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Another shot of my baby in the frost
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Another shot of my baby in the frost
  • 7 3
 pretty failed mate, your little colour hints just contrast and clash (the blue stem and seat clamp do not go with the rest of the bike).
white wheels?? Bit of a trend whore?
i suppose a special man needs a special bike eh?
  • 2 6
flag craigmclennaghan (May 6, 2009 at 14:18) (Below Threshold)
 who cares about the fucking colour its a nice bike
  • 4 5
 rolto just cos you ride a kona doesnt mean you have to get bitchy about my bike. just in case you didnt get the hint i left you a lovely little comment about your bike Smile
  • 4 3
 its an OK bike and just because you ride a specialized doesnt give you the right to say every other company isnt good. specializeds are pretty crap at times to be honest, and also my bike is much better than yours, and worth more! SUCK ON THAT YOU CUNT
  • 5 1
 nah ill just suck on your mums cunt if its all the same!
  • 2 7
flag rolto1822 (May 7, 2009 at 9:51) (Below Threshold)
 or you could get a good bike? my mum died two months ago how do you feel YOU f*ckING ASS HOLE?
  • 3 3
  • 6 2
 the off bit? it really is annoying when you get haters like you, who think that beacause their daddy bought them a nice bike they have the right to be God all f*cking mighty on pinkbike! grow up and post some decent videos of you riding then I might belive you have a right to an opinion instead of just posting up a picture of a random bike and telling everyone else your shitty little views!
  • 3 2
 erm... it was YOU who first posted your strong views on kona, obviously looking for an argument, I PAID FOR THE ENTIRETY of my bike, and the one video i do have of riding is not of me, and its of one small jump, because two of my riding buddies want to improve their jumping. Everyone has a right to an opinion and i dont think your bike is bad, i like it and it was one of the bikes i was looking at, but to be honest i felt you thought this was the best bike ever and you were insulting my bike hence my retaliation (Oh, and you threatened to kill my cats)
  • 3 0
 dude, having white wheels does not make you a trend whore, there a personal choice like every other bit on a bike
  • 3 0
 funny this ^ you acted a lot more aggressively before you saw that i messaged a Mod about your behaviour.
interesting life is, no?
  • 3 0
 well....that seat is camouflaged haha
  • 0 3
 yeah well just cos I clearly was taking the piss on a knoa forum that already had loads of ridiculous comments on didnt really warrant the abuse on this picture, and I dont know what gave you the impression that I thought that this was the best bike ever but anways!
  • 0 3
 ok. well i have a shit load at the momment as one of the outside cats got knocked up so now have like 8 so if you want free ones i will happily send you one in the post if you pay for the postage lol! promise to leave air holes....
  • 0 3
 they come in brown, slightly differnet brown and ginger.
  • 1 1
 hahahha no i didnt notice that you had messaged a mod...tho i got a waning like yesterday for my kona abuse on the forum!
  • 1 0
 i have soom 888s i would swap for them
  • 3 3
 was thinking an intense ss but a bit too expensive!
  • 1 0
  • 1 4
 at first sight i thought it was a reign x2 or a glory fr... but its a specialized?!?!?!
  • 2 2
 Hell yeah it is-Specialized Enduro 2006...best all round bike ever!!!! just put on new front brake, tyre and chain device
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