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Slack Randoms: Roubaix Carnage, Shipping Delays, Exploding Drill Bits & More

Apr 22, 2022
by Ed Spratt  
We use Slack as our workplace communication tool at Pinkbike and we have a #randoms channel which we use to share an assortment of videos and stories from all corners of the cycling world and beyond... We thought a couple of the moments from the past week were too good not to share with a wider audience, so here are some of the highlights.

Shipping delays in Shanghai


Despite the effect of the COVID pandemic starting to lessen across the globe we are still facing huge supply chain issues. As Shanghai remains in a near-total lockdown commercial ships are stuck at sea waiting to drop off their goods. The graph above demonstrates the massive recent increase in ships waiting to load or offload cargo. It's not clear whether there are any bikes involved directly here but this kind of logjam will have an effect that will reverberate throughout the shipping industry.

This is all the ships waiting to load or offload cargo.

Mass start madness from the Macavalanche at Fort William

bigquotesFoggy set the pace out the start and it took me a minute to find my groove byt then it was full gas to the bottom of the quad chair. Gutted to miss his huge OTB right behind me. Need to reposition my camera the next time! Unfortunately my lead of about 40s wasn’t enough to fend off Liam’s horse legs after 15mins of pedalling along the new Blue Doon and he pipped me to the bottom of the 4x. Happy with second and first off the snow. Hopefully a good confidence boost for the big alpine races in the summer! Bring on the Mega…James Shirley

Beyond the Binary

bigquotesKC Cross doesn’t fit the mold of the typical cyclist depicted in the media. They are black, queer, and non-binary. They prefer community over competition, social rides that involve tacos and beer over long days in the saddle, and using the bike as a tool for advocacy rather than racing. In Beyond the Binary, KC shares their journey to understanding the intersections of their own identity and how they are working to create a more inclusive and accessible cycling culture.

Filmed in 2021 in Fayetteville, Arkansas, Beyond the Binary sheds light on the rigidness of gender, being black in America, mental health, and the ways that the bicycle has helped them find community and healing.

Wild Moments from the Paris-Roubaix

As always the cobbles of the Paris-Roubaix supplied some carnage as wheels exploded, mechanics crashed and spectators took out more riders.

FPV drone chases Ted Ligety on a giant slalom course

bigquotesRetired but not sleeping GoPro Athlete Ted Ligety raced GoPro FPV pilot Luke Bredar down the GS course at Deer Valley Resort.GoPro


If you want another unique skiing perspective then Red Bull has mounted a camera to a ski for an interesting but not entirely useful POV.

How dangerous are exploding drill bits?

bigquotesHow strong are steel or wood drill bits? We are going to use our 150 ton hydraulic press and 240 ton force sensor to find out! Don't try this at home! Crushing steel drill bits is really dangerous and they will explode!Hydraulic Press Channel

The Mega Ramp

bigquotes“The Mega Ramp is what I would call a Hot Wheels track on steroids.”

Watch street skating legend Heath Kirchart take on this death-defying challenge.

Author Info:
edspratt avatar

Member since Mar 16, 2017
3,268 articles

  • 312 133
 To some of the trolls and the would-be trolls tempted to spout off on an internet comment section behind the safety of their keyboard:

Everyday I wake up and walk into my daughter's room, gently laying my hand on her back or watching for movement of breath to make sure that over night some ignorant low life troll like yourself hasn't finally pushed her over the edge.

All because she is a teenager trying to find her identity in a world where some of society has given her latitude to explore versions of her self that don't neatly fall into the two discrete categories but the remainder of society tell her she is sick, a deviant, a disgrace and worthless... emboldened by a medium that dehumanizes the recipient of their words.

Dear Pinkbike members, by posting, liking or defending such viewpoints you're agreeing that my daughter and countless lost and confused kids like her have less value as a human. This includes those here with mod power, looking at you @brianpark... is your DEI policy lip service or will you stand by it and act, beyond posting awareness articles? As @wburnes posted, "Respecting their rights is tacit approval."

One more thing,
@Tuna-Flapjack Let me be direct in my response to you and others who share you narrow world view: f*ck you.
  • 71 30
 And you're more than welcome to take action against me for a personal attack on Fishy FlipJack since the policy is zero tolerance. I'll take my lumps, but refuse to shut up and let them perpetuate that shit.
  • 59 25
 It sounds like you are doing a beautiful job as a parent, raising a resilient daughter who can take on the world! Good job!!!
  • 117 138
flag Adamrideshisbike (Apr 24, 2022 at 6:32) (Below Threshold)
 It's call living in a society. Not everyone agrees with you. Get used it.
  • 37 12
 @pourquois-pas: Ain't it interesting that the rules only seem to mostly apply one way, and the people who point out that the emperor indeed has no clothes are the ones who end up getting labeled or punished as the "trouble makers"? Tale as old as time...
  • 91 8
 @Adamrideshisbike: and people in a society are allowed to call you out for being an a*shole, get used to it.
  • 8 7
 Well said.
  • 15 48
flag Adamrideshisbike (Apr 24, 2022 at 6:56) (Below Threshold)
 @matadorCE: that's fine though that had nothing to do with what M. pourquoi pas was saying. He wants action to be taken from above.
  • 113 84
It's good you're protective of your daughter, but not everything is about your daughter for the rest of the world. However, trying to leverage your own perceived victim currency to have others censured? That is the kind of "thinking" befitting a child.
  • 31 65
flag ashlemon (Apr 24, 2022 at 7:17) (Below Threshold)
  • 49 43
 @matadorCE: Seems many members still do not understand they're actively posting in a community that has rules of engagement that were agreed to when they joined. People a free to say and think whatever you want wherever you want, except where you've agreed otherwise.

And if what you say can directly cause harm to another person I'll exercise my own freedom to call you out.

