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Video & Photo Story: Tito Tomasi Rides Around Mont Blanc

Sep 18, 2021
by Tito Tomasi  

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It's 5 days of trails, across three countries, from Refugio to Refugio, culminating 180 kilometers and 11,000 meters of climbing. Long climbs, exhausting hike a bike, epic balcony trails and stupid crazy technical descents! This is Tour du Mt Blanc, this is the best Mtb adventure you will live in the Alps.


Because we love the mountains, we shiver for adventure, overcome the fear and difficulties.

It's Wednesday morning at 5 am, I'm loading my truck and checking my stuff for the last time before turning the key. This morning I'm crossing the border to Switzerland for a five days adventure and I just cannot forget anything for this mission. I won't be carrying a lot for this one but everything I take is important. The sun is rising, promising. I join my group in Martigny Switzerland, everyone seem pretty excited about the adventure ahead. We use the train to leave the city and gain some distance but it's short and soon we are on the saddle. The first day is a transition day where we have to cover a large distance and climb four times more than what we descent. But our plan is a trip around Mt Blanc, so at some point, we have to make big progress. Even if we climb a lot there are still small downhills we can do that I know on the way up. Everyone is taking this day as it comes and tries to manage his energy.

However, Erwan from the group seems to be struggling with the rhythm and efforts. Finally, we get to the pass at +2700 meters after carrying the bike in the alpine, the lake system and more. It's also where we enter Italy, but there is no border, no customs, covid test, just the sky and the rocks. This first downhill has a very special taste, it's like the first day of riding after a long winter, we feel the relief and we appreciate that particular time. In the descent, we stop to share the stoke, enjoy the vibe and the landscape. Some slabs offer us some freeride sesh and eventually we get to our small hotel nestled in the mountains.

D1 Let's pedal the trail up!

D1 First bit of trail gives the tone for the trip.

D1 The luxury in the Alps is the quality of the trails but it's also this precious freshwater, allowing us to travel with one bottle only.

D1 Going deeper and deeper into the valley.

D1 Hike a bike is what we do.

D1 Such a long climb with all kinds of terrain.

D1 Entering the Swiss mountain with style.

D1 The first day is a transfer day from Switzerland to Italy, with 4 times more uphill than downhill! But the views and the commitment is worth it.

D1 Freeride along the slabs while crossing to Italy.

Day two, we live the hotel and we know. Today is a really challenging day, it's the toughest and it's only the second one. It starts with some technical trails across three passes and one last col, very iconic, very cool. Unfortunately, Erwan doesn't feel really good and he cannot go further. He will come back to his car on that day, rest and maybe come back stronger. It's weird to lose one guy but the adventure can't wait and pushes us to the next pass, the next trail. Everyone is dealing with fatigue, injury, ... but the call is stronger and we overcome it.

Half of the second day is remote, rough, hard and challenging. But the feeling of being here in the mountains, achieving the route is way bigger than any climb, so we swallow the pain and remain calm, happy and contemplating. After the pass we ride a collection of balcony trails in the Aosta valley, it's fun and stunning. The flow is back and we are all smiles before being all sweaty and suffering in the last climb to the Refugio. Classic Italian hut with a ton of history and vibes. The rest is welcome and the dinner is welcomed with enthusiasm.

D2 And the iconic pass.

D2 Surprisingly fun descent in the mineral landscape.

D2 When you see the big white.

D2 Some remote trail in the Aosta valley.

D2 Rare forest riding on that day.

D2 Aosta Valley.

Day three, we wake up with the mist. It's a big big day and it starts with a weird atmosphere. It's a good thing that my group doesn't get scared by a cloud! This third is a complicated one with three big climbs in total including two massive hike-a-bikes. But first, we get to ride up and down on stunning trails all the way to the French border. The atmosphere is unreal with the mist and light rain but it's so easy to ride under the brightest sun! as everyone knows the program there are no real hesitation at the bottom of the valley and we start the climb steadily and focused. The goal on that day is to get early to our next hut, despite the difficulties we need to stay effective and so maybe avoid the rain.

