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Video: Remy Metailler & Yoann Barelli Try to Ride One of the Gnarliest Lines in Squamish

Mar 19, 2021
by Rémy Métailler  

Well, you may have seen a lot of clip of me riding this line in Squamish since the end of 2019, but you have not yet seen a clip of Yoann Barelli riding a top to bottom, even less a follow-cam down it. That day, that was our plan.

Unfortunately, we made mistakes and instead of collecting epic footage, we captured a massive crash. Everything was lined up for success but when pushing the limits of what can be ridden, accidents can happen... Don't worry Yoann is all good and episode 2 will be coming soon!

Watch the full line ridden in the snow:

Follow Yoann and I on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yoannbarelli and http://www.instagram.com/remymetailler

Subscribe to the channel for Episode 2 and more videos: http://youtube.com/c/remymetailler

Photo by AJ Barlas


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Member since Feb 25, 2009
196 articles

  • 100 0
 when Remy Metailler & Yoann Barelli "try" to ride it, makes me wonder, what sort of madman built it and for whom?
  • 20 0
 I think remy build those lines himself.
  • 95 0
 You know it's bad when Steve V's like, "Nope."
  • 44 0
 "Have fun doing dangerous things!"
  • 75 0
 I really like watching the bravery from the comfort of my armchair. Just going to put the kettle on, does anyone want a cup of tea?
  • 9 1
 I'll take a cup of mint green tea with a lemon cupcake :p
  • 6 0
 @lehott: Can you bring the tums with the tea? That video gave me heart burn.
  • 3 0
 I'll take some. What a guy.
  • 2 0
  • 72 28
 Once again, stupid helmet choice
  • 27 41
flag stpan (Mar 19, 2021 at 0:59) (Below Threshold)
 seems to me like, in fullface, there is not enough vision and confidence on these kinds of features.
  • 26 9

That, is complete bullshit. My Stage helmet combined with a Smith Squad goggle and proper clear lens give me perfect view.
  • 10 7
 @DutchmanPhotos: Matt Jones's comment when he was trying to nail his tree gap seems relevant. He decided against the full face (having landed fully on his face) for issues of both visibility and familiarity.
  • 7 3
 @stpan: so you’ve never ridden a dirt bike? I don’t ride my mountain bike with full face helmet either but I don’t make lame excuses as to why.
  • 36 0
 @BenPea: Yes, and there is a fair bit of trials riding in these moves and they don't ride fullface for reasons. As with everything dangerous there is a balance between skill, confidence and uncontrolled risk and that balance is absolute for the individual to find the sweet spot of best performance. A fullface won't even begin to make this safe, everything is in the execution of the line.

It's like alpine climbing when using ropes will make you go slower so the risk exposure increases to things a rope wont really help you anyhow. Not for everybody and justification is for the individual alone.
  • 6 0

I have to agree with you guys on this, and I sure can not look into these guys heads but still, smash your face on a rock with that exit speed and it might look very ugly.....
  • 6 20
flag pbls (Mar 19, 2021 at 5:50) (Below Threshold)
 Definetely...I now these guys are Pros but that´s not a good example for younger riders.
  • 11 3
 I believe Matt Macduff said in an interview (maybe after his loop of doom crash) that for him to do a backflip on a 20 meter jump is as dangerous as a normal person riding their bike on a quiet street.

Us average joes could die just the same if we miscalculated a 3 meter jump and smashed the wrong body part into a rock.

This is not to say that what these lads are doing isn't any more dangerous, but that the probability of injury is minimised by knowing their own limits and capabilities. Maybe wearing a lighter helmet helps them set up the right headspace to execute sketchy stuff relatively safely.
  • 8 1
 seems a perfectly fine choice as he walked away from it fairly unscathed.
  • 7 1
 @BenPea: That's more of a SS thing when you're spinning and flipping and need to spot the landing out of your peripheral vision. If Remi or Yoann is spotting the transition out of the corner of their eye, something has gone terribly, terribly wrong!
  • 1 1
 @plyawn: oh yeah for sure!
@feeblesmith: totally agree. The value of not using ropes to go faster so you have less time to have an accident is debatable though (based on an accident study I translated).
  • 1 0
 @Daver27: That could also be luck playing that he happened to high-side rather than proper endo. I agree these dudes are super human, and so even my face-smasher might be something he'd roll away from. But not having the full face for stunts like this... ugh
  • 5 0
 @stubs179: I don't need to make excuses, I am lame rider, so I ride mtb with full face Smile
  • 4 6
 You’re clearly not familiar with Alice Lake. Full face helmets is how the locals identify out of town Jerrys heading over to Rupert.
  • 3 0
 @supernaut69: Ha!
But I did buy a fork from him once so I met him in person. Nice dude.
  • 3 1
 @LucaP: I don't think so. I ride there every week and sometimes I'd wear a full face and sometimes not. The downside to my FF is that I do not get lower vision below the chin bar. Even on the shore, I'd prefer to wear the FF but sometimes I need the vision lower down and ride without it. For dental "insurance" a FF is by far my preference but then again, I only wear the FF about 5% of the time and that is mainly because of vision limitations.
  • 2 0