It's call living in a society. Not everyone agrees with you. Get used it.
  • 9 24
flag Adamrideshisbike (Apr 24, 2022 at 7:18) (Below Threshold)
 @sonuvagun: yup
  • 110 54
 I have never experienced what your daughter is going through. I would like you to know that although I wholeheartedly disagree with you, and know that you probably hate me, I value your daughter as a human being, and would never wish any harm on her. I believe there are two genders, and that people don't get to pick, but I also believe that she should have just as many rights as me.

I'm sorry that my worldview is too narrow for you, but in the future I'd prefer a better argument than "f*ck you". I'm always open to new ideas, I just need to see some reasoning beyond how one feels.
  • 20 57
flag southshorepirate FL (Apr 24, 2022 at 7:19) (Below Threshold)
 @Adamrideshisbike: I want to rules enforced.

The one that claims Zero Tolerance but is not evenly applied.
  • 24 13
 You sound angry and hurt, which given the situation makes sense. Sorry your daughter is struggling, man! And, the vitriol in your post is hurting you, others will and can disagree with you and her, I hope they do so lovingly. Many opinions exist and just because one is different doesn't mean it's meant to hurt you. Trolls are not cool, period. Hang in there, and I hope you'll turn your bitterness into energy to show your little one how to manage hurt through resilience and not bitterness, though again I can understand how you feel this way. Bitterness will eat you alive, good luck fighting it back!
  • 12 10
 Oh boy, this is a good thread. I'll just post here so I have to something interesting to read tomorrow morning at the office.
  • 53 54
 @Bikesbecauserunningsucks: I don't hate anyone. And I too had incredibly mixed feelings about the path society has taken, and years ago I would have been outright against it. Life deals you cards sometimes that force perspective.

I don't have to justify basic humanity to anyone with a "well reasoned argument". And I am fed up with people spewing or supporting bigotry and hatred who then ask for a "discussion" in response when they didn't have the courtesy to start from a place of reasonableness.
  • 21 43
flag southshorepirate FL (Apr 24, 2022 at 7:40) (Below Threshold)
 @ashlemon: Oh look, a living example of a 53-going-on-13-year-old internet troll has posted. Let see how many more we can get to out themselves in this thread.
  • 53 98
flag ashlemon (Apr 24, 2022 at 7:42) (Below Threshold)
 @pourquois-pas: Sorry your daughter is suffering. Want to see the main source of her existential angst? Go look in a mirror.
  • 52 25
 @ashlemon: And the prize to the most cowardly post goes to you, congrats!
  • 31 33
 @Bikesbecauserunningsucks: consider yourself lucky you never experienced anything like what she’s going through. I imagine that if you did, your view of gender would be different. As it stands, your experience/upbringing has taught you there are only two genders, while her’s has taught her something entirely different. Everyone has their own truth and as long as no one gets hurt, why does one version have to be the only truth?
  • 44 37
 @urbanacheiver: I do consider myself lucky to have not experienced anything like gender dysphoria. Not certain that's what she's going through as I am far from a physiologist, but seems to be something similar.

You sound like you genuinely want what's best for society. That said, there is definitely a reason why truth is not malleable. Truth has to be based on observable and repeatable fact, or there is no truth. If I (or someone more qualified) were studying the body of an unknown person who died 500 years ago, their gender could be definitively known based on our understanding of biology. This same researcher would have no clue how they identified.
  • 96 8
 Go ride bikes you weirdos
  • 17 4
 @DCF: fair. There's a separate forum for this
  • 19 10
 Can we not do this here?
  • 17 9
 @sonuvagun: One thing I always come back to is how whenever people speak of diversity, in whatever form it's people like you that start shouting about not being the center of the world anymore. Take a look inside, bro.
  • 33 28
 @Bikesbecauserunningsucks: just be aware that you are not truly correct in saying we would 100% know the gender of any given body. Take a quick second to google 'gender chromosome variations' - or consider reading a book like Middlesex to give you some additional understanding of the topic
  • 41 21
 @Bikesbecauserunningsucks: Your belief does not align with current scientific and medical consensus. blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/stop-using-phony-science-to-justify-transphobia
  • 15 3

Sorry to hear your daughter’s having a hard time. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to go through that as a teenager at the best of times, let alone when the internet is so all-consuming as it is today, and the loudest people on it are repeatedly telling you there’s something wrong with you.
  • 11 13
 @pourquois-pas: Brian and the rest of the staff need the drama for the clicks and the ad revenue. They’ll never do much unless Outside takes a stand, and I just don’t see that happening.
  • 50 30
 I remember growing up as a teenager in the 90s and the grunge scene was big. I loved the music, the scene and l had angst. l was a teen, like every teen wondering where i fit in the world. Interestingly there was never, ever had this whole socially engineered gender confusion. Occasionally there was a gay or lesbian, femboy or whatever but beyond that nobody seemed to be confused about their gender. Its a shame that these kids are indeed confused and they are not getting any help working out the confusion. All they are getting reinforcement of confusion and delusions.
  • 4 22
flag OnTheRivet (Apr 24, 2022 at 9:54) (Below Threshold)
 @ashlemon: I'm stealing this one, so perfect.
  • 19 14
 I’m sorry that your daughter has to go through any online abuse. As a new parent I feel you. Being different can be both unnerving and meaningful. Hope she could find understandings and her own path.

Pinkbike comments are sometimes toxic even to adults. I prefer the Radavist comment section much more. We share such a great sports and nature no matter your age or body or profession it’s quite amazing. Yet the Pinkbike comments seem to waste everyone’s time too often. It’s both because our lack of self-respect and compassion, and because the comment section itself is a **bad product**. We all know how people behave online or offline when the responsibility is zero.

Free speech doesn’t mean saying whatever you want. Free speech doesn’t mean that Pinkbike — it’s a company btw — cannot censor comments. I’ve lived in repressive censorship before so I know what that tastes. But different values have different priorities, and free speech isn’t always the top one.

