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Video: Wyn TV from Finals at the Les Gets DH World Cup 2023

Sep 10, 2023
by Wyn Masters  

Les Gets once again delivered an epic downhill World Cup, it might well be the capital of DH! I hit the pits to see how it all went down for everyone.

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Member since Dec 21, 2009
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  • 174 0
 I dont think Theo really grasps the concept of the privateer award. Definitely give it to someone else.
  • 93 0
 Theo doesn't deserve the money. Party? Golf? Give it to the Colombian!
  • 52 0
 Some really polar opposites presented. One desperately making sacrifices and giving it all to take advantage of all opportunities earned or offered and another with an abundance of opportunity but less desire to be there. Or at least that's how I interpreted from the two very different interviews. Would love to see Juan Munoz get his opportunities!
  • 40 0
 Very dissapointed with his attitude. His igonorance of his privelidge is embarressing
  • 17 0
 Let the viewers decide. Theo doesn't get the mullah.
  • 107 3
 Just give Juan the money. F that other clown.
  • 84 2
 Sorry Theo from SA. That money is for racing. I feel your pain pal, from one party guy to another 'sorry about that'.
  • 97 0
 That cash is not a party fund so much as the opportunity to get people racing. The Colombian kid needs all the help he can get!
  • 52 0
 @snomaster: Yep! Juan for Snowshoe!
  • 36 0
 Some crypto-bro needs to put up a bond so Juan get a visa ASAP. What is this BS where international athletes need to prove they are financially responsible enough to buy some gas station fried chicken and a 12er of Natty. Do better USA!
  • 33 0
 Get Juan to USA!!!
  • 41 0
 Juan Munoz deserves it way more than Theo from SA.
  • 11 0
 He might have had a few too many beers already. Or let's hope so.
  • 9 2
 @Will-narayan: That's when the truth shows.
  • 10 0
 Yeah go the Colombian
  • 2 32
flag deco1 FL (Sep 10, 2023 at 15:55) (Below Threshold)
 @pyromaniac: He does but he doesn't fill the No. 1 criteria. Being Wyn's mate.
  • 72 0
 I don't usually feel the need to comment but are you kidding me?! Golfing? Partying? What The.... That money is to help racers!! Help Juan get to Snowshoe. Gift someone who wants to race. Tell Theo to go fly a kite.
  • 7 0
 All talent and no dedication
  • 58 0
 Juan for Snowshoe!
  • 48 0
 Juan Muñoz is the "colombian Daprela". His run was wild and I want to see him in Snowshoe.
  • 5 0
 @danstonQ: The colombian Daprela, lol, life expectancy: lucky to still be with us. /s
  • 55 0
 During the interview with Theo, Wyn's face was very telling. I don't think Theo is getting that money.
  • 1 0
 Yeah, it was weird, it kinda seemed like he was maybe joking, but Wyn wasn't laughing. Just give it to Munoz.
  • 56 4
 f*ck semis
  • 8 1
 Semi-finals are going to kill off the up-and-coming riders. They need one run and more riders in the final for sure. Maybe there should be a vote on this.
  • 6 1
 @glorydh20: yes, also going two runs at 100percent, or more, in a row seems pretty tiring. I didn't see all the races, but last weekend there where crashes owed to fatigue , in my opinion. Some of the women couldn't barely hold on to the handlebars anymore.
  • 17 0
 In the off season everyone was like "something new, lets see" etc.
Now everyone sees that semis in DH is just an excitement killer and totally wrong.
It's GOT to be discarded for 2024. Along with some other rules (points, Adam Brayton).
Hopefully the functionary, who came up with this brain brew, doesn't have too much saying.
  • 44 3
 Theo you are a joke to the sport , go golfing
  • 10 1

What a joke.
  • 9 3
 The dude is such a kook. see his face and hit mute every time.
  • 37 2
 Theo comes across like a rich kid, because he probably is. Also, I’m confused how someone sponsored by monster energy could be considered a privateer?
  • 2 0
 Poor man's Kade Edwards.
  • 32 0
 Of the 3 drunk Saffers: Drunk Goat's the goat. Loves the sport, loves the riders. will always be the goatiest goat.
Drunk Sven: He's like the old sage of MTB. Always speaks the truth, speaks his mind. Loves the sport.
Drunk Theo: Bru, you missed the memo and cocked that one up big time.
  • 29 0
 Wyn collecting all the stories in the pits, Eddie commenting action on course and telling riders what tricks to do... Masters brothers deliver tip top content.
  • 24 0
 Just top up Juan Muñoz, even if it's to bank it for next season. As somebody else pointed out, I'm not sure that other lad grasps the idea of the privateer award...
  • 7 0
 Getting up to North America is going to cost more than 700 bucks for sure, get that kid racing
  • 19 0
 It's not a lottery, the award is conditional. So Theo has many talents, but selfishnes is not what we want to support here.
  • 16 0
 Wyn’s post race videos are bloody brilliant.Anyone reading this who works for US visa office support the Colombian gentleman out and I’m not overly bothered about Frat boys golf,kite flying or DH race,I’m with the mighty Sven.
  • 18 0
 Theo does not deserve that privateer award.
  • 18 0
 No money for Theo. Go golf on your own dime bro!
  • 16 0
 Fuck theo and his parties, play golf that's so cool.
  • 12 0
 OK! SO if the protected riders can screw semis and make it to finals... What if all protected riders rode slow on semis so all their spots would be able for other guys and then they have a full tank to send it for finals.... just a silly idea
  • 3 0
 Silly indeed, why would they throw away the points?
  • 3 0
 In the case of Syndicate riders with krooked guts, it might not have been too far fetched. If you're low on energy anyways, why not skip semis and only go for finals. More points up for grasps afaik.

