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Replay: Red Bull Rampage 2023

Oct 13, 2023
by Ed Spratt  

Watch all the action live from Virgin, Utah.

*This year, the event will be streamed live exclusively on ESPN+ in the U.S., and on Red Bull TV in all other countries.*

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Member since Mar 16, 2017
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  • 214 1
 I have 2 choices:
Get baked and go digging alone
Get baked and watch rampage alone

I am alone
  • 35 0
 Most relatable pinkbike commenter
  • 5 0
 at least you've got day set with step 1
  • 12 39
flag BiNARYBiKE FL (Oct 13, 2023 at 8:01) (Below Threshold)
 I think there are other options.
  • 63 0
 @BiNARYBiKE: username does not check out
  • 4 0
 Isn't it like morning for you? I'm just jealous you didn't list "work" as an option lol.
  • 5 0
 come over
  • 6 0
 this is the way
  • 94 2
 Remember when we didn't have to VPN in to watch Red Bull Rampage in our own country?
  • 5 0
 Turns out even Redbull has to admit that Redbull TV and Youtube doesn't make much money. I wonder why Discovery had more to offer for the worldcup broadcast..
  • 26 0
 I remember when you could walk up to Rampage with no tickets, a cooler and lawn chair but I'm old.
  • 18 3
 RB and ESPN finally conforming to the industry standard "Hey consumer, go F**K yourself" strategy of the 2020's.
  • 1 0
 Man I live like 3 hours north of the event and still can't watch it... guess its time to try a VPN, anyone got one they wanna suggest?
  • 4 0
 @Takaya94: drive over, set up a chair somewhere near with a set of binos and cooler full of beer.
  • 3 0
 @Takaya94: Proton VPN
  • 1 0
 @nord1899: I use Windscribe but I've heard good things about Opera Browser
  • 2 0
 @Takaya94: any of them that offer a weeks free trial. Watch for free and then cancel your subscription.
  • 1 0
 @Takaya94: I used one that is a free add-on to Google Chrome already setup for that browser. Super easy to use and less hassle than the free trials I've used for world champs in the past.
  • 1 0
 @finnspin: I think it is as much about the general viewership number and increasing exposure as it is making money from the broadcast. I would say the almost always see the broadcast itself as a loss leader and are fully aware the won’t make money on YouTube redbull tv etc etc. They are more interested in going to platforms which increase their brand exposure. Maybe less hardcore mtb fans will watch but they are really about a mass market audience seeing their product and thinking it’s cool/wanting to buy it which they will get a lot more of on tv
  • 1 0
 @finnspin: They Trump with the sales of product so revenue from coverage is no big deal to them and it's a business-tax write off.
  • 1 1
 I paid $10.99 for an espn subscription, watched the event (the broadcast was smooth and efficient this year, thankfully), then canceled subscription. Where is the problem?
  • 2 0
 @idontknowwhatiexpected: youdontknowwhattoexpect
  • 67 0
 Don't rob Brendog!
  • 17 0
 Year of the Dog baby!
  • 25 0
 Narrator: "He was in fact, robbed"
  • 5 0
  • 37 1
 Hoping everyone walks away unscathed! Thanks to all the riders who are competing and pushing the sport!
  • 1 0
 Ill add to this, I hope every rider absolutely stomps their run and that we can see fantastic performances all of the athletes are happy with.
  • 37 0
 Brendog was robbed!
  • 9 0
 Big time!
  • 14 0
 I mean honestly, if I was scored that shit for doing a fully exposed ridgeline gap with a narrow landing and a suicide no hander over a 60 foot fully exposed canyon gap, I would probably just say fuck this and not even do a second run...
  • 3 0
 @mkul7r4: Sadly it looks like he's saying f*ck this and maybe won't be back next year www.instagram.com/p/CyWjERvsErj
  • 29 2
 Soooooo anyone got a way to watch in the US without ESPN+ and without going the whole VPN route?
  • 14 0
 Move to Canada
  • 3 0
 Is it not on RedBull TV?
  • 3 0
 Is Pinkbike broadcasting as well?
  • 7 0
 @JonnyTheWeasel: *This year, the event will be streamed live exclusively on ESPN+ in the U.S., and on Red Bull TV in all other countries.*
  • 6 3
 It usually is on YouTube a day after the event. Not a Livestream but does it matter?
  • 5 4
 Sooooooo VPNs are like super easy to get and free (Opera browser) so why is another way needed?
  • 9 0
 Here they just stream it on YouTube for free. Maybe it's free for me because it's on ESPN+ in America and you have to pay for it. In which case the rest of the world thanks you for your sacrifice America!
  • 1 0
 @foggnm: kinda does it’s hard to escape seeing stuff on social media.
  • 6 0
 @jimjordan23: Not in the US Frown
  • 4 0
 @everythingsucks: This is Pinkbike...you don't expect me to read before I type do you?!