Looking at your photos you are probably the Jerry yourself, haha!
  • 1 1
 @stpan: Damn stpan, I dont know why everyone was so harsh on you there Frown No need. Love you x
  • 1 1
 @LucaP: Aw I loved Rupert. Should have worn full face, sorry lads Frown
  • 42 1
 12 baguettes big drop.... Content is hilarious!
  • 20 1
 all drops and gaps will henceforth be measured in Baguettes!
  • 34 0
 He really did Barelli roll down the trail when he crashed.
  • 27 1
 As a decidedly non-sender, I find it encouraging when these pros open up about not just technique but thoughts and feelings when they're outside their comfort zones.

The French Connection should be an automatic PB Award nominee. Already has Academy and Golden Globe awards.

As for equipment choice, I think there's too many variables involved in anyone's ride to say "wear this or wear that". I ride regular trail with elbow pads and gloves, and have knee pads in the pack. I'm a minority and most of PB would say that's overkill. But I'm old and heal slow. And like to finish rides. I'm also the guy who wants a lightweight trail rated full face. Again, overkill but what I want to cover my own variables. I'm with @feeblesmith with this. It's to each his own to mitigate their risk and fears.
  • 23 2
  • 2 0
 glad it's not energydrink sponsored.
  • 16 0
  • 17 1
 These three guys are incredible, and showing up everywhere!

It feels a little like the early Rocky Frorider days. Remy is the new Richie: professional, stylish and getting the most media attention. Yoann is wild and super entertaining: the new Tippie? Does that make Steve the new Wade?
  • 18 0
 This weekend, I will send a near three foot drop to almost flat rocky run out. Wish me well.
  • 14 2
 I want these two lads as speakers for the World Cups, Rampage, and any other broadcast
  • 15 41
flag Rainallday (Mar 19, 2021 at 3:24) (Below Threshold)
 I can only watch Metailler on mute.
  • 9 0
 Scale this down a good bit and it would be really fun. Like it is there it is making me nervous even in the video.
  • 1 0
 Too right... that was some scary viewing suspecting sh*t was gonna happen!
  • 6 0
 Really like watching these two. Interesting to see how Yoann when he is scared as it changes his personality quite a bit. You can tell how serious these lines are when someone with Yoanns ability is really scared. Good work boys, I look forward to the next instalment
  • 7 0
 Heavy crash. Good no injuries. These guys push the limits and make it look easy, but every feature has heavy consequences.
  • 8 0
 They updated the definition of "insane shit".
  • 7 0
 I could watch this double act do anything !
  • 20 0
 Steve Vanderhoek making it the three musketeers.
  • 6 0
 these drops look scary from a gopro perspective - which is super scary. Video tends to flatten out hills and drops.
  • 5 0
 Don´t stop with the NeoFreeride. Or GnarRide? It´s now a official mtb discipline.