Pinkbike probably won’t change the format of the comment section because of “engagements”. A healthier comment section would be frankly no-comment or moderated. Pinkbike can adopt a baseline and improve its moderation. Otherwise the loudest and ugliest voices will suck our attention away with no benefit at all.
  • 25 12
 @Thirty3: Just because you didn't see it does not mean it wasn't there. The world is bigger than your own eyes. Also, peopl were forced to hide more.
  • 14 19
flag Thirty3 (Apr 24, 2022 at 10:21) (Below Threshold)
 @furiousstyles: Im there were a few but im willing to wager that it was a non issue for 95% of the world.
  • 5 7
 @furiousstyles: And to be fair, he didn't say gender dysphoria wasn't there. He said it was much less so. But you can't ask or tell people to assume things were different than what they themselves saw and experienced.
  • 14 3
 @pourquois-pas: I get the anger and built up aggressive post about the situation.

The realities are though that society has created a pathway (via the internet) that allows all voices to be heard. “Now in the realities of it all, about 95% of voices, views and opinions need not be heard ( and that very likely includes mine as well).
The powers that be, have formulated the requirements of the world to need constant gratification form as many people as possible and we are now suffering for it.
There are a select few that don’t entertain the modern world way of thinking and well, they seem to be pretty happy no matter what’s going on around them.

This maybe something you and your child need to adopt.

“Give Zero f*cks what someone thinks of you or your beliefs and opinions. Just think; will they be laying in bed mulling over what you effect they’ve had upon you today? No they won’t- so don’t waste your time thinking about them”.

We are here for a sole collective reason. Bicycles. Some with front bouncy bits, some with lots of bouncy bits! Some with skinny tyres, some with fat tyres- some go up fast, some go down faster. Some have pedal assisted motors built into them- some are only purchased by ‘Dentists’….

Some are small wheels, some are mixed and some are massive. Who actually gives a f*ck so much about it all that they would stand there and fight to the death about it?!!!!! I would say 0.001% would be like that. If that is the case, let natural selection enjoy the taking of them and focus on what makes you smile.

  • 33 27
 @Thirty3: It's because this kids have been told that they can be whatever they want to be which is absolutely wrong and unhelpful.

It's like a self-esteem movement vol.2

It didn't help kids back then and most definitely will not help now. It's just not how society works
  • 35 4
 @GFozzz: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264

Alright, so you are correct. I did not look at every exception to my assertion. I have spent the past few hours diving into the intersex studies. This short article seems to provide the clearest summary of the opinions I founds. By the largest estimate, 1.7% would be difficult to identify by their appearance. As you remove more disorders/syndromes from the criteria of "intersex," the estimates are as low as 0.018%.

Either way, this is an extreme minority, so while I am aware that I am not "truly correct," I am also aware that I am at least 98.3% correct.
  • 8 2
 @2-1RacingUK: What’s with all these labels man, autobots, decepticons, gay, straight. Just pick a few robots and lets party
  • 62 25
 @pourquois-pas: I'm sure your daughter would be incredibly reassured and set at ease knowing that you're using her struggles with a psychological disorder as an excuse to make virtue signaling rage posts on a mountain bike site. Sets a great example on how to deal with adversity and really shows that you value and see her as a person, not just as her problems. Solid work... poor kid doesn't have enough on her plate, she gets to deal with your grandstanding too.
  • 4 3
 @mick06: sorry dude/Duddettle/dudicale and any other denomination you see fit to give yourself.
  • 29 1
 Anyway…those drill bits exploding was pretty cool
  • 11 14
 @furiousstyles: that "scientific and medical consensus" is fake, and paid for by deviant billionaires (look up Jennifer Pritzker sometime). It is as legimate as those old cigarette ads that would say "Dr. Approved"
  • 21 8
 @Bikesbecauserunningsucks: I think one of the problems is that trans (and non-binary advocates) have posited a belief that anyone who says “I believe there are only two genders” is guilty of hate. It makes it impossible to have a conversation, but maybe that’s the goal. If they can sway enough people to that side of thinking they’ve essentially won.
  • 33 6
 @shredddr: “won” what? The right to be the people they feel they are?

It’s all so dumb... There really shouldn’t even be a debate to be had. If someone feels they are a certain way; outside the parameters of man/woman, then let em be. It doesn’t affect or concern anyone else. Nobody’s forcing anyone to attend pride parades or paint rainbow flags on their houses… all these people want is to be recognised as the human beings they feel they are. It’s really not a big ask.
  • 30 7
 Ok since everyone's getting on their soapbox, I will too because frankly I like spouting my own worldview.

There are lots of people that will give you a hard time in life and their opinions will not agree with yours. They may even oppress you for them. They can also try to deny your voice from ever being heard. There are many reasons for this, one of them is that to see the world in a way that disagrees with them makes them uncomfortable, it becomes unfamiliar and strange. Honestly it can become threatening. So what do people do? They try to change the world and make it become comfortable for themselves again, then they can finally relax and all is right with the world. But we need to remember that we have 0 control over other people, we can only influence others, hopefully positively.

Everything I said above applies both ways, to everyone regardless of your beliefs and politics. We can be oppressed, we can oppress others.

Do you believe there are only two genders? Sure, in and of itself that's harmless, it's just a perspective. But if you tell someone else that they MUST conform to it, then think about the above, because you just might be crossing a line and oppressing someone and yes, their freedom.

Do you believe that there's no such thing as binary? I see nothing wrong with that, you can choose to define yourself as you please. But if you are cancelling people because they think otherwise, you could just be obstructing their freedom of self and denying them an area of their own mind.

I think that we all need to reset our locus of control. That is, I control what is within me and my head. I only have influence in the world outside of me. So you control your thoughts, your emotions (yep), your body. You get no control of anyone else's, they can only influence you and vice versa.

Yeah it's uncomfortable knowing that other people out there are actively trying to shut you down, but our inner peace and calm is constantly being bombarded by society, by people, by the world, by ourselves, or by just dumb f*cking luck. The world is asking us to grow and stop trying to make the world safe, but instead make ourselves stronger, move through and let go. Make our inner peace deeper, make our calm ever-present, so we can't be disrupted no matter how many rocks get pelted at us.