Anyway... that sucks!
  • 3 0
 If you go to the redbull rampage info page on RedBull TV, theres a menu icon. Click that and change your region to anything other than united states of america. works for me
  • 3 0
 @jimjordan23: only outside the u.s
  • 4 0
 @bikeguy92: Damn! I tried that and it didn't work. I tried to Australian & Brazilian too. They were on to me!!!!
  • 3 0
 Get a trial of Private Internet Access VPN. It's legit, incredible service, I've been subscribed for years now. That's the only way.

Edit: Just learned Opera browser has a built in VPN. There you go. Download Opera.
  • 6 0
 @rcrocha: why is it not available in the US when it’s in the US that doesn’t make sense
  • 2 0
 @scott-townes: I'm at work and restricted on what browsers and software I can use.
  • 2 0
 @everythingsucks: what a joke
  • 2 0
 @scott-townes: it doesn’t work
  • 1 0
 @slovenian6474: Same, but had a Chromebook with me as well and there's even an Opera browser in the Play store. Maybe you can download to your Android (or iPhone) and watch it on there?
  • 1 0
 @scott-townes: learn something new everyday. Thanks!
  • 1 0
 @mkul7r4: legend, thanks bro!
  • 1 0
 @scott-townes: it's free? I thought it was a tenor.
  • 1 0
 @scott-townes: it's free? I thought it was a tenor.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 @JonnyTheWeasel: RedBull TV reroutes you to ESPN+ . $10 monthly subscription. Such BS
  • 14 0
 Well this is frustrating. Got the day off of work. Set myself up with a comfy chair, a set of 240 hubs, spokes, and fr560 rims to build up so I could have my bikers version of movie theater popcorn. Only to turn the TV to redbull TV and not have it available. Ouch.
Anyone outside of the US have the ability to be a Robin Hood and set up a stream for those who sacrifice streaming service bills for bike parts?
  • 23 0
 Download the Opera browser. Set the VPN to Europe. Enjoy.
  • 2 4
 Red Bull f’ed us all didn’t they
  • 3 0
 @pmhobson: Oh hell yes!!!! Thank you Robinhood!!! Got it on my laptop, now rapidly googling to figure out how to cast this up on my tv
  • 6 0
 @pmhobson: thanks, works great. Productivity at work just dropped to zero
  • 2 0
 @bill-curran: yep, I was all set up and excited to watch until I found out they are not doing the YouTube live like they always have done.
  • 2 1
 I mean its not ideal but paying $10 to watch rampage isnt a bad deal.
  • 1 0
 @pmhobson: Nice trick, I didn't realize Opera had that feature. I already have a paid VPN service though Smile
  • 2 0
 @VTbiking: Rampage on the TV, work meeting on the laptop right now Wink
  • 2 0
 @Carson5schnack: hdmi cable should work
  • 1 0
 @pmhobson: THANK YOU!
  • 1 0
 It's $10.99 on ESPN+ Just watched Brendog send it on his youngest daughter's first birthday. I was about to pay, but a co-worker hooked me up with his account. Browser with built-in VPN is the way, though. My work network blocks VPNs other than our own.
  • 1 0
 @pmhobson: Works a treat. Thank you!
  • 1 0
 @pmhobson: thanks that works great. And reminded me to try Opera again, used to be my favorite and kind of forgot about it.
  • 14 0
 I would expected more credit to Auado Alba´s run from the jugdes. A Worlds first at Rampage!!! Come on guys!! Thats BS!!
  • 3 0
 That was insane
  • 2 0
 There have been many World's firsts in non-winning Rampage runs over the years. Who can forget Kelly McGarry's canyon flip?
  • 15 0
 Gutted for Szymon... I wanted it for him!
  • 4 0
 His run was looking soooooo good, too.
  • 11 0
 While I was annoyed at first that in the US you need to do this through ESPN+, I remembered that's included with Disney+. If you've got kids, you've probably got that.
  • 1 0
 Well they changed it recently and started charging more if you kept ESPN+ in the Hulu/Disney+ bundle.
  • 12 0
  • 10 0
 Good luck and stay safe riders! I'm getting ready to rip a bowl and watch the show.
  • 1 0
 Bowl n beer now
  • 7 0
 Heck yeah! I love ripping a bowl of popcorn! I've got sweet and salty, what are you packing?
  • 2 0
 @haroman666: lemon haze...lnut... popcorn, yeah.
  • 2 1
 @haroman666: Northern Lights, Cannabis Indica.
  • 13 4
 I am, at this point, in the "Red Bull should stop before someone dies" camp.

