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Video: This 11-Year-Old is A Legend in the Making

Mar 17, 2021
by SCOTT Sports  


Lois is a real sportsman, but what he loves the most is spending day after day riding trails, slashing turns and building jumps with his buddies in the forest. Get to know Lois as he rides some of his home trails around Garmisch-Partenkirchen with his bike infected family, and trail riding friends in the new season of Heroes Inspire Heroes.


He may only be 11 but Lois Eller has a thing or two to teach kids (and parents!) about what it means to ride with zeal and style. We met Lois in season 2 here, riding bikes and having fun with his bike-infected family - sister Leni and parents, Karen and Holger. This year Lois is the star of the show here to share some tips for those dreaming of riding like their heroes. Don't miss future episodes: Lois the Mechanic and Lois' Skills Clinic!




bigquotesI hate soccer.Lois Eller,11, Mountain Biker



Heroes Inspire Heroes

Remember your childhood heroes? Their great heroic feats making you dream? Heroes of today inspire heroes of tomorrow. SCOTT looks to inspire little heroes on their journey to become legends, just like moms, just like dads or just like their idols. That's what Heroes Inspire Heroes is all about. 



Lois' with his whip, the Ransom 600.


Learn more about the episode here.
Check out the bike here.

Video: El Flamingo Films
Photos: Daniel Geiger

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Videos Scott

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Member since May 29, 2013
239 articles

  • 96 29
 Whoring out a talented kid for YouTube money. Cringe indeed. These are children, let them be kids and have fun on a bike without the relentless YouTube streamer shite.
  • 42 36
 You have to understand too, this is what kids want, what they aspire to, where they want to be in life. They live for the youtube likes, the Insta, the FB feed, it's what brings them on as both humans and as riders, pushing themselves on trails with their mates, jumping harder stuff and analysing the videos of both themselves and others for technique, skills and overall riding. That's how they think, how their minds work. It's not always a case of someone pushing them, they're pushing themselves in a media context too.
They're not going to 'make it' if they don't get the support from manufacturers, gear suppliers etc... So they need some help to get there.
They're not like trained monkeys being dragged out to perform, as a parent of one of these up and comings, they're on your case all the time "can we go jump today", "have you seen this... have you seen that", "are we hitting the woods".... It's not constant, but sometimes it feels like it Big Grin
  • 17 2
 I would say this is an odd video/advertisement, but it seems to be one of the kid's first opportunities at a sponsorship with a major manufacturer. How is this any different than the numerous Jackson Goldstone videos (other than it is cheesy)?


To me, he looks like he's being a kid and having fun on his bike... probably gets to ride his bike all the time by the looks of it. Maybe Scott will pay for his trips to go ride in other cool places too where he can just ride his bike and be a kid.
  • 6 1
 Cringe indeed. Looking at the kid honestly reminds me of all the videos that we see of the pros being kids on the Accomplice movie/documentary on Netflix LOL, however this seems/is marketed that way?

@weeksy59 Yes, all kids want to ask their parents "can we go jump today", "have you seen this... have you seen that", "are we hitting the woods".... they want to do cool things with their moms and dads but not just with biking with everything so no real point there...
  • 16 0
 @weeksy59: my daughter wants to only eat candy...
  • 11 0
 @unrooted: put a fishing rod with candy on the end attached to a bike
  • 6 3
 @unrooted: We bring sweet snacks on our bike rides in case of emotional emergencies with our kids. Candy is such a negative word though... we call them smile makers Smile
  • 9 2
 1) the title of this could have been “HERO in the making”.
2) too bad about the “I hate soccer” line. It IS possible to enjoy more than one activity/interest. There are lovers of bikes AND soccer.
  • 31 1
 When I was a snowboard coach I had a 12 year old ripper on my team. He beat Shawn White in a competition. He also pissed his pants when he got second once and said, between tears, " my mom works so hard to pay for my snowboards, she is going to be so upset".

We qualified the World Championships that year which were in Japan! Basically through this awesome kid I could have been paid to go to Japan. I wouldn't take him though, he wasn't ready for that much pressure.

His mom got me fired for not taking him.

I went to visit the team the next winter and noticed he was missing. I said where's Michael and they said, oh, he doesn't snowboard anymore. I was so sad. He loved snowboarding but his mom pushed him so hard he learned to hate it.

Some parents can be so mean to their kids.
  • 2 0
 I think there’s a right way to do this and a wrong way. If the kid naturally loves to ride and is intrinsically motivated by the love of the sport, and it’s something he’d be doing regardless of how good he was or how much money he got paid, I think it’s fine. And he should have some balance in life — friends, school, maybe another interest or two.