So if you're confronted with someone of the opposite perspective, I suggest, if you can both handle it, having a respectful, lighthearted, open conversation exploring each person's perspective. If either person is unavailable, then recognize your locus of control, bid eachother well wishes and move on, because we all have personal freedom and I believe it's critical to respect that. Yes, you'll have to move on in the world knowing you didn't "win this person over", but so be it, consider it an opportunity to work on ourselves, rather than work on the other person.

Ok thanks for reading, there is nothing more that I want then peace, harmony and understanding amongst ALL people.

BTW - no one's yet provided a cogent, eloquent perspective on why there can only be two genders. As I understand it, sex = biologically defined at birth (chromosomes, male/female) gender = self-defined (what words best reflect my current self-defined state). Can someone provide a counter-perspective in a calm and concise post? Meaning not rage-y.
  • 6 11
flag furiousstyles (Apr 24, 2022 at 16:06) (Below Threshold)
 @Bikesbecauserunningsucks: So if 100% of people aren't a member of a specific group, they don't have the right to have an online presence or be seen? Please hand over your MTBs. Far less people in the world mountain bike
  • 3 8
flag furiousstyles (Apr 24, 2022 at 16:08) (Below Threshold)
 Funny how they are just trying to give others a perspective they haven't considered and you just jump down their throats misinterpreting what "mental disorder" is. Take a look int he mirror, bub. Maybe try watching Mr. Rogers to remember what EMPATHY is.
  • 6 1
 @Tuna-Flapjack: yeah yeah I know lol, it's pretty much a novel haha. Still, hopefully you can get around to reading it sometime
  • 15 2
I fail to see where I asserted that intersex people shouldn't have rights. Rather, I said that non-binary people should have the same rights as me in a previous comment. The statistic I gave was in response to someone calling out my lack of understanding of biological criteria of male/female. So I spent the time to educate myself, and found that most of the time you could find out exactly what gender someone was, independently of how they identify.

Ultimately I'm saying that we can't make decisions for the whole of society, based on the needs of small parts of the society. I love riding my mountain bike, but I don't expect laws to be changed so that mountain bikers always have a place to ride. If 1.7% of people are intersex, then 1.7% of society's energy should be dedicated to accommodating them. If .0006% of people ride MTBs, then .0006% of land should allow MTB riders.
  • 7 2
 @robomatic: I read it. I think I'm correct in summarizing that you believe people have the right to do what they want, so long as it doesn't infringe someone else's ability to do what they want. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I agree.
  • 17 4
 @Bikesbecauserunningsucks: it’s a wedge issue with vastly more oxygen than it needs, based on the exceedingly small portion of the population it affects. The original poster has been marginalized and victimized straight to the top of the comment section, while people expressing “traditional “ views are downvoted to Hades. Personally, I could give two poops about someone’s sexuality, but the overly aggressive SJW messaging is a big turnoff.
  • 17 3
 I'm Galdorf - The Great Lizard King and require everyone else on the planet to recognize that I believe it and they must call me King..... prove me wrong.
  • 12 2
 @DBone95: All Hail our new king DBone95!
  • 7 2
 @DBone95: What will you royal Lizardness be requiring today?
  • 8 2
 @DBone95: WAIT....what if I decide to be Galdorf - The Great Lizard King and require everyone else on the planet to recognize me as such....will you and I have a problem?
  • 3 1
 @Bikesbecauserunningsucks: Yeah you got it. It goes both ways. I can't force you to believe in something just as much as you can't force me.

And if someone's view is contrary to ours, hopefully we can all move on peacefully and with respect for the other person
  • 3 1
 @PACNW-MTB: We can peacefully co-rule together, for a better planet.
  • 23 11
 @pourquois-pas - Would you like our opinions to fester underground away from you and your daughter's oh so sensitive ears? Take a break and sort yourself out. I will post, like or defend any viewpoint I want - especially if it causes you to wag your finger in my face. You are what is wrong with society today. We owe you and your daughter nothing. F*ck you too.
  • 18 3
 @furiousstyles: Intersex individuals account for a very, very small minority. It's a straw man argument, 99.9% of us are born male or female, though our level of femininity or masculinity can vary widely within our sex; effeminate men, masculine women, etc, etc. We need to be kind to those struggling with these issues, while still maintaining what is biologically factual. Men are not women, and vice versa. I'm happy to accept anyone as a human being, what I cannot do is participate in what I believe to be dishonest and destructive to the individual and all of us when objective truth gives way to sentimental beliefs, etc. Again, I sure hope this young person can sort out the most confusing time in most all of our lives; adolescence is hard!!
  • 8 8
 What if we’re the ones giving these narrow minded arsehats a stage?

Pinkbike is just a tool, if we ignore the trolls, they can’t hurt us.

Isn’t this ^ what we tell our kids to do?

