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Video: Wyn TV - Mont-Sainte-Anne DH World Cup - Trackwalk

Aug 4, 2022
by GT Bicycles  

World Cup downhill has returned to Mont-Sainte-Anne after a three-year hiatus! Wyn Masters talks to the riders to see they feel about the changes made to this classic track.

Film/Edit: Beny Huckaby

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GTBicycles avatar

Member since Apr 2, 2013
265 articles

  • 15 0
 This has been the second most exciting part of race weekend besides the actual race good job Wyn. Only thing missing is a bloopers reel at the end... Cheers
  • 10 0
 (Circa 1997) I lived illegally in California after my 3 months visitors visa expired for a couple of years working cash in hand as a removals person and at the LBS Diamond Bar Cyclery (not there now). I went to Tijuana for the weekend with this bird and on the way back in to the US, like a dumb ass I thought my British passport would still get me back in with no visa. At the border I was asked to get out of the car and follow this Marine/immigration woman to a que with lots of Mexicans, I was interviewed then busted and the Marine walked me back into Mexico. The immigration official in this case were correct in their actions.
Luckily after a couple of nights in a Holiday Inn wondering what to do we hatched a plan.
The girl i was with rang her sister who drove down the next day from LA. All i had to do was practice saying "US" in an American accent overnight until I had it down. The sister turned up at the Holiday Inn in a Chevy Suburban I sat right at the back on the third row of seats with the two kids she had brought with her and my "girlfriend" and her sister sat up front.
When we got to the border kiosk, the immigration officer stuck her head in the window and ask us our nationality, two blonds sat up front two blond toddlers bouncing around the back and me. The time had come, as she asked me my nationality I proclaimed US, heart pounding at 160bpm. The immigration officer told us to go ahead, and we drove back to LA. Now I am not particularly a fan of country and western music, but when the sister turned up the tunes I was Yeehaa'ing all the way back up the freeway to Garth Brooks. Thank god i did not have to go for plan B, swim.
I won't go into the story where I broke my collar bone and got knocked out at sheep hills DJ's Costa mesa and gave a fake name and address when they asked me to sign for the meds and Ambulance when I got to hospital nor the time I crashed a Peterbilt in Las Vegas after TWOKING it. I would say I have grown up a little now.. a little. US immigration Pah!
  • 1 0
 There is always a way!
  • 2 4
 You would have no problem with the current admin.
  • 1 0
 I love Lemmy.
  • 5 0
 Bernard Kerr did a travel vlog which has since been deleted. Finn was on it and definitely gave the impression he wasn't too enamoured with US immigration, then comments here about the welcome he got returning to Canada. I think he's glad to be home.
  • 5 0
 US customs and immigration are a pain. My US passport had, unbeknownst to me, expired in only 5 years right before I left for Europe for a Summer gig. Luckily, I had a spare UK passport but in doing some research since I left found out that US immigration will not let me back into America without my US passport, despite the fact that my UK is perfectly valid and that it lists my birthplace in America.
  • 7 2
 @ryanandrewrogers: A friend was heading home from South America and flying through Houston, when he got to the front of the queue the immigration officer had a go at him for not giving an address in the US. He explained he was in transit and was told to get to the back of the queue and write "in transit" on his card. When he remonstrated and said it's nine letters, why can't I just write it now, he heard a click, he turned around to find another official pointing a gun at his head and telling him to move away from the counter. Nice.
  • 4 0
 I wonder if he deleted it after the 'Jewish' comment backlash.
  • 4 1
 @commental: I hear so many stories like this from US immigration. It's a f*cking weird place. A friend of mine got stopped at customs because she had written on her facebook "NY is going to be fiiiireeee" before she flew there. 3 hours locked in a room with 3 angry security guards with their hands on their guns, demanding to know which bit of NY she planned on setting fire to... How do you even respond to that level of stupidity? How do you answer that question in any sensible way while being threatened with guns. It's f*cking insane.
  • 4 0
 @gabriel-mission9: a friend of mine who uses paypal basically for everything bought "havanna rum" (from a german onlinestore) via paypal and got blocked by paypal because of cuba sanctions. it took countless telefone calls to unblock his account. they also made clear, that another breach of the sanctions would lead to a perrmaban -lol
  • 3 2
 @gabriel-mission9: you’ve heard about our public education system. From that we get people in jobs like these from… one end of the scale.
  • 4 0
 @thingswelike: It was such an unnecessary and ignorant remark.
  • 8 4
 @somebody-else: I was in the US public education system for many years. One day at kindergarten my teacher told me humans didnt evolve from apes, rather god created us from dust. Lol. I took an encyclopedia to school with me the next day to show her the page on evolution, and got a detention for it. Hahaha! I learnt a lot that day about who to respect and who to ignore, regardless of their "position of authority"
  • 7 1
 @gabriel-mission9: The US public education system is like so many other things in the US: as good as anywhere in the world if you live in the right ZIP code, embarrassingly awful if you don't
  • 1 1
 @jgoldfield: Exactly. Some of the finest education the world has to offer, and 50 miles down the road theres schools where kids get detention for saying humans evolved from apes. (It wasn't even some crazy religious school, it was quail valley elementary in south houston). The place is wild.
  • 1 0
 @thingswelike: well now I'm curious....
  • 1 0
 @bkm303: I'm not going there haha!
  • 7 1
 @commental: We have never-ending controversies with both ICE and CBP in the US. Both are fueled by post-911 paranoia, and controversies include but are not limited to:
-they don't need to follow the 4th amendment of unlawful search and seizure (the supporting supreme court case, United States v. Martinez-Fuerte, also blatantly states racial profiling is constitutional)
-wrongfully detaining more than 1,000 US citizens
-more than 1,000 complaints of sexual abuse (only 2% investigated)
-allegations of forced sterilization
-separating families (as I'm sure most people are aware of)
-using untrained chemists in court hearings and destroying laboratory evidence
-congressional investigators successfully crossing US borders with simulated nuclear materials
-ICE hasn't even had a senate confirmed director since 2017

