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Fantasy Research - World Cup DH Overall Standings 2018

Feb 12, 2019
by Pinkbike Staff  
What an epic season. Seven rounds brought us around the world to watch old favorites, and a rowdy new generation alike battle it out for the top spots. Here's to 2019!

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Member since Jul 22, 2013
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  • 49 6
 Geeman who is top ten overall yet not on GB world champs team. That's a very funny stat for the national selection, if i'm not mistaken, it has only been him and Danny who proved they can win the rainbow. Also very impressive that Martin is top 20 with only two race, and training specifically for enduro. Must sting a bit for the real competitive dh riders who seem to think that enduro is only for the old and washed up dh riders. Mtb community should really start to put more value on our best well rounded riders.
  • 15 3
 When the teams were selected Gee just didn't have the results in the previous year or so that the others had. It's unfortunate for him and he would have been in a great position coming off the back of this result, however it gives a younger rider the chance to get the Worlds experience.
  • 12 0
 I think that shows what a true natural Maes is, poss similar to Sam Hill in that sense Just a MTB beast.
  • 4 2
 But Gee himself agreed that he should not be on the team at the time when the decision was made. He simply lacked the points & results to make the team. Shame, but that's racing
  • 4 1
 @ka-brap: was it Val di Sole when Gee surrendered his place to Kerr because he was injured and then BK went on to place 4th or something? What goes around comes around, the same might happen to him. In not wishing injury on anyone but shit happens.
  • 3 1
 @dingus: RUBISH..
  • 1 0
 @Zuman: I'd argue the only way to "prove" you can win the rainbow is to actually win the rainbow. If you can win a race, you can win that particular race. Fair enough an experienced calculated rider may not put everything on the line in a single race when in pursuit of the WC overall. Though still. Laurie Greenland for instance has got so close to winning the Worlds that for me, he has proven to actually be able to win it.
  • 2 0
 @CT-lowrider: Feel free to elaborate, but maybe watch Gee's interview on WynTV before you do.
  • 24 0
 If Monika Hrastnik doesn't have a full factory ride for next season something is VERY wrong...
  • 18 0
 Some notable names going into next year without the top 10 protection all year, Gwin, Minnar, Norton, Moir. Injurys took their toll on the overall this year
  • 55 2
 Seems that Martin Whiteley's grand plan to keep the top racers in the limelight has failed... It was utter nonsense to begin with. Just let the racers race and where they qualify is where they race come final's day. Stop trying to force business interests ahead of actual race results. Total BS that makes everything more confusing and weird. Race where you place.
  • 1 3
 Oops, double post...
  • 19 0
 That all year rule is just bull crap. The UCI really made it less exciting/enjoyable and harder to follow with their new rules. Go back to the way it was - it wasn't broken!
  • 3 0
 @neimbc: f*ck yeah. I bet that rule is out next year, since it seems to have backfired.
Don't count your chickens, Martin!
  • 1 0
 Just what I was thinking, should make round one interesting next year.
  • 5 2
 @ka-brap: At least there aren't any accidental goofballs in men's top 10 next season like Fayole was this year. Was so annoying seeing him on the broadcast every week barely squeaking in top 50 runs.
  • 2 5
 Funny how people are resistant to change but they eventually accept it. For me, the biggest shitter was when they changed finals from two runs, fastest run counts, to one run. Something about TV. Everyone was up in arms about that at the time but it's been accepted now.
  • 6 0
 @jaame: I'm all for changes that make sense though. What Whiteley has pushed for just doesn't make sense. He claimed the reason for wanting to keep the top 10 from the previous year protected was to ensure the top riders got ample TV coverage for their sponsors. That's BS and makes the start lists utterly incomprehensible.
  • 5 1
 @ka-brap: there is nothing wrong with being rewarded for a good year. The top ten overall having protection is a great idea to keep people protected in case of injuries. Gwin chose not to race MSA and dropped valuable points. Sure he was injured, but I bet it was mostly about testing the new bike.

Having protected riders is in as much interest of the spectators as it is the teams.

Fayolle holding on to top ten last year was impressive. The race win helped for sure, but he still had a good season. He also had a massive crash and injury before this season.

