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Team Videos: Fort William DH World Cup 2017

Jun 5, 2017
by Pinkbike Staff  
Canyon Factory Racing

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The team wins continue and this time it comes from Tracey Hannah, winning her first world cup since her first race in the team in 2012, and at the same time she takes the lead in the world cup ranking with the team leading the team ranking.

Dirt Propain Zelvy

Race day and the Sun was out. The fans piled in and the stage was set for a epic race. Unfortunately our junior riders, brothers George and Henry Kerr both fell in race runs and didn't clinch the results the splits showed possible. Luck was also not with Mr David Trummer, who suffered a mechanical on the top section of the course, ending his run.

Phil put together a smashing run, but like many others squirmed his was through the custard pit of a wood section claiming a respectable 29th, though as he states, not the result he was looking for. The team however have won the race to Leogang and were the first to show up at the Austrian race venue today. Looking forward to the next race!

Norco Factory Racing

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Check out Norco's report here.

Dorval AM Nicolai

YT Mob

GT Spoke Tales Fort William

bigquotesUnfortunately, Sambo and Wyn both had to deal with a flat tire, resulting not getting in the top 80. Jackson, not far from a concussion the day before and with a sore neck, crashed in the exact same spot, also not making it in. Brook had a killer run being less than ten seconds from the fastest time. Keep in mind he did have a big over-the-bars losing some time but still making it into 16th!

MENTIONS: @The-YT-Mob / @GTBicycles

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pinkbikeaudience avatar

Member since Jul 22, 2013
3,488 articles

  • 182 2
 Real talk how in the hell does the YT team get these out so fast? This is the first video content edit from finals, and the first media content since the photo epic just a few hours earlier. Compare that to the Syndicate lourdes video that came out like 3 weeks after the race. The video boys from suspended must put in some savage editing hours, props to the YT video team.
  • 23 0
 Always astounded by the quality they put out in such a short time frame – I really should try to learn how they do it so I can make up for lost study time after watching insane world cups!
  • 14 1
 Pros! The whole team does work!
  • 23 1
 @NickyVanLier: dude i know right? It's not just that they put this out fast, its that it's got great production quality, well graded footage, edited with music, good titles and transitions, tells a story... And it's out before WynTv and to put that out all you have to do is slap together some drunk interview footy and call it a day
  • 5 0
 Wise words!
  • 7 1
 Actually got to talk to one of the videographers and editors for YT at MSA last year. He's a cool dude and works really hard. Stoked that he can edit this quick with such great quality.
  • 27 0
 Even more impressive is that this video "team" is an army of one. Brock VanHeel is killing it.
  • 14 0
 Brock works dude. I stayed with him while racing at MSA last year and he is constantly working. Not even sure if he caught more than a few hours of sleep each night
  • 7 0
 @LavenderGooms: But WhyTV has to slap together that footage while also drunk/hung over... so there is a handicap there! Haha.
  • 48 0
 Thanks for the kind words. Cheers!
  • 8 0
 @suspended-productions: how do you even have time to reply to these comments????
  • 9 0
 @rrolly: Lol... gotta fill my time with something while exporting / traveling.
  • 3 0
 @LavenderGooms: I wonder who does Wyns editing? Himself? Its a wee bit more than just "slap some footage together". I bet he has to sieve through a hell of a lot of shit to get the good, funny stuff.
  • 3 0
 Such high quality of work on the YT edit!

Brock has quite a future. I hope he gets hired by RedBull or some other major player to coordinate even better coverage. Treat YT well for current obligations but these edits already make for a great portfolio. Write your own ticket and live the dream! Sorry YT, love the edits but I want even more of the same. Wink
  • 1 0
 Race commentary at Fort Bill Going doolally for Mulally!
  • 1 0
 It's an ongoing edit. After each day's events, the content is added to the edit, so by Sunday (race day) it's just a matter of adding the race footage and post-race debrief and clicking the upload button versus sitting down to comb through a week's worth of content.

