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Voting Closed - Round 3 of the 2018 Pinkbike Photo of the Year Contest

Mar 6, 2019
by Pinkbike Staff  

Now we're hitting the mid-point of voting in the 8th annual Pinkbike Photo of the Year Contest presented by Jenson USA and it's not getting any easier. With more than 235,000 votes cast, we are down to 8 photos that are in the running for $10,000 in CASH.

Below are the Round 2 matchups and who won each after the votes were cast. Once you see whether your favorites made it through, head on over to the voting page and cast your votes for the next round!

The winner will join John Wellburn, Toby Cowley, Sterling Lorence, Christoph Laue, Sean Lee, Steve Shannon and Robb Thompson in the Pinkbike Photo of the Year Hall of Fame.

Match Up 1 - Winner: Steve Shannon

Fog and freeride at Farwell Canyon.
Steve Shannon 79.2%

Loic Bruni wins at MSA 2018.
Nathan Hughes 20.8%

Match Up 2 - Winner: Richard Baybutt

Richard Baybutt 65%

Beautiful Idiot Film Brett Rheeder Silver Star
Robb Thompson 35%

Match Up 3 - Winner: Brodie Hood

Brodie Hood 52.2%

Brett Tippie riding one of the most exposed freeride lines in Moab
Ale Di Lullo 47.8%

Match Up 4 - Winner: Thomas Gaffney

Flip no hander on a fine spring morn. www.thomasgaffney.weebly.com www.instagram.com thomasgaffney
Thomas Gaffney 61.7%

Harookz Photo
Harookz 38.3%

Match Up 5 - Winner: Paris Gore

Graham Agassiz throwing a top side no can shot in the Bellingham jungle for Dakine.
Paris Gore 60.8%

Hope technology rider Kyle Jameson kicking the back out high up on Mt Bachelor.
Rupert Fowler 39.2%

Match Up 6 - Winner: Dan Milner

Definitely one of the most beautiful places on Earth. And if that 39 s not reason enough to come here there are trails too.
Dan Milner 65.6%

morning strech
Bartek Wolinski 34.3%

Match Up 7 - Winner: Christophe Laue

Axel is playing around on the dark surface of Etna
Christophe Laue 66.3%

Ian Collins 33.7%

Match Up 8 - Winner: Sterling Lorence

Brett Rheeder fully clicked off a natural rock quarter lit by overhead drone strobe during the filming of his segment in Big Water Utah for Return to Earth by Anthill Films.
Sterling Lorence 62.5%

Revel Co Inertia
Anthony Smith 37.5%

What's at stake? $10,000 CASH!
Winner will receive a check for $5000
• Runner-up will receive a check for $3000
• Other semi-finalists will each receive $1000

In addition, this year we also have user prizing for voters courtesy of Jenson USA. One lucky Pinkbike reader that votes for the Photo of the Year will win a $1000 Jenson USA gift card.

Thank you Jenson USA.


How can I enter for a chance to win the $1000 Jenson USA gift card?
By simply voting as we progress to the eventual Photo of the Year winner, you will be entered for a chance to win. One entry per user per round goes into a random draw for the prize.


MENTIONS: @jensonusa

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pinkbikeaudience avatar

Member since Jul 22, 2013
3,489 articles

  • 162 19
 Dog people.. please try to vote according to the quality of the art of photography capturing the purity of our sport. Not just how fluffy that dog looks.
  • 20 5
 This, love the photo, very cool, but some of the others plain blow me away.
  • 6 5
 I 100% agree, however I think those clicking vote probably wouldn’t

  • 50 4
 A shame Tippie's photo is out. It is my favorite this year!
  • 31 15
 Sorry, but for me it's about the quality of the photography, not necessarily the riding. While Tippie's riding is pretty unbelievable, the photographer just had to set the camera on the tripod and snap away. Brodie Hood's picture is much more difficult to capture and (to me) better encapsulates the joy of riding a bike.
  • 27 11
 What makes you think people are not voting for the dog photo according to the quality of the art? Personally I think it’s a great photo— nice composition, cool perspective, and to me it captures the joy of riding bikes. In my opinion it’s been the better photo in each matchup so far. Though the next one between it and Gaffney is tough. Two great photos capturing completely different feelings.
  • 4 25
flag cipisek (Mar 5, 2019 at 13:36) (Below Threshold)
 Nope....Doggo always wins !!! Haha.
  • 12 9
 @tjallen: Exactly. Look at the composition of the dog photo. It conveys speed. It conveys movement. It conveys joy (take a look at both faces). It gets that exact moment when both dog and human are in the air. What about it does not convey the essence of our sport?