I'm sure some at least some of my fellow countrymen disagree, but generally speaking us Americans are hotly divided about this at best and straight up detest ICE and CBP at worst.
  • 3 17
flag Garantson (Aug 4, 2022 at 9:37) (Below Threshold)
 @gabriel-mission9: now they are taught in kindergarten boys can become girls and girls can become boys.
  • 3 0
 @gabriel-mission9: You could read encyclopedias in kindergarten?
  • 3 0
 US Immigration are total a*sholes and have always been that way; they certainly upped their game in terms of assholishness after 9/11 and even more so during the past 5 years.
  • 3 0
 @IsaacWislon82: UK Border Farce are a similar though less tooled up bunch. They have greater powers than the police and use them with extreme prejudice. It's a shame in modern democracies, countries with great wealth, freedoms and economies are marred by these overzealous authoritarians.
I don't doubt the job they do is extremely challenging, extremely dangerous at times but they should have got the memo about the first rule of work: Don't be a dick about it.
  • 7 0
 @IsaacWislon82: It's such a shame as, in general, Americans are friendly, generous and welcoming, in comparison your immigration officials are, in general, grade A arseholes.
US tourism board; come visit our great country
US immigration; WTF are you doing here?
  • 2 3
 @cbrandt: Yes... i was 6. Having done 2 years of school in the UK already, I could indeed read...
  • 2 0
 @gabriel-mission9: so you began your schooling and then went back to kindergarten at the age of 6? With the ability to read and understand the definition of evolution?
  • 4 3
 @cbrandt: Yes. I went to school for 2 years in the UK, where i learnt to read. This is pretty standard. Then moved to Texas and did a year of kindergarten, where i had to explain evolution to my teacher. The only surprising bit of this surely, is that my teacher was so poorly informed. No?
  • 1 0
A good chunk of Adam Brayton's video is a travel vlog.
  • 1 0
 @gabriel-mission9: Sorry is all I can say. Religion is a f*cked up mess
  • 5 0
 @suspended-flesh: Cheers dude, but to be fair, I've got a soft spot for the church of england (I now live in the uk again). CofE is mostly lovely old ladies who want to do nothing more than fill everyone with a nice bit of cake and a cup of tea. I'm not religious myself, but even occasionally pop into my local church to have a look about the nice old building, and leave so full of cake I can barely walk. In my teens the local vicar was awesome, and helped me through some rough patches. Didn't demand I find god or any of that shit, just helped me out in what little ways he could. I'll always respect that.
Religion doesn't have to be the f*cked up mess it is in the US and in Afganistan. The trouble is with the people steering the boat, not necessarily the boat itself.
  • 3 0
 @gabriel-mission9: @cbrandt I did a couple years in the UK school system and moved to Canada for gr.1 at age 6, also having learnt to read. Having to sit through learning the alphabet all over again was pretty annoying! I can't say I had to teach my teacher about evolution though haha
  • 7 0
 lets see if Wyn can better the 21st placing he exploded onto the scene with last week. Just friggin Fantastic.
  • 1 0
 "Enduro background" FTW on a long race?
  • 4 0
 finn for the win he is definetely a canadian. i was there when stevie smith won in 2013 i will be there for a canadian win this saturday
  • 1 0
 Wish I was in Quebec to watch. would love to see Brook the bulldog slay this course after all the work he’s put into his recovery
  • 1 0
 the first and only canadian win was by stevie smith no other canadiannwon the dh previously
  • 2 0
 "4 and a half minutes of crying"
  • 1 0
 exactly that Big Grin loic at his friggin best. too bad he can't start...
  • 2 0
 Ronan Dunne is awesome!
  • 1 0
 What video is he referring to with Danny Hart?

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