It's also very helpful to have a storyline in mind; that is, what content you would like to film. E.g., scenic shots, travel shots, etc. Then it's just 'go out and film it'.
  • 52 0
 Dang, I thought Gwin just caught a pedal on a rock or something; I didn't realize that he went completely off-bike! And to still podium? insane.
  • 26 1
 It's good to finally hear more about what happened here. It's pretty insane that we miss such massive chunks of the coverage on the live feed... we're left to guess what happens. What other sport is so cryptic? I can't think of any. Maybe the Dakar race where they travel 1000s of km...
  • 14 0
 @piesforyou: i mean for the EWS we only see like 2% of the course so I would say definitely that is more cryptic than DH
  • 8 4
 had he stayed on his bike, I think he would have won. It would have been tight but he might have won it
  • 2 0
 As Gwin said, he has the same crash like his run in the US open.
  • 5 0
 Another reminder HOW LITTLE WE SEE ON THE REDBULL.TV feed. I guess they said the Midges made a camera site unbearable to man, but really, we don't see shit. You get what you pay for, and I would be bummed without it, but even Rob and Claudio and baffled by the splits and can only look for dirt on jerseys and speculate...
  • 11 3
 the GOAT won, hands down. Crashing is part of racing. HOWEVER, the race run up to the crash, Gwin was at least on pace with Minnaar, who was on the 29er. I think this is good evidence that 29ers can be better for certain people, in certain situations, but is not automatically an advantage everywhere.
  • 4 3
 @hamncheez: idk- gwin on a 29er w crash might still have won! Gwin on 29er no crash might have smashed ev
Everyone! YT 29er is coming!
  • 5 1
 @enduro29erHack: Minnaar won. I'm a YT fan and all, but that's how racing works!
  • 3 1
 @hamncheez: Watching the women's race gave me pause. There was a rider on 29 who was fast at the top and slow at the bottom. It was almost as if she couldn't get the big wheels back up to speed. As a male who isn't big or strong, and could only hope to ride as well as the female competitors racing the WC, I think a 29" is completely out of the question for me. You are spot on with works for certain people.
  • 3 0
 @oldmanjoe: the gaps in talent in the women's race are so large that no meaningful conclusions can be drawn from their times.
  • 1 0
 @humoroususername: It wasn't about gaps of talent in a womans field, it's about physics.A bigger wheel is more mass, and the tire on the outside makes it worse. Now when you get the wheel rolling, it has more momentum, and that is a good thing, especially downhill. But if you lack the power to make it roll, you are slow. So the example I noticed, was by the time the rider got to the "motorway" section, she appeared to be tired enough where she couldn't get the wheels back up to speed.
If you have the power to overcome the heavy wheels, go 29" (most men racing UCI have that power) if you don't have the power, you may find that 29" wheel is slow at the end of the day when you get fatigued.
  • 36 0
 Great to see the camaraderie between the riders. Like Troy and Neko on stage. Laurie and Neko happy for each other etc. So glad to see DH racing is not full of blown up ego's hating on each other.
  • 5 0
 I know right? Compared to the driver soap opera that is F1 and it can restore some faith in humanity.
  • 6 17
flag hamncheez (Jun 5, 2017 at 10:39) (Below Threshold)
 insert comment about Gee
  • 3 0
 Neko is a super nice guy in person too.
  • 3 0
 The more money involved (F1, football, basketball, etc.), the more a**holes they get.
  • 12 0
 Here's the team Dorval AM Nicolai video from the World cup of Fort William : www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4KMXDd7r_o
Cheers !
  • 12 0
 pro tip: always snap a few for Tinder
  • 11 0
 Got eat your vegetables and full send it!!
  • 5 0
 Awesome edit! You boys win for fastest video out!
  • 6 1
 Niko is back man. Good for him !
  • 5 1
 they do such a sick job with these edits. favorite team right now? maybe so...

so stoked to see Neko back on pace
  • 3 0
 So about the Nicolai Video ...
The gearbox broke and .. ? No explanation ?
One of their rider seems to be riding a Demo, am I right?
Dorval Asset management ?
  • 1 0
 From when you get any explanation from the teams about broken parts? Sam Blenkinsop after his 6th in quali also broke sth in his frame - gutted for him
  • 1 0
 @AdamOdh: rear wheel axle snaped
  • 2 0
 Benoit's gearbox broke at he start we don't know why .
We'll upload a video this week in Leogang to explain how is kind of gearbox work .
Mélanie Chappaz ride with a Demo she has a contract with a shop with Specialized stuff in France .
Dorval Asset management is our main sponsorship it's a fund management company .
  • 2 0
 Benoit's gearbox broke at he start we don't know why .
We'll upload a video this week in Leogang to explain how is kind of gearbox work .
Mélanie Chappaz ride with a Demo she has a contract with a shop with Specialized stuff in France .
Dorval Asset management is our main sponsorship it's a fund management company .
Will (videographer of the team)
  • 2 1
 Where are the Intense videos? Their launch was awesome and their team has rad characters and super good energy not to mention results. I got to meet and ride with those guys in Laguna and they were just super cool and you could tell they had good chemistry. If I'm just missing their videos, then whoops. If not, their marketing team is blowing it because there is a good story there, one that will definitely sell bikes not to mention build their riders' reputation and ability to earn.
  • 5 1
 Man, I had a smile on my face nearly that entire video! Great work!
  • 3 0
 Full send is life and eat your vegetables!
  • 3 1
 That turn at 5:40 really captures how fast these guys go. It makes my KOMS here on local trails feel pretty soft.
  • 3 0
 love it....Ben is the comedy hero
  • 3 1
 Like what danny hart said. That wood section is a lottery cause of the mud.
  • 2 1
 YT video team is all ways on the top edit senders....hopefully next week the riding team will be faster then the video team
  • 2 0
 What's the story on Angel? Why isn't he racing?
  • 2 0
 My thoughts exactly. Peeped his media, apparently a broken wrist got him on the bench for the next couple months.

  • 2 0
 So glad to see Neko in the top 10!!!
  • 1 0
 bet santa cruz gets this races video out a bit quicker than the last one Wink
  • 2 1
 ooooooooooomg I hope Tracey keeps it together at Leogang and just dominates this season.
  • 1 1
 Why is Norco, a team with huge $ behind them, posting 720p videos when a non-factory team like Dirt Propain can provide us 1440p?
  • 2 1
 dont be spoiled crybaby. videos are free to watch.
  • 1 0
 Anyone seen any footage of Gwin's crash?
  • 2 1
 Yt videos... one step beyond
  • 1 0
 3 out of 4 not making it through to race day must suck for the GT team.
  • 1 1
 Norco soundtrack is putting me to sleep
  • 2 2
 So do their team riders... WE WANT JILL
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