Also, hopefully, his parents provide the opportunities and hold him accountable to his commitments, but aren’t pressuring him to be “the next big thing,” or something like that. That would be the wrong way. I can think of so many kids who were supposed to be “the next big thing,” but fizzled out down the road, or fell behind when other kids caught up physically. It’s not the kind of pressure you want to put on kids.

I don’t know the motivations here to comment one way or the other if his family is doing it right or wrong. I wish them well and hope whatever they want to do works out for them.
  • 7 0
 @BetterRide: there a ton of examples of children climbing prodigies who grew up to stop climbing...I think it’s the parents and competition that kills their love for the sport. Im stoked my daughter loves riding bikes, but I’ll never push her to compete, and I’ll try my best to keep her from social media no matter how badly she wants it.
  • 6 0
 @BetterRide: This is the "hockey parent" stereotype as we call it in Canada. Nothing wrong with being in the spot light young if you're that good, but it's how the parents handle it that makes all the difference. If they support him instead of pressuring him riding bikes can be how he spends the rest of his life!
  • 2 1
 @derekr: I do the same. Chocolate treats to prevent whining
  • 5 2
 Let's see, no real money in bike videos. Kid obviously loves riding. He is probably stoked to get sponsored by Scott. No evidence that he was forced into making the video or riding his bike. And you assume that this was somehow a bad experience for him.

So what is the negative here? If the parents wanted to make real money off YT then they would have him doing toy reviews until his fingers fall off and the local Costco is sold out of AA batteries. If they wanted him to make real money from sports it would be golf, tennis, soccer, etc. I saw nothing that implied he wasn't stoked or that the parents were forcing him down a path. Mellow out a little and let the kid enjoy his time in the spotlight.
  • 3 0
 @BetterRide: great perspective, thanks for sharing. I don't have kids so that gives me a good perspective or piss poor one, I dunno, but I've seen this multiple times over the years too, not as close as you though.

There are a handful of examples of kid prodigies going on to become great, the Tiger Woods, but 10x as many kids who showed minimal to no promise who are now some of the best in the world. They got there in their own time, when they were ready and not anybody else's timeline (to your point).

I think sometimes not having stuff, not being part of the 'scene', being in an isolated environment can massively drive kids to over-perform and become creative vs being inundated 24/7 with a sport, around top pros, constantly pimped out on social media, etc.

Some of the top guys in any sport came up slow, progressed and eased their way into the sports....so rare that you have somebody burst on to scene with longevity without a slow methodical rise.
  • 2 0
 @derekr: yup. Always have smile pellets when biking/skiing with my 4 and 6 yo and the Mrs.
  • 1 0
 hes wearing some punishing glasses
  • 2 1
 @sngltrkmnd: I'm just glad he called it by its real proper name of Soccer and not the incorrect fake name 'football'.
  • 1 0
 @streetkvnt-kvlt: What kind of spinner bait are you using there?
  • 1 0
 @TheR: generic off the shelf social media compatible type.
  • 28 4
 Wow amazing riding Lois! And amazing how much everyone here seems to know about your family based on the edit style of a 3 min video. Don’t let their words drag you down buddy. They’re mostly just making a lot of presumption. Go get it dude!
  • 6 0
 The kid is probably awesome and loves to ride. And speculating on his family based on a rather poorly crafted commercial from Scott is unwise, not to say just plain stupid. The video itself was clunky and gave me a "fake" and strange feel. They probably wanted that hollywood movie voice-over feel, but the they didn't execute it well
  • 11 2
 I agree, what a load of BS comments on here for an 11 yr old and his family to read about themselves. It ​looks like you've all supported him and provided the opportunity to pursue his passion. Great job to all! I hope to see more of you in the future!

And Scott, seriously, this is a really poorly made vid; the voice over is really bad. It certainly didn't make me want to buy anything Scott brand for my family.
  • 4 0
 Agreed. Great riding and lots of talent.

