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Video: Laura Slavin Explores Fear Response Through Massive Sends in 'Fight or Flight'

Dec 2, 2021
by Laura Sals  

No matter what type of riding you do, eventually you’ll come to a do or die moment - a point of no return. The fight or flight response kicks in and there are only two choices in front of you: brake, pull off, and give up… or step through the fear and commit.

“When I make the choice to commit, all the fear I initially felt fades away and I’m completely immersed in the here & now. I've accepted all the consequences. Everything is quiet. By walking through fear I find a strength within me that I never knew I had... and then I can bring that to all other arenas of my life. This is my favorite part about the bike, something I think all riders share.”

Rider: Laura Slavin ( @thatslavintho )
Directed by: Kyle Lieberman ( @kyle__lieberman )
Edit: Lets Be Friends
Photography : Katie Lozancich (@_katielo )







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thirddegreeberms avatar

Member since Dec 12, 2014
2 articles

  • 24 0
 Those are some biiiiiiig gaps! Way to get after it, Laura!
  • 15 2
 She could be my dentist, I respect her send-ability !
  • 2 1
 Favorite comment of the day lol
  • 9 0
 Great rider, wild park. Unfortunately the person filming and editing was more interested in trying to look stylish instead of showing a mountain bike jump in it's entirety. When someone gets air that is not the time to see how many cuts you can put in the video before they land. The rider is doing the work, don't take away from it by using needless camera movements and editing.
  • 6 0
 Major props on cleaning Fort Hill! It's scary for sure.

This video made it particularly hard to understand the size of these features though >.
  • 3 0
 Fort Hill is no joke and super fun, way to conquer the fear! Video does no justice for the scale of this jumpline.... It's massive at 35+mph and 15 different gaps up to 35+ft. Props!
  • 5 1
  • 4 0
 Hell yeah
  • 3 0
 So sick, keep it up. Play some DMX next time.
  • 3 0
 Nice job Laura, killing it!
  • 2 0
 Anyone have advice on breaking through mental blocks? Ever know 100% sure you can do something , but your fear stops you???
  • 3 0
 Build confidence on smaller jumps and work up yourself. The day you will do it visualize the successful send over and over in your mind. If you feel ready the fear will still be present but you know inside that you can do it. If you execute do not hesitate and believe in a good outcome. If you still hesitate, then try next time.
  • 2 0
 I was taught to work up to the thing that’s psyching you out by doing smaller, similar things/features that I had already done. So essentially I’d practice the exact movements/skills I’d need on something with less consequence, build confidence up and once I had it dialed, I’d go (same day) to the goal feature and hit it. Smile
  • 2 0

Much better edit of how good of a rider Laura is IMO
  • 2 0
 Nice. The written words are totally relatable.
  • 1 0
 Sweet edit. Anyone notice the soundtrack is the Pinkbike Field test theme song from the other year?
  • 1 0
 Knew I recognized that song from somewhere! Brings back images of Levy’s creepy wink/smile.
  • 2 0
 It aint Saturday, but this girl still sends!!
  • 2 0
 Good to see the exposure for an absolute ripper.
  • 2 0
 Those are LARGE!
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