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Video: Gee Atherton Shares Footage of the Biggest Crash of his Career

Jul 16, 2021
by James Smurthwaite  

Gee Atherton has just posted footage of the massive crash he sustained on June 18 that left him with multiple serious injuries.

Gee Atherton was airlifted to Royal Stoke University Hospital where he had surgery for breaks to his femur and wrist. Gee also broke ribs alongside fractures to his nose and eye socket. Gee has since taken his first steps and is on the road to recovery, saying, "I’ll be back on the bike and making more edits before you know it."

The crash was sustained while filming the third instalment in a series that kicked off with December’s The Ridgeline and continued with The Slateline. In the planned edit Gee took on a new ridgeline complete with huge jumps and as ever, zero margin for error.

Gee was helicoptered off the hill by the Aberdyfi Search and Rescue team. Photo: Moonhead Media

bigquotesI completely buried myself. I can’t thank everyone enough, from the crew who kept my spirits high while they steadied me on that ledge to the paramedics, the Aberdyfi Search and Rescue team that winched me off the mountain, the air ambulance who transferred me to the hospital and the fantastic surgeons at the Royal Stoke University Hospital who put me back together again.

Darren Roberts and Altius Healthcare are taking turns to bully me into rehab, I’ll be back on the bike and making more edits before you know it.

I wanted to share this edit as a tribute to those guys for getting me back on track and to document the first stages of my recovery. Warning: contains crash footage, I can barely watch it…”
Gee Atherton

bigquotesPeople think that Gee’s wild because of the scale of the stuff he’ll take on and those huge crashes but most of the time he won’t do something until he thinks he can do it easily…Dan Atherton

We're glad to hear Gee is on the road back from this horrific crash and we wish him all the best in his continued recovery.

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jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
1,770 articles

  • 304 1
 Great to see him up and about. How's the mountain doing?
  • 125 0
 The mountain has booked in for PTSD counselling after the impact but luckily Dan has promised it a full rebuild due to its catastrophic injuries.
  • 29 0
 Swap Chuck Norris for Gee Atherton.
  • 14 0
 @Linkpin: Really? I heard it was still unconscious..
  • 4 0
 I wanna know what kind of camera he uses that survived that
  • 5 0
 It will feel something in about 2.1 million years
  • 60 0
 Butterfly effect. Other side of the earth a new island popped out of the ocean shaped like Gee.
  • 2 1
 Did not make it... Wink
  • 84 0
 "tis but a scratch"
  • 12 21
flag OlSkoolJake (Jul 16, 2021 at 10:28) (Below Threshold)
 *Steve Rodgers impression*

I understood that reference...
  • 22 0
 @OlSkoolJake: Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail surely!
  • 5 0
 @OlSkoolJake: nah its the search for the holy grail.
  • 7 0
 @tempmeister: Oh...All right, we´ll call it a draw
  • 6 7
 @b45her: you be suffering from a case of the r/woosh.

But of course I know it's Monty....

Hence why I used my best Captain America impression....

  • 3 1
 "its nothing really. Just a flesh wound".
  • 2 0
 @b45her: *Monty Python and the Holy Grail, there's no other words in the title.
  • 77 0
 Hiring someone to help make a film and then telling them that their job will be standing on the edge of a cliff catching Gee before he runs off has to be the biggest bait & switch ever.
  • 82 4
 No doubt about it, Gee if an absolute bad ass nutter. On his feet already? Someone needs to explain too, why not pot?
  • 20 0
 Indeed a beast... For those who saw his crash a couple years ago in red bull rampage... reading this tittle made me consider if I really wanted to take a look... these guys are made of steal
  • 32 2
 Gee is an absolute legend.
  • 28 0
 For some people (speaking from personal and secondary experiences) pot is definitely no cure-all. Effects vary widely, and many of the sleep, anxiety, and pain related benefits that some people enjoy do NOT transalte to everyone. Some people also just don't enjoy being high.

I know people will argue indica/sativa, CBD/THC etc. but I think the main point is pretty well established fact. I think pot is also still illegal in the UK, which is also a factor for many people.

Definitely a wild crash...makes me feel ill thinking about it. Most people would be off the bike for life after something like that! Gee's a beast!
  • 6 0
 @Gilmarques: He is now literally made of steel... or titaniumSmile
  • 10 0
 @Gilmarques: yes, sometimes I don't like to watch videos because I worry it would make me think that the same thing could happen me and get in my head. But no, I have zero fear of anything like that ever happening to me as there is zero chance I will ever attempt anything like that. Thank f*ck lol
  • 8 3
 @rory: This. I really f*cking hate being high! It is the worst!
  • 8 0
 And here's me still gimping around on a busted ankle from three and a half months ago from losing a pedal
  • 1 0
 People who are born to be athletes (which clearly the Athertons were, I'd bet they'd crush most if not all sports) and are at pro level fitness tend to also recover significantly faster than us mortals.
  • 63 14
 He'd be totally f*cked if that happed here in the US. Our healthcare system is a f*cking joke and would have cost him $100's of thousands if not $1M+ for all the hospital bills and air rescue service.