Watch the video without sound and it's clear that this is a kid doing what he loves, with his friends, and surrounded by a family that loves biking together. Isn't that the point?
  • 18 1
 You guys should know that the parents are working in the german speaking bike scene since decades. They are living from that industrie since the 80ies, doing photo shootings for the german Bike Magazine since ever, organising MTB Camps etc. Check this www.dierasenmaeher.de. So isn't it reasonable that the kids are raised with a certain bike talent and making money from it? As long as he has fun, keeping his privacy and develop in a good manner - who cares? There are other sports industries like soccer, where kids at the same age are getting burned under pressure much more. Lois and all the Meyer family - keep on shredding!
  • 31 12
  • 14 1
 The narrator made that uncomfortable to watch.
  • 9 1
 Some of you spelled "jealousy" incorrectly or simply used too many words to describe your jealousy. Regardless, highlighting kids/youth in sports is a good thing. Perhaps it will push other kids to get outdoors and play. Good on the parents and industry for supporting his talent.
  • 11 4
 The brave science of advertising : a kid that we will forget very soon (although i might be wrong), a cool dad in its middle (++) age, a basic "Bruh!" attitude and a new bike for daddy's little cool kid.
We deserve better.
  • 9 5
 "I hate soccer..." - Parents are free to raise children as they choose and I recognize that kids often times miss the nuance of the words they choose , but the parent in me cringes a little inside when children and little ones use the word hate. I don't know if others feel the same way, but it's up there for me as a trigger word for some reason
  • 8 2
 I guess the only word that “triggers” me is when (supposed) adults say they we were triggered.
  • 8 2
 @unrooted: Lol. Agreed. "Triggered" needs to disappear, as does "micro aggression".
  • 4 0
 @Inclag I totally agree, there's no need to hate another sport to show you love this one, and this extents to way more than comparing sports...
  • 2 0
 Hate 'verb' - feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone). It's a word and a perfectly acceptable verb to describe his passionate dislike for soccer. I hate stepping on Legos and I also hate the pain it brings to my feet... Crippling. Absolutely crippling. I hate the way I feel just talking about having those hard plastic pieces driving themselves into my feet. I also hate soccer, so perhaps I'm a little biased.
  • 1 0
 @unrooted: That's a fair response. I struggled with the appropriate way to convey my reaction and get that 'triggered' is a bit of a overused adjective these days. Perhaps a better way to state it is that within certain context I find that word personally off-putting.
  • 4 0
 I do cringe at the whole concept on “trigger” the way it’s normally used, but agree with trying to moderate my kid’s use of the word hate.

When my kids say they “hate” something, I usually come back with something like, “Hate is a really strong word. You can hate Nazis. Or that there are people starving. Or violence. Or cruelty and injustice.”

“But when it comes to spinach, you’d better tone it down to ‘I’d prefer a different vegetable.’”
  • 3 0
 You do realize he’s an 11 year old speaking a second language there? Somebody probably even scripted it for him to say.
  • 4 0
 This video is obviously from Europe. And here in Europe and France especially usually when you like bike, you hate soccer. It's deep in our DNA. Soccer is the mass sport which get all the money and attention from the ùedia / politicians. So people involved in individual sport, especially niche sport develops an hate for soccer.
  • 3 0
 @hpman83: exactly! I hate soccer too! As well as there are people hating mtb.