I think this is our only hope of managing extremism, ignore the trolls, don’t give them a response and we temper their voice.
  • 13 19
flag drmccoypartyenabler69xl (Apr 24, 2022 at 20:31) (Below Threshold)
 I feel for you and 100% agree that folks who feel entitled to spreading bigotry under the guise of "legitimate discourse" should f*ck right off. Good luck to you and your daughter!
  • 2 2
 @furiousstyles: your empathy is misplaced
  • 4 3
 @robomatic: good post. thanks.
  • 1 1
 @JapeyJayEn: gotta call it out when you see it, wherever you see it.
  • 6 9
 @nurseben: I understand the argument on "ignore them and they'll go away", but would we really consider it ok to just ignore anti semetic posts for example? The issue is that hateful posts can inspire others who were perhaps keeping it to themselves. It's the same in the workplace - we should be calling out misogyny, racism etc, otherwise it becomes the norm.
  • 7 2
 @mountainsofsussex: we should also be calling out the mobbing done by SJWs and their squires the virtue signalers
  • 10 11
 @Velowebby: ah to be back in the good old days when these LGBT weirdos either lied to themselves and lived in misery for their entire lives or just killed themselves. Because that's what you're all saying deep down isn't it? Idiots hate complexity, it's a tale as old as time itself and the reason why civilisation will fall.
  • 14 2
 @BenPea: You reduce all opposing opinions down to hatred, "because that's what you're all saying deep down." And then, follow it up with "Idiots hate complexity."
Yes, you certainly do.
  • 7 1
 @BenPea: Cathy Newman called. She wants her rhetorical device back.
  • 4 5
 @sonuvagun: lah-dee-f*cking-dah
  • 3 1
 @speedfreek: I agree that letting them be and recognizing them is the bare minimum, but if a person believes there are two genders, does that automatically make them transphobic as some advocates say?
  • 8 8
 That whole BLM moment has passed and pinkbike are over it, not that they genuinely cared anyway, a quick post about being inclusive then swiftly moving on... did you really think they posted that beyond the binary video to be positive? They just want clicks and comments and indignant rage from the bike bros that come to this particular site. Notice how useless the comment section here is compared to say NSMB. I’ve never seen a useful tip or discussion here, it’s just a strange soup of Covid nutters, trump voters and I’m-not-racist-wink misogynistic lite types.
  • 1 2
 @Peskycoots: Thanks for this useful tip(!) about who populates the PB comment section.
  • 4 2
 @Peskycoots: The most indignant rage is at the top of this comment section. I don't think that person is a key ingredient of your "soup."
  • 4 9
flag uh-no (Apr 25, 2022 at 7:31) (Below Threshold)
 @unrooted: JORDAN PETERSON LMFAOOOOO omg this is rich. I could've guessed, so obvious. Unrooted, shouldn't you be cleaning your room?
  • 14 8
 Your preaching is completely unnecessary. Sorry your daughter is buying into the fads of today. A lot of the confusion stems from children who find it appealing to be different, but then it’s not really how they feel inside. Children love attention and being unique, and telling adults at a young age that you want to be a different gender will bring a lot of attention. Go ahead and keep parenting how ever you’d like. But get the f*ck off your soap box. Nobody was even saying anything disrespectful.
  • 2 0
 @Peskycoots: sounds like facebook eh? :thinkface:
  • 4 1
 I dont totally agree with OP/OC, but it is sad to see Pinkbike opting to delete his account.
  • 3 5
 @Narro2: no it’s not. He literally told Pinkbike to do it. His narrative is just as toxic as any “troll” out there. I completely support consenting adults who identify as non-binary, it makes perfect sense for my cousin who is much happier identifying as such. His rant was completely unnecessary and peppered with hatred.
  • 5 1
 @nastynate711: didnt you mean figuratively? i just dont see where he wrote "delete my account" or something of that sort...

And wont take the bait on "my relative who is blablabla", if you really have a relative who identifies as such, respect him and his privacy by not making a fuss about it just to get internet points. Not sure what pronouns to use, but it is difficult in here and in these times, so I apologize in advance for that.
  • 2 0
 @TwoNGlenn: I didn’t say it wasn’t, I just pointed out pinkbike stir the shit for some clicks and the comments are full of shit. I’m aware I’m part of the problem.
  • 1 0
 @rirkby: No, we don’t “gotta”.
  • 3 9
flag drmccoypartyenabler69xl (Apr 25, 2022 at 17:06) (Below Threshold)
 @shredddr: The problem isn't that many people believe there are two genders, it's that some of these people feel compelled to tell other people who don't believe in two rigid genders that they are sick or inferior. I'm not an expert on this subject, but I know plenty of people who have some apprehension about gender fluidity. And they generally avoid being transphobic by just not going out of their way to foist their opinions about gender on other people.
  • 12 8
 Let’s clear up a few things that are being assumed or misinterpreted. I question why I am even bothering, but here goes

Probably falls into the TL/DR column for most of you, though I do hope you take the time and read without prejudice.

Pinkbike didn’t ban me, I deleted my own account.

Don't assume my motivations. My daughter identifies as gay, dresses as most of you would call “Tomboy-ish” and is constantly harassed (more so by adults than her peers, fwiw). At times we check some things out on PB together and I wanted to show her the Beyond the Binary video but I scrolled down the page and read what was at the time the top comment by @wburnes. She is sympathetic to the trans community because she, through her own experiences, even as a teen, has the awareness to understand how their life experience must be so difficult. Some of you wouldn’t know how to handle the level of empathy this kid carries. So I had two choices, show her the video and comments or hide it from her; respond to the comments or let it go. I chose to show her and respond - I can't protect her from this crap as it unfortunately everywhere, but nor can I just let it go. If you think I made that post for some sort of personal gain, glory or whatever you must think I'm some sort of crazy-ass social masochist because I assumed I would be attacked more than supported.

Why on Pinkbike? “It should only be about bikes!" Well, any long term member knows that isn’t true. This community has discussed all sorts of topics. And when things like inclusion, diversity and feminism are even slightly broached a vocal portion of the membership feels emboldened to make passive aggressive or outright attacking posts. More and more of late it seems. Rarely are they shunned for “oversharing” or being some narcissistic crybaby. Usually they get downvoted, usually the community corrects them, but not everyone, and not always. I decided to pre-empt the trolls who had already started posting their passive aggressive comments, directly and bluntly. I thought, no hoped, that a sincere personal story may actually cause some members to stop and reflect before they attacked. I was naïve (being honest with myself, call it ignorance, as I've posted in support of feminist ideas in the past and took heat then too). It may not have been the “right way”, but if you’re critical of my post ask yourself earnestly if it is the tone, the topic or the forum that really bothers you. If you read hatred into my words perhaps it is the tint of your lens? Frustration, sadness, passion aren’t necessarily hatred.

I used to belong to the camp of “the more we talk about it the more kids will turn out that way.” I didn’t understand homosexuality or transgender people. Frankly, because I had never tried to challenge the norms under which I had been raised and just accepted it was weird and deviant like pretty much every influence in my life had always claimed (remember, we teach these divisions, young children do not naturally hold negative bias). But I’ve learned, through a very uncomfortable process, that this is simply not true. I’ve reached out to a lot of members of the LGTBQ community to help navigate this and the unequivocal answer is: it’s not a choice. It is who you are, and you either are allowed to embrace it or choose to hide it…. and if you think it is uncomfortable for you to allow them to embrace themselves, imagine, if you can, how it would feel to have to suppress it for your entire life.

