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Video: What Tahnée Seagrave Gets up to When She's Not Racing

May 30, 2018
by Red Bull Bike  

Downhill racer Tahnée Seagrave spends the summer pushing the limits of racing at the UCI MTB World Cup, but this year to prepare for the up-coming season she's changed her focus to all about having fun. From skateparks, to hunting down the best cakes and uplift shuttles with mates – this is Tahnée Seagrave's Downtime.

Watch Tahnée in action at this weekend's Mercedes-Benz UCI MTB World Cup in Fort William, Scotland – broadcast live on Red Bull TV from 12.30pm BST (11.30am UTC) on June 3.

MENTIONS: @redbullbike

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redbullbike avatar

Member since Jun 28, 2012
634 articles

  • 54 0
 I show my daughter videos of cool chicks like this. She loved this one. Thanks
  • 48 4
 @IllestT: Does she have a brother to race against? Apparently it helps.
  • 18 0
 @MaN-oF-STeEL: well she will have, but currently he's 1 year old (she's 4)
  • 128 0
 honestly in my opinion mountain biking has the best role models for children, especially for young girls. if only children knew more about tahnee and less about kardashian.
  • 12 2
 @MaN-oF-STeEL: Ask pretty much anyone how to get better at mountain biking and they'll tell you to ride with people who are better than you. Following people who are fast is huge.
  • 22 21
 Until puberty, boys don't have much of a physical advantage against girls. Until 25 or so, girls still have the edge in planning, judgement etc (which is a big thing to even achieve something) and I believe female anatomy is still better at sustaining higher g-loads (because the heart is closer to the brains which does help when flying fighter planes but I'm not so sure whether it still matters when riding bicycles). Either way, if girls enjoy something then let them have a blast and not let anything put them off, especially at that age. There are more than enough great role models in mountainbiking who forego the calendar-phase in their career, just ride their bikes and live the life. Sure somehow the sport isn't quite there yet. But a decade ago Tracey Hannah had to pull out of WC racing (having placed third overall) because of insufficient funds and Anneke Beerten was selling records in a record store to pay for her racing season. I hope the industry now realizes they're getting much love and respect for supporting female athletes the same way as they do support male athletes.

I think my two girls aren't too bothered. Some days they play with their dolls, the other days they pull out the skateboard. The 20" mtb I got is still a bit too big for the youngest, but the oldest definitely loves riding with me. And both love browsing my magazines. They really don't care whether it is a man or woman riding that bike.
  • 11 1
 @tom666 @vinay: whoosh....
  • 6 1
 @cuban-b: I'm like...Waaaat?
  • 5 12
flag pintoproof (May 30, 2018 at 13:41) (Below Threshold)
 @MaN-oF-STeEL: she doesn't need a male gender to get into it or better Wink
just hard work like Rachel Atherton
  • 7 6
 @davidpr2: Agreed, Gehrig sisters didn't need a male sibling to do this well. Having siblings who're into it too does seem to help though. But really, support from parents/neighbourhood is great too. Many of todays greats have enjoyed massive support and inspiration from their parents. Either through mountainbiking or motocross.
  • 4 0
Did you name your son "Anarchy" just in the event they can remake the seagrave duo in the future? LOL
  • 1 0
 @vjunior21: they were originally gonna go with fire and brimstone but it just didnt have the same ring to it.
  • 3 2
 @vinay: let’s be honest it takes money more than anything.
  • 6 1
 @jflb: You mean as the kind of parental support? I'd say it is only small part of it. I mean support and inspiration as in bringing them to races and events, giving uplifts but also just because their parents were into something similar. Chainsaw, Anneke Beerten, The Athertons, Bruni, Seagrave, Rick Koekoek... They all just got loads of support from their parents in forms other than just money.
  • 1 0
 @CarrotCorn: Couldn't agree with ya more man.
  • 1 0
 @vjunior21: Not far off actually, he's called Conan (The Destroyer)
  • 1 0
 @CarrotCorn: Boom! Hit the nail right on the head. Girls need these kind of role models to be self confident and less likely to view themselves as objects or let themselves be taken advantage of.
  • 22 1
 Lol kaos has quite a few love bites there
  • 4 1
 Maybe it was the shop vac....
  • 14 0
 she does pull ups on FOUR FINGERS. i'm outta here. i feel old. and fat.
  • 2 0
 I'm gonna start that now
  • 2 0
 Hmm. I'm not old by any means, and no one in their right mind would call me fat. So now I just feel pathetically weak and insignificant. I think I almost rather feel old and fat. Wink lol
  • 3 0
 If you can do pull ups, you can do them with four fingers. It doesn't functionally change the exercise, bit of a party trick.
  • 1 0
 @jimferno: i can defo do normal ful hand pull ups. if i tried with four fingers, i would end up with dislocated knukcles
  • 1 0
 @Bruccio: I've never done them in my life, just tried them now and knocked 10 out easily.. No different than using all four fingers on both hands.
  • 13 0
 HTTP 666 Error: Tahnee video not available.
  • 9 0
 I think I love her a little bit..
  • 7 0
 doesn't play here on pinkbike, but I watched here:

  • 7 1
 Fav of the elite women riders. Great style on bike, a genuine personality, and totally capable of stand in on the top step on any given race weekend.
  • 5 0
 OMG Tahnee Segrave she's so hot right now
  • 9 4
 Subtitles please!
  • 6 4
 Yet another RedBull video that cannot be seen on my iPhone!
Please sort out the issue so as I do not have to go to the redbull site?
Thanks frustratedly
  • 25 5
 get decent phone, problem solved
  • 7 0
 It's a Browser+Flash compatibility issue.
  • 16 0
 @endlessblockades: Flash is obsolete,unsafe to use in many cases,I don´t know why Redbull can make a good video browser. As a GNU/Linux user,flash is like 3x7 drive train,so cool 20 years ago.
  • 2 0
 Not a chance I can ride at Tahne's level, but at least I can skateboard at her same level. She's likely to quickly surpass that as well though...
  • 3 0
 Those 2 finger pull ups are impressive!
  • 1 1
 It's really not that impressive, it makes no difference to the exercise. Go try it and see.
  • 1 0

Neg prop all you want, it isn't impressive.
  • 3 0
 Tahnee,Kade and Kaos 3 of my favourite riders awesome video
  • 3 0
 We're the three best friends that anyone ever had......
  • 2 0
 Love watching her race.. her riding is so much more aggresive then the other girls.
  • 3 0
 this is awesome!
  • 3 2
 Redbull's video player won't work. I'll just go scroll through her instagram instead. 3
  • 1 0
 Won’t load to many Reg’s guess I’m out
  • 1 0
 Redbull player is the worst ever
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
  • 1 2
 Doesn't load for me.

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