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Your Bike Is Fine Already. Just Ride It. - Opinion

Nov 24, 2017
by Vernon Felton  
Ninety percent of holidays are cooked up for the express purpose of accommodating the sale and purchase of commercial goods—the selling of crap, in other words: Said crap may be in the form of confections, jewelry, or sexy French maid costumes. Oddly, there don’t seem to be any sexy French butler outfits…or maybe that’s not odd at all, now that I’ve envisioned it. Sweaters emblazoned with reindeer also play prominently in the scheme of things.


There was a point in time, however, when these holidays had a greater purpose. A time, for instance, when communities singled out the most attractive member from their midst and dragged the unfortunate soul naked, through the fields behind a white horse in order to ensure a bountiful spring crop. Or a time when everyone danced around a giant symbol of a phallus in celebration each Spring. Seriously, what did you think the May Pole was supposed to represent?

Nowadays, however, we shop. Halloween, Valentines Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas…it’s hard to think of a holiday that doesn’t involve buying something. Consider today—Black Friday. The name is ominous as hell—as if it were a special day when everyone in your town catches bubonic plague and staggers through the streets, glassy-eyed and festering with sores. Not too far off the mark, really, if you’ve ever seen people camped out in droves in front of shopping malls or shanking one another at Wal-Mart as they battle over the last PlayStation 4.

Black Friday
Wait, why are we all dancing around this giant stick? Yeah....about that...

Maybe it’s just the 90-year-old Amish farmer in me, but this annual shopping orgy saddens me a bit, particularly since (in America, at least) it comes directly on the heels of a day dedicated to giving thanks for what we already have. One night you look across the dinner table and remind yourself that if you have a dinner table, a family, friends and something to eat, you are a lucky bastard. The very next morning, you find yourself hammer-fisting the nose of an assailant at the toy store as he tries to wrestle the last inflatable Frosty the Snowman from your grasp. Theoretically, said Frosty the Snowman is somehow connected (as a symbol) to a guy born in the Middle East a couple thousand years ago who wasn’t exactly down with owning a bunch of crap and/or punching his neighbor. Again, the finer points of these holiday rituals get lost in translation over the years.

And so here I am, looking at Pinkbike, scrolling through the Black Friday deals. I’m not going to tell you that there’s anything wrong with scoring a great deal on a XT 11-speed chain or a fork or what have you. If you can spend 5 minutes online and save some money, go for it. But I do hope, that you don’t spend the entire day shopping.

Black Friday
A day dedicated to this? There are infinitely better ways to spend your time.

If you are lucky enough to have this day off, get outdoors. Go for a ride, feel that burn in your lungs and legs as you crest some impossible climb, check out the view from the top—the view from the top that most people will never see as they run around miles below you, battling over discount screwdrivers, bonus-packs of scented soaps and the 8-movie, Blu-ray Collector’s Edition of the Fast and Furious franchise. Listen to the sounds of the forest around you. This is what actually matters—the ride—the actual process of pedaling here.

All the shiny bullshit that we bolt onto our bikes the other 364 days of the year? That stuff has no greater worth than the experience of riding your bike. It’s easy to confuse the two sometimes. Easy to get lulled into thinking that your bike isn’t good enough already. Easy to think that a new fork or wheelset will make you a better rider. They won’t. Not really. Riding will make you a better rider. Riding will make you stronger. Riding will make you happier. Spending your day shopping or worshipping at the altar of New-And-Improved? That shit just makes your wallet lighter.

It’s Black Friday. The best thing you could do today is drop everything and get out on your bike.

I hope you do.

