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Video: How to Bump Hop with Duncan Shaw

Apr 11, 2020
by Duncan Shaw  

This week we received some brand new additions to our DIY garden trials setup in the form of 20 wooden pallets.

We quickly put these to their proper use and filmed a "How to Bump hop/jump" video where we even managed surprised ourselves with just how high we were able to get!

A bit ambitious?

Tip #1 Watch those ankles!

Just like that...

***As the world struggles to suppress the spread of COVID-19, please follow the guidelines of your local health authorities. Even if you don’t have the virus, bike-related hospital visits put additional stress on your medical systems; do not undertake any activities that put you or others at risk.

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duncshaw avatar

Member since Dec 13, 2010
53 articles

  • 7 0
 Pretty cool to have Danny as a neighbour, cruising by on an ebike !
  • 1 0
 I dont have a trials bike like that... never intend to buy one but, for trail riding on a full squish or my rigid 29ers... I find myself always holding my breath when I'm trying to get up and over tree stumps and other things where I need to bunny hop.. if there's a series of them in a row, I sorta get winded because of the natural reflex of holding my breath. I don't know why the heck I do that.... I see it in other sports (holding your breath during the activity).. baseball pitchers, when you throw a basketball, shooting in general, weight lifting, etc
  • 1 0
 I do the same thing! Its so weird.
  • 1 0
 @Shnoztastic: yeah -- I just really noticed it the other day -- locally, we have had a bunch of trees fall over about a year's time -- there's a section where we have 6 or 7 different trees all lined up in a row, all crossing the trail and you need to hop up and over each of them.., if you're heading counter clockwise on the trail, it's slightly up hill too. I'm in pretty darn good shape right now but, by time I get to the last one, I'm winded, need to back off the throttle for a tick before I get going again.... ha, I could never to trials cause I'd be holding my breath the entire time
  • 1 0
 Valsalva Maneuver...helps with heavy lifts and fairly natural when doing a big move. Although the more you practice, the more relaxed you are so you can catch your breath after a big move...
  • 2 0
 So it’s the rebound effect of the tires hitting the square edge of the bump that gives the extra lift? Something extra to push into it?
  • 1 0
 It makes a huge difference. Your popping off that edge while your legs and bike are at a very laterally ridged position and you have already greatly increased the PSI of the tire just by the force of your legs and moving your weight, not even the impact yet. Couple this with the natural motion of a hop where you actually have to hold back a bit on giving your maximum because you will rotate backwards and either make landing sketchy or impossible. The impact reverses the rotation and makes it much easier to give maximum effort to your pop while also being able to pull your knees and bike close to you which gives you more ground clearance, while also giving a little extra pop from the impact.
  • 6 4
 What these videos don't say is that, unless you can actually jump 9 palates high without your bike, you'll never make it.
  • 2 0
 That’s not neseceraly true
  • 1 1
 Not true, also jumping 9 pallets not that hard, it is about how hight you can bent your legs(so your feet's will be higher)
  • 4 1
 Ah, the the days of regular fit jeans should return to trials!
  • 1 0
 I can attest to the effectiveness of this. It was the only way I could get my huffy off the ground as a kid! Uneven sidewalk? Brap!
  • 4 2
 I’m going to be giving that a go later, good edit thanks
  • 1 0
 Me too !
  • 1 0
 Isn't it just a bunny hop with an additional pop from the obstacle? Looks quite magical though
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