I generally don’t do social media and obviously don’t know the “rules” (though I did read the user policy, even though it seems those aren’t actually effective the rules in this space). The exception is (was) PB comments. As off the wall as this place can be at times it was entertaining and generally fun. But I’ve found the tone has changed, members are more and more acting in a dehumanizing fashion. Forgetting, nee ignoring that there is a person on the other end of the keyboard. Guilty as charged.

The most ironic of all posters are those who claim “they’re just words, people will disagree with you, learn to cope”, written by people who read “just words” and were stirred enough inside that they are compelled to respond , often attack, even if the topic has little to no direct bearing on their lives. These same people expect that a kid who happens to like bikes and may be going through similar self-awareness challenges as my daughter should just read their words as nothing more than words on a screen. That it shouldn’t affect them. And worse, that being asked to consider those other people is somehow an infringement on their own personal rights. This is the degradation of the very fabric of our society happening before our eyes, you can choose to partake or pushback.

Before you all jump on, I recognize the hypocrisy in some of my words after having posted a rant that directly attacked individuals. I’m not proud of how my original post was worded, but I do not regret raising the issue and pushing back.

Anyway, go on, flame away. Enjoy talking bikes and whatever. Attack me and shit on my views all you want. I truly do not care. I have something far more important in my life that warrants my attention than the Pinkbike comments section. But if only one PB member reads this thread and takes a moment to challenge their own perspective, it was worth it.

Happy trails.
  • 2 2
 @pourquoispasecho: We all have a strong opinion on something until we're working through it ourselves, which doesn't necessarily mean our beliefs should change, but still something to consider. Respect and good luck to you, sir!
  • 11 4
 @pourquoispasecho: The whole creating fake accounts to rage post from is a great look for you... really sells the whole story of you being the victim here. No doubt this is exactly the type of balanced personality that a teen really needs guiding them through a challenging period in life as they find their identity.
  • 6 2
 @pourquoispasecho: preemptively blasting everyone for being haters won't win any sympathy for your cause. Your views are fine. Your tone sucks.
  • 4 8
flag BenPea (Apr 26, 2022 at 12:02) (Below Threshold)
 @pourquoispasecho: Very well put.
Walk away, it'll take the warriors a few reads to get it, despite it being so f*cking simple, and if they don't it's because they don't want to.
  • 6 3
 @pourquoispasecho: I get it. Passion and support are a big thing for you and your family members to embark on.

People are pack animals- you walk into a room or Community and start throwing punches, expect them back!

I get you’re trying to set an example of self-worth and positive projection to your child. This is great but the context and effect of this aren’t being used on the correct forum. You know that generic movie scene where a loving parent drops off their kids and over expresses the love in a public domaine- the kid recoils and is overly embarrassed. I’m not your kid/s but I’m feeling that way for you now.
This is emulating the extreme feminist, hardcore right or left political view holder. Your overall reaction and literal aggression has lost you the audience, that frankly would have supported you against a very small minority of ignorant people.
I’m a 40 year old man with 24 years military service that’s coming to an end soon. I’ve seen discrimination, I’ve witnessed atrocities in foreign lands that completely go against all of what we in the west perceive as Basic humanity. I get your vocal point and I generally support the mindset of “I couldn’t give a flying f*ck what you do, as long as it’s legal, morally correct and you’re not ramming it down the throats of people who either disagree or don’t have a full understanding of your perspective YET”.

If you want to educate people- speak to people don’t SHOUT at people. Your weapon is your ability to fight the fight with articulate content and conversation. If you want to pacify a bully in a public forum, factual, educated discussion Is the way. Anything more is just sticking your face in a fire pit.

Good luck to your daughter and whatever path she walks along. From my perspective; whatever she decides to do in life, love or the persist of happiness, be fully aware and acceptant that life is shit at times. It isn’t a fairytale and you’re not always happy. Just love to try and find those happy times and make as many of them, in your own little way.

Love to you and whatever letter of the alphabet you decide to identify as.
  • 7 1
 @pourquoispasecho: Hey man, I wish you and your daughter the best. I'm guessing we don't really agree on politics, but seriously consider limiting or stopping your child from using social media at all. There's a reason all the rich f*cks and tech bros don't let their kids use the apps they profit off of. Especially places like reddit or twitter, regardless of your identity or political opinions, there will be someone who just wants to make you feel bad about yourself. For adults that's generally fine as long as you don't take yourself too seriously, but for a growing teen that can really mess with your head. Just flat out tell her no social media until 18. Remember too, literally zero kids growing up feel 100% confident in their identity. That's just how growing up works, eventually you come to accept your flaws that can't be changed. Make sure to remind your daughter that feeling like she doesn't fit in is standard. Good luck to you two!
  • 3 0
 @DylanH93: I really agree with this and I think it's wise advice. Teen years is such a delicate age where social standing and peer relationships mean the world, and getting a ton of peer opinions can be damaging. Even if the opinions are super positive, it could give the sense of superiority, grandiosity or attention-seeking. Entering that kind of environment without the ability to self-navigate to what's truly important could put someone in a bad place.

At that age I wish I learned a little more about understanding and trusting myself. I'm only now learning it in the last few years, better late than never Smile
  • 3 1
 @pourquoispasecho: how do I delete my account? I left too many comments being drunk Big Grin
  • 79 2
 What the f*ck is the argument at the top? I came here to joke about exploding drill bits!
  • 14 14
 I think some parent was poor at parenting, and instead of taking an ounce of blame they are pointing their fingers at everyone on the internet.
  • 1 2
 @unrooted: Yeah, I don't know what happened to start it, but it does seem like everyone hates @pourquois-pas
For some reason. Oh well, You never know what you'll find in a PB comment section!
  • 90 24
 Once again disappointed by the sludge that creeps to the top of the PinkBike comments. People claiming to be for “individual’s rights” yet are intolerant of someone unlike them having a story about themselves.

