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What's Inside Your Toolbox? - Jason Marsh

Jul 9, 2017
by Vernon Felton  

Jason Marsh has been wrenching for Greg Minnaar and the Santa Cruz Syndicate since 2012. While many World Cup mechanic's have a reputation for fastidiousness, bordering on classic obsessive compulsive behavior, Marsh's toolbox tells a different story about its owner. Photographer Ross Bell dives into the topic of tools and what it's like to wrench for a rider who's famous for being particular about his bike set up.

bigquotesMy tools? This is actually pretty tidy right now. Normally, when I get going, it’s really just shit everywhere. But you know, I like to keep my tools out of the toolbox and throw them away really quickly at the end of the day so I can get out of here.
Jason Marsh Toolbox

Jason Marsh Toolbox

A lot of mechanics have a reputation for being fastidious and orderly…

Well, it’d be nice to have a place for everything and everything in it’s place and all that, but then I wouldn’t be able to find it and I’d get really, really angry if something went missing. Whereas, when it is the way it is right now, it just suits me.

Jason Marsh Toolbox
Jason Marsh Toolbox

What’s the most interesting tool in here?

My favorite tool is my little torque wrench. It’s a cam-over torque wrench, so you can’t over tighten with it—you get it right spot on. Oh and that nice Shimano chain tool over there…that’s really good for putting the pins in. What else do I like? I like my cable-tie cutters that Fat Jimmy’s mate gave me…and I like my nail clippers—those are good for trimming cable-ties as well and they even work on my toe nails, which is a plus.

Jason Marsh Toolbox
Oh, I like my Dewalt battery powered drill as well. That speeds up disc changes and stem spacer adjustments and stuff.

We saw in the pre-season Syndicate video that you had to replace some of your tools because they were getting into the wrong hands - The riders were getting a-hold of them…

Yeah, yeah, well I don’t know if that’s the real reason they get rounded off, but I like to give Greg a hard time about it. He’s actually a pretty good mechanic, but we like to wind each other up… or, rather, I like to wind him up because I can’t ride like him, but he can probably mechanic better than me.

Do you travel with this set up to every race or does it stay in the truck?

I like to take it home so that I can fix my bike, I’ve only got like one set of tools, so they normally come home with me. The tool kit gets thinned right down after a few months, so I just have the bare essentials. Someone will come up and say, ‘Hey, can I borrow a spoke tool?’ and I’ll be like, ‘Sorry, I don’t have one of those.’ And they’ll think I’m winding them up, but I really won’t carry a spoke tool that I don’t need.

Greg Minnaar at home in Pietermaritzburg South Africa
Minnaar in action. Photo by Sterling Lorence

So, how long have you been wrenching for Greg Minnaar?

This is the fifth season. Before that, I was with Bryn Atkinson. Bryn and Jill taught me everything. They really did…They taught me there’s no such thing as half a psi between friends. If Greg wants 24 psi in his forks, for example, it’s not 24.5 psi or 23.5 psi. It’s 24.

I’d guess that you work for one of the riders who demands the most from their mechanic…

Well no, actually I don’t think that at all. Having someone who knows exactly what they want from their bike set up is actually easier than working with someone who is constantly puzzling over things and constantly having you change things back and forth because they don’t know what they want. When you have a rider who knows exactly what he wants, it’s real easy.

Jason Marsh Toolbox

So, you guys talk together a lot about bike set up. You have that kind of relationship?

Yeah, he comes back from a ride and tells me what he’s feeling out there and he tells me about his past set-ups on particular courses. You kind of learn what he wants, but you don’t do it until he tells you to.

Jason Marsh Toolbox

I’m looking over at the next booth and I’m seeing a nice and prepped toolbox. Do you ever look at that kind of orderly set up and feel a bit envious?

Nah. I wouldn’t be able to find anything if my tools were like that. A lot of my tools are different colors and I’m keyed into that. I like to just reach over and get my green tape measure or my orange Allen keys. Everything has its colors.

And a big toolbox like his? [Marsh points to neighboring mechanic’s vast and precisely-ordered tool kit] It does have everything in it, but it’s really heavy. My tool boxes? I try to keep them as light as possible. They’re just like cheap toolboxes from the local car supply place, but they’ve been around the world a few times and they hold up just fine. I’m happy with them. And you know, I’d rather ride my bike than tidy my toolbox when I get home.