And it might be a weather play. If a rider has chance of a better start time (better track) due to changing weather conditions.

Also dependent on whether you still have a chance on the overall. If you're out of overall race, point collecting is not as important as a possible win/podium.

If these tactic plays start however... that would be the 85th reason why semis suck.
  • 13 0
 Great interviews as always. The Goats final year then ?
  • 19 0
 This man is such a gentleman. His words about the Coulanges' victory were very touching. DH world is touching. Thanks.
  • 10 1
 There are several Junior men and women who are privateers and might actually appreciate the Privateer assistance and put it to good use: Sacha Mills, Lais Bonnaure, Lisa Bouladou, Roee Ostfeld. They all had strong performances at Les Gets.

The Juniors are the future of this sport.
  • 12 0
 Great to see Rob Warner having a good time.
  • 9 0
 Ag no man Theo bru.... by all accounts you had one of your best (or your best) results in a final including save of the day... and then you go throw it all away to go party in Cape Town. WTF dude??
  • 9 1
 It says it all that in the episode of dialled, they deliberately silenced Theo's outro as a joke/commentary on his jibber jabber. You could almost sense how tired people are of it all. After getting his best result, its a shame he presents himself that way; the fact he thinks viewers are gonna vote for him to get the award shows a lack of self awareness.

On a more positive note, I really think Wyn should get some kind of award or credit for what he is trying to do for privateers. A true gentleman.
  • 11 0
 Where can I buy that sticker!!! lol
  • 16 1
 This sticker would definitely sell better than GCN+ subscriptions!!
  • 11 0
 Dr Ropata!
  • 8 1
 Viewers get to decide..... I'm... well, very much a no. Give it to someone who'll use it to go to a WCDH who would normally not be able to make that event... simple as that really.
  • 10 0
 Theo go home, Juanfer to Snowshoe!
  • 6 0
 "I feel like I'm getting hard done by..." - Theo.
Well son with your self belief I'm surprised you don't just shit out a golden egg and fund your own destiny - to become the first kite-surfing golfer DH world champ.
  • 5 0
 Theo does not represent the spirit of mtb/DH. Juanfer couldn't be happier to be among the elite, racing with the best, learning, even dancing on Wyn T.V.
Support true talent,,,,,Let's go Juanfer!!!!
  • 7 0
 Thanks Wyn. Hope you ‘get to semis in Snowshoe. Pls support a privateer who really needs it.
  • 5 0
 Valentina Höll seems to have matured up. She used to look like a frustrated kid when she'd lose. Of course it's easier to be laid back when you're world champ and still leading, but still, makes for a better mood overall.
  • 1 0
 Nah, she just hides it better. You could see her old self when she lost in Andorra.
  • 7 0
 So good! Thank you Wyn for your amazing work!
  • 7 0
 Theo wins rant of the day but not wynn's rand of the day
  • 7 0
 ....No Cash for Thelonious $$$
  • 7 0
 I hope Wyn dosent give him the money. Very odd attitude.
  • 3 0
 Interesting why the editor even included the Theo clip. The Wyn Tv shows always build stoke but this clip was a big downer. Surely you (the editor) knew he would get all the hate? Did he deserve it for the way he was acting and what he was saying, yea maybe... I just think its far too easy to shit on someone these days but maybe some people should get a pass if it means it keeps the attention where it should be, on the winner, even if Theo was a total c**t.
  • 4 0
 With that attitude he’ll fit right in with the golf crowd.

Good luck with that.
Go away.
  • 5 0
 Wyn's a beauty!
  • 2 0
 Beauty AND the Beast in the same body Smile
  • 1 0
 @danstonQ: sorry, meant to upvote, both of you
  • 4 0
 How do we all get a F*CK SEMIS sticker?
  • 4 3
 The Man about the people, and hopefully future Union rep. Not confident Chris Ball and the calf raising photo crew are ever going to listen to splintered riders
  • 4 1
 Met Theo once in the UK at a bike park. Total C*nt
  • 1 0
 Uncalled for and based off nothing. You don't even know him. His name is being dragged through the mud enough already without childish remarks and name calling. Grow up.
  • 3 0
 Great episode.
  • 1 4
 We don’t like rules being changed on the fly. Not sure of how Wyn did it in the past, if you wrote his name on the check you chose him. Past winners were definitely told to take as much of the prize as the wanted—wouldn’t want this to be any different.
  • 19 0
 Well I never wrote his name on the check so no “rules” have been changed
  • 2 1
 @wynmasters: cool. I think it’s in the spirit of the program to use it only for racing efforts, pretty wild to see him not immediately turn it down if he’s not planning on racing any more. But…he seems wild, so maybe it’s on-brand for him.
  • 1 0
 @wynmasters: Do the right thing Wyn!
  • 2 0
 No money to Theo!
  • 1 0
 Is there a link to watch all this past uci dh races?

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