But on the bright side, we have so much freedom here. /s
  • 11 3
 you are too correct!
  • 27 35
flag suspended-flesh FL (Jul 16, 2021 at 15:57) (Below Threshold)
 Y'all don't have insurance? Most everyone I know is covered. Especially extreme athletes. Keep your narrative alive, I guess.
  • 17 8
 I have a $100 deductible for a year. I pay $15 co-pay for doctors visits and 10% of any medical bill up to a total of $2,500 and after $2,500 all my medical bills are covered to no limit 100%.

So all out, in the absolute worse case is I pay $2,600 in a year.

I don't feel that's bad at all.
I'm a Union Commercial/Industrial Electrician for reference.

If I were you I would look into other plans. I dont know anyone who has to pay millions of dollars if they have insurance. Good luck in your search!
  • 5 0
 I'm also Union and part of planning your life is getting those benefits - especially if you have kids. I made some initial financial sacrifices leaving the private sector, but now I wish I did it years earlier. I pay $100 for the ER ($50 is refunded if I'm admitted to a hospital rather than just patched up) and NOTHING else no matter what they have to do for however long I have to be treated. Also, no co-pay for office visits. There are a million varieties of coverage people don't take into account when they say health care in the US sucks. Yes, my employer pays a substantial policy bill (and I pay $12.50 a month), but they do it to have a skilled, reliable workforce.
  • 12 3
 @johnnygolucky: i pay nothing
  • 19 4
 @johnnygolucky: you and suspended-flesh are exceptions to the rule. The US work force is largely not unionized and both of your examples showcase some of the higher end plans available to a fraction of the workforce. Most employer health plans, for management and non-management alike, do not cover substantial portions of health expenses (especially hard core injuries from sports, or diseases like cancer) unfortunately. Although Obamacare made some positive impact for lower-to-middle income earners not covered by higher end union health plans.
  • 3 0
 @gillyske: If you are working it will be via tax, employer contributions or similar, you will be paying somehow. Think of it as hidden insurance. Hospitals, doctors, nurses are not free or work for nothing
  • 1 3
 USA person here. As far as I can tell, the air ambulance club insurance is free market and costs me about $150/yr which includes both of the companies that cover my state. If the rest of health care was truly free market it would be as cheap.
  • 6 0
 @johnnygolucky: Ain’t so easy if you’re not in a union or own your own small business.
  • 3 1
 As long as you can afford cover then basically everyone in the USA and UK and everywhere else is all paying the same to some degree. You just pay more / less depending on how efficient your healthcare systems are and quality of care is a factor of both efficiency and cost to you. No one gets it for free though.

Where it varies is when you can't afford it. In the UK everyone who can pay, also covers the people who cant. In the US thats still in a 'trial phase' shall we say.
  • 10 1
 @johnnygolucky: with all due respect that is not typical. When I was privately insured, which means I paid 100% of my own insurance, my premiums for my wife and I were more than my mortgage with a total out of pocket of $10k+. That was the optimum private insurance coverage in the Oregon market for a 45 year old couple. Sure I could have found a lower premium with a larger deductible or lower deductible with a higher premium, but either way we were well north of $20k / year insurance/medical costs - assuming making OOP max.

Your situation is very lucky and not typical.
  • 2 0
 Nah just got to have insurance with a max out of pocket. You’d be insane to do stuff like this without knowing your covered.
  • 6 0
 You don't get that kind of care on the NHS... granted he wouldn't have had to pay for his hospital visit but don't think for a second that red bull aren't the ones paying for the best doctors in the country. Average Joe isn't going to be back on their feet 3 weeks after a crash like that with your standard NHS care
  • 4 0
 @suspended-flesh: Well, insurance is usually in the neighborhood of $1k/mo. So it's not all just co-pay and deductible. Have a family to cover? Costs approach $1.5k/mo. And this is all for high-deductible plans. Such a deal. I've done the math...paid just over $200k into health insurance premiums in my life and they've paid back about $15k to cover doctor visits and one surgery. Guess it will be there when I need it...if I have coverage at the time.
  • 7 0
 @UtahBrent: This is why I believe that healthcare, (and the corrections industry for that matter), should not be for-profit. I just got lucky and my remarks above sounded totally smug. Doctors spend more time on paperwork trying to get procedures approved by insurers than healing.
  • 4 0
 @benpinnick: not really true. Comparisons have been done of total per-capita health care costs (including private healthcare and taxes paid to cover healthcare, as well as out of pocket costs). The US spends well over double per capita what the UK does (and just below double what Australia does, where we have more of a public/private hybrid.