On the flip side of "capturing the purity of our sport" -- keep in mind this is a photo contest. Based on photographic merit, this photo is in the exact place it should be. This round will be tough, because it's up against a pretty rad photo.
  • 7 2
 What if that is the photo you connect with most and get you stoked to ride? Isn't art meant to be interpreted differently by everyone?
  • 4 0
 3 of the photos in the second round were Semenuk. That has to be some kind of record even though they were all eliminated.... oh wait that's Genon... eh close enough.
  • 7 14
flag jonnycrash (Mar 5, 2019 at 14:26) (Below Threshold)
 I don't know anything about photography or art but I do know one thing.. the doggo gets my vote every time.
  • 6 11
flag cipisek (Mar 5, 2019 at 14:32) (Below Threshold)
 @jonnycrash: Me too... Smile
  • 8 1
 @goldfly: but there's so many more of the same riding/dog photos on Hannah's instagram, couldn't be that hard to capture that moment when it's happening constantly
  • 10 3
 @crysvb: Its not. Dogs are really predictable. This is just the new trendy shot, like the roost that won for a few years.
  • 5 0
 @scott-townes: I love dogs, but gimme a break. The "epicness" of the other shot is incredible. When I first saw it I was like, "What's with this landscape shot? This is a mountain bike photo contest!" Then I looked closer. Oooh, man!
  • 3 0
 Vote 1 Lumi!
  • 5 3
 @rrolly: Your definition of epic is a lot different than what I and others would consider as epic. So far everyone I see voting for the dog picture is because of the dog, that's all.
  • 5 4
 @scott-townes: ? That's what I mean. This is a mountain bike photo contest, not a dog photo contest. Take the dog out of the photo and would it even be in the top 50? Doubt it.
  • 5 3
 @rrolly: Take Tippie (or the rock) out of the Moab shot... Wink
  • 3 1
 @tjallen: plus it is more relatable to most mt bike riders skill level, that could all most any one of us.
  • 3 2
 Sorry but dog wins, it's the lucky rookie shot!
  • 2 4
 @dirtdoctor: Except it wasn't a lucky shot at all. It was an easily planned shot and you like dogs.
  • 1 0
 Even Semenuk's scrub got voted out. Maybe his scrub is just like walking down the stairs for him.
  • 3 2
 @chyu: Or dozens of other riders can and have done the same thing and the people voting realize this. Fanboys like yourself who feel Semenuk doing a scrub is revolutionary are what's wrong with society.
  • 2 3
 @scott-townes: Wow... (edit) now I get it. The roost got voted out this year, so you had to find something to transfer all that pent-up emotion to, since you can no longer vent on the roost. Now you're going off on dogs. Next scrubs. Can't wait for next year's POTY contest. Don't you ever relax, admire art and be happy? Smile
  • 64 1
 Good luck to everyone still in the contest. Thank you to everyone that voted for Ale di Lullo and I! We had a lot of fun getting this shot and it was definitely a rush to ride!! So many great shots here that make me wanna go for a rip, so...I’m gonna go ride my bike in the woods right now!! Cheers!!
  • 5 0
 I think many of us thought you would be the "dog killer" in that last round, but no such luck.

And thanks for dropping that line...awesome photo!
  • 23 5
 No way did the Tippie photo go out. Brexit all over again
  • 6 1
 Yeah, that line is sick and i like an italian photographer (with incredible talent), but that was more a landscape photo than a mtb one
  • 4 6
 You mean the nature shot that had a tiny Tippie somewhere in it if you looked through a magnifying glass? This is not NatGeo...
  • 3 2
 I honestly couldn't find the rider in the photo and didn't realize what it even was until I saw a link to the video in the comments. Photographer should have gotten a profile shot that showed him better and the steepness.
  • 11 0
 so cool that Christophe Laue's photo is from a volcano in Italy. It looks like another planet, where is the rider jumping from? where is he going? such a beautiful shot, amazing colours - been my favorite from the start and i really hope it pulls through until the end
  • 2 11
flag PHeller (Mar 5, 2019 at 15:35) (Below Threshold)
 thing is, volcanoes themselves are not super unique, plenty of them around, and some have interesting vegetation. It's a great a shot for sure, but does it combine the very best aspects of "I want to ride there" and "that picture is incredible?" To me, only two shots currently fit that criteria, those of Richard Baybutt and Dan Miner. Fantastic scenery framing a mountain biker on a trail that make you want to ride there.
  • 2 0
 @PHeller: i guess we will find out when the votes come in, everyone has their own taste/ideas of art. Smile