This second climb took us a few hours, including more than one hour hiking the bike. The weather is also rushing and as we get to the end of the climb the rain comes. Not a big rain, just that light one, that particular light rain to enhance the adventure feeling. The downhill is a pure big mountain trail, we surf and enjoy the beauty of the peaks in the storm. With a collection of trails and terrain, we get to the fern forest after the mineral landscape. Riding along the tumultuous river is also the sign of the end of the ride and the beginning of a hectic hike-a-bike! One hour later we finally arrive at Vero's Refugio, she is quite a character! We have a lot of time to enjoy the place, the blueberry pie and some local craft beer. Like every night we wash our clothes and check our bikes. At some point and as it was planned the storm catches us and change the atmosphere.

D3 The start in the mist.

D3 Exhausting hike to the pass at 2700m.

D3 Rushing to the last descent before the rain.

D3 Beautiful waterfall.

D3 Blueberry delicatessen, a Refugio classic.

D3 Watching the storm from the inside, with a proper mountain dinner.

Day four, the sky is moody and again we will ride that day with the threat of rain. Today we start at 2400 meters high, have some proper technical trails to warm up, some big downhill, a couple of passes and another massive descent before entering into the Chamonix valley. During the first balcony techy sketchy slippery, we see a few crashes! Everyone is struggling with the wet rocks, lack of speed and exposure. In the 800 meter downhill, it's survival mode for the ones who care about slippery, me? I love it, sliding into the turns, letting my front wheel surf and get surprised by the corners. Manu rides with confidence, he has been progressing all year with our specific training, but as we go further and get more and more tired, Manu starts to make some mistakes and we see him falling, missing the trail, ... Time to stay at the back of the pack and play safe!

Entering the Cham valley with that Arandellys trail is something, not many try this trail. It's considered as a red trail, T5 in France, but it's also a +800 meter drop with exposure, crazy switchbacks, roots and rocks. Making that day a special one. After riding the northern balcony of Chamonix without Joé, we arrive in town and find our small hotel outside of the city. Joé is getting exhausted and he is taking it easy. The rain is back for a short time. We are stoked to rest and finish that special day. We take the bus in the rain to get to the best burger and cart beer spot of the valley, it's a good night. I feel relieved about the trip as tomorrow is a small and easy day, it's also the last day.

D4 It's gonna rain, let's go!

D4 My mountain beast is an enduro sled disguised as a mountain goat. Rocky Mountain Altitude with Race Face parts.

D4 Technical and demanding start.

D4 When Manu jumped but he missed the river ...

D4 Entering the Chamonix valley.

D4 Chamonix valley is full of surprise and diverse trails.

D4 Cryotherapy for the end of the ride.

D4 MBC Chamonix is the best beer and burger place in Cham valley.

Day five, the sun is back and it's a beautiful morning. Unfortunately, Joé feels bad and is exhausted. He is joining us at the cars with the train and won't really ride today, but it's a smart decision because even if this last day is shorter and easier it remains quite technical and hard. The first thing of the day is a long climb to the end of the valley where we will find a lift for the pass, from that we are getting back to Switzerland. It's the last frontier crossing, the excitement level is high as we start that high-speed alpine trail! A beautiful and diverse downhill the Trient valley. The mountains are beautiful and we enjoy the last views on the glaciers for that last part, climbing and crossing our last mountain was long and felt endless! But what a downhill, what a trip! We rush down to Martigny and cross the city, so excited!

D5 Glorious morning in Chamonix.

D5 The start was a playful and beautiful trail.

D5 Yes friend, it's the way!

D5 Even on the last day on the bike you will carry young Padawan.

D5 Manu, all smile after surviving the trip.

D5 And the good old sketchy section.

Arrived at the cars we find Joé safe and happy. Finishing the trip with half of the people is a strange one but it shows how things can be hard and impressive a trip like this can be. I said six at the start, but one of the guys never showed up and canceled the tour a few days before it. One has left on day two and one rode four days. Tough!

In the end, over the five days we climbed over 11 000 meters and accumulated 180 kilometers, countless passes and epic downhills, we crashed and laughed. The trip was a tough one and that is why I call it "Tour du Mt Blanc / The Challenge"! we overcame our fear and the difficulties and achieved something cool, not an impressive result, not a record, nothing incredible but the mountain experience and the human voyage was worth it. And this trip gave us souvenirs for years. Now that's probably why we train and ride random trails, it's to be ready for the epic and appreciate the special moments when they come. Because life is short.