Agreed on your second point. A friend of a friend was severely injured in a hit & run, then bankrupted by debts from surgeries & rehab…and that’s after her family mortgaged their house to pay what they could.
  • 3 5
 Pinbike: "Someone was hurt"

Nobody: "Can we have a repeated, pointless political discussion about insurance, maybe laced with some propaganda?"

Wtf. When will folks get bored having the same discussion over and over?
  • 2 0
 @seburkhardt: Never. Welcome to the Human Condition, presented by Outside+
  • 3 0
 @benpinnick: this is true, the UK "free" healthcare is undoubtedly one of the great advantages of this country, especially for the less privileged or lower earners. What is overlooked often by others though is the fact the tax here is significantly higher than in USA. We start paying 40% tax on earnings from £47k plus whereas USA is max 35% which starts at about $350k or something like that.
  • 1 0
 @johnnygolucky: lucky you're union then right? imagine if you were one of those unlucky sods that aren't!
  • 3 1
 @danielstutt: You are missing the important part where individual states also collect their own income taxes. so all up, once they are added to the federal taxes its not that different.

What is different is how you get slugged in the US via insurance. Imagine a constant battle when going to the doctors to figure out what you are supposed to pay vs your insurer. Or you insurer just saying no to certain coverage. Or losing your job which your insurance is attached to and suddenly you have no health insurance. Or the insurers and hospitals working together to significantly increase the costs of care forcing you to pay more even though you are insured.

Honestly the system is so screwed up over there its not even worth debating. The US health system is a total lost cause.
  • 2 0
 @johnnygolucky: IBEW for life!!!!
  • 1 1
 @speedyjonzalas: I fully agree. Especially for low income families and individuals it is absolutely stuffed.
  • 2 1
 What freedom you have they don't in UK?
  • 3 3
 @bok-CZ: I should shoot you right in the face for that comment.
  • 1 0
 @danielstutt: Most of us pay Fed income taxes in the 20-something percent range, I'd say. Some states have no State income tax but high property taxes.
  • 1 0
 @speedyjonzalas: How long have you lived in the US?
  • 2 0
 @jgottya1: #UnionStrong
  • 1 1
 No way man! Just get insurance. My max out of pocket is 1k per person. The company i work for provides all benefits. I cover my wife and kids for $200 per month. I have had surgeries from bike crashes and hospitalizations and never paid more than $1000. Just gotta have good insurance my dudes!
  • 4 0
 @Diznuts: You are very lucky then! Most insurance plans cost the employee upwards of 300-500 per pay check. That does not of course include any family!! Once you factor in taxes and what we pay out of pocket for USA health coverage we are paying more than countries like Canada, Austrailia or the UK. For the richest country in the world we do a pretty poor job of caring for our own.
  • 2 0
 @Diznuts: That is not the norm. At all. Most family plans the employer pays somewhere between 1200-1700 for coverage and the employee pitches in 300-500. Family/Individual max out of pocket usually hovers around 10 grand; and that's if whatever happens to you and the prescription is covered. You are very lucky, I'd say your plan is what's been called "cadillac" health plans.
  • 42 0
 The balls Gee has to actually even try that line, this is freaking insane!!! Glad to see the G-man healing up and getting better but god damn, that was not fun to watch.
  • 5 3
 Testicle-Talk is no longer acceptable in the Outside Media Family environment. That's one thing I won't miss. I can't think of Danny Hart without......damnit! Gross!!!
  • 36 0
 Tough Dude! He still has my favorite trick in Rampage, with that massive gap to wall ride! Heal up quick!
  • 26 0
 Physical recovery is the one thing - however, his ability to master the mental aspect of it and standing his ground after such a gnarly hit truely reveals his athlete mindset! Mad respect!
  • 1 0
 Working up the courage and overcoming the very visceral aversion to doing the same kinds of stunts again is a real challenge. Glad his recovery is going well enough. Gee seems like he's up for it.
  • 25 0
 Gee-sus. That was nasty. I feel a little desensitized to the carnage these days after watching things like Rogatkin rag-dolling off a cliff and finishing his run with a backflip at Rampage but when you hear Gee describe the list of damage to his body it really hammers it home some of the risks these athletes are taking. Glad to hear Gee is recovering well and hopeful. Gee has gotten a lot of credit over the years mixed with taking some sh$t from younger riders thinking he was a bit more square or boring. Gee deserves all the credit IMO and little of the sh$t. The man has always been gnarly, pushed the sport, and worked his ass off. Hope to see him back soon. Oh...and screw you Outside you soul-less culture parasite (Not related to this article but on my mind anytime I'm on this site currently).
  • 5 0
 I still think they should have pulled Rogatkin off the hill to make sure he was OK; instead they gave him an award which sends a very poor example to the kids watching
  • 17 0
 Dan's comment makes me think back to when they were hitting the quarry line for the first time and Gee said something along the lines of 'if you don't think you can do it, don't try it'. Dudes got insane skills, and it seems he's always taking calculated risks. Just very unlucky on this occasion.
  • 17 0
 Is anyone really surprised that Gee is dropping manchamp status, only week after that grossness.... Dude is always on another level. Nothing but respect for the Gee Man. You know he's not gonna let that one slide either. He'll tame that line. That what he does.
  • 3 0
 I can only think of one other dude that can sustain injuries like that, and heal that fast. His name is Wolverine. I guess Red Balls doctors don't fuck about.
  • 15 0
 Alright folks Friday Fails is over… we have a winner!