...and yet, I'm going to be watching, giving them ad revenue.

I'm complex.
  • 2 0
  • 14 3
 Bienve completely robbed. Rampage should not have judges
  • 13 7
 Man this comment section is a mess.

You all really need to figure out what you want. These childish complaints against RB trying in any way to monetize this to keep it sustainable go directly in the face of what you all were complaining about 2 months ago when they made the decision to not include the females.

Sit and think about it for two seconds, granted this means some of you will have to think like adults which may be a first. There's hardly any event in the world where you can just double the size of the field, with out major logistical issues. Then there's RB Rampage arguably one of the tougher live sports events to organize from a logistical stand point, how many years do the competitors not even get to attempt a second run do to weather its quite frequent... That's not even getting into the weeds of the fact that the men and women would HAVE to be building at two different venues, the broadcast would have to also be different days. You quite literally cannot have men and women running on the same day. This then doubles EVERYTHING, huge balloon in expenses for an event I'm not convinced makes Redbull even $.01.

We're lucky Rampage even exists. Some of you really just need to grow up.
  • 9 4
 Sit an think about the fact that RB operates a 6 time constructors championship winning F1 team that was FORCED to limit their operating costs to 140M/year by the FIA. They can afford to tap the "Stream Rampage in the USA for Free" slider on the youtube app.
  • 4 1
 So first, the RB F1 team, isn't just Redbull footing the bill. Its Oracle and Honda also contributing, albiet no idea how much from each.

Also this is an apples and oranges comparison, F1 has orders of magnitude more exposure to the general public than rampage does, so of course they're fine dropping money on it. Just because they're running RB in a profitable state doesn't mean they should simply "Stream Rampage for free in teh USA", its is a very over simplified/childish view. I'd love to see how much Redbull spends on Rampage, I bet its in the high 7 figures / low 8 figures easy when you account for everything.

So again, I'll stand by my statement we're lucky to have Rampage as it exists today.
  • 2 2
 @CamNeelyCantWheelie: Straight from the wiki, RB doesn't pay much out of pocket for their F1 team cause it makes money and pays for itsself in large part. Don't think we can say the same for Rampage.

Red Bull Racing had revenue of $285.4 million and expenses of $284.4 million in 2011. The revenue came from prize money ($88.8 million), sponsors ($59.7 million), and the remainder from Red Bull. Expenses included $112.8 million in research and development and $82.7 million in salaries for 605 employees.
  • 3 0
 @pbfan08: "RB doesn't pay much out of pocket for their F1 team"

$285.5M - ($88.8M + $59.7M) = $136.9M from Red Bull. Seems like a lot.
  • 2 1
 @pmhobson: Touche, they did have those worded a little funny. It still doesn't change the fact they're doing that as a marketing move in one of the most followed global sports leagues, where the exposure is line with their expense.

Then look at Rampage, and event they organize, pay for in full, and distribute(well up until this year in the US where clearly ESPN paid for the rights). Anything broadcasted on Redbull TV costs them money, Rampage probably being one of if not the most expensive events.