Have a good one!

Thanks to my group Alexis, Manu, Joé and Erwan for their patience and trust. Congrats for making it!
Thanks to my partners for making this possible @urgebikeproducts @gorewear @MarzocchiMTB @raceface @shimano @CamelBak @beea @julbo @hutchinsontires @effetomariposa

Raw and long video, dive into our tremendous adventure and get your dose of inspiration for your next big adventure!
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TitoTomasi avatar

Member since Aug 31, 2011
59 articles

  • 28 0
 Checks flight prices, looks at bank account, wistfully stares into distance, solitary tear rolls down cheek.
  • 4 0
 You could experience something similar in the states . No need to fly and spend tons of money.
  • 9 0
 @DHsender4life: I love the USA for true backcountry/wilderness experiences, but I did an mtb trip to Switzerland many years ago and there is really nothing quite like the Alps here. The vertical relief is insane and there is so much about Europe that is very different. Riding in Switzerland was definitely one of the coolest things I have done.
  • 3 1
 @axleworthington: I can tell you, as an (well, eastern)european, ...the Alps are something different. You get that "from a movie" feeling..and it does not help that almost every valley in Swiss looks like heaven on earth.
  • 14 0
 Dear pinkbike: please do more content like this!
  • 6 0
 Amazing route. Did it once over three days and then once solo and non-stop in 19 hours. Possibly the best experience I've had on a bike!
  • 3 1
 Surely not the same buddy. but there is a popular itinerary that can be made in one day that is beautiful! next time I take you for a few days on the secret trails around and you will appreciate differently! cheers
  • 2 0
 Not the exact same route as you Tito, I pretty much followed the UTMB race route.


We did a five day trip following the exact route of the walker's Haute Route on the same holiday. Have you done that one?
  • 5 0
 Bike, friends, food, amazing landscapes, farts... What else ? Good job guys !
  • 3 0
 Merci Reynor!
  • 1 0
 After months and months of my world getting smaller and smaller, feeling like I would never travel again and instead stay close to home where it is “safe”. I looked at these photos and watched the video and found myself thinking about planning a trip. That’s a personal psychological milestone. Thank you for posting this!
  • 4 0
 Great post. I love reading about your adventures, Tito.
  • 2 0
 Thanks a lot! and I love to share my little stories
  • 3 0
 The high Sierra is spectacular..and theres a perfect cycling trail all the way through it...get it!!
  • 4 0
 I'm having a hard time imagining a better mountain bike trip.
  • 1 0
 I have to friends(they are a couple) who spent 1 full month on their bikes in the Alps, alternating mountain passes and trails, with trekking/gravel trails and train. For a month, I could not properly work at my office as, at least, half a time I was checking their up-dates, posts and info they were sharing.. then look up za internetz for further info.. then messeging them and chatting with them, enoying their trip from a distance through their words. Nedless to say, they were quite impressed..and now really, they are not the easily impressed type.. as the did a 4 months trip in Asia, starting from the Baltics and ending in Thailand then Singapore(not on their bikes) and also a 3 week tour of the Caucasus mountains(this one, on their bikes). They really... really liked the Alps. I only been there for one week mtb trip but, I'd go back in a heart beat..and it was planned.. but, then we had covind.. then life happened so, probably I'll be able to go back in a couple of years but, when you are in the Alps, you start questioning yourself if, somehow, you arrived in heaven and you don't know about it. I don't think there is a place in this world that can be more recommended for pure mtb-ing. cheers!
  • 2 0
 From everything that I rode around the world and in Europe the TMB is by far the best "trail" you can ride in Europe. And it's pretty high in the global list for sure!
  • 1 1
 Cheers Pinkbike, i rode it last year for charity (mental health ireland) in 23hours and 4 mins and you didnt want to publish my story...................but hey I guess im not a name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 2 0
 Surely one of the best places to ride in the world - great trip!
  • 2 0
 Beautiful and awesome!!!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Beautiful! Well done!

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