On a more serious note, that was an insane crash on some very sharp and steep terrain, and Gee’s physical and mental toughness as well as humility and wisdom is what makes him one of the best riders to look up to in our sport Salute
  • 13 0
 @jamessmurthwaite, just to clarify the caption on the photo with the helicopter (since I work in the sector), that was operated by HM Coastguard (via Bristow Helicopters), not by Aberdyfi Search & Rescue as stated - although they obviously did an amazing job triaging and stabilising Gee. Just highlighting to get credit where it's due!
  • 20 8
 Pretty dam shocking. Very severe injuries and he was lucky he didn't kill himself. Question has to be asked as to why on earth was he riding terrain that severe. There is a limit to what even a modern Mountain Bikes can cope with. Looking at the video footage even a supreme rider like Gee was massively struggling with it. The risk here definitely wasn't worth it. Definitely lessons to be learned from this.
  • 8 1
 I agree Matt. Much as I admire and respect him, I hope he just dials it back a couple of notches. We don't want another hero wheelchair bound.
  • 7 0
 @jaame: Me too. I really wish Gee all the best with his recovery. It's was a terrible crash.
Watching him trying to negotiate this severe rocks frightening the hell out of me.
  • 3 0
 I reluctantly agree, although where the balance or the competitive media advantage lies for guys who aren't 100% race orientated is anybody's guess. Slateline, ridgeline keeps Gee in the media and will sell Atherton bicycles, I do hope retirement (or a de-escalation of ambition) is an option for Gee and his peers.
  • 23 4
 Unpopular take - Gee's very lucky to not be dead or worse. I get that, now he's no longer a DH podium contender, he's looking for other ways to stay relevant and challenge himself, but this level of risk taking for the sake of a quickly forgotten edit seems totally disproportionate. I don't think all the Billy Big Bollocks shite in the comments is helping either.
  • 9 2
 @Malky79: Totally agree. I am really unpopular on here anyway which doesn't bother me.

However, on this occasion I am seriously concerned for riders welfare and how far they are willing to risk themselves for extremely serious injury or death. The boundaries on this occasion were pushed way to far and just simply wasn't worth it. I really do hope he recoveres well and these injuries don't effect him much in later life.
  • 4 1
 @MattP76: It's a balance, but here i totally agree with you. I just think all of this is Gee's call, and so how do we as consumers not encourage this (looking at the overall comments here it's admiration, awareness and respect, which i guess is good)
  • 1 0
 probably doesn't help that many of the PB armchair crowd discounted the previous quarry edit as weak compared to the ridgeline
  • 10 2
 @MattP76: You will get downvoted for this train of thought, but I am glad you expressed it. I'm glad Gee is healing and not dead. That doesn't mean the line or entire area was a wise choice.

Is the all consuming "progression" that MTB seems to be about these days worth the near term pain, long term suffering, and possible death? Edits are cool and all, but when the next one has to be gnarlier and riskier than the last one or the armchair riders give it a thumbs down, is it really worth it?

I've stopped clicking on the edits here and on YouTube. I'm here for news, tech and videos I can learn from like Tom and Christina's. I spend most of my bike internet time watching trail videos of places I might actually ride someday.

People will die if we keep feeding them clicks and likes for some of these videos.
  • 6 2
 @Andykmn: I literally couldn't agree more. Have to say, your post is the best ones I think I've ever seen on here! Thank you.