Living in BC i would never be able to take a lava-rock black sand photo like Laue's so it catches my attention. The rain drops, the black contrasting with the green and the fully red kit catches my eye every time i see it. It makes me ask questions/think about the photo - that's what i like so much about it
  • 20 6
 shame on pinkbike for voting tippies picture out for the dog picture
  • 14 4
 This suck, it should be called landscape picture of the years, or enduro pic of the year…
  • 8 0
 Dang. Laue vs. Lorence. Those were my two favorites. Only one shall pass. And I'll continue to vote against the dog picture. That shit's cheating.
  • 7 2
 Too many of the jump photos look like a rider was photoshop pasted onto a sky or scenic backdrop. Having a trail of dust or capturing the moment the rear wheel is about to leave the ground would tie the bike into the scene more for me.
  • 2 1
 Trail of dust? That's a roost shot, and people round these parts don't like it for some reason.
  • 7 1
 They put my two favorites up against each other ! Sad to see the Tippie line out, I think it should have made it at least one more round. Maybe Im in love with the action in the shot and not the actual picture.
  • 1 0
 Lorence vs Laue? If so, I agree ☹️
  • 1 0
 @theaeriopagite: ya ..those are my top 2
  • 5 0
 While I love dogs and think Brodie's photo conveys the joy of riding particularly well, I just can't vote against Gaffney. That photo is amazing. It's going to be hard to choose if it ends up against Sterling.
  • 3 3
 looks too photoshop for me
  • 5 0
 @taprider: Just to show my photoshop technique. The top is the RAW out of the camera, below is photoshopped version Wink

  • 1 0
 @tgphotography: next years winner
it has everything
  • 1 0
 @tgphotography: comment of the year right here! And absolutely amazing photo!
  • 8 0
 Tippie got “dogged”
  • 6 0
 I think the photographers names should be omitted until the competition ends - it only introduces bias.
  • 2 0
 Voting on these is hard. The composition of the photos always seems so different. They kind of portray different moods too (e.g. tricks vs trail). I vote but kind of feel bad because I don't know much about what goes into taking such a good shot. Would be interesting to see how results from pinkbike audience would compare to a group of professional sports photographers or something of the sort.
  • 9 1
 Ask your self which one you would rather hang on your wall as a piece of art.
  • 2 0
 Are we voting for the photo and the riding, or just the photo? I ask because sometimes the most creative and artistic photo doesn't align with the most impressive riding and vice-versa.
  • 6 2
 Gaffney's shot is iconic!
  • 5 1
 The Moab picture losing to a dog is ridiculous.
  • 4 1
 No more roost ... how should I know what to vote for now?
  • 9 4
 Sterling's photo will win. It has to.
  • 1 1
 and for this year I voted for a roost photo (Harookz's)
  • 2 0
 This must be why I can’t get any followers on insta. My taste in photography seems to differ from everyone else.
  • 1 0
 Sterlings shot is otherworldly... landscape, big air, muthaeffin drone strobe!!! Seriously? Aliens dropped the rider back down to earth.
  • 3 0
 Round 4 was TOUGH!
  • 1 0
 Yeah, personally those were my top two overall
  • 7 5
 If Thomas Gaffney doesn't win then this contest is rigged!
  • 5 5
 The DOG photo is not perfect composition. The dog needs to jump at little higher to see some sky under its belly ;-) Anyway, I'm still rooting for the dog
  • 2 0
 Rupert Fowler my photo of the year. Very unique shot.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 RIP Doggie. This'll be hard. @pinkbikeaudience how was Gore winning the 50/50 split decided?
  • 1 0
 Green photos obviously win
  • 1 0
 Damn, this is getting hard.
  • 3 4
 Some real hatred towards the dog photo. The photo just makes me smile and happy so yes it a great photo. The others don't as much.
  • 1 0
 Milner, Baybutt, Laue and Gore... hard choices ahead
  • 2 1
  • 5 6
 Just put a dog in the pic... because it´s not about riding or scenery or stuff.
  • 1 2
 Steve and Sterling for final 2.
  • 2 3
 The system is rigged.
  • 1 4
  • 1 4
 All these photos are lame.
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