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vernonfelton avatar

Member since Apr 11, 2014
202 articles

  • 219 5
 It's raining and kind of crappy today so I didn't feel like riding my bike. I took my dog out trail building for a few hours instead, I hope thats an okay alternative.
  • 80 1
 Thanks for building trail, you guys don't get enough credit
  • 17 4
 The gods will be pleased
  • 24 24
 @jamesdippy: I am god, I am pleased.
  • 130 0
 How did you train your dog to trail-build?
  • 9 1
 You put the dreams of men who have kids so beautifully into words.... the time to yourself, change of plans on a whim, doing work for free... it is an okay alternative. You keep killing it.
  • 3 0
 same in Czech Republic Wink
  • 33 1
 @gibbon-on-an-orange: It's amazing what dogs can be trained for. I trained mine as a locksmith, put a lit match to his balls and he makes a bolt for the door.
  • 2 0
 @metaam: Brilliant!
  • 22 40
flag pancakeflatted (Nov 25, 2017 at 9:13) (Below Threshold)
 It’s better than “okay”. It’s ideal. Kids are a pain in the ass...and the world doesn’t “need” more people. Quite the opposite, in fact. Having them is a selfish act. @nuttypoolog:
  • 11 3
 @pancakeflatted: nah, kids are great man. it‘s the ex-wives who are a pain in the ass... seriously though, digging with the kid(s) can be loads of fun. different than alone-time, sure. but fun nonetheless.
  • 1 0
 Perfect! I'm sure your dog was stoked to be out there with you too. Keep on-Keeping on.
  • 10 26
flag rizz121 (Nov 25, 2017 at 15:01) (Below Threshold)
 @pancakeflatted: This is probably the stupidest thing i've heard on Pinkbike. Having a dog is selfish. Giving your life to someone (kids) is the opposite.
  • 5 3
 I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. @rizz121:
  • 14 10
 Eh...they’re ok. All I’m saying is that we have too many people on planet earth—and we all use a lot of natural resource. It’s a waste. More kids, no matter how cool they may or may not be, won’t do the earth, or humanity, any good. Even the most frugal and responsible of us fuel widespread destruction through materialism, waste and fulfillment of basic needs. It’s effed up.

  • 8 0
 My dog helps to build trail by chewing up all the rotten old logs anywhere near the trail. The logs are easier to move after half the weight is chewed off. www.pinkbike.com/video/481745
  • 2 0
 @pbuser23411: mine just provides fistbumps, yours is more useful for sure!
  • 3 17
flag rizz121 (Nov 25, 2017 at 21:43) (Below Threshold)
 @pancakeflatted: No, your right, I should give my son some hard and untasty food, put him a leach and let him eat is sh!t in my garden. Just to make shute I get some love from him... he will be really hapier than wild life. Isn’t what we all want by claiming we do “freeride”. Ride without laws and restrictions... leach and houses are like laws and bondaries for animals.
  • 21 0
 @rizz121: far out, mate; you got so angry you forgot how to spell.
  • 6 2
 Uhhhhh...whaty? @rizz121:
  • 7 1
 @pancakeflatted: i get that you can look at society, or the global development of humanity that way. i chose to look at it differently, but i see what you mean.
  • 1 0
 man, it seems like my winter, building and waiting for that glorious sunny day!!