Finger crossed I hope people like Gee Atherton don't feel they have to put themselves at such severe risk in the name of entertainment for their followers /sponsors from now on. Their health, future health and mental health just isn't worth the risk

Healng vibes Gee!!
  • 4 1
 My fear is for the next generation of riders who are trying to establish themselves in the ‘edit’ culture. The current crop of stars (Danny Mac, Sam Pilgrim, Fabio Wimber, Gee, Matt Jones etc…) all learned out of the limelight. Today every kids has an iPhone or a GoPro and wants to send it and make the big bucks….
  • 2 5
 @ChiefSilverback: Danny Mac was making wildly popular and dangerous trials edits in 2008. what are you on about
  • 6 1
 @Tracefunction: I think what he's on about is that the riding level they achieved happened before they had cameras all over them. They didn't learn their craft to get clicks. They did it for the love of the game, and then the youtube culture picked them up.
  • 2 8
flag simonusedtoskate (Jul 17, 2021 at 1:51) (Below Threshold)
 @MattP76 Sad I can only downvote you once. Maybe as paying subscribers we’ll be able to purchase multiple downvotes.
  • 5 2
 @simonusedtoskate: If you think I care you are gravely mistaken.

Also, if you have nothing better to do than pay for extra down votes you really do need to question your life.
  • 2 2
 @MattP76: without people like Gee, Wade Simmons, Bender, Tippie.. we’d all still be riding round with bar ends. Have some respect for someone who pushes the sport, understands the risks and shares the consequences with us.
  • 2 0
 Yes. Have some respect Matt, you disrespectful bastard.
  • 1 0
 @jaame: Haha!!!
  • 1 0
 Judging by some of the old school Dan and Gee edits when they were off track, (see some of the old “earthed” clips) I think gee just genuinely likes riding insane challenging terrain. He’d probably still be sending for fun regardless of career.
  • 12 0
 Glad no one's talking about the paywall on this, Gee deserves respect, he's a freaking machine man.
  • 1 0
 Well I am actually surprised nobody is pointing that Gee is riding an actual WALL
  • 8 0
 The footage we didn’t want to see yet really really wanted to see, Heal up G. That was gnarly
  • 8 0
 Man is tough as they come, he’d even smash through the paywall.

Heal up well Gee man
  • 4 0
 Gee is all class. I super appreciate the comment about understanding the consequences of something you want to try and then accepting those possibilities before you go for it. Wise words. Speedy recovery Gee. You are an animal!
  • 5 1
 Awesome to hear a positive update. And awesome to have Gee share his perspective and determination regarding accidents in this sport. The pursuit of progression, especially after disastrous failure, represents humanity at its finest. Fuck yeah Gee. Heal up and get back at it!
  • 5 0
 The guy has to have taken some of the biggest crashes in MTB history. Off the top of my head, anyone remember the snow jump overshoot? the nose dive on MSA world cup? the backflip road gap case? What a legend
  • 2 0
 Plus his crash at Rampage - time stamp 2:14

  • 4 0
 Dude should be knighted! And then paid a pension to coach the up and coming DH groms for his country. He'd have to sign a contract that states he is not to to film any more segments where he's pushing boundaries... Let the hungry new cats, who have something to prove, do that now. We need you healthy, without too many head injuries (although I suspect it's too late for that), so England can keep up with these Frenchies.
  • 7 0
 The sense of scale is insane when you see his legs flailing.
  • 5 0
 The first fall was at least 15ft, couldn't see the landing on the second bounce but it looked similar. Thats like falling off a roof.... and then falling off another roof. Mental
  • 3 0
 @freestyIAM: I tried to estimate the distance of the initial fall by pausing at the moment of first impact, based on his height of 6 foot 1 inch. Looks like he fell a distance of about four Gees onto his knee, or about 24 feet. f*cking brutal. It's a miracle he still has a femur at all.
  • 6 0
 Ummmmm, very few people in the world wouldn't have a massive crash on that thing.
  • 3 0
 @HB208 And there's absolutely no one who wouldn't be at risk of having one with all else being equal.
  • 2 0
 @sonuvagun: But there's only one person in the world who would try and ride something like that, wtf.
  • 3 0
 The “if you don’t think you can do it, don’t try it” line is so true and applies whatever your level of ability.
For us mere mortals, erring on the sign of caution and walking away when faced with a challenging feature or trail, always makes sense.
I’ll now only hit something new if I’m feeling 100% confident that I can do it.