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vernonfelton avatar

Member since Apr 11, 2014
202 articles

  • 196 1
 "And you know, I’d rather ride my bike than tidy my toolbox when I get home." This.
  • 16 1
  • 28 0
 What's up with that Mac lipstick??? I'm asking for a friend.
  • 15 0
 For repairing chips in the paint or at least that's what I tell them at the cosmetics counter.
  • 29 2
 I've a funny story about that. I was buying about 5 different shades of nail varnish and nail buffs for touching up paint chips and repairing stanchions and Tony cosmetic tweezers for picking out some seals. Didn't make things any better that the guy at the counter was in fact a transvestite and giving me 'that' look. He started asking me if I was interested in a beauty reward card and special value perfumes. Living in a small town word like that travels Not fun
  • 9 2
 I think its the container for the nail clippers he mentions. Could also be a rogue element from Minnaar's effortless man-scaping routine.
  • 2 0
 @felimocl: Well, that's convenient isn't it? Just roll in your bike for the full treatment. Just make sure they focus on getting the chainring, chain and sprocket shiny. After all, if you go out for a ride you'll smell the flowers too. Doesn't hurt if your bike blends in a little.
  • 1 0
 @felimocl: amazon bro
  • 25 0
 Whats in my toolbox :- Hammer, piece of wood, crank brothers multitool! Facepalm
  • 17 0
 Can we get a Bike Check of Mr Marsh's bike? And some of the other top Pro level mechanic's bikes to be honest this would likely be very revealing as we expect the pros Bikes to have all the best components and perfectly sized frames, wheels & tires but the mechanics are a strange lot( I know because I am one & strange for sure) this is or will be the best of the bike checks!
  • 12 0
 I've had Marsh Guards for years, but it was only a couple of months ago I was on the SC website and found out Jason was a Kapiti local too.....
  • 1 2
 Bike shops here don't have "Marsh Guards". Like they're small, thin, cheap, people want them, the markup's probably huge, yet nowhere carries them. I should get hired just for mentioning it.
  • 14 6
 Oh, good god I wish I had an organized tool box. I basically have every tool I need but as the kids get older they thonk yjey see mecjanics and take evertuking I hwbeblike I s their one wnd bulld space shops as I just olookinf or the tool to remove me fame detaillyer
  • 20 0
  • 42 1
 @jfkusa: his kids got hold of his phone
  • 26 1
 I'll have one of what he's having, please.
  • 7 0
 drinking and pinkbiking perhaps?
  • 21 2
 Oh yeah, I get what you're saying. My youngest daughter only likes the drill and the open ended wrenches right now, but when the take it to my computer keyboard it all becomes a huge m ss. Pa ts off wo ds re b ing d illed out, so e ofh rs tw!sf d ar nnd. N t snre how t d al w!fh th s. Ne d a sh ulder, bud y?
  • 1 2
 Uuuum, like you shouldn't drink so much before composing a comment. That being said my kid screws with my stuff too. Didn't help that I gave him a crank brothers multi at 8yo. One time he figured out the spoke wrench and went to town on my wheels! That was a fun ride that day. Shiny bright rebound knob? Those are fun to turn. All these adjustments occur when you're not around of course. You simply find out when you start riding that your wheel looks like it was trued by Pee Wee Herman on acid. Kids and tool boxes can be an interesting combo.
  • 11 3
 Love it. Looks like a working mechanics tool box.... some of these ultra chic set up just seem to put on for me.
  • 28 5
 This is my home setup, and I have a similar fiberglass-backed foam cutouts that go into the Park tool box for those weekends away. I snag them from the home bench and put them in their place, then unload when home. Really simple once it is all set up.

  • 5 0
 @meesterover: how is this getting downvoted? Looks nice!
  • 1 0
 @meesterover: I would reorganize that shit on you daily. Just tweak it a bit.

Maybe even go to the trouble of having new inserts made with all the handles pointing towards the back of the tray just to frustrate you when you reach.

One tool...would be glued down.
  • 2 0
 @bizutch: hahaha, sounds like something my friends would do...if I ever let them near my tools...
  • 2 2
 @Muckal: Thanks!

And I thought I would share the camping version as well. It makes it difficult to forget something, which is why I need it.

  • 3 1
 @meesterover: How many different sized spoons do you need?
  • 1 0
 @KiwiXC: I know how to use them all. Obviously you like to pay the LBS.
  • 1 0
 Anybody ever sees my toolbox looking that organized, they can just reach right up my arse and pull the alien probe right out because my ass has been compromised.
  • 1 3
 @Muckal: I downvoted it, because in my original comment, I said that these really neat and well put together set ups, feel put on and contrived.... as most real working mechanics that I know, have working (messy) tool boxes ... then @meesterover post ups his, super tight, clean, foam cut out tool box? ... I mean, it looks nice, sure ... but the placement of the comment deserves the down vote (IMO)
  • 1 0
 @cmcrawfo: Just showing you that having an organized toolbox is not "put on". ;-)
  • 2 2
 @meesterover: I still think Flossy tool boxes, like flossy bikes are indicative of having either too much time or too much money. But hey man, it does look nice, and what ever floats your boat.... My tool boxes are overflowing piles.. that get organized periodically but never seem to stay neat for more than a day or two... my travel tool box is a canvas bag, that just gets a handful of the required essential jammed in it.... at the end of the day, its how well you can use your tools..not how tidy you can keep them.
  • 2 0
 @cmcrawfo: HAHAHA, fair enough. I constantly hear from my wife that my LASIK is broken because I am horrid at finding things if they are not put in the same place. Of course, I grew up hearing from my dad all the time "if it was a snake, it would have bitten you" on a daily basis.