ps: did i mention I live in Chile and its almost summer!!!!!!! haha
  • 57 1
 I rode today. My guts acted up again due to IBS and I spent considerable time in the bushes. So I took the prescription meds that I always carry. THAT made me sluggish and I spent considerable time sitting on a log contemplating life, the universe and the number 42. Then I rode and walked slowly back to the truck. All things considered, it was a GREAT day! Sure beat the heck out of shopping!
  • 11 0
 It will always come back to the number 42 Wink
  • 3 0
 Well, the problem is in the number 42. All master riders know the number is 43 that brings universal harmony in bikes. Seriously. Google it. It's a bmx thing from the 80's. Wink
  • 1 0
 If you have IBS. Don't eat garlic or onion and you life will be alot easier!
  • 12 0
 I was so confused - I thought you wrote IBIS! I didn't think those bikes were that bad.
  • 8 0
 @rrolly: Fortunately, IBIS bikes don't give you the sh!ts.
  • 16 2
 @bbeak: that's questionable.
  • 35 0
 After riding nothing but full sus enduro bikes for the past few years, I just got my first dirt jumper. Riding that piece of shit $300 bike with a pogo fork is the most fun I have had in a good little while.
  • 12 12
 Haha, same here Big Grin I’ll take it to the woods one day though...
  • 8 0
 had to get rid of my best bikes and only got a 2012, 26 hardtail, a 100mm not fancy fork for the last 5 months. I am so impressed by what this little bike is able to achieve! I have had so much fun lately. Last week ordered a new bike and it is going to arrive in December. But sincerely, i didn't even need that. The cheap old bike made me really happy.
  • 15 0
 ...and on the other side, my friend on a 2007 Motobecane hardtail just rode my 2017 Hightower and it blew his mind (first time on anything but his hardtail). He didn't know mountain biking could be so fun. Progress has its place. He's saving his money now.
  • 2 1
 @gumbytex: oh absolutely. Tool for the job. I wouldn't ride my nomad around town, but it is such a beast on big trails.
  • 7 0
 @gumbytex: i think there is a difference between buying a bike and riding if for its useful lifetime and buying new shit every year just to have shiny stuff. I keep thinking i want to buy a new DH bike but i look at my 2015 and think "frame is good, wheels are good, shock is good, fork is good" so why do i need a new bike? my current bike is amazing. and the 2017 Tues is so similar to mine upgrading is kind of pointless. so in your buddy's case yeah i bet he will be super stoked on something with modern geo/parts but for the gear junkies and weight weenies out there replacing perfectly good parts is kind of dumb unless you have f*ck you money
  • 2 1
 Jumps and pumps are fun! Not everyone has them. I ride more hours on my DJ than all my other bikes combined!!!! I have two kids, so 99% of my DJ time is putzing around a pump track, or coasting .5 mile on a bike path.
  • 3 0
 @cfern: I've got three bikes, and my all time favorite is my '98 Jamis Durango. That quirky single speed is my most favoritest bike ever...easily as awesome as my fancier race bikes! Challenging to ride but dependable, my best memories are on that bike. I'll never sell it. Gotta love the old school relics!
  • 2 0
 F* Yeah! Old (tech) bikes build skills like no other. #roots
  • 37 4
 Your bike is not fine.
It’s creaking and clunking and leaking and... flunking.
It needs service, lots of it, or a little bit every 3 or 4 rides at least.
Your post is sagging, it take two clicks to make one shift, your bb’s shot, your hangers bent, your bars are crooked, your kashima’s wearing off, your spokes are loose.
And clean it for god sakes! It wants you to clean it!
Your bike really needs you to clean it.
How else would it know you don’t hate it.
  • 9 0
 This represents most of the bikes I see come in with "just a flat tire". They have been riding it in to the ground for so long they didn't notice the pivot bolts falling out or the non-functioning rebound on the shock. Props to them for riding what they have, but at a certain point it just makes sense to replace the old horse. She had a good run, turn it into a single speed townie...
  • 4 1
 And your kit stinks too!
  • 15 0
 Every damn bike in my stable. Friend calls me up to go for a ride and I have to figure out which bike requires the least amount of work to be ridable for one more day.
  • 3 8
flag RollinFoSho (Nov 25, 2017 at 16:44) (Below Threshold)
 All year PB is trying to market the next new thing. Sale day comes up and the advice is to not shop for deals. Stinks of maniulation. Basically trying to say: don’t get hooked on better pricing, ride you bike on sale day, pay full retail so we can make lots of money.
  • 26 0
 “This annual shopping orgy saddens me a bit, particularly since (in America, at least) it comes directly on the heels of a day dedicated to giving thanks for what we already have.” Such irony and so true. Nice work as usual mr Felton!
  • 4 0
 exactly, so true I guess we should also consider to buy 2nd hand more often. the stuff is already there and saves resources
  • 8 13
flag jrocksdh (Nov 25, 2017 at 15:00) (Below Threshold)
 Well its actually the only day of the year many can 'afford' luxury items like tvs etc.
Californian lefties votes to raise gas tax $ .30 on themselves(and everyone else)..
This ish forces u to shop smartly and usually online, which then closes small shops, which then reduces tax revenue.
Also, many are shopping for others to give back...
Overall I agree, holidays are now commercialized eventsand weve forgotten that God, country, family is the reason for the season!
  • 4 0
 +1 @blackthorne - always appreciate Vernon's willingness to be the voice of conscience, even if it doesn't win him popularity awards.
30+ years into this sport, I've never regretted a single moment invested in improving my skills & fitness.
The never-ending cycle of chasing shiny, new "upgrades," on the other hand, is a constant source of the ambivalence.
It's really difficult to maintain a healthy balance between passion for the sport & reasoned, responsible consumerism.
Keep preaching the good word brother @vernonfelton!
  • 1 1
 Nothing is worse than footage of those orgies, with costco being a close second.
  • 1 1
 @jrocksdh: you've got that right, brotha.
  • 26 6
 What if your bike is on 26" wheels? what then? Listen to the industry standard machine and do it! Buy that new standard! Buy 27.5 slash 650b boost and a 29er then you will shred like all our heros on instagram. Skip rides and buy new trendy gear. dont forget your fanny packs this holiday season hydration packs are out.
  • 39 1
 if you are still riding 26" wheels, you are either def or you simply don't give a f@ck about the bike industry and i'm ok with that.
  • 26 1
 Both my bikes are 26".