Massive kudos to Gee.
  • 5 0
 Gee, you are a beast.Super stoked on what you've done but Don't want to see you crash out of the sport. We need you around, brother. Heal well.
  • 3 0
 CRAZYdont come back, doing these edit, we dont need no more, ya gonna be limping , in pain later on in life , i know its what ya live for but you are lucky to survive and not be paralyzed, i know people will say , well a least live life to the fullest, but i dunno ,'crazy is as stupid does ' you only get so many life lines, be cool man
  • 4 0
 Sometimes when you send your bike off the edge of a cliff s*** goes bad! Hope the healing continues quickly so this warrior can get back out there
  • 6 0
 Gee is a class act. That mental fortitude is so admirable.
  • 3 1
 I recently broke my cheekbone and eye socket when I was wearing a half shell. The recovery from that alone was brutal. I can't imagine stacking it with all those other injuries. Head injuries put a specific kind of freight into you. Great to see how well he's doing and that it wasn't worse.
  • 2 0
 Hardcore. I find it fascinating that his last statement “I’ll be back, making more edits” - eludes to nothing more, like racing. I know his results have been winding down in recent years, but could thus be his ticket out of the WC circuit ?

Maybe he needs a rethink.. I reckon racing the WC circuit is way safer than taking lumps out of local mountains !

Regardless, would be pretty amazing to him blitzing it again.
  • 9 0
 I didn't read so much into it. He probably just said that because he got hurt making a video, so he said he'll be back making edits. Because at the end of the day the guy doesn't really need a "ticket" out of the WC racing does he? He doesn't need an excuse to retire from racing. This man has absolutely nothing left to prove as a racer. Two time World Champ, World cup overall winner, 8(?) WC wins, countless podiums, etc. He's one of the best who has ever done it.
  • 4 0
 Fair play! He was sending it on! Good insight into how well he knows both sides of risk and reward. Heal up Gee.
  • 2 0
 Surviving that and being able to walk a couple of weeks after is some superhero stuff. All the best big man! Also big props for all the medical and rehabilitation staff,I guess that took some work.
  • 3 0
 GEE WE LOVE YOU!! stop this type of riding and stay Alive Man!!! You're Such a nice Guy , we talked in les Gets 2019 sure you dont remember Love
  • 2 0
 He seems really positive and sounds like he will be riding at the same level as before. But the big question remains if he will be trying to do more of the insane stuff or take it down a notch or two?
  • 2 1
 No back or neck brace, at least for the practice runs when you're working out the lines? Simple risk mitigation, at the risk of looking a bit soft. To paraphrase Kelly McGarry, "Only smart people and pussies wear elbow guards, and I ain't either of those".
  • 2 1
 Honestly the line he was trying didn’t look to appealing or FUN at all. No flow, very chunky, exposed. I get that some will say “cause it’s there”. Ok…for most of us a heli evac isn’t. Me, recovering from torn ACL broken hand and dislocated shoulder training on a XC bike. Podium in all three local races I entered this year, feeling good and strong then a front tire wash out on a loose gravel high speed berm I’ve ridden over a hundred times! Life’s a bitch on occasion. Good luck Gee. Wish you a fast 100% recovery. I’m on the stationary for the rest of th3 summer
  • 1 0
 If you took all the Atherton crashes throughout the years and made a compilation of them it would be a pretty lengthy edit, and very impressive though at times terrifying. Rachel's road crash on the time trial bike was a bad as it gets. Tough as nails family.
  • 1 0
 Geeez, Dude could be shredding on tech trails and buff flowy singletrack right now, Go big and go to the hospital or just go be a mediocre mtb’er? Hmmm. Heal up doode and take it easy man. Too many nig-nogs getting hurt these days. Is it really worth it? No, especially when you can end up w a high cervical fracture, trach/vent dependent, pseudomonas and septic death from festering bed sores! don’t do it essay!
  • 1 0
 You know it was absolutely massive when Gee says it was the biggest crash of his career. Scary stuff and it takes a superhuman to get away with it. A true legend of the sport with the skills, creativity, and determination to keep pushing the limits for so many years. Inspirational message for everyone who is struggling with injury and I wish the best recovery for all!
  • 3 0
 Gee.... you sure you're not Russian? Freaking robot man. Insane mental fortitude.
  • 4 0
 Tough as nails... and plates, screws and pins
  • 2 0
 Gee has just given massively positive psychological boost to anyone should injury come knocking. That's the mark of a decent human being.
  • 3 0
 We’ve all gone through those mental games. But at some point during recovery you come to accept the fact that is was never “if” and always “when”. And you embrace the reality of recovery and get on with it. And the whole time have a profound gratitude that things didn’t go worse - because they always can.
  • 5 0
 Holy shit...
  • 3 0
 I have to admit...I was kinda scared to click on this one....ughhh...heal up and take care...hate seeing this kind of stuff
  • 1 0
 At first it didn't seem that "big", the whole "camera flattens things out" thing, but holy f***ing shit balls that wide angle shot puts it into perspective!