If you don’t like it, just keep your mouth shut.
  • 30 3
 People post for attention.

Pinkbike created a means to further this means if expesssion.

Welcome to the future.

Here’s a tip: Avoid social media.
  • 3 2
 I accept everyone, what I don't accept is everything they believe whether it be religion, politics, and so forth. Jefferson once said something to the effect that we can friends while still not agreeing with each other. I'm hopeful to realize this!
  • 50 5
 The end of the KC video said it all for me. It might not be for everybody, and it might just be for one person. I will raise my hand and say that I enjoyed it and learnt some things.
I am old enough that I don't ‘get’ the importance of pronouns. They/them is confusing to me. But watching the segment about that topic helped me appreciate how important it can be to the individual, and I will try a lot harder to respect a person’s wishes when it comes to that in the future.
Thanks for KC and their team for putting that video out, and to Pinkbike for posting it.
  • 49 5
 Came for the mega ramp, read the first comment, didn’t need to read or watch another thing.

People need to get the f*ck of social media and build a life worth remembering.

Your life only matters to you, no one else cares.
  • 43 3
 While I don't personally think it's fair for someone who is born male to be able to compete against someone that is born female I could give zero f**ks about how someone identifies or chooses to live their life. It just makes the world a richer and more interesting place.
Anyone who is into riding bikes is already good with me.
For those of you who feel threatened by someone who identifies differently or has a differing sexual orientation perhaps you should have an honest conversation with yourself about your deepest and darkest thoughts.
  • 33 0
 Anyone else see That map from Shanghai and think my bike probably won’t be here in July.
  • 1 0
 Mine got delayed 3 weeks, hopefully it was at the arrival harbour than the departure one.
Also hopefully bikes are shipped straight from Taiwan without going to Shanghai first ?
  • 1 1
 August for me! Was supposed to show up in January!
  • 9 0
 I feel for the poor bastards who have to look at that everyday and figure out what ship is gonna go where.
  • 4 0
 @4thflowkage: my heart goes out to the fishes. If the props don't get you, the nurdles will
  • 1 0
 They need to offload all those fountain pen nibs first.
  • 1 0
 @stage-a: I needs me nib fix!

We had shipments that usually take 5-6 weeks delayed by an additional 5-6 weeks AFTER they left the manufacturer last week. Lots of stuff is going to be delayed.
  • 18 0
 Carbon wheels on Paris-Roubais pavement, next year go for alloy DH rims with Hope hubs!
  • 4 1
 They’ve been riding carbon wheels at PR for over a decade now. I’m pretty sure every team was on carbon wheels this year. This wasn’t a great ad for shimano’s latest wheels though.
  • 5 1
 @zoobab2: Fatbike manufacturers should do a fatbike Paris-Roubaix, that would be fun to see so many fatbikes at once, and a great advertiser for the bikes
  • 8 0
 @Will-narayan: I wonder how many days they’d take!
  • 1 0
 Not really designed to be ridden flat over the cobbles.
  • 17 1
 Mega ramp video is crazy. Don’t want to spoil the surprise so all I can say is wow.
  • 3 0
 FUK thanks. finally someone who liked the skateboard show. the skiing was pretty rad to but damn that guy is tough.
  • 5 0
 @castlemtn: tough doesn’t even speak to the hits that street skaters and street BMX take, it’s like fight club but you’re doing it to yourself.
  • 1 0
 @nurseben: Vert and Mega ramp real slams make street slams look tame. Only advantage those guys have is they have pads and know how to use them but when it goes really wrong its really bad.
  • 8 0
 @nurseben: Wasn't that sort of the clue of Fight Club, that he was doing it to himself?
  • 7 0
 @ak-77: dude, spoilers, that film only came out 23 years ago, I am going to get round to watching it soon!
  • 18 4
 IFHT should do another film, this time called: How to be a Pinkbike commenter.

“#5 - Pick a number of genders you think there are, and be a dick about it.”
  • 3 0
 #5 needs to be just be "Be a dick." No need to pick anything
  • 1 0
 @93EXCivic: why not a c*nt? motivate your choice carefully or except a wall of text where i judge you!!11
  • 20 8
 The rigidness of gender. Definitely more desirable then the flaccidness of gender especially over 40.
  • 9 1
 I have a bike with 26” wheels that I can’t even take on the trail because of the toxicity that the modern mtb community makes me feel.
  • 4 0
  • 2 0
 What kind of toxicity? People mock your bike? Weird stares?

Edit: did I get wooshed?
  • 9 0
 Well the comments went exactly how I thought they would. If nothing else, PB is predictable.
  • 9 1
 Pinkbike is running out of bike related contents.
  • 5 0
 thanks for that clip on the mega ramp. major respect for the dude who made that 360 stick and land it clean…with a broken collar bone. a effectively high threshold for pain
  • 5 0
 Jesus. Going through that anchorage and up that river used to scare the hell out of me when things were ‘normal’. Glad I’m not doing it now!!!
  • 6 0
 Man, I scrolled down to the comments and thought I must have missed something. I did, but not sure what.
  • 6 0
 Can't wait for Redbull's next amazing idea: "you are the wheel".
  • 4 0
 Of all of those ships I'm wondering which one is transporting my rear tyre!?
  • 6 0
 Drill bits did me fuckkk
  • 2 0
 Moral of the story:"Never forget your safety glasses"...
  • 2 1
 I weigh 265, down 30 lbs actually hooray, and seeing that wheel blow up is sobering. I ride some 1500 gram wheels on my local bike path to work and the heat where I live has caused some major cracks to open between portions of paved trail. A major thunk happens when hitting them, especially at speed...I'll reconsider my speed when hitting them next time!!
  • 9 7
 This is fun. Is this pinkbike or drphill.com?!?

I come hear to laugh and learn not solve world problems for F@&$ sake.

