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Video: Spectacular Racing in Fort William - Story Of The Race with Ben Cathro

May 6, 2024
by Pinkbike Originals  
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  • 28 6
 Pretty incomplete story of the race if you ask me... Big names missing finals? Bruni finally doing Bruni things on this track. The whole skinsuit thing put to bed by Vali motoring on the motorway?
  • 23 2
 He's just hyping up the juniors. You know, the future of the sport.
  • 11 1
 Electric suspension is better then a skinsuit
  • 7 0
 You're correct, but Ben obviously decided to do something a bit different this time and it was a really good watch.
  • 1 0
 Maybe he could not show anything from elite race bacause it is a paid content?
  • 3 0
 @lkubica: Did you watch the elite race coverage? They had 3.5 hours of extremely detailed coverage. The world cup racers in the booth discussed alot of line choice etc. Not to mention all the other youtubers and vloggers. Maybe it was an effort not to be redundant and Ben seems to invest alot of time with Junior racers and is a dad himself. Its cool to see the juniors get showcased a bit more IMO. I know more about the next crop of juniors this year than i ever have.
  • 18 1
 This is a great video but I feel like the title is a bit misleading. This is heavily focused on the juniors, which is great, and I always love hearing Ben Cathro's analysis. Maybe there's a part 2 coming to talk about elite?
  • 3 9
flag CantClimb FL (May 6, 2024 at 12:47) (Below Threshold)
 Thought it was a big pile of Blabber.
  • 18 7
 It’s the greatest sport. Coverage was great, well worth the $10.
  • 11 2
 Generally good coverage. That zoomed out drone on the top section was terrible. Commentary could use a bit more life, the guys seemed sleepy in the booth.
  • 27 3
 Agreed! Great racing, great coverage, great commentary. We all miss Rob Warner of course but he works for Redbull so we all need to get over it at some point. He wasn't wronged here. Also some other positives, semis being shit canned moving forward apparently, juniors getting solid coverage, camera coverage on track is the best its ever been with ultra clear resolution, Gwinn/Tahnee/Nicole in the both was great. It was easy to watch in the US with a max subscription. Of course you will still have folks crying here in the comments and downvoting you for being positive. Many of which probably didn't even watch the race because they already decided beforehand that it would be garbage. Or they couldn't justify buying 2 less $7 IPAS a month to be able to afford to pay for it. Bring on the downvotes.
  • 10 2
 @CamNeelyCantWheelie: Nothing is perfect...RedBull wasn't either.
  • 3 0
 @wolftwenty1: I mean, have you ever tasted the stuff? At least they aren't trying to make money selling it, they'd get nowhere.
  • 6 3
 @wolftwenty1: Zoomed out, grainy drone footage from hundreds of meters away where the rider occupies 8 grey pixels in the 1080p image is unacceptable. Everyone missed Minnaar's first crash because of that stupid drone. The long camera that kept getting blocked by the gondola and hillside was money though.
  • 16 2
 @CamNeelyCantWheelie: I think you may be remembering Redbulls coverage through rose colored glasses and were also being lulled by Rob Warners sweet sweet pipes. The Redbull camera coverage was quite shit. They had maybe 1 minute of actual on track coverage at any given race. Way more cameras on track yesterday than in the past. It wasn't perfect but it was better. They went back and replayed Minnaars crash. I thought the ariel footage was cool for perspective and the insane pace of the rider but i agree they used it too much.
  • 10 3
 @CamNeelyCantWheelie: Drone footage vs. NO COVERAGE of that whole split when it was RB. But I get it...that doesn't fit your narrative...rob warner, WBD bad...Cedric, etc...
  • 4 0
 @Struggleteam: Yeah true, more camera is good way to make Fort William coverage interesting! It used to be the most boring track to watch imo! Just hope a broadcast for the semis now
  • 2 0
 @wolftwenty1: I think you missed it. He was being mostly positive.
  • 1 0
 @Struggleteam: My Max coverage was clunky - buffering/stop-n-go. How about you?
  • 1 0
 @suspended-flesh: Had a few spots where the screen went black but not terrible. I live in the sticks so I just assumed it was my shitty internet..
  • 1 0
 @CamNeelyCantWheelie: the camera positioning is always poor. The riders and terrain look more gnarly when they're coming at you.
It looks slow and flat when they move away from the camera.
  • 1 0
 @suspended-flesh: I didn’t mind the rare frozen screen for a second as much as the out of sync audio and video.
  • 1 0
 @sfarnum: Mine was pretty crappy on Comcast/Xfinity cable or whatever we have at home. Same while watching XCO replays (don't tell anyone though) on Max. Never had an issue on RedbullTV. I'll probably try the pirate stream next time .
  • 1 0
 @wolftwenty1: No camera = Can't see shit = Drone from a mile away.
Only thing rose colored are these new comments defending equally disappointing angles.
  • 5 1
 Solid video. Have to admit not paying much attention to the juniors, will look otherwise now! Crazy pace by the younger folks.
  • 7 1
 Are you not allowed to cover the Elite races now?
  • 3 0
 Seeing the full runs (even if sometimes by drones high above) will be necessary if the sport will ever truly succeed as a televised sport.
  • 4 0
 The highlight for me was how they "pedaled their tits off"
  • 2 0
 This isn't really the story of the race..
  • 1 0
 You're one of the giants, Ben.
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