That was a behemoth bail.
  • 2 0
 Whilst I enjoy watching the vids I have thought for a while that he's pushing his luck. So many situations where the alternative to success is serious injury or death
  • 2 0
 „This was a big one, even by my standards“

Dude is the baddest mfer in the game and he knows it. Great to see him recovering so fast.
  • 1 1
 Might be a dumb question but I see Europeans always mention working with a ‘physio”. Here is Gee with one helping him with rehab. But i always here riders mention having a “physio” with their teams helping them get ready at races, giving massages, thing like that. What exactly is a physio? Are they what we call a physical therapist here in the US? Or more like the athletic trainer on a pro sports team?
  • 1 0
 Physio/physiotherapist is the word that the rest of the world uses for physical therapist. Exact same thing.
  • 1 0
 Physio (physiotherapist) is the same as a physical therapist
  • 2 0
 I hope he takes his time coming back. Those head injuries can take a lot longer to heal than a broken bone so take care of that noggin!
  • 1 0
 Gee seems like a rider/technician...and like other super-skilled free riders he will not let go of that stoke that comes from a well executed ride. Keep your chrome heart shining, Gee!
  • 1 0
 Riding against imbricated sharp rock slabs...on a ridgeline... As Gee says; you have to be prepared to take the consequences, and he is and has. And he said he's coming back for more!? Gee is officially an adjective now.
  • 1 0
 Just trashed my femur at about 5mph on a road bike! 20ft gaps are far safer than an oily wet road! IMO

You know you’ve been a biker long enough - when there’s more metal in you than on the bike! Jajaja
  • 3 0
 Holy crap, thats intense. Hope Gee is back on the bike soon!
  • 2 0
 Looking at that footage and just thinking... when does the tumbling stop???

No spinal or neck injury... good for you Gee!
  • 2 0
 Great to see him walking around. Absolutely nuts seeing the third person view.
  • 2 0
 Gee your a machine!! Major props to you for doing what you do. Wish you a speedy and full recovery
  • 3 0
 Fast and full recovery Gee, best thoughts for you.
  • 4 1
 He's not like most of us. Freakin Wolverine body.
  • 3 0
 very lucky there was no spinal or neck injuries
  • 2 0
 Wow, insane man. Glad your doing well. Thank god your in wicked shape, probably helps with the recovery
  • 2 0
 That little snippet of him aborting mission is gnarly. Dude looks low key yolked, no wonder why hes recovering well.
  • 2 0
 Brutal... He will be back pumping out the gnarliest edits soon enough, absolute badass.
  • 5 6
 Dear Gee,

I feel like I can call you Gee because you and me are so alike. I'd like to meet you one day, it would be great to have a ride. I know I can't shred as fast as you but I think you'd be impressed with my speed. I love your hair, you ride fast. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither. These are all things we can talk about and more. I know you have not been getting my letters because I know you would write back if you did. I hope you write back this time, and we can become good friends. I am sure our relationship would be a real World Cup win!
  • 4 0
 Uh. Stan? That type of shit will make him not want you two to meet each other.
  • 1 0
 Walking three weeks after a femur break!!?? f*ck, I wasn’t allowed to bear weight for three months after my tib-fib surgery… jeez.
  • 2 0
 simply…not…worth…it… so glad hes recovering, but seeing that unrideable ridgeline - not worth all the pain afaiac
  • 2 0
 Wondered what that earthquake was 3 weeks ago, anyone checked the mountain to see if it’s ok?
  • 3 0
 Full clip please. But damn man, maybe time to chill! We love you though'
  • 2 0
 Watching that, I had parts of my body contracting that I don't think are supposed to contract.
  • 1 0
 Wtf is that line though, everyone else riding steep shit like that is trying to find soft Utah dirt to do it on and here's Gee sending it on rocks.
  • 1 0
 He’s already walking after that!! Bruh if that would’ve been me I wouldn’t never leave my bed again!! Impressive to see Gee walking already w the size of his balls!!
  • 1 0
 Damn gee. You are getting older have you ever considered maybe becoming a Plummer or something.Best wishes in the healing process.
  • 1 0
 High income high rollers can afford the best private medical care possible. The average guy can't. Remember that, average guy!
  • 2 0
 Heal fast, ride again swiftly, Mr Atherton.
  • 5 4
 Get well and get back soon. Also NHS for the win!! If that were the US there would be all the debt.
  • 13 31
flag ilovedust (Jul 16, 2021 at 10:31) (Below Threshold)
 Your understanding of the NHS is not quite right.
The reality is that in the UK, if you want good health care you need to go private.
You will get good basic initial care but after that your flying solo. Things like physio etc are provided via a sheet of A4 paper for all but the worst of injuries. Nuffield Hospital keeps taking my money!! But I get seen straight away.
Thats not to say the NHS is bad, its just average. Its why so many people have health insurance here. We pay for healthcare twice where as you only pay once Smile
….bit like having free content but then having to subscribe for the good stuff!!
  • 12 4
The NHS has looked after me really well through several serious injuries (some MTBing, and some not) and illnesses.
I agree their care does have it's limits, and i've gone private for some things, but generally on the whole the NHS is amazing and we're so lucky to have it. I don't feel the need to pay twice (except for the odd extra bit of phyiso or a 2nd opinion now and again), and both me and my dad have had world class complex surgery (my dad's was life saving, mine meant I can walk and run again after a bad crash) for nothing more than paying our taxes.
  • 16 4
 @ilovedust: Sorry but that simply isn't true.
  • 8 2
 @ilovedust: That's not true at all. I've suffered brokens bones, concussion, tore ligaments etc from mountain bike injuries. I've only ever received excellent care from the NHS and the after care they have supplied has been superb. In fact I needed an operation on my shoulder and the NHS sorted me the operation at the Nuffield at their expense.
  • 11 0
 @ilovedust My experience- I had a car accident back home in the UK age 17 - flight for life, 3days on life support (coma), 16 surgeries, x2 femoral nails, 1 tibia nail, 5 metal plates, 1.5 years of physio with transport two and from. Did not cost anymore than I got taken out my wages. Not going to challenge your experience, but I've certainly been VERY thankful for the NHS.