Don’t make the comments section lame - you know who you are.
  • 11 6
 Binary ?? Beta?? Ebikes?? What are these things?
  • 1 0
 If you see a complex situation, put yourself in the shoes of the person who has it the hardest and try and unpack it from there. I know as much about gender identity as I do about street skating and mega ramps. I can certainly empathize with fear and feeling out of your element. I can empathize with most things except inherent wilfull ignorance.
  • 1 0
 I never would have guessed my fellow mtbers could be worse than a bunch of PTA mothers in a white upper class resort town. Can we all just remember what we came here for in the first place... sweet fresh mtb content to take our minds away from all the hard truths of everyday life, society, jobs, parenting and so on. I know the comment sections is where the snowball always becomes an avalanche, but lets melt the snow for once.
  • 123 120
 Don't bother watching Beyond the Binary, you'll never get those 8 minutes back
  • 33 93
flag mackster23 FL (Apr 24, 2022 at 1:06) (Below Threshold)
 Spoken like a true boomer. Stay woke
  • 23 4
 @wburnes I don't know if you were referring to the topic of the video or the content. I actually thought it was a pretty boring video - you can be non binary, cyclist and happy while living in a small town. Where I live, that's no big deal, so for me I guess it's 8 minutes I won't get back. Or if you were objecting to the topic, I'm sure there are welcoming corners of the internet
  • 75 15
 To each their own. I don’t subscribe to the intersectional/ identity politics/ gender fluidity concepts but I respect an individual’s right to live their life how they see fit. Just don’t force your viewpoints on others or expect others to comply with your beliefs/viewpoints and it’s all good.
  • 18 67
flag wburnes FL (Apr 24, 2022 at 4:36) (Below Threshold)
 @Stampers: Your opponents will force their viewpoints onto others, so choosing not to do so yourself is ideological suicide.

Respecting their rights is tacit approval.

The libertarian worldview is a cancer on the slightly above average intellect.
  • 14 3
 An entire movement based on stereotypes.
  • 26 27
 @wburnes: I think we are both on the same page. I certainly think the ideologues on the left are becoming increasingly totalitarian and those who are moderate on the left need to stand up to these radicals.
  • 17 1
 @Stampers: lol. wburnes calls them libertarians and you call them left wing totalitarians. That's not just not the same page... That’s a whole different book!
  • 15 33
flag KK11 (Apr 24, 2022 at 5:36) (Below Threshold)
 Oh stop this binary shiii already. Geesus.
  • 8 3
 @mi-bike: that's not at all his meaning. He means that the libertarian worldview is tolerant of intolerance and that is a problem.
  • 8 6
 @Adamrideshisbike:"An entire movement based on stereotypes." -Profound truth.
  • 5 8
 @wburnes: Well, at least you don’t have to be afraid of the libertarian worldview (whatever that is) - your iq sure is way below average…
  • 30 13
 I don't equate inclusiveness and equality with wokeness, if anything the opposite. The woke crowd, as I've observed them, tend to be bullies. My highest form of respect is to treat you like I treat everyone else. You cannot have special status AND equality, it doesn't work that way...Shimano, don't go woke and broke!
  • 14 0
 @Stampers: I don't think people are necessarily getting more radical, it's just social media algorithms amplify the more extreme voices. I suspect the vast majority of people have far bigger things to worry about than how someone they'll never met feels about their gender or who they are attracted to. I'm hopefully that most Pinkers would much rather argue about wheel size or SRAM brakes being useless
  • 3 0
 @wburnes: read Hoppe for a rebuttal
  • 3 2
 @Stampers: The moderate right also needs to stand up to the ideologues on the right as well. The sad truth is both extremes are becoming increasingly totalitarian and the extremes are becoming a larger voice.
  • 4 0
 Conflict = Increased Clicks = Increased Advertising Revenue
  • 4 0
 The hydraulic press channel rules.
  • 2 0
 This article does have more to discuss y'know? For instance, did anybody else catch that frozen Nessie trapped in the snow in the MacAvalanche vid?
  • 2 0
 would like to see a time lapse of that ramp being built, it must have taken forever.
People are people, stop being absolute Cu£ts about it
  • 1 0
 Wow so PB instead of actually moderating the comments and users decided to up and ban the guy while other accounts are still open or have gotten a slap on the wrist. Tell me again how progressive you're being...
  • 3 0
 Them drill bits though! Wow!
  • 2 0
 All comments are essentially opinions. So are all opinions allowed here? Are we tolerant or not?
  • 2 0
 Can we get back to something lass sensitive and more on-topic? Like ebikes versus real bikes?
  • 12 10
 Putin would hate the Binary video. Just think about that.
  • 4 14
flag wburnes FL (Apr 24, 2022 at 21:14) (Below Threshold)
 Putin is right again
  • 6 1
 @wburnes: so deep and so lonely in your echo chamber lmao
  • 2 4
 @browner: lmao where exactly is the pro-Putin western media echo-chamber?

I have my own criticisms of Putin but you won't like those at all
  • 2 2
 @wburnes: oh i have no doubts your echo chamber steers well clear of what you call western media lol
  • 2 2
 @browner: But I'm not in an echo-chamber (echo-chambers by definition cannot be "lonely") and the media that I consume is majority western media. Have you ever considered that you are the one in the echo-chamber?
  • 2 2
 @wburnes: 'I'm not inan echo chamber' then why do you sound like I've heard it all before lmao so edgy
  • 2 1
 @browner: nothing I've said is edgy
  • 1 2
 @wburnes: massive fail. Stick to your podcasts
  • 2 1
 @browner: But I haven't failed at anything? No one was talking about podcasts.
  • 1 2
 @wburnes: huge self own
  • 1 1
 People complaining about being bullied for being gay is such bull shit. Like if you don't want to get bullied then don't be gay.
  • 11 11
 Biking in 2000 "Wow, what wheels are those?"
Biking in 2022 "How do we call you today?"
  • 1 1
 sad truth
  • 1 1
 The best part of PB is the comment section. *INSERT MICHAEL JACKSON MEME*
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