Another tidbit people like to ignore is how action sports athletes love to shit on the Energy Drink companies when RB, Monster, Rockstar are quite literally some of the only marquee sponsors. I've seen pro mtb'ers, skiiers, snowboarders, and skateboarders do it. The "Drink Water" movement is a perfect example of this. Quite literally biting the only hand out there feeding them.
  • 6 0
 Last years scores if anyone is wondering how brendogs first run score stacks up.

1st. Brett Rheeder: 90.66
2nd. Szymon Godziek: 86.33
3rd. Brandon Semenuk: 84
4th. Reed Boggs: 82.66
5th. Thomas Genon: 81
6th. Carson Storch: 77
7th. Kurt Sorge: 74
8th. Andreu Lacondeguy: 73
9th. Jaxson Riddle: 67
10th. Cam Zink: 66
11th. Ethan Nell: 65.33
12th. Tom Van Steenbergen: 63.66
13th. DJ Brandt: 62.33
14th. William Robert: 58
15th. Dylan Stark: 53
16th. Tyler McCaul: 37.66
  • 12 1
 Bien got robbed
  • 9 0
 Judges and scores are irrelevant. Riders stoke on just getting to the bottom tells you everything you need to know
  • 8 0
 Fairclough pronounced faircluff, not fairclaw ffs
  • 1 0
  • 8 0
 Ok Brendan clearly won it, everyone else can go home now.
  • 8 1
 I hate that broadcasters feel the need to try and dramatize everything.
  • 9 2
 ESPN can suck ALL of the d*cks
  • 2 0
 You can blame RedBull for that, ESPN bought the rights to broadcast it from RedBull.
  • 1 2
 @Aem221: Yeah well ESPN should have their sh-t together !!! this sucks !!!
  • 9 1
 Brendog got robbed
  • 9 1
 oh no brendog rob again
  • 8 1
 How is Sorge scored higher than Riddle doing a full extension Superman???
  • 4 0
 I'm watching Red Bull TV from the Netherlands. Well, at least that's where the Opera PVN says I am. For all other purposes, I'm in Florida. Thank you, Opera!
  • 3 0
 I know VPN are easy and all. But for f u c k s sake watching bike racing and bike related content has been a F U C K around this year. I hope you die alone you greedy bastards.
  • 4 0
 Can I be the first to say that no one cares about Reggie Miller during rampage day? Unlimited amount of MTB legends on site, maybe focus on that?
  • 11 1
 They're literally showcasing the broad appeal of mountain biking. More people on bikes = more support for trails close to your house.
  • 5 0
 redbull really knows how to film extreme sports, bring redbull back to dh racing ffs
  • 5 0
 What a reaction from Bienve - good on him for knowing when to call it Not sure why judges are scoring so low
  • 2 0
 A few things that are mysterious to me that i can't find the answers to are where the water source is for the sculpts?
Like a big truck or large tanks situated somewhere with pumps going up the hill to generated PSI? and how many hoses split off of it for each dig crew?

Other question i'm wondering is how the riders get to the top for their runs? (or the diggers for that matter)
  • 2 0
 There's a video on the water system here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD3segC2rwk
  • 3 0
 I remember when giant corporations weren't involved in mountain biking and weren't pestering me for every dollar of mine to enjoy the sport that I do.
  • 6 2
 I’m not gonna be the first to say Brendog got robbed and zinky didn’t deserve that . Great show though
  • 1 0
 It's such an annoying part of media today. So many things are exclusive to a single service so in order to watch content you have to pay for each individual one. We're spoiled for having free access to MTB content for years, and now we have to pay. Poor us... just bitching and moaning. IT's still annoying AF.
  • 1 0
 While we are on the US rip-off train - even worse if you have ESPN+ (I do, Dad with a Disney bundle), once the live stream stopped at lunch time (when I was halfway through watching it), there is NOTHING on ESPN+ until their recap on 10/22, and geo lock is still on other services. And this is what folks pay for, they should at least keep the full live feed up for replay!
  • 1 0
 With the number of riders going down this year I really wish they would advertise the fact these riders are wearing safety gear underneath their jerseys. I think some of the younger riders might not realize they aren't just riding in jerseys and a full face. Brutal year for sure.
  • 40 37
 The U.S. is such a cunt of a country. I hate living in this completely commodified dystopia.
  • 19 14
 You are free to leave anytime, or work hard to change the situation. We’re not perfect, but fortunately far better off than multiple other countries I’ve lived in.
  • 13 16
 @baxterbike: I plan to leave. And yes, better than some countries, worse than others. Ultimately, that perception depends on what you as an individual value. I betcha there are plenty of people on Pinkbike happy they don't live in this shit hole.