Instead of jumping on the hype train i click on every article about a new fork, wheelset or tire that's going to hit the market, then become immediately disappointed.
  • 14 0
 @ulissesportela: I'm a 26er and proud of it!
  • 18 0
 2x26, 1x27.5 and 1x29. Bought nothing today because I was busy riding before and after work. And don't need anything. All bikes are 1x10 so I can stock spares. No boost. No +. Still like to read shit like this when sitting on a toilet.
  • 10 0
 i fought off the mtb wheel size urges by buying a moto. 26 iz fine for me.
  • 13 0
 Still on a 7-year-old 26. Aluminum. 2x9. It's always been a great bike. Demoed a 29er last summer. I liked it, but it was only marginally better than what I've got. I'd say most of the performance difference was the 1x drivetrain. That left me impressed with my 7-year-old bike. Anyway, the time will eventually come when I will have to replace it. But the time is not now. Spent today riding the pump track and bitty jumps with my 3-year-old son on an unseasonably warm, 70-degree November day. It was good.
  • 14 0
 I sold my 26" bike and my hydropack to buy a carbon fibre bottle cage and a titanium bottle. Saving up for the frame with bottle mounts inside the triangle now, should only take 10 more years.
  • 12 51
flag me2menow (Nov 24, 2017 at 21:50) (Below Threshold)
 26 sucks for everything except slalom and dirt jumping, sorry guys but 27.5 is one non-hype upgrade you should actually consider
  • 10 33
flag me2menow (Nov 24, 2017 at 22:59) (Below Threshold)
 hahaha give me more thumbs down so I can really feel the butthurt!!!
  • 5 0
 I love my fanny pack. It takes strain off my back when I'm pedalling for sure. Judge me but I'd rather be comfortable.
  • 5 1
 @topherdagopher: I'm also a fanny who wears a fanny whilst trannying trannys

