold)
 R-Dog smokes bong way too hard to have enduro lungs
  • 73 3
 I found that Snickers and it was delicious.
  • 67 3
 *straps banana and orange to frame ... "I think I'm a very innovative enduro rider.—R-Dog"
  • 47 2
 R-Dog is my spirit animal......
  • 35 0
 "I didn't take a tube because I ride tubeless and I'm not worried about flats." I see you are a gambling man R-Dog, I like your style.
  • 34 0
 R-Dog just won Enduro.
  • 2 0
  • 26 2
 fully sending shoe water! legend
  • 18 5
 I once ate lunch at a table next to R-Dog at the Amsterdam Pub in Whistler, I didn't say hi, but I could tell he was super cool.
  • 11 0
 Holy smokes the world needs more R-Dog, I´m talking weekly video parts, interviews shit like that - He is what it´s all about
  • 11 0
 i honestly yelled "oh god nooooo" to the shoe water.
  • 1 0
 In danish it's called "sokkeøl" (sock beer).
  • 11 2
 im all about this no backpack mantra. in fact I like everything about how rdog approached this.
  • 9 0
 Tape and trash bags solve everything
  • 6 0
 Gorilla taping a banana to the frame... this guy's a genius. Too bad the Snickers didn't hold on.
  • 7 0
 That hand will haunt my dreams tonight for sure.
  • 4 0
 Fantastic photos and cool write up, but I dang near threw up in my mouth seeing that pic of him drinking nasty water out of his shoe.
  • 4 0
 Beautiful country, amazing images, rad dude. Possibly the best story I have ever come across.
  • 6 2
 Great story! He is such a rad person!
  • 3 0
 The sandwich taped to the bike was the funniest shit I've ever seen...and also I'm going to do that.
  • 3 1
 R-dog is the only person cool enough to wear a skatepark lid when everyone else has full faces. Also that dirt jump saddly had to be brutal for all that pedalling
  • 3 0
 That was an amazing photo-story Sam! Really helped re-live the weekend, what a great time!
  • 3 0
 That's one way to save packing a water bottle
  • 2 0
 Love his attitude about riding and life.
  • 2 0
 Great story great pictures great attitude - wish i had been there
  • 4 3
 He'd better switch to Specialized so he can use the awesome swat box instead of taping all that junk to his frame
  • 2 0
 Never go full enduro, but I'll be going full R Dog as much as possible.
  • 1 0
 Blenheim and the Marlborough region is my first home! Hi mum and dad up near the Wither Hills!
  • 1 0
 "Training isn't really in my schedule" - awesome!
  • 2 1
 R dog is the man! This article is gold!
  • 2 1
 Ryan Howard is a choice dude = R Dog
  • 2 1
 Rad Dog
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