Thank you though for that far too common hillbilly rhetoric of "if you don't like it you can leave, uhmerica good". Never heard that one!

Anyone have a job and place to stay in Portugal??
  • 10 7
 ESPN+ is like $5/month pay for it or VPN and use RedBull TV. You're 34, you really can't find $5 to rub together and actually support the sport you alledgedly like?
  • 3 9
flag pinkbert (Oct 13, 2023 at 8:11) (Below Threshold)
 @pbfan08: that's besides the point, buddy. Think bigger. You can do this. Did anyone say I wasn't going to download and pay up like every other U.S sucker?
  • 3 2
 @pinkbert: I'm genuinely surprised, figured you'd be begging the PB commentors for $5 too.
  • 4 3
 @pbfan08: you seem nice! That good ol' Canadian VPN saves the day! And I don't have to bend over for American capitalism!
  • 11 6
 @pinkbert: "I plan to leave. Anyone have a job and place to stay in Portugal??"

You do realize, YOU are the walking caricature of "American Dumbass" right?
  • 3 7
flag pinkbert (Oct 13, 2023 at 8:30) (Below Threshold)
 @pbfan08: again, you are so nice! I love Americans! Tell us all how far uncle sam has his penis lodged up your anus. We are all so curious.
  • 2 0
 Apparently Opera browser has a built in VPN feature. I'm using Private Internet Access paid VPN. Easy solutions.
  • 2 0
 @pinkbert Yeah but you've got Colorado and Wyoming!
  • 1 0
 I'm watching in the Opera browser and streaming to the TV via a Roku stick. It's not that hard.
  • 5 1
 @pinkbert: And now you want a handout in Portugal? You sound like an entitled weenis.
  • 1 3
 @suspended-flesh: lol its a joke, relax honey
  • 1 0
 @pinkbert: It wasn't a joke but I don't mind if you sweet-talk me a bit more. Cacao
  • 5 0
 Bring it on Brendog!
  • 5 1
 Geo restricted in the US. Great!
  • 5 0
 Download Opera browser. Activate their VPN, choose Europe option. Watch on Red Bull or on Youtube. No problem.
  • 4 0
 @Bibico: this is the way to go. Great tip. Thx!!
  • 5 2
 Pretty bummed can't waitch it in the states after all these years watching it. Thank you ESPN+ hope you get all your greed
  • 1 0
 Tunnelbear vpn is free and super easy to download and connect right away.
  • 3 0
 Wouldn't it have been Redbull's greed that auctioned off the broadcast rights?
  • 1 0
 But you CAN watch it. Opera browser with it's built-in VPN set to EU.
  • 5 1
 so Redbull wont stream an event to USA that is in the USA lol
  • 3 0
 www.twitch.tv/beeskneezs, have to listen to some guy talking about it atleast you can view it
  • 3 0
 BS it's a U.S Event and it's geo restricted here just let us watch Mountain biking!!!
  • 4 0
 Wasn't expecting Opera to be the hot comment today
  • 2 0
 Maaaaaaaaan just when you think you re done with cedric comentating boom he s comentating the french version and even in french he is.....
  • 3 1
 I think the judging takes away from this event. I think it'd be fine as a jam session; no judging, just riders doing it for themselves and the spectators.
  • 3 0
 Cam McCaul talking about Cam Zink, "this man has countless podiums, four to be exact".
  • 2 2
 I don’t know what a vpn is. I just want to be able to have it on my tv for free the way it used to be. I was going to have buddies over and keep my son home from school but Red Bull ruined those plans.
  • 7 1
 An ESPN+ subscription is like a gallon of gas a month. And you can cancel at anytime
  • 4 1
 @String425: FREEride, only $8.99 a month!
  • 2 0
 @String425: I don’t know where you’re paying $10 a gallon? Rampage has always been free to watch, it’s free to the rest of the world on multiple platforms except where the country it is being held in? I’m not going to pay for a subscription for a few hours only to cancel it.