No shame whatsoever
  • 6 0
 Only a few more years and all new 26" retro/playful bikes will be introduced! After the glut of used 26" makes it to third worlds, the great manufacturers will be keen to sell 26" again...
  • 3 0
 @ulissesportela: Neither, I am just poor ;(
  • 1 0
 @me2menow: I'm not sure if your actually being sarcastic or are a member of the industry trying to further obsolete 26ers.
  • 21 1
 I wanted to hit up Best Buy for some Black Friday shopping but I haven’t trained in MMA in a long time so wasn’t ready for the brawls.
  • 60 0
 Come to Canada. We'll politely let you cut in front.
  • 6 0
 @bishopsmike: Best Black Friday comment of 2017
  • 3 0
 @bishopsmike: thank you in advance
  • 5 0
 MMA = Masses of Morans Arguing.
  • 11 0
 @Someoldfart: any ragrets? Not even a letter?
  • 2 0
 @LuvAZ: I like Scotty p. He seems like a catch, you should go have unprotected sex
  • 16 0
 Nothing really wrong with buying new bikes and parts that get used hard. Buying for the sake of buying on the other hand gets you nowhere. We have a Turkey Day sale in Whistler on our Thanksgiving. I saved 100% by buying nothing. REI in the US gives all their employees the day off with pay while their stores are closed for Black Friday shenanigans. Patagonia gave all their sales money for that day to environmental charities. Not profits but actual sales figures. That type of thing should be applauded. Black Friday nonsense makes me puke.
  • 9 0
 Riding the bike I call the punisher today (carbon rigid 29er XC bike) with a guy on a Nomad, a guy on a Bronson, a guy on a 5010 and a guy on a few years old Stumpjumper fsr 26er. Pretty sure we all had a great, we just did things differently is all.
  • 12 0
 Our group ride today was a brand new stump jumper, a 7ish year old status, a 2012 Trance, a 2016 Scale(turned more trail Bike than xc), and an entry level trek hardtail. We hit everything from xc, to downhail tech and flow trails, and jump lines. And we all had an absolutely blast. Sometimes id say it’s the people more than the bikes...
  • 12 1
 Ride it till it breaks then repair and go again
  • 1 0
 I agree with that mentality 100%, but I'm not healthy like when I was a kid, so I do a lot of maintenance. It's also fun, you get to feel the improvements you've made, and it's not so physically hard.
  • 10 0
 Vernon, so r u gonna go back and review the 2010 Specialized enduro? Both sides r feeding the machine.
  • 6 0
 Vernon, Thank you for this article. I spent the day out in the woods in NC with my 11yo boy riding trails, sessioning jumps, and generally just having a great time. We came down here for the Holiday to visit family and I’m sooooo glad we brought our bikes. Perfect day.
  • 6 0
 Nice. Went riding with my brothers--the best part of Thanksgiving, every single year, is the family ride.
  • 9 0
 This amazingly on point, and just as notably, to the point. Nicely said.
  • 6 0
 And here I've just been sitting at home because I thought my 26" aluminium framed, aluminium wheeled, non-boost, 10spd drivetrain bike was unridable.
  • 4 0
 Damn, you got ten speeds? Im still rocking 9 Frown
  • 2 0
 @JarrodB: I'm still rocking 8!!! Big Grin
  • 1 0
 @bmbracing: I have an old Rocky hardtail still running 8 and I gotta say, the chain never falls off on that thing,
  • 4 0
 I postponed replacing my old hardtail because after a good ride I'd say, hey the bike is great, I'm having such a good time riding it. I finally got a new ht with all the bells and whistles last year, but the old one (10yrs) still gets love.

Besides, a less-than-perfect bike is way better than no bike at all. Ride what you have and consider yourself lucky.
  • 5 1
 It's never the bike.. I've ridden without chains, one front brake down whistler, one rear brake down whistler, blown shocks and everything in between. More an ego thing, or something to show off to your friends.
  • 7 0
 My bike is perfectly fine, however, I have a problem lol. N+1
  • 8 0
 That's not a problem, it's a lifestyle.
  • 4 0
 @YouHadMeAtDrugs: Phew... I thought I was part of a cult. Now I can safely tell family it's just a lifestyle and... Oh... Shiny new bike... Must. Buy. Another. Bike. Haven't got a Wednesday bike...
  • 4 0
 @YouHadMeAtDrugs: user name checks out
  • 6 0
 @handynzl: My wife's reaction when I referred to one of my bikes (DH rig) as 'my Saturday bike' was priceless.

She calmed down eventually.
  • 4 0
 @gibbon-on-an-orange: just remind her of her shoes that match the other shoes but not those shoes for when she wears _____ at_____when_____ on the 3rd Tuesday of the month but only in the afternoon.
  • 5 0
 With every new standard makes me want to sell everything, buy a rigid steel single speed and some frame baggage and take on the elements long bearded and skinny style.
  • 3 0
 Don't get the Black Friday thing. It's seems people go crazy for deals in shops that you can get on the net at any "named" sale of a point of year.
Maybe it's different in the states.
Things would need to be a lot cheaper for me to want to get clothes lined by the big bird in the pic......
  • 3 0
 Some people actually ENJOY this crazy scene. Treat it like tradition, staying up all night and drinking coffee in a line waiting for a store to open. And yeah, maybe there are 'deals'...nothing that wouldn't be cheaper a few months later. Its ludicrous. I celebrated 'Buy Nothing Day'.
  • 5 0
 Bike gear is expensive, take advantage of black friday deals!