Ooouch "hate" such a bad word se must avoid... Big Grin
Just get over it, it's only an opinion. Also it's a kid, how many times you told your parents you hate them while being a kid?
  • 1 0
 @hpman83: Kind of like Football, Baseball and BasketBall here in the USA..........
  • 2 1
 @jovesaxa: actually no, you sound like the type of person who needs to take the time to understand what microaggressions are and why they're a problem.
  • 3 1
 @WildboiBen: I appreciate your position in thinking I'm uninformed or uneducated or unreasonable. You don't know me, my experience, my education, nor political/social position. Your position is that "microaggressions" are a problem. My position is that it's an overly used 70s term brought back and championed by SJW to victimize or re-victimize individual and/or groups of people. There are elements within the study of the various "micro-isms" that have merit; however, it remains flawed and casts a light on something that is almost never actually present. Have you watched The Matrix? When Neo visits the Oracle and she says to him, "Don't worry about the vase?" He breaks it and asks how she knew? And she replies, "would you have broken it if I hadn't said anything?" I apply the same perspective on "micro-isms". Did you know that pronouncing a foreign name incorrectly is considered violence/aggression in some SJW circles? It's going too far. Anyway, I'm a champion of common good, mutual respect, and appreciating diversity at all levels that benefit the common good of society.
  • 2 0
 @jovesaxa: Lmao okay Ben Shapiro, thanks for further proving my point Wink
  • 3 0
 @jovesaxa: and btw, I don't have time to respond to all of your absurd conjecture here. The fact that you cite the matrix is hilarious. But just a side note, it's not a microaggression to mispronounce a person's name. There's more nuance to it. For instance, when a white person mispronounces a BIPOC's name, and continues to do so after being corrected - that's a microaggression. A prime example is Tucker Carlson intentionally mispronouncing Kamala Harris' name over and over again after being corrected on screen.
  • 1 3
 @WildboiBen: You do realize that the "micro-isms" you defend are themselves referred to as being conjecture by many psychologists, and that they don't pass psychological scientific scrutiny? Micro-isms are simply a theory as they do not hold water. Regardless, slow clap for achieving level 10 woke. I'll make sure you receive your junior general SJW kit in the mail.
  • 1 3
 @WildboiBen: he's great, as is Owens.
  • 2 0
 @jovesaxa: Idk who Owens but if you think Shapiro forms cogent arguments then no doubt the psychologists you're referring to are likely the fringe few operating on the same level of batshit quackery as Jordan Peterson and his lobster hierarchy. There are plenty of published papers out there on microaggressions you can find with a quick search. To dismiss them on the grounds that "many psychologists" dismiss them - the ones you already agree with mind you - is a fallacious epistemology driven by bias rather than reason. Not surprised you find Shapiro convincing btw, you use his same non-sequitur and ad hominem bullying tactics that he terms "debate".
  • 2 3
 @WildboiBen: I just got an email from BetaMTB’s new magazine, and I instantly thought of you and you’re SJW silliness. Why would anyone want to be known as a Beta????
  • 1 1
 @unrooted: Lol. B-e-a-uuutiful. The 'Beta' thing has ring to it. Perhaps a name change is in order. WildboiBeta. Lol.
  • 3 1
 @unrooted: alt-righters on pinkbike. f*ckin' gross. You know "beta" is meaningless to anyone who isn't a a misogynistic right-wing prick? Y'all are truly parodies of yourselves. Have fun being overly credulous bigots. It served all those Capitol insurrectionists well.
  • 1 2
 @WildboiBen: I bet you can’t name 8 cereals while getting your butt kicked.
  • 3 0
 @unrooted: I can't think of a more useless skill.
  • 8 2
 Tough crowd here. Little dude rips on a bike, has a supportive family and now support from a major brand. Seems like he's living the dream to me.
  • 3 0
 Love it . it reminds me when i was young . very little fear and willing to tackle any situation . i ride with my 12 year old grand child . well let me qualify that . he blows by me on downhills and takes a nap at the bottom while waiting for me to arrive .
  • 5 2
 F*ck all these negative people above Lois!!! Don’t know why they’re being so mean instead of being happy for you and your super cool family and your rad riding!!!! Keep it up and ignore the gutter folk who just want to bring everyone down!!
  • 1 0
 Super awesome if this kid gets to ride with his friends and family and loves it. I would love for my Son to find a bunch of buddies who like MTB. He plays soccer despite really not liking it because his mates do. Rides his MTB to school every day but just not super into riding in the bush if mates aren't there. Sigh. I grew up on MTB and BMX. Live to ride my MTB.
  • 1 0
 I used to ride my bike to school when I was his age. It was a Raleigh chopper (I know I'm old). Well it got stolen and luckily returned. I doubt he is leaving that bike leaning against the wall while he goes into school.
  • 2 1
 Lois and his family are the real deal. The parents love cycling and know how to support the passion with the kids to let them fly. I think we will be seeing him and Leni for a long time to come.
  • 3 0
 Whoa, he’s Cody Kelley’s Mini-Me!
  • 8 6
 This is more the parent's pushing and marketing their kid than anything else, manufacturing a hype.
  • 5 2
 Scott, if you're reading this, stop yourself.
  • 1 1
 They gave him a bike, nothing is free Smile
  • 3 0
 I built one of the jumps in the video. Pretty cool to see it!
  • 1 0
 Kid dreams to make it onto Pinkbike, kid's dreams get crushed in the comments section. Nice riding Lois! I've been trying for 28 years and you put me to shame. Good work!
  • 1 0
 lol so much haterade going around here. I thought the video was sweet. Good on the kid! Looks like he has a bright future if he sticks with it.
  • 2 0
 Gaddam groms crushing my fragile sense of confidence and self-worth
  • 1 2
 This is Lois, Lois sleeps in his riding clothes, Lois rides his expensive bike to school. This is Lois at the end of the day, Lois is crying, because someone stole his expensive bike from the bike shedsSmile
  • 1 0
 The only bike that matters is a GT...

Trampoline bike. Great job Scott, no kids tramp bike options?
  • 2 0
 But cool kid!
  • 1 0
 11 years old I learned how to ride a bicycle.
  • 1 0
 He does have free ride hair...
  • 1 0
 Whatever Kid!! Hold my glass of milk!
  • 1 1

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