  • 1 1
 @bill-curran: Okay, so 2 gallons a month is one gallon too many or two gallons too many?
  • 1 0
 @String425: math is hard huh?
  • 1 1
 @bill-curran: Not really. But setting up a VPN isn’t hard either nor is budgeting $10 to support something you’ve been watching for free for however many years you have. Point being it was easy to watch even though they switched formats for the live broadcast. Maybe a bit more money flows to the riders you love to watch, who knows? Either way it was worth the $10 I paid and I get football games tooWink
  • 1 0
 @String425: you’re right no one knows where that money goes and if they wanted more money for the rides then why not make everyone pay? Why is it just the country that’s the event is being held in being penalized to pay. The rest of the world does not have to pay. It’s a fun event to watch but not enough to set up a subscription and cancel it. I’d say the same thing for the superbowl and the World Series.
  • 4 0
 Norbs got robbed
  • 1 0
 They call him Norby!
  • 2 0
 The riders are having their final ‘Athletes Meeting’ they are riders,riders are cool and they are Riders.
  • 3 0
 The VeePN extension for Chrome is free and works for viewing this.
  • 1 0
 What's up with the Redbull app? It's hanging on 'Starting soon', yet the website is showing it fine. Just want to cast to my TV, not watch on the phone!
  • 4 0
  • 4 0
 Bienvenido is a madman!
  • 3 0
 a bit low for johannsen no?
  • 1 0
 Well that's BS! guess I'm buying Mountain Dew to boycott Red Bull for getting greedy with its TV rights. On the upside...I get more work done today
  • 1 0
 Would love to see a Rampage x Hardline type of event. A long sketchy track like King Kong with some big sends and timed runs. Freeride DH!
  • 3 0
 Fuck. Yeah. Talus. SO GANGSTER
  • 3 1
 Do you get a fee per article from RB?
  • 1 0
 Thank you for the explanation from the judges' point of view. Tough job, never free of second guessing.
  • 3 1
 How do this many people not have a VPN
  • 3 1
 Because all a VPN does is change who is profiting from your data...it's not an automatic safeguard.
  • 4 2
 @Explodo: oh noooo the corporate overlords are going to exploit the f*ck out of knowing you love to watch mtb racing and step sister porn!!!’
  • 1 0
 I forgot about Redbull's frequent self-commercials. Did not miss these during the race season.
  • 1 0
 Need to brush up on the maths. How does ESPN+ and Discovery+ = such a negative feeling?
  • 1 0
 A double negative is a positive, so maybe a double positive...
  • 1 1
 love the commentary team of cam and nikolai. Really refreshing to have some properly knowledgeable dudes breaking things down.
  • 3 0
 Zink!! #WWZD
  • 1 0
 45 minutes of nonsense in the begining and without the ceremony at the end.- what's the reason?
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 And dont rob Genon !
  • 1 0
 Just realized it's Friday the 13th :-/
  • 1 0
 Who's going to get robbed?
  • 8 0
 Brendan is the answer this year apparently.
  • 3 2
 The USA mountain biking fans
  • 1 0
 @weaverlandbikepark360: Just the uninformed ones.
  • 1 0
 Guess I didn’t need to watch it anyway…
  • 2 0
 Fuck I love VPNs
  • 1 0
 Are we watching cliff diving or ramage on Redbull??
  • 1 0
 Is there any alternative for the livestream?
  • 1 0
 So where is the replay going to be on ESPN or is redbull going to have it?
  • 7 7
 ESPN CAN SUCK IT !!!! you can't even sign up & pay to watch it !!!