#NeoFreeride #GnarRide
  • 6 0
 Le Stoke!
  • 5 0
 How about “Squampage”?
  • 1 0
 I know, but some riders find full-face helmets constricting so it is really a matter of choice. I have figured in numerous accidents even on trails that I am very, very familiar with. Having said that, I now ride full-face 100%. Full-face helmets have gone a long way from 20 years ago. New ones now are lighter, gives you better peripheral vision and ventilation. And another thing, unless you have extended dental insurance, dental implants cost twice our fancy bikes if you figure in a faceplant, so......
  • 5 0
  • 4 0
 these dudes are riding the gnarliest lines in canada by far
  • 4 0
 For the next video, Steve Vanderhoek joins in the fun.
  • 3 0
 "F**k you and your concerns" - lmfao. Those were some great last words. Glad you're ok Yoann.
  • 2 0
 Awesome stuff guys! I wonder if some of those features can be rolled rather than jumped/dropped! Would love to see this trail in the flesh!
  • 2 0
 Aim for the tree. WTF I avoid all eye contact with trees, because if you look at them you become one with them, and not in a good way.
  • 2 0
 This kind of riding is so cool. It's like reverse mountaineering or climbing. Just taking an unlikely natural line and making it go with skill and huevos.
  • 1 0
 What’s with all the Squamish freeriders trying to get Yoann to sh:t his pants this week?! Into The Gnar seems to have awakened a chest thumping battle in the woods up there. Stay safe boys, you’re all sick riders!
  • 3 0
 Anyone know what Shoes Remy is using? cannot make them out
  • 2 0
 Fizik according to the video description on YouTube.
  • 1 0
 @andrewbmxmtb: must be a unique colourway in that case
  • 3 0
 thank you but no thank you. crazy sh*t
  • 3 0
 I couldn't slide down that stuff on my butt.
  • 2 0
 I have a sneaky suspicion that Steve will be in the next one. I could watch those 3 all day!
  • 2 0
 Glad you enjoy!
  • 1 0
 The drops are way beyond my abilities, no matter which bike or helmet, but that skinny little ledge looks pretty damn scary too...
  • 1 0
 So loads of high speed compression for big drops, what if you dont have that?
Heavier oil?
  • 4 0
 Heavier compression tune
  • 2 0
 Interesting that it seems these 2, especially Remy go most things that was in the Laurie interview.
Gnarr features: add high speed for the first runs and maybe slow the rebound down to be under complete control.
That drop that Barelli crashes on looks like a proper big one with limited run out too, that whole line looks pretty crazy!

Might be the difference between a racer on race tracks and the guys riding the gnarr.
Remy has previous videos showing that he runs not far off recommended pressures as well as lower tyre pressures (19/21 or 21/23) might be because he is riding bigger features at lower speeds and more natural terrain so needs the grip etc.
  • 3 2
 I was not familiar with NF? clothing, that stuff is really nice looking but the prices!!!! That crash killed a $120 Jersey?
  • 42 0
 Nope, this jersey will be back at the factory in Vancouver and will be fixed up, that’s part of the NF philosophy Wink
  • 4 0
 @yoannbarelli: Glad you are OK Yoann after that crash! Just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed the last couple of videos, hope you find a good way to keep making great content like this and keep your head in the riding zone. Also great to see go / no go type chat on lines, makes me think of similarities with back country skiing or snowboarding when sketchy lines can only be ridden when conditions allow. I find this sort of stuff really motivates me to get out and ride and enjoy trying to do more technical stuff, pushing but not exceeding my limits. Cheers!
  • 8 0
 Yeah, prices are a bit higher than other stuff, but they're made here in a factory near downtown Vancouver. I can literally see people running the sewing machines in the back when I walk in to their storefront. And you've got the benefit of having it repaired on site by the maker.
  • 2 0
 @yoannbarelli: it's almost like this was supposed to happen.
  • 1 0
 @yoannbarelli: wow, that is incredible, love seeing new products and new ideas. I was really more worried about you, but then once I saw the jersey I know how that feels to tear up clothing.
Keep up the great work and pushing it to levels the rest of us wish we could. These videos do make me realize what is possible on a much smaller scale.
  • 2 0
 @yoannbarelli: just bought some NF pants, feels like a great company to support.
So if i put a hole in my pants they will fix it ?
  • 2 0
 I could listen to Remy talk all day.
  • 2 0
 I think that looks like fun riding. Hard, but fun.
  • 2 0
 Yoann and Remy locked in a life or death game of Horse. Amazing riding.
  • 1 0
 No joke, it seems that the difference in their riding styles was the primary cause of Yoann's crash. Remi seems all about slow and precise moves where Yoann seems far more comfortable blasting drops with speed. I want to see them ride a trail together that Yoann has built which requires linking up features with lots of speed. Although, I'm sure Remi could do that well also, with plenty of run-ins Smile
  • 2 0
 @markkarlstrand: they are both superb riders, check out Remy’s rampage runs if you’re wondering if he can ride fast.
  • 2 0
 Bravo ! Fkin epic and great banter
  • 1 0
 why they dont wear a full face helmet on thar super steep trails? looks scary!
  • 1 0
 Great stuff boys. Keep em comin.
  • 1 0
 As always awesome content! Thank you Remi, Yohan and PB!
  • 1 0
 I’ve never seen yoann so nervous lol ????
  • 2 1
 Put on a full face
  • 1 0
 To pop, or not to pop
  • 1 0
 100 yeah boys!!! Sick Af
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