It won’t take all day.
  • 4 2
 It's pretty easy to stick to one bike when you're a regular consumer. But when you work at a bike shop and you get things at wholesale pricing for the very least (don't even get me started on EP pricing), it's very hard to stick to one bike.
  • 4 0
 I normally dont like this series of articles but this one is right on.... so many people with the wrong priorities today. It's easy to get sucked in though.
  • 3 1
 Kudos to you Mr. Felton! I'm on a 26" enduro hardtail, always stoked about I still like it after all these years. Stop silly consumerism that will only enrich corporations like Amazon that evade tons of taxes (I'm from Italy and those a*******s just paid 2 milion € last year because they use "Chinese boxes" method to put the legal and fiscal HG in other countries, but still making profit on our country). What we really need is to appreciate what we have and what's better than a bike ride to do so? Cheers, really like the article.
  • 2 2
 It's crazy how little tax the big corporations pay given their turnover. Amazon is hardly the only culprit as it's only morally reprehensible rather than illegal. Same the world over unfortunately...
  • 2 0
 Black Friday is such a damn joke. Every time I see a picture of BF mayhem it's fat-ass people fighting over TVs, which is the last thing they need. Another reason to be more sedentary! Get your collective asses off your couches and go get some damn exercise! I confess though, I did purchase some new brake cables on BF.
  • 3 1
 Pffff c'mon Pinkbike - massive double standards here (again).
Your website is seated and funded by the promotion of said crap. Most of your articles are based around some form of marketing. Now you're telling people they're stupid for buying stuff?
  • 7 0
 @IllestT I'm not telling people they are stupid for buying things, I'm just telling people they don't have to buy things to be happy nor do they have to constantly upgrade their bike. I'm also saying a day spent riding is about a million times better than a day spent shopping. Of course, that's just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
  • 1 0
 the message is don’t shop on big sale days, don’t want you to get used to those prices.
  • 2 0
 As a rule, i swerve all seasonal consumption extravaganzas.
That part of our species, is completely indoctrinated and lost in my opinion.

Most of the retailers hike up their prices only to lower to normal levels, on said day/s.
I have just deleted half a dozen cyber Monday emails.
What will tomorrow bring?
Terra byte f*cking Tuesday!
Happy hols......
  • 5 0
 Thank you for this! Couldn’t agree more.
  • 2 0
 I rode before dinner yesterday and rode today, before going to the hang with our horses. Never shopped on Black Friday, just rode my bike if there wasn't snow or raining on the trail.
  • 1 0
 I spent the day out riding with my 12 year old daughter. She's new to sport and loves it every time we go out. She is the future of our sport and I relish the times her and I can spend out riding. I think the whole Black Friday thing is a waste of time and money. Most retailers start their sales early and run them clear into December, what a joke.
  • 1 0
 "Easy to think that a new fork or wheelset will make you a better rider. They won’t. Not really. Riding will make you a better rider. Riding will make you stronger. Riding will make you happier. Spending your day shopping or worshipping at the altar of New-And-Improved? That shit just makes your wallet lighter."


But I will say having better components or in other cases the best options sometimes makes the buyer happier. In the case of bikes it may instill a little more confidence to push harder or try a line they may have never otherwise try.

Eventually, like me they'll realize that they could have taken that scary ass line with their old components on.