Also just recent shatter my elbow and broke my wrist in the US....$190K cost me $10k with insurance.
  • 8 1
 @ilovedust: righto Boris. Nice try
  • 1 0
 I haven't had a chance to watch it yet but if it's worse than his snow jump crash from way back it has to be pretty bad.
  • 2 0
 You absolute beast!!! Massive healing vibes Gee!
  • 1 0
 I agree, how does he even fit those BALLS in he’s pants and ride. GEE A FUKN BADASS!!!!
  • 1 0
 GoPro effect is real here. The POV looks gnarly but not death defying...then you see the side view...
  • 2 0
 What a f'ing BEAST. Heal up Gee. You crazy bastard.
  • 1 0
 would be suprise if hes got parts of his bike fitten in him Big Grin

good luck and possitive vibes all the way
  • 1 0
 Hard as nails. A modern day black night!
  • 2 0
 If those Atherton bikes are as tough as Gee i defiantly want one!
  • 1 0
 FULL FRIGGIN SEND!!! OUCH,, GEE-ZUZ that was gnarley! that POV,,, UGH,, I nearly puked when it was going bad!
  • 2 0
 Gee lost balance because his balls was in the way of that saddle
  • 1 0
 That is the heart of a champion right there, wishing you quick healing, Gee.
  • 2 0
 hope you heal to 100% but be carful
  • 1 0
 OMFG that was horrible to watch hope you’re on the mend Gee..one of Britain’s top mtbers for me
  • 1 0
 fookin 'ell that line's gnarlyyyyy!!!
  • 2 0
 Geeeawww tht hurrts
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 fucking christ.... that is insanity
  • 2 0
 A beast among beasts !
  • 1 0
 Ya, that’ll f*ck you up…
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Definitely related to Spock, half human half Vulcan!
  • 2 1
 Why isn't this on Friday fails?
  • 2 0
  • 3 0
  • 1 0
 That was tough to watch ... brutal for Gee. Hope he fully recovers.
  • 1 0
 sending more vybz dude is a rock.
  • 1 0
 Would love to see detailed pictures of the bike post crash!
  • 2 0
 Forgot his redbull
  • 2 0
 Yeah, that was a Monster crash...
  • 2 0
 I literally went :O
  • 1 0
 What's with the chef apron?
  • 1 0
 That's a bad mother fucker.
  • 1 0
 Maybe RedBull is not as healthy as it seems
  • 1 0
 I wonder how many cans of that stuff his doctors have recommended he drinks.
  • 1 0
 He didn't just crash, he basically fell off a mountain. Dang.
  • 1 0

Does the hill now look like Gee?
  • 2 0
 Legend, heal soon dude
  • 1 0
 Good lord, take care of yourself Gee. Get well soon.
  • 2 0
 Dude's an animal!
  • 1 0
 Anyone else notice the name of the hospital? Has to be made up.
  • 1 0
 Will Red Bull pay for his funeral next time?
  • 1 0
 This is honestly fucked. I hope gee stops riding such gnarly lines.
  • 1 2
 Didn't look too crazy. Also looks like the GoPro broke off of his helmet and tumbled; making the footage look gnarlier than reality.
  • 1 0
 Gravity + ego. It's not a matter of If but when.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 gee, that was a doozy
  • 2 1
 What an absolute weapon!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Dear lord…
  • 1 0
 Wawaweewa….heavy crash
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