ESPN YOU SUCK !!! You've ruined RAMPAGE !!!
  • 4 0
 First time using the internet?
  • 3 0
 Hulu works
  • 1 2
 @Eg4life: No. YOU FAILED TO PLAN.
  • 1 0
 anyone buy espn+ and it hasn't started yet?
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Who invited Alan to be a commentator at rampage...
  • 1 1
 There are some Twitch streamers that are streaming rampage. Only thing is they can talk over it since it's their stream
  • 2 0
 US folks - Hulu has it.
  • 1 0
 Only if you already have the ESPN+ subscription
  • 4 2
 No Ric and Cedric?
  • 5 0
 Er.... Bring back Rob Warner?! /S
  • 1 0
 On the French audio you can still get him - I miss his emaculate comment too.
  • 2 0
 Slope style announcers; speaks for what they have turned Rampage into. lol
  • 1 0
 @likeittacky: cam and nicolai have both done rampage
  • 1 0
 @bgoldstone: Which is true but does not change the fact they are Slopestyle practitioners that generate sensationalism for them that originated and careered in Slopestyle. Thus, pimping up the viewers and judges to give false representations with higher scores for riders that have more talent with barspins n tailwhips, on the most groomed and manicured runs, which enable them a better chance to land their textbook tricks. Hence, leading to the metamorphosis of this event from which it was rooted, for Freeriders to excel their talent and push their limits. I'd honestly say the event would be more exciting having more DH racers with Freeride DNA in their blood to crossover like Brendon has. Maybe your Brother is that talent to MFRGA!

With all due respect to the announcers tho; they are good...very good at their craft but it would be more fitting having announcers that are dubbed more as-"Freeriders" and attuned to their craft having brodecast talent for this particular event. To add, Salema Masekela, IMHO was completely unneeded for the RBR event at all and should of had in his place- Tippie or Gully. Wink
  • 1 0
 @bgoldstone: Actually Tippie would be too dramatic in the announcers seat; so how about Gully / Vanderham. Two legends with a more mellow delivery but still have the stoke and camera personality.
  • 3 1
 Silvia’s moms hot
  • 1 0
 Stepmom. Game on.
  • 1 0
 That’s Adolfs’ Mum?… ummm Step Mom maybe???
  • 2 1
 Coverage sucks. Commentary sucks.
  • 1 0
 Barry Sanders would not approve of Bienve's celebration. but what a run...
  • 5 0
 F-it, I can retire now
  • 1 2
 Didn't even get through round 1 before someone got stalled due to wind. It feels like every year wind spoils the show. There has to be a better way to do this.
  • 2 0
 s w e a t y p a l m s
  • 1 0
 The one time autoplay doesn't work
  • 1 0
 What camera is Carson wearing on his helmet?
  • 1 1
 Random question why do they keep an helicopter in the air when they have all these camera and drones?
  • 5 0
 emergency evacuation
  • 2 1
 What's with the scarf Gully? Is that that cold? Or are ya hiding hickeys?
  • 6 0
 protection from the sun while he stands in the shade.
  • 1 0
 people are streaming it on twitch. you can watch there.
  • 1 0
 redbull app and proton vpn also works if you can only view on mobile.
  • 1 0
 We've reached peak insanity with this event. It's getting stupid.
  • 1 0
 Some great runs Zink, Storch and Talus Turk!!!!
  • 1 0
 No one is going to say anything about Sal Masekela's helmet?
  • 1 0
 Why TF would they?
  • 1 0
 Where is the podium first second third award ceremony?
  • 1 0
 Fairclough definitely had the best rampage run top to bottom
  • 1 1
 ahh - the workstation offshore gateway works Big Grin
  • 1 1
 Link pls
  • 1 1
 @Roost66: doesn't work like that. You need a vpn client to access offshore gateways.
  • 1 0
 @artistformlyknowasdan: I was joking...
  • 2 2
 Still can’t believe this is on Friday the 13th
  • 2 0
  • 1 1
Foutage de gueule!!!
  • 1 1
 Watch the judges give a 90 for a few 360's
  • 1 1
 Fans got robbed. Gatekeeping paywall content for the win.
  • 1 0
 Spain got ******
  • 2 2
 Geo restricted.....
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