But at the end of the day the rider and the more times the rider rides is the most important part of biking. I couldn't agree more with Vernon's article. #Cheers
  • 4 1
 I don't give a fuck I just get on my bike and ride, mtb ain't a fashion show
  • 4 0
 Don’t let the dentist hear that.......
  • 2 0
 I had someone ask me how i like my plus size bike this summer. he was beside himself when i told him it was a 26" er with proper 2.5 tires. (2012 reign 0)
  • 1 0
 I got out, but damn the rigid fat bike rides a bit different then the full suspension trail bike! That and all the overeating the day before made it a mellower pedal, but a pedal nonetheless!
  • 2 0
 Beautiful words. I spent the day with a large group of friends celebrating "Double Black Friday". Speed not greed! Drops not shops!
  • 1 0
 Amen brother.....been trail riding for 30yrs and I like to ride a bike till it's well worn scared and has sentimental value cause it's then an old friend that traveled to the Alpine and back many times.
  • 3 0
 Great point. Ride more and appreciate what we have.
  • 4 0
 Well said. Agree.
  • 2 0
 Opt outside. I’ve been doing it for the last 3 years. Just did 3 awesome laps at Galbraith mountain today
  • 3 0
 The guy laughing in the last pic: priceless.
  • 1 0
 What a hard-hitting, controversial piece. This will get the haters riled up for sure. Perhaps your next the topic should be 'Mountain biking - just how awesome is it? '
  • 1 2
 Would be way awesome if we could have electric motors on our bikes too!
  • 3 0
 .... is that Louie Theroux, on the right, with an armful of 40" TV box??
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Took the kids out for an urban ride, worked on my manuals, ate at McDonalds. Treated myself to an Oreo McFlurry (also bought some close out Kitsbow!).
  • 1 0
 Alright. But the only functional bike I own is a bmx. I want to trail ride. Therefore I shopped for a trail bike and got one. Why is that so bad?
  • 1 0
 8 year old Kona Kula 2-9
6 year old Access 29r
9 year old 26" Rocky Mountain Trail Head
26" NSbikes Clash bruiser I built last winter.
  • 3 0
 This from the guy pushing $500 rain jackets.
  • 1 0
 How can I possibly enjoy a ride when my bike is made from aluminum, only has XT, and is not as long, low and slack as it could be?
  • 3 0
 Sounds like you need a Boost... Razz
  • 3 0
 @bmbracing: haha. Ironically, though, my hopelessly outdated bike does have boost hub spacing ;-) Although I forgot to point out above that it's 2x. I'm not sure how anyone could have fun on a bike like that - based on the advertising/media hype that I'm exposed to, at least.
  • 2 0
 @pinhead907: Well, I'm running a 12-year-old 26" non-boost quick-release aluminium short/steep/high bike with X7 2x gearing - I'm sure at least a dozen people will have had a heart attack by the time they finish reading that! Big Grin
  • 1 0
 @bmbracing: Whoa - you should preface your post with a warning or something before saying something like that ;-)
  • 2 0
 Thank you for this one Vernon, honestly. Hope some people find this sobering.
  • 1 0
 Cant! I rode yesterday and now my legs told me no! Over and over and over and over and over!
  • 2 2
 Easy to get lulled into thinking that your bike isn’t good enough already - That's why nobody buys a new bike after the first one.
  • 1 0
 Just Ride!

(my bikes are super-fine)

Was in an LBS today w $100 of birthday money and spent $00.00
  • 1 0
 finally, this kind of article make me want to ride more. my bike is super fine and capable!!
  • 2 0
 man, if this tab could see all the other tabs i have open...
  • 1 0
 Hanging out In Jamaica. Did some snorkeling. Some fishing and lots of chillin.
  • 2 0
 Shop less= work less = Ride More!
  • 2 0
 I rode 13 miles and did not see 1 black Friday shopper.
  • 1 0
 Ya but I just bought some We Are One Agents at 20% off, despite being all-in for snowboard season right now.
  • 2 0
 But it's all so shiny...
  • 2 0
 Agree 100%
  • 4 3
 Vernon is THE MAN.

That's right: all caps.
  • 3 1
 Well said Vernon
  • 1 0
 Nice article Vernon. Well said.
  • 1 0
 Built up my 2017 5010 today...26”...pics posted soon!
  • 1 0
 26” for life! Love to know how that one rides. Let me know.
  • 1 0
 @fattyheadshok: pics posted! Rode it today, climbing with it was a breeze like everyone’s been saying! It’s a fun trail bike, rider input is a must! It’s snappy and fast! I have my Pike turn down to from 160 to 150 internals
  • 2 0
 My wife says "Amen"
  • 1 0
 Caption on the pic: "outta my way!"
  • 1 0
 Just shut up and buy me that 12k bike or you dont love me.
  • 1 0
 "Go ride your bike", said the MTB journo....

  • 1 0
 "Riding will make you happier"

Well put
  • 1 0
 Is this the pinkbike version of body positivity?
  • 1 0
 Amen. Screw this consumerism BS. I'm going out and riding my bike.
  • 1 0
 Hell yes Vernon. Spot on, every damn sentence.
  • 1 0
 Well said & all so true!
  • 1 0
 Hear ye hear ye!
  • 1 0
 Preacher - Choir!
  • 1 0
 Well spoken!
  • 1 0
 I love my 2013 Marley.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Great article.
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