I 100% agree that race order should be reverse qualifying order. I want to see the unusuals who qualified up there with the big dogs. This format doesn’t give us that, and it sucks.
  • 1 0
 @jaame: when did they change it from two runs ? I can't remember it ever being two runs, not for the uci.
  • 3 0
 @ka-brap: true words spoken right there!!
  • 1 1
 @BedsideCabinet: I thinking was about 1997
  • 4 0
 @jaame: that’s because that’s stupid for a race. You don’t see drag racers going down the track twice and taking the best time. Downvoted
  • 1 1
 @theronsta: what a guy!
  • 19 0
 Crazy how Maes gets 20th place with only 2 races. Schooling a lot of fulltime DH pros.
  • 13 0
 Props to Iles for finishing top 15 his first year in elites. Has any rookie done better?
  • 19 0
 Sam Hill was 2nd overall I think
  • 5 0
 Bruni was 3rd I believe
  • 5 0
 Is it just me or has downhill become a bad watch this year? Since red bull just want more of they’re helmets coming down towards the end I understand they pump money into it but red bull and uci need to sort out the running orders. I normally watch every event the whole way through but now I find myself getting bored very easily the fastest qualifiers should come down last giving them the Chance they deserve, like Martin maes in this race he qualified up in the top 10 yet was around 30th to come down? This then means the people who are fastest on this track end up coming down before all of the pros who are winning the overall who may not suit this race. Anyone else agree with me that they should go back to how they did it the year before still with protected riders but top qualifiers need to be coming down before people who just have a lot of points how this makes for better watching I will never know?
  • 8 2
 How the hell did Miranda miller win would champs last year she’s had one top 10 all year
  • 11 3
 Pure luck - her best run ever, but more importantly - all the big guns crashed or had big mistakes.
  • 8 1
 First off, shes been injured all year. Second off, there has been some controversy regarding the timing equipment from last year...
  • 3 0
 @hamncheez: There were a lot of bad race runs from the woman's field lasts World's. Miranda has (unfortunately) never been consistent from injury/mental.
  • 2 0
 @Philallen: She's been battling with wrist injuries again and was also doing some testing with new equipment this season IIRC. Hopefully she can get healthy for next season and be back on form.
  • 2 0
 The worlds should be interesting now some familiar names are coming back from fitness / coming into form.
Wonder of British Cycling regret not sending Gee to the worlds now?
  • 2 0
 page has been updated since I posted my comment - original page had seagrave overall woman's winner and brosnan second for the men.
  • 9 9
 Full credit to Maes for sticking down a phenomenal run, but weirdly, there was definitely an advantage to going at that time compared to later on. Anyway, that's racing. Red Bull or UCI need to sort out the running order. Total shambles.
  • 11 0
 Brook didn’t seem to be hindered by the conditions
  • 8 1
 @nhp890: no but he's right . i was there and for the later riders the ground got more greasy once it stopped raining. still amazingly impressive from Maes as he was 9th in fort bill as well...
  • 7 1
 @dubod22 I was there, except it stopped raining for the very last riders, the track didn't changed at all, all day long it was a nightmare. Martin is a beast.
  • 2 1
 Martin Maes is a f........ beast, a bike god, a daredevil with another limit. Incredible. I only can admire his bike skills and dream about being able to ride once like he does all the time
  • 4 0
 Martin Maes is a game changer
  • 4 0
 Scribd is garbage
  • 4 2
 What happened to Gwinn. Not where I expected him to place.
  • 7 0
 he slid out on some roots and crashed in the first 30 seconds. it was a really wet/nasty race. lots of crashes
  • 9 1
 @sooner518: This is the list for the overall, he didn't race half the season
  • 2 8
flag karoliusz (Aug 25, 2018 at 14:23) (Below Threshold)
 He couldn’t bring the big wheels to the full speed...
  • 11 21
flag TrevZ (Aug 25, 2018 at 15:24) (Below Threshold)
 Didn't pray hard enough rip
  • 4 1
 @TrevZ: Lol

Jesus was too busy making sure all those kids in Africa starved to death Wink
  • 1 0
 why is nina hoffman not given any points on the fantasy league?
  • 1 0
 i see my mistake here.
  • 1 0
 Nothing showing up for me. On mobile Android.
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