This is just to compensate for my short-comings of actually being able to effectively look for something.
  • 6 1
 Haha Marsh and his mess of a toolbox! As long as he gets the shit done by the end of the day he can do whatever he wants hey. It's not like he's doing it the hori way though haha
  • 1 3
 "Haha Marsh and his mess of a toolbox! As long as he gets the shit done by the end of the day he can do whatever he wants hey."

  • 7 0
 That carbon fiber tool tray though.
  • 3 0
 Enve tool tray?
  • 1 0
 Crazy impractical and very cool
  • 6 0
 What brand is that torque wrench?
  • 1 0
 @levon: thanks!
  • 1 0
 They are quite pricey the ones made by TSN. Mine was just over $400 USD
  • 1 0
 @IamSeaDevil: Better than the $500 I saw. While a really cool wrench, I can't justify one. I guess I will stick with my MAC dial torque wrench which was comparatively cheap at $80.
  • 1 0
 My Wiha torque wrench (Wiha TorqueVario) also slips when I reach the preset torque. What do other torque wrenches do then? This one retails for about 160 euros, I think. Doesn't look as rugged as the mountztorque tool, which is probably something you need if you dump everything in the same box.
  • 1 0
 @vinay: Other torque wrenches just make click sound when reaching the set torque and then engage again.
  • 1 0
 @FuzzyL: Oh, not sure about mine. At least it slips a half turn or so, not sure whether it reengages if you keep spinning the handle. But with these tools, you're never going to do that anyway because of your range of motion is not that large. But yeah if it merely clicks but doesn't slip, that wouldn't work for me. Glad I didn't buy one of these!
  • 1 0
 @levon: My quick search found the base Mountz model retailing online for US$605. These www.checkline.com/product/Cam-Over-Torque-Wrench appear to be the same, starting at US$88.
  • 1 0
 I have one of the TSC torque wrenches, was around €300. Although the fact it keeps slipping if you overtighten is nice, the best part is you can hold it anywhere including right over the bolt, unlike other styles of torque wrenches where you have to hold it correctly on the handle to not skew the torque. Makes tightening a bunch of bolts in a row much nicer (rotor bolts, stems, etc.)
  • 7 0
 Man of the people
  • 1 0
 Let's play a game (mainly so others can tell what that crap is) called NAME THAT TOOL. Use the one toolbox that has the wooden file at the front & and Orange handled Beta screwdriver. There is so much crap in that box I can't ID!
1. Two pairs of Park Cable cutters - 1 for each hand???
2. ENVE rim tape (suspiciously identical visually to Gorilla Tape) Big Grin
3. Round file
4. 3 Meter tape measure (however long that is in Murican measure I don't know)
5. 9 zip ties
6. Shiny thing in the bottom right corner - WTF?
7. Blue disposable ball F***ING pen - yeah..I got that!
8. Some thingie with his name etched in it that looks like a stapler with a rubber hose???
9. Topeak tire pressure gauge...could be rectal thermometer too...but I'm 80% confident
10. Solid black T handle torx head (T25 maybe) I don't know the freaking sizes...just how to strip em out
11. Blue handled hole punch??? Seriously...mechanic I am not. Looks useful for stuff...
12. That Shimano thing with the giant black handle that goes on things (big silver circle of metal)...part time bottle opener?
13. SOLID BLACK BULB with a silver thingie sticking out - dead center in the case...come on, for real?

Tired of writing...help me out here. I have no idea.
  • 1 0
 The only oddity I see is the wooden handled flatblade carpenter's screw driver.
  • 1 0
 @fattyheadshok: Really? OK smarty pants. What's the red handled thingie with numbers written on it shoved into a rubber block for some odd reason?

I dont see you answering any of my questions above. You trying to tell me you know what Black Plastic Bulb with shiny silve nub is....
  • 1 0
 @bizutch: either they are side cutter or snap ring pliers... most logical explanation.
  • 2 0
 I spy,
- 8. two (beat up) digital shock pumps... for when you wanna nail those 187.625 psi and verify that with the second one... the one with his name etched in is his, the other one... who knows
- 1 blue Odi lockring
- top right hand corner lying on the bottom a presta valve core
- found the nail clippers!

The longer I look at the pic, the more I get concerned I ingested something that I might not have should...
  • 3 0
 Keep it simple and enjoy riding your bike. Maybe write a book. Sounds like a great life!
  • 3 0
 You rock buddy .
  • 1 0
 KEEP DOING what you doing Marshy !! that's amazing Job !! give that man a Bell !!
  • 3 2
 Long story short : he could hire the Lunch Lady as a mechanic and would still won almost everything.
  • 2 3
 Hey jason! Do you guys fix punctures?
  • 1 2
 They don't. They just put on new tires... this is world cup DH bro.
  • 1 0
 @cmcrawfo: oh thanks for that..... it was a bit of an 'in' joke for Jas .....World Cup you say? Never heard of it.....

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